(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

That's wat I plan to do...send hubby there to check out...ha ha ha!

Dun think I will buy any FM to standby....will see how when time comes!

jane tan,
you're most welcome :p
like tat can save a bit of $$ also

ohh...so good hor no need to outstation. ya 2 bedded will be rather cramp tat's y either take 1 or 4 bedded :p

ya lor damn ex...u bot liao? aiyo...lucky got MTB asked mrs wong n she said just normal one will do but use new sponge instead of those we used to wash our plates, etc...

coconut water is just for clean clean bb, smooth delivery tat i didnt know..

hahaha...ya lor my mum also damn stress when she attended the infant care classes.

gals....just 2 cent worth of advise...mrs wong said once the bots sterilised liao...rmbr to take the cover out 1st then the teats, use the thong to pull the teats out, then take the bottle out n tighten it already, lastly take out the cover...rmbr also to 'fix' up all the bots no need to air dry the bots if not u are 'inviting' germs then no pt liao...the bots tat have fixed up can last up to 24hrs
wow not bad your mum still got attend infant care lessons! where & how much does it cost? dunno whether my mum shd also attend... it had been sometime since she took care of bb....but i think she will be shocked by the details tat she need to pay attention to...i also attended mrs wong class and she really pay alot of attention to all details with regards to taking care of bb...
hahaha...i sent her to TMC one :p i tink abt $100+
same here lor my mum hasnt been touching a bb for such a long time after me :p so it's good for her to refresh her memory. indeed if ur mum is those who's more traditional, she has to accept some terms which are used now n lots of things to take note. it's too an extend of asking u to wash ur hand like SARS period before handling a child, my mum cant take it...hahaha...it's too much :p
ohh...u also attended mrs wong's class? she's good rite just tat at times can be a bit too ang mo for us :p btw me going for a talk this thurs which is included in the antenatal class by Dr Ang n herself i tink abt breast feeding
milly, gynae didn't say c-section... think his equipment not so high tech to see if placenta has gone up. He just commented my baby's head abit big.

as for formula milk, can ask your paediatrician to give you samples and recommend you. some babies can take some brands only... all depends on individuals. But my cousins who gave their kids S26 all became so big size! my husband say better not give our princess S26. Similac is the most expensive by my niece can only take that when she was born... my sis tried other brands and she got diarrhoea and when she tried similac, she was ok. sigh... expensive man!
ya agree with you! dun say my mum who are those old generation pple even me also never thought that we need to be so particular....

i like her class, she really very enthusiastic during her teaching which i think makes her class so interesting...abit can't bear to leave after the last lesson

your class this thurs is it additional one? i finished my class (5 lessons by her + 1 doctor's talk) about one month ago....she did touch on breastfeeding in her last lesson.
von, i am going also for the talk at SCGS this Fri. Which Dr Ang is speaking? lawrence ang? that's my gynae. my teacher didn't tell us what the topics are and who the speakers are.
hahaha...yalor i told my mum it's ok abt the 'pattern' of washing hands just make sure she washes before handling kids can already. if kids stay in too clean environment it might not be so healthy also since the outside world is so polluted already

true...her class is indeed very interesting n she's very knowlegable. yap thurs is the additional one talking abt the disadv of BF...hahaha...duno want to go or not :p

jane tan,
im not very sure which dr ang mrs wong is referring to, she just said dr ang will always prefer her to be ard. topic they will let you know beforehand leh

im opting out :p
von, you are not going to have epi? wow! so brave!

i most likely will opt for it... my threshold of pain is really really really low.....

taking half day off for the talk tomorrow as i finish work at 6.30pm, so will be late if i work. Also, i heard from friends you got to go early for the talk to get good seats, kiasu.

just washed 2nd round of baby clothes yesterday. Really so many! tiring... still got mattress, sheet protects, bedsheets, pillow cases, bolsters, pillows, etc.... to wash..
jane tan,
epi cost abt $340 n moreoever my gynae also said i wont require to have...hahaha...

wow...take half day? me will just pop in after work hopefully can make it on time

aiyo...bolsters n pillows u also wash?

btw...i went to the upper cross street tat shop i mentioned abt selling bb's stuffs. they sell fm infant to 1yr old n the things there are quite worth buying :p but cant say too much there
my gynae discourages epi, so i guess i may try to go without. but will have it on standy just in case...

have to wash all the pillows and bolsters right? thought they are dirty since they are new and some pass ons...

take half day off but go visit a friend and also sister before that.
Hi Milky,

Regarding the raspberry tea, i read in a book that it does seems to bring on contractsions, so maybe you may not want to start taking it until you're nearer due date. And then, it's supposed to be taken several times a time, just keep sipping the tea to bring on the effects.

Went to gynae yesterday, my baby has 'desended'' and her head is already engaged. Not a good sign coz it's way too early. Sigh...now just have to take one day at a time and try to delay preterm labour for as long as possible. Really praying that my baby will come after 37 weeks, can't bear to see her born so small (now only 1.3kg) and premature. And she will have to spend months in incubator...my heart aches at the thought of it.
ya i bot the detergent liow. was on a shopping spree so just bot. think i'll stick to normal detergent after that bottle runs out. sometimes i think being 'too clean' for bb also no gd. must let bb build up her own immunity.

the bundle offer is worth it ! but so far hvn't seen it. I just got the 1 bottle at $17 after discount.

i only intend to sun my bolsters, pillows and matteress. i think no nd to wash rite ? so hard to dry ....

share something kek sim with you. yday my hubby brought bk a car seat and stroller from his sis. it's very nice of her to give us. but when i c the condition of the car seat. I want to faint. the cover is all faded, no seat belt (at least i can't find it) and it looks really old as if pick up from rubbish dump kind. sigh. very sad. and the recline is not adjustable so can't be used for infants. so sien. the stroller not that bad, but look old and the basket is torn. it's also those older model and quite bulky kind. quite hard to operate also. so disappointed. hubby also. we both feel the same way but he feel pai say to reject his sis, so brought home.

I told hubby we'll buy new ones and he agreed also. just feel kinda sien, now i got 2 pcs of junk at home. want to rtn also pai say. want to keep, take up space. sigh... sometimes taking hand me downs from pple also very difficult. but i just don't understand y the items are deemed 'useable' by my sil. i know she mean well and 1 2 help us save money but ....

sometimes i get the feeling of pple just trying to pass on their junk to us so that they don't have to deal with it cos sometimes they can't bear to throw it away themselves. sienz.

anyway hubby said he will handle his sis side and told me not to worry. cos i told him not nice if we go out and buy new olds when his sis gave us and she see us not using them. sigh.
as at 20 Apr 05
<table border=1><tr><td>Name</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Week</TD><TD>Deliver at</TD><TD>Gender </TD></TR><TR><TD>Adora</TD><TD>3/6/2005</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Milly</TD><TD>3/6/2005</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ras</TD><TD>7/6/2005</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>June Ten</TD><TD>10/6/2005</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jane Tan</TD><TD>11/6/2005</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyjun</TD><TD>18/6/2005</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shane</TD><TD>19/6/2005</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dreamydove</TD><TD>22/6/2005</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Von</TD><TD>22/6/2005</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Adore</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherry</TD><TD>24/6/2005</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cookie</TD><TD>24/6/2005</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dunnoleh</TD><TD>26/6/2005</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>RH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Anns</TD><TD>27/6/2005</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>USA-HOAG</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serrich</TD><TD>29/6/2005</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shekinah</TD><TD>30/6/2005</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jane(wsj)</TD><TD>6/7/2005</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Erlisa</TD><TD>8/7/2005</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
jane tan,
i guess most gynae wont encourage lor...just use the gas will do

u hv to make sure those materials inside can be washed...i tink it's better just to sun them will do

hahaha...good lor can go shopping also

so fast engaged already? ur gal want to see the world. no worry within couple of days ur gal will grow to a bigger size
re epi,
will try my best to do wo it. but really can't tahan will go for it. want to enjoy the process of birth.

your bb already engaged ?! tt's really early. I'm also worried abt mine. cos recently i feel her pressing down on my bottom. I just hope she's just head down and not engaged yet. we still have a long way to go. abt 2 mths. worse thing i have been feeling cramps on n off. will check with gynae when i c her this friday. can't wait.

for the moment, u must take care. try not to exert urself, don't squat too much, don't carry heavy things also. try to stay away from cooling things that might 'induce' labour. rest as much as possible also and don't worry.
Oh you went to that upp cross st shop....so what do they sell there? Cheap?

Dun worry too much! Does it mean that when bb's head is engaged, bb will be born anytime? Maybe bb will just remain there until full term leh....
Oh you went to that upp cross st shop....so what do they sell there? Cheap?

Dun worry too much! Does it mean that when bb's head is engaged, bb will be born anytime? Maybe bb will just remain there until full term leh....
yalor i agreed tat it's not so good to be so clean to our children but saliva is a NO NO...yucks!!!

hey...i understand ur feelings...just put them aside until bb is born. the gal who passed me the clothes told me tat..she said even if u dun want got to wait till bb is born, reason i also duno.

would u like to call up this shop that i mentioned abt the price of a car seat n stroller? the price so far for many things are much cheaper than outside.

thk u for the list...
ya i went there after work with the gal who passed me the stuffs. it's just couple of blks away fm my office
they sell strollers, pram, cot, swing bed, toiletries, breast pump, etc...according to the gal the electri sterilize is cheap but seriously i duno how ex is the outside...but the disposable breast pad is cheaper than outside abt $4/-
Thanks for the info...I will go there during weekend...they r open right?

So did you manage to buy anything yesterday?
any recommendations for car seats? cheap, good and can use from infant to 3 yrs old?

any recommendations for good massage lady? stomach go back to normal fast? reasonable rates? no. of sessions?

can call to chk im not sure if they open on wkend...

me? nope...they dun sell washable breast pads n they dun sell puree brand wet tissue also. but maybe i will go back to get pigeon wet tissue, nappy liners, mattress fm them
i will also try without epi first but not so sure how my threshold will be. So far i think more than 60% of pple i know have epi so dunno if i can be so brave to be one of those minority tat can do w/o.

not bad still got additional lesson, i dun have leh tat time..but i dun like the Drs talk, find their style abit boring...

the norm is bb will get engaged 2wks before delivery...but i guess there maybe exceptions maybe you can talk to gynae and see if anyway to delay possible early delivery...

can empathise with u becos me also similar situation. SIL also pass me alot of things, think she clear half her store room to my pl
imagine she even pass me those clothes &amp; shoes for 5-6yrs old...took me whole afternoon to sort them out and now with 3 big bags of shoes &amp; clothes which have to wait few yrs b4 can wear...but she is actually very nice &amp; helpful to us so me also pai say to reject her stuff....if thinks too old you better check ensure its safe becos safety of bb is still most impt
the shop u mention is the chinatown one is it ? sounds like they really have alot of stuff. I think i'll go down and take a look as well.

exactly lor and that happen to me as well. my other sil gave me some stuff that can only be used months down the rd. but i was still ok with that and appreciate their help but it really take up alot of my storage space. sigh.
But this time the car seat and stroller, i really disappointed. the car seat seat belt also missing. how to use? sigh... I think i'm gg to reject her offer of breast pump already. very scared she give me something can't be used again. think i rather buy.
last weekend i went baby hyperstore and bb kingdom to look at strollers and car seats. bb kingdom has this 300+ car seat (called safety bb i think) tt can sit infact to 4yrs of age and has 5 reclining positions. i quite like that one but it was too expensive.

bb hyperstore has a cheaper range of car seats ave abt 150 that can sit from infant to 4 yrs as well. brand is safety fits if i rem correctly. i would have gotten that if my sil didn't happen to call us and told us not to buy any car seats. sigh.

as for stroller, i think i'll hold back and wait till after bb 1 mth old than buy.

u might also 1 2 go to the chinatown shop to look look see see.
it's near to OG, S11 coffeeshop upstairs. im going there later to get some more stuffs :p not too bad lah if dun hv can order fm them.

for stroller i will wait till later also anyway bb too young neck too soft also...but i ordered a sling already cos the colour i want is out of stock
thks. i think i know where is it. i always see their big big poster when gg thru' there to go cte...

ya for stroller i also think can wait. hee hee quite excited that i can buy my own stroller. can pick wat i like. used to tell myself tt just use hand me downs to save money. but that experience scared me off liow.
ya i tink so u know where too :p

hahaha...ya lor ive a frd who said want to give me hers in the end the stroller like fallen apart when she used it on her gal. but it's the handling that im afraid off cos i really dislike those ppl who pushes so near to my leg...so me got to think twice abt getting
lucky she didn't pass to you. if not u got another item to throw also. hee hee..

for stroller i got a few criteria, must be lightweight, compact when folded, the handle must be able to change position (face bb when pushing and the normal position) and must have basket below, hee hee, want to put my dogs inside next time when go walk walk ... hee hee ..
hahaha...when she told me i was so amazed..hahaha...ya lor another rubbish :p

hahaha...aiyo put a dog even? a dog suppose to walk lah..btw mothercare having sales tat stroller u saw? the 3 wheels one?
Hi Gals

Just called the chinatown shop, they are open Mon-Sat from 1pm to 8pm. According to the lady they are also open on Sun but this coming Sun they are close. So if you are thinking of gg down on Sun better give them a call first.
ya after this experience i so scared pple give rubbish man ... :p

ha ha .. sometimes i lazy to clean my dogs then i don't let them walk :p

i don't like those 3 wheel stroller ... tho i like how it look, very stylo. but very bulky ley. put in car also nd space.... and the wheels very big ... if we are talking the abt the same stroller

nowadays my mouth always very itchy ley.. and crave for desert after meals. jia lat man .... trying so hard to control ... :p
Any1 went to baby kingdom and baby dunno wat at Kaki Bukit? Isit good?
Jus nw I went to Taka buy rasberry tea leave the salesgal so cute ask me drink coconut drink instead. By the way can any1 rem wats the advantage of drinking rasberry?
I rem some1 posted in the web said is good so I jus buy
thks for the info

same here...there are some clothes that are full of stains as well but cant throw them away yet...sigh..

hahaha...ya i know when laziness draws in u just want to run away :p

ya the wheels very bulky but i believe also rather stable too rite

hey...ur work plc near there too? kekeke...u work where, scakly same building as me :p
I have many siblings but didnt take anytin from them lah my hubby said dun wan owe pp ren qin and aso tins old. After see wat u all type I think he is right lah. Same for maternity clothes lah u get from pp aso quite old liao coz they wear same clothes for few mths.
I really bored at work. My big boss on maternity leave for 6 mths and when she back wat aso wan check check check sigh sigh sigh some more she tok so snobbishly.
My due date should change lah, my shd b 2 weeks earlier than the EDD given earlier on. Did any of your gynae tell u tat your EDD changed?
i got post some stuff on the bb kingdom and bb hyperstore. U just run thru the post to read read ..

Ur gynae told u ur EDD change ? so fast can tell ?

ya when laziness sneak in ... ha ha .. i just 1 2 sit there and not move :p

my wk plc is near ... but not so near hee hee .. i'm over at clarke quay side. i think u're nearer to the shop rite.
tat's the reason y i prefer to get new things instead. anyway if ppl give just take lor just dun pass dwn anymore. ohh...6mths ML wow...so good? aiyo u said she big boss liao mah..nvm lah anyway u going on ML soon

my gynae didnt mentioned anything abt early due

same same...just want to sit n sleep if possible..opps a lazy mtb :p

wow...clarke quay far wor...i tht near near can meet n go together :p
ya me nearer...
thanks shane for the car seat info.

i actually bought my stroller from baby kingdom and regretted cos i found the same one in JL sale and it was reversible around the same price after discount.

however, you can bargain in baby kingdom. Though they gave me 30% discount, the JL sale was the same price.
ya... it's the far not far, near not near kind of distance. but if hubby come fetch me home then can go lor. so must wait till when hubby got fetch me home then will ask him to go with me to look look see see.
Shane, Von
No problem! My wk place is too far so I can only go during weekends.

6mths of ML so good...my boss already hinted to me to take only 2mths.

Wow your EDD 2 weeks earlier!! Mine shld be still the same as EDD will appear on every of my scan print-outs.
anything u want just call them 1st to chk dun make a waste trip

yday talk to my boss rdgs abt my ML too. i told her straight im taking 3mths liao she need to just get a temp staff for me. funny thing is tat she also telling to hint me to take lesser than 3mths....like 2 1/2 mths instead..hahaha...my MD got confuse by her liao, she also said i can come back anytime after 2mths n work as n when i like...hahaha...
did u buy the car seat for infant? I dunno wan buy or not saw 1 at urban warehse jus 40+.
Those from infant 2 4 yrs one I tink cant put baby leh they cant even sit.

I pass by baby kingdom tat day seem diff 2 park leh so didnt go up. May b my hubby silly lah go 2 round cant go in then I decided not 2 go in :p

Hey my big boss is not a nice lady OK. She is bery mean very sour snobbish and pick on any1. She now monitoring my toilet breaks! She even wan my col 2 finish 1 project b4 she go maternity leave and my col gg due in May. Think my big boss is lunatic lah. Some more she really not a gd boss whenever u do tins she will tell u in chinese style "u die is yr matter if yr project failed u carry all the blames dun drag me in I wont help". I got 1 col once complained 2 her his job is stuff and she replied "Ask yr wife work and support u so u dun hv 2 work!"

saw my gynae name when I watch "First Mums". Ya my gynae predicted my EDD and baby size via a chart lor. But dunno hw accurate. Every scan I hv showed the EDD earlier than my EDD.
