(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

Krazy: Wow.. u actually went to do up a stamp! I simply made my hubby use the computer to type out my girl's name in many different font size so that he can pick on best suited for the birth cert :p (BTW his handwriting is ugly too.. but he complain mine is illegible) hahahahaha

hehe...sometimes i find it quite cute..bb seems to be able to sleep better with alot of noises..oso dunno y.....

which dual electric pump u are using now??how long it takes for u to pump using avent one and the electric one?

u gng down to robinsons today?i cant go today cos need to babysit my niece.....
Tigger: Takes some time to get used to it. Now I can pump both sides at one go :p So 10mins can finish expressing. BTW I realise that if u squeeze ur breasts (towards the end when u see that the flow is slow).. u can express some more milk. :p That way u can empty ur breast more efficiently.

Krazy: My girl still using Avent bottle, teat 1. I've tried giving her teat 2.. the slow still quite fast for her.. she'll spill out more milk. Teat 1 still okie. Maybe next wk then let her try out Teat 2 again. Hmm.. I might be interested in the Motherhood one tho. :p

Re: BB massage
Anyone tried massaging ur BB yet? I dun think I have BB oil.. can I use BB lotion to massage my girl instead? My girl's tummy not very good one. Sometimes she poo/fart she'll cry very loud. Like tummy ache like that. Anyone BB experiencing the same thing?
forgetmenot: Yup.. heading to Orchard later with my mom. Leaving BB with my MIL :p. I'm using the Medela Mini Electric (dual). Borrowed from my cousin. Now takes 10mins lor. Avent ISIS I take ard 20-25mins to empty.. depending on whtr I managed to feel let-down while expressing. Currently I'm on a 4-5hrly "schedule", expressing ard 150ml each time. Enuff for my girl la.. she now drinks 125ml per meal. Just up it yest afternoon after she show very obvious signs that 110ml is insufficient :p
hahaha... we are all "potato eaters" hahaha... thought my girl can use the stamp when she goes to school... (although must wait for several years haha.)

initially i let her try teat 2...sge gagged on the water... think she doesnt like the taste of h2o. i was worried that sge might have outgrown the no 1 teats... looks like my worries are unfounded... regardless of her age (7 wks now) she still have toearn fr scratch.

me interested in the mph and mother fair...
but cant imagine the crowd
Krazy: My girl will be 5 weeks this Fri. I wonder if u all went for the 6-in-1 injection? I heard that 6-in-1 injection has to be taken when BB is 6 wks old. Quite true.. too crowded also very xian.. imagine u have to move the stroller ard in such a huge crowd is maddening. That's why I decided against bringing out Valerie to Robinson's sale today.
krazy: hopefully.. sometimes she can sleep for 4.5hrs straight. Normally at nite.. seems like she already knw day from nite liao
<font color="aa00aa">Oreo</font>
Can i check with you if ESH provide clothes for baby ? Did u bring any when u went ? I'm putting my hospital bag together now. Not sure if need baby clothes and blanket or not.

Thks !
i dunno leh... the first jab she took was for hep b... happened when she was 1 mth old. after that no more. the next jab is in july.
hmm... what is this 6 in 1 thingy you talking about? must i ask the pd?

cheryl only slept once at a 4hr stretch. then she went back to her 3hr -3.5hr ... but my girl sleeps very little... from 9am to 8pm, she only sleeps like 4 hrs. amazing right?
<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
ESH doesn't provide any clothes for baby. You have to bring abt. 2-3 tops and a receiving blanket on the day of your baby's discharge. You might want to bring along mittens and booties too in case your bb scratches herself.
However, the ESH goodies bag does include a receiving blanket. Pampers and wet wipes are provided and you can bring back any remaining ones.
<font color="aa00aa">Oreo</font>
Oic. Thks very much for the info ! Shall pack them into my bag then.

Cos heard from some gals, other hospital do provide clothes for bb. so just double check wtih you.

Thks again
<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
No prob.

<font color="0000ff">annlee</font>
Kiddy Palace is having 20% storewide .. you might want to check it out!
krazy: i increase to 55 pax liao..just in case not enuff... not enuff then very paisei...btw did you tried their paper wrapped chix or yam ring with prawn before? which one nicer?
Just tried bottle feeding my son with 100ml of EBM...end up throwing away 90ml...he cried so loudly until i gave up and give him my breasts...sigh...

Changed from Avent to Pigeon bottle also doesn't help...Guess I have to keep trying...
i tried the yam ring before. think the chicken one is nicer.

why doesnt he want the bottle?
<font color="aa00aa">tigger88</font>
i had a friend who experienced similar encounter as you. bb prefer breast to bottle. wat she did was to let the bb go on cold turkey. No breast, purely bottle even if it means bb drinking little and gg hungry. U really got to tahan bb's cries and cannot be soft hearted. Also when offering the bottle, don't be the one to do so. Get someone else (hubby, mum, etc) cos bb recognise your smell and breast, so he knows that the breast is nearby and would definitely want the breast. Also, don't be ard when they're doing the bottle feeding, so that bb can't 'smell' you ard. It was a tough battle but she had to do it cos need to go back to work. Now her bb is ok with bottle and breast.

Just perserve, i think bb will accept the bottle one day.
tigger88: Next time start small, just give 20-30ml. If baby wants more then give, if not, then EBM wun go to waste.

Sigh... these 2 wks my baby kept regurgitating milk sometimes after feed. Sometimes even "vomit" quite a lot out. A few times like merlion. Dunno what's wrong. Doc. says cld be overfeedg but her feed since the past month has been 120ml.

Poohy: My baby's milk/heat rash was really bad last wk so we brought her to doc. again. This time round he gave some ointment and superabsorbent powder. Much better now.

Oreo: How are you coping back home now?

sgmom: i massage my baby with Avent's massage gel. But i think i'm not v pro, thinkg of gog MAH's baby massage class. i think u can use baby lotion. My baby always farts also. Sometimes she burps, sometimes she refuses to burp. Sometimes she'll cry even after her feed, sigh.
shane. thanks for sharing. Will get hubby to do more bottle feeding instead.

Krazy, my boy prefers my breasts than bottle...so now I am trying to let him get used to bottle before I return to work in Jul.

ming, ya think i will reduce the amount. If not, a lot of EBM will be wasted.

Stephy, I will not give up but like what shane mentioned...it's a tough battle.

samuel also been regurgitating and merlion (from nose sometime) since week 3 till now wk8... dunno y... doc say ok since he gaining weight...he grew from 4.3kg at wk5 to 5.2kg now.


samuel just went for 6-in-1 shot yesterday...must be taken when bb 2 mth old. next shot is 3rd mth.
poshies, krazy

thanks for the info. I'm planning only to have chinese characters but not intending to put hanyu pinyin or dialect name in English even. Save trouble in filling up forms in future. Dont know can or not.....?

one very important question. For some of you who were with private hospitals, when babies need to stay longer in hospital due to factors like jaundice and others, will it be charge according to the bed-size the mummies were staying in (u know what i mean) or is it the same flat rate? If i stay in 1-bedded, does that mean my child will need to pay higher for all expenses used in hospital stay?
sgmom, so do you recommend the Medela Mini Electric pump? Can it empty the breasts as well as Avent manual pump? I heard feedbacks that Avent pump is still the best as compared to electric ones.

If the Medela Mini Electric (dual) pump is as good and takes shorter time to empty breasts, I will consider buying it.
Hi Eve, my Shauna was admitted back to MAH too, cos of jaundice. I cried my eyes out then, muz be the postnatel blues.

Those of you who uses Medela Electric pump, does it hurt yr nipple or breast when u use? i borrowed the Medela Electric pump from my fren, and when i use it, even at min mode, it hurts and when finish pumping, got imprint of the funnel on my breast one.. so now i using Avent manual, but it takes half hr each time. Sigh...

LV - when i re-admitted Shauna to MAH, the bill was abt 500bucks for one day. I think the nursery has their own billing structure.

San- yah, breaking yr waterbag and putting u on oxytoxin drip will make contractions come faster than using the prostaglandin E2. Oxytocin can increase dosage to speed up contractions, but muz monitor bb heartbeat.
Jas03: I cannot get anything out of my breast with Medela min mode. I'm using the dual pump and always have it on the 3rd mode. After pumping for the pass 2 weeks it hurts. Need to be careful when I lean over the table to eat coz nipple will hit the table and ouch...I can pump between 80ml to 100ml in 20 min. I manage to latch on my baby after bottlefed her for the pass 2 weeks. Somehow expressing milk has changed the shape on my nipple... it seems like I am the only one working backwards.. bottle first then latch on..
Hi Hytten,

u r not the oni one.. I am still trying to latch on my boy.. been expressing fir the past 2 weeks or so... very difficult task... hiaz.... will keep trying..
Same here.. can express 80ml to 100 ml in 20 mins as well.. :p
<font color="0000ff">ming</font>
The 1st time i brought my boy home... was a nightmare.. coz' he refuses to sleep at nite.. and everytime got to carry him to sleep..
After we bought the sarong, it was much better.
But he's costing me and hubby lots of sleepless nites.
So, right now, weekdays i'll bring my boy to my mum's place and bring my boy back on weekends.
At least, during the weekdays, i can help out with my hubby's business.

<font color="0000ff">hytten</font>
Now that i manage to remove most of the hard lumps on my breasts, i have difficulty trying to latch my bb onto my breasts as he's so used to bottle-feeding oredi.
And he will cry when i try to force my breasts on him. So sad.. so now i only expressed my milk out.
Picnic: add oil!! add oil!! Now that i manage to latch on I think I'm falling in love with breastfeeding. It is so cool. She will normally release after I latch her on for 15 to 20 min and I can go back to bed.. no more expressing milk after feeding her EBM and washing and sterilizing which normally take me 1 1/2 hours.
Good Morning ladies.

Eve- Congrats to you for your bb girl.

Oreo - Thank you for helping to update. My girl is 3.53kg at birth.

Just discharge from hospital last night. Here is my birth story.

12pm on 22.05 - Got spotting and call gynae to check on it. Gynae told me to wait and count my contraction pain.

3pm - Contraction come on and off for every 2 hours but still went for last min shopping for bb stuff.

5pm - Reach home and contraction is on and off for 1 hour but still continue to count.

6pm to 11.30pm - Contraction getting more and more intense and hubby and i decided to admit into MAH.

12am - Reach MAH and was admitted to the delivery suite. Nurse did a check and cervix already open till 2cm.

12am to 5am - Contraction pain come and off every 5min but i still tahan and did not call for nurse until i feel a lot of blood coming out from me at 5am.

5am - Nurse come and do a check and confirm that cervix open to 8cm and waterbag break.

6am - Cervix open to 9cm but i am still waiting for gynae to come and deliver for me. While waiting have been sniffing the laughing gas to subside the pain.

6.30am - My hubby told me that gynae came in at this time as my hubby told me so.

6.30am to 7.00am - Was quite goggy but was told to push by gynae and bb was out at 7am+.

It was really a memorable time for me as i heard bb cry in my goggy state and force myself to open my eyes to see my precious.

Unfortunately, i am not bf my bb as i have inverted nipple and have tried but unsuccessfully. Me now feeding bb with FM, bopian but no choice.
Sally: Why not try to express breastmilk for baby? I too have inverted nipple. I formula fed baby and supplement my 5 to 10ml of breastmilk during the first few days. Since I pump very diligently every 1 to 2 hours I was able to build up my supply and fed baby with EBM and stopped formula. After 2 weeks of expressing milk, the shape of my nipple changed and I started to feed her directly since yesterday..
<font color="0000ff">as @ 26 May-05</font>
<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mummies To Be</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Week</TD><TD>Deliver at</TD><TD>Gender/Name</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>mumof1</TD><TD>26/05/05</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>san(nesame)</TD><TD>26/05/05</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blurmom</TD><TD>28/05/05</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>LV</TD><TD>31/05/05</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>adora</TD><TD>06/06/05</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>ras</TD><TD>07/06/05</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>shalini</TD><TD>08/06/05</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>??</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Janetan</TD><TD>11/06/05</TD><TD>37</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>tankuku</TD><TD>15/06/05</TD><TD>37</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>shelle</TD><TD>18/06/05</TD><TD>36</TD><TD>??</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>shane</TD><TD>19/06/05</TD><TD>36</TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>megtan</TD><TD>21/06/05</TD><TD>36</TD><TD>??</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>cookie</TD><TD>24/06/05</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>cherry</TD><TD>24/06/05</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>serrich</TD><TD>29/06/05</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>shekinah</TD><TD>30/06/05</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>jamci</TD><TD>02/07/05</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>beanbox</TD><TD>05/07/05</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>jia02</TD><TD>05/07/05</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>??</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mummies</TD><TD>Pop on</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Deliver at</TD><TD>BB's Name</TD><TD>Wt </TD></TR><TR><TD>Poshies</TD><TD>23/03/05</TD><TD>03/04/05</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Gerald</font></TD><TD>2.8 kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Icemilo</TD><TD>23/03/05</TD><TD>12/04/05</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Melody</font></TD><TD>2.85 kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Poohy</TD><TD>28/03/05</TD><TD>16/04/05</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Samuel</font></TD><TD>2.6 kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>ming</TD><TD>31/03/05</TD><TD>08/04/05</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Isabelle</font></TD><TD>3.05 kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Funny</TD><TD>31/03/05</TD><TD>15/04/05</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD>2.7 kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tigger88</TD><TD>02/04/05</TD><TD>12/04/05</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Keane</font></TD><TD>3.51 kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>KraZy</TD><TD>03/04/05</TD><TD>11/04/05</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Cheryl</font></TD><TD>2.34 kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hazel79</TD><TD>03/04/05</TD><TD>06/04/05</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Miata16</TD><TD>06/04/05</TD><TD>26/04/05</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Keane</font></TD><TD>3.01 kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tane</TD><TD>06/04/05</TD><TD>12/04/05</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Adam</font></TD><TD>3.5 kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>linn</TD><TD>07/04/05</TD><TD>10/04/05</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Rayson</font></TD><TD>3.05 kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Little_ones</TD><TD>07/04/05</TD><TD>14/04/05</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD>3.13 kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Elaine</TD><TD>07/04/05</TD><TD>28/04/05</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Paige</font></TD><TD>2.44 kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>shadow</TD><TD>10/04/05</TD><TD>05/04/05</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Hayden</font></TD><TD>2.76 kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Piglet77</TD><TD>11/04/05</TD><TD>12/04/05</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD>3.8 kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Stephanie</TD><TD>12/04/05</TD><TD>18/04/05</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Aaron</font></TD><TD>3.18 kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Meow</TD><TD>14/04/05</TD><TD>15/04/05</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Sheryl</font></TD><TD>3.67 kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>zyp</TD><TD>14/04/05</TD><TD>28/04/05</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Zavier</font></TD><TD>3.25 kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dewdrops</TD><TD>15/04/05</TD><TD>20/04/05</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Xavier</font></TD><TD>2.7 kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Carla_lily</TD><TD>17/04/05</TD><TD>29/04/05</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD>2.9 kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>sweatcorn</TD><TD>18/04/05</TD><TD>25/04/05</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Kaeden</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>oreo</TD><TD>18/04/05</TD><TD>05/05/05</TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Javier</font></TD><TD>3.16 kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>ariella</TD><TD>21/04/05</TD><TD>05/05/05</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Cloie</font></TD><TD>2.92 kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>sgmom</TD><TD>22/04/05</TD><TD>04/05/05</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Valerie</font></TD><TD>3.27 kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Florence</TD><TD>22/04/05</TD><TD>29/04/05</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Edie</font></TD><TD>2.81 kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>twinklets</TD><TD>29/04/05</TD><TD>04/05/05</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Ashley</font></TD><TD>3.97 kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>sweetbaby</TD><TD>29/04/05</TD><TD>01/05/05</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Clarissa</font></TD><TD>3.28 kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>bloom_tan</TD><TD>05/05/05</TD><TD>18/05/05</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Clara</font></TD><TD>2.96 kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>sharon(debragoh)</TD><TD>05/05/05</TD><TD>06/05/05</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Bella</font></TD><TD>3.21 kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>picnic</TD><TD>07/05/05</TD><TD>31/05/05</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Bryon</font></TD><TD>2.33 kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>JuneTen</TD><TD>08/05/05</TD><TD>10/06/05</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Ezra</font></TD><TD>2.4 kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>hytten</TD><TD>12/05/05</TD><TD>16/05/05</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Constance</font></TD><TD>3.37 kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Elibaba</TD><TD>12/05/05</TD><TD>28/05/05</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Sandra</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>jas03</TD><TD>16/05/05</TD><TD>27/05/05</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Shauna</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>westbb</TD><TD>17/05/05</TD><TD>23/05/05</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD>3.14 kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>bluesea</TD><TD>21/05/05</TD><TD>20/05/05</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD>3.39 kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Evelyn</TD><TD>21/05/05</TD><TD>21/05/05</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Tricia</font></TD><TD>3.76 kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sally
</TD><TD>23/05/05</TD><TD>20/05/05</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Yingting</font></TD><TD>3.53 kg </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
<font color="ff0000">Missing Mummies, please update us if possible!!</font>
<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Michelle</TD><TD>06/04/05</TD><TD>40+</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>cmac</TD><TD>02/05/05</TD><TD>40+</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Reistan</TD><TD>11/05/05</TD><TD>40+</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>tan(phobe)</TD><TD>12/05/05</TD><TD>40+</TD><TD>??</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
<font color="0000ff">MEH - Mt E, MAH - Mt. A, GEH - Gleneagles, ESH - Eastshore,</font>

<font color="ff0000">Do let me know if any of the data is incorrect, not up-to-date or left you gals out!</font>
<font color="ff0000">Anyone wants to join the list, let me know, thanks!!!</font>
Sally: Congrats.
Looks like your threshold of pain is v high also, no epidural and withstand until 8cm dilation b4 u called the nurse. Btw i took the medicine when nipples bled and breasts engorged too (i also had problem latching on). But after that, i started to pump regularly and milk ss came again. If you want, u can do it. If you prefer not to, FM is fine also (Bfdg activists will shoot me).
Oreo: Wah so right after confinement u started work and help ur hubby liao. Good that ur mum can help to take care of baby.

sgmom: For baby massage, can check this out..

Oh yar tell u guys a silly thing. Last Sat, we noticed a swollen bump on baby's bum. i was puzzled why (did she get bitten by something poisonous?) although she was well covered. So i applied antiseptic cream for 5days but still did not subside. So we queued more than an hr and brought her to doc. yest. Then doc says that is her BCG lah. The swollen part will only develop a few wks (in her case - 7wks) after injection. It is normal. So if u guys see something similar, dun be alarmed. :p
Hi Sally - congrats!

Hytten - wat oil are u talking abt? I want my gal to latch on so much, but she just prefers the bottle. (like Oreo's case) Sick and tired of expressing and sterilising.

Hi ic, welcome!
hi all,

just to check...who will take care of yr bb when u back to work? im looking for nanny..for like 2 - 6pm..how much do u think they should charge? i know that 7am - 7pm is abt 500 - 650. But i duno how much wil they charge for just 4hrs? kindly advise.

Sally: which FM are u giving? currently im giving my girl S26 Gold. which FM is better? coz i know that S26 is heaty. Might want to change for her..but duno which is good.there's so many kinds of FM in the market..

JuneTen: For me it helps. I started hourly then 2hours now that it is established 3 hours. Sort of cheating the breast as if there's high demand I guess.

Jas03: What Oil?
