(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

Yeast infection is pretty common is girls. Dun worry, its curable by medication. They prescribe you some pessarine(dunno how to spell) for you to insert into your vaginal. They'll need to do a pap smaer test to confirm too. As for now, you have to keep clean and dry. Go see gynae if it bothering you now.

My placenta also low. I only know it when i have my detail scan on 20th weeks. But gynae says its pretty common and 90% of them will shift up as baby grows. Those 10% which are still low will have to go for C section.

okie..i already replied u liao..

isit??beauty world got baby clothes ah?? but then if wholesale,are they willing to sell it to us or not har?
i c i c.. thanks!

yup beauty world (the 1 with Macdonald 1). 1 @ 3rd or 2nd flr, afew @ the hawker centre upstairs..
I duno whether wholesaler or not lor, but their pattern like wholesaler. hahaah mayb too many stock liao bah.
maybe i'm wrong also lar. heheehe
u can see see look look the prices. Of cos their design not as nice compared to town areas. but if price is reasonable, can consider lor. I mean if wear at home 1, ok lor ..
I think i'll go there to compare the diapers, wet tissues etc etc.
Florence : We were told that the class wld be held on the 5th floor by the ward nurse on the 4th floor. Anyway, since we are early, I did check the actual location (#04-05), it is like under renovation. We drove there, thanks for the info, didn't know abt the free parking, but thinking of crossing the bridge.. so lazy.

twinklets : I was told by my gynae during my last check up when I was abt 19th weeks.. he said that my placenta is slightly low and it is normal during this stage.. I have forgotten to ask him is there anything I shd avoid. I'm not too sure how he diagnosed my placenta is low, I think most probably is thru the scan.
hi gals,

bz the whole day .... sigh ..

wah so many things to buy, need to save money manz. Now i feel guilty gg on a trip.

I don't think I'll use cloth diapers, think of the washing, sienz manzzz..

I had yeast infection as well. so don't worry abt it. It could be cured using a pressary as mentioned. My gynae didn't give me one when i was early in my pregnancy, so just had to bear with it. But now after 3mths, she finally gave me, so i think it helps to clear it up. Better go c your gynae abt it.

U want to start buying baby clothes already ah ?

ur baby cot sounds very worth it ley. I hope when it's my turn to buy, i can get a gd bargain as well. But have to decide btn the mattress and cot first.

thks for the details on the mattress.
Yesterday went to Kids Mall at Suntec. Bought the $1/pc bb clothers, free size....only got 5 simple designs ....quality wise not very good but price is cheap so bought 4 pcs(minimum number). Can wear at home, however, thought the size a bit small, don't know bb will outgrow it very soon or not.

Bought most of bb clothes in 6-12 mths instead of 0-6mths ones cos scared bb very fast grow big.

Also bought My Brest Friend breast feeding pillow at $63.92 after 20% discount...usual price $79.90. Actually never thought of buying but happened to talk to a 4 mth old bb's mum and she said it is good for breast feeding, so end up buying.


guess you bought the white colour one?
the cot is 24" x 46" instead of the standard size 28" x 52" right? Do you think the size too small?

Did you see the other bb cot opposite it? the more "jail-like" design but bigger 28" x 52" size where can sleep till 8 years old one? it comes with dark brown, medium brown and light brown colour...

my hubby wants to buy that one leh...he say bigger can sleep longer....but i like the one you've bought as it got cute head board right? Comes in white and medium brown...when convert to bed, only 1 side can be lowered right?

the bed sheets design not bad hor...did you pay $20 to upgrade your mattress to the one with "holes" one?


oh, not 24" x 26"....is 24" x 46"
narrower 4" and shorter 6" if compared to standard size.


You may want to check out Kids mall at Suntec...they having 20% discount. Saw a few playpens...there's one which costs $99 after sales....another one i thought not bad cost $139.

the 24"x46" white cot is not small actually. I thought it will be small but when it was delivered to my house, it looks big
I was glad I din buy the bigger more standard size but I did see it at bb kingdom too. Its quite nice too, the wood seems to be more nicely polished. However, its really very long ... but it all depends on what u want
I upgraded my mattress too.
You bought the white cot also? For how long already? does it gets dirty easily? Got problem getting bumper and fitted bed sheets as it's not the standard size?

Actually, how many sets of bumpers and bed sheets do we need to get?

Need to get "mattress protector also, ie, crib sheet? Saw in Kids Mall, however, it got strings to be tied to the cot, then how to put the fitted bed sheet?
Hi gals,

Wow, you gals are starting to buy so many things already?

I have not even plan for any thing yet as I have been so busy with work and reach home so late at night. Too tired to even think of anything when I reach home.

I guess I will probably wait for after my detailed scanning next week. By then I hope I should be able to know the sex of my baby.

Perhaps I will start to plan for the things to buy then.

I bought the white cot in early nov. Not sure if it gets dirty easily though cos I had kept it with a big piece of cloth covered over it. I just get standard size bed sheets... din bother to get exactly the size of the mattress.

the cot comes in package with bumper/bedsheets set. I bought another set today at kids mall. I think 2 set shd suffice.
Butterscotch/Poohy: That cot is 26"X48". Not 46"
Ya, it's slightly smaller than the "std" but my room is small.. so a smaller cot makes more sense. I bot the oak colour coz it matches our room furniture better. I didnt know abt upgrading of mattress so I didnt request for it. BTW, places like Robinson/JL do sell those crib bedding set. Most of them are to fit 28" X 52" mattress but I did check with the lady wat to do if my mattress is only 48". She says no problem, just fold in the excess can already. Those 8 pc crib bedding set costs like $119 in Robinson. Saw a similar (if not the same) thing selling in BB Kingdom for $89.90. I believe most cot only offer 1 side to be lowered. I'm not so sure leh. Anyway eventho the bed can be used until the kid is around 4 yrs.. prob when my 2nd one comes along, I'll buy my first one a proper bed liao.. so no diff to me whether this cot can be used up till 5 yrs or 7 yrs... :p

Ras: Since ur due date is in June.. u cld prob KIV ur purchase until later. I'm not sure whether Metro/Robinson/JL is going to have any major storewide sale after CNY, but I can confirm that Metro & OG will have a 20% storewide around May Day weekend.

Tane: Robinson is currently having 15% storewide until 24th Dec. They are selling Pigeon brand BB wipes, 3 packs for $8.95 (promo price, counter-checked against Kiddy Palace price). Now additional 15% storewide. So come up to only $2.40 per pack. Very worth it coz my SIL said Pigeon brand is the sofest.
As for free pampers, my SIL (but she delivers at KKH) said that the hospital will give u some samples when u discharge.
Oh yes.. I said I'm going to post the list of things to buy online huh.. ok I forgot liao :p

Pregnant woman very forgetful hor.. yest my office was closed so I went for my facial. Brot along 2 letters to post.. in the end.. I forgot all abt it.. only posted them this morning :p

<center><table border=1><tr><td>
Things to buy
Things to buy.xls (18.4 k)</td></tr></table></center>
Piglet: The list is just a suggestion. So u might no need everything. Like a warmer, I think not nec la.. as long as u have a bowl.. got hot water.. can heat up the milk liao.. dun need to invest in a warmer lor... I think that's wat my MIL does to warm up the milk :p And I wldnt be buying a playpen (space constraint) &amp; walker (heard many negative things abt walker). Then things like teething toys are stuff.. prob only need to buy them later...
ya, v true.....I m getting the basics first lor...


Anyone getting a braun ear thermometer...it costs abt $100..hubby complains so exp.....but i tot it's good to hv one at home...

i havent been applying stretchmark cream so far.. but am thinking of applying. just wanna find out which stretchmark cream is good and where do i get them ? thanx
Poohy: Better start applying liao. I'm using this brand called Palmers. Bot from Guardian. Not sure if it's good. That's the first that I came across so I bot lor. $21.85 I think. I saw this brand Muscela or something from Robinson's. 1 tube costs $49... My fren uses dunno what oil... she says she always oil herself to the extend that she cld be fried every nite before she sleeps. She delivered liao.. she said only her butts gena.. her belly is ok... I heard that whether or not u'll have stretchmarks is more genetic than anything.. but at least applying can help to some extend right?
no lah,i hve not buy any bb clothes yet..just survey to see how many clothes bb needs..

i oso hope tt there will be such gd bargains when i get my cot next time..

i oso intend to get breastfeeding pillow leh..isit those tt "wrapped" ard ur waist one?i think is gd cos ur hands will not be too tired..

i bought galenic one but i hve not used it..since robinsons is having sale,u can go there n buy,got 15% leh...
forgetmenot: no need breastfeeding pillow la.. if u have an extra pillow at home can liao. Place ur BB on the pillow so that u no need to "carry". I heard some mothers can actually breastfeed lying on their side... I wonder how that cld be done :-/
ya lor..i oso heard some mothers can breastfeed lying on their side...hmmm..realli wonder how they do it...

i oso dun like walker..but think my sil is going to pass mi one..n i dunno how to tell my mil not to let my bb sit in walker in the future..cos my sil's 2 gers hve sit in walker before..
forgetmenot: Just tell them lor.. in the end it's ur kid not ur MIL's. If not ask ur hubby to tell her lor. I told my hubby that I dun like my ILs to feed my kids sweets, ice cream, kopi etc.. and NO snacks before meal and NO walking when eating. ALL my nephews do that and I hated it.. So lack of discipline.. Sometimes I think my kids will hate me...
thanks for the info..i will stock up soon!

it's important to have the ear thermometer, no matter how expensive also must buy.

I've been using the mothercare stretchmark cream, so far so good. Price abt $10.
I'm using the mothercare stretchmark cream too.
I dunno good or not lor. So far no itchiness, no stretchmark yet *Touchwood* though belly very big now.

You contacted my fren yet?
tane: Prob ur parents &amp; ILs will do the same also. Once they reached the "grand" status.. they end up like being controlled by their grandkids. When the throw tantrums/cry etc.. they'll give in immediately. Sometimes dun even need to cry. They only need to ask "I wan to eat sweet/ice cream etc" and these things will be brot right in front of their faces. All my nephews have bad eating habits. They always snack before meals, eat tons of sweets &amp; ice cream. Whenever my ILs drink kopi, the kids will wan to try (coz they always want wat u are having) and they'll let them sip. If they wan toys.. it'll be there the next morning. The old folks will go and buy. If they see other pple's toys and want them, the old folks will also buy. It's really tough to discipline ur kids if u stay with ur ILs.. they'll always end up protecting the kid.. I think already also damn xian.. Next time sure many many quarrels one... sigh...
check with your credit card company and the rewards they give. i redeemed my braun ear thermo from ocbc with the points i accumulated. this way, i didnt really feel the pinch too.
i also redeemed robinson vouchers which i used over the weekend with the additional 15% off.
its a real bargain cuz i bought 2 bags full of stuff; diapers, bottles, creams, nappy liners etc and only had to top up $20; which i used the robinson card (add 5% off)

v true le, nowadays grandchildren v precious one...My mum has already warns me against pampering our baby, or else a lot of bad habits next time...

Lucky, my hubby is a no nonsense person, so he will tell his mum not to pamper our children...
Krazbi: Wow.. that's alot of stuff and u only need to top by $20?!?!?! Amazing! I think I'll ask all my frens to give me Robinson's vouchers for my BB's 1st mth celebration. :p Or Metro also can... hahahahaha But I think Robinson has more BB stuff...
yeah! Robinson vouchers are the best! haha. or you can get them to give you specific brands of diapers instead of giving you angbaos; saves you the trouble of going to buy yourself and diapers is one thing you will never complain of having too many. hahah
i didnt buy any toys cuz i reckon that friends and relatives will buy for the baby so i bought the necessities.
Piglet77: Ur mom will say this now (is she a grandma yet?) Next time when she becomes a grandma.. I tell u.. everything they forget one. My FIL used to be very strict with my hubby and his sisters. Now, everything "bad" things the grandkids do is "tian zhen" ("innocence"). Where got such thing one. :-/ The same thing my hubby did last time his dad will wack him.. now, his dad just laughed it off... say kids gotta be naugthy to be lively! Yet he still damn strict &amp; naggy towards my hubby... funny right..

My hubby also quite no-nonsense. But I think I abit more than him. My hubby tends to offer the kids soda water during dinner. He said they are already eyeing on his cup. I told him, as long as they dun dare to ask and u dun tell them wat is inside the cup.. how wld they know that those are soda water? I dun like my kids to eat too sweet, coz his mother has diabetes, high cholestrol and recently heart problem. My mom got high blood pressure &amp; god knws what else (coz she refuse to get a proper check up). All these bad genes.. must try to be strict with our kids' diet..
Krazbi: I also dun intend to buy toys or clothes coz there'll definitely be some that'll feel not comfortable buying vouchers. Anyway for infants, anything also can be toys. Plus they prefer to have ur attention than to play with toys anyway. My niece (going 4 mths) will smile so widely when u just turn and talk to her... no need any toys one.
Hmm I think if i'm having a gal next time, I'm sure I'll buy barbie doll when she noes how to play toys next time. I can play wif her. hee

Tokg abt mothers/MIL taking care of their grandchilden.. I think bobain 1 for them to pamper &amp; spoilt them.. To them they are little precious. My niece kinda spoilt by my mum too, cos whenever she cries, my mum will quicky go &amp; comfort her. Her reason is cannot let bb cry too much wait got wind go in, not good..
But when comes to eating, I think my sister &amp; her hubby are the 1 tat start the bad eating habits.
They always buy sweet for her, ended up she luvs sweets &amp; chocolates alot. I noe my mum will not buy for her cos she got complain to me that sweets no good for the kids. So this part I'll be more at ease when she starts to take care of my bb next time.
twinklets: Ah ya.. I know when BB cries too much they'll tend to vomit out their food. But cannot becoz of that always give in right? Sometimes they just gotta learn lor... what to do? My hse is stock up with crackers, chocs, sweets &amp; what not... sigh... Even if I dun give, when my girl sees her cousins getting to eat those things (coz my MIL also takes care of my SIL's 2 kids).. how to deprive her? It'll seem like not fair also.. I also dunno how la... Guess by then will have to see how lor... Yest my nephew wanted to eat sweets (but after dinner liao).. so I open up 1 for him &amp; I told him he can only eat 1. Even before he finish sucking the first one he wanted me to help him open a 2nd one. I told him very firmly that I said only 1. He dun dare bargain with me and his mother &amp; my MIL were inside the kitchen
So I tell him to "hide" his sweets inside his truck and leave them for tomorrow. He obliged. heeheehee.. if my MIL is around huh.. I'm sure he'll eat all 3 before he heads home.
Yup agreed we cannot always give in lor. Crying is their best weapon. Think from young, we must really train them man ..... heee .. but not easy leh .. Ya lor, we have to be firm with the kids, or else wait they climb on top of our heads..

Hmm .. I think MIL take care will be difficult lor. Cos wait she did something u dun like, u also dun dare to say much ..
btw, i told my hubby tat next time he'll take care of all household chores &amp; me focus on teaching the kid. hahaha i wonder whether i can really do tat or not. Wait i go crazy teaching..

(i hate chores, u c..
Twinklets: Ya lor.. sometimes felt so stricted staying with ILs.. sigh... wat to do... before marriage dun dare to say "No".. so now gotta bear the "consequences" lor. Staying with ILs definitely got good and bad points la.. But I guess I value privacy &amp; the ability to call the shots more lor... Hey.. another week and u'll be going to for detail scan already hor.. must be very excited
Actually I was quite surprised to see that u tire rather easily now. Currently now I'm pretty energetic leh.. I went for Yoga on sat... had a nice stretch... felt damn good. Then did some yoga moves &amp; some exercises at home yest nite.. today my thighs are aching! hahahahah Only problem is that I still have problem having a good nite rest.. so every morning really cannot wake up. But yesterday nite was one of the best nites so far...
Hello ladies!

Hi sgmom &amp; twinklets, talking about MIL... I've recently notice that MIL have been feeding my nephew food by chewing it in her mouth then passed to him (SIL not around that time)!!
I told her not to do that to my child as I know that I can't stand it, and I told her that I myself will vomit by just the sight of it.
Twinklets: Share share better la.. coz sometimes when u gets frustrated over ur kid... u cannot "teach" very well.. that's when ur hubby can step in to help. Sometimes kids cry for nothing.. they wldnt create a name "colic" for nothing.. so if u dun wan to go mad.. it's good ur hubby also know how to help out, like make BB's milk, bathe, pat the BB to sleep etc... My hubby is those kind wants to be very involved one.. I also dunno what kind of mom I'll be.. prob rather strict coz I think if one is lack of discipline, they cannot go far. But I think I'll want to handle the kid myself as far as possible.
Florence: Why did ur MIL do that!!!! It's so unhygienic! Ah yo. I think u better tell ur hubby to tell his sister... I mean if the food is too big then either use the grinder or be more patient and break it up into smaller pcs la.. how can chew first then give...????
hee ya i think we'll sure share 1.. cos keep facing the child will make me crazy too.

Same here, I also dunno wat kind of mum i'll be ..

hmm saw before. Tat happens to my own mother too. Especially when the food is damn HOT, she'll put in her mouth, make it colder than pui out again to feed the kid. I think I was one of the 'victims' last time.

Now she din do tat liao. *Hopefully*

Is ur MIL gog to take care of ur kid next time?
the problem is my hubby thinks tt walker is ok..cos his 2 nieces turn out fine...n if my mil dun put the bb in walker,she cannot cook..
anyway..see how lah..still a long way to go..hehehe...

hehe..u oso like to play barbie ah?? i think if i hve a gal,i oso will play barbie n cooking with her..but guess most of the time,i'm playing for myself..hahaha...

btw,i'm meeting ur fren today...
poohy, sgmom

oic, thought the cot is 24" x 46"... it's good that there's no problem getting cot sheets.


yes, it can be fitted around your waist...i got the white and light blue strips...the other one comes in dark purple with little cartoons...cover is washable.
yes yes i luv to play barbie doll..
change the clothes &amp; play the hair. i like to play cooking too. Hahahah.. next time i sure buy all these lor.. same like u.. i'm playing for myself..
i oso like to change their clothes n change hairstyles for the doll...just did tt my niece's barbie doll not long ago......

haha..too bad,my mum has given away my barbie doll,if not i can still play with it..hahaha...
forgetmenot: put in walker still will learn to walk la.. just that I heard slower lor. I wld prefer to place the kid inside a playpen for them to play then to let them roam around in the walker. But i guess it has to be something that ur MIL is comfortable working with coz in the end she is the one facing ur kiddo during the day.
forgetmenot/twinklets: nowadays girls also dun play with barbie doll leh... prob ur kid might think too "old fashion" to play with barbie. hahahahaha
Thanks for the list! I think I will do away with the warmer too. Do you think it is possible to do away with the steriliser too? I wonder whether I can just use a pot to boil the bottles and teats.

Hi sgmom &amp; twinklets, that kid is my hubby's brother's so I don't bother to tell his parents. MIL will not be taking care of my bb as she have health problem and I think she can't do much as she have to take care of this one. My mom will be taking care of bb
