(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

hi mummies,

my first time in this thread... i'm a apr05 mum too

wanna ask if anyone sends ur kid to those phonics classes conducted at RC? My K1 boy is currently attending 'I can read' SK but i think so so only, and not cheap tho... i was told ICR is not so good and some phonics class at RC is even better & cheaper somemore so thot of switching him... anyone got comment?

thanks Angie, nice to meet u too!

let me intro a bit of myself... i'm SAHM with 2 boys, the elder one is born in Apr-05 & the younger one is in Dec-08, i only joined SMH when i was expecting my #2 so din join this thread coz i dun even know there is this forum tat time :p

btw, any SAHM too in this thread?
<font color="0077aa">JESS,</font>

Welcome to the thread. Our thread is very quiet nowadays.

I send my eldest son (Apr05) to ICR too but he doesnt really like the class. Thinking of switching him to another branch, hopefully a change of teacher will be better for him.

welcome to our thread. Being a SAHM for the past 2+ years, slowly getting back into workforce lately as self employed though.

My son is with I can Read and Julia Gabriels for the english enrichment lessons. He is having fun and enjoys the classes. See that he is picking up the skills of phonetics reading and applies them when reading.

I have 3 kids. My youngest is also borned in 2008 Nov. 1 month older than your #2. My oldest in end Mar 2005.

For phonics, I did bring my 2 kids to ICR reading assessment but did not put them in .... partly due to cost... felt I could do most of the thing myself without spending that sum. I taught both my older kids phonics myself. Once they were familiar with letter sounds, I taught them the simple blends and the more complex ones slowly day by day. I followed partially the montessori method I supposed.

Reading is more than phonics since there are many sight words around and phonics, is more of a self help tool in case you see a new word. Both of them read a page off a graded reader daily with me. Through the reading, we can teach them some tenses, synonyms and simple idioms at the same time.

My 18month old boy also knows all his phonics sound now. But well, blending depends on readiness, so I am teaching him more sight words

Hmm one thing is, I dunno abt RC but I heard good reviews of montessori phonics

How do you find ICR? Is it over-rated?
i've been a SAHM for 2.5yrs already, thot of looking for job now but can't find CC for my 18M boy ard my area coz all the CCs are now on long waiting list... headache! wow, u sent ur boy to 2 english enrichment classes, must be costly sia! :p

u teach ur kids on ur own? wow... peifu peifu Orz ... r u SAHM? for me i definitely cant do tat coz first of all i dunno how to teach, and most importantly i dun hav patient... everytime when i coach him on his homework i feel like vomit blood! so now ur K1 boy can read already?

i'm not sure if ICR is over rated coz my boy is there for half a year only, but i do hear &amp; know some mummies who going to withdraw their kids after awhile coz not really good, for me the thot of pulling him out mainly is bcoz of the $$$ coz we juz switched my boy from my1stskool to Kinderland, a big jump on the school fee so wanna cut down the cost for enrichment class... right now other than ICR, my boy also attending math at kumon...
why ur boy dun like the class? u tried to change him to another teacher's class?
I once chose caucasian teacher's class for my boy &amp; he cried for 3 weeks straight &amp; refused to listen to the lesson, so i boh bian changed him to local teacher (chinese) &amp; he finally settled down, but i prefer ang mo teacher...
re: enrichment class
i didn't send my kids to any enrichment class as in d CC, everything included. so this mummy just slack n do nothing.

for now, im still a SAHM. Looking around for job

no, I work full time. I teach both my older ones in the morning in the car when I bring them to school.

My #1 is reading at Ladybird Peter&amp;Jane level 7. He dun like to read so that's the only thing I can make him read in the morning 1 page a day. He can read quite fluently most of the common sight words ...just need my help for new nouns. I think its a matter of practise, a child needs to be read to or he himself have to read enough books daily before he become so familiar with the phonetic rules ... to decode any words he read.

My #2 reads very well. She can read almost any fictional books. Need some help on non-fictional books cos there are alot of jargons.

I did hear good reviews of ICR though.

How is kumon maths? What do they do? My 2 kids are generally weaker in their mathematical ability, so I had been wanting to put them in maths enrichment. They are currently doing abacus and I am thinking of putting them in MPM.
morning mummies...

surprise to see posting lah...

hi poohy,
u are 1 mummy that i really 佩服 work with 3 kids, no maid... still have the time to teach them... plus if i'm not wrong S still have violin right...

i'm dying with teaching Gerald his piano.... my hubby still say it is me who want to continue his lesson... he simply hate to practise but enjoying his class..... his teacher.... just told me during his last lesson, that my boy simply don afraid of me..... she was telling me as he don listern to me..... i might want to consider to find someone can help to coach him 1 to 1 on his piano, but following yamaha lesson as he enjoy the class... just don listern to me and practise.... think i tell the sister better....

hi tigger...
i don even know whether gerald know his phonics as he is suppose to know fromhis cc as he is in mmi, i think he start phonics since pg or n1, now already k1 he suppose to know but i know his teacher do feedback his is not very strong.... now i don even dare to put him to any class... just let him have his music lesson and cc... maybe starting him on swimming...

hi Jess,
welcome to the thread, i'm ftwm, with 2 kids, mar 05 and mar 08 so is about the same age as your kids....

hi tsp,
how is the gathering getting on... we are waiting...

right any mummies going to the milkaton this sat???

oh yes.... i bump into sweatcorn at united square last sat lah....
<font color="aa00aa">jess:
you will feel at home in no time, as the mummies here are really friendly

my girl can read but she is "lazy" and if can, she rather not read. although she loves to browse the books. hahahaha. will try to read with her this hols... </font>
<font color="0000ff">poohy,</font>
Yes, K's cc teacher does teach phonics but I dun think is good enough. He cannot read at all (I am lazy and dunno how to teach him) so I think sending him to ICR will help him.

If I dun coach them myself, I won't feel a good assurance of how they are doing. And I din really do that much too, cos too little time with 3 kids to juggle. And my work had been spool busy that I had work even before they go to bed attuned else I will nt be able to finish.

Ya, S is still playing violin. He has 2 violin classes each week. And he just passed his nafa audition, so next mth on, may start another violin and theory at nafa. he practises almost everyday for ard 1 to 2 Hr depending the number of songs to work on or whether there is a concert. That tookalot of time away for him from reading and doing any academic work. So I really hope that he can go to a sch with violin ensemble or nafa so that it can gain him additional points when he chooses secondary sch.

My kids are all lazy to read on their own except Josh. So far he spend most of the afternoons browsing his books. And he does read reasonably well for an 18 mth.

So does ICR helps?
wow poohy,
i'm impress... i think gerald... will kill me if i ask him to practise his piano.... haha 10 min 1 will be laff aways...... i don know i think i'm just no patient and tired... i don know who to start him... plus there are always endless housework (i think i'm giving myseld excuse....) i think i need to work harder on his reading.... my gal at 2 still don really read... but she enjoying herself with book...
<font color="0000ff">Poohy,</font>
I think at least it helps to start him words blending. Hopefully can see the benefit after a few months. He just started for one term only.

I am impressed with S's discipline to practise his violin daily! Keane will rather play than do his work.

S has his ups and downs too. But generally he gets excited to play a new song and will work on it with me for a long time. But if it is a session on perfecting some of the parts.. he wont like it 'cos gotta keep repeating. He is showing good potential thus I work on his violin more diligently to help him achieve his potential.

He even wanted to learn piano... I am still thinking of when to start that... learning an instrument well requires hours of daily practising and it takes time away for other things. I dun even let J learns any instrument yet though she is 4 already... cos I know she may not have the passion and aptitude to put in the amount of practise required.

reading is more than phonics. Actually I feel phonics is helpful to a certain extent. But imagine reading a book as a beginner and more than half of the book is full of words you do not know. If you are diligent and patient and really determined to read that book, you will use phonics to slowly decode the word and read them... that is assuming you know all your phonics rule very well, noting that many of English words are either sight words or need a specific phonic rule to read properly.

In so doing, by the time you finished decoding, you may not truly be reading anymore ie. with understanding. The experience may not be that enjoyable to a beginner (or anyone).

A slowly graded reader introducing new words slowly, repetitively using those words and practising them seemed more attractive to me. That's the reason why I still put my two children on Peter &amp; Jane series.... as I read with them daily, I realised how well they had introduced new words and use it repeatedly to reinforce. I just tell S the new word once or twice and he will remember it. And for those high frequency words like "the", "there", "should" etc, by the time he read a few books, he know them very well. Sometimes, when we encounter new words, I may or may not ask him to use phonics to decode it...

So reading with them is still a key to aiding their improvement I think, at least for beginners.

In reading 1 page a day, it reduces the time spent (as time is really limited) and I also asked them a few questions out of the passage we read, encouraging them to answer me in full sentences. Hopefully this prepares them for comprehension in future.

Because P&amp;J can be quite dry... I do read other stories for them or we will take turn to read a page each out of a book... like recently we took turn to read a page each from The Elves and the Shoemaker.
<font color="0000ff">poohy,</font>
I try to read to the kids daily but I dun have the Peter &amp; Jane series. I will read whatever books they choose for me to read.
thanks! how long u hav been SAHM?

my boy juz started his math class at kumon last Sat, actually it's all about self learning in kumon, over there students are given worksheet in the class &amp; they are expected to do it on their own (tat's wat i observe in the class) unless they hav problem then only they approach the teacher, but for preschooler/beginner there are teachers there to guide them along... and student will be given a 10 pages worksheet to do EVERYDAY...
there are a lot of good reviews on kumon esp their Math, and quite cheap somemore, only $120 per mth...
how's ur kids doing in abacus class, is it good? i heard ppl commented tat abacus trainin will actually clash with the teaching method in primary school but not sure how true coz i dun study in Spore so i hav no idea wat is school teaching :p

yes our kids are same age, so urs are one boy &amp; one gal?
i'm bringing my boy to milkaton this Sat, but dunno if he can get up so early or not, got to be there by 830am ler...

we can do gathering anytime.. My place is still not ready yet. The furniture has yet to arrive. Still living out of carton boxes now.
nowadays hardly have e time to read story books for my kiddos! After spelling session, is already time for bed. u read bedtime story for ur kids or anyhow u just read for them?
hi jess,
want to meet up... .i will be bring my boy too....

hi tsp,
do let us know... i think we wait for angeline till flower also drop already.... haha.....

hi audrey,
i did really have time to guide on spelling.... haha
i also think it's time for me to step out the hse to go n look for $$$ but can't find CC for my 18M boy ler, so really dunno if i should start my job searching now or not...

u bringing ur boy alone to milkaton? i may be doing so coz hb said too early liao... hahaa! can laa, but where to meet ar?
<font color="aa00aa">Audrey,</font>
Sometimes I will read from a story book, sometimes will tell them stories that I anyhow come up with. Me too, hardly have enough time for anything.

Before bedtime, I will try to gather my 3 kids to play together so that they can have some bonding time. My older 2 kids go to full day cc and the youngest one stays at home. So only after school, the 3 of them will have some time to spend with each other.
wow! 3? with 2 kiddos around, my house already look so untidy, can imagine when with 3, d mess tat they create
salute u!!!
hi Poshies
spelling from cc? there is no spelling from my boy's cc but given at my end, purpose of having spelling is to train his concentration plus patient to complete a task n at e same time he gets to learn, hopefully im not a kiasu mum :p
Morning All!!!

It's been so long since I'd stepped in here.

Having major problem with my kiddo's health.
Joeson just recovered from major fever couple of weeks ago and now it's back! Not eating much and very in-active.... I'm so stressed!
Morning to every1 too!

Angeline: sad to hear that.. Hope he recover soon.. Perhaps c another doctor for another opinion? Or try TCM? Seems lot of mummies do that..

Btw, my girl cc also going to start spelling soon.. Stress! So many things to do already.... So poor kid .mon-fri almost everyday doing homework.. I also got no time to do my things
everyday slept few hours..

So tired n stress.. Y so much homework for poor kid.. No time enjoy.. Everyday homework..think too stress for them..
hullo mummies,

wow here has been v quiet until lately huh. Thot no1 will post anything here liao ler. :p :p

<font color="0000ff">Phonics</font>
my gal also learning Phonics in CC, but she like quite a failure in learning those blends. Till now reading a book is more like memorizing every words lor. May enroll her to this "The Learning Curve" near my new house, not sure good or not actually, but becos the ratio in the class is like 1 : 4 which I find it pretty cool &amp; I quite like the Principal. So maybe will bring her over to let her access bah.

<font color="ff0000">Angie</font>
how come daily got homework? Seem pretty stressed leh.. Ashley's school is thursday bring back homework file to do during wkend.. 2 pages that kind, so we find it ok.
<font color="aa00aa">hey mummies!!

hee.. just returned from a trip...

yeah.. thread has been quiet... kids get older, we also become busier...

many of you have your kids in enrichment for academics... am wondering if i should start too. but the down side is really finding the time to take her there.

c's sch also has daily homework. in fact, her teachers said, homework is given daily so that there isn't weekend homework and kids can concentrate on having quality time with parents. i thought that was quite considerate. haha.. cuz we do a lot of other activities during the weekends and to have her to do her hw, will be torturous. </font>
hi angeline,
how is urs boy......

btw dewdrop had delivery a princess recently lah.....

hi krazy,
i'm also don know what the best for my boy... but i think his happiness is the best.... so i din plan to bring him for any more enrichment class..... so far only his piano is more than enough.....

hi audrey,
yup my boy cc had been having spelling both chinese and english since k1..... but i din force him.... just teach what i can....
<font color="aa00aa">poshies:
i would love to chat! ahahahahha... but nowadays, super busy..

a lot of things are happening with me with regards to work.. have to take charge of pp and things and plan! gosh!! hahaha.. i just want to plan for classes go in and teach! and then go home.. hahahahha

of course we have to take the cue from the kids.. its them after all who are going for the programmes. never mind lah... haha.. got to learn to pick up the signs too esp when they dont speak up

How i wish my gal has homework from school. I think having homework is good. It refresh their memory they learn for the day and keeps them occupy rather than to color or watch tv programmes the whole day
<font color="0077aa">Hey Mummies,

My little princess has arrived but she is not discharged yet due to fluids in the lungs. She is improving by the hours, and we hope to bring her home within a day or 2.


Day 1 and Day 3 photos</font>
<font color="aa00aa">dewdrops:
your girl has very bright eyes.
can see from the pictures that she is indeed improving.

congratulations. and rest well now. </font>


congrats! Pretty little baby with bright eyes...


me too.. I wish there are homework from the school... then I know what they had been doing. Their school only start spelling at K2. Sigh.
