(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

meow, crystalmum,

me at times also read only...in fact I read everyday... but at times just too tired mentally to reply.

crystal looks like she really know how to pose leh! Cute look is really cute mah
S always looks so serious when I tried to take a photo of him. I read your blog too.... but crystal is improving at his cc... slowly but surely rite
She is still young little 2 year old... I remembered my grandma really drag me to kindergarten and I was abt 5 year old then. My feet wont move and I will be crying and my grandma realy pull my arms and drag kind lol

I cannot stop laughing when I read your first post.

Aiyo, my FDIL so big liao whor.... getting so cute and so lady.

Thanks for bringing Crystalmum back.

I washed before wearing it. THink it's better la.
Christmas Party
Date: 2 December 2007 (Sunday)
Time: 3pm
Location: McDonalds Kallang
Cost: $7 per toddler, baby is free

1. Angeline (1 tod n 1 bb)
2. Poohy (2 tod)
3. Caymom (1 tod n 1 bb)
4. sweatcorn (1 tod n 1 bb)
5. batman (2 tod)
6. tigger (1 tod n 1 bb)
7. Carla (1 tod)
8. Serrich (1 tod n 1 bb)
9. Crystalmum (1 tod)
10. twinklets (1 tod)
11. poshies (1 tod)
12. hoho03 (1 tod)
13. dingmummy (1 tod)
14. Meow (1 Todd, 1 BB)
15. valmom (1 tod) - <font color="ff0000">cancel, got wedding lunch</font>
16. San (1 tod)
17. zyp (1 tod , 1 bb)
18. ming (1 tod)

Total: 19 Toddlers, 7 babies

I went to Kallang Mac to confirm the place liao. So meet you ladies there!

By the way, anymore add-ons? I need to arrange the exchange present programme liao. Hee.....
poohy - she really slow but got to accept it even she cry for a year hor..hehe..but sometimes i wonder if the cc not good or wat..but the other kids in her cc like to go leh..got one went in aug..cry 1 mth..now the mummy told me she open her eyes in the morning and say wanna go to school leh..

meow/poohy - I see her cc pics hor..all her frens so cheeky and funny pose leh..only she is the same expression as the 1st pic..as in all her pics is like tat leh..the know how to pose one is Ashley lah..hehe..

angel - she look ladylike only leh..so chor lor one..keke..u still wan her ah?
Maybe the other kids are older than her and are more expressive as compare to Crystal?

Hey mummies, have you seen such a beautiful moth before? Looks carefully at the wings, its all heart shapes

So the gift exchange who exchange with whom? Budget?
Cos there's a mix of baby, toddlers with some elder in age. So I thinking of creating alphabets tagged to the name. Mummies to choose alphabets... I announce the name. Then budget set to be $10 - $15 how?
So baby also have gift exchange?? Then baby mummy got to exchange with another mummy with baby?? Eg me got to exchange with someone who also have baby or not necessary? Or is there any website got such game that you can create and we 'draw'?
<font color="0000ff">angelneo</font>
Thanks for updating. Sigh.. So happy thot can have a xmas gathering.. went home look at the date again then realise.. I got wedding lunch to attend!!!

<font color="ff6000">Meow</font>
Me no fan of moth.. or anything that has wings actually. I scared of crippy crawler and those with wings like butterfly, dragonfly, moth, bees.. etc etc etc... *shiver*
Me also no no to COCKROACH..... *faint*
All with wings... all above + beetle +BIG FLYING ANTS....

I just got over the phobia of Spiders..My house had lots of them...had learn to kill them all...+
That is a very special moth. I am quite paranoid when I see moths... especially those giant ones! Anyway, I heard that moths are related to spirits... dunno how true it is.

You are a silent reader ... hehe me too. Have been reading all the postings everyday but ntg much to contribute. :p


I will pass on this Christmas gathering. Not too sure if my hb will be out of town that week. He needs to travel on alternate week. Hopefully we can join all of you for the next one.
Me also.....
On Shane first month...got this moth land on my living room walls for the whole night(it arrive in the afternoon) and refuse to budge...
then MIL was saying...MUST BE FIL returning...
I almost faint when i hear this...and I ALMOST tell her to take her "husband" home...
Aiyo.. I think I will freak out man. Anyway, the moths really give me creeps... especially when they seem to disappear on their own.
<font color="0000ff">glayz</font>
Yes. I've heard of this and it seemed quite true. On my wedding day, got 1 moth stayed thruout.. until I left house my mom said. When Val was born, on the 1st month, got another moth.. bday got another moth... seemed like got occassions will have one or more moth.. Most of them quite 'pretty' one. But not as pretty as the one meowie posted.

I remember got 1 occassion the moth is VERY BIG one.. and I can see the patterns from far.. But off hand I can't remember it's which occassion.
No la... I will write down all the kiddos name in a list, the place alphabets beside each name. WIll announce here and you guys go grab the alphabets. I will announce who you gonna buy for lor. Hee.... Say one mummy with 1 tod... got your baby's name... that mummy will buy present for your baby. Say you draw Joeson's name and Keane's name, then you buy for both of them. Say I draw your gal's name, then I buy for your gal. But those mummies with 2 kids, will have to draw twice. Hee......
talking abt Moth hor, my buddy just told me her story few wks back. Her grandma actually passed away. She saw a moth in the hospital, & at the very same time, her cousin at her own home saw the moth, & both of them claimed the right wing was like abit torn.

So at the funeral, a moth appeared again, also same right wing was torn. & u noe wat.. the grandma right side of the body like stroke liao. & then they placed the grandma shirt on a chair, the moth flied to the shirt. Then when the funeral ended, this moth also died. Sound really xue men rite??? So from my fren's story, I guess somehow moth may be really related to spirits. Tat's why I wont chase them away whenever I see 1 at home.

Meow's moth very nice, u took tat with ur hp issit??

Btw anyone heard recent Jay Chou's new song??? Something like cowboy song, I feel it sounds like a Bob the Builder song leh. KEKEKEKE.
Me not scare of insects 1 leh. If got cockcoach, can ask Twinklets to chase them away for u lar. HAHA. But hor, got lizard, dun ask me lar. I quite scare of them, but i did attempt to kill afew of them in my hse bfore. Me scare of furry stuffs, my worst phobia enemy is KITTENS!!!
Rgds to this moth, it was taken on the last day of the seventh month. I also ask my HB, could this be your mom?

Nope i took with my camera, but hard to snap a nice one. Put flash got reflection, dun put flash can't see the hearts

Eh Sheryl loves cats leh
<font color="aa00aa">re: moths

yap. when my maternal grand father passed away, i also saw a moth at the funeral. actually i saw a moth on one of the pillars outside the hospital and that was when i knew something was not right. </font>
<font color="ff0000">Angeline,</font>
I received the massage shaper already. Thanks! I transfered the postage to you liao.

<font color="aa00aa">Twinklets,</font>
I'm feel the creeps when I read about your friend's encounters....
I usually siam far far when I see a moth.
Hi mummies,

Just wanna update... I hv delivered my 2nd boy on Sat 20 Oct 07.

This is the birth story of my 2nd prince. Contractions started at around 10 plus am. I have been experiencing backpains at 6 plus but
not that bad. The contractions were initially 20 mins apart..then 16 mins... then the urge to keep peeing. Decided to admit when it was 9
mins apart... it became 4 mins.. the pain was unbearable. I needed epidural and phew what a relief. The pain was relieved but not the
pressure of the bb on my bottom bit as the bb was not engaged yet.

Anyway.. at 5 am the mucus plug came out and by 6 am I was 8cm-9cm dilated. By 7 am the urge to push was there but I had to control.. cos if I push... the waterbag will break and the bb will come out. So I waited for dr and phew he came just in time.

3 contractions, 7 pushes and the bb was out ! Good job mummy. Viola ! 2.82 kg 2nd prince..
<font color="ff0000">Crystalmum,</font>
Crystal looks v tall now! Big girl liao...

<font color="ff6000">Congrats Picnic! Have a good confinement!</font>

talking abt insects... found this white cockroach at home... never seen before leh!

I'm not afraid of insects. I'm quite fascinated by spiders on webs and I'm the designated roach catcher at home. but NO NO NO to lizards and worms and caterpillars. haha
the foto of the roach is damn er xin leh... i'm the worst among u gals, everything oso scared... cockroaches, lizards, worms, beetles... any creepy crawlers... think oni ant i not scared... ahahaha... hubby always laff at me, say the person so big n so fierce but yet scared of small insects... he damn bad right??
<font color="ff0000">Dewdrops,</font>

<font color="aa00aa">ZYP,</font>
Yucks! I hate cockroaches. I saw one this morning and trapped it using cay's potty.
Then I woke my hb up to help. Actually, he is equally scared of roaches. In the end, I dumped one cup of hot water into the potty to kill it.

BTW, is that an albino cockroach? Very rare to see such roaches. Maybe you are going to strike lottery soon.
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">CONGRTULATIONS!!!</font></font>

you rest well ah girl....

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">CONGRATS!!!</font></font> Enjoy pregnancy to the fullest!!
Me also terrified of Cockroaches. There was once, this big big one was running around in the living room when I was patting Anson to sleep. End up I was shrieking and jumping around to avoid it. My hubby scold me in the end, ask me what if I drop Anson??? Sad right?!!!
<font color="aa00aa">picnic, dewdrops:

re: roches
this is what i observed. i am terrified of lizards.. they are a big no no... but not so afraid of roaches.

pp who are not afraid of lizards are really afraid of roaches... hee

is this true?</font>
Your observation is true for my mom. She can crush roaches with her hands but flee at the sight of lizards. She cannot stand the lizards staring at her. But hor, I am equally terrified of lizards and roaches leh.

<font color="0000ff">Congratulations!!</font> Enjoy ur confinement.


<font color="ff0000">Congratulations on your pregnancy</font>
<font color="ff0000">dewdrops,</font>
Congrat! Enjoy your pregnancy!

<font color="0000ff">twinklets,</font>
I'm like you leh. But I'm more jialat than you, I scare of cat. I very scare of their furry skin...eerrkkk...I'm also scare of roaches and lizards, but if hb not ard. I will hv to kill it myself cos I cannot stand their presence in my hse leh.

<font color="aa00aa">picnic,</font>
Congrat and post your bb pix!

congrats!! Looking forward to see your prince's photos!


congrats.... do take and care ;)

re: lizards and roaches

Me also.... scared of BOTH! VVV scared. Especially roaches cos they simply move too fast. yucks!


I am scared of cats too! Scared they suddenly run over and scratch me... they can be so fierce. I used to be v scared of dogs too... but I overcame it when I decided to have one as a pet... at first, when my first shih tzu came to my house, I dun even dare to touch him... slowly I began to love and understand him and realise he wont bite (literal)... then I start to like dogs. But big dogs like husky... I am still rather scared.

zyp, alamak, you actually go and take photo of the distinguished cockroach! I will flee immediately to some other room and shout for help liao.
<font color="ff6000">Picnic</font>
Congrats!! Hope to see ur lil boy pic real soon. Hows your elder boy coping with the new addition?

<font color="0000ff">Dewdrops</font>
Congrats too!!! You know I was thinking abt you recently , abt u kana #2 yet or not. Keke

<font color="119911">Coaches & Lizards </font>
I guess some of us are coaches & lizards busters hor??! =P I remember there was a flying coach attacked my father while he was brushing teeth, & he was so scared & gan jiong, it was me tat saved him.
Same like Zyp, Im the coach buster at home. Keke. Im really freaked by Lizard. Once I opened a box, then a lizard ran out from it, gosh I wanna faint!! =( Same as Batman, I scare of the cats fur, brushing on my legs. I specially hate to go Kopitiam to eat when there is a cat roaming near the table. I can simply squat on the chair or run away if the cat is under the table, which is so malu.

<font color="ff0000">Batman</font>
Me not very scare of the cat if it dun comes near me. But if theres a kitten within my sight, Ill run off immediately. I remember once got a very du neighbour put a box of kittens outside my hse door (back in my mums hse). Me & my sis were so freaked & really wanna cried!! We called to Police post to ask them to help us, but they dun want to help us. So in the end, my siss ex bf helped us to bring this box to faraway block. Keke. It was a nitemare for us. =( Then hor we kept hearing downstairs got a cat kept meowing. Think must be meowing for her kids, quite poor thing also. But bobian leh, we were phobia of kittens, cant forever keep tat box of kittens at our door lor.

<font color="aa00aa">Meow</font>
Wow, I guess Sheryl is influenced by ur nick lor. Keke. I doubt Ash will like cat due to influence from Mummy. =P Once she called out to a cat when we walked past it, I gotta held tight her hand & dragged her walked faster. Another time was I used her as my shield against the cat. Hahaha. So bad hor this Mummy. =P
<font color="0000ff">Picnic/Dewdrops</font>
<font color="ff0000">CONGRATS!!!</font>

<font color="ff6000">Cockroaches, lizards, etc etc</font>
I can't stand them.. period :p Scared of cockroaches.. esp flying ones!!!
<font color="0000ff">Picnic,</font>
Congrats and rest well. Post some pics of your 2nd prince soon.

<font color="ff6000">Dewdrops,</font>
Congratulations to you too!

SC, I am exactly like you. Scared of all kinds of insects except ants. I will scream and run to hide if I see any insects in my house.
My house has a lot of lizards. They come from the corridor outside. I really dunno how to get rid of them.

Keane has finally stopped crying after about 3 weeks going to CC. He is willing to wear his uniform too. BUT the problem is he refuses to eat or drink anything before he leaves for CC. I tried both hard and soft approach and all doesnt work. He dun take any lunch in school also. I am worried that he gets too hungry in school and end up having gastric problem. We put biscuits in his bag and when my dad fetches him from school, he will request to eat the biscuit. When he reaches home, he will eat his lunch which is around 12pm+ to 1pm. Sighhow to make him take his breakfast before school?

<font color="aa00aa">Valmom,</font>
This is for you

such a beautiful art piece of keane... he's as handsome leh... he looks like a big boy in this photo... time really flies... our tods r 2.5 yrs old liao...
<font color="ff0000">tigger,</font>
I was abt asking u abt tis pix in your msn but I couldn't sent out msn yesterday. Very nice taking! Why tis pix is for Valmom?

aiyo! This morning I sent both kids to CC, but dun knw why Xavier cried. He knws I'm gg for work, so he didn't want to go in. I thk he's on and off type la..

<font color="aa00aa">twinklets,</font>
ya, I'm so scare of the cats flur brushing my leg. My hair will stand up leh. Esp coffeeshop, I will look out for it. If have, you will see my leg shrinking up...haha...
<font color="0000ff">SC,</font>
Thanks! I took some pics of Keane and Kayla and someone edited to black and white for me. I am asking her to make postcards and calendars for me using the kids pics. Ya, time fliesnext year out tods will be going to N1. I am starting to feel OLD

<font color="ff6000">Batman,</font>
The pic is for valmom becos she wants to look at her future son in law mah.
Congrats and enjoy your confinement!

Hehe, now is your turn! Enjoy your pregnancy!

Hope to hear your good news soon!
Well done Picnic and congrats!!!

Tigger, seeing this pic seems to be seeing you and esp. your hubby. You guys got fu qi lian and Keane takes after your looks. Handsome boy.

Pests...aiyoh... i'm scared of all of them. Twinklets, Ash and u are so brave... but cute lah, scared of cats, my sil also. Heh Zyp, u nebber catch you xi you white cockcroach and report and display it ah, i've never seen a white one before also.

Congrats Dewdrops! Take care...

Recently got a lot of slimming promotion, 20-30 sessions for a few hundreds.... wonder if there's any catch or effective or not. Angel,ur prog. effective?
<font color="0077aa">ming,</font>
Actually Keane looks exactly like how I look when I was about 3years old. I dun think he looks like my hubby leh. My MIL is not very happy that Keane dun look like their side. Kekeke.

You are so slim, dun need to go for any slimming courses lah. BF will help to lose weight faster.
The pic is so artistic. I'm sure val will sleep sweetly with his pic by her bed. Muahahahahaha

20-30 sessions for few hundreds? From Bottom slim?!!! Ahahahaha... big big catch. They will take a look at you, tell you your tummy and your hips need to 'break down fats'. So they will use the patch and patch onto your body for your fats to 'break' down. Waist one treatment, hips one treatment. total 2. You will need about 10 treatments to totally break down your fast for them to start their next stage of slimming. So it means, 20 sessions gone. Then, they will say apply cream, the wrap it.... tummy one session, hips one session, total another 10 sessions to complete. So another 20 sessions gone. You only have 30 whor. That makes it you need to buy another 10 sessions, no promotional price. Or you buy 2 package from them la. These programmes only helps you to break down and burn fats. The real slimming lies behind. The firming, with the usage of Radio Frequency or LPG. These will easily cost thousands for a complete session.

My programme is very effective. But due to my menstruation had been ongoing for a month, I stopped for a month. And with this month only, my MIL said I stopped shrinking liao. Ask me when am I going back for slimming. Haiz......

<font color="ff6000">Tigger</font>
Arty pic, suitable for Postcards!

<font color="0000ff">Sweetbabe</font>
Wow long time din see u post. Where's ur gals pics? :p


<font color="aa00aa">Ming</font>
Ya agreed with Angeline, ended up you'll be spending afew K lor. Anw U wont need tat lar, just BF can liao.. already so slim liao.. *envy*

<font color="119911">Batman</font>
think we belong to same group. Just wondering, u scare of insects?? Some1 told me if U scare of insects, U not scare of Furry animals & vice versa.
