(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

Christmas Party
Date: 2 December 2007 (Sunday)
Time: 3pm
Location: McDonalds Kallang
Cost: $7 per toddler, baby is free

1. Angeline (1 tod n 1 bb)
2. Poohy (2 tod)
3. Caymom (1 tod n 1 bb)
4. sweatcorn (1 tod n 1 bb)
5. batman (2 tod)
6. tigger (1 tod n 1 bb)
7. Carla (1 tod)
8. Serrich (1 tod n 1 bb)
9. Crystalmum (1 tod)
10. twinklets (1 tod)
11. poshies (1 tod)
12. hoho03 (1 tod)
13. dingmummy (1 tod)
14. Meow (1 Todd, 1 BB)

Total: 16 toddlers; 6 babies

Mac will rent us the space or they will organise games for the todds to play?
Christmas Party
Date: 2 December 2007 (Sunday)
Time: 3pm
Location: McDonalds Kallang
Cost: $7 per toddler, baby is free

1. Angeline (1 tod n 1 bb)
2. Poohy (2 tod)
3. Caymom (1 tod n 1 bb)
4. sweatcorn (1 tod n 1 bb)
5. batman (2 tod)
6. tigger (1 tod n 1 bb)
7. Carla (1 tod)
8. Serrich (1 tod n 1 bb)
9. Crystalmum (1 tod)
10. twinklets (1 tod)
11. poshies (1 tod)
12. hoho03 (1 tod)
13. dingmummy (1 tod)
14. Meow (1 Todd, 1 BB)
15. valmom (1 tod)

Total: 17 toddlers; 6 babies

Got ending time? coz typically 3pm Val still taking her aftern nap.
Wow...Ashley looks so diff. So demure leh....even my hubby couldn't regconise her. Today Sheryl has swollen sore eyes, going to bring her see doc
Today val miss sch for the 1st time since Jul.. fever but other than that.. no other symptoms.. also dunno what's causing the fever. No wonder these 2 days her appetite not so good..
<font color="ff6000">Twinklets,</font>
I totally forgot that you're on leave. Have sent you some MSN messages and you didn't reply. Guess you must be busy.

Bambini is more fun than Atlantis @ Delta right? It's more challenging for the tods. But we have a hard time running after them. Really very shagged out. I also like their cafe.
<font color="ff0000">valmom</font>
Val sick, pls take care. I hate kid having fever.

<font color="0000ff">tigger</font>
ya, say me auntie in front of 2 ppls. pai sei leh. *angry*
Actually I'm in the rush to catch the tpt so I din wait for it to finish posting and I click close window. I tho it didn't capture.

<font color="aa00aa">angel</font>
hehe..sorry din include you becos I don't knw how many kid you hv...me still new here la. Don't knw the background for each of you.
btw, my elder one is 6 yrs old leh. Same still price $7.
aiyo, this morning rush like mad. hb only came bk in the morning due to his project so I hv to send 2 kids to CC. Luckily manage to catch the last tpt otherwise super late liao.
Wow, so happening man. At first when I read, I tot I will miss the fun again cos' always clashes wz my holidays etc. Luckily Angeline this time make it early if not i will not be able to join again since i'm away fr 7-25 Dec.

Christmas Party
Date: 2 December 2007 (Sunday)
Time: 3pm
Location: McDonalds Kallang
Cost: $7 per toddler, baby is free

1. Angeline (1 tod n 1 bb)
2. Poohy (2 tod)
3. Caymom (1 tod n 1 bb)
4. sweatcorn (1 tod n 1 bb)
5. batman (2 tod)
6. tigger (1 tod n 1 bb)
7. Carla (1 tod)
8. Serrich (1 tod n 1 bb)
9. Crystalmum (1 tod)
10. twinklets (1 tod)
11. poshies (1 tod)
12. hoho03 (1 tod)
13. dingmummy (1 tod)
14. Meow (1 Todd, 1 BB)
15. valmom (1 tod)
16. San (1 tod)

Total: 18 toddlers; 6 babies

You take 'school bus' at Yishun Mrt huh? If so, maybe at times you may have seen me crossing the road at the chinese temple traffic junction. hehehe.
Hope Val will get well soon. Don't worry too much ok?

Of course I cannot leave you out mah. If not, nobody to tease me there, I bored how? Muahahahahaha......

No worries. Hee..... I just joking only.

Wish you a smooth delivery. I have a cousin who should have almost the same EDD as you, but she gave birth liao. I have a colleague recently just gave birth. Very cute.... this is her third kid. And all her kids are born 15th Oct.... Natural birth with epi!!!

Okok... next time I organise one gathering there.

Hiak hiak hiak.... your loots are with me liao. Time for slimming!!! I have several of your addresses. Tigger/Valmom/SC, no need to give me your address, I have liao. The rest of the mummy, sms or email me your address ok?!!!
<font color="ff0000">Wen,</font>
Don't worry lah... all chubby babies have cleavage! Hazel's got it too. keke...

<font color="ff6000">Valmom,</font>
The fever may be due to viral infection. Hope it subsides soon.

<font color="0000ff">nose digging</font>
Zavier is also a digger. Used to like to put the gold in his mouth or smear on sofa/wall/our bodies. Now showing some improvement liao.

<font color="ff0000">Angel,</font>
Think we'll collect from your workplace if it's convenient. Will you be able to meet me at ur building lobby about 9am tomorrow?

<font color="aa00aa">Christmas Party</font>
Date: 2 December 2007 (Sunday)
Time: 3pm
Location: McDonalds Kallang
Cost: $7 per toddler, baby is free

1. Angeline (1 tod n 1 bb)
2. Poohy (2 tod)
3. Caymom (1 tod n 1 bb)
4. sweatcorn (1 tod n 1 bb)
5. batman (2 tod)
6. tigger (1 tod n 1 bb)
7. Carla (1 tod)
8. Serrich (1 tod n 1 bb)
9. Crystalmum (1 tod)
10. twinklets (1 tod)
11. poshies (1 tod)
12. hoho03 (1 tod)
13. dingmummy (1 tod)
14. Meow (1 Todd, 1 BB)
15. valmom (1 tod)
16. San (1 tod)
17. zyp (1 tod , 1 bb)

Total: 19 toddlers; 7 babies
Oh ya, answering the question.

Macdonalds will be hosting the party for us. They will prepare the games for the tods. So we just go there, throw our tods to the organizers... ans we skive off and gossip! Muahahahahaha.... good idea.

9am should be no prob. If I late for work then I sms you ok?!
<font color="aa00aa">Angel,</font>
Quick quick mail the loot to me asap...kekeke. Cannot tahan my flabby tummy liao. Wore a pong pong jacket today to cover up. Sigh...
<font color="ff6000">T</font>i<font color="ff6000">g</font>g<font color="ff6000">e</font>r

The party starts from 3pm until 5pm. Ok right?!

Will send everything out tomorrow ok? Hopefully by sat can receive la.
<font color="0000ff">a</font><font color="ff0000">n</font><font color="0000ff">g</font><font color="ff0000">e</font><font color="0000ff">l</font>,
you collect directly from her isit?
no need to pay beanieok postage rite?
<font color="ffff00">B</font>a<font color="ffff00">t</font>m<font color="ffff00">a</font>n,
It's with me liao lor... Her sis work same area with me mah. Met her up during lunch.
I stay near the chinese temple lor. I need to cross the junction everyday to walk to Mrt station. I can't tell you exact where i stay cos' i scared i gana kidnap leh. wahaha. Anyway, if you in yr 'school bus', when you see a "Beautiful Girl" (kekeke) crossing the road, then its me lor. If not pretty or beautiful, then it is definitely not me. Muahahaha. (think alot pple going to puke liao).

Sure, I miss you sososo much leh.
Aiyoh where is Mac at Kallang? Is it at the big junction where KFC etc. is. Never mind put my name in 1st. Me too!

Christmas Party
Date: 2 December 2007 (Sunday)
Time: 3pm
Location: McDonalds Kallang
Cost: $7 per toddler, baby is free

1. Angeline (1 tod n 1 bb)
2. Poohy (2 tod)
3. Caymom (1 tod n 1 bb)
4. sweatcorn (1 tod n 1 bb)
5. batman (2 tod)
6. tigger (1 tod n 1 bb)
7. Carla (1 tod)
8. Serrich (1 tod n 1 bb)
9. Crystalmum (1 tod)
10. twinklets (1 tod)
11. poshies (1 tod)
12. hoho03 (1 tod)
13. dingmummy (1 tod)
14. Meow (1 Todd, 1 BB)
15. valmom (1 tod)
16. San (1 tod)
17. zyp (1 tod , 1 bb)
18. ming (1 tod)

Total: 20 toddlers; 7 babies
<font color="ffff00">B</font>a<font color="ffff00">t</font>m<font color="ffff00">a</font>n
Gosh... why you ask San that question. I wanna faint liao....
Yes lah. Kallang Mcdonald the big car park there. Got KFC also.

y wanna faint? Need me send you 'feng you' to apply? keke
<font color="0000ff">Meow</font>
hee demure in the act only. How's Sheryl's eyes? Wat happen? Still swollen?

<font color="ff0000">Tigger</font>
Yes no doubt abt Bambini being more challenge & fun than Alantis. & definitely more shagged! =P We went from 2+ till 5pm, both of us reached home really concussed big time!

I'm getting some blues now cos returning bk to work on next Monday.

<font color="ff6000">Angeline</font>
Come to think abt it, quite difficult to organize there if whole 18 of us going. Will be chaotic & v jammed. Think having some family pg will sound safer I guess. hahaha.
Sheryl's eyes still red. Swell has gone. Doc say viral infection lor. She hates dripping the eye drops. Initial like the orange medicine to ease itch, then the second time i gave her, she rejects.

I decided to get the leapfrog click start liao. It will be Sheryl's birthday present
Least US is so much cheaper than SG
<font color="ff0000">Picnic,</font>
Hope you have a smooth delivery.

<font color="aa00aa">San,</font>
You never go Bangkok ah? No need to go?

Zavier is still hooked onto his pacifier

Enjoying tummy time!

<font color="ff6000">Wen..</font> Thavis has deeper cleavage than Hazel! Keke...
Hazel is so happy with Zavier in his tutu? Sheryl has stop taking it. Now she knows how to say Sheryl is ugly with tutu. Why not picture Zavier the same way? But be warned that once they dun have their tutu, the will feel insecure in sleep. That's what happen to Sheryl, can scream and cry in sleep

I think Darryl also dun have any cleavage....i go search a photo tonight
<font color="aa00aa">Zyp</font>

haha the pics so cute. It is such a joy to see both of them laffing so happily hor??

<font color="ff0000">Meow</font>
Poor Sheryl.. hope she's not painful by it. Hope she'll recover soon!
<font color="aa00aa">re: nose digging
okay my c is also a digger but she is the President of the Naval Digging Club. Any joiners?</font>
shanice still looks like daddy?? pple still say 100% daddy look leh...

i oso realised shanice has a foto showing her cleavage... ahahaha... see see...
<font color="aa00aa">sweatcorn:
faint! hee

kaeden is so handsome looking! i mean, his looks are so defined now!</font>
haha faint! tat's a good 1! She looks so sweet & pretty in tat cleavage pic, I like her to kum her lips, so cute lor. keke. 1st pic really looks like her daddy but still galish lar. At least her hair is more than Ashley when Ashley at her age. So dun worry abt Shanice not much hair OK? hehe

Kaeden looks like u, so is fair & square. He also slim down liao hor?? Cheeky boi also.. :p

Nose Digging..
Just realize my gal like to dig her 2 nostrils at the same time! but I think she's not a naval digger yet.
thanks for the compliment... he's never those handsome boi in our eyes... more the cheeky,playful type... ahahahaha

she likes to kum her mouth leh... dunno isit becos she take pacifier leh...

i still worried abt her hair growth leh... still short short one... then all stand up one... like the brother's... sigh...
<font color="0000ff">Twinklets,</font>
You going back to work next Mon? Can understand why youre feeling blue. After spending so much quality time with Ash, I am sure you will drag going back to work.

<font color="ff6000">SC,</font>
Shanices hair is longer than the last time I saw her. And YES, she looks 100% like her daddy leh. Wow, so young got cleavage, kekeke.
Shanice really looks like daddy lah....Ask you, will S cry if K cry? Darrly will leh when Sheryl cries...as if they are linked like that.
Shanice definitely is Daddy's look!!!! Don't be upset ok?! Muahahahhahaha...

I'd sent out the shaper. YOu sure can receive tomorrow! according to my experience la.
sob sob... all say look like daddy...

she sometimes will cry if gor gor cries... mabbe they can sense their siblings mood loh... so will cry too...

thanks.... he's one hell of a notti boy...
Wah, you all say that the siblings will link....

Joeson cry, Anson eyes big big stare at him... with a look, 'wah kaoz, you cry for what?'

Anson cry, Joeson sits beside him and look look look.... with the same look.

** Faint **
san - you good leh..can make 'silent' reader like me wanna post...i yesterday see your post liao..then i need to clean up my puke till today got time to post to tell you i oso puke..
<font color="ff0000">Meow,</font>
Hazel wanted to play with her gor gor... tutu doesn't really affect her. she has been sucking her pig knuckles very hard lately... to the exten that her hands turn abit bruised, like love bite. My mum said want to intro pacifier liao... I'm still resisting.

<font color="0000ff">caymom,</font>
She likes to play with gor gor and listen to his singing... I'm looking forward to the day they can play together!

<font color="ff6000">sc,</font>
Shanice really looks like her daddy! But the girlish version... still pretty lah! Our cleavage princess!

<font color="119911">twinklets,</font>
I collected shaper from Angel liao... forgot to ask if you want me to help you collect... :p

How does Ash breathe when she digs 2 nostrils at a time? haha...

<font color="ff0000">Angel,</font>
The shaper needs to wash before use or not?
Hazel also not much effect when Zavier cries. But Zavier will tell us "mei mei cry leh" and sayang her when she cries.

<font color="0000ff">Crystalmum,</font>
Why become silent reader? I no time to msn to chat with u at night liao. How's Crystal? Post some of her current pic here leh...
Darryl also prefer fingers to pacifier leh...

Yeah why become reader? Me occasionally also read only.

zyp/meow - silent reader..cos I am a quiet person mah..haha..

zyp - guess you must be busy with no. 2 no time to msn at night lah..hehe

she still cries everyday when i leave her at school leh..now 5 months liao still like tat..oso dont know wat to do..but cos i usually hang outside for awhile while waiting my hub get breakfast..she will stop crying after awhile lah..

Today went to the meet parents session..teacher say she got improvement and will join her friends and activities liao..you can check out her blog..

I realised she has this gong look whenever she takes pic at the cc..think she is blur blur there one leh..hehe..

This pic..i ask her give me a cute look..she do this..argh..
