(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB


*pik piak your backside* Sc's girl is my FDIL... Anson cannot snatch leh..


Thavis also dark dark one..kekeke


soon moving lah
But recently want to go visit you also cannot cos my boys keep on getting sick.

Here's some pic of Thyler on excursion to Sentosa with his childcare:

all rready to go at the cc
taken with his classmates
wa! saw yr wedding photos, u so pretty ah...nice nice, u also go sentosa to take yr outdoor shoot

hmmm...elaine give birth liao, time flies so soon. If you email her again, just say I say hi to her.

WAT HAPPEN TO TYLER'S HAIR!!!!!??????? PUNK!!!??? aiyo, y cut until like tat?? sob sob...
meow..... i want the sticker... but hor.... gerald chinese name like not in the sms mode how how....

Large sticker: 72pcs for RM$10
Dimension : 30mm x 13mm
Ocean paradise (back left)

Small sticker: 120pcs for RM$10
Dimension : 12mm x 9mm
Design: baby Pooh and friends (not shown)
Name: Gerald See
how come can't find the character? Must at least have leh, else i also cant see...else if PC have, email to me now before i go offline.

yeah wat happen to lerler's hair?? Too hot for him?
I just went into JB yesterday. But without my babes. Hee..... Which part of JB you are going to make the stickers? I got the namecard from the vendor, so that I can write to them supplier, and then order bulk from them. Cheaper lei....

What happened to ler ler?!! Aiyo, so kawaii lei. Hahahaha, he also is the tallest in his batch hor?!

Why so fast shave her hair liao? I very bu she de shave Anson's hair lei.

So fast Shanice got reserved liao ah. Hee.... Me and Zyp might betroth our babes to each other mah. They born same day lei.... Hee....

Anson looks like many babies here hor? Aiyoyo.... Hey, tell us your secrets lei.

The talks about if the baby looks like opp sex parents will turn out to be very handsome/pretty, I oppose to it liao. Cos, Joeson was said to look like me or look like a girl since baby. Now that Anson is out, practically everybody had been telling me, including Daddy Teoh, that Anson is much more handsome than Joeson. Anson will be the 'shao nu sha shou'.... ** Faint **
<font color="0000ff">angelneo</font>
ur joeson so quiet.. how to be "lady-killer"? :p See V only shy away.. and my V has always been so gregarious one.. see other children (I think she remembers Joeson) only wanna play with them liao.

<font color="119911">Wen</font>
Waa.. u actually allow him to go SENTOSA with CC?? This month V's CC wanna bring them to Zoo. S$35/student. But hb say no.. bu-fang-xin he said. But hor, at least Thyler's CC got t-shirt, V's one dun have. It's those sch uni cotton kind of material, if you ask her to wear that go zoo.. I think she'll melt.
Jusco is straight up from Carrefour across the bridge

K some can't see photo so i enlarge them...last order soon...

aiyo, where got pretty... but at least better than now lah... now i feel like an auntie wif a forever 5mth preggie tummy... aarrgghhhh...

think that elaine is coming back soon cos she went US wif her hubby for work... then gave birth there loh... everything oso no need pay leh... good right??

aiyo, y u shave thyler until so clean... but nonetheless, he as garang and handsome... hehehehe... he so guai sitting there wif his classmates leh... think its kaeden, sure running ard liao...

that's y i quickly 'chop' thavis for shanice... hee hee hee... ahahahaha...

yes hazel n anson is tong nian tong yue n tong ri leh... so sweet, quite hard to find leh... this time round our thread got a few same dates hor... u n zyp, wen n tsp.... hey both are couples leh... ahahahaha...
You don't know ah. He can use his eyes to 'dian' girls also mah. He more reserved only. Act shy shy mah.... maybe he not used to having girls so 'zu dong' like val.

You so fast chop Thavis, give SP's girl no chance liao right? Hee....
Trip to zoo pay $35? We pay $15 for zoo trip and lunch at MacD. Previous principle will defnitely chg us $20+ for such trip. How come yours so ex? Did you ask them why?
oh yah hor... ok lah, then let thavis choose lah...

kaeden oso went to labordor park in jun... hubby n mum objected but i dun care... we only need to pay $5 for transport... think they gg for another trip soon... think very poor thing to be stuck in cc when the rest go gai gai leh...
<font color="0000ff">batman</font>
That's why hb also not keen coz quite ex. They say it includes entrance fee, tram ride, KFC lunch (which I would prefer V not to eat) and transport. I also dunno why so ex.. coz comparing to the CC my niece goes to (which is just a few more lanes down the road), it's typically $10 more ex than that CC.

<font color="119911">sweatcorn</font>
Actually I quite keen to let V go with the CC coz I think can teach her independence? But HB sayang V mah, say he prefers that we bring her instead.
Going to the Zoo is nothing already. I just got to know that Creative O is bringing the kids to St John's Island for 3 days 2 nights camp. I almost fainted when I heard that. No parents ok?!!! I can't imagining Joeson going there without me.
ah, go to an island for camping. I wouldn't allow that. Furthermore, the CC also are not responsible for any injury occurs. They always write this statement in the form to protect themselves.
Hello mummies!

So sad.... have to complain here... the teacher of the home tuition that Edie have been going to for the past two months, have finally have it with her, she complained big time about little mafia... that she is uncontrollable and she is going to "discipline" her. I dun know how she is going to do that, but little gal's eyes were red when we were taking, guess she must have done it already...

Do you think I should change school... I'm afraid that its not good for her well being...
camping??????????? mabbe for the older kids isit... toddlers i dun think they will bring... can't imagine bringing 3yos for camping... sounds a hue prjt to undertake for a cc...

i oso think so leh... the thing abt cc is to teach the kids independence... but hubby n my mum worry how they take care of all the kids during the outing... i told them they are experienced already... its not their 1st outing anyway...
did the teacher say wat did edie do that makes her like that?? children's behaviour is often triggered by something they see or wat the adults do...

u must oso ask wat 'discipline' methods she using leh... at least make sure edie is not trumatised lah..
Hi sweatcorn, the teacher said that Edie don't follow her time-table. When the other two boys were sleeping, she is playing, when they were studying, she is also playing. I guess I knew whats wrong... at first I sent her from 8:00am-2:00pm and I told her not to let her sleep, then Edie can sleep in the shop from 3-6pm. Later, she can wake up, walk walk a bit in the shop and then when we close at 8pm, she can take dinner, bath and some activity before sleeping time at 11pm.

But I think the teacher let her nap one hour, so she won't sleep at 3pm in the shop. She can play until 7pm and then sleep all the way without dinner, bath or last milk. Then she wakes up at mid-nite for her feed...

Now, I change to 10am-4pm, so she will not sleep when the teacher wants :p
<font color="0000ff">florence</font>
I think rather than change school immediately, maybe try to u/stand the whole situation? What exactly did Edie do that made the teacher so angry? And what sort of 'method' is she referring to?

<font color="119911">sweatcorn</font>
But S$35 for zoo trip quite steep right? I also think maybe it's time for her to go.. but HB said no liao.. so what can I say.
Wow.. camping for 2 YO+ - 3 YO toddlers?? Moreover at St John Island which is known for its dirtiness. *FAINT!!!!*
I think Ill faint like you if I hear tat from the CC teacher. Hehehee.
It is good for the kids to be independent, but I feel it is not really a hurry to make lil tods like ours so independent so fast lor. They still got a long way to go, wats the hurry to rush them to be so independent? Hmmm.. Camping at such young age will only make the parents at home gan jiong & worried like hell. Moreover like wat Batman stated, sure will sign some consent form 1 tat stated CC will not liable for any injury/loss etc. Well not know what unpredictable things will happen at the camp site. Totally cant believe tat such young age, they will wanna organize for them.

Ehh, actually Im quite a kiasi mother lar. If next time my gal goes CC at 3 YO& need to go Zoo without me, I think Ill also think twice. Cos I dunno how the teachers going to cope with so many kids. Ill start to think of all the negative things in my mind man. Unless the CC & the Teachers really give me tat kinda assurance & confident feel, then perhaps Ill allow lor.

Alamak.. like tat I dun find Edie is notty wat.. I tot what she did is something v terrible tats why the teacher so mad..
But I think your Edie sounds ok leh.. it is not a big deal of not napping at the rightful hours mah.. not sleepy mean not sleepy mah..
Pardon me hor.. I find this teacher kinda rigid leh..
i think the teacher needs edie to adhere to the 'routine' so that she can teach them altogether...

i think edie is confused loh... dunno when to sleep... tods need a fixed routine for them to adapt... quite stressful if the routine keeps changing...

go camping now sure its a NO for me... dun even need to ask my hubby/my mum... but i'm ok wif day outing cos so far his cc has brought the kids to airport, esplanade liao... i did ask the teacher after the outing if kaeden behaves himself, got run amok anot... they say he's ok... but he gets distracted by the things ard him so he will wonder off sometimes... so the group photo was taken wif a teacher holding kaeden next to him while the rest of the kids standing by themselves nicely... haahahahaha...
haha tat group pic must be damn cute & funny.. kekeke..

Ya agreed tat the Teacher need edie to adhere to the routine.. but no need to be so harsh to Edie mah.... I find her v poor thing leh.. so young already being lectured by the Teacher.. Morever she was confused of napping time.. not becos she's notty mah.........
i'll try to post once i get the softcopies from the cc on monday... recently the cc gave newsletter n inside got pics of the children doing the various activities, a lot of time we see a blur image of a tod at the background... was telling hubby must be kaeden cos the cc teacher commented that he's always so busy walking ard... ahahahaha...
<font color="0000ff">Florence</font>
Hmm, is it any way you can arrange such that the timetable will fit both (U & teacher's) schedule? Coz if one student dun follow the schedule, it can react madness for the teacher also.

<font color="119911">angelneo</font>
That CC so garang!
Hi twinklets, me also think the teacher very rigid... I think she got plans for other things when the children are napping, but Edie spolit it
She is not notti lah, just too active for her lor. And also lor, I think maybe her methods of teaching maybe too bored for her, thats why she don't want to "study" when she is suppose to. I do agreed that the boys are very well behaved as compared to my mafia gal... but she is very poor thing... last time in cc also no this kinda problem...

Hubby said last time is "ang mo" teaching (seriously, her principal is an Australian), now Chinese teacher, must behave.

I'm thinking of transfering to "Learning Vision
" just opposite of our shop. Its newly set-up in Malaysia and they followed strictly on the Singapore HQ. Now only 3 children, RM550 for half a day. Maybe she will do well here *sign*...

Hubby just told me about "Mong Mu San Qian", where "Mong Zi" (the great teacher)'s mother shifted three times so "Mong Zi" can be with good environment... so Edie maybe needs to change school many times to find the most suited one...
<font color="0000ff">florence</font>
but if you keep changing Edie's environment, wouldn't she be more confused? I think you can consider to change only if you r sure Learning Vision is the place for her lor, or else later change again.
agree wif valmom, keep changing oso no good for the kids... must give them enuff time to settle down to see results... kaeden took a couple of mths to settle into his cc properly though now sometimes still cry when we leave him...
ya guess Edie is too active for her already, so sorta disrupt her teaching schedules I guess. I feel that being a good teacher, she must be patient to guide the kid along & not to 'file complain' such issues lor. Cos the kid is not being notty, just that refuse to sleep as per scheduled.

I sorta agreed with Valmom & SC on keep changing the environment will cause confusion to the kid.. but if Edie doesnt seem to enjoy as much as compare to the 1st CC she went to & moreover with this Teacher may be way too 'strict' on her, I scare this may lead to traumatize Edie & end up she may becoming a guai gal, but actually inside her, she's becoming a reserved & withdrawn gal liao.. Cos she noes she hyperactive abit, the Teacher will start to 'lecture' her.......

Actually flor, u withdrawn Edie out from tat CC was becos of some bad habits learnt from teh CC rite? But she's v comfy with their method of teaching issit? Perhaps U may wana look for those 'ang moh' way of teaching, but with small group of kids to 1 teacher.. Who noes Edie is more comfy with such way of teaching, example Monstessori (duno the spelling) teaching..
Hi twinklets, SC & valmom, yalor, thats what I'm afraid of... you know, kid shld be kid mah...

The first CC, I withdrawn her cos of the bad habits and she always got sick, too many child in one class (close to 15 children). So maybe she is more suited to a school with more freedom.

But I'm not afraid that she cannot get used to the new schools, cos these two setting, both she also never cries. This is her good point, she can adjust to new environment easily.
think u can try a new cc n put her there longer to see results... my pd once told me kids need at least 6 mths to be 'immune' to the sickness when they first go cc... i almost fainted leh... but no choice lah cos next time go pri sch oso the same thing mah...
\purple[it's weekends already! So happy today... went to rebond my hair, shopped and bought 2 dresses and a top. No luck with bags and shoes but good enough. hee... }

<font color="ff0000">Angeline,</font>
How? Hazel botak liao... Anson still want her? keke

<font color="0000ff">caymom, batman,</font>
I also shaved zavier's hair at 4mths old cos his hair was so little. Shaved botak still not enough hair to make scholar's brush, still got to add hubby and my hair. I decided to do it earlier for Hazel so that there'll be time for her hair to grow. But I didn't expect we need to shave totally. But there is enough hair to make a brush using her hair only.

<font color="119911">re: cc excursions</font>
These are the 'hidden costs' of childcare. So far Zavier no fate with his excursions. He missed twice cos absent from school due to sickness.

Next Wed they are going to a nursery to learn abt plants and growth of bean sprout. Each child need to pay $6. Accompanying parent also $6 each.

1 Oct they are having Children's day celebration in a macdonalds. that is $9 each. So expensive cos birthday celebration each child only $6.

<font color="ff6000">Flo,</font>
Poor Edie. Hope the teacher didn't beat her. She doesn't seem to be settling in to the routine of this new sch. The teacher shouldn't force her. Must give her some time to adjust mah. I think you must communication your expectations to her.
When Zavier first attended CC, his sleeping routine was a mess. If he didn't sleep during nap time while the rest were sleeping, the teachers will keep him engaged in other activities or he'll just lie on the mattress to rest. After awhile he adheres to the naptime liao... even on non-school days.
Re: Stickers
Per set ordered jus pay me $4.40 will do. Those who wish to opt for postage jus top up another 80cents(should be enough). Those less than 80cents one i will refund them back.

Urgent looking for you!! Die die die, i spell Kaeden's name wrongly...HOW?? I drop u a sms leh...here's a sneak on their names


Is this ok for yours? I put Paige on top as squeezing them in a line makes the name very skinny.

Heng ah, they got Gerald's name
Sorry my hands shake, the photo become blur.

Here's yours
This is the pooh in egg...or its not pooh?? Its looks cute, so i decided to make this for Darryl

Whenever i look at this sticker, it resembles Darryl alot...maybe of his standing hairs Hee
Hi Meow,

Its ok lah...thanks!! it's really sweet...ya, the egg pooh veri cute too

So mine will be S$4.40 x 3 = S$13.20 + $1.00 = S$14.20 (I tink $1 postage safer for mine) so I transfer $14.20 to your account.

Kindly email me yr account no. so tat I can transfer $14.20 to u. Thanks for your help & time to get the stickers done
I jus realise they spell one of my colleagues's daughter name wrongly too
Dunno my colleague can accept or not
You can transfer to my POSB savings 003-40727-6. Thanks
Anson very faithful one. Her botak hair only for a short while mah. Heee... He sure want her la. But hope Hazel still want Anson when I bring him for his shave when he reached 4 mths old.

The stickers are so cute! Can't wait to go make more for my boys next Fri.
hi meow,
thanks alot.... haha luckily they have..... ok will try to transfer ASAP.... let me know when u able to go to Lot 1.... my collegue will help me to collect... so i just trf. $4.40 x 2 = $8.80/

thanks so much...
Anyone going to AMK tomolo?? Something happening there hor....

Dear Baby Plus Club Member

Come on down to Ang Mo Kio Hub (The Atrium) for the Healthier Choice, Healthier Baby fair. There are exciting stage and fringe activities such as balloon sculpturing, face painting, airbrush tattooing and story telling. Free goodie bag for the first 250 Baby Plus Club members between 10am to noon on 15 and 16 September (while stocks last, terms and conditions apply) . Simply present the attached printout in exchange of the goodie bag.

An exciting line-up of activities for all on 15 and 16 September.

Healthier Choice, Healthier Baby!
Date: 15 and 16 September
Time: 10am -9pm
Venue: Ang Mo Kio Hub (The Atrium)

Stage Programme

11.30am Games - Fun Fruit Game

12.30pm Story Telling 1

1.30pm Games - Hua Mania

2.30pm In the Pink of Health - Competition

3.30pm Story Telling 2

4.30pm Game - Straw/ Rubber Band Games

5.30pm Father, Ready, Steady, Go! Competition

6.30pm Story Telling 3

7.30pm Pyjamas Baby Competition

8.30pm Story Telling 4

i dun hv my phone wif me as i've left it at my mum's place... errr.... think its ok abt kaeden's name lah... nothing can be done liao... mabbe i get angel to make another set for me... think i oso got the name of my colic's daughter wrong... hee hee

when u gg to make?? must sms me leh...

the stickers are so cute! Aiyah. I missed out..


you going next right??? CAn tongpang?


I went with him to sentosa mah. But even if parents not allowed, I would still let him go.


So sorry leh SC. Next time i go JB again must announce again lor. JB really that cheap mah? I thought its only a diff of little amount? But i think those Disney ones are worth getting lor.

you know where to make or not? There's one at Plengi too. Think Oct then i go JB again.

Dun worry, you still got chance. Hee...JB very near me, jus that i prefer to go on weekdays than weekends.
