(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

you need glass bottles? I have some, dunno you can see my post...i'll sms you instead.

Here's my two pacifier babies
hi tiger88,

Sure, no prob! I'm a FTWM with 2 sons. Elder son Vernon 6yo borned 1 Mar 01 and younger son Xavier borned 14 Mar 05 at SGH. Both go to the same childcare center. I stay at Woodlands area and work in Yishun.

Re: potty training
I'm abit lazy for my 2nd son on this. I've been training for a few weeks but Xavier still haven't fully trained yet. For Vernon, I started him at exactly 2 yo but Xavier only started at 2yrs & 4mths...haha...lazy rite...
<font color="0077aa">twinklets:</font>

OMG!! The article you posted!! I would have thot that was written especially about thyler if I didn't know better! That is exactly how he is like. WEll... at least they have a few suggestion abt how to deal with it.

The possessive part is soooo him lor. It the item is his it is his.. however, things that he doesn't consider his can share. Like playground stuff he can take turns and he can share other people's toys like balls very nicely but if the item come from our own house, it is his and no one can touch it.

The other aspects also.. But the part about him exerting his will, well, my hubby will def not want to let him have more freedom cos he say we give him too much freedom liao that's why he is so argumentative. Everythig he will want to have his say. Jialt. somemore the tip is to let him have his freedom. pengs!

<font color="ff6000">Tigger,</font>
I facing the same prob. When thyler hits, my parents will just accept it and not discipline him. They say cannot stand him cry. And if we discipline him, they will come rescue him and say "come ah mah protect you... mummy notti ah? scold you!" Therefore, cannot use timeout too.. always b4 timeout kena rescued. hiaz.

<font color="aa00aa">Krazy,</font>
I dun think the chix pox jab works all that well.. Recently have chix pox outbreak in thyler's cc and the person who got it already have the jab. and chix pox get the younger the shorter the recovery time. imagine you take the jab now then when he adult then kena the chix pox will be very severe. pls read up more first. Cos i also dunno i zhun or not.
<font color="119911">Zyp, Adora,</font>
noramlly people freeze in large quantities right for EBM like 30-40 btls? If use Avent bottles like very ex hor?
<font color="0000ff">tigger
last time I also face the same prob as you when I stayed wif my MIL. So my relationship wif my MIL not good, we even quarrel. But now after we moved out, the relationship is better now.
Last week my kids got HFMD, she even came to our hse and paid a visit. So still not bad la.</font>
RE: Potty Training
Paige is already potty trained both poo & pee, just recently she manage to sleep thro-out the nite & pee in the morning when she wakes up...but tat's provided she pee before she goes to bed. If she doesn't then we'll let her wear her diaper just in case.

Actually I din use any training pants, we just remove her diapers & wear normal shorts/pants & each time after she taken her shower, we'll tell her "shee...shee must say hor". It's quite a hassal to keep cleaning the floor each time she pee but it does work as she'll know her shorts, legs & floor will be wet.
Dun freeze it after 48hrs. Best is to freeze it after u just expressed out. Dun leave it in the fridge then freeze it later, it's not so good liao.
hi, welcome to our thread!

I faced the same problem but not really on the MIL but her sister. She was so mesmerized by Justyn and doted him a lot. whatever that he does is correct and we just cannot discipline or say no when she is around. I can't even tell her not to do anything or she really gets super upset about it.. She will think about it, talk about it, loses sleep about it. The worst is, she tells the whole fmaily clan and I became the sinner. Even for very small thing like not eating sweet before meal, she get super paranoid/upset/angry about it... Gosh, it got real depressing at one stage. The relationship got so bad that she refused to talk or see me.. and the things she said about me weren't pleasing too.
Finally understand the woes of having 2 kids. Last night both of them fussed together and my mum and I couldn't sleep at all. Zavier was down with a cough. So he was coughing whole night, whining and tossing. Hazel refused to sleep after her 2.30am feed. At 4+, we swopped... Zavier was asking for me and I couldn't coax Hazel to sleep. When Hazel eventually fell asleep, Zavier woke up asking for water. I took the opportunity to feed him medicine to ease his cough. After med, he didn't want to sleep and starting taking out his toys to play. This continued to 6.30am that he eventually went to bed. Then Hazel woke up!!! *faint faint faint* My mum said they've become the terrorists at home liao. haha!

Thanks for all the advise on storing EBM. Yesterday I had a few bottles stuck in the fridge and most are nearing 48hours old. Panic cos Zavier didn't drink much milk so couldn't help me clear and so heart pain to see them wasted. Threw away 3 bottles eventually.

<font color="ff6000">Adora,</font>
the website you've provided is very useful and localised! Though such information can be found everywhere, this is the most reader-friendly I've seen.

<font color="0000ff">wen,</font>
Ya lor.. using all Avent bottles to freeze is very costly. I only use them to store chilled in the fridge.

<font color="aa00aa">Meow,</font>
Thanks for the sms... hope we can meet up tonight!

<font color="119911">re: potty training</font>
We're very causal about this so Zavier is not well trained yet. I've discussed with his CC teachers so we're working together to train him. He is on pull up diapers in CC so that the teachers will bring him to pee on regular intervals. At home, he's off diapers if possible and we told him to tell us if he needs to pee. Sometimes he'll initiate not to wear diaper and promise us he'll tell us if he needs to pee. But most of the time he'll be so engrossed in play that he doesn't tell us. We can tell when he starts holding his 'bird bird' and usually when we bring him to pee, it's already high tide.

Poo wise is very bad. He doesn't tell us and sometimes refuses to let us change his diapers. Once he poo while diaperless and his shit was dropping piece by piece while he walked. *faint*. luckily it's not sticky diahorrea kind ah!

<font color="ff0000">tsp,</font>
Your MIL's sis got really personal about your discipline on Justyn. I always feel that the older generation have conflicting school of thoughts from us. Rather than being stern and strict, they have the tendency to buy the kids over by giving in and offering what they like most.

I also don't like Zavier to eat too much sweets and tidbits... so when I see my family members eat, I'll ask them to hide from Zavier's sight. But these things are plentiful at my ILs' place. I can sense that my ILs are not happy that I always stop them from giving Zavier chocolates and biscuits. Once I heard my MIL tell my SIL that "Zavier everything also cannot eat". Now that he's older, I try to give in abit also since he LOVES sweet stuff.
<font color="ff6000">batman,</font>
You're working in Yishun area? me too!

<font color="0000ff">SP,</font>
How come your MIL's sis is so mesmerized by Justyn? Is she the one who helped to supervise your maid?

<font color="ff0000">zyp,</font>
Just this morn, Keane pooed in his brief just after I removed his diaper. His poo was those soft cum a bit watery kind and he walked from the TV room all the way to the living room telling me he has pooed. Imagine the poo flowing down his legs and all over the floor.

I dun even dare to carry him to the toilet as there are just too much poo on his legs and brief. In the end, my CL helped me to carry him to the toilet. kekeke.
<font color="aa00aa">wen,</font>
I think it's easier to tell our own parents when we do not agree with the way they handle our kids. But to our in-laws, it's more difficult to "tell" them nicely without hurting the relationship.
Poor thing. Hope you have some time for a nap today. Me and my mom take turns to take care of the kids in the day and at night, she will handle cay while I handle bbcay. cay usually wun wake up at night but she was so insecure that she would wake up and whine if she didn't see my mom. So my mom couldn't help me with bbcay at all. Now cay is more stable and no problems sleeping at night now. Bbcay is also sleeping through most of the time.

When both cays are together at night, it will be rather chaotic. At the moment, I leave bbcay at my mom's place and bring cay home everynight but weekends I will bring both back. That is when I will be most bz juggling with the two.
<font color="0000ff">tigger,
Yes, I work in Yishun</font>

<font color="ff0000">zyp,
Last time I also restrict on the sweet thing on my elder son. Since now he's older, so I'm kinda of give in.
Whereas for my 2nd son Xavier, I can't control him at all. On and off kept asking for biscuits and sweets...faint..I really don't know how to control him. So scare that his teeth will drop off before 5yo. Now I've to keep the habit of brushing his teeth everyday.</font>
re: potty train
Finally, i tried to belive Denyce and now, she can tell me at times but sometimes, forget. For poo,i am not worried cos' since the 1st day started on panty, she auto can tell me she 1 to poo.

I went Tokyo in early/mid Sept last time and the weather was HOT. So scary hot. Especially Tokyo is a shopping city and under the hot sun to shop, really no mood. I remember my group pple who went Disney, at the end of the day, few of them get sun burnt and got 2 tone color on their body as well.
You must be a walking zombie for today. poor thing.. I can imagine how it was... one another taking turns to torture us.. Was wondering what happens for 3 monsters. :p My MIL is still ok, she does discipline Justyn when he is naughty. But come to her sis, really have to surrender. Even my MIL can't do anything to her.

Yup, same auntie who comes by to help take care of kids when MIL not free. This auntie don't have kids, maybe they got 'yuan' with Justyn. No matter how tired she is, she won't scold Justyn. So Justyn really bullies her. When she has bad backache, she still carries Justyn if he wants to be carried. Even if Justyn beat her, she scolds him and hug him again. We let her do whatever she wants lor, let her suffer. Initially the other family members taught I was against her.. After witnessing the times that they were together, they also thinkk that she really spoilt him. Lucky when she is not around, we can still discipline him.
Tokyo is damn expensive to shop.. Though I like their 150 yen (or 100 yen) shops... Its equivalent to Singapore's Daiso, cheaper too. Tokyo has a lot of cute cute things, and all kinds of housewives-friendly equipment.
Hazel so preeetttyyyy!!!! i c her pic, i got xin tong ley. hee hee.... really don't mind another gal.

alamak, ur table, add stress ley. ha ha .... think i'll be last one with the blank there. ha ha...
u help us update, then how abt urself ???
<font color="0000ff">batman,</font>
Aiyo, better dun post your company name in the forum. Edit your post ok? I think we might know each other.
your woes for 2 children scaring me leh. keke. the other day when i was awake at 6+ by denyce searching for her pacifier, i felt so tired. At the point, i was thinking better dun go for no. 2 cos i can't imagine those 3hrly nite feed etc. Moreover, Denyce was quite an easy baby since i took over when she is 1 mth old and that doesn't mean if i have no. 2, that baby will be having the same feeding style like her. Seems like finding trouble for myself if i have no. 2. haha.

dun stress, there is always me to accompany you at the moment. hehe.

My bro they went last year but they said not ex to shop. Now their currency lower loh.
Someone recommended me this when Joeson had cough. And upon trying, it works. You apply Vicks on the sole of Zavier's both feet, apply moderately, not too thin nor to thick. Then let him wear socks to sleep. It will ease the cough. Let me know whether it works for him ok?

So far, for me is ok with 2 kids. Only that I have to wake up every 2 hours for Anson's feed. Other than that, everything else still ok.
Re: Pacifier

Can anyone tell me how to get babies started with pacifier? Anson cry buckets when we tried introducing him to it. Reason for letting him suck on pacifier is not to let him cry too much. But so far, 2 weeks of trying, we failed lei.... he keeps spitting it out then cry even harder.
Maybe Anson haven't get the trick of sucking the pacifier. I remember Denyce can't suck it 2 long at 1st. It keeps drop out. Or sometimes, they prefer those Nuk pacifier as the shape is different and it is easier for them to suck. At first i buy Pigeon for her and it keeps drop. Later I change to Nuk and she can suck it. Last time my nieces also same, can suck Nuk only.
Wen, zyp
I use Avent to store small qty easier for my mum to use for mixing cereal. Normally I freeze EBM using Playtex Disposable liners. There are on going BP to purchase Playtex from USA.
I went there in 3 years ago... hee heee. It was expensive then.. Prob we got no money la..

Cld Anson be crying for other reason like stomach wind?

Thyler took the pacifier like drugs... addicted on 1st suck.. Thavis leh... Give him also spit out. He dun want means dun want. even milk bottle also he dun want.. He just want to suck my nipple! think it depends on the baby ba.. dun want means dun want. And since he dun want... i dun even try to start him off with it in the first place.. cos now thyler very hard to make him quit. if he cry latch him on lor.. then at least he gets milk too? kill 2 birds with 1 stone ah!
<font color="0000ff">San</font>
Ok.. I'll remember to bring sunblock.. after a few pple disuading us from bringing Valerie due to the weather.. we decided to go Tokyo on our own.

I wish I cld delay my trip for another 2 weeks or so.. but time do not permit

Hopefully we'll still enjoy ourselves in Tokyo without Valerie.
<font color="ff6000">tigger,</font>
Good for u! Even without ur CL, u still got ur maid to help u clear the mess. keke...

<font color="0000ff">Angelneo,</font>
He refused to let us apply anything on him cos he doesn't like the cooling sensation caused by the menthanol. Wearing socks is also out of the question. the only night he wore socks to sleep is to imitate me cos I wore socks to sleep during confinement.

You want Anson to take pacifier ah? Zavier still cannot quit leh... so I'm trying not to give Hazel pacifier now. But can tell she's trying to suck her fingers liao.

<font color="119911">caymom,</font>
My mum said these 2 children are taking turn to fuss at night. If Hazel sleeps well, Zavier sure got funny pattern like asking for milk or crying for me. If Zavier's ok, Hazel will be on sleeping strike after her night feed. Everyone's still in the transition period. I really hope we'll settle in soon. I'm still ok but I worry about my mum's health lor. No joke losing sleep all the time.

<font color="0000ff">batman,</font>
*Cry! Zavier doesn't brush his teeth every day. The worst thing is I can't control not letting him eat any sweet stuff before sleep. Few nights before he just ate 2 mini cornettos few hrs before bedtime!

<font color="ff0000">San,</font>
Not scaring you lah. All these are part of the package mah. Keke... Babies still bring alot of joy to the family.

<font color="ff6000">Shane,</font>
Jia you and join us soon!

<font color="119911">Adora,</font>
I bought 2 packets of Gerber milk bags out of desperation yesterday. $32 for 50 pieces so expensive!!! Is Playtex better? I must check out the BP. Thanks for informing!
It's not that I wanted to start him off. But my MIL tried to. She gave him the pacifier and pressed his head to her chest, forcing him to accept. Bought Avent one initially, told me he don't like, cos he always spit out. Then told me to buy another type, the brown brown type she said. Then I went to buy Nuk, and he still spit out. Then she told me the round round type of pacifier would be better, but I was like wth lor.... Avent pacifier is round one mah. Now, she attempt to make me buy and buy till he accepts a pacifier lor. But I already quarrel with her over this issue liao. Cos which mother can stand seeing her baby struggle to catch breath when being forced to face against a chest with a pacifier in the mouth? My mil did just that lor. Very angry also la.

Stomach wind not quite possible liao. Cos while crying, he's farting, or even, burping..... and I did the traditional checking of his tummy, no hollow sound lei.

Bought 2 brands liao. Avent and Nuk. Still bo bian la.....
<font color="ff0000">tigger,
ops...noted. Aiyo, must be very messy but no choice we still have to clean. It's our children.</font>

<font color="0000ff">zyp,
If I don't brush his teeth, my hb will be nagging. He's good at talking rather than doing by himself.
Pity your mum le! Not getting a good nite sleep. Your mum takes care of them during nite time?</font>

<font color="119911">valmom,
Last year Dec my hb and me also went to Korea w/o the kids. I do miss them but I tell myself that I try not to thk abt them otherwise I can't enjoy myself. Anyway, I just went for 8 days and I will still come bk. hehe...just to console myself</font>
Why discourage due to weather? You mean too hot or what? But i am not sure now lah but that time i went the weather was super humid cos' typhoon season (now also blowing typhoon in Japan). And most scary thing is the flight. Very shaky. Keep ask us to fasten seat belt and announce "we are entering the typhoon zone". Make me whole nite dare not sleep on flight. haha. Kiasi leh.

Faster go create a Made in Japan sibling for Valerie. Soon we can see yr name on the chart.
u kept telling pple to put their name on the chart... so when can we see yours?? hehehehe...

if anson dun wan, then dun force him... so heartpain to see him crying on top of his lungs... try to see if he wanna suckle his own fingers?? i find my gal now prefers her smelly fingers to her best fren leh... sigh... siao liao...
<font color="ff0000">Angeline,</font>
I am thinking about pacifier issue too! My bbcay is quite a cry bb, feel like shutting her cries with pacifier. She also started sucking her hand to sleep, I'm worried it may become a habit... weaning thumb sucking is harder than pacifier. cay doesn't cry much when she was infant. We did try to intro pacifier but she refused. Since she doesn't cry alot, we just give up introducing.

<font color="0000ff">ZYP,</font>
I had the same concern too... worried my mom will be too tired. Our plan has always been to leave bbcay at my mom's place during weekdays and bring cay home. There was one time I felt that it is not feasible especially when my mom said she is very stressed to hear bbcay's cries.

I've been taking care of bbcay since birth while my mom handles cay. I'm quite used to her cries. Also, bbcay wakes up for night feeds whereas cay slept thru when she reached full mth. I dun want my mom to wake up at nite to handle night feeds... especially when bbcay wails so loud, my mom sure very stressed when warming up EBM for her.

However, I began to see the night when bbcay started sleeping thru when she reached 2 mths. I placed her at my mom's place overnight and she adapted very well. My mom is also more confident in taking care of her. In fact, she handles her better than I do now. cay is also happier that we are bringing her home. My mom said there were a few times she wept secretly at night when she saw us going home with meimei.

I'm glad things have fallen well in place before I start work. So I agree that this is prob a transition period for you. Jia you!
<font color="0000ff">san</font>
Ya lor.. too hot.. Imagine his Jap fren said "If you bring your cute little girl I feel very sorry for her." with this kind of statement u dare to bring meh??? Japanese leh...

Made in Japan.. so more 'high class' is it? :p

Dun forget Valerie is made in Australia.. hahahaha
wow, so much postings... had been vvv busy out of office...

re: toilet training

tigger, same here, I had restarted training S again. He refuse to tell us before he wanna pee, and when bring him into the toilet, he dun wanna pee (only 1 time he did), come out straightaway he will pee in his training pants... my mum having a hard time with him... cos now he dun like to wear the training pants cos he is scared it will be wet... and he cry to go out when we bring him to the toilet. Yesterday I changed him into his pull pant for the night and he pee... but straightaway after that he cried... I am worried it may traumatise him.


sorry to hear u din have a "peaceful" night... hmm with 2 kids so young, I think its inevitable. That's why I said the last 1 year when J was borned was the toughest time in our married life since its just me and hb at night. Worst for my mum since its just her alone in the day. There were many episodes where one or both fell very sick... well it was really tough for me. My hb had been feeding J her night feeds since 2 months old till now... as I am simply too tired out to keep waking up liao (old liao lah)... even S still wakes up to drink milk in the night now. If I ignore him, he will cry. The 4 of us sleep in the same room, so there is always a fear that one will wake the other up...

its a transition period but as the days passed by and as the younger one grow older, things will improve... and slowly we will get back more sleep
Of course, with 2 v young kids there are also the heartwarming time to see them together playing, snatching toys, vying for your attention etc..

My hb used to be very keen to have 3 to 4 kids... after taking care of J personally all her night feeds and going through the last one year of tough ups and downs... and fearing the repercusion it would have on my health, he has became neutral.... he wont object lah cos he know its my dream to have at least 3.... my plan now is to widen the age gap so that at least when the 2 are slightly older, ie. J is at least 2.5 to 3 years old, at least both of them will be able to understand our instructions and can walk on their own without having to be carried everywhere.

re: pacifier

actually, pacifier is not all that bad.... my 2 kids are on it from young... and S self weaned off pacifier around 1 year old. J also dun take a her pacifier anymore now... only if she is sleeping or cranky during night time, we will offer it to her.... but generally she is more or less dependent on bolsters to give her comfort

..gotta go... another long day ahead...
it must be tired for u...... do take care hor....

re: pacifier
Gerald is addicated.... every now n then ... need to ask him to remove it..... i trying to restrict him for sleeping only.... at least at home, he is but don know about nanny place...
planning to put him to childcare next year... coz all the childcare within my area is fully booked.... haiz...

school term start!!!!! going to be hard for me for the next 4 month...... tue - thus will not be seeing Gerald......
Hey it's National Day's eve today! Are all our kids having celebration in their childcare? Zavier's teacher has told us to dress him in red and white today. Hope they take pic for us to see.

Last night was a peaceful night! I went to bed with Hazel after her last feed at 9.30pm... she woke up for her next feed at 2.30am and the last at 6.30am. Zavier didn't sleep that early but my hubby played with him while my mum had an early night. She said he didn't wake up to fuss and his cough got better so I believe she had a good sleep too.
How I wish every night is like that!!

<font color="aa00aa">Angelneo,</font>
It must be very heartpain for u to see Anson struggling. If baby doesn't want pacifier means don't want, no point forcing. Maybe it's easier to get ur hubby to talk to ur MIL?

<font color="ff6000">batman,</font>
My elder boy sleeps with my parents and baby sleeps with me. So I take care of baby's night feeds. Just that sometimes when Hazel cries too loud, or I cannot handle after she doesn't want to sleep after a long while, my mum will wake up to help out. I'm younger compared to her and already feeling the strain, so I can imagine how tough it is for her.

<font color="119911">caymom,</font>
Heart pain to see our mums so tired and complaining aching all over hor? I am getting my malay massage lady to come back biweekly and giving my mum a session too. Otherwise don't know how else I can do now. Really tempted to get a maid to help her with household chores but no place for the maid to sleep.

Good for u that things have already fallen into place. I'm waiting for that day man! We're still staying with my parents now. In future when we move out, the plan will be Hazel staying with my parents overnight and we bring Zavier home. Weekends will be both kids with us at home. Don't know how feasible that will be until we try out and that will probably be end of this yr or early next yr liao. Hopefully Hazel will not have anymore night feeds by then.

<font color="ff0000">poohy,</font>
Agree that it's really inevitable. Glad that I have 3 mths of maternity leave. I probably won't consider or will not have a no. 3 cos of time factor. With 2 I already feel that it's tough to divide time and attention to them. Or unless I stop work to take care of my kids. Else I won't want to subject my mum to taking care of another baby again.
<font color="0000ff">Mummies,
Another interesting article. Kinda long but worth reading. Especially the part on natural birth babies. Hope it will motivates mummies to go by Natural if their situation allow them. </font>=)

<font size="+2">Strengthen Your Baby's Immune System</font>


Have you ever wondered why newborns and young babies are so susceptible to a whole gamut of infections such as the common cold, ear infections and gastrointestinal diseases? This is because their immune system is still immature and is often unable to mount an effective immune response against disease-causing organisms such as bacteria and viruses.

Fortunately, newborns are generally protected by the antibodies they receive through the placenta before birth and from their mother's breast milk after birth. This type of protection is known as passive immunity because it is "borrowed" from another source. It gradually disappears during the first 6 to 8 months of life, while their bodies step up the process of producing antibodies, until they reach adult concentrations at 12 to 14 years of age.

Another protection conferred on newborns, especially those delivered naturally through their mother's birth canal, is that by healthy bacteria that are transferred from their mother's intestine and vagina to the babies' gut during the birth process. This forms the foundation for a strong immune system in the babies' digestive tracts, called Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissue, or GALT, which comprises 70% of the body's immune system. The development of the GALT is critical to newborns as an intestinal defense against bacteria in the gut.

This, together with the external barriers of the body, like the skin and mucous membranes that line the nose, throat, and gastrointestinal tract, form the body's innate (or natural) immunity. As its name implies, this is the immunity we are born with and is our first line of defense in eliminating microbes and preventing infection.

The third type of immunity is called the adaptive (or active) immunity. This type of immunity develops throughout our lives as we grow and become exposed to diseases or when we are immunized against diseases through vaccination. The two components of the adaptive immunity are the T- and B-lymphocytes.

The Optimal Immune System

In order for your baby's immune mechanism to work optimally to respond to all possible dangers, her immune system must have:

Speed to attack and destroy all foreign invaders before they multiply and defeat the immune system.
Adequate Numbers of Immune Cells to overpower foreign invaders and fight off infections.
Healthy and Well-developed Immune Cells to carry out their specific functions effectively C find the invaders, identify and destroy them and prevent recurrence of the same infection.
A Healthy Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissue (GALT). The GALT is made up of several types of lymphoid tissue that produce and store immune cells that protect the body from invading harmful bacteria, viruses and parasites. Healthy bacteria that attach to the intestinal cell walls influence the number and distribution of these immune cells.

Immunity Booster Nutrients

Studies have shown that certain nutrients are crucial for the normal functioning of the immune cells and adequate intakes will optimize their response, either directly or indirectly, while deficiencies might adversely compromise their functions.

Examples of such nutrients are protein, vitamin C, Vitamin A, Beta-carotene, Vitamin E, the B-Complex, Selenium, Zinc, Alpha-Linolenic Acid and Oligosaccharides (prebiotics).

Breast milk provides babies with all the nutrients that they need to grow and develop optimally in the first few months of life. For example, Human Milk Oligosaccharides (prebiotics) promote the growth of beneficial bacteria e.g. bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, that help to stimulate a balanced and effective gut immune system in babies.


Prebiotics serve as food for beneficial bacteria that reside in babies'gut, promoting their growth and consequently sustaining intestinal defenses against harmful bacteria by:

creating a strong gut barrier that stops harmful bacteria and allergens from entering the bloodstream

producing an acidic environment that prevents the growth of harmful bacteria

As your baby grows, she needs complementary foods that are good sources of immunity booster nutrients, to continue to power her immune system, to keep her strong and healthy. (Show some examples, including FU milk).

Remember, your baby's health is in your hands. Offer her a healthy diet that's packed with immunity booster nutrients, to start her on her life's journey with a strong immune system!
Thats good news! Who noes slowly both kids will adapt such schedules & u & ur Mum will able to rest abit more.
Perhaps it was due to Zaviers cough that make him cranky in the nite. When Ash was unwell, she also can wake up several times in the nite.
Just stay positive & cheerful, & take it easy, Im sure Ull be able to cope better once ur job starts!

Yeah today is National Day Eve & Ash also has a small party in her class today. She was so excited abt it that she woke up very early today & 1st statement she said was GO CLASS! & kept mumbling abt the party liao. =) I hope my Father will rem to take pic for her cos I wanna see her in her National Day attire. Hahaha. Btw Ash noe how to sing abit of the National Anthem, we literally sing with her everyday in the car! @__@

Ya agreed wif the gals. If Anson dun wana suck, then dun suck. Wait next time wanna wean off pacifier also difficult. But 1 disadvantage is finger sucking. Think Joeson also does tat right? But I gotta admit offering pacifier really can save lotsa hassels & curb the cries instantly at least it does wonders to my gal. After our short trip this wkend, Im gog to cut a hole in her pacifier, hope she can be like Keane!!

Valmom / Wen ,
The article suits Thyler a lot hor? He said all these statements? He's v v advanced in his speech!
Ash also hasnt advanced to those stages of speaking such statements yet, only the stage of THIS IS MINE stage. Toys that belong to her, shell say that statement or Ashley one, but shell share with us. I think the things that she dun share with us is FOOD, ie TASTY FOOD. Gotta coax her abit , then she willing to share. But I do notice she can able to share biscuits wif younger frens. Those older ones, she dun really wish to.

She also will say NO if we ask her did she do this & that or not. Anw, she likes to say NO lor for a lot of things also.
Ive tried using choose ur own pajamas during sleeping time, sometimes it juz wont work lor.
wow! ur boys are handsome in their national day attire. & ur eldest boy so big liao! Think u are the Mummy here tat have the oldest boy here!

We need alot of advises from u next time when we need to enrol our darling into Primary sch.
<font color="ff0000">ZYP,</font>
Yah lor. I am relying my mom totally to tend my kids but I'm also worried that I am overworking her. I myself can't tend both so really very bad of me to throw both at her. But she kept assuring me that she is fine with both. She said that my gals are very obedient when I'm not around. Sigh... maybe my gals just love to 'tekan' me lor.

<font color="aa00aa">Batman,</font>
Hihi... you're here too.
Vernon is such a big boy. Xavier has dimples! So cute!
RE: pacifier

For my case, Xavier also doesn't want pacifier in the beginning. And slowly he starts sucking his 2 fingers. Whenever he has the urge to do so, he will hide his face so that I will not see it. He tho that I wouldn't know. He shake his butt abit and I will what he wants liao.
Now my problem is I really don't know how to wean off his habit of sucking 2 fingers. It's really very difficult to do so. His sch teacher told me b4 there's another boy who likes to suck all his fingers (not sure how he does it) but now he doesn't suck anymore. So hopefully the sch teacher can help me on this..help!
<font color="0000ff">twinklets,
My hb tried pepper b4 and he said "la la"(spicy)...after awhile still continue sucking...haiz...
Ya, Vernon is gg to P1 next year. Actually I do volunteer work for my son's school. Abit kiasu la..but enjoy doing it. Now I abit stress that he can't cope in pri sch std. Start thking to enroll him for enrichment course. But financial constrain.
Oh! I have the oldest boy here!!! Hopefully I'm not the oldest here...haha...(js kidding)</font>

<font color="ff0000">caymom
hehe......I saw some babies also borned in March mah, so I start to join in and kpo.</font>

Made in Japan gds more ex mah. haha.

at least you are tired but you are staying wz yr mum and 1 kid sleeps wz her. If for me, we are all alone by ourself just like poohy, in the nite and it will be tougher since 2 kids need to sleep with us. Think I will not be able to take such stress at the moment. Better dun risk myself for no. 2 now. If not, really must call myself 'peng san' instead. keke
