(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

choy choy choy... drink more essence of chicken lah... u so skinny, no need exercise liao lah... for me, i deposit my gal at my mum's hse then send k to cc then can go jogging loh... i must expressed b4 jogging else very uncomfortable leh... since u got 'constraints', better for u to swim than jog leh... think u go jog, all the pple ard u will die of nose bleed leh... ahahahaha...

i oso got very very dark eye circle... no choice lah... part of the package call motherhood mah... kekekeke...

he needs to go cos they r training for an event mah... so he 'asked' me to go along too... imagine i jog 1 way then i walk back then he say 'like that where got effective??'... wah lau i damn pissed leh...

btw u wanna get keane to stay wif u right... better call mt a to check and remember to tell them abt it so that they can allocate a bigger room for u to accomodate the cot leh... tmc charges $80 for k n another $80 for hubby... so they both went my mum's place and i really slept in peace for the 1st time after being a mummy... hehehehehe...

better start preparing lah... at least get the things ready first then no need worry abt it later...

<font color="ff6000">Glayz,</font>
So you only get to see Sky 2 days in a week? Dun you miss him? I think he misses you a lot and thats why wanna follow you home.

<font color="0000ff">SC,</font>
Thanks, I will check with Mt A. But Keane doesnt wanna sleep in cot, so dunno if they have some kind of small bed for him or not. I worry that he wants to squeeze onto my bed and sleep leh.
Of cos miss him la...
Otherwise will not call my mum veryday to 'talk' to him....
He dunno how to communicate la..will talk rubbish or scream into the phone..making me very deaf...
But cannot visit him la...he will be very drama...
Just call my boi...
Guess what he tell me... he just say ANG MO KIO HUB, drop the phone and run off.... I haven even start my conversation yet...
<font color="ff6000">Glayz,</font>
Haha, looks like Sky really loves AMK Hub. Same lah..sometimes when I called home, Keane will just say Mummy and then ran away.
Same as you.... Whenever I call home, Joeson will run to pick the phone, and give a super sweet 'Hello'..... after which, he will call me, "ma yeeeee".... then run off liao. Kaoz. Don't even bother to talk to me further.

Ahahahahaha... your mummy always bring your boy to AMK hub?

Nice meeting all of you there at that time. I thought I already am going there late. But still managed to bump into all of you. Hee.... fate.

Tell your hubby I'm really ready to bomb. Doc wanna decide inducement date this coming Sat. Thanks to Glayz..... buy 4D also not that accurate. 'Konk' Glayz's head.

Go knock your hubby's head la. Aiyo, you already slim so fast liao. What more he wants? But what you said is true. Luckily my hubby never bump into Wenna. Cos he sure will turn and ask me... she's a mother of you... so are you... but she's so 'drool'.... but what about you?!!!! Headache.... stress.
No lor...
Anything with Ang MO kio he will link it with hub....
Think he super proud of himself by knowing ang mo kio hub...think that is the most syllabus word he know...so he keep saying lor....
anyway my gyane also ask me want to induce or not... think he remember Sky was born on 16... and I was like induce super pain one...dun wan... wait for mei mei to decide... then he say "ok we decide when to induce next mon...'*faint*
Maybe doc see that I look very tired. And bb is ready liao mah. I keep testing water.... ask him got chance for 070707 or not? Hee.....

u need to induce? why? take care!


Samuel is sick again! He is running a 39.6 deg high fever again on Monday. He just completed his anitbiotic course for the last round of high fever cum loose stool on Sunday nite. This is the 4th or 5th consecutive week he got high fever... the last 2 episode he got loose stool and serious diarrhaeo with blood and mucuous... This round, its just high fever... no sign of the loose stool yet. Dunno what to do liao.. dun even know whether its all connected. Wonder if I should bring him to another PD or go back to the same PD... she had mentioned that if it recur again, will do a complete blood culture for him. But I dun even know whether the 3 episodes are linked or not...
<font color="0077aa">Angel,</font>
Wow, 070707 is a nice date. I ROMed on 07/07/00 leh.

<font color="aa00aa">Poohy,</font>
Oh dear...Is Samuel too heaty or due to the weather? I think should bring back to the same PD since she knows the history. Hope S gets well soon.
I boleh chance for 070707 birth liao lei. Doc say later bb get too big, C-sect ah? Anyway, I still keep my aim.... 040707. Hopefully I can get my wish. Another 3 weeks only nia mah.......

You wanna consider going to chinese sin seh this time?

Oh dear.. hope he'll recover soon.. U must take care k..


My sis was discharged last week. Her blood plato is Ok already. But yday she also kana high fever again. Sighs, also dunno issit related to last time fever or not. Then now lost control of bowel & pee. Really dunno how liao. Very worry.
Think have to engage a maid to help my Mum. Now is waiting my father back from holidays to discuss. Sighs, finance even tighter now.
<font color="0000ff">poohy</font>
Oh dear! How come?!?! Poor boi. Maybe do a proper blood culture bah just to be sure.

<font color="119911">Glayz/Tigger</font>
This mommy dun call home one, unless Valerie is sick. Days I work late, daddy will call mommy ard 830pm. Then Valerie will go mammi mammi and then go talk dunno what. When daddy says "Say bye bye to mommy", Valerie will wave to the phone!! HAHAHA

<font color="ff6000">Angelneo</font>
3 weeks left to go only? So fast...
its common lah. Sheryl also wave to the phone when i ask her say bye bye to daddy on the phone. Hey i didn't see you at the fair leh. Well can't see your booth too. Maybe i walk pass too fast liao
sorry to hear the samuel is unwell again. keep us posted with his results. .. i think should get the blood culture done too. he cant be possibly falling ill for no apparent reason.

It is very fast liao... 3 more weeks. baby already considered full term liao.. If you going to induce why not try walking a lot?? pineapple and sex? Everytime i know i going to induce, I do all these.. then make the indcution shorter... If pitocin start right at the start with no dilation i think takes very long le... but better check with your gynae first to be sure... I can't wait to see your babe!! Have you confirmed his name?


Think all the chix essence in the world also not enough to make me look radiant.. Which is wat i want now.. But I have been swimming with thyler and my hubby ( ok lah more like wading ard in the bb pool).. I still wearing my maternity swimsuit.kekeke. My normal one cannot wear leh. think hips expanded cannot fit in. I still also waiting to wear my jeans.... still cannot. sian.. dun feel like buying a whole new wardrobe... So now sticking w hubby's clothes and wrap skirts. sian!
Tigger, do u know how to claim tax refund in US? Min. how much from a single store? Must apply at the store or can just do it at the airport?

Poohy, hope little Samuel is better now. Isa also cough, flu, fever on-off. Seen doc 3 times. Now still having a bit of runny nose and ad-hoc cough.

Angel, u're going to be induced! Wah....all the best!
<font color="ff0000">Poohy</font>
My mum got this method from her aunties frens. U can try this method. Can help to ease down the fever.

(1) Glutinous Rice Powder
(2) Tape Water
(3) thin towel

Add the powder & tape water together bit by bit, make into gluey form. Then wrap the gluey paste inside the towel. & sponge the joints, forehead & neck. The fever will able to gone dwn easily.

Was thinking if you want to bring Samuel to KKH A&E.

All Mummies,
Do you still clean your toddlers' tongue??? I noticed my girl's tongue has milk stain and sometimes leftover Yakult's stain too. wanted to clean but she will bite me everytime I put my finger in her mouth... Tried to use a toothbrush to brush her tongue but failed.

Any other methods I should use???

Oops i dun clean. But Ash got brush her teeth. Yi shi yi shi 1. hee. I think I'll inspect her tongue today.

How abt just let her drink more water??

Btw, <font color="ff0000">poohy</font>, is Tap water, not tape water. keke..
Glad to know that your sis is fine now. I now apply Johnson & Johnson insection repellent on my girl's exposed skin if she is going to open areas for a period of time for fear of her getting a mosquito bite leh... very kiasi hor...

My girl also brush her teeth just for show only... sometimes, she doesn't even use the toothpaste...

Recently, she showed me her tongue and i noticed the stains.... but i could seems to remove it and that makes me even more determine to get rid of it once and for all! Haha.. So, tonight, I think I will try to put my finger in again and bear with the pain...
Yr hb ask u got see the slimming booth meaning you can sign up too. If not, see for what? My hb will nvr ask me do that lah.

Yr hb dun let u do embroidery cos' in his eyes, you are perfect liao mah.

You must be damn stress out during this period. Do take care of yrself as well.

Maybe yr sis uncontrollable condition is for awhile only leh since now that she is sick. Then that means Ash cannot go back to bedok for some time it it? Then yr MIL can take care so long ah?

You got lobang for DFS staff disc boh? you alot of lobang 1 leh. hehe.
i almost wanna ask wat is 'tape water'... ahahahaha

i oso can't fit into my jeans... aarrgghhh... that day manage to squeeze inside my denim skirt... now wardrobe damn limited... sigh... at least u can wear your hubby's clothes... i think i can't even wear my hubby's clothes leh... so sad...

mi oso clean my son's tongue every morning... n without fail, every morning hv to struggle wif him n kenna bitten by him... but i dun care juz continue to wipe despite his loud protest... kekekek... did u try buying those flavoured wipes ah... i got a sample n my son dun like... so i stick to the good old wet hanky loh...
Ya i'm so much relief now. I feel abit happier now.. hee..

U mean the j&j green bottle?? OOps I all along got apply 1 leh. hee. But these days finish liao, so havent replenish yet. I also v kiasi.. I quite particular of mozzie scars on the legs 1...

Ash wants us to put the paste, cos she sees us put. Then insis me to brush teeth wif her. Heng she noes how to puke the paste out.. phew..

I think at such age, v hard to clean their tongue, cos they sure bite our finger 1.

They also cant drink lime juice, so i also dunno how leh..

We all hope so too. I cant imagine forever like tat. I v sian when I think of this.
Ya my MIL bbsitting her now. We brot them both to MIL's sister house. At least my MIL wont bbsit her alone. But this period, I really appreciate her help. I must stop being such an evil-minded DIL.
<font color="0000ff">Twinklets/Carla</font>
J&J good? coz Valerie got ALOT ALOT of mossie bites on her and she always scratch until bleed. Even if recovering she'll also scratch until bleed big time. She already got many many mossie scars liao.. skin not nice already.
I find J&J quite alright Actually, there are some paste-on mozzie repellent. I thought the smell was pretty strong. And since J&J specializes in baby products, their mozzie repellent should be more suitable for the children.
doc told me 1 la, drink lots water, it will clean the tongue.

i also dun really clean P's tongue now, then after she drank water, her tongue is clean again.
No worries...:p

she wun bite la, cos i 'cry' n tell her pain, but bef. cleaning (if hv to), i will tell her tt i want to clean her tongue.
mossie bites
talking abt mossie bites... k got tons of mossie bites from cc... those kind super red and swollen kind... he will scratch n keep telling us 'bite bite bite'... sometimes will scratch until bleed loh... after that when the swelling goes down, got scar there... so his leg a bit 'tai ko' liao... damn ugly... my gp adviced me to put cold compression on the bite to reduce swelling n oso to numb the area loh... kinda works but k dun like the cold compression... sigh...

recently k kept getting bitten by one of his younger classmate cos both wanted the same toy/book... we joked that he either got bitten by mossie or his classmate... his meat/flesh must be damn yummy... ahahahahaha...
DRINK more!!! keke...

i think there is this liquid thing tt can b bot at medical hall. Mayb u want to try...
i only use this once or twice when P is few months old.

otherwise, explain to ger why u need to clean her tongue la, if not got worms la...etc.. keke
mossie bites:
there is this brand "buds" which is quite effective. its a relative new brand that robinsons is carrying now. saw it on the shelves last fri when i went down there. my friend swears by it and she bought 4 at a go.


this is what it looks like. they have body shampoo and stuff... the usuals for babies.
i just used the med ex mossie patch for c and they work fine. when she does get biten, the area will swell become very hard to the touch and will even result in blisters. so i am terrified of mossies bites.

she will scratch and the blisters will burst and the marks left behind... after months still can be seen.
<font color="0000ff">Krazy</font>
Ok I'll try coz Valerie just got like 10 bites all over her body

And then numerous scars from previous bites.

I tried the mozzie patch before. Once I pasted on her back (on ther t-shirt lah) and then she got fever. Once we removed it, her fever came down. Since then we don't dare to paste on her anymore liao.

Maybe the lemon smell too strong
<font color="0000ff">Twinklets,</font>
Talking abt being an evil DILYesterday, me & hb have the BIGGEST ever quarrel with MIL. Not going into details of what exactly happened. I guess after this episode, I will see less of her and can have some peace and quiet at home.
Hi mummies, me super lazy and tired to post or do my blog...

Re Buds, is it new in Singapore? I'm selling it in my shop, if you wanna sample it, I will take some sample packs back in Jul. But lor, the smell... There is also another new brand in M'sia, Kidsdew, safe even if the kids put into their mouth (so they claimed). M'sia got lots of mosquito problem, then dengue, so this kind of product.
yes, buds is a malaysia product. i only recently saw it selling at robinsons.. think it was late last year or something.

My hubby is 80kg le... your hubby how big?? wearing 34' pants aint very flattering leh.


No lah he wanna save money. he say if i embroider secretly he will at night take a cloth and scrub my face thinking i still got makeup on...

got give glucose water to hydrate him? If not 100plus and ribena my GP say good for diarrhoea if need to hydrate him. cos 100 plus have electrolyes. Do see a doctor again soon. And better see same one cos the same one have patients history.
Mozzies Bites: Lisa also got TONS of it. Her legs almost completely covered with scars. I bought the Buds too, but not the prevention one - it's a recovery cream. I didn't want to use too much of medical creams like fucicort. so, I got this Buds one - suppose to be natural. Agree.. the smell NOT nice.. My hubby ask me to look for another brand, cos he said so smelly. I told him it's acquired smell. LOL!

Florence, if not too troublesome..I wld like to hv sample for mozzies prevention
poohy: hope S recovers soon...

valmom: maybe val is allergic to lemon grass? then try the J&J. No smell.

mozzie patch: I find it not effective. i use mozzie patch on L and she still gets bitten! We passed the J&J to CC, but I can't tell whether the teachers did apply on her or not (no smell).

just came back from PD... she wants S to be admitted to hospital for a series of test. He has got ear and throat infection but she is not sure whether the current high fever is related to the previous 2 episodes of high fever.

now I am back to bath before I go to hospital... the thing is I am torn on whether to go kkh, nuh or TMC. The thing is we trusted Dr Terence tan the most but he is out of the country. If u all know of which other PD is vv gentle and experienced... let me know ok ...
if u got my mobile, sms me cos I may not be able to chk here ...

scared he may have to do a lot of blood tests plus IV....
Poohy, dun worry too much ok. Sorry i dun have any rec. But i heard MAH's also quite good for their PD treatment. Alamak, when will Dr Terence Tan be back? i heard the lady doctor in the same clinic is also quite good.

Mozzie bites; there was a point in time when Isa had >10 at one go and scratched till it bled. i dun have any foolproof soln, but to prevent them from scratching, can try J&J's special plaster for mozzie bites from Guardian/Watsons. They also have a anti-itch gel which is quite soothing also. The mozzie repellents/patches all dun seem to work. Anyone got scar-free gel for mozzie bites to rec?
Hi poohy,
yup don worry too much okie...

hi san,
u need anything from DFS? I'm now in China coming back in Sat, u need me to get something for u? please sms me as i have limited access to internet

Singing BB.... Gerald is the same, he always enjoy pple watching him but u can not comment if not he will be shy...
<font color="0000ff">blurmom</font>
Allergic to lemon grass??? Dunno leh.. coz once like that we dun dare to paste liao. Then recently we bot another brand from my PD (blue in colour one). Smell also strong but not as bad as the Lemon on I bot from CK. The she seemed ok. But that lemon one we tried quite some time back also lah.. when valerie was much younger.

J&J good? No smell? Maybe get that coz valerie v vain, likes us to apply body lotion also mah :p

<font color="119911">Tigger88</font>
Wa.. even ur HB also quarrel with her? Must be bad..

Then K got affected? Hopefully he didnt witness it. U also take care ok, coz bad for Kayla if u so worked up.

<font color="ff6000">Ming</font>
I bot a soothing lotion for valerie. Orangic so it's safe for her. And I think she likes it coz she'll go "gong gong" when I apply on her :p
Err, I applied tat J&J for her since she was a bb. After shower will apply on her hands & legs. She luv it lor. GOt smell leh, nice smell, I luv ti also.

Oh dear tat sounds not v gd huh. But at least ur hb is at ur side, tat's the most impt part lor. Ya, try not to get too fan by this issue, must be a cheerful & happy MTB for K.
<font color="119911">Valmom,</font>
I was hiding in the room with Keane when MIL was screaming in the kitchen. Keane wasnt affected at all.

<font color="ff6000">Twinklets,</font>
It was the worst quarrel we have. Lucky hb is on my side cos he knows my MILs pattern.

Mummies, I have privatized Keanes blog. Pls PM me your email addy so that I can invite you to the blog. Thanks!

Hello mummies!

HI blurmom, me try to ask for you. Now I have the eczema, lotion and the stretch mark cream samples on hand oni. I-Green still owns me some advestiment stuffs and will ask from them when they come over.

Hi tigger, hubby also scolded MIL last week while they visited. Think MIL even tears... so poor thing... Hubby scolded her for bring second SIL's son (very naughty) with them.
