(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

hi winnie
email u the bill

joyce, the website was really an eye opener...

Hi to all MTBs

I snapped this morning

After enduring a 25 min train ride on the NEL with no seats for me & 2 fat ladies sitting in front of me sleeping, reading a book and an uncle sitting next to them & staring @ me... i couldn't tahan another cha-bor trying to cut in front of me at the escalator at Dhoby Ghaut station... i just used my arm to push her away from the escalator

So sick & tired of pple not giving up seats & trying to cut in front of me at the escalator... most of the culprits are WOMEN!!!

Ok, i rest my case having vented out my anger
hi wenn,

I understand how you feel. I always feel very stressed when I see a whole crowd of ppl swarming towards me. I've long lower my expectations of Singaporeans giving way to pregnant women. Usually if I'm taking NEL, I will hold both my hands and form a protective ring round my tummy. Then I will just push my way out of the crowd when I'm getting out of the train. They dun give me face, I also dun give them face. Sometimes I also tot of wearing durian shells as my armour, so that ppl will "siam" me. hahahaha

Hopefully you feel better now and have a great day ahead!
Hi! Doll,

Thanks for the bill!.. The cost sounds reasonable esp. after deducting from medisave..heehee..

Your colleague's BB weighs how much? My mum told me when she gave birth to me, the water bag also didnt burst infact she deliver the whole thing out including the bag.. Thats why she got worried when she hear no cries at all. And after the gyne poke open the water bag then she hear my cries.. Wah.. can't imagine delivering in the olden days..

Yup, i also wish to have a copy of the 3rd page.. could you send to me [email protected]

Hey Java,
Thanks for the consolation

Really appreciate it!

Hee hee, can't imagine all preggie women wearing durian shells on the MRT

Actually, I've noticed that passengers on NEL are more willing to give up their seats as compared to those on EW lines
Hi! Ohmigosh,

Thanks for the info on Chen Jun Rong feng shui shi. But we cld approach him only after BB born huh? i wonder what is the 'grace period' for us to register for BB's name in the birth cert. I'm afraid by the time he give me the names cld it be too late?

Ya lor.. the report shows all the diameters which i really got blur liao..

Wow you r good leh.. at least you know how to read the report.. I got my report at home.. will go home and take a look..

Anything i dun know will ask you again..hope you dun mind

Hi Wenn/Java,

I encounter a rude couple at MRT b4.. They kept laughing as soon as they see me walking into the cubicle of where they sit. My sister in law noticed it.. There are so many starings at my tummy but no one bother to give up seat.
The couple laughing all the way seems to be teasing each other whether to give up seats or not.. And u know wat.. after 1 or 2station they alighted the train.. and my sis in law was telling me since they left only 1-2stations why cant they just give up seats to me then to laugh all the way..

Anyway, i'm immune liao.. never want to expect someone to give up seats to me.. As long as they dun push or squeeze me i'm contented.
Do u realise sometimes guys more considerate..
I've got a pleasure encounter when i took a bus ride last week.., just when i step onto a crowded bus to tap my link card, i felt someone lighly touch my hand, i turned and saw a young guy rising up from his seat and insist that i take his seat.. I was so touched by his act and said thanks to him
Despite the over crowded of the bus, he bother to give up seat to me.. he's such a nice guy..

I have 5 brand new bottles of Neurogain PB Plus for sale at $27.50 each.

Anyone interested, please let me know.
hi gals

Bought a baby cot (complete set) & troller cum infant car seat at Robinson yesterday..

My hubby said i really kiasu...but was thinking since they are having the sales now lor...

Anyone also started to buy baby stuffs already? Not sure if I want to start stocking some of the clothings etc ler...
Hi Ibs
I got hand me down baby cot fr my relative so I jz need to get a new mattress,pillow and bumper. I had already strt to shop for some of the baby stuff bt nt the clothings yet. As for the car seater n troller wait til she is born tn will strt to buy.
I also notice women dun give up seats to pregnant women. How come like that huh? They all or most experienced pregnancies before leh.

I was on train on Sun too, usually I take bus cos bus much easier to get seats, though the time is more consuming. A nice uncle offered his seat to me too.

Went for my detailed scan yesterday. Me couldn't see much leh, cos the sonographer was concentrating taking all the measurements. After that, she asked for my hubby and showed us BB movements and heartbeat. Overall, everything is fine except that the renal pelves appears dilated. One side 8mm and one side 5mm. But gynae said should be normal, cos the normal range is 6 to 7mm. There are 3 possbilities: 1) normal; 2) blockage (gyane said will monitor only, usually won't do anything); 3) down syndrown. Hopefully, BB is fine... praying hard cos me din go for triple test. I forgot to ask for BB length, however BB weight is 516 grams. Kekekeke... is it normal or a bit overweight huh? Perhaps I eat too much potatoes liao... BB not guai again, refused to open the legs for the sonographer and gynae to see the gender, so again, they suspected is gal cos they couldn't see any "stick"
<font color="#000080">hi elle</font> ,emailed u
was kinda bz today...

heheh forgot to ask my colleague yesterday. was talking about her delivery experience instead :p

<font color="#800080">heheh wenn</font>, know how u feel. i was lamenting to my mum that want to write in to PM that our country not very "preggie-friendly". not the costs deterring, it's ppl attitude.. hiaz.. i try to take cab if i can (fund exhausting out liao
)coz taking the bus means getting weird looks from ppl.. look at me as if i m a un-wed young mother or those shot gun pregnancy...

<font color="#800000">lbs,</font>, peifu !! hehe i haven't got my stuff yet. cot from my aunt. as for car seat still too early :p

detail scan on monday, so if confirm gal gal then maybe will start getting bb clothes. hehe but my mum one step faster than me liao..

<font color="#FF00FF">snowpooher</font>, dun wori too much if u didn't take the triple test. i didn't take too
my gynae checked for cleft lip during my scan on sat so he said everything ok.. hehe but ur bby very cute. dun wan to open legs.. muz tok to ur bb to guai guai open legs when doing scan... hehehe i did that
Hi Lyn/doll

so good you gals got the hand me down cot..have been looking arnd &amp; they are really expensive..thats why decided to buy during sales period..

haha...for the car seat, is actually come with the troller...guess is a bit too early to buy lar but hor, cant resist...hahahaa

emm..guess, better start getting bits by bits for other stuffs..else when tummy gets bigger, will be rather inconvenience to shop arnd liao...
Hi! Doll,

I've got your email.. It so much clearer Thanks


I only bought BB's clothes and pillows. As for play pen, car seat and pram i will get hand me down from relatives/frens.

How much did you pay for the complete set?.. Robinson got sale lately meh?.. U mean last Tue har? I rec'd their sale preview voucher $20 for min $100 purchase but didnt go. Did u utilise that?

Hi snowpooher,

Just called up Dr. Ang's clinic to make an appointment, a lady (i think not Mdm chan) pick up the phone and quickly ask for my name and said ok. Sounds like didnt jote down my appointment leh .. I remember the last time even though i made an appointment she took out my record only when i reach there leh..
Is this how it works?
Hi Elle

Yups, Robinson having sales on baby stuffs...at Centrepoint (not sure abt other outlets).

I think the sales will end 4 Nov..started last Sat.

The complete cot (comes with pillow, 6 piece bed sheets set, foam mattress) is selling at $299. But I upgraded the mattress to spring mattress &amp; paid extra $140..

The good thing is this cot can be converted to junior bed..age up to 5/6 years old.

Oh, I am not a Robinson member so didnt get the voucher but I paid with AMEX card so get extra 15% on top of the sale items lor..quite a bargain ler..
elle, snowpooher &amp; doll,
let's hope that for the remaining months of our pregnancies, we will be able to get seats easily

aiyah, i oso dun wanna say our own Singaporeans liao... last week, my hubby &amp; I even kena accused of jumping taxi queue at Raffles City by this ANGMO tourist even though we booked the taxi!!!
i just put it down to plain ignorance that tourists din know that we can book taxis!
Hi doll,
Rec'd the page 3.. thanks

If ppl mistook u as a unwedd mum, the more u shd feel happy cos it means u look young

Hi Snowpooher,
Dun worry.. Ur bb will be fine.. Ur doc will let u knw if ur bb is too big.. My bb is 317 at 20 weeks.. I am worried she is too small though doc says that is the normal weight range.. I like chubby bb.. more cute
Hi doll, I've been trying to talk nicely to my BB to ask her to open her legs to confirm the sex leh. Somehow, she tends to be secretive leh, like want to give me and hubby + our parents a surprise like tat.

Me too, din manage to get any hand downs for cots leh. Will go and buy one. I do get clothings from relatives, friends and colleagues lor.

Elle, I'm so touched by my mummy leh. She went to the market and collected those bean sprouts "case" (black color one), dried them under the sun and made many small pillows for my BB. Its all the hard work leh. So touching! My PILs didn't do anything yet. That's why ppl always say mums are the best!

The first time I called up Dr Ang's clinic, the lady (we might be talking abt the same lady, I dunno her name, only know she is a part timer) also did the same. She just asked for my name and told me to go down at what time. Sounds like didn't take down the apptment too. But no worries lor, I went there and everything is fine.

wenn, hope so! Wonder what happened to our fellow Singaporeans... How can they close one eye leh???? Me try to take bus rather than MRT, cos at least hor, bus much easier to get a seat. But time consuming lah. Cab, will take only when urgent for time or when too tired. Very expensive leh.

Ladies, for those who will be delivering at TMC, which room will you take? My gynae instructed me to take 4 bedded room and he will upgrade me to 2 bedded room, will need to pay for 4 bedded only. But after yesterday hospital tour, realised that hubby can only stay over if we opt for single bedded. I hope hubby can stay with me leh, but will it be expensive to opt for single bedded???

Me too dun have hand me downs.. The pram, cot and car seat all are not cheap..
Dunno when there will be sales again..
Hi winnie..

u can still go down to Robinsons..the baby fair ends dunno on 4 Nov or this week..

agree totally...those baby stuffs really expensive..but bo bian..i always tell myself, I am not spending on anything not useful lor..all for baby mah..
For stroller/pram, car seats &amp; cot, u gers might wanna check out the Kaki Bukit baby hyperstores. There are 2 of them at Shun Li Building
Hi snowpooher,

How come you didnt do your detail scan at Dr. Ang's clinic?

Just hope that the lady really did take down my appointment lor.. Yup guess we talking abt the same lady, she's the younger auntie as compared to Mdm Chan. Ya lor.. i even spelled out my name leh.. she said no need woh.. So how ha?.. U think i shld call again to confirm?
U mean when you reach there your record already been retrieved no doubt she sounded 'bo-chap'?

Oh talking abt the bean sprout casing pillow, i highly doubt my mum knows abt it.. I heard its more for hokkien style har?.. My MIL did that for her grand daughter too.. so i guess this time she wld also do likewise

But to me i prefer my BB to sleep nice nice comfy pillow leh..
I heard the bean sprouts casing pillow is meant to prevent BB from 'frights'..

Did you see the price list attached by Doll in the earlier posting?.. Her colleague's bill looks reasonable leh even though she stayed in single bedded room and the cost also include hubby's companion bed.. Quite a good deal.

You mean Dr. Ang already asked you to book rooms liao ah?.. So fast?
Hi Elle,

just wondering how is your friend. I did not get any PM from you, so was wondering if it was something wrong with my PM. Hope she is feeling better.


I have booked 2-bedded room. My gynae asked me to book first when I visited her at my 5th month. Some postings here saying that can book 4 bedded room first and then if there is 2 bedded room available, they will upgrade you to a better ward without paying extra. Hm, I rather not to take risk lah, very scare that end up have to squeeze with three persons in a small ward.

You went for the hospital tour already?? I think we only go during the 2nd/3rd lesson of antenatal class. However, we "peeped" at the single bedded room when passed by and realised that the facilities are pretty good, just like a small hotel room...very tempted to opt for single bedded room and hubby also asked me to choose single bedded one. After consideration, I still decided go for 2 bedded one coz would like to let hubby go home to rest at night.
Elle, detailed scan is done at TMC, not at Dr Ang's clinic. Yes yes is that young lady. I find her much better than Mdm Chan leh. Much polite and cheerful. That time was when I discovered pregnancy. So just called and asked if I could go down to do checkup, she said ok, and I just gave her the name. She didn't ask for spelling too. Everything was fine when I reached there. Subsequent, I will book the next apptment once after checkup lor. When reach the clinic, just give her the card or the apptment booklet, then the nurse will retrieve the records on the spot lor.

I didn't know the bean sprout casing pillow is hokkien way leh, anyway me a hokkien though I dun understand hokkien kekeke... Yes, you are right, heard from mummy is for BB to prevent "frights". My mummy also made some normal pillows for my BB too.

Yes, saw the bill. That's why I'm reconsidering. But now decided to stick back to 2 bedded cos cheaper. My colleagues they all said 2 bedded is more than enough. Hubby will be very tired if he stays thr out in the hospital. No lah, Dr Ang hasn't ask me to book room, just that I went for hospital tour, so thinking of which room to opt for lor. Dr Ang will upgrade me to 2 bedded but I will only need to pay for 4 bedded charges. Meaning I only need to pay around $500++ hard cash. Cheap hor?

Bluebell, my gynae's nurse arranged me for the hospital scan before my detailed scan lor. I din sign up antenatal class leh. Are you giving birth at TMC too?

For those who would like to tour TMC, the hospital tour is opened from Mon to Sat, 11 am and 2pm. Twice a day. Just register at the counter will do.

Oh yes, I also signed up for the TMC First Baby Incentives.
Hi Folic,

Thanks for your concern!

I've just spoken to my fren yesterday.. she sounded pretty ok..so much better than last week. As i cldnt visit her.. so sent her Get Well Soon Hamper hopefully it cld more or less brighten up her day.

She told me now she still have very painful cramps and yesterday went to gyne again.. discovered still got blood clots inside. She told me the fibroid which she had during her pregnancy is gone and now has become endometrosis.. I dun really understand why..

Gyne also monitoring on her HCG level ensuring that it drops to normal else it cld be placenta not totally removed.
She's eager to start 'doing it' again.. and said she wants to quickly operate on her fibroid (if any) and start her TTC. But i told her dun be so anxiuos better get gyne's advise 1st.

I guess probably bcos she's reaching 35(1970) thats why very anxious to start TTC. But i do hope that she cld start 'working' on it soon.

In fact i've told her abt this forum b4 but she doesnt seem to be interested cos she always feel that her english not strong enuf to communicate here.. Right now she doesnt have access to internet at home so mayb wait till she return to office then i will tell her to PM you shld she need advise.

Once again, on behalf of my fren i thank you for the concern
hehe winnie.. yah hor but sometimes the looks hiaz really get to me

hi snowpooher, m toying with 1 n 2 bedded.. coz 2 bedded i can save $700... i can send u my excel file that i created :p to check out the various pricing..

hi bluebell, how to arrange for hospital tour ? hmm so fast have to book.. i also wan to let my hubby go home n rest.. but i have this thing about hospital.
Hi! Snowpooher,

Oh i thought once we make appointment, she wld standby our record books at her end. So its not the case lah.. ok then i shall bring my appointment card so that she cld retrieve my record on the spot. Correct me if i'm wrong, Mdm Chan is the lady who looks like in her 50s har, quite plump one?.. U mean she no good?
Hey, if i'm not wrong our EDD quite close leh.. dun need hubby lah.. who knows we may bump onto each other

The hospital tour can be arranged one ah?.. Go where to request for that? which counter to register? U serious ah?.. Dr. Ang guarantee have 2 bedded room to spare? Anyway even if dun have to me 4bedded shld be ok lah.. jus a short stay .. just pray hard the other patients in the room cld be considerate lor.

By the way, does Dr.Ang do scan for you each time you visit him? I'm wondering what to expect from him when i see him next week..

May i know what is this TMC First Baby incentives abt? Dun mind share with me on it.. Thanks!
hi snowpooher, heheh since monday going for detail scan maybe will pop in for a tour

most likely taking 4-bedded.. rumors of cutting one of our allowances..
i calc mine, if take 4 bedded, prob have to top up 850 in cash
Hi ladies!

Hi snowpooher:
Wow! Ur mum is soo sweet &amp; thoughtful!
I also think mummy still the best..sometimes my mum will cook dinner &amp; bring over from bt batok to sembawang. My PIL also never do anything although stay so near..but mayb bcos MIL working lah

Hi Elle:
Glad ur friend is better. Hope u can understand the graphs. No problem..i'll try to ans if i can!

Hi Wenn,
Haha! Did the lady u push get a shock?
Is it cos ur tummy not obvious? Must stand near ppl who r not sleeping..if tummy not so obvious, then stand such that those ignorant ppl gets a sideview of u

I think it's easier to get seats along NSL (got such a line?--jurong east to marina one). So far been quite lucky with getting seats. The 1st 2 times the 2 ladies giving up seats even apologised "so sorry, didn't notice u'r pregnant"..cos that time not so obvious!

But yday a bit jialat..in morning, someone gave me a seat...then an elderly lady came in, no one gave her a seat, so i stand lor..luckily only left 1 stop

Then evening..after i sat down for few stops, came another pregnant lady (much bigger tummy) yet no one got up from their seats..so i stand again lor.

i also feel paisey not to give up seats to those elderly/other pregnant ladies/ppl carrying babies..wonder wat's on those ppl's mind...esp those who sit on their butts the whole day (eg students)..why can't they stand for that trip? Sometimes i also really tired &amp; dun feel like getting up cos need to stand &amp; walk the whole day...legs very suan these days

I find that i get seats more easily when i'm wearing dress/skirt..maybe not so obvious when i wear pants. Or maybe ppl think wearing pants make pregnant ladies stronger?!
So mayb can try wearing dresses &amp; skirts more!
hi omigosh,
yup, she sure did! :p

my tummy is quite big liao... even though i'm in my 5th month, the cleaning aunties in my office all thot that it looks like 6 months liao
I wear mostly pants... only got 1 dress :p

oh, the passengers on NSL are definitely more forthcoming with their offers of seats as compared to EWL...

if my hubby is with me, i always make him give up seats to those who needs it more than him :p
morning all MTBs !

oh yah, for those who r using clarins oil, if u go to toa payoh. Leewah Cosmetics... they sell clarins at $54 nett per bottle.

anyone intend to do cord banking here ?
As a 1st time mummies, we have to get almost everything

Hi Wenn,
Is the bb stuff at the bb hyperstore cheaper?

Hi Snowpooher,
My mum also collected the bean sprouts shells for me..
She and my dad picked out the impurities and dried them.. But we hvnt make into pillow yet
and you are right abt mums being the best!

Ur gynae so nice.. can help to upgrade your room.. I have chosen the 2 bedded room liao.. U can see the bill posted by doll on the 1 bedded room charges at TMC..

Hi Elle,
Yes the bean sprouts pillow is to put on bb chest area there to prevent them from fright..

Hi Bluebell,
I also peep into the single bedded room while going for my antenatal class.. I agree that it is quite nice.. and me too is quite tempted to get the it but i decided to get a 2 bedded room instead.. Save the $$ to get something nice for my bb instead

Hi doll,
Me too have a probia abt staying in hospital too.. that's why I am tempted to opt for a single room so that my hb can stay over with me.. but decided to save the $$ for better use lor..

Can share with me your excel spreadsheet?

[email protected]
Hi doll
Thx for yr infor wil gt it fr toa payoh lee wah nxt time round...
Really scared of getting stretch mark,my tummy smetime feel kinda of itchy bt didnt scratch it as it will cause stretch mark.
Hi Winnie and Snowpooher
Regarding the bean sprouts shells my mil also get it from the market yesterday, i tink during tis period we need to strt to dried the bean sprouts shells. I intend to make 4-5 pillow for my bao bei keke. Goin to buy pretty cloths to make the cover.
Hi Elle,

glad to know that your fren is feeling better. One more thing to share with you. I am also born in 1970, so I can understand her eagerness to try again. However, if she is rather advanced in this pregnancy, it is not advisable to start again so soon. Need time for the body to rebuild itself and return to norm. For me, I lost my baby at 23 weeks, so my doc actually told me to try again only after 6 months. But at my 4th mth, I had another round of checkup and was given the go ahead. Personally, I did not seriouly try again till much later (maybe 9 mths). I have irregular and long cycles so all these do reduce my chances of conceiving as well. Tell your friend not to hurry, cos it is important to be ready both emotionally and physically.

Hi gals

I am a bit suaku...what is a bean sprouts shells?
Is it the green bean that use to make the dessert?
hi winnie,
i've read in one of the local expat forums that the cot they bought there are sturdier than those found in Robinsons. however, u still need to compare prices b4 going there to recce
winnie, my spreadsheet is at hm. will send it to once when i get hm today

yah, i saw the 1 bedded online, looks very nice.. but opting for 2 bedded have to consider also.. so chances opt for 4 bedded , if heng can upgrade.. but i will spare some extra cash to take 1 bedded ,in case i "freak out" on the actual day itself.

oh yah when we book the room at TMC, do we need to pay the downpayment 1st ?

hehe my colleagues baby weighs 3.1kg
Hi! Doll,

May i have the price list that you've done for the various pricing for comparison?..
Can email me? Paiseh to bother you again

Hey Ohmigosh,

You also used to stay Bt Btok ah?.. Me also leh.. ! My mum asked me during confinement time whether i want her to shift over to my place. She said she also dun mind every morning come back to &amp; fro bt btok to sembawang during my confinement time. I think most of our mummies wld do anything for us .. jus like how we 'sayang' our BB

Which part of bt. btok u used to stay?.. Me staying East Ave 5 blk 248, you leh?
Hi Ibs
It is nt the green bean, do u know smetime hv the brown colour shell on the head of the bean sprout? Tt is wat we call the bean sprout shells after we picked out the impurities and dried them,
we will make it into a pillow.
Hi ladies,
Haven't had the time to come to this forum for a long tine..no time reading the previous posting as well. Just want to ask, anyone of you have any idea what is the normal heartbeat for pregnant lady? I fell sick on Monday then my GP said my heartbeat was too fast..even did ECG test on me. Last night had difficulty sleeping coz my heart was pounding away..so loud...heartbeat is around 100 per minute..thinking of going to see my gynae today and ask him..
Hi! Ohmigosh,

Yesterday i went home and retrieve out the BB's measurement report.. alamak realise that the nurse didnt zap a copy of the chart for me leh!..
I only got the 1st page of the report.. You know how to read?

Think i'll get the 2nd page during my next gyne visit. By the way, how did you learn how to read it? The gyne didnt even bother to go throught it with me
only say my BB on the bigger side.. but i'm puzzled leh.. cos i only increase by 5kg how come BB can be on bigger side leh ?


Oh didnt know that u r of the same age as my fren.. so i believe you are the best person to advise her liao. I recall during her last miscarriage she cried and told me why of all the people she know have successfully become mothers but not she
That time i've yet to be mummy cant really understand her devastated feeling.. but this time round mayb i'm pregnant i can feel her lost and cried when i learnt of this news.

Very Sorry to ask you.. your previous lost is also same situation as my fren?

OK i shall tell my fren better dun rush into TTC till her health completely return to norm. I'll PM you when she returned to her work place but not too sure when leh.. cos she said she may lengthen her hosp leave if she goes for operation and start everything afresh in 2005.

Ya, I will deliver at TMC and my EDD is just two days later than yours
I dont know why my gynae asked me to book the ward so soon. Probably I have signed up the package with her and she prefer everthing to be arranged as early as possible. Regarding the antenantal class, i think it depends individually to sign up or not lah. We attended first class last week and find it was very interesting. The lecturer is the one appeared in Liling's programme. Hospital tour is part of the session of the class so I think we got to wait for the arrangement. Oh ya, since you are FBI's member, you can enjoy 10% discount for joining antenatal class, too if you decided to join.

Oh ya, can you send your excel sheet to me too? my email: [email protected] Thanks!!


If you didnt join TMC's antenatal class, you can refer to snowpooher's posting for hospital tour arrangement. And for First Born Baby incentive, this is a 2 years plan @ $128 for "first timer". you will enjoy some discount for antenatal class, gynae package and hospital bill, etc. You can call 6358 0055 to check with Ms Polly.
Sorry gals, busy this morning, no time to read :p

Hi doll, it will be great if you can send me the excel file on the hospital pricing. Can you send to [email protected] ? Thanks in advance!

I also have pro abt staying overnight at hospital, thats why am considering single bedded, so hubby can stay with me, but is expensive leh. My colleagues they all said 2 bedded is good enough. If no neighbour, hubby can actually stay overnight with me. I think I will opt for 2 bedded to save the $ for my BB.

Hi Elle, we make appointment, the nurse will note it down, she will only take out our record books when we reach the clinic. Yes, Mdm Chan is the plump plump lady in her 50s. She ok lah, so so lor, but I prefer the younger lady who is much cheerful.

Mdm Chan told me to go early on Mon for my detailed scan on 01 Nov leh, she said got hospital tour at 11am, so she arranged my detailed scan at 11.30am. She told me to go to the counter (near the lobby, waiting area) to register for the hospital tour. I went there and just filled up a form and waited for the nurse to bring me around lor. The nurse will try to show you the room if available lor. TMC also got provide soup daily if you are preparing to breastfeed. Charges at $25 per day, 5 times a day. Looks nice leh.

Yes, Dr Ang guarantees to have 2 bedded room. My colleagues they all got it, and only need to pay for 4 bedded charges, they said only paid $500+ (I think is after Medisave and Maternity claims from company). Yes, Dr Ang does scanning on every visit and he will gives me a picture to keep. Have you done your detailed scan? I didn't know that there will be a discount if I signed up the TMC First Baby Incentives package leh. I registered and paid for the detailed scan before signing up the package. Lu gi leh
Check out TMC website, got a link on this. Entitle some discounts at some shops and other stuff lor, hospital bill got $100 off for single bedded.. I can't remember all the details cos Hubby said good and he signed up one. He said discount for hospital bill is good enough. Valid for 2 years.

Hi ohmig0sh, yep, mummy is the best. My MIL not working one leh. But she din do anything for my BB yet leh. Some more is the first internal grandchild leh. I always wear dress leh, but no one gives me seat leh.
I din join the antenatal class cos my gynae said no need lah. He said only waste $ kekeke.. My gynae always help me save $ one.

The First Born Baby incentive, it is a 2 years plan @ $128 for "first timer" but must before 28 weeks hor. After 28 weeks is $168.
Hi Kristen,

Yes, me too, encounter this fast heart beat problem twice. Once in in my first trimester, i feel giddy and sweat a lot at the same time and vomitted after a while then feel better. Second time is last weekend and takes a while to slow down the heartbeat to normal.

Since you are going 2 check with your gynae, can shall with me what's the problem actually? How to aviod it? I forgot to bring out this matter to my gynae during my last visit.
Hi Lynn baby

Ohh...now i know...thks for clarifying...so, these bean sprout shells have to be oollected/buy from the those selling beansprouts in the market lor...

ok, will tell hubby to go &amp; get it...
Hi! Snowpooher,

I'm thinking of getting M.C from Dr. Ang when i visit him next week. Is it very difficult to get M.C from him?

Oh talking abt the 1st Born BB incentive program where whld i sign up? Do i need to go all the way to TMC to get the form or just go register with Dr. Ang's clinic will do?

You mean $128 valid for 2years har?
Hi Wenn,
I will go there and take a look when I am free..

Hi Doll,
Thanks in advance for sharing your list

I have not make any pymt yet.. I think we only need to pay a deposit upon admission.. Not too sure abt that..

3.1kg is a healthy weight..

It is the dou1 ya1 shells..

Hi Kristen/Cheese,
The fast heartbeat is call palpitation (dunno spell correctly anot).. I experience this before pregnancy and during pregnancy.. I will feel very uncomfortable and faint.. Like you, my heartbeat pound very fast the whole night and I kan sleep.. I went to see my gynae the next day and he says it is nothing serious. He ask to me to go back and rest and it went away after some time.. I hope it dun come back.. I tot I have heart problem
My gynae say it is normal for preggies to have faster heartbeat at ard 80-90 beats per minute..

Hi Snowpooher,
My gynae encourages me to join the antenatal class.. he said it will be beneficial to me lor and the $$ spend will be well worth so i join lor..

Hi Ladies,

Am wondering have all of you engaged for a confinement lady already?
I'm looking for an experienced confinement lady. My EDD is 26 March 2005.
Age preferbly abt 50+, cooks well, look after baby and mummy well. $1600 - $1800.

If anyone has any good reccomendation or has any good contacts, please email me at [email protected].

Thank you so much!!
