(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

good morning, ladies.

folic, how was your scan yesterday? hope everything's good.

gtg, be back later. ;)

I jz enquire the package fr kkh indeed quite ex.
All MTBs goin to deliver at TMC may I know the packages and which clinic & gynae u go for the check up as I know tt quite a few no. of clinic gynae under TMC.
Hi gals,
how's everyone today?

i was on MC for three days since monday again. slight bleeding. will see gynae again on sat.

Joyce, hope u are feeling better today. thanks for sharing the pics of different stages of preggie.

java, i would like to have the prayer and will drop you a pm. thanks in advance!

lyn_baby, i should be delivering at TMC. but i have yet to check out the packages but my dear hubby has checked out the packages and felt that it's should be within our budget.

folic, have a great scan later! keep us update!

dolly, like you, as long as baby healthy and strong, i'm happy.

did your gynae told u the cause for the bleeding ? Hope you are feeling better now ... must rest
I just came back to work (first day) from my 2.5 weeks HL. My blood clots is reducing in size from yesterday's scan. I was really relieved to see the heartbeat... always very scared later cant see heartbeat anymore.
Hi everyone...
Was on leave yesterday to rest at home, juz dun feel like working.. ha ha ha, anyway it's the school holidays, so i was accompany my children.

The nuchal scan is not compulsory, but it's a new type of test for down syndrome. It is said to be more accurate than the blood test done on 20+ weeks. Nuchal scan is done on 13 & 14th weeks of the pregnancy. I'm going for the scan next friday. Will keep u all updated again..
hi scarydoggie,

Long time no hear.
Hope u r getting better.
Have a good rest.

Hi! Poohy,

Quite a while didnt 'see' u in this thread.
Good to know that your condition has improved. Dun worry, all will be well. Think +ve.

My gynae assured me my pregnancy so far shd be 85% going to be successful


the blood clot is formed from bleeding of blood vessels at the implantation site... its the bleeding somewhere behind the placenta (in between placenta and uterine wall). My gynae told me the blood clot formed from the bleeding is getting smaller liao.. so I think everything shd be ok. I dun expect anymore major hiccups
hi lyn_baby,

Mine is Dr Koh Cheng Huat. I already started on my package :$525 (inclusive of GST).

Hi scarydoggie, hehe if u wan i can fax u the TMC pricelist.

Elle , have u recv the fax ?

Poohy, glad u r getting better. take care okee
was walking ard in Parkway when i found this, Indonesian Herbal Massage & Spa
their post-natal massage looks very attractive, for anyone who's interested

<font color="#000080">Post-Natal Massage (7sessions) 90mins - $550.00</font>
Hi! Doll,

Thanks!.. i got it!
The price is after discount right?.. i mean the latest px list hor?
May i ask you the $525 package what does it include?


U can contact me via email.. not a problem.
Your email is [email protected] right?..
I'll email you
Hi Poohy, so does that mean the bleeding will stop eventually?
I hope you are ok .. maybe need more rest

Hi Doll, do you know if the PNM is it at home? or must go the spa?

BTW, Joyce, how did your check up go?

nope, my bleeding stop liao. else I dun think I will be so relaxed now lol.
I think the blood clot will slowly be reabsorbed if it continues to grows smaller. Of course there is still a small possibility of it growing big... but i think most likely not unless i really so unlucky
Hi Doll, my gynae also Dr Koh. His clinic always so crowded right!! Maybe have seen u b4 haha! Anyway, me too signed the package also.
Hi Mummies to be,
Marton Bell at Novena Square is having 15% storewide.I went to take a look during my lunch time.They have this V elastic band under the belly pants,very comfortable to wear.It's abt $79.Their collection seem to my liking,feel like buying all hehehe...But worried it's too early (im in 11th week),but i cant fit my usual clothes liao.
hey gals, anyone of you used/using Olay Total Effects? Recently my face has become very very dry and i still have a bottle of unfinished Olay Total Effects. Have used it once or twice but not sure whether is it suitable for preggie ladies to use?

Or u gals got any product to recommend me (which i can buy off the shelves from Watson) ??

hi gals I went to the TMC website but the price list there is as of Feb 04. Anyone can share the new list here? thanks!
Hi steamboat,
Im currently using it.My friend gave me some to try out.I quite like the smell and I dun have much complain abt it.I have combination skin.
<font color="#0000FF">elle , mi a bit blurz ... what discounts ? this was the
lastest list that TMC gave me. i only know that if u get their in-house gynae,
then u r entitled to 5%-10% discount when using the 1st born incentive card.
they will advise u of the discount when you go down personally.</font>

<font color="#008000">Qdee, it's at the spa. duno if they have arrangements
to do it at home.</font>

<font color="#800000">hehe happybuns , maybe . my appt is always on sat. hehe
crowded is a understatement. i didn't realise it the 1st time i went. after that
, i always take the ticket , go for snacks, walk about then go back :p</font>

<font color="#000080">hi steamboat, my face also became quite dry , heheh
actually my whole body is kinda of facing dry skin ever since preggie. i m using
Biotherm Source Thrapie. i wanna try the
bio-essence face lifting cream but dunno it's ok for preggie ladies to use :p.
Tried it before i was preggie, it actually helps contour the face, not exactly
lose weight ard the face. </font>

<font color="#808000">lyn_baby, hmm not too sure about that , tink bodyshop
is the safest since they r using natural stuff? as for cleanser , i have 2 , 1
from bodyshop -tea tree foam wash n the other is bio-essence facial cleanser.</font>

<font color="#800080">hmm since so many is aksing for TMC pricelist, let
me try if i can scan the pricelist so it will be easier to email. give me 2-3
days okee
Good morning, i'll be going for my appt soon. chat with u later.

<font color="ff0000">Lyn_baby</font>, i remember u asked abt spaghetti tops, here's the link to my cousin's website i was telling u abt http://www.cloudneuf.com/_wsn/page2.html
The material is very nice &amp; comfortable, workmanship is good. i have a couple of them myself
Thx will wait for yr price list. Yup most probably will be goin to buy cleanser fr body shop or product fr johnson n johnson (safer). My frenz told me tt if we stay at single bedded rm at tmc we can pay extra $60 for the mattress n dinner for hb n the single bedded rm is quite cheap abt $1650+.Bt my mum ask me to deliver at kkh as she say they r specialise in delivering bb.(any comment?) as tis is my 1st birth n dun realy noe which is gd so cant make up my mind.
hi tiny
thx...do yr cousin hv those plain cotton type of spaghetti tops.
btw will b goin to hk nxt wk nt sure will there b any nice maternity wear.
Good morning gals!

Quick update on my scan yesterday. It went very well. Baby was very cooperative and was in the correct position for the scan. Dr says that sometimes, it can take more than an hour cos baby is not in correct position to measure. I told the dr that in pervious scans, baby is always in a curled position.. only yesterday is heads down with straight neck for measurement.
Baby has been listening to my request to be in correct position!
I also took a blood test and results will only be out in 2-3 days. The scan is only $70 but the blood test is about $160.. that's why my gynae says it's about $300. As it is not my regular gynae doing the scan, she did not explain the initial results to me, only say my gynae will get back to me. So I must wait patiently. There was one couple after me.. they had to go walk around and go for lunch first, cos baby was not in ocrrect position... and that made me really proud of my baby!

Steamboat/Lyn_Baby, I am using Olay facial cleanser for a long long time and did not change it during pregnancy. Think it is ok. For moisturiser, I used the H2o one.. also works for me.

Oh, btw, I checked with the gynae. She says that none of the tests during pregnancy is compulsory.The gynae just tells us what tests are available and it is up to us whether we want to take or not..
The gynae that did my scan is dr chia yee tien, from mt e. Dr Ann Tan, who was supposed to do it for me, was not available yesterday.

hi tiny,
the tops looked good

how do i contact ur cousin? i need to get some nice tops as i have a few weddings to attend in november
Hi! Lyn,

Whether to give birth at KKH or TMC depends on which gyne are you currently visiting?
Or if you've good recommendation on any of the gyne at KKH, u may opt to go to KKH for delivery.
Why your mum said that KKH is better bcos they got the latest equipment or skills shld any complication happen *touch wood* *touch wood*.
I know that many cases which other hospital cldnt handle they wld send to KKH directly. Thats why to play safe some prefer to deliver at KKH. Also bear in mind KKH has got specialised children's clinic too.

Hi! Folic,

Sigh.. me gotta wait another 2weeks to see BB.. My neck getting longer liao..
So how's your BB's measurement by now?
You seeing Ann Tan, i saw her on TV b4, how much does she chrg for consultation per visit?
Hi Elle,

Dr Ann Tan is also not my regular gynae. I am seeing Dr Thong at Raffles Hospital. She referred me to Ann Tan for the scan but she was not available so I was sent to Dr Chia instead. My baby is 6+cm already... measuring on track for 12 weeks plus. I think I will get to have another scan next week, when I see Dr Thong...fingers crossed
Then I will have to wait long long for the next scan liao!

Hi gals!

I just got a call from the clinic that did my scan. I got a scare cos they are supposed to only call me if something is not right! Turned out that they did not have my date of birth...

Anyway,since the nurse was on the phone, she just told me the results, so I don't have to wait for my gynae.The scan and blood test indicates that my risk for downs is low. By age, my risk is 1 in 298 but with the scan and blood test, my risk is lowered to 1 in 2900. So everything is fine for now. She said the scan is 90% accurate. Hope things will continue to be fine!

hi folic, heheh very happy for u !!

hi tiny, mi also interested to get one of the top.

hi gals, i have scanned the TMC pricelist. drop me an email @ [email protected] okee

elle, i will be going down next week to take up the 1st born incentive scheme with TMC. drop me an email what u wanna know about the discounts then i check for u
hi <font color="119911">folic,</font>
glad to hear that your scan went smoothly.
my bb wasn't as cooperative as yours when i went for my last scan so i can't see whether bb is boy or gal. i'm eagerly waiting for my next scan in 3 weeks' time. most pple r still betting that it's a gal.

hi <font color="ff0000">Tiny,</font>
your cousin's website has got nice clothes!!! how do i buy them? from the web itself? do they deliver? or i have to pick up from them? tks!!
hi folic,

how come u jus did a scan and yet u going for another scan in next week? So good every week can see BB.

Dun worry lah.. sometimes they call jus to ask for some particulars. Good to know that your blood test result came out good. U can keep your mind at ease liao..
The test that you took is it call triple test ha?
Do they measure the BB's neck or just take your blood to test?
Hi gals

Keruri, hope you can find out whether baby boy or gal in the next visit!

Elle, no this is not the triple test. They measure the baby's neck and took my blood for test. Triple test is usually done at around week 16 I think. Part of the triple test also include the test for down syndrome. However, it also include test on the mother's health eg whether she is anaemic, thyroid level etc. So I guess I will only do part of the triple test at week 16, since the down syndrome test has already been done.

hi folic,
Wish I could have gone for the nuchal test if I knew my triple test results is so lousy. But its too late for me, I'm already 16 going to 17 wks liao. Now I just have to wait for the detailed scan when I'm in 19th wk. Dunno whether the detailed scan can measure the thickness of fluid which is found in the skin behind the babys neck.
Hi Folic, good for u! .. now u can rest happy

I am going for my blood test this afternoon.
After that I'll go shopping.

Wenn, I managed to get the denim skirt at Spring. Last piece - heng ah!
I wanted the jeans but dun have my size .. it's quite nice look like normal jeans.
As fr wat I know KKH do scanning only on the 3rd,5th and 8th mths while sme of the other gynae do scanning on every visit.m I right?

HI elle,

sorry did not see that qn
Next week is my normal gynae checkup, so prob will hv scan lor. The scan yesterday is additional test prescribed by my gynae. AFter next week's visit, I think my visits will become monthly liao.

Lyn-Baby, pte gynae usually do scans every visit.

Joyce, where are you?

