(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

oh izzit my collegue told me tt his wife only do the scanning for tt 3 mths and need to pay for the scanning extra $80. So u go for yr checkup at kkh did u take any package n wat the package included?

Qdee, so lucky you bought the skirt!

wenn, is the jeans the one with a grey panel on top? I wanted that too... but if you bought the last L.... hmmmm!!!

Ladies, would like to check. Is it ok to drink birdnest? If ok, how long is the interval between each drinking?

My colleagues told me birdnest is not good for BB. I'm confused liao.
hi qdee,
Wah so nice, u manage to buy ur denim skirt! I cannot buy any more maternity clothes, coz got enough orehdi.

hi bonnygal,
I haven start work yet. I'll be starting this Wed. So afraid that I will sleepzzzz in the afternoons.

Hi all working MTBs,
How do u all conquer the sleeping giant esp in the afternoons after lunch? I think in the beginning I will be doing alot of reading and having meetings. Dunno if I can stay awake.

So how u gals going to spend ur weekends?
hi folic

yup, mine's the one with the dark blue jeans with thick grey elastic panel on top.

i think they should have new stocks arriving since their items are quite popular. i was there last friday but the jeans skirts were sold out. however, this week, Qdee managed to get 1
u can call them to check if the jeans are in or not...

I am in my 9th week only so havent taken any package yet. My gynae do scanning in his consultation room at every visit so far. I think probably your colleague's wife goes to the normal clinic to visit her gynae. I visit mine at the TPS (private suite) and there's a u/s scan machine in each room.. no extra costs for scanning. If she visits the amk clinic, also will get scannings
hi java,
i try to nap during lunch. but i noticed that heavy meals will make me fall asleep during dry/boring meetings. happened to me yesterday, luckily only for a couple of minutes
hi gals,
i got the dark blue jeans with the grey elastic band from spring too. i bot the capri one. it's really comfy!!! and i think u can still wear it when u r not pregnant, just need a longer top to cover it. it's a good buy!

<font color="ff0000">java</font>, i read the forum to keep myself awake lor. hehee... u gals make my day.
hi <font color="ff6000">snowpooher,</font>
my MIL said bird's nest is not good if it is not cleaned properly cos of the feathers that may be stucked to the bird's nest. so i guess if u get the feather-free one or those u cleaned thoroughly, shld be ok lah. i'm still taking them weekly.
hey java, i will only knock out after lunch during my 1st trimester. i will take a quick lunch and lie on my coy's massage chair and catch a quick 20 mins nap. but now that i m in 2nd trimester, feel alot better liao... no need to nap also feel ok. just dun eat too much during lunch time.

me will be going to JB on Mon to do some maternity clothes shopping. will let u girls know if it's worth the trip...
Wenn, I hope I can still find that jeans! But if you are wearing L, then mebbe it might not fit me.. cos I am quite big size. I thought that was pretty nice.. and only $69 or something like that right? Walked around Blisse yesterday, so expensive... the jeans, not as nice as the one at Spring, cost $100 plus.

Jannie, I think there is one at City Sq that is not bad. Mom's kelub or something like that. There is only one at Pelangi, don't bother with that one.. I think it is not very nice. You can also go to the factory outlet stores (the reject shop or FOS), they sometimes have maternity t-shirts in a pack. Quite good buy.

keruri, I also like you... read forum to keep awake! hhahah

Java, did you see TSH's message to you in Jan thread? She asking for the prayer card but have not hear from you.

Hi keruri, heard that bird nest is good for mum but not good for BB. Cos drink too much will cause BB to have asthma in future??? Is those bottle one clean enough to drink?
Lyn_baby, Blanche, Wenn, keruri, doll, and any one else who's interested in getting any of the maternity clothes on the website (i think there's actually more tops &amp; bottoms), please e-mail to [email protected] and she'll tell u how to go about it. if u all really buy, i should ask her for commission hor??
Haha. anyway she does it for the love of it. she had her baby a year ago (really a cutie) and she found that the nice and fashionable maternity wear was really overpriced, so she and a friend wanted to do something abt it!

Anyway I had my scan this morning. The baby is getting big and my gynae took a look at the different parts, like the head, neck, bladder, etc...but couldn't capture it all on to the screen at the same time (like previously) so i really couldn't tell which was what part! Unfortunately he says it's still not very conclusive if it's a boy or girl at this stage, but he thinks it looks like a girl. My detailed scan will be on 29/9 at NUH. How come so hard to see one leh?? I thought most people would've known by now. so sad, i thought i could start preparing baby stuff!
Come to think of it, I bought the same capri jeans (can't remember $57 or $59) as Keruri. It reaches abour 2 inches above my ankles.

Can call Jenny at 63386303 for the size &amp; stock. I can't remember which is the largest size. Think should have XL. My hips are wide, more than 90cm liao
Thanks Tiny,
I will email her

My fren was telling me that sometimes during 4th month, the gynaes won't wanna tell us the gender. They would rather wait till the 5th month.
Hi all,

Hi <font color="119911">Folic</font> and <font color="0077aa">Qdee</font>, my checkup went quite smoothly yesterday. I saw my foetus moving its finger, like waving to me, so cute. As for my blood test, I kena poked four times coz they can't find my veins, pain pain...
Btw, I din take the DS blood test.

So my next appt will be detailed scan, 14th of Oct, so ganchiong!!

Hi <font color="aa00aa">Scarydoggie</font>, I'm feeling great everyday now!!
hi <font color="ff6000">snowpooher</font>,
those better quality bottled ones should be clean. to be doubly sure, u can inspect each bottle b4 u buy. bird nest is supposed to be good for bb's complexion too, not just mommy's.
i guess the rule of thumb for pregnant women in all things is to take things in moderation lor.
Hi Joyce,

glad to hear that all is well!
At least your next appt is 4 weeks and not 6 weeks away!

Wenn,I will go down next week to buy... hopefully still have
hahaha, if we all buy the same thing, next time, if we meet, we all wear 'uniform' ok? hahaha

hiaz if I go kkh I cant gt to c my bb often,n my frenz told me need to q for scanning n medicine.cant make up my mind whether to go tmc or kkh.
Hi <font color="0000ff">Lyn_Baby</font>, why not take the package at TPS @ KKH? You can have a scan everytime you go for your checkup. As for the medicine, the Q is quite fast.

Yeah <font color="119911">Folic</font>...

so far if u go TPS, its one-stop for scanning and collection of medicine.. all happen at the TPS. Nowadays when I go for my checkup, I take injection, ultrasound scans and collect/pay for medicine at the same place (TPS). no need to queue here and there leh. And the appt time can be after office hours in the evenings.. which is good for me cos my annual leave is real low liao.. need to conserve for my coming masters exam.
Hi poohy &amp; Joyce
Thx for yr info.tt means every visits gynae will scan my bb?cos jz nw cal to enquire abt the package n fr their info they say they wont do scanning for every visits. The scanning is nt included in the package.so nw I m blur liao.
hi Tiny,
Must be girl liao lah. Boy can see their balls quite easily. Wah seems like many of u all expecting girl, so my boy got chance to chase so many roses!
Thanks for the advise on fighting the sleeping giant. Yes, I agree with jannie that 2nd tri not so tiring, but becos at home I'm so used to taking afternoon naps.

Nowadays I find my tummy getting harder, my bolster seem to get in the way of my tummy. Do u find that when u wake up in the mornings, the tummy very hard and abit painful when u start to rise from ur bed?
Wah! so fast they know the gender liao!!!


Beckham Joy - It's Another Boy

David and Victoria Beckham's third child will be a boy.

The celebrity couple had wanted a sister for their two sons Brooklyn, 5, and Romeo, 2.

But scans have revealed a third Beckham boy is on the way, according to The Sun.

Victoria, 30, had the scan at a London clinic last week.

The couple were too excited to wait until the birth next March and told doctors they wanted to know the sex.

"Everybody knows David and Victoria would have liked a little girl," a friend told the newspaper.

"It's fair to say they were a little disappointed but that soon passed.

"They're just looking forward to the new arrival."

Posh and England captain Becks moved into their new 3.5m home in Madrid earlier this week.
wah, so fast one! only due next Mar and they know already. mine due early Feb still dunno for sure...just irritates me cos whenever i see really nice baby stuff (esp clothes) i wanna buy but can't!

Java i think so too...altho my gynae didn't seem to focus very long down there leh, so dunno if he couldn't see or if he didn't really look. i was also trying to look for tell tale signs but so hard to see today.

by the way, check out this website. so funneeee!!

Hi Tiny,

Yep! My mom mentioned tt if the baby doesn't wana show u the gender, most likely u're gonna hv a gal! So, r u hop'g for a gal or boy?

Thks for the website...I'll chk it out as i reali need to buy bigger clothes.


I went for my gynae chkup yesterday too...Did the blood test...Dinno they had to take so much blood?
My baby was facing down &amp; i cld only see the legs kicking away although i dun feel it yet. Hmmm...tot i cld tell the gender too but i guess since it's oni the 4th mth, it may be too early.

Hw's ur hubby? Hope ur little boy's been good?


I'm oso taking the Brand's birdnest, once a week.
But i find tt it's pretty sweet so i add a little bit of h2o.
morning gals,
been very busy these days and really missed out a lot...

went for my checkup yesterday as well. my baby is 7.1cm now...pretty active, swimming, kicking and waving hand.. same like babyvon, can see bb kick but could not feel it. my gynae tried to focus on the buttom.. couldnt see much, i guess likely a gal.. which she also agrees.. hehehee

and i din opt for the DS test as well.. dun wanna take the risk. for you gals info, my gynae oso agrees that the blood test is not very accurate for DS.. still amino most accurate but has the risk. anyway, she told me that my bb should be ok based on the neck.. she hasnt do the measurement yet, as i only in my 13th week..

hv a nice weekend to all...
Hi <font color="aa00aa">BaByVoN</font>, thanks for asking... my hubby had recovered. My son still the same, like to cling on me. I asked the gynae too about the gender, he say can't tell, need to wait next month for the detailed scan. Btw, I lost 2 kg in 6 weeks.

Hi <font color="ff6000">Elisa</font>, ya lor, gynae say it's 70% accuracy only.

Hi Tiny:
Haha! The costumes very cute. If baby born b4 CNY, can wear "Red Hot Chili Pepper Bunting" to "bai nian"..i thk both parents &amp; in-laws will faint

Hi java,
Aiyo! so fast looking for "target" for ur boiboi liao??
My tummy also getting harder...but i thk mine is because of water retention &amp; constipation.

Have a good weekend!
hi gals today I bought a maternity denim skirt from OG Orchard Pt. Aftr less 20%, it's only $27.10. Also bought a baby cot from CK Tangs. Original price $288, now only $72, with free delivery &amp; installation, cot bumper and insect net. But must spend $72 in that dept first and limited to 100 sets only. in the end, bought avent manual breast pump and pillow set for the cot. Also bought bought avent feeding bottles for newborn ( 3 for $13.90) &amp; a bodymate pillow for myself &amp; other stuff at OG to get the VIP card. wow, in half a day, suddenly spent a big bomb. very scary but very satisfied, hehe
cos long time haven't shopped liao. very deprived.:p
hehe tiny, thanks !! will be emailing her soon. dunno boy or girl ,
coz still early for me when i went for my last check up

hi joyce !! how u feeling !! but's what's the blood test for ? my appt is on oct 4th.
hehe hopefully by then can c boy or girl.

hi snowpooher, agree with keruri, moderation is the key :p

hi breeze, know what u mean hehe i went shopping on friday , bought a pair of shoes n 2 tops.
my hubby juz relented n let me juz buy.

i missed yesterday's Lifestyle n they were talking about celeb mums ?
hehhe trying to get my hands on the newpapers from my colleague. my MS is still there, the puking after food is on n off now.
i still can't take garlic , salty or strong tasting food, tendency to puke. heheh now my hubby n mum have to eat whateveri feel like cooking.

little salt, no oil, no garlic, less meat etc :p my hubby is trying to adapt that 80% of dinner is veg
hi all beautiful mummies,
Did u all happen to watch wong lilin's show last weekend? Wow did u all see the tummy of a mother expecting quadruplets!!! It was enormous! She can't walk much due to the heavy weight and is sitting on a wheelchair.

hi doll,
hehehe my hubby keep comparing my tummy with Ho Yeow Sun's tummy.

hi Lite Breeze,
Wow u so fast buy bb items already? Sounds like u had a great time!

hi elisa,
I'm glad u did not go for the DS test. It will just give u unnecessary worry and stress.

2 more days of staying at home and after that back to the working society!
Hi Joyce, glad that everything went smoothly for u

Hi Tiny,
dun worry too much abt the gender, I went for my scan last friday and same thing like u, cant see the gender. Doc spent quite a long time trying to make the baby open the legs but no avail coz baby was squeezed btw placenta n waterbag.
But she said most likely a girl. Anyway, me n hubby will not ask her to confirm it in the next visit. Just let it be. So we will only know it after baby is born.
Also for girls normally will hide hide - shy lah. For boys can see quite clearly by 3mths plus.
For my first baby i din know the gender until i was 7 mths pregnant!
hi java, didn't get a chance to catch lilin's show. how are her shows ? quadruplets !! have she given birth yet? heheh dun make me anxious leh :p i only will get to c the papers tomolo :p

oh yah, i dunno if this makes sense but r there swimsuits for preggie mums ?
Hi <font color="ff6000">doll</font>, I'm doing fine. How about you?
I believe Dr Koh will tell you the gender when you've reached your 4th month. Er... quite accurate... I think. He could even detect mine's a gal in my previous pregnancy when I was in my 4th months then.
hi doll,
Its not wong lilin who has quadruplets, the show featured this lady who is carrying quads. She had 3 embroyos implanted thru iVf and all were successful, but 1 embroyo had 2 foetus sharing 1 placenta, so the gynae was worried abt blood sharing thru that placenta which might pose potential problems. They were debating on whether to abort the whole pregnancy, selectively abort the embroyo with 2 foetus or continue with the pregnancy. At the end she kept all of them.
Hi gals!

Java, yah, I saw the tummy of the quadruplets mummy! WOW!!
I think she is only abou 28 weeks but her tummy is as big, or bigger than wong lilin's tummy on tv. And it look sort of squarish, cos there are 4 babies in there! It is really tough for her, I think.

Doll, yah, there is such a thing as swimsuits for preggie mums. You can get it in some of the shops that sells maternity wear. I know that mothercare have it.

hi doll,
u can try going to OG at chinatown. They are having 20% discount for the maternity wear and swimsuits.

What are you gals wearing at night when u sleep? I always wear t-shirt and shorts, but as my tummy growing bigger, I find that I only have 2 comfy shorts to wear. I tried finding XXL shorts from departmental stores, but still tight. I tried to going to kiddy palace, but the maternity shorts are those above knee and the material quite thick. So I think I no choice but to go back to my mum's place and try to find if i have any old shorts that are loose and seasoned for wear. Do u all have any alternative?

Feel so guilty. Had 2 fried chicken wings and rice for lunch just now. Dunno why, I dun like to eat those proper food like fishball noodles, economic rice, etc. Always eat fastfood, maggie mee or fried stuff. Should try to curb. Any junkies like me out there?
hi java,

thanks for sharing with us the story.. i missed that part so dunno how many the lady is having.. i thought its twins.. wow didnt know its quadruplets. did she say how long has she tried?

Really admire her courage.. Its a hard decision for her esp. when two sharing one placenta.

Sometimes i cant stand wong lilin and hubby.. feel that they take pregnancy for granted.. The hubby even said 'R we going to see gyne bcos of this bumper doing here.." (pointing at lilin's tummy).. he doesnt sound serious at times.

I saw the program on the lady with quadruplets too ! She implanted 3 embryo and 1 embryo split into identical twins. So she will be having 2 fraternal twins and 2 identical twins. It must have been a strain for her ...

my fren's sis who got triplets thru assisted reproductive ... had C-section and each of her babies were born less than 1kg. They all stayed in nicu for 1 month... and before that the mummy stayed in the hospital (gleneagles) for more than 1 month too... was told the medical bills were scary.
hi Elle,
No the show did not reveal how long she tried. But the couple do not look very old, maybe in their early 30s. Maybe becos Allan Wu is speaking American slang, so maybe "bumper" is just an affectionate term for baby? I enjoy seeing him around, he's quite good looking! I just can't stand lilin wearing the tight tight sleeveless low cut top revealing abit of her tummy and part of her breasts. I think if I wear like that, my hubby won't let me step out of the house!

hahahaha, java, my hubby said that he will not allow me to dress like lilin. I told him i don't hv enough figure to show off like that!

I am also thinking of what to buy to wear at home. The last time, i bought 2 pair of shorts from Kiddy palace but i don think they are comfy... I was thinking mebbe no choice, hv to wear nite dress to sleep in future.

poohy, my fren had twins (natural) at gleneagles. The twins were premature. I think they paid about 20k for the hospital bill...

