(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies


Ya ya ya, I also have frequent headache but doc and some books said it is common. Doc said can take panadol if it is unendurable but I just tolerate only. Try to relax, dont think anything and do some massage with ointment.

hi bluebell,
so its common har? thot im lack of some kinda nutrients. i'm still able to tolerate the pain right now, so not gonna take panadol... feeling is bad tho', makes me wanna puke.

Sometimes do u feel your BB's heartbeat at your tummy area?

Does that heartbeat comes from BB?
you're welcome. the stuff at 9mois is ex as with most maternity shops but really sweet & nice. that's why w/o discount card, not v worth it. i was quite unhappy when they put an expiry date to my discount card. so to make the card worth and to benefit fellow mothers-to-be, i'm most glad to share the card.

so if anyone who wants to go 9mois and buy clothes, can ask if they can give discount with the privilege card no. let me know if u gals wanna organise a mass maternity wear shopping trip lah. haha..

i bot maternity panties liao but i dunno when we need to wear them. any advice?

i think shops that are more reasonable in pricing are Spring (@Suntec) and Perfect Mom (@IP & Heartland Mall). we can try moms in minds too, it's at jalan pemimpin. they are open on sat too from 1130am.
hi Elle,
yes, i can feel that too. i also think it's bb's heartbeat at the tummy area. it's quite cool, isn't it? hee.. or is it i'm sua ku? :p
hi Elle,
yes, i can feel that too. i also think it's bb's heartbeat at the tummy area. it's quite cool, isn't it? hee.. or is it i'm sua ku? :p
hi joyce, was very busy with my colleague not ard. my MS was very bad for during wk9-13. ended taking MC n leave which made it even worse. was busy clearing backdated stuff.

Elle, i haven't wear maternity clothes yet. hehe my pants can only zip halfway so i wear those broad "belt" or a sash to hide. as for tops, stil ok but i bought a cotton baby top for $24 bucks @Suntec.

hi all,
i checked with TMC regarding the new pricing. for those intending to go to TMC. can check it out a bit small...hope can see


1st born Incentive
- Enrol before 28th week - $128
- Enrol after 28th week - $168

Subsequent Born Incentive
- Enrol before 28th week - $108
- Enrol after 28th week - $168
- If 1st born was not at TMC (before 28th week) - $128
I think we shld organise mass maternity clothing shoppin as I m nt really sure where to gt maternity clothes tt nt ex n the shop.it will b better when there is another preggie to shop wif as we noe wat we really need n wan.
yup I can also feel bb heartbeat at the tummy bt nt sure whether is my heartbeat or bb heartbeat.keke...
hi keruri/lyn,

Me too get so excited when i see the remote control i place on my tummy move and realise its heart beat.

So cute hor.. but i also puzzled whether is it my heartbeat or BB's heartbeat.
hi bluebell,
Previously I did consider Select catering, but its more ex abt $210 for 2 persons. But if the food is good, I dun mind paying.

hi Elisa,
YES!!! Just now I had a terrible headache, now better liao.

Just now went to clean the frog legs, had to disect the legs from the body. I felt so sorry for the frogs, so I said sorry before I cut the legs off. Maybe due to my headache and the fishy bloody smell, I vomitted. Yesterday at the fish farm, my hubby keep wanting to buy the frog legs and ask me to cook, coz he loves to eat them. Just now I call him and scolded him not to buy frog legs again. If he wants to eat, go outside zhi char stall and buy and eat himself! Luckily nowadays I'm not so sensitive to smell liao, if not just now I cut garlic oso will vomit. Tonight cooking stir-fried garlic frog legs.
hi Elle, Keruri, lyn,
I think it is your own heartbeat. hahahah The bb's heart is too small to be felt externally, what more move the remote control. But can you feel the fluttering movements already?
hi doll,

heehee.. finally i found someone using same 'tactic' as me..
I also wear pants ziped up but without button up.

Cos' i use to wear cotton blouse tuck out so people wont notice my unbutton shirt/pants heehee
keruri, do u have moms in mind exact address? my fren told me that their pants can be as cheap as $30 per pc. of course must go there to try out their cutting lah...
Hi! Java,

Oh really .. thats a big joke..
But b4 i pregnant i dun feel my heart beat from the tummy one leh..?

Yes, on and off got those fluttering feelings in my tummy. What does it indicate?
Hi Java/Bluebell,

i ordered the Select tingkat for 2 person @ $161.00 nett. 3 dish + 1 soup w/o rice for 4 days, as we often eat out on Friday!
So my schedule is Mon - Thur, Tingkat. Fri - eat out. Sat & Sun, cooking and creating new receipes!!

I had cravings for all the junk food lately. Burgers, KFC, pizzas... u name it, i ate it.. Ha ha.. couldn't stmoach any rice.. noodles still ok.. hmmm..
But i guess my eating habits will change again soon..

Let me share with u my 2 experience at Mt A and TMC.
I had my 1st child at Mt A, which was not very good, the nurse @ delivery ward is not very helpful and my labour took me 12 hrs, with vacum assist. I found most mums who deliver at Mt A had assisted delivery.. dunno if it's coincident or wat, but this is wat i dun like.. cos i feel dat i could do w/o it. Anyway the bill came to $1800, for 2-bedded (as single bed was full). Another thing was dat they were not very active for breastfeeding...
My 2nd child was delivered at TMC. Wonderful experience, very supportive delivery staff who cheer u along the way.. and gave me massages too.
I had a 6hr labour and natural all the way.. Total bill came up to $1300 for single bed. Breastfeeding active.

I definitely would go back to TMC for my 3rd child..

I've talked alot oredi.. anyway, if anyone needs any help or advise, please do ask.. i would really love to help!
Hi! Snowlake,

Looks like TMC is a good choice.

Dun mind telling me who's your gyne at TMC?
The bill $1300 for single bed sounds reasonable.
Could you tell me the breakdown of this $1300, does it include delivery chrg as well?
Hi Elle,

I dun hv the breakdown wif me, but it does include everything from the hospital stay to the baby nursery. Cos i remember hubby paid $1K for deposit, and upon checking out only top-up $300.

I'm staying in the East, and my Gynae is Dr LC Cheng, Katong Clinic for Women. He is an associate with WC Cheng. He also operates from TMC. Very nice doctor, gentle and cheery.. 2nd child is delivered with him. I had a little tear which was stitch up very nicely, wif minimum pain. I'm walking around on Day 2 oredi!My package with him from 12weeks cost $700.

Eh.. thats cheaper than KKH. U r staying in a one bedded room and yet total bill paid $1.3k cash.
Oh forgot to add your medisave deduction. i think after add back easily >2k huh?

Oh east side wld be too far for me.. me staying north side.
Thats amazing day 2 and you cld start walking around. My mum did tell me some gyne stitch very
nicely thats why worried if i got a medical officer from KK to stitch for me.
Aiyoh i thought of the stitches i want to faint liao.. Is it really very painful?
oh i thought that the thumps i felt were the baby's heartbeat from the tummy......

does anyone have bleeding or swollen gums due to excessive puking...?

heheh Elle, i also wear tops which cover the zip area.

snowlake, $1300 is really very reasonable. heheh opting for 2-bed but if 1-bed is at $1300 i dun mind

Oh yah, snowflake, my guy colleague was telling me that the doc usually will make u go natural all the way until they feel that there is a need for epidural ?

envy java, i still can't take strong smells....
wah.. all this talk abt food nearing dinner time is making me hungry. hee... :p

<font color="0000ff">java &amp; snowpooher,</font> our heartbeat got so strong meh? hee... i really tot it's bb's heartbeat. maybe last time not pregnant, nvr notice. i can't feel any fluttering leh.
does those tinging sensation count? i just feel something pressing on my bladder so feel like going toilet.
I thought KKH doc more experience as they speciallise in deliveries of bb?I also heard tt sme of the doc stitches nt tt gd.

Hi Joyce:
Oh really? Aiyo! I'm getting very absent-minded &amp; blur.
Glad ur baby's ok after the knock from his/her korkor! How old is ur son?

Hi Jannie &amp; Tiny:
Thanks! Will check out Mothercare's undies. Luckily i didn't buy those aunty undies.

Hi wenn,
Thanks for ur recommendations for maternity clothes! Now seems to be an awkward stage--too big for normal clothes, too small for mat clothes.

Hi Lyn_baby,
Dun worry abt those papayas u've taken. Ur baby still needs a certain amt of Vitamin A for normal growth. Just dun take too much lor.

I dunno which fruit/s r "ideal". Guess nothing is perfect that's why need a variety.

Read (or was it on TV?) that fruits/vege that r dark coloured (fruit is dark coloured, not just the skin), eg kiwi, orange, broccoli, spinach, r more nutritious.

I think "safe" fruits r kiwi, honeydew, dragonfruit, peach, apple.

Eat in moderation: Reddish fruits (eg orange, papaya etc), heaty fruits (eg durian, mango, longan), cooling fruits (eg watermelon, chinese pear).

Avoid: Pineapples. I thought it's a myth, but obst says it may bring on contractions!

Anyone else got anything else to add on? I'm also learning abt wat fruits to take
Hi Java,
Wah! Peifu! I also like frog's legs! But dun thk i'll have the guts to dissect it! &amp; surely i can't cook it!

HI Ladies,
Are oysters in oyster omelette (hao2 jian1) cooked well enough? Safe to eat or not?

BTW, Dun take too much century eggs--contains some lead, according to my friend.
Hi ohmigosh
thx for all yr info,last 9 told my mum i nt goin to eat papaya at the time bein.shld take more tomatoes, today bought grapes to work.
As for oysters in oyster omelette beter dun eat too much even if well cooked as its too oily.
I wil also gt the undies toosaw it tt day bt didnt buy it as I was in a rush.

Hi Gals
Any1 know hw to reduce leg cramping in the middle of the nite?last 9 have a few time leg cramp on both legs.

Yesterday i chat with my fren who've just given birth. She share with me her experience and i also ask some qs. that i've.. Talking abt the heartbeat from the tummy according to her its the BB's heartbeat leh. She said if you listen properly u cld feel double heart beat. One is your own another one is your BB's.

She said after giving birth she dun feel it anymore.


U gals able to tell us your experience? We r confused liao
hey Lyn_baby, alot of pple tell me that cramps in legs is due to lack of calcium. maybe u can try to take abit of calcium supplement or milk.

i m now staying with my mom in bedok, cos hubby is not ard (as usual).

i find something perculiar is happening to me - my tummy is growing smaller by the day!! my mom also noticed when i showed my tummy to her... any one with the same experience?
Hi Elle,

at my stage i can only hear my own heart beat - as it's pumping doubly hard to supply to the baby n myself.. bb's heart beat at this stage is too small. Gynae confirmed it. As for the stitching, it's not painful for me as well, I was able to move abt by myself on the following morning to bathe (i delivered at nite). That part of u will be a bit stiff tho. If u want the stitches to heal faster, lie down on your side.

Hi Lyn_baby, I am staying at Sengkang-Rivervale.
For the leg cramps, think i did listed out some things for it in the earlier thread.
To summarise, do stretching b4 sleep, alleviate your legs, avoid standing too long, do ankle rotation, sleep on your side, once in a while soak them in hot water with lavender oil- it's rejuvenating.
hi Elle,
I also noticed that my heartbeat seems to move my tummy more when pregnant, maybe because of the sac below the tummy skin?

hi jannie,
Maybe last time ur tummy bigger due to the stomach gases, but now ur MS should have subsided and stomach gases also reduce, so ur tummy appears smaller? When I was in my 13-14 wk I also notice this. But now my tummy is growing at a tremendous rate, maybe because I tend to eat more.
hey, jannie.. i also have the same experience as you ! Think a few days ago, i realised that my tummy was smaller than before! I nearly freaked out. Was worried for a few days and after that it started swelling more again.
But i always have this problem... my tummy will look bigger in the afternoon till nite time (maybe cos of the food + water consumed), then the next morning, my tummy will be flatter again after a few rounds of toilet trips in the wee hours! Arghhhh....

Yesterday went to look at some maternity clothes.. and the lady asked me am i 2 mths pregnant now? So depressed when i heard that...

Sometimes i kept wondering whether is BB growing or not?
Hi jannie/steamboat

I am having the same experience..I am into my week 14 already but my tummy seem to be much smaller than before...

like steamboat, have been really worried for the past few days cos keep wondering whether BB is growing or not..

This morning, I nearly freak out when I saw my tummy like very flat (just look like is a small 'du nan' rather than pregnancy bulge..but now, the tummy seem to have grew a bit but still like smaller...~sigh~
ok.. whew... at least i m not the only one here... cos last week, it seems that it is growing all of a sudden, then these few days shrink liao...
hi jannie

besides feeling that the tummy shrink...do you feel anything else in particular, like a bit of cramps or stretching?

I only feel that my tummy seems to be very tight everytime after meal now...other than that, not much feeling at the the tummy area liao...
Me too.. i also feel my tummy very tight esp after a heavy meal. Sometimes i can feel some movements in my tummy when i lie down or sit down (dunno whether is it BB kicking me or not)... then certain days i can't really feel the movements.
Think i abit paranoid liao... kept asking my friends how come my tummy is like that?
Hi Jannie &amp; Qdee
I live at Sembawang
Leg cramp is due to lack of calcium oh no tn muz take supplement fr gynae the nxt checkup.I find tt my tummy grow bigger during the evening.
Thx...Will try yr method
I also can feel tt my tummy gt heart beat bt dunno is fr myself or bb.The last checkup my gynae do the scan for bb heartbeat i also dunno is mine or bb wan bt i tink is mine as the rate of the heartbeat fast.Muz wait til 27th tis mth tt will be my 19 wks to go for my nxt check up nt sure whether the gynae at KKH will do the scanning for me anot.
aiyah .. now i look like 6 mths preg when i am only 4 mths! .. so u girls dun complain of small tummy .. be happy :D
Hi Doll,

where did u get the info on TMC about the discounts? Is the discounted price u stated based on the single bed? I cant this info on the website
ibs, i do feel abit of crampy feeling at my side tummy at times, but not that frequent.

i also feel abit of movement in my tummy this week. but i think must be the gas lah... dun think can feel movement yet till a few weeks later.. i read that the earliest is prob week 18th.
good day ladies,

<font color="119911">ohmig0sh,</font>
just to add... from wat i heard, oranges and bananas should be avoided in the last trimester as they may cause bb to have phelgm next time. right gals?

<font color="0000ff">Lyn_Baby,</font>
thanks for wanting to organise a gathering for us. i'm staying in bedok area.

btw, just to add too, Marton Bell is also at Centrepoint, besides Tangs Shoes. They have maternity wear, preggies shoes and maternity swim wear.
Hi Ladies..

I eat almost everything actually, but in moderation. Too much of everything is alwaz not good. Whatever i crave for, i'll eat them, but not too much. On my 2nd pregnancy, i ate too much crabs, now my 2nd child hyper-super-active. Legs and hands move non-stop... ha ha ha.. so this time cannot over-eat on a particular food!!

I'm going for a fetal test next week to check for down-syndrome at TMC. It's a new test i heard, more accurate dan blood test. Checking on the baby's neck's skin.. something like dat..
Well, it's not that i'm over 35yrs or wat.. but juz to play safe lah..
hi steamboat
I also a bit paranoid too especially when we cant see/feel the 'obvious' difference at our tummy lor..

Hi jannie
you mean that kind of feeling when you are very gassy? last week, i did feel occasionally like some gas movement in the middle of my abdomen area.But nowadays no more liao...
Hi all,

Just to check, do you all feel extremely tired at work everyday even if you have 8 hrs rest everyday? Personally, I always almost doze off at work even in the morning..so afternoon is worst. So everyday have to fight off the extreme fatigue. And also, lately I seems to puke a lot..especially morning and after lunch. A bit worried that bb will not have enough nutrition.

I stay at Sembawang too
Which part are you staying?
kirsten, this time around i dun feel that tired. Better than previous pregnancy. The first one, i kept sleeping n sleeping and kept dozing off at work. For this one, I am ok considering that i still have to run after the eldest girl and sometimes have to be awake at nite when she's unwell. I guess just need some getting used to.

BTW, anyone here has had high fever of more than 38 deg during the first 16 wks?
I had fever last Sat and it's more than 38 deg and gynae said water bag cannot withstand heat of more than 38 deg .. so now i am worried
Hi lyn &amp; kristen,

Me too staying at Sembawang. I stay just opp. the MRT station. What abt the two of you?

Lyn, me too during evening time tummy buldge out twice the size of my morning tummy. Morning when i wake up i can easily get away from people that i'm not pregnant. But after lunch its like balloon start to get bigger and bigger..

Hi Snowlake,

I've always love crabs esp. chilli crabs.. yummy yummy.. But i am told not to eat cos' BB cld be super active. I dun really believe but to play safe i dun eat lor. However, after you've shared your experience i think i'm starting to believe it.

Aiyoh .. cant imagine i cant take crabs for 9mths.

Oh yah.. u went for the test at TMC is it a compulsory test? For KKH its a compulsory test even though <35yrs old.
Hi Elle &amp; Kristen
I also live opp to the MRT station currently stayin wif my MIL.Wow nxt time can ask you gals out for tea .keke...
I will also feel v tired during afternn at my office feel like takin a nap.
