(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

Hi wenn,

I'm not sure on the temp leh. But was told that the body temp will increase at later stage.

I empty my bladder every night when I go to bed, but will still wake up few times lor.

Aiyo, I think must be liao lah. If not, why 2 am every night!!

snowpooher, i also wake up at 2am every night!!! such coincidence. then after that i will have difficulty in going back to sleep. but isn't it too early to determine the waking up time for baby? i mean they are hardly a few cm big.
snowpooher & jannie,
i think your waking up at 2am might be caused by the hormones.

was reading this pregnancy book and it states that difficulty in sleeping could be physical factors such as discomfort from indigestion or psychological ones such as worrying about money etc...

i think i've been sleeping well these 2 nites becos i have a warm shower b4 going to sleep at 10+pm. u might wanna try that
i used to sleep thru out the night till the next morning when my hubby wake me up (abt 7am) but now a day, i too wake up at mayb ard 5am (i think, refuse to open my eyes to c the clock).
yippie... it's fri today. So happy tomolo no need to work.

Sigh, yesterday nite i suddenly felt giddy. And i could feel my room moving in circles when i lie on my bed.

Is it because i lack of some vitamins in my body?Do u gals also feel giddy sometimes? Yesterday nite was my worst so far.

Btw, for those who are interested in knowing the size of your bb each wk, can see this doc which i have cut and paste the table from a website. It's in .zip file cos the word doc filesize too big to upload liao.
<center><table border=1><tr><td>
BB size
BB weight.zip (6.5 k)</td></tr></table></center>
wow.. i really missed alot !! hehe was too with work these 2 days.. no time to check forum.

heheh i can relate to joyce, mine is not PC but handphone. Suddenly find the screen of my mobile irritating. the worst thing is I just bought..argghhhh

i use to tink why the mummies-to-be look so tired all the time.. hiaz.. now become one , know that sleep is becoming more n more precious

when u all get up in the middle of the night, do ur tummy feel uncomfortable ? i always get this aching pain below my breast bone n above my tummy.

my hubby also in civil service, but was a bit pressured to go for Thomson :p heeh anyway can claim up to 1.2k from company so it's okee.

steamboat , could it be u r hungry ? i fainted recently coz i lacked sugar... I do have these at nights. usually take horlicks or a slice of bread...
Hi Steamboat,

I did feel giddy once or twice but i quickly sat dwn &amp; relaxed for awhile...I didn't knw wat happened then, But since then, i hven't had tt experience. Cld it be due to tiredness?

Hi Doll,

I do get the crampy pulling feeling below my tummy...can be qte bad till i really can't take it but it eventually subsided after awhile.

Of late, i keep waking up several times to pee...tried not to drink too much h20 b4 i go to bed but it's just amazing hw much i still need to pee at nite.
I ended up slp'g till pretty late tis mrg!

Hi Joyce,

I hope u're feeling better now.
Ur MS is indeed very weird!
Perhaps ur baby's telling u tt u've been spending too much time on the PC...Haha!


Read ur comment abt telling ur hubby u dun wan to be pregnant liao...haha!
Yup, there are times when i wish tt i'm not pregnant too esp when i had the unbearable crampy feeling! But my hubby was alwz there to comfort me so it wasn't too bad!
Do hope u're feeling better now.
hi laugh,
these few days weather very cook... nice to nua in bed hor

hi steamboat,
yah, i do feel giddy once in a while. this morning was quite bad maybe bcos i was hungry... thanks for posting the doc!

hi babyvon,
i asked my gynae why i have backache &amp; cramps lately. she told me that it's becos the hormones are loosening the ligaments in our backs &amp; it's normal... heng ah! i thot i'm the only 1 with this odd symptom
<font face="Palladius"><blink><u><font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">Congrats to all our Newly Expectant Mommies!!

<table border=1><tr><td><font size="+2"><u><font color="ff6000">
February Babies</font></u>
</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>
</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Steamboat -- EDD 02/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Tiny -- EDD 05/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">babygrace -- EDD 14/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Lite Breeze -- EDD 15/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Java -- EDD 21/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">BaByVoN -- EDD 27/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Jannie -- EDD 27/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Lilac -- EDD 28/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Vig -- EDD ?/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>
<font size="+2"><u><font color="119911">March Babies</font></u></font>
</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>
</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Scarydoggie -- EDD 02/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">skinnyma -- EDD 06/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Laugh -- EDD 07/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Seiko -- EDD 07/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">snowpooher -- EDD 07/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">doll -- EDD 06/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Joyce -- EDD 08/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">lbs -- EDD 14/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">KC -- EDD ?/03/05 </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">wenn -- EDD ?/03/05</font></font> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table></blink></font>
<font face="Palladius"><font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">Gestation weeks as of today, 16/07/04</font>
<font size="+1"><ul>[*]<font color="ff6000">Steamboat -- 11 wks 2 days</font> <LI><font color="119911">Tiny -- 10 wks 6 days</font> <LI><font color="ff6000">babygrace -- 9 wks 5 days</font> <LI><font color="119911">Lite Breeze -- 9 wks 0 day</font> <LI><font color="ff6000">Java -- 8 wks 4 days</font> <LI><font color="119911">BabyVoN -- 8 wks 2 day</font> <LI><font color="ff6000">Jannie -- 7 wks 6 days</font> <LI><font color="119911">snowpooher -- 7 wks 5 days</font> <LI><font color="ff6000">Lilac -- 7 wks 1 day</font> <LI><font color="119911">Scarydoggie --</font> <LI><font color="ff6000">Laugh -- 6 wks 6 days</font> <LI><font color="119911">Joyce -- 6 wks 4 days</font> <LI><font color="ff6000">Seiko -- 6 wks 4 days</font> <LI><font color="119911">skinnyma -- 6 wks 3 days</font> <LI><font color="ff6000">lbs -- 6 wks 3 days</font> <LI><font color="119911">KC --</font> <LI><font color="ff6000">wenn --5 wks 6 days</font>[/list]</font></font>

r u feeling better? no need to update if u have M/S. take care &amp; rest ok?

Wenn, yah nice to "nua" on bed but i can't take nap even if im very tired.... "ku ming"
Hi <font color="aa00aa">Laugh</font>, thanks for the concern. I'm feeling much better today. Just feel a little bit bloated. How about you?

Hi <font color="0077aa">lbs</font>, you dun laugh so early hor, maybe your MS will be more weird than me ah... I mean in later stage... <font color="ff0000">*niagk niagk*</font>
hi laugh,
me too, always tired in office... been having this exhausted look on my face so that nobody will come and ask me to do boh liao work
but i really feel wasted/drained when it's time to go home... dunno why...

hi doll,
i ain't sure if can go for massages or not. i think it's ok as long as they dun use too much strength lor
today vomited all my lunch again... these few days my MS is getting from bad to worse. Seems that I can only eat french fries kekeke...

For massage, you must let them know that you are pregnant, so that they can use less strength.
hi joyce, me so far so gd, still as per normal. Only diff is when i take the hormone pill, will feel like knocking out aft 1.5-2hrs, so instead of taking 3x a day, now i take only at night b4 i sleep. Will check with the gynae 2morrow when i c him, cos understand this pill shouldn't has this kind of effect.

hi wenn, most likely u has drained up too much energy during off hrs OR mayb u love u job too much that u don't wan to go home... ha ha...
snowpooher, mayb ur bb only like to eat french fries....

i have a colleague whom only can eat western food when she pregnant &amp; will vommit out wat she ate when she ate chinese food..
hey laugh,
aiyo,, i hate my job leh.... been planning to change jobs b4 i found out about my pregnancy leh...
Wendypooh, if u wanna change, just tell nurse the doc that u want to have. As long as u select a gynae, u will automatically be upgraded. For the pricing, sorry, but can chk on the kk website, otherwise check direct with KK?
harlow mtbs
paiseh been MIA whole day till now.... this MS thing really creating chaos in my life.... halfway thru work, had 2 rush into toilet 2 puke, but got nothing... tried 2 force myself, in the end, only some saliva wass expelled... but felt a lil better too. so funny.

for dinner ordered a chicken rice set... when i sat down, cant stand the sight of the rice n veges... so only ate the chicken slices. *sigh* so wasted. But i had gd appetite for juices leh... drank 2 cups of red apple juice without ice. last time i love green apples, but thot it may b too sour 4 bb *hee*

still feeling cold as usual.... was complaining to hb how come the airconditioning in shopping centres so cold??? even when i koon, i wear a cardigan. on some days i do wake up to pee, but less frequently now. juz tt when i wake up, muz 1st rush 2 the loo :p no prob sleeping, in fact i think i lack of sleep since i have to wake up at 510 am to prepare for work. no matter how early i sleep, having 2 wake up this early is already depriving my body of zzz... only can wake up late on sundays... *sigh*

bought preserved plum ginger slices juz now,... did help a lil in curbing MS....
Hi Joyce
But really funni mah...hahahaa..feel like laughing again...

Hi gals
Any of you have similar experience? For some food, no matter how much you eat, you wont feel like vomit but for some food, even you take a little, instantly you will feel very uneasy &amp; wanted to vomit?

Actually, I have this weird thinking..that is the more I eat, even if I vomit, at least there will still be enough balance for BB lor...So for lunch I took Yong Tau Fu soup (8 pieces) plus a plate of fried beehoon. Thought after that will sure go back to office to vomit liao..Well, surprisingly, I managed to finish up evrything (last time i cant even finish the 8 pieces of Yong Tau Fu!) &amp; didnt vomit at all..

Who knows, I took a pear just now, &amp; immediately I feel miserable &amp; went to vomit..Very strange hor? **Scratch Heah*
hi lbs

guess being preggies throws us off the balance.... yesterday afternoon, i had nasi lemak... my fave chicken wing, ikanbillis wif peanuts, 1 omelette, some tempei wif long beans... plus my fave nasilemak chilli!!! b4 i had that, was thinking, aiiya no appetite, eat abit can already... who knows i finished everything n din experience MS until few hrs later ( when i felt hungry ) muz be the sedap chilli *hehe*

but when it comes to din, when i saw my fave chicken rice... surprisingly no appetite... when i got home even puke a lil...

today ate some ginger slices b4 work.... hated ginger but bo bian...
Java, how come u can't sleep? Haha, everynight i'm just SOOOOOOOOOOOOO sleepy my problem is that i can't wake up!!

Anyway I was telling u i started on stretch mark cream cos i'm quite small sized (hence my nick) and so my tummy is showing from quite early already...(particularly about 2-3 wks ago) and it feels really tight &amp; stretchy so i thought better be kiasu and use lor. Another reason is so that my hubby can pamper me mah!
I told him it's his responsibility and his chance to bond &amp; talk to baby so he guai guai every night no matter how tired, bo pian also must do it lor!

lbs, for me i only avoid oily &amp; spicy food cos that makes me feel uncomfortable after eating. everything else is fine so far...and fruits and vegetables &amp; ice cream/cold desert always work best!
java, how come u cant zzz? it is due to waking in the middle of the night 2 go to the loo?

hi tiny
actually when is the correct time to use stretch mark cream? cos i bought a body shop cocoa butter roll on during GSS.... dunno when 2 start using. Im big built, so tummy not obvious yet... erm, i already have a tyre, so cant tell which is caused by the kid *hehehe* u taking cold stuff? ive been warned 2 stay off anything cold... *sulking*
Hi seiko, i use it cos my tummy feels so stretched...always so bloated prob due to the water retention. But actually i have no idea when to start...but i guess you can treat it like a moisturiser..should be no harm right?

i still take cold stuff like ice cream &amp; deserts...refreshing leh! and it leaves a nice taste in my mouth! hee hee..no one scolding me yet...why cannot take huh?
hi gals..so glad to know that my sneezing and trembling from cold over tha past few days are all normal! like u all, I've been avoiding the freezer sections at NTUC and waking up in middle of nite freezing like siao. I thot I caught a cold when I sneezed like 6 times consecutively in a row! I 've been craving for spicy suff like laksa, curry mee, tom yam soup as I have no appetite at all. so sian..giving chou liao face to my hubby all the time too :p

I plan to buy stretchmark cream from mothercare soon. anyone else already using this?
hi tiny

oh, if u feel tummy feels stretched already then shd start using stretch mark creams.,.. 4 me, i still cant tell if its my fats or bb expanding *heheeh*

in the past i never said no to ice cream, but now find it quite 'off taste'. hb said i can eat anything but old folks told me not to take anything cold leh... plus still during the 1st trimester... so i was quite worried.

i think im starting 2 be adverse to food wif pungent smells... juz lost my appetite once i opened up the food pack which my mom bought.... instead wolfed down 2 egg tarts fr Tong Heng *hehe* yummy ...
hi <font color="0000ff">all</font>
haven come in for a week liao.... was busy at work and so cant surf the net.
I thk i have some MS now cos every morning when i wake up, i feel like going to vomit. N always feel like there's somethg stuck in between my throat n i feel like digging it out! Anyone has gt such feeling too?
Hehe... until now, i din see any growth in my bbs leh... still like when im not preggie.. just that its more sensitive now.
Do u thk we can eat panadols? Cos im feeling sick... thk im going to have fever soon cos im feeling cold on and off.

<font color="0000ff">joyce</font>
i still cant see my bb heartbeat last week whn i go for the scan. So my due date shd be ard the 1st or 2nd wk of March.... Will update u again when i visit my gynae this coming saturday.

My hubby and i are so happy when we see the "little dot". I almost cried out.... !!
Hi lilac
I too having all this nausea feeling in the morning...especially the moment I wake up..after I take my bath, then ok already..dunno why too..

I used to take Panadols whenever I feel slight fever or cold but last few days, even I was having slight flu &amp; running nose, I didnt dare to take any medicines as scared may be harmful to Ah Dot..I think is better to get prescription from doc??

Can understand how you feel, thats excatly how we feel when we first see Ah Dot on the screen..Did your gynae told you roughly how many weeks you are in now?
hi lilac
my MS runs throughout the day... it is really affecting my job n my waking hrs. now i dread eating cos i never know wat food causes me to throw up, the queasy feeling im experiencing whole day ( except when im zzz ), is really causing me misery.... most ladies here r feeling cold too, cos no appetite, whereas bb is absorbing our heat, so we're left wif lil.... think it'll only improve when we regain our appetite ( which i hope is soon ).

going 4 my 1st gynae visit tomorrow. hope 2 c a bigger sac ( wif some contents *hehehe* ) than when i 1st saw it on my gp's machine.
Hi morning ladies! I've been observing this. I tend to wake up every night at 2 am and will not go to sleep till 6am. But I need to wake up at 6am to prepare for work. Now, I feel so sleepy and tired!

MS is getting worse. Everything seems unsuitable for me to eat. I vomit whatever I eat leh. Even the ribena that I've been drinking. I love laksa and curry but will vomit after few hrs after eating. I feel so sicked! (T.T)

Ladies, from what I know, try to balance both cold and heaty food, if not, next time BB's body will either be too cold or too heaty. Cold drinks occasionally is ok. Just listen to your body. I've a colleague who must drink at least 1 can of coke every day. Just remember to eat in moderate portion.
hi snowpooher,
u r not alone. I also wake up at 4am and can't sleep till 6am. Usually if I have a bad night of sleeplessness, the next day, my nausea worsens due to fatigue. I wake up to go to the loo and after that I can't sleep coz my stomach is growling. So I try to eat more during dinner and take some crackers before I sleep so that my stomach not so empty. Dun eat laksa and curry coz got cocnut milk and quit oily. Eat more plain and neutral food that is more easily digestible. I can't seem to take cold drinks coz seems to cause more wind in the stomach and the womb like cold cold.

The weekend was terrible for me!!! I think I'm reaching the climax of MS at 8-9 weeks. Most of the time I was lying in bed sleeping to escape from the throes of MS. Hopefully like what the books say, my MS will subside by Week 10.
hi seiko,
have a good check up at the gynae!!!
i'm wearing flatties now which i hate too as i love heels...

i don't have ms yet but nausea very bad and heartburn this morning. i was on bed rest from thurs till yesterday. back to work only today. actually on mc too today and tomorrow. but got a big meeting at work today.*sigh*

shivering at night with just the fan, the last time i need to on the air con before i can fall asleep.

lilac, me too. so happy to see "dot". will be seeing gynae tomorrow again for follow up.

hi all newcomers to the thread!

joyce, hope u r feeling better today!
hi gers,

i had fever &amp; sore throat yesterday

so i took 1 panadol tablet every 4 hours. i did asked the GP on whether it's safe or not &amp; he said that it's ok as long as dun take more than 8 a day.

nauseous &amp; giddy every day. moreover, lately very picky over food. last night while eating veggies, felt like puking... hope that my baby wun turn out to be a fussy eater when he/she grows up
me too... even though i am approaching wk 12, but i still feel nausea on and off. But i find that i will feel even more nausea after i eat the obimin vitamins.

Sometimes i can't even stomach any kind of water, not even ribena !

Can't wait for my ms to subside in 2nd trimester !
Java, is it true that MS will subsided by Week 10??? I tot is Week 12. Now everyday feel so sick and sleepy, dunno if should take MC to rest at home. But at home will be so boring.
hi snowpooher,
It will peak around Week 8-9, then start to subside By Week 10, but occasionally you will still get MS. Not like now I get MS everyday almost every hour. I'm not working now, so I get to have afternoon naps, at least not so siong. I find working and handling MS hard to juggle, esp if I have a sleepless night the night before. Usually I will have a quick lunch and have a short nap at my cubicle during lunchtime. Maybe I used to staying at home liao, time passes rather fast, watch Korean shows, chat here with you all.
Morning gals,
Went to c the gynae on Sat n saw my BB heartbeat &amp; now is abt 6mm long only, so excited &amp; happy, seem veri amazing..

So far, only the 5am very short wake that bothers me, other than this, im as per normal n have appetite to eat anything. I used to eat only half plate of noodles/rice but now I tried to eat slightly more.
Hi Java, I think I might be in the peak MS now. I'm now at week 7 to 8. I feel no strength, both legs like no ruan ruan like tat, no energy at all. Also affected by the awakeness during midnite which last up to 6 am every night. Got heartburn every evening. I even vomited last night when I was about to sleep. I'm trying to ren and save my MC leave but think I can't tahan anymore... Now I feel like crying... I feel very miserable. I'm afraid my mood will affect hubby cos I found that he didn't sleep last night too. Afraid will affect his work when he lacks of sleep. Suddenly I feel myself so hateful (T.T)
hi tiny,
I'm also thinking of buying stretch marks cream before it appears.. Can share with me where and which brand you buy? I really know nothing abt stretch marks cream..

Same as seiko lor..all along i used to have tummy so not sure is it caused by my BB or i originally is like tat. But i heed my fren's advise lor.. gotta apply stretch mark cream as early as possible.

I'm still drinking cold drinks leh..I mean non-gasy ones. Like cold soya bean milk or cold fresh milk.
Mayb i'm used to it liao.. Feel more 'shioke' to have it cold leh.
U mean we really gotta avoid it totally ah?
hi elle,
i was told to avoid "cooling" drinks. 1 of them is soya bean milk. they told me that baby will be very weak if we drink soya bean milk almost every day. but i dunno how true this saying is lah...

now, i drink mostly plain water. cold milk makes me wanna vomit after that....
hi ocean,

Sorry sorry me blur lah.. thought u've convert from subsidized to pte liao.. paiseh hor..I've just got my small pink booklet which jots down all the appointment dates.. Do u have any idea what does TCU stands for? Under this column the nurse will jot down my next appointment period i.e 6weeks and the heading is call TCU. Just curious, any idea what it stands for?

Hi Doll,

Me too always have this kinda crampy pulling feeling somewhere under my tummy.
Sometimes when i turn my body the pulling feeling becomes stronger.. Its always in the nite time when i'm lying on the bed.. Dunno how come also.. Hope this is normal leh..
Hi wenn,
I thought soya bean is gd for BB cos it is high protein? Think my mum was saying, cannot take "duo hua".

Tiny, me also thinking of buying stretch mark cream, can share wat brand n will this cream very oily aft applied?
hi laugh,
that's what doctors said right?
actually, i feel that both soya bean drink &amp; duo hua are cooling. my mum was telling me that my cousin drank soya bean milk everyday. her baby boy was quite weak after he was born.... always falling sick... poor thing

hi joyce,

my edd is 20/2/05, geestation is 9 wks 4 days now.

hi wenn &amp; laugh,
my mum say soya bean drink &amp; dou hua are cooling also but she say soy milk(those fr supermart) can. strange , all along i tot the 2 are the same.

wenn, are u in 2003 brides thread last time?
