(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

hi babyvon
hope ive been of some help. i know how it feels to feel crampy... such a horrible feeling plus i cant stand up 4 long too.

hi lbs
i cant imagine the foetus being so tiny, yet with a heart beating already... when my gynae told me, i din feel emotional... it was when i came home, took out a ruler then i almost wanted to cry.... Ooopsss, getting emotional liao, muz b hormones acting up *heheh*

hi doll
i insist n persist on not having the V scan, cos me scary cat mah *heheh* u have no idea how much water i drank n how hard i prayed for foetus 2 b seen on screen ah.... when the lab tech said, oh think got sth... i felt so relieved ah....

hi wenn
think by next wk yr bb shd be able 2 be captured on the lab tech's sensitive screen ... u know how worried we were when dr tan said, ei, the sac is here, but where's the bb?? i almost freaked out till he said his machine can only pick up 'bigger foetus size' *phew* i think by next visit, we'll go for the package already. This elderly nurse who orientated me, said their normal pkg starts at 498 for 10 visits ( plus some blood tests ). But for dr tan, muz add 100 more. hb says shd go for it, think cheaper rite?

hi Vig
think V scan is normally used when the foetus is still v tiny, not able 2 be captured using abdominal scan.... hold yr bladder as the full bladder can make the sac more easily seen on screen ( shadow in background ).

hi Elle
actually im v curious bt my conception date leh... most gynae's can agar agar tell patients their conception date rite? cos im short listed 2 v possible dates... n 1 of them was when hb n I checked in Mandarin Singapore ( where we had our AD )... so curious n dunno if this bb is made in mandarin anot? *hahaha*

hi Java
me also v emotional these days ... can u imagine i crried 4 times while watching Spiderman2? the patron next to me kept peeping over, muz be thinking im nutz *heheh*

Hi! Seiko,

Oh u mean your little one is made in Mandarin Singapore ah..? heehee.. What is AD?
Me too really curious to know when is my conception date cos i recall during my O-date i went for a 2days biz trip so not sure whether is it i strike b4 my trip or mayb i O later.
Mayb we shld the gyne during our next visit hor.. When is your next visit?..

Yeh.. i've manage to bring forward my appointment 2weeks earlier.. So will be seeing my gyne 2nd week of Aug. Look forward to see my little one again.
hey Em,
i heard others say that SGH's package is about 600... think most of the private gynae's package only 500. how come need to start so early? my frens told me only need to start from 2nd trimester leh.... how come Dr Tan said need to add $100? for extra tests?

anyway, am off my thyroid medication liao... cos my baby is sucking all my thyroxin hormones for brain development. in the mean time, every month i have to go for a blood test... sigh... spend more $$$ again
hi gals,

as my tummy is expanding quite fast(evry1 tot i'm at least 4 mths!)...i think its time for me to start applying stretchmark cream. any recommendations?

also, any1 here opt for TMC/ Mt Avernia for delivery?
Good noon to all ladies.

Hi <font color="aa00aa">Steamboat</font>. Thanks. Hope you ladies will like it!

Hi <font color="119911">Vig</font>, erm... I dun really get you. What do you mean by the due date for delivery @ hospital? Add to which table ah...? sorry... me a bit stupid... catch no ball...

Hi <font color="ff6000">Elle</font>, Lina Ng's bb was delivered through C-section, so of coz no feeling... heehee. And I gave birth through natural one ( of coz with the power of <font color="ff0000">Epidural</font>... niagk...niagk... ) So the feeling slightly different from C-section.
er... perhaps it's the feeling of satisfication!
We can eat sotong, aiyah... if you gonna to believe the old wives tales, saying that if we eat either crab or sotong, our babies will be very active 'n' notti in future, then better dun eat. If you want to eat, just eat everything in moderation.
You mean you will have your next checkup in 6 wks later? I think it's too far liao. Normally it's 3 - 4 wks away mah.

Hi <font color="0077aa">BaByVon</font>, I also cannot tahan pain, heehee. But I din cry lor, I was shivering with fright all the way, dunno what the nurse gonna to do what to me ... eeee...
hi Elle,

so sorry for reply so late. i was quite busy recently so no time to come in.

ya, u r right i'm from ttc thread previouly

not, i was not refer by pte gynae. i was refer by poly clinic. peviously i was seeing a pte gynae from Glen E but decide to switch in week 16. so i dun know tat i can go KKH straight, so i went to polyclinic to get letter. i going to switch to pte gynae at KKH on my next visit as i was comforatble with my first appt gynae and would like to stick to him and have him as my delivery gyane. the gyane happen to be recommende by 2 of my friend. currently the gyane i seeing is a consultant
hi Joyce,

just add which hospital for delivery besides our due date, if its not too troublesome..

hi snow,
my gynae attached to both TMC &amp; Mt. A, so still deciding. worried abt the parking there.
are u enrolling in the FBI programme in TMC?
Hi Seiko
You are right!
Cant really imagine hearbeat can be detected from a tiny 6.1mm BB !!

I told my hubby, it is no longer called Ah Dot from now on...is BB now...hehehee
Hi <font color="119911">Vig</font>, oh I see... erm... let me see to it, ok?
So I need to gather all the informations from you ladies again, isn't it? Why don't we wait for some time later when everybody have confirmed which hospital they are going to deliver. What do you think?

Let me do a starting:

<font color="0077aa">Joyce - KKH
Vig - MT. A / TMC
Java - '''
Tiny - '''</font>

Just copy and paste the informations. Can? So I no need to browse/search up and down for the info.

So what do all the ladies here think of <font color="119911">Vig's</font> feedback?
ya, really amazing to c &amp; hear the heartbeat fm a tiny bb..

Hi Vig,
most likely i will opt for Mt. A cos parking there is more convinent and secondly my gynae is just staying beside the hospital.
Hi! Joyce,

Eh... Paiseh hor.. may i know wat is C-section?
Is it caesarian ah? How come some doesnt want epidural and some wants it? Is it w/out epidural more painful? but i heard epidural got side effect har?

Yah lor.. there r so many different 'version' of wat to eat &amp; wat not to eat..
some say can eat some say cannot.. very 'luan'. Guess the magic word is can eat everything but in MODERATION.
Cos' its my 1st time mah.. so i dun know wat is the 'standard' &amp; thought to visit gyne in 6 weeks time is still ok and didnt bother to ask the gyne.

Anyway i cant wait also.. I've heeded your advise..just called up to bring forward my appointment 2weeks earlier instead. Luckily still can slot in the appointment date that i want.
Hi <font color="ff6000">Elle</font>, you are right! <font color="0000ff">C-section</font> is another medical form of <font color="0077aa">Caesarean</font>. Maybe some ladies wanted to experience the 'Killing pain' once in their lifetime. For those w/o epidural, will scream/shout like hell in their delivery room, and those with epidural, totally no screaming/shouting, just 'emm.. emm..' (when giving birth time) sound nia, haha! Tell you something interesting, I was having my contractions every 3-5min, the nurse asked me," You need epidural?" I answered," er... no need, still can tahan!" After 30 min, the pain become very constant, bo bian, I asked the nurse for the epidural. Then she said," Thought you say you can tahan?" She was grinning away. But most of the nurses in Mount. A quite friendly and helpful. Again another old wives tales, some ladies say epidural is to cause backache in future.
hehe quite a number of 1st timers

vig , mi opting for TMC coz my gynae is either Mt A or TMC.

what is FBI programme ?

heheh joyce , vig's idea is not bad !!

Mine is Doll - TMC

hiaz.. i use to love my own cooking but nowadays.. seem to eating outside food alot. which isn't very healthy....
Hi Vig &amp; Doll,

My gynae's attached to TMC/Mt. Alvernia too...Hrd both hospitals' parking very exp. Hmmm...i've yet to chk out the charges for staying at the individual hospital as it's still early. Care to share any info u knw? Thks!


Haha! From ur experience, i tink i prob go straight for epidural 'cos i hv a low tolerance for pain! Oh No!

I hvent decided on which hospital...Will let u knw agn in the ltr stage. But i tink it's gonna be too much work for u to compile.

Hello Seiko,

Yup, thks! I had diarrhoea for 2 days since yesterday, on &amp; off. It's since stopped...If it persist, i'll call my gynae ltr. I tink i may hv slight food poisoning.
Perhaps it's b'cos i've been kinda greedy!
Hi Vig and Babyvon,

My gynea's at Mt A. So far i've no problem with parking during my weekly visits. Carpark is $1.30 per hr during the day and i think there is a period during the night where it's free.
Dear all,
I've been really busy at work, no time to catch up with this fast paced forum!

Joyce, I dunno where I'll deliver. Prob Gleneagles...i haven't actually spoken to my gynae abt the arrangements yet but he delivers there.

These few days my urine is rather yellow...i dunno if i don't drink enough or if it's due to the folic i'm taking. heard vitamins tend to be a little heaty...i haven't been drinking much water cos i feel so bloated. And I also noticed that I have quite a lot of discharge...which leaves a yellowish stain on my panty liner. Anyone experience the same thing? Is it normal?

My tummy is showing quite a bit. I feel so conscious these days...esp when I haven't told many of my colleagues! I guess they're starting to guess...

I remember one of u asked abt stretchmark cream..i can't remember the name of the brand, my hubby bought it from the pharmacy and he paid abt $50 for it!!! (it's quite a big tube) i'll check it out and let u know later. According to him, some are just cocoa butter and suitable to use as stretch mark cream, but this one is specially for it. That's what he claimed when I told him he got cheated!
It's supposed to be scentless, so the smell is v light. it's not very oily. quite ok...
Hi <font color="0000ff">Tiny</font>, my urine was yellowish too, I think it's also due to insufficient water that we take. It's normal to have yellow discharge during pregnancy, I had it too for my past pregnancies. So not to worry, <font color="0000ff">Tiny</font>.

Your gynae will be changing your folic acid to 'Iron' pill roughly in your 3rd month pregnancy and the medicine will sure cause contispation. At that time, must take more water liao.
hi babyvon,

dun really know about the carpark charges

heheh my mind is also set to epidural ,i dun tink i can stand the pain even though my threshold is pretty high

have been puking on empty stomach for the past few days... tink it should be stomach acid...
but is it normal to have traces of blood ?
it's total freaking me out, hubby doesn't yet...

hi tiny, know how u feel.. i only told a few close colleagues. tink they itching to ask but dunno who to go about it..
hi tiny &amp; joyce,
my urine has been yellowish for past few wks till now! i tot i'm too heaty...

hi doll &amp; babyvon,
i think i shd b opting for TMC too. they have this programme called 1st Born incentive(FBI). if yr gynae is a participating member, he shd hv this pamphlet in his clinic. this is a membership card valid for 2 yrs at $128 nett &amp; gives u discount (like 5%/10%) off delivery pkg, paedietian fees, etc..extended to yr baby &amp; hubby too when any of u make use of the facilities there(e.g. xray,pharmacy,next time when yr baby need to see paedietian, etc..

hi tiny,
is the brand of the stretchmark cream Palmers?gd?

hi ladies, i've been experiencing itchiness at nite around tummy, arms &amp; thighs. &amp; i can't help but kip scratching &amp; it affect my sleep(started 2 nites ago).any of u has this? can some1 tell me y?

yest go to spring maternity &amp; becos of excellent service &amp; clothes not too bad, bought 2 casual pants,1 skirt,1 maternity tshirt &amp; 2 nursing tee,1 dress. spend few hundred &amp; its just the 1st shop i've visited...die, still got to but working tops....

but i reccommend this shop cos the wkday sales staff jennifer there is so helpful &amp; her attitude is fantastic! i tried so many but luckily no other customers cos wkday afternoon mah..
Hi Elle
yalor, cos i we spent a nite at Mandarin during one of those BD days *heheh* i pinpointed 2 possible dates, n the nite was one of them :p AD = actual day. i had my AD there, so we do go back occasionally. my next visit to gynae is i think 1 mth later. hope bb is bigger for the machine 2 b picked up, or else, ARGH! not the V scan i hope....

hi wenn
seems that Dr Tan is quite senior there, so muz add 100 wor. I was thinking if i start pkg earlier, it'll b cheaper in the long run rite?

hi Joyce
im opting for SGH. me thinking of C section + epidural ah, cos threshold for pain super duper low *hee*

hi lbs
yesterday n today, i was walking n holding my fingers up in the air, trying to measure 6mm, goshhhhh, its really so tiny leh....can u imagine the heart is even tinier, n beating much faster than an adults heart? amazing rite? yalor, now got more 'concrete' evidence of IT's presence, so now we started calling it Baby Tan *hehehe*

hi Babyvon
diarrhoea is one of the ways 2 get rid of the wind... u feel better after visiting the loo? less crampy feeling?

hi doll
u mean when u puke got traces of blood? i think better get a check up leh..... sounds dangerous.....

hi tiny
im also drinking less now, think im afraid of the nausea feeling .... i seldom drink plain water... i prefer ribena. my urine is also exceptionally yellow .... scary.
hi tiny,
me too! having yellowish urine &amp; white discharge... not sure ok or not... next week will check with gynae though...

hi seiko,
icic... seems like Dr Yap is considered as consultant so private rates apply.... hmmm, if Dr Tan offers the package during 1st trimester, then u should go ahead. i also thot that it's from 2nd trimester onwards...
hi Tiny, Joyce, Seiko,
Ai yah my urine also yellow, discharge also yellow. At first I tot its the hormone pills I'm taking.

hi Vig,
Where can I get info on the FBI scheme? Dunno if I'm still eligible, coz this is my second pregnancy already. Must read the T&amp;C.

hi Seiko,
If you have a low threshold for pain, u just need to opt for epidural and normal birth. One word of advice, emergency c-section is more ex than planned C-section. So you must come to a decision. Its true that epidural will weaken your back muscles. In the beginning, even bending forward caused me an aching back. Then I went swimming to strengthen my back. Just make sure that during confinement, you lie on your back as often as you can.

java - TMC
Hi Babygrace,

Thks for sharing the info!
Hv u chked out the hospital charges for delivery?

Hi Tiny,

For me, my urine turns yellow when i take the iron pills...But i keep drinking lotsa h20 &amp; after a while, the colour will b bk to normal. I tink like wat Joyce said, it's qte normal to hv discharge but if u're worried, do chk with ur gynae on ur next visit.
Try to drink mre h2o.

I hv yet to buy a stretchmark cream but my beautician was oso recommending me tis cream which she said, costs abt the price ur hubby paid for. Will get bk to u after i get it frm her next week. I tink ur hubby's reali sweet to get it for u &amp; doesn't even mind the price.


My gynae had oreadi given me the iron pills the last time i saw him...Hmmm...seems like most of u havent started taking.
For me, not reali so much of constipation 'cos i try to drink lotsa h2o.


I doubt it's normal to hv blood...U shld consult ur gynae or a Doc abt it if it persists.
Do take care ya?


Wow! Tt's pretty attractive for the 1st born in TMC...I'll def enquire abt tis 1st born incentive scheme when i see my gynae next week. Thks!

Hi Seiko,

Oh! Did u hv diarrhoea too? For me, i felt tis pain in my stomach too...I felt it was more like food poisoning!
Thot most pple say hvg diarrhoea's not gd for preggies!
So far, tis mrg it's not so bad...Pain has subsided...Let's hope i wun hv diarrhoea agn!

Ya, it's truly amazing each stage we see our baby forming &amp; growing in our tummy! I just cant wait to see the tiny head, body, hands &amp; feet of my baby on my next mon's visit...So excited ah!

Y do u wana opt for C-section? I thot most gynae wont advise unless there's reali no choice?
think is normal to have yellowish urine if u dun drink enough water even for non-preggie and now plus the supplement that we took, so must drink more water &amp; it will b back to normal. Just treat this as a sign to remain urself to drink plenty of water. Me also don't really like to drink water but now no choice, keep reminding myself when i go shee shee...
hi java,

there's also SBI (subsequent born incentive) fr TMC. i dunno the perks for this though. u hv to chk with TMC.

initially i want to opt for c-section, but now think think i feel like going for normal with epidural..
but its not really up to me as i hv heart murmur so my heart might not be able to take it. i'll let gynae decide which is safer for me.
hi tiny,
Same qs. as Vig did u buy that stretch mark with brand "Palmers" ? I just bought it yesterday cost abt $21. But u mentioned your hubby bought at $50 could it be other brand?..
I bought mine at Guardian phamacy. Dunno good or not.. Anyone got gd recommendation which brand is good?

Me too realise that lately even though i drank lots of water, my urine quite yellowish.
I also got yellowish dischrg which i ever asked gyne abt it.. she said is normal.
Good afternoon ladies,

I have experienced both 1) Natural+(epidural) and 2) Caesarean. Think I will opt for no. 1 again.

For first timer pregnant ladies, don't assume that it will be very painful when your newborn BB is being squeezed out of your tight, small, vagina. You will not feel a pain but you may feel something is outside there (your vagina) if you are opting for no. 1.
Plus, the epidural can stabilize your BP. But there is something not good about it, you will not know when to push your BB out.

For my caesarean birth, it was an emergency case. I was unconsious throughout the whole operation. But when I woke up, there's a sharp pain on my abdominal but not as pain as when the effect of my anaesthesia went off. I was told to move my leg right to left after several hours, oh shit, my wound was painful!! Next day, the nurse asked me to walk to toilet to do some wash up and clean the wound. I think I took 10 min or more to reach my destination with the help of the nurse (biting my lips too). You could imagine how painful it was.

From all these painful experiences, I'm sure I'll be opting for natural birth for my next pregnancy.
Hi <font color="aa00aa">Vig</font>, I experienced the itching too. Perhaps it's our hormones creating the havoc. Before and after pregnant is always not the same mah. And my face/neck breakout also occured liao.

I will tell you ladies about itching in later stages of pregnancy. Wait till I gathered all the info.

Vig, my gynae is also attached to TMC and Mt A. But personally, I will prefer TMC. I think parking isn't a problem at TMC cos they have been using the new system to park vehicle. Nei, those japanese type lor, just drive the car to an area, then it will auto "move" the car to park. I dunno abt the "FBI" programme leh. Perhaps, I shall check with my gynae at later stage. Me not gan cheong type lah, not eager to find out also kekeke... just hope MS will be over soon.

Ladies, when is the best time to start using the cream for the stretch mark? I'm also first time pregnant, so blur blur with these stuff.

Since last week, I have not been drinking much water, so it will caused me to vomit. Also dun feel like drinking any fluid.

For me, most likely will opt for natural birth with epidural. Though I can tahan pain, but I think hor, this type of pain, I won't be able to tahan

I've not been sleeping well at night. Every night feel so tired, but can't get to sleep. End up will feel very tired during daytime. I got 2 days MC from my gynae to "bu" my sleep. Tomorrow going back to work, pray hard I can get some sleep tonight!
Hi Joyce,
Glad to hear u are better!

Been to the gynae last night. saw the baby's heartbeat - very adorable. hee hee...
Oh my EDD now changed to 10 mar 2005 and now about 5.5 weeks for baby. joyce, pls help me to update! thank you!

me too... i have the itchiness. these few days woke up in the middle of the night to scratch myself all over.

i have insomnia too. i'm like owl in the night, and need my sleep during the day time.

think i got a mix of all preggie symptoms except no merlion so far.
<u><font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">All about Obstetric Cholestasis</font></font></u>

A familier irritation in pregnancy is itching skin. In most cases, there is nothing to worry about, but it is also one of the 1st signs of Obstetric cholestasis - uncommon liver disease, which researchers believe may account for a number of unexplained stillbirths.

Obstetric cholestasis occurs during the last three months of pregnancy although it is not know why some women suffer from it and not others.

As Obstetric cholestasis is difficult to identify, it tends to go unnoticed. In most cases, it does not affect the baby and the progesses as normal.

However, early recognition of it and referral to a specialist is preferable because it can cause foetal distress, premature birth, haemorrhaging in the mother after delivery and even stillbirth.

<u><font color="aa00aa">The symptoms:</font></u>
The main symptom is itching of the skin which is known as pruritis. This normally occurs all over the body but it more noticeable on the arms, hands, legs and feet.

Not all itching is associated with Obstetric cholestasis.

Therefore, do not panic if you itching. It is not unusual for MTB to suffer mild itching due to the increased blood supply to the skin, and it does occur on the breasts in early pregnancy and the abdomen later on as the skin is stretched.

Symptoms specific to cholestasis include dark urine, pale stools and jaundice (the whites of your eyes look yellowish).

<u><font color="aa00aa">What causes it?</font></u>
Cholestasis is the medical term used to describe what happens when the bile production of the liver and its flow to the intestine is interrupted. The bile acids, which help dissolve fatty substances and get rid of fatty waste, start to accumulate in the liver and spill over into the bloodstream.
This is thought to be due to the liver having to cope with the massive increase in hormones.

This condition can be more extreme in multiple pregnancies, when there is least twice as much hormones in the body.

<u><font color="aa00aa">Getting an accurate diagnosis:</font></u>
To check for Obstetric cholestasis, you will need to have what are known as 'liver function' tests, which will involve giving blood samples.

The main ones are known as the transaminases tests which look at liver enzymes.

If these are normal and you are still itching, there is more sensitive test given to measure your bile acids. If the levels are outside the normal range for either of these test, it is likely that you have this condition and a treatment plan for the remainder of your pregnancy will discussed with you.

Consultant obstetrician and gynae stresses that itching in pregnancy should not be ignored. 'If you have any concerns, talk to your, doctor or midwife to find the reason for the itching.

There may be a perfectly simple explanation. Even if you have Obstetric cholestasis, you will benefit from immediate treatment, and a close check can then be kept on you and your BB.

<u><font color="aa00aa">How is it treated?</font></u>
Careful monitoring will be carried out throughout the remainder of your pregnancy, involving more scans, blood tests and placental bloodflow scans to ensure the baby is not showing signs of distress.

In the last 10 years, drugs have been given to help with Obstetric cholestasis. It is not known for certain why a baby dies from this condition, but it is thought to be the result of poisonous substances reaching the baby due to inadequate functiong of the mother's liver. Drug therapy keeps these substances at bay.

The most widely used and most effective drug is ursodeoxycholic acid, which decreases the level of bile acids, helps the bile flow and improves liver function.
Dexamethasone is a steroid drug which offers a smiliar treatment. Its main disadvantages are that, being a steriod, it may affect your ability to fight off general infections, and it may also mean that your BB requires further treatment after delivery.

To soothe severe itching, dab on calamine lotion. Taking bicarbonate of soda and antihistamines can also help.

Apart from careful monitoring and drug treatment, an early delivery may also be necessary for the safety of you and your BB.
This is normally carried out between 37 wks and 38 wks but can be performed as early as 35 wks. However, some women with Obstetric cholestasis spontaneously go into early labour.

<u><font color="aa00aa">Future pregnancies</font></u>
If you have Obstetric cholestasis during one pregnancy, it is likely it will recur in future pregnancies. If it does, it will often occur earlier in the pregnancy and may be more severe.

However, this condition is not a reason to avoid becoming pregnant again.

Once diagnosed, the treatment is very effective, but it is important your pregnancy is monitored by an obstetrician who has experience in dealing with Obstetric cholestasis.

<font color="0077aa">All the infomations are from my old magazine, Mother &amp; Baby.</font>
<font face="EraserDust"><blink><u><font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">Congrats to all our Newly Expectant Mommies!!

<table border=1><tr><td><font size="+2"><u><font color="ff6000">
February Babies</font></u></font>
</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>
</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Steamboat -- EDD 02/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Tiny -- EDD 05/02/05 - Gleneagles</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">babygrace -- EDD 14/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Lite Breeze -- EDD 15/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Vig -- EDD 20/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Java -- EDD 21/02/05 - TMC</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">BaByVoN -- EDD 27/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Jannie -- EDD 27/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>
<font size="+2"><u><font color="119911">March Babies</font></u></font>
</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>
</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">skinnyma -- EDD 06/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Doll -- EDD 06/03/05 - TMC</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Laugh -- EDD 07/03/05 - Mount. A</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">snowpooher -- EDD 07/03/05 - TMC</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Joyce -- EDD 08/03/05 - KKH</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Seiko -- EDD 08/03/05 - SGH</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Scarydoggie -- EDD 10/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Elle -- EDD 13/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">lbs -- EDD 14/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">lilac -- EDD ?/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">KC -- EDD ?/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">wenn -- EDD ?/03/05</font></td></tr></table>

<u><font face="EraserDust"><font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">Gestation weeks for the period from 20th to 31st</font></font></font>

<font face="EraserDust"><table border=1><tr><td><font color="ff6000">Username</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">20-Jul</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">21-Jul</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">22-Jul</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">23-Jul</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">24-Jul</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">25-Jul</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">26-Jul</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">27-Jul</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">28-Jul</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">29-Jul</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">30-Jul</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">31-Jul</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Steamboat</TD><TD>11.6</TD><TD>12</TD><TD>12.1</TD><TD>12.2</TD><TD>12.3</TD><TD>12.4</TD><TD>12.5</TD><TD>12.6</TD><TD>13</TD><TD>13.1</TD><TD>13.2</TD><TD>13.3 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tiny</TD><TD>11.3</TD><TD>11.4</TD><TD>11.5</TD><TD>11.6</TD><TD>12</TD><TD>12.1</TD><TD>12.2</TD><TD>12.3</TD><TD>12.4</TD><TD>12.5</TD><TD>12.6</TD><TD>13 </TD></TR><TR><TD>BabyGrace</TD><TD>10.3</TD><TD>10.4</TD><TD>10.5</TD><TD>10.6</TD><TD>11</TD><TD>11.1</TD><TD>11.2</TD><TD>11.3</TD><TD>11.4</TD><TD>11.5</TD><TD>11.6</TD><TD>12 </TD></TR><TR><TD>LiteBreeze</TD><TD>9.4</TD><TD>9.5</TD><TD>9.6</TD><TD>10</TD><TD>10.1</TD><TD>10.2</TD><TD>10.3</TD><TD>10.4</TD><TD>10.5</TD><TD>10.6</TD><TD>11</TD><TD>11.1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Vig</TD><TD>9.5</TD><TD>9.6</TD><TD>10</TD><TD>10.1</TD><TD>10.2</TD><TD>10.3</TD><TD>10.4</TD><TD>10.5</TD><TD>10.6</TD><TD>11</TD><TD>11.1</TD><TD>11.2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Java</TD><TD>9.1</TD><TD>9.2</TD><TD>9.3</TD><TD>9.4</TD><TD>9.5</TD><TD>9.6</TD><TD>10</TD><TD>10.1</TD><TD>10.2</TD><TD>10.3</TD><TD>10.4</TD><TD>10.5 </TD></TR><TR><TD>BaByVoN</TD><TD>8.6</TD><TD>9</TD><TD>9.1</TD><TD>9.2</TD><TD>9.3</TD><TD>9.4</TD><TD>9.5</TD><TD>9.6</TD><TD>10</TD><TD>10.1</TD><TD>10.2</TD><TD>10.3 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jannie</TD><TD>8.3</TD><TD>8.4</TD><TD>8.5</TD><TD>8.6</TD><TD>9</TD><TD>9.1</TD><TD>9.2</TD><TD>9.3</TD><TD>9.4</TD><TD>9.5</TD><TD>9.6</TD><TD>10 </TD></TR><TR><TD>snowpooher</TD><TD>8.2</TD><TD>8.3</TD><TD>8.4</TD><TD>8.5</TD><TD>8.6</TD><TD>9</TD><TD>9.1</TD><TD>9.2</TD><TD>9.3</TD><TD>9.4</TD><TD>9.5</TD><TD>9.6 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Laugh</TD><TD>7.4</TD><TD>7.5</TD><TD>7.6</TD><TD>8</TD><TD>8.1</TD><TD>8.2</TD><TD>8.3</TD><TD>8.4</TD><TD>8.5</TD><TD>8.6</TD><TD>9</TD><TD>9.1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joyce</TD><TD>7.3</TD><TD>7.4</TD><TD>7.5</TD><TD>7.6</TD><TD>8</TD><TD>8.1</TD><TD>8.2</TD><TD>8.3</TD><TD>8.4</TD><TD>8.5</TD><TD>8.6</TD><TD>9 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Seiko</TD><TD>7.1</TD><TD>7.2</TD><TD>7.3</TD><TD>7.4</TD><TD>7.5</TD><TD>7.6</TD><TD>8</TD><TD>8.1</TD><TD>8.2</TD><TD>8.3</TD><TD>8.4</TD><TD>8.5 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Skinnyma</TD><TD>7</TD><TD>7.1</TD><TD>7.2</TD><TD>7.3</TD><TD>7.4</TD><TD>7.5</TD><TD>7.6</TD><TD>8</TD><TD>8.1</TD><TD>8.2</TD><TD>8.3</TD><TD>8.4 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Doll</TD><TD>7</TD><TD>7.1</TD><TD>7.2</TD><TD>7.3</TD><TD>7.4</TD><TD>7.5</TD><TD>7.6</TD><TD>8</TD><TD>8.1</TD><TD>8.2</TD><TD>8.3</TD><TD>8.4 </TD></TR><TR><TD>lbs</TD><TD>7</TD><TD>7.1</TD><TD>7.2</TD><TD>7.3</TD><TD>7.4</TD><TD>7.5</TD><TD>7.6</TD><TD>8</TD><TD>8.1</TD><TD>8.2</TD><TD>8.3</TD><TD>8.4 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Elle</TD><TD>6.1</TD><TD>6.2</TD><TD>6.3</TD><TD>6.4</TD><TD>6.5</TD><TD>6.6</TD><TD>7</TD><TD>7.1</TD><TD>7.2</TD><TD>7.3</TD><TD>7.4</TD><TD>7.5 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wenn</TD><TD>6.1</TD><TD>6.2</TD><TD>6.3</TD><TD>6.4</TD><TD>6.5</TD><TD>6.6</TD><TD>7</TD><TD>7.1</TD><TD>7.2</TD><TD>7.3</TD><TD>7.4</TD><TD>7.5 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Scarydoggie</TD><TD>5.4</TD><TD>5.5</TD><TD>5.6</TD><TD>6</TD><TD>6.1</TD><TD>6.2</TD><TD>6.3</TD><TD>6.4</TD><TD>6.5</TD><TD>6.6</TD><TD>7</TD><TD>7.1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>KC</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>-- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lilac</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>-- </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table></font>

<font color="ff0000"><font face="EraserDust">For those w/o EDD or Gestation week, kindly please update me after you have visited your gynae. Thanks.</font></font>
Ooops, sorry about that, <font color="aa00aa">Vig</font>.

My intention is to let all preggies ladies here understand and take good care throughout their pregnancy.

Everything just need to be very careful now.
Hi girls,
I feel so relieved to hear that most of u also have yellowish urine &amp; discharge! Now it seems normal. I have no idea cos the last pregnancy i was spotting since day 1...now instead of pink i see yellow...also thought something wrong!

Vig &amp; Elle,
The brand of the cream my hubby bought is "Mustela". It's 200ml, so quite a big tube.

Babyvon, my hubby has been very sweet cos my last pregnancy ended up in a m/c...so this time he is paying extra care &amp; attention but i'm not complaining!
That was one good thing that came out of the m/c i guess...he's playing a much more active role in learning abt pregnancy &amp; all. In fact he's the one who read up that i should start using stretch mark cream early! And he seems even more eager than me to be a father this time round. He'll tell me "This is week 10, this week, the baby's...is developing, so you must... ..." I will just go "really ah? Oh..."
Hi Gals

Sorry, was rather tired yesterday so didnt log in to post messages..

Saw that the discussion is abt the urine &amp; discharge..

My urine is not really yellowish (I think most probably because I drink a lot of water nowadyas) but my discharge is really yellowish! I told my gynae on my last visit &amp; she said is very normal to have such discharge while we are pregnant but this also means that we are easy to get yeast infection if we do not constantly change our pantiliners.

However, she said is not good to go on treatment for such infection now (even if there is infection) as we are still early stage of pregnancy so will have to wait till after week 12. She did prescribe me a antibacteria soap to wash, though..

btw, saw you gals also talked abt the stretch cream..sorry if I sounds silly,what's this for?? ..
hi joyce,
no nid to apologise lah..v glad u put in all this effort to type out to let us know.
btw, i'll opt for TMC for delivery.
gynae says my scan shows bb 9.3 wks but gestation chart shows 10 wks as of today. which shd i take?

hi tiny &amp; elle,
hv u both start using the cream?oily?got smell?
heehee joyce !! ur chart really looks cooler everytime !! kudos to u for the wonderful job
hehe personalised pregnancy tracking

scarydoggie , it's gd not to have merlion coz it really sucks !!

hehe FBI sounds gd, dunno if can remb to ask gynae about this or not

had terrible backache for the past few days.. heheh the hormones really working hard. now i know why "incredible hulk" screams when he expands !!
hi vig,
i've started using already. The brand which i bought is "Palmers" not sure good or not cos thats the only one on the shelf.

I find that the cream quite ok, not too greasy and almost smell-less.

Hi! lbs,
Stretch mark cream is to prevent or minimise those ugly marks which wld appear when someone suddenly put on alot of weight or bcos of pregnancy.
Kind of look like wrinkled fat skin lor.. Thats why we K.S, now already start applying liao.
hi lbs,
I also told my gynae abt my yellow urine and discharge. She even more kiasu, did a culture test for me to make sure I got no yeast infection. you remind me to change my panty-liner. Sometimes I very lazy and kiam pui, I whole day only change panty-liner once.

Do u all feel that u got alot of saliva in your mouth? Every now and then I have to go and spit my saliva, this is especially so at night.
hi vig,
i've started using already. The brand which i bought is "Palmers" not sure good or not cos thats the only one on the shelf.

I find that the cream quite ok, not too greasy and almost smell-less.

Hi! lbs,
Stretch mark cream is to prevent or minimise those ugly marks which wld appear when someone suddenly put on alot of weight or bcos of pregnancy.
Kind of look like wrinkled fat skin lor.. Thats why we K.S, now already start applying liao.
thks elle, i also can see only palmers in guardian. think i'll get tat. now i take train, got people give up their seat liao. dunno sad or happy when evry1 tot i'm at least 4-5 mths!!

hi java, i juz realised if we both opt for natural delivery, we may get to see each other in TMC!!!!
Morning gals... !

Weather so good for sleeping, really dun feel like working leh. This morning have to drag myself to work... keke

Wow, some of you started using stretch mark cream liao ah... ok ok, think me going to guardian to buy later also.

Vig, i believe the machine that ur gynae uses will be more accurate. So you should based on what your gynae says lor. Btw, did ur gynae say your EDD is pushed back to 7 days later since by right you said u sld be 10 wks now but gynae said it's 9.3 wks?
hey all

so glad to see all the postings. i really have missed out so much these few days.

vig, elle, the stretch mark cream that i have is galenic, elancyl. passed to me by my sis. quite expensive, i went to guardian and see and it is like $40 plus per tube. my sis say wait for promotion, it will be like $46 for 2 tubes. so will wait loh. all my pregnant frens tell me that stretch mark cream is something that you cannot save on. once you get the stretch marks, they will be with you forever. so it's better to be safe than sorry.... the other brand that my colleague recommended is clarins oil. i dunno abt the price of that though..

i so envy you gals like tiny, with such attentive husband by your side. mine is still overseas, so all my suffering will have to be endured alone.

i also have alot of transparent,clear discharge. and it will make my vaginal very itchy if i dun change my panty liner often enough. thank goodness i have this intimate wash that has some mint inside, so the cooling feeling after washing is really shiok!

i like TMC too, the nurses there seemed very nice when i visted a fren there last week. just that i m a very KS person who would like everything to be there in case of complications.

i have been having fever the last 2 days, and lost 2-3 kg as a result of that. do you know if it is a cause for alarm?
hi steamboat, gynae din say edd push bk leh.

u can start using when yr tummy expands v fast, like mine

i can't sleep for past 2 nites, soooooo tired. later take half day go bk sleep

still feel nauseas, sian..
Hi elle

Thks for the explaination...so, is safe to buy off the shelf one? Can apply so early already?

My tummy already showing a bit (like bloated balloon) but doc said is the water retention ler..

hi java
no-no..u must change your pantiliners frequently lar..Dun be lazy, ok?

Initially I thought can save some $ when pregnant because no need to buy pads but who knows still have to buy lots of pantiliners! hahaaa

Hi Joyce
Your chart become more &amp; more creative..I like that! Thks for the effort!

Oh yea,Vig reminds me also..from the scan, my gestation as of Mon (19 JUL) is 6 weeks +/- 6 days...If I + 6 days, the chart above is correct lor..do I need to adjust my gestation week then?*scratch head*
hi jannie,

dont worry. i've fever last wk, also no appetite to eat + morning sickness. as long as fever din get too high like >38.5 degrees, shd b ok. yr gynae would b able to give u some fever tablets. mine did. but if fever continues &amp; gets too high, can b abit dangerous. thus last wk, my gynae gave me medicine &amp; scan my bb agn.

Gals, paiseh for asking.. why must wear panty liners har ?? Ermm, i never wear ever since pregnant leh...

vig, maybe next time you ask your gynae abt your edd again. Cos last time my edd also changed, but is pushed forward by a few days.

jannie, it's common to lose a few kgs in the 1st trimester lor cos usually 1st trimester not much appetite and somemore u are sick now. Dun worry too much, it's normal
