(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

hi jannie,
Perhaps I prefer sweet things now, coz more palatable. I let my hubby drink the red dates tea, he also complain too sweet. Now I just pour half a sachet to 1 glass of hot water. So its not too sweet. Why dun u ask ur hubby to travel less, ask him to speak to his boss that now he has a pregnant wife at home. If cannot, perhaps u can go back to ur mum's place to stay when ur hubby's not around. Perhaps because I'm not working full-time, so this MS thingee is slightly more bearable. Last time when I had to juggle both work and MS, it was terrible!!! Somemore during that time gotta go back and work on Sat.

hey java

thanks for your advices. my hubby knows that i need him with me and so is trying to get pple to take over some of his duties so that he can come back to me. i m now also staying with my mom, just that sometimes i feel bad to impose on her, though i know that she will be more than glad to take care of me - at least she will know that i m ok with her around.
hi jannie,
Ultimately its ur own parents who are more concerned about your health. Yesterday my father drove all the way from Eunos to Punggol to give me a mini buddha-jump-over-wall tonic soup from my mum. It was raining when my dad came, as I didn't visit over the weekends (not feeling well), felt so touched and feel like crying.

Last Sunday, my hubby's grandmother came to visit me also. She is a very nice person, during my last pregnancy, she gave my hubby $1K for my confinement. So now during CNY we give her a bigger ang bao. Somemore when she visit me, give me bird nest to drink. Now I got a lot of bird nest and chicken essence, some left over from my last pregnancy. So now when I got nothing to eat, I open one bottle of bird nest to drink.
hey java
aren't u enjoying all these pampering
i also like to be pampered and realised that this is now the best time to ask for it. cos after your baby is born, they will tell u to grow up cos you are a mother already

i called my husband this morning and told him that i dun want to be pregnant anymore, cos i cannot stand to suffer any longer. he said that we will book a baby from china and just "produce" the baby when the time comes. later after lunch, i called him again and told him that i m feeling better already, can continue with the pregnancy, he heaved a sigh of relief and said that he will call china now to cancel his booking. so cute hor
i think it is really the mood swing thingy. i m now feeling soooo much better. large part of it is bcos i read from you girls that i m not the only one going thru it so i felt so much better after that. thanks so much for this forum.... i have frens who also advised me here and there cos of their past pregnancy experience, but it just dun feel the same as they are not experiencing it at the same time as you do.
hi doll
was complaining 2 my hb that even my colleagues noticed i lost weight in my face ( quite fast ).. then he said now he knew where the weight went to liao *haha* prawn noodles sounds gd! at least when i heard it, me salivating *hehe*

hi snowpooher
im also drinking ribena, cos it tastes gd ( so far ), youre rite, plain water so boring *hehe* im also drinking prune juice, cos i get constipated easily. plus i dun take bananas so i get my potassium fr there. still drinking bt 1-2 cups/can of kopi, or else i'll nod off during work

hi Elle
yalor, sneezing like no tomorrow, n its louder than wat i sound normally *hahaha* like announcing to whole world :p din know it wa normal until u mentioned it. was still thinking it cld be due to my sensitive nose... the sac is really small, but was comforted by its presence, cos last wk no MS, no bump yet, dunno if its growing... me n my big mouth, this wk kenna struck my MS big time ( ooops, bigger mouth *hee*)

hi Jannie
yalor, the feeling is worse than the time i got food poisoning ( which i get quite often cos im the tum chieh kwee in the family :p )
at least with food poisoning, i get to puke, then feel better afterwards... now im wondering how 2 tahan for the rest of the wk/months. think it shd pass after the 1st trimester.....
Java is rite, try eating small meals, it helps 2 ease the queasy feeling

hi Laugh
the 3 hosp u mentioned r all v gd ones, so i guess costs will be higher too as service is well known. reason y i chose SGH, cos my 2 SIL's delivered 4 babies there n also cos my hb working there, so easier for him 2 help 2 'monitor' my situation. plus i got civil service card, sure got subsidies *hee*

hi Joyce
tks mine's correct. wow!! u heard the heartbeat?? so fasst ah? now cant wait for my Mon 1st appointmt wif gynae....

hi scarydoggie
i went for u/s scan last wk only saw small lil sac ( which gp searched like mad *hahah ) last wk was 5th wk, so v small. actually she said shouldnt have scanned waste $$.

hi Java
u gals prefer sweet stuff now ah? im the opp, fr my fave anything sweet, now i crave for salty food, followed by spicy food, followed by sour stuff, now sweet stuff at my bottom list, so farnie, cos me an icecream+ chocs person all along....
wow.. Seiko, u still have gd memory to follow who & what to reply with this long list. V.Gd hor

So far I still managed to eat as per normal & no craving yet but only that i cannot think wat should i eat later, once i think then feel like vomitting but when i saw the food, lucky i still can eat.. funny rite.
hi seiko,
Dun say too soon. Just last week I prefer salty food, then this week I prefer sweet foods. Your taste buds will just turn rollor coaster. u know I bought those vanilla ice-cream cream puffs from Colds Storage. Now and then will munch on them. yummy!!! Just now very hungry, so ate one curry puff.
Hi! Seiko,

Agree with laugh, you got superb memory leh.. able to reply all our postings at one shot. "peifu peifu".
So nice that you've seen ah-dot thru the scan. How i wish i cld see mine too this Fri when i go for scan.
When wld be your 1st appointment with your gyne?
ladies, aiyo, i dun have superb memory lah, juz scroll up n down, more industrious tt's all *hehehe*

Laugh, me eating 4 sake of kid,prefer 2 juz koon actually. no more buffets i guess, so gd excuse 4 hb 2 slim down hahahah

Java, huh, cravings will change so fast? alamak, i think you're rite u know... din realise last wk i was into anything fishy, this wk more meat...

Elle, ah dot real small, plus pubic bone in the way, so got 2 press quite hard 2 b able 2 c. juz a lil movemt n will miss seeing it. appointmt shd be mon... but mon timing a lil off for me cos me still working, dunno if boss can give me half day off...
Hi Elle
My breasts were really painful for the past two weeks..This week, okay a bit but the nipples very poking (dunno how to spell)..when touch is very sensitive lor..

Hi Seiko
I dun really have any craving now..lost my appetitie entirely..now seem to be eating for the sake of eating...whatever I eat, I vomit..so sian

Am extremely tired today..going to call it a day...

Nite All!!
lbs, my nipples are poking out too, everyday ah. And also I feel cold very easily.

Yday was feeling sick the whole day, vomitted out my lunch. Dinnertime couldn't eat much also but heng ah, the soup at Country Mana made me feel better.
hi snowpooher,
when u tok abt the soup at country Manna, are u refering to the chicken puff soup? yummy!!! Feel like eating liao. Last night woke up at 4am then can't sleep all the way liao. Perhaps we shoudl connect ourselves on Yahoo Chat or MSN, then those of us who also got trouble sleeping, can chit chat during the odd hours. When u feel cold, remember to wear a jacket. Our bodies are working very hard to make the babies, so the body heat is taken from us.

hi lbs,
now u starting to feel the effects of MS lar. Somemore beginning u wanted to ask for more MS.

Last night before I sleep, I had a strange craving for soft boil eggs dipped with kaya bread. The kind u can eat in Ya Kun or coffeeshops. So I cook the eggs and ate 2 slices of bread. My hubby also follow me and eat the combination as well. This morning I wanted to go to McDonalds to eat BIG BREAKFAST!!!! I crave for hot scrambled eggs and hashbrown!!!!
Yes java, is that soup yum yum, but I find the chicken meat er xin, so I just drank the soup.

I woke up at 2am and couldn't sleep. Ynite woke up 3 times for toilets. Every night like cannot sleep properly like that.

Java, I now love food made of potato. French fries, baked potato whatever...
Morning ladies,
lbs & snowpooher, to avoid vommitting all foods that u take, try to take B complex (vit B), it helps.
hi seiko,
Really ah.. so small.. then the machine must be very good resolution in order to see ah-dot clearly..
That time you scan is via V scan or abdominal scan?.. If you able to spot ah-dot via abdominal scan then its not that small liao.. Like my case hor.. that time cannot see anything.. then have to go thru V scan then see very very small dot.. but V scan is always very painful leh..

Hi! lbs/snowpooher,
Yes thats the word to describe .. very "poking" feeling.. Like the nipple very 'tu chu lai' (protude) and very irritating when touched. And do you feel that your breast becomes fuller and very tight feeling?
I always got this kinda tight feeling around my breast area.. is like i've wore an undersized bra but in fact its not .. sometimes never wear bra also feel very tight.. U feel that way too?

Snowpooher, i also feel cold easily.. dunno why.. Nowadays have to wear cardigan to work.. last time very though raining outside i still can 'tahan' the coldness despite wearing sleeveless blouse. Now kinda like immunity go down liao..

Girls, Can pregnant ladies eat durian ha?.. My mum tell me durian has lots of nutritious value wonder how true it is..
hi laugh
is it true that vit b complex helps in MS? Doc gave me for general health well-being. i din find that the vit b helps cos it has this very bitter taste that leaves an after-taste in your throat, making the me feel more nauseous.

i think the person scanning from vaginal got to be very skilful. i was being scanned by different people in KKH (in the AMC room)and it all depends if the doc is gentle and skilful or not. there was this guy doc who scanned me - he just poked without warning and it was very painful. i told my hubby and he was quite angry and asked for a feedback form to complain. another time, a pregnnant lady doc scanned me and she was quite gentle and patient. abit painful but not as bad as the first one.

i think pregnant women can eat durians. i've got a fren who made us go with her to geylang to eat durians cos she was craving for it so often. just eat in moderation.

so you girls feel cold also. whew.. i tot i was abnormal. my sis just gave birth a couple of months back and told me that i should be feeling hot, not cold. that makes my mom worried that i m mal-nutritioned.
Elle, yes, I do feel tight too.

Durian is ok lah, my colleagues they also ate a lot. So far only heard from my SIL cannot eat. Just eat in moderate lor. I dun keep my mouth shut one. I eat whatever I feel like eating
Hi! Jannie,
Yah i agree, it really depends on who's doing the scanning for us. I thought guy shld be more gentle?
Cos hor that time i went to AMC to scan, its a lady and i guess she's from HK (base on her accent). She's very impatient leh.. When she scanned from my tummy she said cant see anything and keep pressing hard hard .. thereafter she mumble very fast and said something which i cant really hear her. So i asked her again.. then she raise her voice and said "i said take out your panties, i'm going to do V scanning!" Wah lau as if i owe her $$! Bo bian lor since i'm in her hands so i didnt try to be nasty to her. Just 'ren' .. who knows when she scan thru V scanning.. even more chor-loh..Similar to your case lor.. jus poke and focus on the screen even though i sounded painful. Check with you ah.. are you a pte or referral patient at KKH? I sometimes wonder is it bcos i'm referral patient thats why their treatment to me is so bad.. Actually hor even though i've did V scanning and pap smear a few times.. i still feel very tensed when they poke me down there.. cant help to feel paiseh leh.. Dunno why.. mayb i too shy.. but i understand for these pple they see until dun want..

Good to know that we can still eat durians. May i know what are the most common fruits that cant be taken by pregnant women?..
i m a pte patient. my gynae told me to visit him at the KK clinic at AMK for my next visit so that he can scan me personally. if you go to KKH, then u have to go to AMC for scanning. i think referred patients can also go to AMK clinic leh. why dun u check with the nurses when u make your next appt? i preferred to be scanned by my own gynae cos it's more personalised.

my fren told me cannot eat del monte bananas cos they are too cooling. but i think still can eat lah, just in moderation.
Hi Everyone,
It seems like most of us are tortured by the MS. Anyway, let's pray that it will get over soon.

Durian is ok to eat. I even heard if you eat lots of durian, your bb will be big. Dont know true or not.

By the way, since we cannot take 'bu'/chinese herbal soup for the 1st trimester, can we take bottled chicken essence? Everyday feels so tired...
Hi Elle, if u r a subsidised patient, u cannot go to AMK clinic. AMK clinic is strictly for pte patient only unless u wanna to upgrade. By the way, once u have converted to pte patient, to revert back to subsidised status, think KK will have to chk on ur financial status...
hi kc,
Chicken essence is ok, can drink.

Durian must eat in moderation. Last time I eat durian, I become very heaty and my baby suddenly grow much bigger, so my gynae ask me to stop.

I cannot take mangoes, somehow I will vomit out, maybe too heaty.

Still remember just now I say I crave for big breakfast from McDonalds? I just went there to eat!!!! *sigh* so shiok!
KC, i think we can take cordyceps cos it is sort of neutral. my mom and MIL has been making for me every week (they take alternate weeks). chicken essence should be ok as well.

ocean, i read that KKH has pte suites for premier package patients. do u know to go about making appts in the pte suite with your gynae? i m wondering if i should ask my gynae or wait till he offers it in my later stage...
hi gers,
my ex-colleague was named Durian Queen. she can eat it everyday during her pregnancy *shock*
she said very "bu" but hor, i heard others say that it will increase ur blood sugar cos durians are rich in carbohydrates

u there? wanna update my gestation week.
i did a vagina scan this morning at the SGH gynae. the lady technician here is quite skillful. not much pain & less than a min, she can see the "dot" liao

they told me that my pregnancy is still early at 5.5 weeks & there's no heartbeat at the moment. I have to go back 2 weeks later for another scan.
Hi! Ocean,

Thats what i'm worried lor.. cos' currently i'm a subsidized patient and if i were to convert into pte case i will not be entitled to the subsidized rate for future cases.

But hor.. as a subsidized patient really saved alot leh.. I cld save as much as 60% in consultation and scanning. Medicine subsidized rate varies.. some medicine can be subsidized up to 90%. I paid my duphaston pills at $1.40 for 1week supply.

The current co. that i'm working limit us to claim up to $600/yr.. if not bcos of having subsidized rate at KKH, i wld have utilise this sum within 4 mths.
Really wonder whether shld i change it to pte leh.. So confused.

Does anyone here also a subsidized patient at KKH?

Yah i heard abt the AMK clinic for KK patient that one solely meant for pte patients.

hi jannie,
my fren visits the premier suite, she told me yesterday that the premier suite is meant for those who's pregnancy is >5 mths. Only during her 5th mth then she convert from pte to premier suite package.
hi jannie, true B complex can help to reduce vomitting, maybe is the bitter taste that leaves in your throat causing u to feel more nauseous & not because is B complex. Not all brand have the same taste.

Agreed with Java, must eat durian in moderate, its heaty & might b too sweet. Do not eat too much longan, durian, sugar cane or lychee 1 day b4 ur appt with gynae as u will tense to have high glucose level in ur urine.
<font color="119911">Elle</font>, i am a subsidised patient at KK. For me, worst, during my last miscarriage, i had a very very bad experience with them.
I thot i will never go back again. But now i am still with KK as i was quite paranoid after that. In fact, during the earlier wks, i went back KK almost every wk, with and without appointment too. Thus the saving is alot under subsidised as even for blood test, it is also subsidised by govt.

For you, so nice, ur company still allow u to claim till $600? Mine is nothing!

Ok, there was one very nice specialist that explained to me under KK, there is 3 types of package. The Premeier, Classic and Subsidised.

Premeier being the most expensive one, whereby the patients see their gynae at A Clinic. All scan is done by their own selected gynae and waiting time is shorter. But of cos, the price is almost same as pte hospital. Understd that they are looking at changing their rate, but not sure if will be cheaper.

Classic being the medium range, u r c by ur selected/appointed gynae for each visit. However, ur gynae dun do the scan for u. U r still scan at AMC or ADC. Waiting time is there and u see ur gyane at er.. dun noe is it B or D Clinic.

Lastly, subsidised one is what most of u noe. You c doc in C clinic and every visit, u c different doc. But sometimes, if ur case is complicated or required much attention, they will give u a specialist and u might c the same doc if u r lucky. Otherwise, it is usually a Medical officer. Scan, blood test r all done at various location!

<font color="0000ff">Jannie</font>, my doc told me that Essc of Chicken is okay, but dun take anything with herbs. This is tested. As for cordyceps, this is dong chong grass right? My doc told me that as the contents of cordyceps is not medically tested, though Chinese believe that it is good, but that is no scientific proven that it is good for preggie. So, she advise me not to take.
I am at Premier with KKH but not the package. I think package starts after 5months and also they have the package for delivery too.

Right now, I have to pay on each visit. The premier is not at Clinic A, they located beside 7-11. Very posh, comfortable and cosy. Waiting time is also very much shorter.

As I have subsidised from my hubby (civil servant), the cost is not that high.
Hi! Ocean,
So you also a subsidized patient at KKH?.. Now leh? Did you convert to pte patient?
Ask you hor.. does it mean that for subsidized patient we dun even know who wld be the gyne helping us in delivering? I'm worried they cld use those under training officer to take charge of delivery service.. U think so?

Hi KC,
Really envy you.. got subsidized rate from your hubby as civil servant. I just talked to my fren who's hubby is working for the Navy. She said he got 60% subsidized. So shioke hor.. That's why my fren told her hubby that she wants to choose the most expensive one-bedded room to stay after giving birth. Thats really an advantage being a civil servant..
anyone of you know if any patient of any gynae from KKH all can go pte suite? or you can only choose premier package under certain category of doctors only?
hi all,

can i join in? my EDD is feb 05.
feeling miserable &amp; stressed now cos been sick(fever,cough,sorethroat)since 5th wk, on top of MS.
<font color="119911">KC</font>, KK have these 3 rates for different grp of pple. The package for Premier and Classic starts from wk 16. You can consider looking at them when u r in wk 16. It shld be cheaper since it is a package pricing.

<font color="119911">KC</font>, but i thot there is a max cap of $350 for civil servant?

<font color="ff6000">Elle</font>, yes, you would not know who is your delivery doc. If it is trainee, there will be experience midwife to help out. Actually midwife are professional enought to do the delivery unless u bb is naughty and make thing difficult for you!
If you are thinking of saving cost, then you might like to consider switching to the package when u reach wk 16.
hi elle,ocean

sorry for interrupting your thread.
i'm due in dec, recently i switch from pte gyane to KKH under subsidize patient. i request to see my gyane at Changi Hospital as nearer my home. so far only see once. next appt is detail scan at KKH then back to CGH again. my gyane ask me to go back bring the report as he want to review, so i oso wonder will it be the same gyane to seeme.
any idea how to switch to pte from subsidize? i prefer gyane to deliver for me
The last time when I ask the Premier Anental Package, they told me they have cancelled it as reponse not very good. But still have the delivery package.
Dont know true or not... will check again on my next visit.

For the cap, i have to ask my hubby to check again. I know we need to pay only 40% of the bill. But I think still can cover even cap at $350 as i still have next year to roll over. Beside they have the Flex-Point which can claim for maternity, travel too.
hi Ocean,
Thats wat i thought too.. switching to pte later.
Ehh.. Paiseh leh, u cld have missed my previous qs., so right now r you a pte or subsidized patient at KKH? You know so much about the pte rates i guess u've already converted to pte huh?
What is the procedure inorder to convert?

hi wendy,
welcome! How come u switch from pte gyne and yet can get subsidized rate from KKH? I thought as long as its referred by pte your charges to KK wld also be pte chrg? As mentioned earlier by Ocean subsidized patient don't get fix gyne. In order to get fix gyne you have to pay under their pte charges.
I only heard abt switching from subsidized to pte and not the other way round.
hi elle

thank for the welocme. actually i know u from other thread where poohy, shuin, ribena they all in.heard abt your pregnacy and have yet the chance to congrats u.my pte refer to gynae outside KKH. only in my 16 week then i switch to KKH gynae.

ya i oso need the procedure to convert, can advise me?
Hi all ladies,

I got a strange MS... I really hate the sight of my PC now... that's why I din log in until now. It makes me so sick... argh!!!

Sorry gals, pardon me if I did not do well in the chart.

Hi <font color="ff6000">wenn</font>, noted. When is your EDD?

Hi <font color="119911">vig</font>, do update us your EDD if you have visited your gynae, ok?

Hi <font color="aa00aa">KC</font>, if I'm not wrong, I think you haven't update me your EDD and ges. weeks.
<font face="Palladius"><blink><u><font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">Congrats to all our Newly Expectant Mommies!!

<table border=1><tr><td><font size="+2"><u><font color="ff6000">
February Babies</font></u>
</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>
</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Steamboat -- EDD 02/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Tiny -- EDD 05/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">babygrace -- EDD 14/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Lite Breeze -- EDD 15/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Java -- EDD 21/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">BaByVoN -- EDD 27/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Jannie -- EDD 27/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Lilac -- EDD 28/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Vig -- EDD ?/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>
<font size="+2"><u><font color="119911">March Babies</font></u></font>
</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>
</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Scarydoggie -- EDD 02/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">skinnyma -- EDD 06/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Laugh -- EDD 07/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Seiko -- EDD 07/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">snowpooher -- EDD 07/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">doll -- EDD 06/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Joyce -- EDD 08/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">lbs -- EDD 14/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">KC -- EDD ?/03/05 </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">wenn -- EDD ?/03/05</font></font> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table></blink></font>
<font face="Palladius"><font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">Gestation weeks as of today, 15/07/04</font>
<font size="+1"><ul>[*]<font color="ff6000">Steamboat -- 11 wks 1 day</font> <LI><font color="119911">Tiny -- 10 wks 5 days</font> <LI><font color="ff6000">babygrace -- 9 wks 4 days</font> <LI><font color="119911">Lite Breeze -- 8 wks 6 days</font> <LI><font color="ff6000">Java -- 8 wks 3 days</font> <LI><font color="119911">BabyVoN -- 8 wks 1 day</font> <LI><font color="ff6000">Jannie -- 7 wks 5 days</font> <LI><font color="119911">snowpooher -- 7 wks 4 days</font> <LI><font color="ff6000">Lilac -- 7 wks 0 day</font> <LI><font color="119911">Scarydoggie --</font> <LI><font color="ff6000">Laugh -- 6 wks 5 days</font> <LI><font color="119911">Joyce -- 6 wks 3 days</font> <LI><font color="ff6000">Seiko -- 6 wks 3 days</font> <LI><font color="119911">skinnyma -- 6 wks 2 days</font> <LI><font color="ff6000">lbs -- 6 wks 2 days</font> <LI><font color="119911">KC --</font> <LI><font color="ff6000">wenn --5 wks 5 days</font>[/list]</font></font>

<font color="0000ff">Joyce</font>, what strange MS u have! Pls do take care hor! Afterall, ur health and baby is more impt. Take Care!!

<font color="119911">Elle</font>, i got tell u that i am a subsidized patient earlier on. Maybe u miss out on that part. Er.. to convert to premeier, just tell the nurse that u want this particular doc to be ur personal gynae and every visit, u wld like to be scan by this gynae.

<font color="ff6000">KC</font>, the flexi pts is a yearly pt given to all civil servant? Thot it is a fixed sum and once utilized, no more liao?
Hmm.. maybe KK is revamping their premier package due to poor response. Hopefully for a better pricing!
hi ladies
topic shifted to durians? *heheh* my dad calls me chinaman, cos i dun eat durians one.
now if i need 2 eat anything, i'll think bt the food for 1 min. if i dun feel like puking upon thinking of it, then i'll go ahead n order *hehehe*

Oh, my mom warned me not to use sharp objects ( sewing/ scissors ) ON the bed. she said NEVER on bed. as long you're not on it, can use.

an old aunty told me not to eat gan(1) cao(3).. think its liquorice. some kiam serng ti and packet drinks have them.... avoid them or else baby will have jaundice wor..... wonder if its the colour that caused this 'belief'?

felt so down this wk wif MS, plus i hate the flat soles tt im made to wear now ( hb's command ). me a high heels person, so by switching to flats, me effectively telling whole world 'sth is wrong' *hahah* pampered myself wif a Pedi juz now, so mood also picked up abit *hee*
Hi Laugh
Thks! But I didnt dare to take any supplements or vitamins without the gynae prescription ler..maybe I shld check with her on my next visit..

Hi Elle/snowpooher
I also feel very cold easily..sometimes, will shiver when is raining outside &amp; the office air con is super cold...

Yea, my breats also feel really full, even my hubby said I seem to be "Er Du Fa Yu"!! hahaaa

Hi Java
Yea...hahaha...to think I am asking for more..But actually hor, my hubby said I a bit siao one ler..because everytime I vomitted I will called him &amp; tell him I feel miserable , then at the same time will also tell him I am happy I am suffering from MS!!

Hi Joyce
Your MS very strange ler..hahaha..I was laughing when I read that..

Hi Seiko
My mum also asked me to switch to flats..somemore the bottoms must not be slippery type..so, you can imagine how old fashion my shoes now...luckily I am a pants lover, so still looks ok..cant imagine if I wear dress/skirt...
hi lbs

i get cold v easily too.... how come ah? me usually swet like pig, muz have fan + aircon blowing in my face type... now im using heater plus wearing a cardigan 2 zzzz....

aiyo, i always wear skirts, so my shoes r really a mismatch... so uggggly....
hi ocean,

u mean when u go for the appt just tell the nurse at the registration counter tat we wan to change and tat all. they will change for us automatically? how much is the price after switching to pte?
hi joyce,
sorry, i forgot to ask about the EDD. will ask my gynae 2 weeks later

hi seiko,
me too... been feeling cold... machiam like having fever like that

how about wearing those track-shoes lookalike flats? are they ok for ur workplace?
hey girls

for those of you suffering from intolerable MS, you may wish to try the accupressure bands. these are bands with a metal ball that will press on your pressure point when you wear on your wrists and is supposed to be able to suppress motion sickness, morning sickness, etc. my fren passed hers to me and i m trying out now. i dun always have severe MS so i cannot really tell if the band is working or it is just my body normal mode. you may wish to give it a try. supposed to be able to buy from all pharmacies.
Hi, I heard from colleagues we feel cold cos the BB is taking our body heat at the same time. I also shiver like mad when raining or a bit windy. Keep on going toilet also.

BTW I wake up every night at 2am with my eyes big big. Can't get to sleep though I'm very tired. Colleague told me to observe, saying that will be the time to feed BB when BB is born. Haha, my hubby said maybe now BB wakes up at 2am, too lonely, so I wake yp also.

hi snowpooher,
is the body temp increase what they termed the tri-phase increase? like for every trimester, our body temp will increase...

i'm surprised that i din wake up for the past 2 nites to go to the bathroom. think it's bcos i tried to empty my bladder b4 going to bed :p

could it be ur baby is training u to wake up at 2am for nite feeds?
