(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

hi vig,
yup, i was. u r??

anyway, i never really liked soya bean milk.... only take it once in a while... tofu, i like... farnie person

hi wenn,

i was jd(nick), i think we went out for sushi once with the rest,rite?

my fever & sorethroat just over last wk. but my cough still persist, since wk 5!!
finished 2 bottles of cough mixtures & 2 packs of antibiotics liao!
hi! Wendypooh,
Yup i remember you r from TTC thread b4, am i right?..Thanks!.. Congratulation to you too!

Eh...you mentioned that you r referred to KKH from a pte gyne. So meaning u shld be a pte patient with KKH huh? Bcos from wat i know only patients who got referral from Polyclinic will get subsidized rate as well as those working as civil servants.

How much did you pay for your consultation each visit?
hi wenn/laugh,
Thats strange.. i also thought dou-hua and soya bean drink is the same. Both made from soy beans leh..how come dou-hua cannot eat and yet soya bean can drink..

Just last weekend my fren was telling me her colleague's BB complexion very good and learnt that bcos she drank alot of soya bean drink when she pregnant that time..
Very confused leh.. dunno to continue to drink or not to drink..

Hi! Joyce,
Dun mind could you add me in your list.
Just went for check up last Fri, i'm in my 5.7weeks and EDD is 13/03/05.

hi vig,
yup, i remembered liao. congrats to u! looks like u r 1 month ahead of me

aiyo, did u go back to see ur GP or not? is it safe to take so much antibiotics? drink more barley water. good for the throat
hi snowpooher,
How come u need to save your MC leave? I tot usually MC is 24 days a year? If you feel like taking MC to rest, just take. Its important to listen to your body. At night when I feel like vomiting, I will go out of the room, coz scared to disturb him, but now I dun care, I even vomit infront of him so many times. You must remember that not only you are pregnant, your hubby is also pregnant. Sometimes I tell ppl, "We are pregnant!". Its not fair that I should take care of this pregnancy alone, he must share the load too!

Yesterday I read this website, this lady suffered MS 9 times!!! She has 6 children and suffered 3 miscarriages. Wow, I dunno how she managed!!! That's why I say mothers are ever willing to sacrifice for her children. Its a maternal instinct!
hi elle,
come to think of it, my cousin's baby boy ain't fair leh... cos mother is darker skin than father....

i think can drink once in a while... but dun drink every day lor... u know what? my dad told me that both me & hubby are fair, so no need to drink soya bean milk to make sure that baby is fair
siao boh?
hi wenn,

medicine prescribed by gynae. i was sick all the way since wk 5 that i visited my gynae 3 times in 4 wks!! each time $100+, broke liao!

isn't barley considered cooling?

wah java, u hv 24 days mc per yr? so gd,mine only 14, so used up liao, now hv to use my leave
hi vig,
ic ic... wow! really ex!

barley is not as cooling as soya bean milk. i took 1 small pot (about 3 cups) on sunday. felt better in the evening liao
Hi java, cos I predict I will take more MC at later stage, so trying to save some lor.

Hi Vig, so little MC meh? I tot MOM states 28 days a year? I think my company has 28 MC leave leh.

I'm suffering from tireness cos can't sleep at night. I really cannot "tong" liao. Today after work, I'm going to see my gynae to give me few days MC to sleep at home.

Just now lunch time, I slept like mad. Now drinking coke! SHIOK ah!
hi snow,

my mc only 14 days, hospitalisation leave another 14 days...hmm...is my company cheating me???haha

envy u, i got to save my leave now so even v tired / morning sickness also come to work. for past 4 wks, took 2 days off per wk, now got to save my leave liao

gals, can i check with u, do u hv the funny feeling of stomach grinding whole nite (not hungry nor full). its so uncomfortable tat i can't sleep!
hi ladies

juz got back fr my 1st gynae visit. this visit was one filled wif excitemt n fear *hehe*
when i was in the room, gynae scanned n showed us the sac, but said cannot c the bb. he directed me to another room wif a more powerful machine. b4 i left, he said muz do a V scan which at the mention of it, freaked me out completely! i told him he's my 1st gynae n ive never had anything 'probed' into me, so the Vscan thingie was damn frightening to me. He said he'll ask the lab technician 2 try abdominal scan... if c nothing again, bo bian muz do V scan. Okie, while i was waiting 4 my turn, i forced hb 2 get me a cup of drink ( 2 make my bladder full, so easier to pick up the foetus ). 20 mins later, when it was my turn, bladder full already. when the lab tech used Abdominal scan, she quickly said, cant c anything, so muz do V scan. I freaked out n told her doc ordered A-scan only. plus i juz drank water, so can try again?? i told her im not afraid of pain, so press harder. deep down, i told bb, plsss plsss make yrself be seen. True enuf, *BIG PHEW*, it was captured on screen *heheh* back at the gynae's room, he finally heaved a sign of relief when he saw the sac + yolk + bb. BB measures 6mm now. EDD + 1 day to 8/3/05. I thot that was all, when he mentioned they picked up bb's heartbeat!! he told me it was 147 beats.... this was certainly a pleasant surprise
he onlyprescribed folic acid, said no need for any other vits leh. next visit wld be 4wks fr today
oh, he was so nice, even asked if i wanted to keep the 3 scan pix... of cos i said yes lor :p
hi snowpooher
maybe u shd avoid foods wif pungent smells 4 awhile... cos i found that im now 'allergic' to foods wif strong smells... as long as i dun smell the food im eating, less chances of nausea. i enjoy drinking red apple juice ( no ice ) now... rather drink 2 cups than eat anything which i may puke.... eating is now so sian 2 me. But when gynae heard ive got MS, he was v happy, saying its gd news to them wor.

hi scarydoggie
i bought those preserved ginger slices, n thoough i hated them, they do help in curbing my MS to a certain extent. I munch n extract the juice, then spit out the pulp. im still feeling cold these days... hope it'll pass... now go anywhere wif cardigan *hee*

hi wenn
me too! hae become suck a picky eater that i think bb is quite fussy bt food lor. So far, bb doesnt really chinese food leh.... had toast butter sausage yest, works fine... had pizza juz now, works fine too. but when comes to chinese food, juz wan 2 puke... charm,,....Dr TanHK v pleasant guy, felt at ease wif him... he sent me to c an elderly nurse who oriented me wif the policies already... like antenatal classes, choosing of wards, talks, etc. oh, dr tan told me to attend a talk this sat, sth bt down syndrome + other topics... cos he's a speaker too, so he encourages his patients 2 attend...
hi Seiko,
Must be feeling happy right? Actually no need to worry abt the V scan. It looks like a penis except that its hard one. hahahahaha.

hi snowpooher,
U very lucky, your company recognises MC from any doctor. Last time my company only recognise MC from affiliated clinics only. So everytime I have to fake tiredness to the doctor until the doc also know me liao. By right MC given by polyclinics and public hospitals are recognised, but my company very "jian" one. Even MC provided my KKH also not recognised, they say only those given by A&E dept then recognise. Anyway I'm out of that company liao.
hi Elle
western docs will say go ahead n eat anything, whereas chinese docs + old wives tales will say cold drinks is bad for uterus... n since its gonna b the bb's home, muz take precaution... i guess can indulge in cold drinks occasionally, cos cold drinks do taste better *hee*
hi Seiko,
You must try to curb your phobia of things "probing" inside you, coz later on in the pregnancy, your gynae will have to do a culture test which involves collecting cervical mucus samples near your cervix. Also during delivery, the gynae will stick his/her hand inside to measure the cervix opening to see if ready for delivery. I'm not trying to scare you, but just to get you mentally prepared.
hi Java
when the lab technician showed me the probe, i almost fainted ah!! cos i cant imagine it going in, im sure to clamp up. in fact im already clamping up myself when i heard then saw it ah. scary scary. heng foetus heard my cries for help, n decided 2 show itself. i told it, Oiii time to show yrself hor! *hahaah*
ohmigosh Java, now im panicking liao... i thot no more probes other than delivery time... ive really got 2 overcome this phobia... i almost wanted 2 cry when i heard bt the V scan...
u r very cute leh...

i had a v scan too. the lab tech din push in a lot lah... just at the entrance of the v...

glad that u can heard the baby's heartbeat. i still have to wait till next week. happy that u r ok with Dr Tan
<font face="Palladius"><blink><u><font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">Congrats to all our Newly Expectant Mommies!!

<table border=1><tr><td><font size="+2"><u><font color="ff6000">
February Babies</font></u>
</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>
</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Steamboat -- EDD 02/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Tiny -- EDD 05/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">babygrace -- EDD 14/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Lite Breeze -- EDD 15/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Vig -- EDD 20/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Java -- EDD 21/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">BaByVoN -- EDD 27/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Jannie -- EDD 27/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>
<font size="+2"><u><font color="119911">March Babies</font></u></font>
</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>
</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Scarydoggie -- EDD 02/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">skinnyma -- EDD 06/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Doll -- EDD 06/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Laugh -- EDD 07/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Seiko -- EDD 07/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">snowpooher -- EDD 07/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Joyce -- EDD 08/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Lilac -- EDD ?/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Elle -- EDD 13/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">lbs -- EDD 14/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">KC -- EDD ?/03/05 </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">wenn -- EDD ?/03/05</font></font> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table></blink></font>
<font face="Palladius"><font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">Gestation weeks as of today, 19/07/04</font>
<font size="+1"><ul>[*]<font color="ff6000">1. Steamboat -- 11 wks 5 days</font> <LI><font color="119911">2. Tiny -- 11 wks 2 days</font> <LI><font color="ff6000">3. babygrace -- 10 wks 2 days</font> <LI><font color="119911">4. Lite Breeze -- 9 wks 3 days</font> <LI><font color="ff6000">5. Vig -- 9 wks 4 days</font> <LI><font color="119911">6. Java -- 9 wks 0 day</font> <LI><font color="ff6000">7. BabyVoN -- 8 wks 5 days</font> <LI><font color="119911">8. Jannie -- 8 wks 2 days</font> <LI><font color="ff6000">9. snowpooher -- 8 wks 1 day</font> <LI><font color="119911">10. Lilac -- ? wks ? days</font> <LI><font color="ff6000">11. Scarydoggie -- ? wks ? days</font> <LI><font color="ff6000">12. skinnyma -- 6 wks 6 days</font> <LI><font color="119911">13. Laugh -- 7 wks 2 days</font> <LI><font color="ff6000">14. Doll -- ? wks ? days</font> <LI><font color="119911">15. Joyce -- 7 wks 2 days</font> <LI><font color="ff6000">16. Seiko -- 7 wks 0 day</font> <LI><font color="119911">17. Elle -- 6 wks 0 day</font> <LI><font color="ff6000">18. lbs -- 6 wks 6 days</font> <LI><font color="119911">19. KC -- ? wks ? days</font> <LI><font color="ff6000">20. wenn -- 6 wks 0 day</font>[/list]</font></font>

<font face="Palladius">For those EDD/Gestation week with question mark, kindly please update me after you have visited your gynae. Thanks.</font>

hi elle,
should b normal i guess... just remb my gynae saying that if got cramps n sickness, it's gd coz a naughty bb is a healthy bb

my aunt also ask me drink soya so that bb skin will be milky fair. hiaz dunno how true coz her child is really milky fair.

java n snowpooher, hopefully it subsides by week 10 if not can go crazy .....

i have 14 days but my side links MC directly to performance so trying my very best not to take but already used up 2 days of my leave liao :p

heheh seiko, ur trip to the gynae sounds exciting .
my 1st trip was scan, got bb. told what not to do. was outta in 10 mins

hi vig, have the same felling too.. neither full or hungry.. hiaz i tink it's suppose to be normal ?

I know only that my digestion has become very poor. tend to puke out few hours later for those stuff that i can digest .

hiaz... disgusting eh...hehe n puking seems to be 24/7

my 2nd visit to the gynae is this sat !! hehe looking forward to it !!
dear all,

going to c gynae tomoro, anxious to see how much bb has grown..:p

i feel nauseas agn..feeling terrible now..ok, 45min more &amp; i'm out of off! think of dinner , i've no appetite agn...sian..

nearly can't fit into my normal working clothes liao. got to go shop for maternity clothes this wkend. any suggestions where is cheap &amp; gd? i went to kiddy's palace, not that cheap i think...
Hi Vig, I think hor kiddy's palace one considered "cheap" liao leh. I checked out other places quite expensive leh. I also can't wear my clothes liao and had bought some bigger size dresses. Only bought 1 maternity pants so far. So fast tummy is out one meh? I stupidly tot will show out after 12 weeks leh, but think hor, mine has shown a bit.

I also sian.... dunno what to eat later. No appetite like tat though will feel hungry.
Hi Elle,
different bet soya bean milk &amp; duo hua is that duo hua has addition ingredient which is hamful(for making it to be in jelly form). Anyway, just drink/eat anything in moderate lah..

Hi Seiko,
dont need to be afraid on V scan, not painful at all just embarrassing. Actually so far my 2 appts were V scan cos my gynae found a polyn growing in my V during the 1st visit(lucky he did a v scan during that time) and thus he need to monitor the condition. If it continue to grow, might need to have a minor surgery aft 1st trimester.
hi snowpooher,

i quite like the clothes in 1 of the maternity shop in paragon. if their sale still on, i find it more worth it than kiddys, will go this fri to buy.

hehe,maybe its my fats..haha...my tummy protuding out liao, so my working skirts &amp; pants can't wear liao..

k, i knocking off now. chat tomoro. tata
hi seiko,

U mean u also never done pap smear before?

Cos if u were to do pap smear b4, u wont be afraid of the V scan. Its similar kinda feeling. Dun be scared by the long and thick probe.. they only stick a little bit of it into your V. Not whole thing lah..
U paiseh or scared of the pain?

I'm more of paiseh leh.. cos everytime let different pple poke.. That time after knowing my pregnancy gyne ask me to go scan.. also cant c anything then have to go thru V scan.. Also cant c anything.. till the lady gotta ask a male doctor to come and help her.. I so paiseh leh.. the leg open there like nobody biz..
So far i still feel paiseh.. be it lady or male gyne..
That time worse leh.. 1st time visit KKH gyne.. got young trainee doctor(looks only 20plus) inside.. instead of the lady gyne do pap smear for me hor.. the trainee doctor do it for me. He also look paiseh.. alamak dun tell me his 1st time..

Me too cant help feeling happy to see my little one appearing on the monitor.
U recall our LMP same?.. But perhaps i ovulated later.. my EDD is 13/03/2005.
Did u see the heartbeat blinking?.. Aiyah.. i've missed it leh..
Hi <font color="aa00aa">scarydoggie</font>, I'm feeling good today. Thanks!
As today I have no MS, I quickly do all the housechores in one shot, at the end got backache... sigh (pai mia...)

Hi <font color="0077aa">doll</font>, will update again tml. Thanks.

Hi <font color="ff6000">Lilac</font>, you will be more touched when you see your newborn. I cried when I first saw my newborn, he <font color="119911">'ong ar, ong ar'</font> so loud after he was being pulled out. The feeling can't be describe... Wished to have that feeling again soon...
Hi Ladies,

May i ask if any of u hv the same experience as me? I just dunno y i hv so much wind in me...My stomach's so bloated &amp; i keep burping most of the time! It's reali so uncomfy!
Can any ladies share hw to get rid of the wind? I reali cant stand it anymore! I had to stay in bed for he whole day as was just too weak to do anythg! Sob Sob!

I was feeling so nauseous the whole day but just cant throw up...no appetite &amp; feeling so cold &amp; weak! Dunno wat's wrg! I do hope it's not the MS tt's starting! Had diarrhoea in the mrg but am ok now. Starting to sneeze too...Do hope am not coming dwn with a flu!


U better not strain urself esp when u just recovered! Do take care!
hi wenn
im sure by next wk you'll b able 2 hear yr bb's heartbeat. Dr Tan's Q was so long. we were there early, at 9am for my 950 appointmt, but sure enuf, he wass quite on time... i went in at 10, think his machine can only pick up bigger foetus, mine too small. was so frightened when he said, ei? got sac, but where's the bb ? *hehe* the lab tech lady was nice. heng she decided to try again, or else i'll prob be screaming liao *hehe* Dr Tan looks v young. He actually recog my hubby a lil, juz cant rem where he'd seen this person *haha*

hi Joyce
can update my EDD to 8th March? dunno y gynae pushed forward by 1 day... Thanks gal

hi doll
yalor, 1st consultation was so short.

hi Vig
i wonder if we r able to fit into normal clothings, juz choose sizes like L or XL? recently i bought extra 2 sizes bigger clothes... but then if the bump becomes too big, still muz go for maternity clothes...

hi Laugh
seems that V scan more thorough... i muz get over this fear 1st...

hi Elle
me never done Pap smear b4, never seen a gynae in my life until today, which is y i clamped up at the idea... im not paiseh bt male docs doing it, juz afraid of the pain. my threshold of pain v v low, plus when i saw that thing, i almost fainted... yr gynae pinpointed yr O date? cos mine juz used a chart, turn here turn there, then gave me 8th Mar, which is a day later than what the internet says. now yr EDD is 5 days later.... but according to my frd, every visit, she gets dif EDD by a few days *heheeh* 2 c the din get 2 c the heartbeat leh, din know it was there, cos lab tech was snapping pix n she din mention too. haiya, missed hearing it for the 1st time. but foetus so tiny aiyoooooo
hi Babyvon
i had that same bloatedness caused by wind in my 5th wk. felt so crampy that i had probs walking.... walking like old lady most of the time. back then, i saw a gp who gave me this antacid n a pink stinky lotion to take ( dunno wat name)... after taking it, i burped n farted all the wind out... after that i was 'back to normal' But the medication gave me constipation which was easily solved by drinking prune juice

many ladies here also feeling cold as bb absorbing our heat, while we're not eating enuf 2 produce heat. Sneezing is also quite common among us here... thnk we've a more sensitive nose now...

A frd recommended me this website by tis lady call Melinda. If any of u are interested in maternity wear, do chk it out...Cheers!

Do take a look at her website www.funkymoms.com and be enlightened of the collection that she has. If any of u are interested, drop me an email [email protected] Will give u her contact.
HI Seiko,

Thks! U've been such a consolation!
I will only get to see my gynae next mon...Will def ask him for the medicine to curb this feeling. It's reali so HORRIBLE!
I've been hvg tis wind thing since the day i was pregnant...Reali do hope it's normal!

Yup, maybe it's due to my lack of appetite 2day...tt's y am feeling so cold &amp; weak! Tink i'm going bk to lay in bed again. Catch up with u ladies 2mrw. Hv a great eveng!
<font color="119911">Elle</font>, never noticed that heading <font color="ff0000">TCU</font> till i saw u mentioning. Guess i only look at the date and time! Hahhaa...
I also dun now what it meant but i gather it is <font color="0000ff">"To See You"</font> in so many wks' time!!
Hi All

Just back from gynae's apptmt...well, the news is I am not expecting twins! A little dissappointed but somehow relief...perhaps I have been really worrying abt the pressure we might have at having two at one go lor..

Today can detect BB's heartbeat liao &amp; its measuring at 6.1mm....EDD remains the same...
<font face="EraserDust"><blink><u><font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">Congrats to all our Newly Expectant Mommies!!

<table border=1><tr><td><font size="+2"><u><font color="ff6000">
February Babies</font></u></font>
</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>
</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Steamboat -- EDD 02/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Tiny -- EDD 05/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">babygrace -- EDD 14/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Lite Breeze -- EDD 15/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Vig -- EDD 20/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Java -- EDD 21/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">BaByVoN -- EDD 27/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Jannie -- EDD 27/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>
<font size="+2"><u><font color="119911">March Babies</font></u></font>
</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>
</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Scarydoggie -- EDD 02/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">skinnyma -- EDD 06/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Doll -- EDD 06/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Laugh -- EDD 07/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">snowpooher -- EDD 07/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Joyce -- EDD 08/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Seiko -- EDD 08/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Lilac -- EDD ?/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Elle -- EDD 13/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">lbs -- EDD 14/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">KC -- EDD ?/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">wenn -- EDD ?/03/05</font></td></tr></table>

<u><font face="EraserDust"><font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">Gestation weeks for the period from 20th to 31st</font></font></font>

<font face="EraserDust"><table border=1><tr><td><font color="ff6000">Username</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">20-Jul</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">21-Jul</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">22-Jul</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">23-Jul</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">24-Jul</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">25-Jul</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">26-Jul</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">27-Jul</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">28-Jul</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">29-Jul</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">30-Jul</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">31-Jul</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Steamboat</TD><TD>11.6</TD><TD>12</TD><TD>12.1</TD><TD>12.2</TD><TD>12.3</TD><TD>12.4</TD><TD>12.5</TD><TD>12.6</TD><TD>13</TD><TD>13.1</TD><TD>13.2</TD><TD>13.3 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tiny</TD><TD>11.3</TD><TD>11.4</TD><TD>11.5</TD><TD>11.6</TD><TD>12</TD><TD>12.1</TD><TD>12.2</TD><TD>12.3</TD><TD>12.4</TD><TD>12.5</TD><TD>12.6</TD><TD>13 </TD></TR><TR><TD>BabyGrace</TD><TD>10.3</TD><TD>10.4</TD><TD>10.5</TD><TD>10.6</TD><TD>11</TD><TD>11.1</TD><TD>11.2</TD><TD>11.3</TD><TD>11.4</TD><TD>11.5</TD><TD>11.6</TD><TD>12 </TD></TR><TR><TD>LiteBreeze</TD><TD>9.4</TD><TD>9.5</TD><TD>9.6</TD><TD>10</TD><TD>10.1</TD><TD>10.2</TD><TD>10.3</TD><TD>10.4</TD><TD>10.5</TD><TD>10.6</TD><TD>11</TD><TD>11.1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Vig</TD><TD>9.5</TD><TD>9.6</TD><TD>10</TD><TD>10.1</TD><TD>10.2</TD><TD>10.3</TD><TD>10.4</TD><TD>10.5</TD><TD>10.6</TD><TD>11</TD><TD>11.1</TD><TD>11.2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Java</TD><TD>9.1</TD><TD>9.2</TD><TD>9.3</TD><TD>9.4</TD><TD>9.5</TD><TD>9.6</TD><TD>10</TD><TD>10.1</TD><TD>10.2</TD><TD>10.3</TD><TD>10.4</TD><TD>10.5 </TD></TR><TR><TD>BaByVoN</TD><TD>8.6</TD><TD>9</TD><TD>9.1</TD><TD>9.2</TD><TD>9.3</TD><TD>9.4</TD><TD>9.5</TD><TD>9.6</TD><TD>10</TD><TD>10.1</TD><TD>10.2</TD><TD>10.3 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jannie</TD><TD>8.3</TD><TD>8.4</TD><TD>8.5</TD><TD>8.6</TD><TD>9</TD><TD>9.1</TD><TD>9.2</TD><TD>9.3</TD><TD>9.4</TD><TD>9.5</TD><TD>9.6</TD><TD>10 </TD></TR><TR><TD>snowpooher</TD><TD>8.2</TD><TD>8.3</TD><TD>8.4</TD><TD>8.5</TD><TD>8.6</TD><TD>9</TD><TD>9.1</TD><TD>9.2</TD><TD>9.3</TD><TD>9.4</TD><TD>9.5</TD><TD>9.6 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Laugh</TD><TD>7.4</TD><TD>7.5</TD><TD>7.6</TD><TD>8</TD><TD>8.1</TD><TD>8.2</TD><TD>8.3</TD><TD>8.4</TD><TD>8.5</TD><TD>8.6</TD><TD>9</TD><TD>9.1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joyce</TD><TD>7.3</TD><TD>7.4</TD><TD>7.5</TD><TD>7.6</TD><TD>8</TD><TD>8.1</TD><TD>8.2</TD><TD>8.3</TD><TD>8.4</TD><TD>8.5</TD><TD>8.6</TD><TD>9 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Seiko</TD><TD>7.1</TD><TD>7.2</TD><TD>7.3</TD><TD>7.4</TD><TD>7.5</TD><TD>7.6</TD><TD>8</TD><TD>8.1</TD><TD>8.2</TD><TD>8.3</TD><TD>8.4</TD><TD>8.5 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Skinnyma</TD><TD>7</TD><TD>7.1</TD><TD>7.2</TD><TD>7.3</TD><TD>7.4</TD><TD>7.5</TD><TD>7.6</TD><TD>8</TD><TD>8.1</TD><TD>8.2</TD><TD>8.3</TD><TD>8.4 </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Doll</TD><TD>7</TD><TD>7.1</TD><TD>7.2</TD><TD>7.3</TD><TD>7.4</TD><TD>7.5</TD><TD>7.6</TD><TD>8</TD><TD>8.1</TD><TD>8.2</TD><TD>8.3</TD><TD>8.4 </TD></TR><TR><TD>lbs</TD><TD>7</TD><TD>7.1</TD><TD>7.2</TD><TD>7.3</TD><TD>7.4</TD><TD>7.5</TD><TD>7.6</TD><TD>8</TD><TD>8.1</TD><TD>8.2</TD><TD>8.3</TD><TD>8.4 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Elle</TD><TD>6.1</TD><TD>6.2</TD><TD>6.3</TD><TD>6.4</TD><TD>6.5</TD><TD>6.6</TD><TD>7</TD><TD>7.1</TD><TD>7.2</TD><TD>7.3</TD><TD>7.4</TD><TD>7.5 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wenn</TD><TD>6.1</TD><TD>6.2</TD><TD>6.3</TD><TD>6.4</TD><TD>6.5</TD><TD>6.6</TD><TD>7</TD><TD>7.1</TD><TD>7.2</TD><TD>7.3</TD><TD>7.4</TD><TD>7.5 </TD></TR><TR><TD>KC</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>-- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lilac</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>-- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Scarydoggie</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</td></tr></table></font>

<font color="ff0000"><font face="EraserDust">For those w/o EDD or Gestation week, kindly please update me after you have visited your gynae. Thanks.</font></font>
hi babyvon,

the clothes look nice..any discount?hehe

&amp; yes, i took antacid given by gynae cos always got wind &amp; gastric..
hi babyvon,

i too have that feeling .. didn't know got "cure" for it
. my mum tend to pat my back gently.. after 3-4 mins tend to burp out so feel much comfortable..

i tink i will sound like a "kuku"
but what is the v-scan for , what is it actually ? never done pap smear before too.

oh yah , jus wondering how many r 1st time mummies here
heheh m a 1st timer
allo seiko,
thanks for the info. dr yap oso used the red &amp; blue chart to look at the edd leh... she said that based on LMP &amp; chart, my baby should be 7.4 weeks but the v-scan only shows 5.5 weeks leh

hi vig,
i had been putting on weight constantly b4 getting pregnant due to my thyroid medication. actually, am 4kg overweight liao... with big tummy &amp; hips... so ended up, i buy bigger sized office clothes... hope can last me for a few months 1st b4 i have to get maternity clothes :p
hi doll,
oh, a vagina scan is used to detect the fetus when normal u/s scan can't detect lor

me oso 1st timer
hi doll,
I'm oso 1st time mummy

hi wenn &amp; seiko,
y must do v-scan ah? i nvr did any since start?
can see bb's heartbeat(just a blur white patch vibrating) since wk 6.

ok, going to c gynae soon to do blood tests &amp; will start the pkg today..phew, else so expensive per consultation!
hi vig,
i think i was told to get a v-scan cause my pregnancy is still early at week 5.5. going back next week to scan again for heartbeat.

my fren told me that her package starts at week 13. is that the normal timeframe?
It depends on whether can see anything from the abdominal scan or not. Usually if u are only 5 or 5.5 wks, then chances are can't see anything thru the a-scan. That happened to me also.. my gynae did a a-scan first, when he sees nothing, then he did a v-scan. But as i was only 5.5 wks that time, thru v-scan can also only see a water bag lor. Usually by 7th wk, sld be able to see the heartbeat liao

your gynae allows you to start the package so early ah? That's good, at least no need to spend so much $$ per consultation.

My gynae told me the package only starts from wk 12 onwards. So far, i need to spend $100+ per visit... siong ah..
hehe vig, i was tinking of asking the same thing too

oic.. i went for my 1st visit ard 4 weeks old bb n we had those normal scan..

my package will only start after the 3rd mth. guess 13 weeks is pretty normal bah.

my package cost $500 (average ard 10-12 visits)

Additional cost:-
- blood test during 4th mth ($120 for down syndrome)
- medicine other then routine medicine
hi gals,

when i'm 5 wks, also see just a water sac, gynae din ask me to do v-scan. so tats y i ask loh..

when the pkg starts depends on gynae. since i've been sick since wk 5, seen gynae 3 times in past 4 wks! each time $100+, so now pkg starts much cheaper.
my pkg is $515 - incl multi vit, consultation &amp; scanning. printout cost $30 per piece. folic acid additional cost too.

today do blood test $70, tats to check my blood count, hep b, etc..

bb now 20.6mm! can see shape of head &amp; leg buds liao! so cute to see it kip moving &amp; floating around:p

hi joyce,
really gd of u to kip track of all our dates. just checking, is it convenient to add 1 more column besides our due date for hospital for delivery?
Hi! Seiko,
Me too also curious of my conception date. Gyne also turn the circle table here and there to determine my EDD date. But guess its still have to confirm by the scan report. Mayb the size of the scan will determine how many weeks.. i guess lah..

Wah..cant wait to carry my own BB.. U really cried when your BB is out ah?.. U know this Lina Ng she said she thought she wld cry but dunno why no feeling liao.. mayb too pain i guess.. heehee..
U r an experienced mother i believe u definitely know alot abt wat to eat wat not to .. Can share with us? May i know whether can pregnant ladies eat sotong?
I heard hor during the 1st 3 mths we shld go check up more regularly.. how regularly does it mean?
Cos hor after my last visit, my next appointment wld be in 6 weeks later leh.. do it think its abit too far away?
hi elle,

for me, after my 1st appt in wk 5, my appt was 2 wks once. so today is my 3rd visit. next visit is 3 wks later.
till start of 2nd trimester , then its once a mth.
then towards 8th mth, frequency will increase agn
Hi Vig,

I'm not too sure if Melinda gives discount as i din enquire from her yet...Dun tink i'll need to any yet but my galfrd's frd recommended me so i thot i'll just share the website here.
Hwever, if u're keen, i can give u her contacts &amp; u can chk with her?

I tink i def need the antacid asap but still hv to wait till next mon to see the gynae.

Hi Doll,

Me oso 1st timer mom here.
I'll try ur mom's method...will ask my hubby to pat my back if the wind gets worse!
But for nw, while he's at work, i'll hv to at myself.

Hi Joyce,

Thks for doing the gestation table...U reali put so much effort in it!
I tink i'll cry even b4 my baby's out 'cos i hv a low tolerance for pain! Haha!
But i know i'll def be so HAPI!!!

Hi Elle,

I went to see my gynae ard my 6th week &amp; ws asked to go bk after 3 weeks so it reali depends on ur gynae. I tink u can always arrg for an earlier consultation if u dun feel well.

I did hear tt pregnant ladies cant take too much sotong too...But i guess we just hv to take in everythg in moderation now, esp when we wont wana put our babies at stake.

hi Vig,
So glad that you manage to see your bb's movements. During my last visit, maybe my gynae scan too fast, didn't manage to see any movements. My next visit is also 3 weeks later, hopefully can get to see my bb's movements then.

I'm a second-timer.

Nowadays I'm very emotional. I think I shouldn't watch too much korean drama, make me keep crying.
