(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

Hi hobo03,spent S$149.56, hehe juz checked from my CC bill..

buy more ah ... maybe but not now i tink. but if u intend to buy now, u can make use of the 25% discount , at least that will save u on ur shipping charges if there's no one to tab on

hi doll

Thks...just got their feedback..aiya..they are sooo efficient..already ship out my stuffs!

Which mean I still need to bear abt S$25 for my shipment lor..

agree, luckily have hubby there to stop me, else will end up buying & buying...hahahaa

Hi well
aiyo, thats what my gynae said..must watch diet liao..if bb too big, not good..but now still ok, just slightly bigger..

err, i didnt have much craving of anything ler, but nowadays prefer more spicy food..

Hi hoho3
like what doll said, if you want, quickly order from them before 12 Dec & enjoy the 25% off. Put in that code doll provided above before you check out. Dun be like me, blur blur...

Unless you wanna buy after this promotion, then using vpost is cheaper lor...

Actually I did post earlier on how to use vpost...hehehe

Here's their web: www.vpost.com.sg

You must first register yourself as a user, then on top of the screen, you will see VPOSTUSA & VPOST Japan. This mean you can also make purchase for Japan online web..hehehee

In VPOSTUSA, when you click on the 'step 1' you will be given a code & their US delivery address.

So, anytime when you made purchase from an US website, put in the code & use the delivery address given instead of your Singapore address.

Of course, you have to made sure that they are offerring free delivery within US, then using vpost is more feasible lor..
hi dolls,lbs>>

wow, went to the anne geddes site.... the bb things sooo cute but X woh... dunno wana buy or not... gee, i am those sort that "bu she de" spend on these items cos they outgrown v fast... but really like the bug pouch where the whole bb can put inside...
hi doll
yea lor..amazing, right? I placed my order yesterday morning, sent email to change my delivery instruction abt 3 hours later...somemore, is their off office hrs ler....

Hi well
agree, but too tempted liao...all doll's fault cos she tempted us by posting the pouch! hahahaaaa...

I bought those 6-12months..so I guess for Caucasion size, shld be big enough to last bb for a while ba? hehehee
hi well, heheheh buy something which can last :p yah the bug pouch is very cute hor

hi lbs, their online ordering also very good. detailed, making buying lot more easier !! haha make u want to buy more :p

wah wah lbs, hehe i post the pouch only mah hehehe. i also bought 6-12mths for the ladybug jacket heheh, thatz what i feel also that it can last for awhile :p

yesterday was with my Granny In Law n MIL, wah granny in law tell me rest for a yr then give birth to another one, Mil was wait for 3yrs like her then give birth to another one. both say 2 enuf liao. was tinking to myself, wah i really become "mu zhu liao"

luckily hubby was ard ,tell them "shun qi zi rean". heheh when reached home i asked him, how many kids, he said minimum 2 kids , hehe if can afford then can have more

so how about u gals, u got tok about this with ur hubbies too ?
hi doll
hahaha...yeap, must admit their online ordering very user friendly..hahaha, must find someone to 'blame' to make my act justify mah...hehehee..just kidding!

well, though my MIL hasnt spell it out but since my hubby is the only child in the family, I guess they would expect me to give birth more??

wow, your hubby said min 2 kids ar? My hubby said max 2 kids only...he said in Singapore very hard to raise a big family lor...
hi lbs, yah.. minimum 2 kids heheh if can i like to have 4 kids.. :p but dunno can tahan or not. yah the cost of raising kids very high in sg. so many things to attract them somemore, toys , shows, the list goes on

hi well, hehehe i thought of a few names for my bb gal. my in laws say no need to look for geomancer coz it does not really affect the bb's fate..
still can't decide on a english :p as for chinese , maybe start wif "rui", as it sounds very sweet :p
Hi! Girls,

Did any of u go to the JL special event sale last evening?

Wow.. the crowd was horrible esp. at the children's and household dept. Many people at the children's dept grab for diapers.. many customers grab at least 5large packet of it.. i reach there only 15-20mins late after the event started and i see the diapers shelving 70% empty!
Anyway i only bought one packet. Did anyone of you started buying diapers already?

To buy things u gotta squeeze in betw the crowd, to pay $ is worse ah.. took at least 45mins to Q. JL is not organised and also did not set up add'l cashier counter outside.. eventually saw a long circle snake Q at nearly all cashier counter.. really jia lat..
Hi ladies, just went to buy some bathing stuff for BB during my lunch. Dunno what to buy ah, so see what, grab first. Really blurred as a 1st time mother, keep on asking the auntie what is this what is that for kekeke...

Bought body lotion, shampoo, body wash, baby oil, cotton ball, cotton buds, baby wipes, baby powder and maternity pads. Any more things to add on?

Mmm... oh ya hor, Elle, I was still thinking what I need, yes, diapers! My colleague told me to get one packet of new born diapers from pampers will do. After that got to change to extra small/small size diapers.
Hi Ladies,
I went for my check up yesterday.. My bb is btw 1.4-1.5kg at 30 weeks..
I have put on 12kg liao

My fingers, face, ankles and feet swell
Gynae says it will only goes off after i give birth
<font color="0000ff">Swelling</font>
As you near the end of your pregnancy, you might notice more swelling than you had before, especially in your ankles, fingers and face. Continue to drink lots of fluids (water is best) and rest when you can with your feet elevated. If you notice sudden, extreme swelling in any of these areas, or have a rapid significant weight gain, call your health care provider right away. This could be a sign of *preeclampsia or toxemia.

*Preeclampsia - Also known as Toxemia, it is a condition that can occur in a woman in the second half of her pregnancy that can cause serious problems for both her and the baby. It causes high blood pressure, protein in the urine, blood changes and other problems.
<font color="aa00aa">Bathing</font>
Baby bathtub
Baby body wash
No tears shampoo
2-4 Hooded bath towels
4-6 Washcloths
Toys to entertain baby

<font color="aa00aa">Changing Table Supplies</font>
Baby wipes
Changing pad and cover
Cotton swabs
Baby nail scissors
Rectal thermometer
You may want to take baby's temperature from his/her armpit, but a rectal temperature is much more accurate. Baby won't even notice and you will soon be used to it. And you can breathe easy knowing you have an accurate temperature.

Nasal aspirator
Brush and comb
Baby powder
Diaper rash ointment
Diaper pail and refills
Toy to entertain baby
hi elle/snowpooher, no leh . didn't go. hehe haven't buy any diapers yet :p maybe will start next mth

what brands r u all buying ?

hi winnie, dun wori. it's pretty common the swelling
Hi Doll,
I bought mamypoko (dunno correct spelling anot) diapers from JL

Thanks for the articles.. But my feet ache nowadays if I walk abit more.. and my fingers ache when I try to close it..
Doc check my blood pressure.. heng it is on the normal side..
My colleague highly recommended Pampers New Born Diapers, saying the diaper is really very soft and not sensitive to BB's skin.
hi well
Initially thought of a name liao but then my hubby big mouth &amp; asked a fren (who is currently studying geomancy). So, he calculated the 'pi hua' for us &amp; turned out that the name is very "siong"!

Dunno whether to be glad to ask or not..u know lar, ignorance is sometimes a blessing mah..now have to think another name again..headache~

Hi gals
I dun intend to buy those bathing stuffs yet..think a bit too early..hahaha..scared later expired liao..
hi snowpooher,

i heard hor.. hospital wld give you a big pack of the newborn diapers one leh.. For KKH confirm will give but for TMC dunno leh.. wonder whether can check with gyne or not.. But small matter malu leh..
Elle, that time I go TMC for hospital tour hor, the nurse told me no need to prepare stuff for BB leh, she said TMC will give each BB a hamper, but I dunno the hamper consist of wat stuff. She told me just bring stuff for mother will do.
recently I have been craving for dark chocolates... yummy yummy. I dunno how true, but yesterday I went to buy dark chocolates, the sales saw that I'm pregnant, and he asked me if I'm the one eating. He told me dark chocolate is good for BB. But dun take milk chocolate.
Hi! Winnie,

U also at JL last nite?


I've bought Drypers.. the most economy &amp; popular one heehe ..


Yes, PAMPERS brand got the new born size which hospital used to give.. Gynes of course say is good leh.. cos is the premium pampers cost $0.50 each leh.. most Ex as compared the rest. Even more Ex than sanitary pad.. heehee.
My fren say if BB buttock is those sensitive type hor.. jia lat liao.. sure must use PAMPERS Premium.

KKH is giving out that one for new born BBs.
hi <font color="119911">babygrace</font>,
are u the one with short hair? quite tall one? hee... okie, i'll look out for u this sat.

oh, i know how u can recognise me... hee.. i'm always late for class one. :p except for the last one.
hi keruri,

Yup i'm the one with the short hair, not too fat either, just a big bump in front
Hmm....late for class? i didn't quite pay attention to who came in late. haha! Come up to me and say hi this sat!
Hi Snowpooher,
TMC so nice.. Will gv bb a hamper..
I will check with my fren who has just delievered at TMC..

Hi Elle,
I went to JL last sat.. Rec'd a letter from them that there is 20% discount last weekend lor.. But only valid if we produce the letter and for one time transaction only..

The JL sale yday evening give out how much discount? I din knw abt the sale leh else I will go
diapers....oh... havent stock up... but interested in the mommypoko newborn with a slot for the umbilical cord area... very thoughtful and i also scared abt that part also. i remember i garbra during my first bb boy, really scared that i mishandled it...
hi <font color="119911">babygrace</font>,
ahh... i see... i tink i know who u r.
u r still v slim... oni the tummy protruding. hee... will go up and say hi this sat.
Hi winnie,

Oh yesterday that private sale event is supposely for selective guest.. thats why some didnt receive the invitation..anyway eventually they also let those without the invitation but is a Robinson member to enter..

Dun be disappointed u know JL lah.. on and off wld have this kinda 20% sale one.. me too often get the letter that entitles to 20% disc but then hor.. is either in the toiletories or health supplement dept.. Now i want children's dept. but they never give me

Oh yesterday voucher is $10 for min $50 purchase.. ultimately i spent near to $100 cos i got two vouchers. So no voucher also good lah.. else u'll tend to spend more..
Hi Winnie,

TMC/glen/Mt E/ Mt A/NUH, all give pampers premium new born.
For TMC, u will get
-baby bag
-hose small sizes bb shampoo/bath gel
-bb t-shirt
-bb receiving blanket
-mittens n booties
- magazines
actually got other stuff too can't remember all.
For MT A, u get bb bath tub too

I used pampers premium n mamypoko for my eldest daughter.
Actually, we tried all brands, Fitti, Huggies etc
and found for newborn mamypoko n pampers premium is a nice size. Fitti is too long for my girl.
Doll, Stephie, lbs, Keruri,

Thanks for welcoming me


U'r EDD also 25th Mar?

My gynae haven't told me about the latest EDD since my 4th month...now in my 25th weeks. If my EDD extend to 1st April, then bb will have same birthday as hubby

This threat runs fast...have a lot to catch up...
<font color="0000ff">hi snowpooher</font>, dark chocolate is better for bb ..? hmm i thought higher
cocoa content not tat gd coz of the caffeine...

hehe i took this from the TMC booklet which was mailed to me.

<font color="aa00aa">We will provide the following for your newborn baby, with our compliments:-</font>

<font color="aa00aa">- baby vests
- disposable diapers
- toiletries for your baby
- a baby bag
- wrapping blanket
- a pair of mittens</font>

This one is for us Mummies

<font color="ff6000">What to bring For Your Stay</font>
<font color="ff6000">For maternity patients,please bring along your:-</font>
<font color="ff6000">- personal nightgowns, (open-front for easier breast-feeding)
- maternity slippers
- bedroom slppers
- sanitary belt (optional)
- sanitary towels (optional)
- polythene bags (for your soiled linen)

Basic toiletries thru out your stay with us will be provided. However, you may bring along your personal clothing,cosmetics and personal toiletries for a more comfortable stay.</font>
Hi Doll,

TMC provide the sanitary pad - enough for a 3 day stay but u can bring your own. And they provide the disposable panties too. And plastic bags for dirty clothes also provided.
If u are taking single bed, the bedroom slippers provided as well.
Actually almost everything given
hi Doll,

I heard that for 4-bedded, the food served is different. anyway, that shouldn't matter lah coz hospital food sucks big time!
Hi doll, i've asked Dr Koh to booked for me 4 bedded as well and heard there will be an upgrade to 2 bedded. My sil also got upgraded to 2 bedded when she delivered her son in aug. She told me the food quite nice to eat also dunno how true, tot hospital food very tasteless one!!
hi qdee, hehehe dunno got appetite to eat or not . anyway my MIL n mum want to bring stuff for me to eat , hehe so maybe eat a little of the hospital food :p

hi happybuns, i didn't asked Dr Koh leh... i changed the tick on the form when i submitted to TMC leh.. dunno if they will still charge me 4 bedded or 2 bedded..
Hi Well,
I bought the mamypoko pampers for new born with a slot for the umbilical cord..

Hi Elle,
I bought a Avent sterilizer, pampers, nappies and breast pad in JL last sat..
Nowadays when there is sales I cheong down and buy.. haha becoming very cheapo and auntie.. I have not get the toiletries for bb yet.. May get it from the neighbouring shops where it is cheaper..

U are right that we will spend more when there is sales or vouchers.. Nothing to buy also try to find things to buy

Hi Qdee / Doll,
Thanks for sharing.. Wow so nice to give hampers to bb and it consists of so many items..
Hi doll,
Yup, let's have the gathering some other time when more MTBs can make it. Like dat more fun. Thanks for the efforts.

Hi well,
Am sourcing for an english name too. Still can't decide on one cos what i like my hubby not really fancy and what my hubby fancy i don't really like

Hi lbs,
Think it's good that you found out the proposed name for your baby is 'siong' now than later. At least can still think of another name. Hehe..sometimes rather choose to believe that the strokes of names will have effect on a person's life. My hubby also want to 'count the strokes', so will hv to wait till baby is delivered before we can decide.
hello girls,
my server somehting wrong so couldn't seem to log in the last few days.

haha winnie, i know what u mean about being very cheapo and auntie these days...when i see a sale i'll also quickly buy.
we're quite lucky in the sense that now Christmas sales everywhere! Esp baby stuff...like forever on sale like that
In fact since i started looking at the brands like avent and tollyjoy, etc, it's always on sale! now can't imagine paying normal price!

some of my friends actually said that the "pet pet" brand of diapers is very good and cheap! They swear by it...in fact i was surprised cos firstly i never heard of it, and secondly, this couple i know are not really the stingy type or anything. in fact, the wife is a dentist &amp; her hubby is a doctor. But she says it's very good, and the plus point is that it's rather cheap. Have you all heard of it before?

This morning came back from my gynae. had blood trst for haemoglobin levels and apparently not too ideal....11.5 so i have to take iron pills. and he took more blood cos he wants to test if i have ...er...forgot what, cos he said that that condition means my haemoglobin levels will not go beyond 11+ and taking too much iron will be potentially harmful. Well, will see him again next wk for the results.

On a happier note, my baby has finally turned! Last Fri, when i saw my gynae, she was still lying sideways. And today, she's turned so her head is down, buttoks up, and legs on my right. No wonder the last 2 days she's been moving like crazy, and i've felt so much kicking on my right side.

How are all your little ones doing?
Hi working moms,

Anyone of you has planned for maternity leave? so 12-week leave that we entitled is total 84 days, include public holidays and sundays right?

I am thinking to take 10 weeks only and then consume the remain 2 weeks within 6 months after baby is born.

I called the relevant department to check about this and they said if I take the leaves flexibly like this way and I will only entitled 10 working days maternity leave only if my company is 5 working days.

My boss is very flexbile one and my colleague has also agreed to cover for my duty. Now the problem is how long I should apply~~
hi winnie,

hi stephie, no prob

hi tiny, bb is moving like crazy recently...she should b fine i tink.. she really makes an effort to let me if she feels uncomfortable by punching

hi bluebell, I have planned mine. informed my boss that i will be going for 6 weeks maternity then take 20 days flexibly over 6mths. he's checking for me how to apply that extra leave as it is not considered as annual leave.

yah, if you r on 5 days work, u r entitled 20 days for flexibilty, if you r on 5 1/2 day work, u r entitled 22 days. HR sent a memo to inform us about it. unless u take as a block then it is 30 days as it includes ur rest days.
Hello ladies!

Wow! The TMC baby hamper looks so comprehensive!
Does KKH also give out any hampers? *showing the stingy/aunty symptoms*

Wow! Ur baby turn so fast eh? So u getting more kicks in ur ribs now? Mine is still turning &amp; rumbling everywhere...can kick/punch left ot right or higher or lower. Sometimes she kicks/punch at 2 places simultaneously (eg left &amp; right)..did u experience that last time? Maybe she's punching &amp; kicking at the same time.
hi doll>>
Oh... joyce busy? never see her here lately... howvever, must really thank u2 for making such efforts to arrange the gathering... hope that we can meet some other time...

hi winnie>>
yo... ya, but that mammypoko brand is really one of the most X hor... maybe I use it for the first few weeks only...then see his size, if getting big, then maybe switch to Fitti Premium, which i have been using for the elder one... fit so nicely and good feel too..
BTW, ur nick put winnie77, ur birth yr is 1977?? if yes, me 2!! u a first-time mommy?

hi tiny>>
ya, PetPet brand is quite new in this market. It is in bright orange and white packaging. I bought a "M" size last month during a promotion... I really "BLUR" cos now then I wondered Y I bought a "M" size which is neither suitable for my newborn nor my 1st kid(wearing a XL)....aiyo, u see,... havent give birth, sotong liao!! anyhow buy... luckily my HB never bother about all these trivial things (hahaha)

Wow... U have a Good description of where your bb is ya... last week I went for my check-up, doc says bb having a good weight of 1.2kg, head down, leg on the right side too!! and that's y i also feel his impact very strongly on the right side. And as I am used to sleeping on my right side, kinda difficult at night when he is always kicking there...

hi OMG>>
how r u?? busy lately??

Hi gals>>
I am getting all excited abt his delivery liao lei... imagine, less than 10weeks to go!! I shall be doing a spring cleaning, then tidy up a place for his clothes and necessities liao lo!!Tmr Robinsons having a storewide 15% sale lei!!! Anyone interested? however, I scared of crowds... so think thrice abt gog... see tmr's weather and mood ler...
Hi Tiny,
I frequent JL and Robinson so much nowadays.. I only get the items when there is sales lor.. Last time I dun like to shop at Robinson and JL.. Nowadays they are my fav stores.. haha

Yah heng recently there is alot of sales going on..
I will keep pet pet in mind when i buy diapers next time..

I am also very happy when my gynae told me that my bb head has move down on my last 2nd visit..

Hi Well,
Yes u r right! My birth year is 1977..
Me too is a 1st time mummy..

Hey tmr Robinson got sales.. I wan to get bb cots..
yo winnie>>
oops... u are half rite! i am born in 1977 , gee.... but i am 2nd time mamy liao... my first kid is a boy and he is gog 22months liao....
he has been taken care of by my MIL, so I dun have much mother instinct (SIL &amp; MIL &amp; FIL always say so abt me...

so u intend to look after your bb next time? or continue working....? there are many mummies nowadays who choose to be SAHM(stay at home mother)... wat u think?
hi tiny>>
i saw tat u mention abt AVENT and TOLLYJOY brands.... so u personally think tat they are better products? how bout pigeon? Actually my SIL bought me the AVENT Breast Pump.... so i think i will probably use it for my newborn... but do u think i should buy some other bottles from pigeon and mix and max for bb , rather to stick to one type of the bottles... Cos AVENT bottle tips abit troublesome to get sometimes , in case emergency need to use, then cannot get from neighbourhood shop...
hi well, i guess she's bz wif her stuff,,, hheheh it's x'mas also

robinsons has 15% discount, hmm maybe will check it out. went to taka yesterday,
to use the extra 10% discount hehe the variety was rather poor.
juz got the presents for x'mas gatherings

hehe but i went n splurge on the Fitness club @Taka.
it was having a promo of $150 for 1 mth to use its facilities. ended signing for 2 of us.
heheh since it's more private , won't feel as consicous in a public pool

wow doll>>
$150/mth lei!! tat is X... but has pool facilities, tat is one very big plus pt! Actually, I still have the cali fitness membership, lasting till oct 2005... will need to utilise this fully to regain my weight after birth. dunno in time or not... sob sob sob.... any preggies also has the membership so we can attend the classes together>?
