(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

hi stephie, yah the package was gd
. had a additional complimentary gift from them. chocolates , cookies n strawberries. eheh so nice of them. was telling my hubby that i wanted to go next mth if possible.

i swam in my bikini, feel so conscious at 1st then i juz went ahead :p

Hi doll,
Wow, can tell you had a very great time at Rasa. So nice of them to throw in add'l gifts to delight your stay there. Hee.. you must have caught some attention swimming in your bikini. I admire your courage. For me, i won't dare do so.. paiseh. only dare show my tummy to hubby
Do you gals feel that your old friend - blandness in the tongue, comes back? Nowadays I find that I can't stand strong smells again, and food doesn't look as appetising.
hi stephie, heheh i choose to lounge near the lifeguard :p faster go in the pool then come out ;p only some stare. the rest quite ok, mind their stuff.

hi java, yup. comes on n off... i still can't stand garlic till now.
hi java,

mine is not really blandness in the tongue.. but rather, i feel quite sian and a bit depressed for no reason these few days. Has anyone has this problem also?? Sigh... have been feeling a bit moody since yesterday nite. Hubby kept asking me why but i just dunno wat's the reason.
Hi java,
So far i don't experience blandness in the tongue. Appetite still the same. Heard that for some MTBs, the experience felt during our morning sickness in first trimester will come back again during our last trimester. Our hormones "zai zhuo guai".
Hi Ohmig0sh,
I am not getting a CL.. Too ex liao

Hi Keruri,
I am thinking of getting the normal pads but mb the night use ones.. The maternity seems very thick leh..

Hi Ohmig0sh / Litebreeze,
My hb is also like that.. keep saying slowly see den decide.. He always says that I very gan cheong and ended up buying things that I regret.. But we have bought a number of things already except for breast pump, car seat, bb cot
and some miscellaneous stuffs.. Hope to settle my bb cot fast.. Need to get 2.. 1 at my place and the other at my parents' place..
hi lee-tung>
wow, u still doing minor reno works here and there oh... i am not allowed to even shift my bed... and also dare not fix up my door lock at my study room ... (very superstitious hor me)...

hi doll>>
wow, u really enjoyed your stay at rasa...At first i tot of getting a CL, however, the cost of one is really scary , another 1.8-2k... especially mine is CNY period... even worse ... and somemore, if i really get one, then the MIL will tot that we rich or loaded and nag nag nag ... cos she wanted to do the confinement for me, just tat she is those typical MIL who likes to nag ... sigh, so i just need to close my ears for a few weeks lo... and also will forsee some nagging cos she v. anti BF... but i am bent on doing it... although not full BF, but i hope to BF till 6months at least this time, dunno where to get the determination...

hi stephie/steamboat/java.>>
I am not getting the blandess in the tongue lei... Ironically, I am having quite a good appetite!! at night, around midnight, still can "snack" a packet of Ba Chok Mee(minced pork noodle)... jia luck.... like tat how to slim down next time, putting so much cellulite onto myself?? even my hubby asks why .... then i just answer back, ya lo, i also dunno why your son still wants to eat at this hour!!gee...

hi keruri,
I also saw the similar pouch at this motherhood shop at suntec beside Harvey Norman yesterday... they having a big big sale too ... but my hubby says aiyo dun buy first la, still early... then that day also so crowded , no mood to shop.... maybe gog back another day, with Sisters in law or friends , then go and get... hubby aiya not so patient shopping with ....

hi all>>
BTW, any1 in IT line which can help me about this problem with my singnet wireless connection... I just bought this laptop and auto-search for the network in my house, I keyed in the WEP already... but after surfing for few minutes, it got disconnected again somehow, and i got to click on the network icon and press the connect button again...??
Hi gals, i can't make it to the gathering.. juz got news that my team is arranging a makan on the same day.

those who r going, i will carry on to make the arrangements for u
Hi Doll,
Why the salesgal at BUM is like that? I went to Urban on last Fri.. The salesgals are very nice.. Try to find for me babydoll tops or dress that can fit me
hi <font color="0000ff">ohmig0sh</font>,
i followed thru ur postings and realised that u r not getting confinement lady after all. u r really lucky, hb, mom and MIL can help with household chores and taking care of bb. just to share with you, my mom &amp; MIL are both still working, and both of them hv never really looked aft children before. besides, they hv their own social life. so i chose to get a CL. we r banking on her experience with bbs and all the help that she can provide. my CL is recommended by my aunt. she's the best CL that my aunt's family has used, and thus, she was recommended. for cny period, she charges $1.8K for the 28 days. she'll cook for the family. as for the marketing, i'm thinking of getting my MIL to do it since she more familiar with the area i'm staying. her pay is exclusive of marketing expenses.

hi <font color="ff6000">doll</font>, the pouch is a wonderful idea!!!

hi <font color="aa00aa">well</font>, i was at the suntec Mothercare yesterday but didn't see the look-alike pouch that doll bot leh.
there are quite alot of stuff on offer there. i bot the twin pack nursing bras for $55. quite a good buy at that price for 2 bras. did u buy?

thanks, <font color="0000ff">ohmig0sh</font>, <font color="ff6000">doll</font> and <font color="119911">Winnie</font> for the maternity pads advice! i didn't see kotex ones when i was out shopping leh. i dunno how thick is a maternity pad but i bot this brand Madame at Kiddy Palace when i was shopping last weekend! it's a twin pack of 10 pieces each so 20 pieces of the maternity pads cos me $7+. i oni got 20 pieces so far. dunno enuff or not. maybe will supplement with some normal night pads too lor.

hi <font color="ff0000">babygrace</font>,
just curious, are u also attending antenatal classes on sat at mt alvernia now?
hi doll, i read from somewhere that preggies need about 1000mg of calcium per day. and i just read from baby center website that my baby will need 200mg of calcium alone for the skull to harden this month (from 29th week). of course i will try to take alot of milk, but at the same time, i also scared that i will put on too much weight...

hey well.. i am not too sure of singnet wireless, but i just recently installed wireless from starhub. i have to buy a wireless router on top of the modem. and if the laptop cannot detect, usually switching the modem off and on again before re-starting laptop helps.
hi jannie, i was also worried about not taking enuf calcium. but gynae + GP say it's ok. gyane says the obimin has everything a preggie woman needs so no need to wori. i still take cheese juz in case.
<font face="Peinaud"><blink><u><font size="+1">Congrats to all our Mommies to be in 2005!!</font></u>

<u><font face="Peinaud">Updated as at week 6th of Dec</font></u>

<font face="Peinaud"><table border=1><tr><td>UserName</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Week</TD><TD>Deliver at</TD><TD>Gender </TD></TR><TR><TD>HappyBuns</TD><TD>31-Jan-05</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Steamboat</TD><TD>2-Feb-05</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tiny</TD><TD>5-Feb-05</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Keruri</TD><TD>12-Feb-05</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babygrace</TD><TD>14-Feb-05</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Winnie</TD><TD>14-Feb-05</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Litebreeze</TD><TD>15-Feb-05</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Vig</TD><TD>17-Feb-05</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Well</TD><TD>17-Feb-05</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Java</TD><TD>18-Feb-05</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jannie</TD><TD>24-Feb-05</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Qdee</TD><TD>24-Feb-05</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyvon</TD><TD>27-Feb-05</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lyn_baby</TD><TD>27-Feb-05</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joyce</TD><TD>1-Mar-05</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Stephie</TD><TD>1-Mar-05</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>lbs</TD><TD>2-Mar-05</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Snowpooher</TD><TD>7-Mar-05</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>*Skinnyma - MIA</TD><TD>6-Mar-05</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>-- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Doll</TD><TD>6-Mar-05</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>*Laugh - MIA</TD><TD>7-Mar-05</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>-- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Seiko</TD><TD>8-Mar-05</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Elle</TD><TD>8-Mar-05</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wenn</TD><TD>8-Mar-05</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>*Lilac - MIA</TD><TD>9-Mar-05</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>-- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bluebell</TD><TD>8-Mar-05</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>KC</TD><TD>14-Mar-05</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Scarydoggie</TD><TD>14-Mar-05</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cheese</TD><TD>15-Mar-05</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Elisa</TD><TD>17-Mar-05</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Folic</TD><TD>18-Mar-05</TD><TD>25</TD><TD>RH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ribena</TD><TD>19-Mar-05</TD><TD>25</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ohmigosh</TD><TD>20-Mar-05</TD><TD>25</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lee-Tung</TD><TD>23-Mar-05</TD><TD>25</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bonnygal</TD><TD>27-Mar-05</TD><TD>24</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD>Boy</td></tr></table></font>

<font face="Peinaud">If I got your EDD / weeks or any info. keyed in wrongly, please let me know by pm me, thanks.</font>
Hi doll, would you like to help me to update the chart every week? Guess you'll do the job better than me.
If you want, I can send you the format.
Hi Ladies!

Looks like some of u not getting CL too! Hopefully we can cope!

Hi Stephie:
Not dietician either leh
But also under allied health. i also can only be SAHM if strike Toto

So u went Taiwan? Now my hubby posted to Taipei for 2 wks (work)..hope the 2 wks pass quickly!

Hi Doll,
Obimin contains calcium but not enough. Dun really need to worry abt baby not getting enough calcium cos baby will absorb the calcium first..if not enough will absorb from mummy's bones &amp; teeth. So it's important for us to take enough calcium not just for baby's sake but for our own health!

Aiyoh, really pity those parents with kids who can't decide wat they wanna study/become. But normally they'r the rich kids so their parents can afford. But for me, even if i become rich, i'll not allow my kids to become spoilt brats like dat
hi doll>>
ya, i using singnet... and a new laptop so i doing own settings, but the shop ppl told me is auto setting wat... it can actually connect and surf, but tend to disconnect after a few minutes of surfing, and real frustrating cos I have msn, and got to re-key the password all over again... now i using back the old laptop to try the connection problem....everything went smooth with no disconnection problems... any1 experiencing the same thing as me?? i dun think so rite.... gee, i am the only unlucky one .... hate all this setting and re-setting pc problems... and pc crashes too, and now got to re-format the whole thingy!!
but i just bought the SIMS 2 pc game... any1 into it?? sounds like very kiddish of me to say such things in this thread about pregnancies, babies and mommies issues ha ha ha

hi keruri>>
yo, u at suntec yesterday too?! V. the crowded hor...is it due to the church gathering at the Rock... I am interested in the Twin Pack Nursing Shirt that cost $55 i think... but aiya,hubby and me not there to shop shop in the first place and we hate crowds...so in the end, din get any stuff... We went to Harvey and Dell to check out PC stuff...

hi jannie>>
?? U sign up for Starhub wireless..... then on top of that still need to buy a router?? how come?? u wired up more than 2 desktops/laptops at home??

hi joyce>>
u busy lately isit?? seldom see u liao, ... so sad to see my EDD postphoned(gee gee gee).... but i hope and strongly believe that bb will come earlier... i can feel his presence strongly... gee.... pray for me !!@

hi ohmigosh>>
ha ha ha....stephie still guessing about your occupation ah?? ha ha ha... gee...your hubby in government sector? if yes, good ma.... 2 and 1/2 mth BONUS lei!!! i think is a carrot to those civil staff hor...

However, recently, my HB and me just had a talk abt the lifestyle and service in Singapore...Dropping and Dropping!!! Yucks, then HB analysed that due to everything increased but pay never increases... Come to think of it, quite true.... sad... wat to do...
hi keruri

yes, i'm attending the sat class at Mt A. Wondering which one are you?

hi well,
i get cut off from the wireless modem when using my new laptop too. Don't have such problem with my other old laptop. Till now, i'm still trying to troubleshoot the problem. My IT dept has checked the settings and told me that everything is ok, so the problem probably lies with the modem or the service provider. I'm using Starhub.
hi babygrace>>
so well, till now u still havent solve the problem? ... i am quite frustrated abt this too...
hi well, i signed up for starhub broadband. it comes with the modem, but i asked my coy's IT guy, he says if i want wireless, i need to get a wireless router.. cos me and husband sometimes work from home if he is in town. my IT guy told me b4 that certain brand of inbuilt network card not very stable leh.. will get cut off half way.... maybe that's the reason? he also said if the router and network card diff brand, sometimes may have inconsistent link as well....so in the end, i bought all the same brand... haven't tried it yet cos i bought the wireless adapter and fly off to another place liao.. but my hubby use starhub at home, no complaints at all on the wireless connection. ah... IT guy also say some brand router not good, will always get cut off. me using SMC router, my boss bought that as well... so far no problems. actually he bought another cheaper brand first, then always get cut off, now he changed to SMC and no more problems.

hey joyce, u see Dr Tee at TPS right? do they take routine urine, weight and blood pressure test? which room do u go to for the routine test? my next appt i made at TPS cos i want to test out if the waiting time is really that short. but since it will be my first time, i abit sua ku lah...so must ask u loh.
hi jannie>>
oh... u are the only 1 responding now at this hour... so i presume u still overseas... u working now?

I see dr yeong at TPS.. usually, u take urine test at their toilet (very nice and clean) when u arrive. The gynae or his nurse will take the weight and blood pressure when u meet him in consultation room.
morning gals...feel so sleepy..

slept @ 8.30 last night but still feel so tired even after taking a shower.. took a nap in office juz now for 1/2hr somemore...

<font color="#800080">hi joyce</font>, i can help u
update on the forum every week right? hehe hopefully i remb. u can email me the format

<font color="#800080">hi omigosh</font>, i only take cheese n lots soft tofu to increase my calcium intake. hope it's enuf......

<font color="#800080">hi well</font>,sounds like u using centrino. u can try updating/installing the lastest wireless drivers from ur manufacturers webby n updating ur winxp. it's rather a common prob with wireless..coz if the driver is not updated, it can cause these kind of intermittent disconx prob.

hehe well, yr end is 1.75 bonus = 1 (13th) + 0.5 (variable) + 0.25 (one time special), the other 0.5 was taken during july.. i dunno leh i find it rather little, mayb coz i keep comparing with mine. plus there were rumors of yr end at least 2-2.5, heh so hopes was rather high then.. i guess rumors r rumors afterall
morning everyone...
soo sleepy this morning..the weather is just nice to tuck myself in my warm blanket..

btw, do you find that nowadays your baby doesnt do lots of kickings/punches but rather more of somersaulting? Well, occasionally, my baby does kick/punch but I do feel that my tummy is shaking most of the time...

Hi Stephie
I am going to see my gynae tomorrow..not sure if my cramps is due to lack of calcium or something else...afer that terrible attack, I have few mild ones while I was watching TV...
hi doll,
hehe...maybe urban rumours lor..but the person who told my dad used to work at birdnest factory. Btw, I am from Sarawak. Anyway my parents now dun let me eat..but my MIL will still cook and i still eat hehehehe....

Lee Tung,
M thinking of going to KL this weekends..really missed the food there..so many nice things to eat. U doing renovation work at home? Having a nursery? My MIL very pantang...said can't move furniture..cant buy new furniture.can't screw things etc etc...last time i wanted to buy bed and wardrobe for my parents to stay over in the spare room but MIL din let me... me so angry...then ended up buying divan set onli coz that one dun have to screw anything

I m starting to get leg cramps..especially on the left leg..not so bad though..so far happened three times..pain for a while..then gone..my soles also pain and feel a bit numb...look like i am getting water retention on my feet.

Omigosh &amp; Litebreeze,
I haven't bought anything for bb yet ler..hubby said no need to gancheong too...onli got some bb clothes frm my aunt..everytime i see cute cute thngs want to buy for bb..hubby will say no..
hi lbs, my bb still kicks , but more of punches especially at night... hehe bb moves alot nowadays. the feeling is like when u go up n come down on a roller coaster, ur tummy tends to have this weird feeling thatz how i feel :p sometimes when she moves, it hurts maybe space constraint.

hi kristen, hehe ur MIL cook for u , how can waste

my In laws also very pantang... same here. cannot do anything...
hi doll
yeayea! exactly, like taking the roller coaster feeling....maybe thats my bb kicks/punches but like you have said the feeling is so weird..hahaa...some of the times, he is even moving way up above my waist!

my mum &amp; MIL are also pantang, strictly No No
1)moving/shifting/doing anything in my bedroom
2)no nailing/hacking/ changing of any fixtures in the house..

also, I am suppose to 'siam' whenever someone is fixing up something in the house..like the other day, the delivery guy is assembling the baby cot, I need to stay away lor..
Hi well,
I certainly hope my appetite remains the same and will not increase. Else will have a hard time losing those extra wts after birth.

Heehee, don't laugh at me lah, I shall give up liao. Don't wanna guess ohmisg0sh occupation anymore

Hi ohmisg0sh,
You naughty lah, me guessed till so cham you still don't reveal the answer. Hee..

Yup, me went to Taipei for a 4 days trip in early Nov. Went there to eat and shop. Walked a lot until my leg almost broke. The maternity clothes there are quite cheap but I didn't really take a good look cos I've already spent quite a bit in Singapore. Weather was nice when I was there. No typhoon/earthquake. Heng...

Hi lbs,
Maybe you can check with your gynae when you go for your visit tomorrow. I seeing my gynae this Sat. Will ask him about the cause of cramps too (hope I'll remember

Oops.. that time when the babycot was delivered, I didn't siam when the man fixed up the cot. I only remember not to hammer nails, shift furniture, do sewing, etc. But when the cot came, I was simply too excited and forgot to siam.

Hi ladies,
Anyone of you bought stroller or car seats already? Any recommendations of where/which brand to get? Thanks.
hi doll>>
wow, u seems very well-versed in IT thingy.... u in this line...? aiyo, now my wireless problem solved liao, dunno how i did it but just clicked here and there to allow everything then now, it wouldnt get disconnected already...phew...!!
But 1 major problem is my desktop lan network couldnt detect the IP address!! I called up the modem setup guy and at the end of the conversation, he just concluded that there might be a problem on my lan card, which I told him, if it is my lan card problem, then it shouldnt have should the connected icon at the bottom of the screen ma...

Recently, quite pissed off with the services provided in Singapore. I think we as the consumers/ end-users are really not getting the right treatment and attitude from those sales/service providers. Just like the incident u had at the BUM shop... sigh...

hi lbs>>
wow, u know when is bb doing the somersaultings?? I just know that my BB is making lots of movements inside my stomach lately, especially the nites... and i have to "sayang" my tummy to pacify him, but yet he still very active... I wondering is it because he finding his head way down?? ha ha ha.... to prepare himself for the big D!!

hi kristen>>
seems like we having the same type of HBs. Those dilly dally no gancheong types... Mine aiya... just some grumpiness on my side here...I feel that I am more excited than he is when it comes to the kids. even, this second bb, he is excited but not to the extend of "always in his mind" kinda feeling lo. As for me, I feel much more attached and excited and anxious towards the Delivery and his arrival lo... :p

Anyway, he still a great HB and father la.... ha ha ha
hi stephie>>
Maybe u can check it out at the motherhood store?? I know their products quite X, but i think they are having promotions, up to 50% kinda thing when I went there on Sunday @ the Suntec branch. However, never check out the stroller and car seat.
Ha ha ha, but me and my HB very bo chap, cos up till now when my first boy nearly 2yrs old liao, still havent get a car seat for him...
hi stephie
i dunno how true it is but just follow ler..since that my mum/MIL keep reminding me to remember to siam whenever someone is fixing up something in the house lor...i was also very excited &amp; wanted to see but my hubby close the room door lor..hahahaa

I got my baby cot &amp; stroller/carrier cum car seat during robinson sales. The later is Graco brand &amp; cost me $300+

hi well
err..i guess baby is somersaulting bah? since I can feel 'something' is flipping over &amp; over...

i also feel lots of movements at nite times..sometimes, baby is in such a position that I can see a big hard bump on one side of my tummy (usually the right side)..i have to sayang sayang him then he will move again until I feel more comfortable..
hi lbs,

mi not too sure about having to siam when assembling cot... but i only know that anything that needs assembling has to be done outside the house... my new sofa coming next week.. hopefully it doesn't pose as a problem :p

hi stephie, m also looking for baby car seat.. my hubby asked me to check out the mobil smile booklet ,there's a discounted or u can exchange for a baby car seat..

hi well, hehe yah in the IT line. u can try manually keying the IP address into the LAN card then remove it to see if it able to detect the IP.
Hi doll,
Thanks for the info. Think the mobil smile booklet one is a booster seat. Was going thru the booklet sometime ago. Hope I didn't remember wrongly.

Hi well,
Didn't know mothercare having discount leh. Must go see see look look this weekend. Sometimes can chance upon cheap rompers, something like $21 for 7 pcs. My fren told me quality quite good. So far, I've yet to see such offer though I've seen it much earlier when I was in my first trimester/before I was preggie. Can buy the changing mat too if it's on sale.

Oh, your boy almost 2 yrs old liao no need to sit in car seat ah? Hehe... must be very heng not to bump into traffic police.

Hi lbs,
Yalor, better to follow old folks' advice to play safe. My hubby not so on, he blur blur one. Think he doesn't even know cannot do this/cannot do that. That day still ask me to mend his pants for him. Then I reminded him that I can't sew :p

Heard that Graco is a good brand for stroller. Wow, $300 very ex hoh. What model did you buy? My fren bought the Graco EDT one. Told me very light (5kg). She also bought during Robinsons sale last time and paid abt $200 for it (UP: $269).
Hi Stephie
As for sewing, my mum/MIL didnt say anything, as long as I dont do it on my bed can liao..

~haiz~I think there are simply too many different old folks tale liao..

I cant remember which model I bought liao..but is the one which is 3-in-1 - car seat, baby carrier cum stroller..not very heavy but a bit bulky lor.

Looks like this
Hi well, yah. Recently rather busy a bit, need to clear up all the cupboards to put my bb's clothing and welcoming new year.

Hi Jannie, yah. I'm seeing John Tee @ TPS. Weight and BP is done at doctor's office itself. As for urine test, the staff will pass you the urine stick at counter. Walk straight to the end for toilet.

Hi Doll, thanks!! I'll email you. Don't mind can give me your email addy again? Btw, feel free to change my format, ok?
hi stephie, hehe issit :p then i muz go n checkout the booklet again

hi joyce, it's [email protected]

hi gals, check wif u.. when u r doing cofinement ? will be affect ur breastfeeding ? coz confinement we need to eat ginger, liqour etc.. stuff which r not exactly gd for the bb...
hi hi .. how are u gals? i went for my checkup yesterday.
My gynae said bb is 1.5kg at 28wks. Seemed bigger than my eldest. Hope not too big - scary if too big.
Someone asked me abt CL?
I did not take any save $$ to give to my mom.
Only mom, me n hubby.
First wk hubby took care of bb - change diapers etc. Mom cooked and bathed bb. THen at nite mom take care.
If u are bathing bb yourself, put the bath tub at waist level - dun squat esp first 2-3 wks after delivery, that's what my massage lady said. Can put on your dining table or something.
But from 2nd wk onwards, i helped with house work like vacuum/sweep floor/ wash clothes (machine wash lah hehe)/ hang on pole (mom will put them out)/iron hubby's clothes. Ok lah manageable.
Hi Qdee
Did gynae said your bb is big for 28th week?
I am going to see my gynae tomorrow, is my 28th week too.
My last visit, gynae only commented that I a bit overweight, ideal is putting on 1kg per visit but instead I put nearly 2kgs from my previous visit.

er...thought we are not supposed to touch too much of water? So, we can bathe bb? My mum &amp; MIL will be taking turns to do confinement for me. But both of them do not dare to bath bb. Hubby agrees to take on this responsibility since there is no one else lor...
hi Joyce
yea, my mum/mil said bb's neck is most fragile..tats why they dun dare to...

what to do..bo bian since no one else...
Actually, i not 'fang xin' too..if i can bathe the bb myself during confinement, I think I will help him to handle also lor..
Hi lbs,
Oh, your Graco model is the 3-in-1 type. Then think the price is quite ok.

Yup, many pple say cannot sew on bed. But I ks lor, stop sewing completely. So usually will bring whatever needs to be sewn to my mum.

Your gynae said ideally is to put on 1 kg per visit. Is it 1 kg every 4 weeks? So far my gynae never say anything about how much weight to put on per visit leh.
Hi Joyce .. me too! HOw??? Jia lat lah. This time cannot say no experience mah hor?

Hi lbs, no leh, my doc din say it's big for 28wks. She just said bigger then the eldest. What's the normal range, huh?
U know i put on 4kg since the last time i visited my gynae, she was shocked! heheh. So in total i've already put on 6kg. I told her Hari Raya mah, every day got nice goodies to eat

Then she said, dun eat too much for xmas, otherwise Expression will make alot of money from me!
hi joyce , recv ur mail

hi lbs, hiaz.. heheh i even worse then u.. but my gynae say it's ok to put on
my last visit was 25/11,58kg... now i m already 60kg.. dunno how much i m going to put on when i go for my next appt on 23/12. funni thing is that i dun eat as much as last time...

hehe i intend to bathe bb myself, tink cannot bathe for 1 week ( my mum version, MIL version is 1mth). touching of water can b ok bah..
hi qdee, u only put on 6kg in total.. wah..
i put on 11kg-12kg in total liao...

hi stephie. there's this card which keeps track of ur weight... so far wsa 1.5kg to 2kg per visit then suddenly last visit was 3kg.. gynae say hubby taking very gd care of me.. DUH, hubby was away. it was my mum. heheh but i kept quiet :p

Hey doll, I only gained 3-4 kg throughout the 7th months.

Aiyah, Dr Koh always said that whenever I gained kgs, said hubby take really good care of me lah... blah.. blah..
