(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

hi well, (wow, you are a very young mother, like joyce!)

no lah, i just mentioned these 2 brands cos they came to my mind. no preference or anything,..haven't used yet, mah!
but a friend has bought us the Avent steriliser as a gift, so i guess we'll be using Avent bottles. haven't bought any yet, though.

about breast pumps, my friends have told me that if you're looking for a manual one, the avent one is good, but if you want an electric one, the mandela one is good. i really like the Mandela pack and go one...with the cool looking bag pack and all. but it's $699!!! guess it's way out of my budget! but it's really nice!

hi tiny>>
no lei... i think joyce even few years younger than me yo and this is her 2nd kid liao oei...i think when she reappears, then we will know.... ha ha ha... however, come to think of it, actually the age of the mother doesnt say much. So very young mummies, but they are very dedicated to the family and kids... but some mummies, "old" enuff liao still doesnt act like a mother... Actually, after the delivery of my first kid, I went back to work after 2nd/3rd month, and he is taken care of by the maid and MIL... and me & my HB also din spend much time with him.... not very adaptful to the parenthood life... still goes party and work all the way...
It is just recently that I am pregnant with another one, more time is spent with my first kid cos stopped work for this period... However, dunno wat to proceed after the delivery, though hope to upkeep my determination to BF for AS LONG as I can...

hi doll>>
ya lo... $150 X for a month ma.... that time there is this roadshow at City Link promoting the Fitness club(forgot the name, but with Simon Yam in the ad 1) , i think around $120.... i nearly sign up because of its "heated" pool facilities... but hold back lo.... cos now $ hard-earned....*sob
Hi ladies!

Hi well,
Not really busy nowadays lah..but log in less cos now staying at my parents' place (using my bro's computer), cos Hb in Taipei. Better life now..heheh! Home-cooked food everyday!

So will u be a SAHM after u deliver 2nd kid? Did u BF ur 1st baby? I thk it'l be very nice if can be SAHM if finances allow..but i cannot afford & dun wanna be too dependent

Looks like there'r more younger mummies nowadays

Once my Hb asked "so r we considered young parents?" &
i answered him "I am, but u'r not" Heehee!
hi OMG>>
u log in now lei... I am watching the channel U and surfing simultaneously... me SAHM? difficult lei? i am not very housewife type lei.... HB always complain I dunno how to do house work and I hate Ironing and washing dishes and airing laundry!!! How to be SAHM... when u become a SAHM, HB will start to expect this and that and clean and order in every aspect in the house. And if he bad mood hor, then will find excuse says Y house so messy, this and that... and SAHM, life will become "hey, dun climb this" , "beat beat u" and "naughty u.." gee... OMG, dun want la... I prefer to work and have job satisfaction!
I din BF my 1st bb for long... the most is up to the 3rd month. as for young mommies...i dun think i qualify lo... I think less than 25 or even 24yrs old and below, wowo , those really young parents...
Hi everyone. Sorry to gatecrash. Am selling my Peg Perego pram and cool mist humidifier - both of which are still in very good condition as they were seldom used.

For more details, please check my posting at:

For pics, I can't upload cos' the files are too big. Please go to:

Thank you!
Hi Tiny,
I went to see my gynae yesterday. Baby's wt is around 1.044kg and gynae said she's in the correct position, ie. she has turned. So happy to hear that. No wonder I've been feeling much vigorous movements on my upper tummy then below the abdominal. Will be doing the growth scan and HVS during my next visit.

Regarding the Pet Pet brand. My friend doesn't like it cos she say it's not soft enough as compared to Pampers (think her baby's skin is more sensitive). She and her hubby are pampers supporter. In the end, she gave me 2 packs of Pet Pet S size pampers since she's not going to use them.

Hi Bluebell,
I'll be taking the entire 12 weeks at one go. On top of it, am contemplating to extend the leave using my annual leave. But don't know if it'll be approved cos I'll be having a new boss come Jan 05. Hope she's those pro-family type. If it's my existing boss, sure no problem.

The way the additional 4 weeks of ML is computed if it were to be taken separately depends on the HR policy of the company. So far, my HR did not mention anything about this. Probably HR will only separately advise those who approach them on the issue.

Hi ladies,
Yalor, nowadays always look out for sales on baby stuff. JL got the 9.30am sale on Friday and I asked my hubby to go get the ABC mat which was selling at $10 (still got additional 15% off) since he was on afternoon shift.
hey girls, i m abit confused. saw my gynae on friday (yes, i m back in good ole singapore!!) at the last day of my 28th week, he says my baby is less than 1.5kg but more than 1kg... abit on the small side..... but it seems like most of your babies all ard this weight during 28th and 29th week leh????!!! why my gyane says my baby is small?? asked me to rest more and eat more.. but i have already put on 9kg so far.... sigh... then i was reading "what to expect when you are expecting", it says that there's chance that small babies will not survive when out of the womb... really frightening.. my mom also scared.. says that small babies are usually not very bright....how how??

glad to hear that most of your babies already turned.. mine has not
... baby is at upright position..gynae says still got chance that it will turn... but i dunno how to be optimistic abt it...anyway, scheduled for a growth scan at the end of my 32 weeks.... how come i din see any of you mentioning abt a growth scan here?? am i the only one special case?
hi jannie,
i'm in my 27th week & my ger is about 1.004kg which the gynae said is average. She is still in breech position. Was told there i'll be expecting another scan between 32 & 34 weeks. Most likely it's the growth scan
hi jannie,
At 29 weeks, my baby's weight was 1.44kg and gynea says that it's within the average size.
I'm scheduled for a growth scan at 33weeks
Hi Jannie,

Hmm..did u probe ur obst further when he said ur baby is "abit on the small side"? Maybe ur baby's just SLIGHTLY small.

which page of the "wat to expect when u r expecting" were u reading that says small babies will not survive out of the womb? I believe they mean VERY small babies or very premature babies. Cos i remember the book saying babies delivered after 27th wks of gestation have a good survival rate (i thk with ICU care). At 27 wks, the babies won't be very big--& urs is already past that stage! So dun worry too much!

In any case, it's prob a very mild problem cos i assume ur obst scheduled ur next followup at 32 wks (i.e. 4 wks later) together with the scan? If it's a worry, ur obst would have scheduled u for an earlier followup!

I also have a colleague who was told to eat & rest more during some of her checkups because baby was also slightly smaller...in the end, she gave birth to a cute, healthy & chubby baby.

I'm not sure when the baby shd turn..i dun think mine has turned either-i'm now 26 wks. But since baby is only due after 36 wks, u still have ~8wks more

Wat's the growth scan for? Did u have a detailed scan at ~20wks? Anyway i'll be going for my checkup tis friday..will see if my obst ask me to go for a growth scan too.

I was also very worried that time when i had premature contractions...cos that time only 23wks..if baby come out sure cannot survive. I even had a dream of stillbirth. Anyway now quite ok..hopefully won't have premature birth!

Wat i'm trying to say is..despite all the hiccups here & there (baby appearing to be slightly small, premature contractions, premature births etc etc), babies r a tough lot & shall be ok if we take good care! So just heed ur obst advice & eat & rest more! Dun worry too much!
hi jannie,

Regarding the position of the baby, it's still too early to have a cause for worry. During my last checkup at 29weeks, gynea wasn't too concern about the position yet.
Did a search and this was what i found

I am 30 weeks pregnant and my baby is lying breech. What are the chances of him/her turning at this stage?

Fetal movement occurs during the entire pregnancy, and as the baby gets larger and longer, his/her movements change. At 30 weeks gestation, you have every good reason to believe that your baby will turn and be head down (cephalic) by 36 weeks.

After 36 weeks, most babies are in the position they will be for birth. At this time, however, 3.0 to 3.5% of all babies remain breech.
Hi Jannie, my bb weighs 980g at wk 27 and doubled at wk 32 for 1.845kg. My gyne kept saying my bb won't be that big but everything falls under the correct proportion. (meaning the no of wks compare with the weight) Maybe u can surf to see the avg weight for bb wk by wk. As compared with most guys. my hb should be the small size type so maybe that's y gyne kept saying bb won't be big when due lor.

As for the position, gyne not even interested to tell at that stage during wk 32. He said that it was not a concern then. I don't even have a growth scan cos gyne said is not necessary since he scan bb every visit i made. I think growth scan could be good, at least u get to see a well grown bb as compare to the detailed scan we did during wk 20+ right!
Hi jannie,

Dun worry too much. I remember my bb's weight was only 1 kg when i was in my 27.5 wks. My gynae also said it's within the normal range. And like happybuns, my bb's weight almost doubled at 32 wks. Her weight is now 1.9 kg.

Hmmm.., my gynae also never mention any growth scan to me leh. He just mentioned that 36 wks will be a culture test to test for bacteria. Then 38 wks will be a fetal monitor test to monitor BB's heartbeat.
Hi Tiny, me too support "Pet Pet" brand diapers. My mum is a baby sitter and she has been using this brand for more than 10 years+.

Hi Well, "Pet Pet" brand is not new in the market. I've been buying for my mum when I'm in Sec Sch. I heard taht if you use Avent Breast pump, then you need the Avent milk bottles cos of the big hole, right?

Hi Bluebell, I'm thinking of taking 10 weeks and consume the remaining 2 weeks within 6 mths. But if I take the leaves this way and can only entitled 10 working days, perhaps I will re-consider to take it at one shot.

Hi Jannie, if you are worried that BB is small, try to take some durian.
Hi Well,
Oops sori.. I tot u are also a 1st time mummy.. :p So your boy is almost 2 liao
You give birth quite young.. So nice.. For me, if I am planning for my 2nd one, I will be around 30 liao

How I wish I can afford to be a SAHM.. But we can't survive on my hb's salary alone.. Too much commitments liao.. And when the bb comes, we have to spend more too.. My mum will be helping to look after my bb

Hi Tiny,
Me too like the Medela PIS breast pump.. My antenatal teacher strongly recommend me this.. But I agree that it is way of my budget too..

I bought the Avent sterilizer too.. Heard that it is gd..

Hi Ohmig0sh,
Me too have enjoys going back to stay at my parents' place.. Dun have to do housework and home cooked food.. In fact, I go back there to stay at least 2 times a week.. Sometimes 3 times lor..
I sort of enjoys staying at both my place and parents' place..

25 to me is considered young mummies liao cos nowadays ppl married late.. I am already 27 this year..

Hi Jannie,
Wat is the growth scan? My gynae din mention anything to me leh.. My bb is at 30 weeks and her weight is ard 1.4-1.5kg and my gynae says that is a healthy weight leh.. Dun worry too much, eat and rest well..

Hi gals,
My gynae told me that it is normal to have Braxton Hicks contraction if it is not more den 5 times a day..
hi well, yah .. i was tinking tat it's rather ex to hehe but today after going to the fitness club, i dun feel guilty anymore. somehow it relaxes my bb gal when i m in the water

the pool only had 3 ppl n the water was slightly heated so it was juz nice. towels n toiletries were all provided so it makes it easy if i wan hop by after work
, so for a mth doing swimming might help during my delivery

hi stephie, our HR sent out the memo in Oct, hehe then updated our intranet with all the procedures etc :p hehe very qin qin chu chu, cannot escape :p

hi happybuns, heheh u know, u r the 1st one in this forum who has the 1st EDD

hmm so far n comments on bb's weight from my gyane. will b seeing him on 23rd..

juz finished watching STAR AWARDS !!

<font color="aa00aa">ZOE is having a boy !!</font> &amp; <font color="ff6000">IVY LEE is having TWINS !!</font>
What's involved in a Fetal Growth Scan
The scan is performed by placing an ultrasound transducer on your abdomen and
takes around 20 minutes. Your bladder does not need to be full but it is advisable to
drink normally &amp; not empty your bladder 30 minutes prior to the scan.

During the scan we take look at a number of areas:
- Measuring the baby's head, abdomen and thigh bone
- Assessing the amount of amniotic fluid around the baby
- Observing the baby's activity
- Measuring the blood flow in the umbilical cord :-using Doppler ultrasound
- Recording the position of the placenta
hi snowpooher>>
oh really?? PET PET so old already la...?... gee... i really sua gu on these bb products.

hi jannie>>
now ur bb is still less than 30 weeks, still have time to give nutrition to the bb ... eat more nutritional food and "bu" the bb... dun worry, bb tend to grow fast during the last few weeks...

hi winnie>>
oh... aiya, u see zoe and ivy... also now then have their kid and 2nd kid ma... As for me, both 1st and 2nd bb not pre-planned one... ha ha ha, just that pregnant already, and time to give birth, so just be it lo...
. However, after this delivery, I am thinking seriously on a birth control liao...I am not in favour on the pill and patch. And my HB not into condom... and the withdrawal method is not very safe... so now thinking of the IUD method... anyone knows more on this?

hi doll>>
WOW...so envy u soaking urself into the water!! somemore "heated" pool!!

Really IVY having TWINS!!! wow, so lucky!! So is it "long feng" tai? or both the same gender?... how bout Eveylyn Tan huh? she delivering soon i heard...

Fetal Growth Scan?? I dun remember doing this during my first pregnancy... During my first pregnancy, When I reach 32weeks, then I am asked to visit the gynae every week for check ups and normal scan... then there is a time, when i was brought to a room, attached a some sort of binder around my stomach and detect for contractions... but nothing came out, just a paper of graphs...dunno for wat... I think it lasted for 30-40mins...
morning well, heheh u really do stay up very late

hehe yah loh, the water does not contain so much chlorine as the public pool, plus no need to feel self conscious :p feel so fit now eheheh :p didn't realise how gd exercising felt

yah, Ivy having twins !! heheh dunno leh she didn't say. only said "shuang bao tai" evelyn is having a gal.

so u intend to have 2 kids only ? heheh 2nd bb hopefully dun come out not pre-planned coz i need to wait until 2007 before i can go for another bb heheh by then my reno loan will be settled n my hubby will be back from his 1 yr overseas. felt really lonely when he went for 5 weeks, cannot imagine being pregnant w/o him here.

<u><font color="ff6000">FROM THE PAPERS</font></u>
<font color="ff6000">Actress Zoe Tay, six months pregnant and dressed in a loose red tube dress, announced that she was expecting a boy, while receiving an All-time Favourite award.

Best Actress winner Ivy Lee revealed that she will be having twins in February.</font>

hmmm heard of IUD before, read on a magazine a few times, one of it was the lady got pregnant even having the IUD inserted somehow it shifted.

there r 2 kinds of IUD...
u can read on these 2 links..


<font face="Peinaud"><blink><u><font size="+1">Congrats to all our Mommies to be in 2005!!</font></u>

<u><font face="Peinaud">Latest Update !! 13th Dec 04</font></u>

<font face="Peinaud"><table border=1><tr><td>UserName</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Week</TD><TD>Deliver at</TD><TD>Gender </TD></TR><TR><TD>HappyBuns</TD><TD>31-Jan-05</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Winnie</TD><TD>14-Feb-05</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Litebreeze</TD><TD>15-Feb-05</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Vig</TD><TD>17-Feb-05</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Java</TD><TD>18-Feb-05</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyvon</TD><TD>27-Feb-05</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Snowpooher</TD><TD>7-Mar-05</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Doll</TD><TD>6-Mar-05</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Elle</TD><TD>8-Mar-05</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bluebell</TD><TD>8-Mar-05</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Scarydoggie</TD><TD>14-Mar-05</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Elisa</TD><TD>17-Mar-05</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jannie</TD><TD>24-Feb-05</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lyn_baby</TD><TD>27-Feb-05</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joyce</TD><TD>1-Mar-05</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>KC</TD><TD>14-Mar-05</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ohmigosh</TD><TD>20-Mar-05</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Butterscotch</TD><TD>25-Mar-05</TD><TD>23</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Well</TD><TD>17-Feb-05</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Qdee</TD><TD>24-Feb-05</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ribena</TD><TD>19-Mar-05</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bonnygal</TD><TD>27-Mar-05</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Keruri</TD><TD>12-Feb-05</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babygrace</TD><TD>14-Feb-05</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Stephie</TD><TD>1-Mar-05</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>*Laugh - MIA</TD><TD>7-Mar-05</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>-- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tiny</TD><TD>5-Feb-05</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cheese</TD><TD>15-Mar-05</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lee-Tung</TD><TD>23-Mar-05</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Seiko</TD><TD>8-Mar-05</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wenn</TD><TD>8-Mar-05</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>lbs</TD><TD>2-Mar-05</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Folic</TD><TD>18-Mar-05</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>RH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Steamboat</TD><TD>2-Feb-05</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>*Lilac - MIA</TD><TD>9-Mar-05</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>-- </TD></TR><TR><TD>*Skinnyma - MIA</TD><TD>6-Mar-05</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</td></tr></table></font>

<font face="Peinaud">If I got your EDD / weeks or any info. keyed in wrongly, please let me know by pm me, thanks.</font>
Hi jannie
I think your baby's wt is fine. Mine at 28th wk is 1.044kg and I asked gynae if it's ok. He said it's ok and he even said baby should be around 1kg before he did the scan. As for the growth scan, I'll be doing too during my next visit which is my 30th week (don't know why so early also, thot it should be done from 32 wks onwards. Anyway, no harm doing since gynae said so.)

Hi well/doll
Ivy Lee having boys for her twins. She mentioned that her baby is boy in a report some time ago (but didn't reveal that she's expecting twins then).
Hi Doll,
So many boys in the TCS family.. No wonder Ivy Lee's tummy is so big..

My gynae will measure baby's head, abdomen and thigh bone and blood flow in the umbilical cord on every recent visits to him. As for the rest, I am not sure if he check on those anot cos sometimes he check but he din tell me wat it is.. hee

Hi Well,
I have not tot abt birth control yet
Morning gals,

Doll, yeah i know i'm the 1st also very scare liao cos dunno wat to expect when time comes!!! Dunno contraction 1st or waterbag leak 1st. Aiyo thinking abt it all the time leh...

Wow so siok go swimming ah, i hv a pool downstairs but too lazy to go down. And i can't fit into my swim suit liao and buying one like abit waste for wearing such a short while lor.

Ya that Ivy lee tummy really big hor, but i find joe tay whom due april also not small leh.
hi stephie/winnie, yah Zoe's tummy also quite big. hehe somehow i feel my tummy like so small liao.. :p

hi happybuns, dun wori too much.. it depends. sometimes it's contractions 1st and u have to inform Dr Koh. tink he will monitor for u bah.. then if it becomes painful then he manually break the waterbag for u ..

hehe happybuns, u staying in condo ah, pool right @downstairs
. for me i wore bikini :p yah loh i wanted to buy in the end, forgo the idea :p

yah zoe's tummy looks quite big too. maybe it's the dress
Hi ladies, good morning!!
Actually the weight given to us is only an approximation - it's supposed to +/-10% becoz for my first one gynae, said 3.2kg but came out 2.9kg. So boh chun lor. Anyway, i think smaller babies (as long as she/he weighed more than 2.5kg) will be easier to deliver.

Hi Happybuns, look out for the show. In most cases the plug will hv to come out first before the waterbag burst. For first time mummies, only 10% will have their waterbag burst naturally.
Doll, heard breaking the waterbag is painful leh, very scare of pain one. Me staying in EC, i dare not wear bikini leh, abit pai seh tummy round round and also during the day no one go down wif me i don dare to go alone, pai seh also tho no body swim during wk days!
hi qdee, what is "plug will have to come out 1st." ? heheh yah loh, my mum's fren said bb dun wan so big like 3.2kg++ coz if too big. "down there will tear horribly". wah liew hear liao, make me even "kia"..

hi happybuns, no leh, the gal who delivered recently said , breaking of waterbag is not painful. hehe but it''s very painful after it is broken as u can feel the contractions at full force, really buay tahan. so she ended asking for epidural right after her water bag was broken in the hospital...

hehe i keep psychoing myself that tummy look round round n nice :p plus my hubby keep saying looks gd so lagi boost my morale
hey girls, thanks for your reassurance. i kept thinking that my gynae did not want me too worry and that my baby's weight is actually below 1kg (cos machine's approximation is usually more than the actual). gorged myself with food over the weekend and felt terribly lousy abt it, cos i have never had big appetite. but will try to eat more and walk on the treadmill more often so that i dun gain that much fats!

stephie, my gyane says that baby should be abt 1.5kg at 28th week leh.... my sis says he may be seeing my size to use it as a gauge for the baby's weight (i m 1.65m and 51kg b4 preggie).

i wasn't too concern abt the breeched position until i saw gynae's writing on a form to order the growth scan.. he wrote there specifically "inward breech". what what else can i do but just to wait patiently for baby to turn? i have been talking to it and asking it to turn. hopefully, it will be obedient. hubby is very sure that baby will turn later.. says that our baby is very clever, knows that downward position is not comfortable, so he will know when to turn at the last minute.

btw, i din know that ivy lee will be due in Feb?? i read an article abt her sometime back and I remembered that she's supposed to be at least 2 months later than me!!! how come all the reports on dates not zhun one huh?
Hi Doll,
I think on TV, it makes you look bigger.. So Zoe Tay's tummy may not be so big afterall.. Sometimes it also depends on wat you wear..

Hi Jannie,
Ivy Lee's bb is due in Feb.. I remember that she gets pregnant ard the same time as me..

Hi Ladies,
As the EDD gets closer, I am getting more and more worried and scared.. Dun whether can tahan the pain anot.. Hopefully my labour wun be too long..
hi jannie, hehe ivy lee having twins. tink she will give birth end of jan. heard usually for twins, u tend to give birth earlier.

hi winnie, mi looking out for Zoe's show on 21st dec :p hehe i only know her bust has filled out
making me feel more normal :p
hi doll>>
gee... ya lor... slept sooo early ... cos yesterday i having afternoon nap from 1pm to 6pm at my MIL place!! went to sleep cos nothing to do.. and also cannot surf at her place...

hi winnie>>
aiyo, u of course no need to think abt birth control la... i already have two liao lei... and i still undecided on the third one... Financially, metally and physically all not adjusted for the 3rd child lo!! However, both kids boy boy.... my HB always hinted want a princess ger ger ... aiya, i so confuse... and everytime during the pregnancy, i feel no very restricted to all my activites...

hi everybody!!>>
hee hee hee, so many interested in our AH JIEs' pregnancies... ha ha ha, dunno whether they here in forum or not hor.?? ha ha ha ...
Actually, now i also getting excited and anxious about my Delivery !! Everyday thinking, looking a calendar, counting the weeks and days ...
hi happybuns>>
WOW... so envy u... gog to see your bb soon!!!

BTW, Everybody>>
there is a warehouse sale gog on at this No.1 Lok Yang Way... selling alot of bb stuff... gog to check it out now... update u all later ya!!!

Hi doll>>
actually i very much want to go swimming too lei, but always rain rain rain... not like urs, got shelter 1!!! (*ENVY)
hi well, heheh icic , girl girl to complete the family issit heheh. gal gal nice to dress up :p i already tinking of ways to dress up my girl girl

the sale till what time ? hiaz working leh

heheh well, the swimming pool comes with a $$$ hehe n it's only for a mth :p
<font face="Peinaud"><blink><u><font size="+1">Congrats to all our Mommies to be in 2005!!</font></u>

<u><font face="Peinaud">Updated as at week 13th of Dec</font></u>

<font face="Peinaud"><table border=1><tr><td>UserName</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Week</TD><TD>Deliver at</TD><TD>Gender </TD></TR><TR><TD>HappyBuns</TD><TD>31-Jan-05</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Steamboat</TD><TD>2-Feb-05</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tiny</TD><TD>5-Feb-05</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Keruri</TD><TD>12-Feb-05</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babygrace</TD><TD>14-Feb-05</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Winnie</TD><TD>14-Feb-05</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Litebreeze</TD><TD>15-Feb-05</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Vig</TD><TD>17-Feb-05</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Well</TD><TD>17-Feb-05</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Java</TD><TD>18-Feb-05</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jannie</TD><TD>24-Feb-05</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Qdee</TD><TD>24-Feb-05</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyvon</TD><TD>27-Feb-05</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lyn_baby</TD><TD>27-Feb-05</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joyce</TD><TD>1-Mar-05</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Stephie</TD><TD>1-Mar-05</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>lbs</TD><TD>2-Mar-05</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Snowpooher</TD><TD>7-Mar-05</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>*Skinnyma - MIA</TD><TD>6-Mar-05</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>-- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Doll</TD><TD>6-Mar-05</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>*Laugh - MIA</TD><TD>7-Mar-05</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>-- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Seiko</TD><TD>8-Mar-05</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Elle</TD><TD>8-Mar-05</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wenn</TD><TD>8-Mar-05</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>*Lilac - MIA</TD><TD>9-Mar-05</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>-- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bluebell</TD><TD>8-Mar-05</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>KC</TD><TD>14-Mar-05</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Scarydoggie</TD><TD>14-Mar-05</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cheese</TD><TD>15-Mar-05</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Elisa</TD><TD>17-Mar-05</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Folic</TD><TD>18-Mar-05</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>RH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ribena</TD><TD>19-Mar-05</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ohmigosh</TD><TD>20-Mar-05</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lee-Tung</TD><TD>23-Mar-05</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Butterscotch</TD><TD>25-Mar-05</TD><TD>25</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bonnygal</TD><TD>27-Mar-05</TD><TD>25</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD>Boy</td></tr></table></font>

<font face="Peinaud">If I got your EDD / weeks or any info. keyed in wrongly, please let me know by pm me, thanks.</font>
Hi Doll,

there's a 'plug' at our cervix to keep the bb in place mah. So before u actually deliver, the plug will have to be discharged first. It's something like vaginal discharge, a bit pinkish/reddish mucous.
This is called a show.
Most ppl will have this. But sometimes labour will only takes place abt 2wks after u see this discharge.

For my first, i delivered 12 hrs after i noticed the discharge.
A friend my mine delivered a wk after first noticed this sign. so depends on individual lor.
But at least there's a sign lah.
hehe joyce, u also put up the chart. :p so how r u doing ?

hi qdee, oic.. the "show" is sometimes what they call "bleeding" issit ? wah, it really varies, 12 hrs to weeks , really big difference :p
Hi all

Hi doll, yah... hmmm, your chart not in order leh, how come ah?
I just finished clearing all the wardrobes and cupboard, that's why I'm free to be here... ;p

No worries i read b4 babies weight wld increase tremendously during the last few weeks b4 due. Think now your BB's weight is average so dun worry too much.
Me too jus went for check up last Fri, gyne told me my BB's weight is average. I'm 27weeks plus and BB weighing at 1.1kg. B4 i went for the check up the previous nite i already 'communicate' with BB telling him i wld be going for check up next day and he must 'guai guai' turn his face to let me see him in the scan and unlike the last scan where he didnt face the scan

So last Fri during the scan, again he gave me such a disappointment when gyne told me cant scan his face as he's facing downwards.. but to our surprise jus seconds later he suddenly turn his face and look at the 'camera'.. it is such a wonderful moment esp when i see his chubby face very clearly over the monitor

Gyne printed out the scan for me but somehow it's not as clear as wat we see from the monitor leh..i was telling my hubby shld have use our phone camera to take the picture over the monitor.. heehee..

I also asked gyne to tell me his length but he said now he's all curl up so usually he wont emphasize too much on the length..but rather on the weight.

How abt you, how did your recent scan go?

As for the babies positioning it wld change till you reach week 34 only till then the gyne wld monitor closely your BB's position.
Oh yah.. dun be scared by your mum who says small babies will not survive.. cos i'm a true life example.. i weigh slightly over 1.2kg when i'm born &amp; i'm delivered during at 32weeks!.. Cant believe it leh.. I also cannot believe it till i dig out my birth record to see.. However, i stayed in incubator for 1mth plus b4 dischrg from hospital.
Hi Elle/Jannie, my niece was born at 28 wks and only weigh 625gm, now @4 yrs old,she's 20kg (overweight!).

Hi! Well,

Yes, i heard abt the IUD..i got fren and colleague using it.. but heard that gotta change every 5yrs.. and my colleague who used that actually conceived even though its said to be 99% safe. Somehow according to her, the IUD position gave way, shd cld felt it but didnt bother thats why 'kenna' again. Why dun use condom?.. I also dun like the idea of pill so i feel that to use something external is safe..

Hi! Doll,

Me too noticed that Zoe and the rest of the celebrity's boobs all grow huge.. but mine opposite leh.. No doubt slightly bigger lah.. but not like u gals or the stars where the boobs look so filled up.. *envy*envy*..

wonder why?..
