(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

wah joyce, die liao lah..
how come my weight so much.. i eat 1/2 portion of rice somemore.... take more veg n fruits..

u got exercise ? i didn't manage to exercise much

aiyah Doll, dun forget i still hv 3 more mths to go leh .. last time i put on 3kg every mth in the last trimester so end up still the same lah haha
hi qdee, maybe it's me. when i went out on sunday, suddenly feel so fat compared to the gals in jeans.. those ard my age.

hi joyce, heheh i work.. hmm housechores, my mum doing for me.. i don't do much..
Hi girls,
long time no write.. just got back from KL last night. spent the weekend there spoiling ourselves silly at the Ritz Carlton. it was fantastic!! My hubby knew i've been deprived of a holiday these last months...and i've been dying to get away for one last time before baby comes along. so he arranged for this short trip with my cousins. For just RM310, we got an excutive deluxe room with 24-hr butler service, free laundry, free broadband access, all day dining at the lounge (where they served drinks and finger food from morning till 11pm), it was really great! you could also do an upgrade to a spa package, for an additional RM100 we got a butler-drawn bath and a full body massage and use of full spa facilities including gym and steambath, jacuzzi,etc.. Only sad thing was that there was no antenatal massage so i couldn't enjoy that. also couldn't use the steam room/bath cos my gynae said not to when i asked him about it. But all in all, it was really relaxing, and we had a great time!
If any of you are thinking of a short getaway, you should try it!

Qdee, my baby was 1.3kg at 27 weeks...last Fri she was 1.6kg (31 weeks). i thought it was a bit big cos the others say at 26/27 weeks their babies were about 1kg. but my gynae didn't say she's big, in fact he said according to the machine, she was only about 29weeks in size when i'm actually 31 weeks! so i dunno big or small. But he said not to worry cos the machines are calibrated according to American sizes.
hi stephie
yups, is abt 1kg every 4 weeks throughout the 7 months..

Hi Qdee
I dunno the normal range ler..maybe I will check it out with my gynae tomorrow..I think in total I also put on 6-7kgs liao..so, although is abt a kg since pregnant but my gynae was telling me to monitor monthly, not to shoot up too much lor..

Wow Joyce
u only put on 3-4kgs!! envy~envy

Hi doll
me too, actually my appetite is abt the same as pre-preggie...maybe slightly more some days..I also eat very little of rice/meat but lots of vegs..I think must be due to less exercise now? I also dunno where all my kgs go to!
Hello ladies!

Didn't know that must siam when ppl fixing things up
Actually when my curtains were fixed at my house, i was still watching (got drilling somemore)--that time didn't know that i'm pregnant yet..hope won't affect baby!

Talking abt weight..i put on abt 10kg liao & i have 4 more mths to go! But as long as baby is healthy, i'll bochap abt the weight for now..after delivery can slowly exercise & diet

Hi Qdee,
Wow! U already started doing housework 2wks after delivery! Peifu peifu! BTW ur hubby on leave during the 1st wk that's why he can help take care of baby? U seem to have coped very well leh! Hopefully I can do that too!

Actually i think baby bigger is better than smaller leh! Anyway if too big/small the dr will tell us one..so dun worry!

Hi lbs,
Heheh! Ur hubby very good leh! Volunteer to bath baby! I'm very scared to handle the baby in water leh...wouldn't know where to put my hands
Hope my MIL will do it..if not will ask my gungho hubby to do it. Ignorance is bliss..he seems to think it's an easy chore!

Cramps may be due to lack of calcium (in milk, cheese etc) and/or potassium (in bananas, prunes etc). Keep ur legs warm at night (eg wear socks--but not too tight) & do some calf stretches--eg stand with ur forefeet (front of feet) on a step, let ur heel drop below the step..keep ur body straight--pls hold something if cannot balance!

Hi Tiny,
Wow! *envy* So u must be revitalized after ur trip!

Hi Stephie,
Taipei sounds fun leh..if i've enough leave i would have gone with hubby! Nvmind..maybe can ask him to buy some maternity tops for me!
Hopefully no typhoon for these 2 weeks..or i'll freak out
hi omigOsh,
yeah...feeling recharged. but when i went back to work today, i just felt like sleeping...and lazing around...do work also a bit slow!! miss the hotel room...hee..Oh yes, i forgot to reply u the other time, just wanted to say that probably met u at some camp or something then!! i was still serving in 1st coy after i left sch till 1993 or 1994...forgot already. hee hee, small world.

talking about cramps, u are right that keeping your legs warm certainly helps. i've been so warm at night that i normally pull off my comforter, and even my shorts! haha. but the last time i did that, i got cramps in BOTH calves (one after another!) Since then i'll tahan and keep them on!!

my good friend just gave birth last wk, and i was watching her hubby bathe the baby. wow...it was really quite a feat. She was wailing the whole time, and it looks so hard cos she's so small and delicate! Scary, actually. My hubby also says he wwants to bathe baby...he believes it's bonding time. but we shall see...he's quite chor-lor one, so i really can't imagine!!
Hi all

I'm new here, may i join in?

My EDD is 25 Mar'05. BB Boy.

Can also recommend me a good gynae in KKH as my gynae in KKH will not be around during my EDD, so thought of changing a gynae now.

<font color="#000080">hi tiny</font>, heheh ur stay @KL ritz sounds so shiok !!
. was telling my hubby tat i wan to go too !!

<font color="#000080">hi lbs</font>, hehe i eat much lesser than before.. i realise tat i m actually in my 6th mth.. hmm muz lookout why i put on so much
heheh i figured, 2kg each on my thigh then 1/2 kg each on my breast then 1kg on my butt. 1kg for both arms.then 2kg for my bones coz they seem bigger also. in all..9kg. remaining 2-3kg is baby's weight

<font color="#000080">hi omigosh</font>, same same here on the weight thingy

hheh it quite fun bathing a baby. used to do it for my cousins. they haven't gain control of their muscles yet so they seem like ragdolls, any minute going to split.

<font color="#000080">hi Butterscotch !! WeLcOme !!</font>
<font face="Peinaud"><blink><u><font size="+1">Congrats to all our Mommies to be in 2005!!</font></u>

<u><font face="Peinaud">Latest Update !! 8th Dec 04</font></u>

<font face="Peinaud"><table border=1><tr><td>UserName</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Week</TD><TD>Deliver at</TD><TD>Gender </TD></TR><TR><TD>HappyBuns</TD><TD>31-Jan-05</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Winnie</TD><TD>14-Feb-05</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Litebreeze</TD><TD>15-Feb-05</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Vig</TD><TD>17-Feb-05</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Java</TD><TD>18-Feb-05</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyvon</TD><TD>27-Feb-05</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Snowpooher</TD><TD>7-Mar-05</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Doll</TD><TD>6-Mar-05</TD><TD>25</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Elle</TD><TD>8-Mar-05</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bluebell</TD><TD>8-Mar-05</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Scarydoggie</TD><TD>14-Mar-05</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Elisa</TD><TD>17-Mar-05</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jannie</TD><TD>24-Feb-05</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lyn_baby</TD><TD>27-Feb-05</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joyce</TD><TD>1-Mar-05</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>KC</TD><TD>14-Mar-05</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ohmigosh</TD><TD>20-Mar-05</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Butterscotch</TD><TD>25-Mar-05</TD><TD>22</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Well</TD><TD>17-Feb-05</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Qdee</TD><TD>24-Feb-05</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ribena</TD><TD>19-Mar-05</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bonnygal</TD><TD>27-Mar-05</TD><TD>25</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Keruri</TD><TD>12-Feb-05</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babygrace</TD><TD>14-Feb-05</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Stephie</TD><TD>1-Mar-05</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>*Laugh - MIA</TD><TD>7-Mar-05</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>-- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tiny</TD><TD>5-Feb-05</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cheese</TD><TD>15-Mar-05</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lee-Tung</TD><TD>23-Mar-05</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Seiko</TD><TD>8-Mar-05</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wenn</TD><TD>8-Mar-05</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>lbs</TD><TD>2-Mar-05</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Folic</TD><TD>18-Mar-05</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>RH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Steamboat</TD><TD>2-Feb-05</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>*Lilac - MIA</TD><TD>9-Mar-05</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>-- </TD></TR><TR><TD>*Skinnyma - MIA</TD><TD>6-Mar-05</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>--</td></tr></table></font>

<font face="Peinaud">If I got your EDD / weeks or any info. keyed in wrongly, please let me know by pm me, thanks.</font>
Hi doll,
My gynae records my weight on my medical record sheet which is kept by the clinic. My weight records not indicated on my appt card so I do my own recording. Hmm.. never track the trend of wt increase so far.

Hi lbs,
Good to spread out the increase in wt thru'out the months, rather than having a sudden increase in wt for a particular month/period. Gradual weight increase (gradual ballooning of tummy too?) will minimise the appearance of stretchmarks I heard.

Hi Tiny,
So you went on a short holiday. No wonder didn't see you around recently. You really had a great time hoh. So shiok and relaxing. Makes me feel like having a short break again...hee

Hi ButterScotch
Welcome, welcome!
hi stephie, hehe that's the card i m toking about..coz the card is left on the table while my BP is being taken so i always "miao miao" ...

but intend to go for swimming over the weekends coz i saw some lumps on my thighs. dunno it is cellulite or wat...
Morning ladies! Long time din login liao, but have been reading lah.

Didn't manage to sleep well yesterday night cos I had a fall on my way home
I slipped and fell backwards, so worried about BB that I cried out... scared my hubby ah.

Funny is, I only felt my pain on my right side backside and right elbow, lucky no bleeding or blue black marks. Since after the fall, I couldn't feel BB's movements, so worried for the whole night. Hubby kept on saying BB might have got a fright, so curled up and refused to move. It was only until this morning then I started to feel BB's movements. It was really lucky for me cos I stepped on the metal drainage and fell right on it, yet I only felt pain.
Hi doll
Yeap, I think mine also distributed like that!! hahaa..
btw, I just made few purchases (mostly clothings) from Anne Geddes.. Cannot resist the temptation liao..

Oh, yea, not sure if you gals aware, I got this lobang from a fren..instead of getting the merchandiser to send me directly from the US, I am using VPOSTUSA cos can save a bit on the delivery costs lor. Of cos, the savings only come if they are offering free delivery within US lar. So, how it works is after we are registered user for VPOST, we will be given a USA address. Use this address as your delivery address when you make the purchase. VPOST will then charge for delivery from US to SG which usually abt 20% cheaper if you get it ship direct. You can also consol all your purchases from different merchandisers &amp; get VPOSTUSA to send all.
However, note that delivery time will be a bit longer lar..

Hi stephie
Yea, thats what my gynae said..in fact, I lost some weights during my initial months due to MS but afterwards, the weight just shot up ..~haiz~

Hi omg
aiya, my hubby also like bo bian one..engaged a CL too ex, somemore my MIL &amp; mum will definitely be arnd, cant imagine having 3 women in my house at the same time!!

oh snowpooher..
must be extra careful now, yea? Nowadays, I am putting on extra alert no matter at home or outside...very scared I may trip on something &amp; had a fall lor..I am those walk walk also can fall type lor...&amp; easily get blue blacks too!

Welcome Butterscotch!!
I've engaged a CL at $1.8K. Initally dun intend to get one cos I think I can handle myself. But hubby told me to get more rest during confinement period. Then saw 2 colleagues who given birth recently, 1 done by mother and another by CL. The colleague who hired a CL looks so happy. So I decided to hire CL.

Recently, dunno why, either scalded myself with hot water or fall down... haiz...

Regarding the weight gain, dun worry so much. I'm in my 7 mths and have put on 10 kg. My colleagues told me dun worry abt the weight, cos BF will lose the weight till our pre-pregnancy weight.
Hi omigosh, dun peifu me lah .. actually it's no choice one. Mom busy cooking and with bb so the moment i felt well enough i helped out with the lighter chores lor. The house was a big mess.
Normally mornings are busy coz need to bathe bb, prepare for lunch. After lunch it's resting period for mom n me n bb. Mom n me took turn to nap .. of coz I napped the most.

Yeah hubby took 1 wk leave coz i was suffering from postnatal blues then which was quite bad.
And mom dun no how to handle both me and baby.
Through out the 2 mths he also took leave here n there to be home with us.
Hi! Snowpooher,

Must be careful when you walk.. regardless of at home or outside. Glad to know that u r fine.
Dun over worry, afterall your BB's movement is back to usual


May i know whether can preg ladies eat 'dang-gui'? Jus now i saw black chicken soup outside, feel like eating but dunno whether with 'dang-gui' inside can we eat?

Anyone can taken dang-gui during preg period?
Hi Elle
I am not sure if we can consume dang-gui during pregnancy but my MIL told me strictly dun eat any herbal soups sell outside cos we never know what herbs they may put in.

One of her big NO-NO is 'ba-ku-teh'...

Maybe, you can check with medicine hall?
hi snowpooher, ah yoh.. muz take care n becareful u know... did u hurt ur ankel or anything like that ? juz check check to make sure... okee

hi lbs, eheheh what did u buy, i wan to c!!some purchases somemore, hehe muz be a bomb !! my hubby didn't let me order the clothes coz he said wait for they come out with new collection . Btw ,did u make use of the discount ?

wah lbs, i got take ba ku teh sometimes...

hi elle, not too sure about dang-gui.. but was told not eat any herbs relating to roots.. like ginseng also...

<font color="#FF0000">Date/Time : 18th Dec , 3pm</font>

<font color="#008000">MTBs who r going </font>
1. Joyce
2. Well
3. Qdee
4. Stephie
5. Keruri

<font color="#000080">Venue : Olio Dome @ Suntec</font>

<font color="#800000">Hi Gals !! If I missed out anyone, let me know ,okee</font>
hi doll>>
thank u!! after nearly whole day, i solved already the problem ... after config here and there and switching off and on the modem and plugging here and there...

hi snowpooher>>
be careful lei... especially near bathroom and toilet area... then now can u feel bb's movements?? gotta check and monitor bb movement to be safe...

hi joyce>>
oh... u started your spring cleaning already ya!! wow, so hardworking.... me still lazing around, too lazzy to move my butt...

hi butterscotch>>
, btw, butterscotch is a kinda of cocktail drink isit?... i heard this name from somewhere... gee
yo yo DOLL and every1>>
I am so sorry.... last minute my HB called up and asked me whether I can travel or not on the 17th to HK... then i replied YES without thinking. I think he is planning a trip for us around that corner... which means to say I might not be able to meet up for the gathering ler...
(happy) cos I have been wanting to go there since after my 1st trimster... gee, go there for goody foodies...
aiyo... i think i am becoming lor so and naggy here...
wanting to ask any1 into PC game "SIMS 2" ?? any1 playing ?
Hi doll

emm, abt 'bakuteh', my MIL said it contains lots of different herbs. She said she checked with medine hall before &amp; was advised preggies better try to avoid eating it lor...

hahaha...yeap...initially wanted to wait but I think they are having sales for clearing the old collection? anyway, I foresee I will buy more when new collection comes out..aiyoyo..

I bought the followings:
1) receiving blanket
2) yellow everyday gift set
3) velour bunny jacket

Initially wanted to buy the pouch but hubby said a bit wasted since he 'foresee' bb will take after him - scared of hot!

hi well, hehe no prob

i dun play SIMS 2, hehehe heard it's a family building game :p

hi lbs, coz to sg there's 25% discount if u order b4 12th dec.. hheh can see that u like the bunny range.. mi go for the ladybug range
hi gals...
i was flooded with work yesterday... hope i didn't miss much.

<font color="0000ff">well</font>,
what's this twin pack nursing shirt at Mothercare? is it like a t-shirt? with sleeves or without? i didn't see it when i was rummaging thru the boxes of bras leh. hmm... i must be searching with my nose instead. hee...

<font color="aa00aa">babygrace</font>,
me 2... i've been wondering which one is u too. hee... shall we try to look out for each other again this sat? i'm of aver height, shoulder length hair and has a small frame. last but not least, i'm not fat, i'm just pregnant. hee...

<font color="ff0000">joyce</font>,
i envy u so much!!! how u manage to put on oni 3-4kg in 7 mths??? i've already put on 9 kg so far for 7 mths.

<font color="119911">ButterScotch</font>,
Welcome welcome!!!

<font color="ff6000">doll</font>,
can teach me how to bold words in our postings? hee.. thanks!!!
<font color="#800080">Basic Exercise Position</font>
Lie on your back with your knees bent, your feet about shoulder-width apart and your soles flat on the floor. Support your head and shoulders with cushions and rest your arms flat at your sides. Only exercise in this position until the 4th month. Beyond this time, exercising on your back is not recommended because the growing uterus can put excessive weight on major blood vessels

<font color="#800080">Kegel Exercise</font>
Tense the muscles around your vagina and anus and hold them like this for as long as you can. Gradually increase the length of time you do this for until you can hold them for 10 seconds. After the 4th month, this exercise should be done in a standing or sitting position. Do at least 25 repetitions at various times during the day.

<font color="#800080">Pelvic Tilt</font>
Press the small of your back against the floor and exhale. Relax your spine as you inhale. Repeat this 3 or 4 times. The pelvic tilt can also be done standing up straight with your back against a wall (exhale while pressing the small of your back into the wall). The standing version is an excellent way to improve your posture and should be used after the 4th month.

<font color="#800080">Leg Lift</font>
Lie on one-side keeping your shoulders, hips and knees in a straight line. Support your head with the hand closest to the floor and put your other hand on the floor in front of you. Relax and inhale, then exhale while slowly raising the leg nearest the ceiling as high as you can, keeping your foot flexed (toes pointing toward your belly) and your inner ankle facing the floor. Repeat 10 times on each side. You can also do this exercise with the raised leg bent at the knee.

<font color="#800080">Dromedary Drop</font>
Crouch on your hands and knees with your back in a relaxed position without letting your spine sag. Keep your head straight and in line with your spine. Pushing the small of your back upwards, tighten your abdomen and buttocks and drop your head down. Gradually relax and return to the original position. Repeat 3 or 4 times. This exercise is helpful in relieving the pressure that the uterus places on your spine.

<font color="#800080">Tailor Sit,Tailor Stretch</font>
Sit cross-legged and place your hands on your shoulders. Lift both arms above your head, stretching one arm higher than the other. Relax this arm and repeat with the other arm. Repeat 10 times on each side.

<font color="#800080">Neck Relaxer</font>
Sit cross-legged with your eyes closed. Inhaling slowly, gently drop your head to the side and roll it forward and around, make a half circle. Exhale and relax, letting your head drop forward. Repeat 4 or 5 times, alternating the direction of the roll. Do this exercise 3 or 4 times daily.
hi doll

yups...I like the bunny range..

huhh? got 25% discount further if ship to Singapore ar? alamak!
Hi Elle,
I oso heard cannot take dang gui. So whenever i eat outside, don't dare to eat herbal stuff. Even those stewed duck rice or whatever with 'black' soup i oso try to avoid cos sometimes the hawkers will add herbs to their soup. That time i ordered kway chap, ate half way and start to worry whether go any herbs included. :p
hi keruri,

it's \ b {....} -> leave out the spacing...

hi lbs, yah... tink i wrote it in one of my previous postings... heeh thatz y i was saying.. the shipping was almost FOC coz of the 25% of the items...
Hi Elle,
I oso heard cannot take dang gui. So whenever i eat outside, don't dare to eat herbal stuff. Even those stewed duck rice or whatever with 'black' soup i oso try to avoid cos sometimes the hawkers will add herbs to their soup. That time i ordered kway chap, ate half way and start to worry whether go any herbs included. :p
hi doll

i tried making a purchase for one item &amp; putting in the delivery address as Singapore but there is still shipping cost involve ler..already at the last stage to confirm payment liao..

Did you put in any code? aiyo, hopefully still in time to change my delivery instruction...
hi doll
I mean no indication have further 25% off ler...

anyway, just sent an email to their customer support clarifying this &amp; if I am able to change my delivery instruction lor...

aiya...me blur blur...didnt read your earlier posting carefully...
Hi! lbs/doll/Stephie,

Me too often heard cannot take dang-gui but surprisely my mother in law quite pang-tang one.. never heard b4. In fact that day when i went to Fu-Hua to buy bird nest the sales guy was asking me whether i wanna buy dang gui.. he said very 'bu' one.. Really puzzled me.
Anyway, to play safe i didnt order the black chicken soup but then i ate ba kut teh instead! But i did ask the auntie wat ingredient they put inside.. she said merely white pepper and garlic..
hi everybody....

any1 gog for postnatal massage?? i try looking for 1 from the threads that are posted...any recommendations ?
hi girls, i also heard no dang gui for preggies. i remember a website that i surfed b4 that pple use big amt of danggui or vit c to create "chemical miscarriage" (dunno if i used the correct term).

snowpooher, dun listen to those who say dun have to worry how much weight increased during preggie. my sis was on bfing for 6 mths and still cannot go back to pre-preggie weight. even my gynae say if did not put on so much weight during preggie, then dun have so much weight to lose after delivery.... a bit of excess fats storage is good for Bfing, but no need excessive, since we already have lots of fats in our body before preggie (i mean i am saying for me lah), think it is more than enuff... somemore pple say bfing mothers' eat alot... can get the energy from there then.

hi well, i used to play SIMs, SIMs 2 is the updated version, right? haven't got my hands on it....
hi tiny, i finally can agree with you that baby will have growth spurt from 28th weeks. my tummy suddenly grew bigger that even my hubby can tell when i have all my sweaters and thermal and winter coat on. he is says that i finally look pregnant...
hi ladies
just back from gynae visit.
BB now weight 1.2kg, according to gynae a little towards big size lor. I put on 1.5 kg, but luckily she didnt comment anything..

I forgot to ask her abt my cramps as I was very worried when I didnt pass my urine strip test. It detected I have over 4 glucose level so quickly done a glucose blood test on the spot..luckily the results was normal..but gynae said must watch out my diet from now on...
Hi lbs,
OMG! I simply love the bunny jacket &amp; receiving blanket. Sooo cute! How much ah? Is there a website?

Hi Snowpooher,
Pls be careful, especially now rainy days! Must avoid walking on those metal-covered drains thingies--very slippery when wet!

Hi Qdee,
Lucky for u that ur HB could take leave on &amp; off to help out &amp; care for u &amp; baby during ur previous confinement! My HB very difficult to take leave one...&amp; i'm praying hard that he won't be overseas at work when/after i deliver

Hi Jannie,
Heheh! Happy lor..at last u look pregnant, even with thick clothes on!
Hi butterscotch,
Welcome! U have the same EDD as me hehe...but then again i am a bit confused coz today i went to see my gynae and he mentioned something abt 1 april...last time i went for my detailed scan he wrote down 1 april but when i checked with the sonographer, she said should be march..I just hope bb wun come out earlier than 16 march..if not i will have to forgo my 3 mths paid maternity leave..

thank goodness u are ok...have to be careful when walk outside or even in the bathroom..can be slippery. I also put on 10kg and 4 more mths to go..so sad getting so round and fat..hubby can me 'fei jai' hehe...dunno can lose the weight after birth or not..must control my diet scared bb getting too big..my bb is ard 800 grams now..

well, my colleague's sis engaged a indonesian lady to give her massage. think 7 session abt 350 or 450. She told me quite good coz her sis now lost weight..even lesser than her pre pregnancy weight
Hi keruri

will try to look out for you. Actually it may be easier for you to identify me.
Remember our 2nd lesson, the exercise class? I was the "model" during the massage session.
hi jannie>>
SIMS 2 looks impressive with the grahpics and sound effects... i havent really started playing.... but I think definitely better than the 1st SIMS...

hi lbs>>
My bb's weight is 1.2kg during my 29th week. Gynae says good weight so dunno is less or more... i think should be middle ba.... then yours 1.2kg by now... so wow, abit bit bigger than mine lo... what u eat? i always crave for noodles but SIL and MIL all say cannot eat too much noodles due to the yellow chemical substance that is added into the noodle during the manufacturing(so is this a myth?)
thanks for the anne geddes site... am about to ask for it already!!

hi kristen>>
can u help me ask more details about it or get her contact number for me? do u intend to go for it too? or are u already slim enuff.....hee hee hee...
<font color="ff0000">hi keruri</font>, no prob

<font color="0000ff">hi lbs</font>, i emailed their sales during oct/nov regarding if there's any shipment to sg.
they told me that it is pending and asked me to sign up their newsletter
so that they can update on the status. Then they emailed this over during end of nov...

"To celebrate we'd like to offer you a DISCOUNT OF 25%

on your first order until December 12, 2004.

Just enter the promo code 25DISC at checkout."

<font color="ff6000">hi Elle</font>,hehe i try not to tink too much :p coz i ate kwap chap the day before :p
moreover i was eating bah ku teh n drinking black chicken soup during my 1st trimester...

<font color="aa00aa">hi well</font>, heheh i m going for postnatal massage.. will be going to Goldwellness

going for their pre-natal massage, find the lady very experienced so going for her postnatal
even though it is priced quite higher ($575 for 8 sessions, change the wrap every session). heheh but not so expensive as rustic nirvana...
theirs is ard 1k plus i tink the last time i checked.

<font color="119911">hi kristen</font>, how come have to forgot ur maternity leave if dun come out earlier ....?
Hi well,
Will try to get from my colleague..intend to try out too after delivery. hehe..me not slim now lar..see my face round round already so sad:p

Hi doll,
Coz i went back to my old firm to work in mid september so in order to be entitled 3 mths maternity leave i have to work at least 6 mths..so if baby comes out earlier anytime before 16 march 05, i wun get paid leave lor...

went to annes geddes' website..the things there so cute.but hubby say dun buy so soon...aiya..then have to wait lor..haven't even bought anything for bb at all
i think mommies are more excited over all these right? see cute things we want to buy already hahaha
hi kristen, icic...

heheh yah, luckily thatz hubbies to keep us in track.. :p went to bugis yesterday n found the diseny babies so cute. hubby said dunno what size is the bb, wait buy liao wasted. but MIL say 1st 3mths they outgrow things very fast...

Hi doll,

How much did you spent altogether in sing dollar for the annes geddes stuffs?
Are you still buying more?

Actually would like to tab on to anyone buying from them. Cause i did not know how to use the vpost. hee hee

