(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

<u>Second Trimester Worries: Do's and Don'ts</u>

The worries that had you pacing the floor during your first trimester are now ancient history. Does this mean you can finally put the worry beads away? Probably not. Here are just a few of the worries that you may find yourself battling during the second trimester of pregnancy.

1. I'm 16 weeks pregnant and I haven't felt the baby move yet. Should I be worried?
While you can expect to feel your baby's movements at some point during the second trimester, you shouldn't necessarily assume that Junior will be doing somersaults by week 16. More often than not, the first flutters aren't felt until sometimes between the 18th and 22nd weeks of pregnancy. Slimmer moms and moms who've been pregnant before may detect fetal movement a little sooner than this, however, and the location of the placenta can also affect how much movement you feel. (If it's at the front of your uterus, it will tend to cushion your baby's movements something that could make it hard for you to notice Junior's intrauterine gymnastic performances!)

2. I keep having dreams about giving birth to a severely deformed baby. Is this mother's intuition at work?
It's not unusual to experience disturbing dreams during pregnancy. Sleep researchers pin much of the blame on pregnancy hormones, which can affect your sleep patterns. Fortunately, these dreams don't necessarily indicate that there's a problem with your baby's health. You're no more at risk of giving birth to a baby with health problems than someone who dreams of picture-perfect Gerber babies.

3. I'm just starting my second trimester and I've already gained 10 lbs. At this rate, I'm going to be huge!
While a typical pregnant woman tends to gain somewhere between three and five pounds during her first trimester, it's not unusual to gain a little less or in your case a little more. Rather than getting overly hung up on the number on the scale, focus on eating reasonable quantities of healthy foods and aim for a more gradual weight gain during the remainder of your pregnancy.

4. Last night when I rolled over in bed, I felt this ripping sensation in my lower abdomen. Is this normal?
The sensation you're describing is round ligament pain pain that results from the sudden stretching of the round ligaments (the two large ligaments that attach your uterus to your pelvis). It tends to be at its worst between the 14th and 20th weeks of pregnancy, when your uterus is heavy but not yet large enough to rest any of its weight on the pelvic bones (something that typically happens during the second half of the second trimester). Round ligament pain can be alarming (and painful!), but it's nothing to worry about.

5. Sometimes when I'm out for a walk, I feel my abdomen tighten and harden. Should I be concerned?
What you're experiencing are mild contractions triggered by physical activity. They can be worrying and uncomfortable, but generally there isn't any cause for concern. That said, it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with the signs of premature labour so that you'll be able to distinguish between normal abdominal tightening and pre-term labour contractions. When in doubt, err on the side of caution. It's much smarter to show up at labour and delivery with a false alarm then to end up giving birth to a baby who may not yet be ready to adjust to life outside the womb.

6. I just failed the one-hour glucose screening test. Does this mean I have gestational diabetes?
The one-hour glucose screening test merely indicates that you're at increased risk of having gestational diabetes. It doesn't state definitively that you do or you don't. Your odds of failing this test and actually having this condition are just 15 per cent. The only way to find out for sure if you have developed gestational diabetes, of course, is to go for the follow-up tests.

7. I'm 15 weeks pregnant. Suddenly, I don't feel pregnant anymore. Could something have gone wrong?
The early second trimester is a bit of a no-woman's-land when it comes to pregnancy symptoms. The first trimester fatigue and nausea have probably begun to subside, and you're unlikely to be experiencing a lot of fetal movement at this stage. Get in touch with your doctor or midwife to talk about your concerns. Something as simple as hearing your baby's heartbeat can help to reassure you that everything's proceeding according to plan.

8. I can't believe how hormonal I've been acting. I feel like I've completely lost my mind!
There's no denying it. The cocktail of pregnancy hormones that you're describing can leave you feeling weepy one moment and euphorically happy the next. Fortunately, the effects aren't permanent. You'll get your marbles back at some point after the delivery!

9. I'm worried about how my having a baby will affect my relationship with my partner. Having a baby may bring the two of you closer together or if there are already some serious problems in your relationship it could very well drive you apart. The best way to deal with this particular problem is to tackle it head-on. Talk to your partner about how you're feeling and resolve to work through any rough spots as they arise. And make a concerted effort to keep the lines of communication open.

10. I'm not sure whether my partner and I are on solid enough financial ground to have a baby.
Statistics about the cost of raising children are enough to scare you into celibacy! Fortunately, having a baby doesn't have to spell financial ruin. If you force yourself to distinguish between frills and necessities, make a point of shopping secondhand, and get in the habit of borrowing as much baby gear as possible from friends rather than buying everything brand new, you will dramatically reduce your baby's first year costs.

By the time you come to terms with all these worries, it will be time to head into the home stretch of pregnancy the third trimester.

hey joyce, thanks for the article. i have been experiencing very tight and hard tummy at times recently, and that worries me alot. eventhough the article says it is ok, i m still worried as when it becomes hard, it is REALLY hard. all the best for your detailed scan tmrw. and dun bother to ask abt the stretch mark cream, i sent an email to my gynae yesterday and he replied promptly. he said it's safe!!

ohmigosh, congrats from me and bb too. dun stress yourself too much and enjoy your big day!!!
Hi Doll,
My MIL and my mum both is not working. Frankly speaking i will prefer my mum to look after my bb.. not that my MIL is not gd but i trust my mum more
So my mum will be taking after my bb during the weekdays and my MIL help me out during the weekends..

Hi Ohmig0sh,
hi joyce,

Oh u also experienced double happiness during your customery marriage..

Jus curious, does your gown need to be altered every now and then bcos u never know how much your tummy wld expand..

I ever attend a wedding where the bride is pregnant around 2mths plus but she's so energetic leh.. doesnt look tired at all.. To be 4mths preg wld it be easily tired?

Mayb u cld share with Ohmigosh wat r the things to take note during the wedding day..heehee


U stay around sembw also right?..Do u go NTUC(Sun Plaza) often.. sekali we ever bump onto each other b4.. heehee
hi Joyce,

1 more boy to add to yr list..:p
gestation chg to 21wks 6 days now &amp; edd is 17 feb.

dear all,
been missing out alot alot!!so damn busy at wk &amp; now got to prepare for my overseas trip beginning next mth to AUS for work for 2 wks..hubby &amp; my mum so worried...
cos in my 18th wk, i got bleeding &amp; it soaked my whole pantyliner!!there's no symptoms/pain at all &amp; i only realise when i visited toilet at midnite.
both me &amp; hubby panic &amp; confused &amp; silly us actually waited til nxt morning then rush to see gynae!!luckily bb ok.
dunno the cause but it's uncommon &amp; not so safe to hv bleeding (not spotting) in mid trimester.

glad evry1 is happy &amp; fine.
as expected, i wont be able to login much.
will pop in now &amp; then..

hi ohmigosh,
CONGRATS!! don't stress yrself out ah..be happy &amp; pretty..

ok, running off, all of u mummies take care ya...
Hi <font color="ff6000">Jannie</font>, same here. Having tight and hard tummy some times too, especially when I'm out for shopping, haha

Hi <font color="119911">Elle</font>, no need to alter. Coz I'm belong to XL group, so my tummy not that obvious at that time. People might think that I had grown fatter... lol

Very tired at that actual day, you can imagine I woke up so early in the morning at 5 am, then until midnight 1 something then can have a rest.
Very xiong...

Congtrats to <font color="0077aa">Vig</font> on expecting a baby boy!
Hi Vig,

Congrats on having a BB boy!

Glad to hear that u r doing fine.. but dun over work yourself ok.. be extreme careful esp when u travel. I'm pretty phobia to travel during pregnancy thus didnt want to take up a job offer which needs to travel all the way to U.S for training.. Think i wld be puking during the plane journey..

How i wish i cld go for a short trip (resort stay) but hubby dun want..
he ask me to 'ren' till BB born.

Scares me when u read that your spotting soaked whole pantyliner.. Thank god all is well for you now..

U too must take care ya..
<font color="aa00aa">ohmig0sh</font>, congrats on your wedding this sunday!!! all the best wishes to you, hb and bb!!!

<font color="0000ff">joyce</font>, thanks for all the articles that u've posted here. they are all so helpful! thanks!!!
hi joyce,

U sure you belong to XL size?..Looks like your XL size manage to hide your preg.. got advantage leh
My impression of you shld belong to slim and petite one leh Cos that time u show a bit of yourself when u compare your finger with your son.. see your finger so slim .. heehee

Wah.. really 'xiong' hor..Wake up 5am!.. U teocheow nang?
babygrace, winnie, java,

Thanks for your input on detailed scan, I am going for doing that next week. So after the sonographer do the checking, we can know the result immediately right? Oh, very excited!!


Congrats!! Enjoy your BIG day and it gonna be one of the most unforgettable sweet memory in your life!!
folic, heheh haven't been to a toilet with scented toilet paper

joyce, heheh ur In laws muz be so happy, after traditional ceremony , can bao grandchild

actress may phua, also shuang xi ling men .
Ya <font color="0000ff">Elle</font>, me 100% belongs to XL.
Haha, you still remember my fingers... but not slim lah.
From I was a baby till now, I had never slim down wor...

I'm a Hokkien nang, coz need to make up so I have to wake up at 5.

Hi <font color="119911">keruri</font>, hope it can really helps!

Hi <font color="ff6000">Doll</font>, of coz they were happy coz it's the first grandson mah.
hehe joyce , yah loh. my mum &amp; In-laws waited for 2yrs, they thought i dun intend to give birth. had a hard time explaining to them that hubby &amp; i need to be financially stable 1st.

found out about cord banking. can go directly to this link http://www.cordlife.com/index2.html for the misc charges n etc
Plan l
Initial payment of S$50 and
4 annual payment of S$275

Plan ll
Initial payment of S$350 and
4 annual payment of S$190

Plan lll
Initial payment of S$750 and
4 annual payments of S$80

Plan lV
A One-time payment of S$1000

Annual Storage Fees
S$250 per year (2nd Year Onwards)

Wah! A BIG THANK YOU to all of u &amp; ur babies!

I think my tummy a bit hard to hide leh--from 23" to >30"!!! For those who've known me--sure can tell. Those who dunno me, mayb will think i got beer belly lor

Hi Elle:
Heehee! The bridal shop say fri then go try the gown &amp; alter then..too early alter also waste effort.

Hope not too many pimples pop out
Will also have to wake up at 5am like Joyce, cos of make-up &amp; cos Teochew. &amp; the night b4 at 11pm gotta do the comb hair thing (cos hubby's canton). Hope i can tahan--anyway 1 day only.

Actually now i'm excited abt feeling baby's movements more than the wedding leh

Hi Vig:
Congrats on ur baby boy!
Hi Elle,
4got to ans ur qn: I'm not going for outdoor shoot on AD..too lazy. Will go home for a nap after tea ceremonies. Anyway i already had my outdoor shots done 3 mths ago--when i was ~5wks pregnant &amp; haven't realized..that time still running abt in heels (on uneven grass) &amp; let hubby carry me a few times for d photos. Wouldn't have dared to do so much if i knew i was pregnant then

Wow.. u r actually so slim.. waist only 23". During my cust wedding, i've had a hard time slimming down.. tried so hard but reach only 25.5"..

Poor thing 5am gotta wake up but once a life time worth the effort.. anyway also cant really get into deep sleep one

I'm hainanese so can sleep till 6plus.. heehee.. no need so early.. :

Aiyoh u're running on your heels when your little baby inside.. but anyway all is well now.. jus enjoy hard this Sunday.. I miss my wedding day alot.. so many frens/relatives yum seng 2gether on stage.. felt so 'wen(1)-xing(1)'
Congratulations on your 'big' day. Dont overtired yourself, if you have time, take a nap and also remember to eat something before the dinner. Keep some snack at your changing room in case you are hungry. You will be too busy to have a proper dinner and most impt. don't let yr little BB goes hungry.
heheh elle, dun like that leh, mi also ard 25 waist.

my ceremony was at 4.30am. had to wake at 3+am to start coz my hubby teochew. too early so we had a simple one. then before wedding dinner, we had another round. one word

hiaz juz received bad news that my colleague who is covering my job during my maternity leave has to go for ICT. he refuses to defer somemore so very sianz. chances r only 1 week maternity leave. need to work out wif my boss regarding the govt's extra 1 mth
hi everyone....
i've finally sucuumed to the flu bug! it's been spreading around my office for a while and now i can feel it coming...having some phlegm and sore throat. i haven't fallen sick since i got pregnant, so quite sian about it. Doc gave me 2 days mc even tho it's not that bad, cos he says impt to take care of baby too.
how thoughtful!

so i guess i'll be doing some house cleaning these 2 days! when hubby is around he doesn't allow me to do it. so now that he's at work...heh heh...
it's been a mess since he took over the chores!!!
heehee...but he tries lah, just different standard!! (i'm sure many of u can identify with that!!)

a colleague of mine sms-ed me yesterday morning to say she's in hospital as her waterbag broke. (she's abt 37-38 wks so it's ok) but i haven't heard from her since so i hope she's ok. She must be having a long labour! Hoping to hear from her soon. so exciting!

doll, ur wedding day sounds hectic! you must have been really tired at the end of it. wat do u mean 1 wk maternity leave? You mean for the extre 4 weeks? can't they get someone else to cover duties for u? that's not fair leh!
hi doll,

Talk to your boss asap.. so that he can arrange someone to cover your duties for the extra one mth maternity leave. We r entitle to it, dun waste it.. If worse case bring forward to some other days to take lor..


Your GP is so understanding to give you 2 days MC. I've got fever, the GP that i seen only gave me 1day
i paiseh to request.

Agree with you, men do housechores are not as clean and detail as women. I very tempted to clean up my house but jus like your hubby, my hubby also forbidded me to do any house chores.. not even ironing.. The most i did was wipe table/oven and wash dishes heehee..
i'm thinking next yr CNY jialat liao he wld be all alone to do the housework. I want to help also limited company liao

Hi Elle &amp; KC,
Yup, luckily baby's safe &amp; sound despite the running round. Thanks for ur tips for big day! I really feel v big..just went to try my gowns--aiyo! Can't alter my original gowns cos not enough excess cloth! The OTR gowns also limited cos of size. But at last managed to get lah

Hi doll,
Wah! Wake up at 3am? Dun thk i can put on my contact lens then--cannot open eyes big enough
Anyway it's over for u

Ur maternity leave hor..can ur co. arrange something, eg get a temp/parttime person to do during ur ML? Still got ample time to source 4 temp staff right? Thk will b very tiring if go back after 1wk leh! Still confinement right? Must take care!

Hi Tiny &amp; Elle,
Aiyo! Hubby do housework shouldn't complain. My hubby at 1st do all..now also lazy liao! So i still gotta vacuum the floor &amp; do dishes. Leave laundry &amp; ironing to him--he nv volunteer leh..he's forced to do

Hi Tiny: Sick then rest ok..dun tire urself over housework! &amp; Hope ur friend delivers baby smoothly!
By the way,
just now the bridal shop lady boss predicted my baby's boy-Same as my instinct

But ~1wk ago, a malay patient predicted baby's girl. She's so funny, pointed to my tummy &amp; said "baby inside?". Q surprising cos it's not obvious in my working clothes (even the nurses dunno i'm pregnant). She could even ans correctly the no. of mths (~4). So wondering if she's accurate with gender too

Now getting curious abt whether boy or girl. But still, most important is healthy!
too late, omigosh! I spent the whole day tidying up, throwing away stuff, vacuuming &amp; mopping! Feel so good now!
hee hee...it's been 6 mths ok!! i also dunno how we could like amongst the mess..haha. anyway when i was tired i just sat on my study chair (on wheels) to mop the floor. so not that bad!

So are u ready for ur big day? Very soon hor? You on leave yet? I'm sure u will be a beautiful bride. Past the 1st trimester, skin very smooth and nice one! Plus the marital bliss, i'm sure u'll be glowing.

Oh, a quick update: my friend finally delivered this morning at 11.40am!! So happy for her! She's so cute, sms=ed me to say she didn't know giving birth was this tough...and that she was so tired!!
Good luck to us, man!
Hi, ladies! Wow, looks like I've een missing out a lot. Working late today, so taking a short break and surfing the web. Realise that there are so many postings that I've missed. Too lazy to scroll to the previous pages, so trying to make out the most out of the current page.

I went for my check-up yesterday. Gynae said it's a girl. Strange... I've been hoping for a girl, but when felt no overwhelming feelings throughout the check-up. Maybe I was tired; but today, still don't feel a bit excited leh... Think I have zero maternal instinct. Sigh... My aunt told me not to worry, that it'll come naturally. I hope so lor...

Hi Tiny:
Good that ur friend gave birth liao!
Hope we'll have an easier time

Heheheh! Mopping floor while sitting on chair w wheels--good idea leh!

My skin is not smooth at all
Many zits leh--from beginning of pregnancy til now. Feel like i'm teenager again
Now on leave at last, try to rest lor..

Update u all after sunday--hope not too many ppl will notice the bulging tummy!
Hi all MTBs
I m very nervous as I goin to my detail scan later in the afternoon its been such a long time I had last seen my bb. I tink my bb also getting excited, early in the morning 5+am kp kicking/punching me haha.

Hi Joyce
Hw yr detaill scan? Manage to c the gender?
Gd morning to all,

A family friend of ours had a miscarriage. The gynae told her the BB had stoppped growing n no movement when scanned. She seeked 2nd opinion,oso sd the same thing. When i met her at her 8th weeks pregnancy, she sd she doesnt has morning sickness, bad appetite etc.I still thought she has a better pregnancy process than mi.She doesnt has spotting, acute cramp etc except feeling dizzy n nt well.Then such thing happen.I feel sorry for her n oso worried for myself

Hi Lyn:
Heheh! U making ur baby excited too eh? Good luck for ur scan--hope baby cooperates &amp; open legs big big for u!

Hi bonnygal:
That's very unfortunate. But i thk that's the nature's way of "survival of the fittest". As wat i've read, miscarriages that occur in the 1st trimester is normally due to problem in the baby--maybe embryo not attached properly or some malfunction/malformation of certain body parts. My close friend also had a similar problem recently--baby stopped growing, no heartbeat detected..after she had spotting..had to do abortion after that.

Dun thk there's any way where we'll stop worrying but try to thk on the bright side ok?!

Just thought of how we'll be worrying from the time of conceiving baby:
abt risk of miscarriage, abt health of baby in the womb, abt nutrients of baby in womb, abt our own health when pregnant, abt gaining too little/much weight, abt pain of delivery, abt complicatns of delivery, abt health of baby after he/she's born, abt breasfeeding, abt whether baby's growing up normally,
when he/she grows older:
abt his/her learning capabilities , abt his/her studies, abt whether his/her friends r bad influence, abt his/her education, abt NS if boy, abt his/her gf/bf etc etc

Amazing that our parents managed to survive all that!
Hi Ohmigosh
yuppie I tink I make bb excited too. u start to on leave already, y u wake up so early? Nw feel v giddy muz b too excited liao.
I agreed wif wat u say being a parent is nt an easy task its a commiment and responbility for life.
hi girls, do u feel that your bb do not kick sometimes? mine is not very active these couple of days..like the whole of yesterday, i tot i din feel him kicking.. completely missed my mind till my mom asked me in the evening... i tried to "knock" my tummy and talk to him but no response. finally when i lie on my back then one punch came abt (he simple hates it whenever i lie on my back). but that's almost abt it leh.... wonder if there's anything wrong.. this morning also nothing leh.....

joyce, how was your scan? i hope that everything's fine.

lyn_baby, all the best to you. just relax and enjoy seeing your bb!! must tell your bb to be cooperative to let sonographer scan every detail huh...

When wld u be going for your detail scan?.. Lets see whether your instinct wld be accurate..
Did any of your relatives guess as well? Gown cannot alter liao ah.. jialat.. like tat u better dun eat too much.. mayb frequent small bites.. else your tummy wld budge out more obviously.. and may be too tight for you..
K lah.. we shall wait for your postings after Sunday.. hope you have a enjoyable wedding celebration!

Lee Tung,

Congrats on having a BB girl! How did your detail scan go along?.. i assume shld be very smooth huh.. BB got play hide and seek or not.. or co-ordinate very well?


Congrats to your fren! Looks like her labour hours are pretty long huh? No wonder she's so tired.. I always imagine giving birth is a very difficult and painful task.. must be mentally prepared somehow.. But the thought of 'cutting' our V sounds the most scary to me..


I feel so sorry for your fren.. hope she wld get over it soon.. but i know its extreme difficult.. How many weeks of pregnancy is she in when gyne discovered her BB's problem?
Till date i never stop worrying abt my BB's health.. to me whichever trimester also gotta be extra careful.. no doubt pple always say after 1st trimester shld be stable.. i highly doubt so..
hi jannie,
Yes yes. I feel the same like you. These few days my bb seems to be sleeping more, kick lesser. Then I told him to kick mummy hard hard so that mummy don't get worried, then awhile later he kick liao. Sometimes I wish that my tummy is TRANSPARENT, so that I can see what he is doing, then no need to go for U/S liao.

hi Lyn_Baby,
Enjoy your detailed scan. Do update us on ur bb's progress!

hi joyce,
yeah yeah how's the result of ur detailed scan?

hi bonnygal,
At what stage of pregnancy is ur family friend?

hi ohmigosh,
Yes. We will worry abt our children from the day they conceive. Its only when we have children of our own then we will appreciate what our parents did for us.

Hi Jannie:
Yeah! Me also sometimes baby not very active. Sometimes baby active time may be when u'r asleep, so u dunno ur baby's moving abt. Also u may not notice the movements if u're up &amp; abt walking ard, doing things. If u'r very concerned, can check with ur obst-gynae lor

Hi Lyn:
Yahlor..woke up for toilet then dun feel like sleeping liao. Yday slept till 12+noon leh..heheh! i better not wake up too late these few days or else on sunday cannot wake up at 5am

Take care all MTBs!
<font face="EraserDust"><blink><u><font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">Congrats to all our Newly Expectant Mommies!!

<table border=1><tr><td><font size="+2"><u><font color="ff6000"> February Babies
</font></u></font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>
</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">happybuns -- EDD 31/01/05 -
</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Steamboat -- EDD 02/02/05 -
</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Tiny -- EDD 05/02/05 - MT. E -
</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">keruri -- EDD 12/02/05 - MT. A -
</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">babygrace -- EDD 14/02/05 - MT. A -
</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Winnie -- EDD 14/02/05 - TMC -
</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Lite Breeze -- EDD 15/02/05 - TMC -
</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Vig -- EDD 17/02/05 - TMC -
</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Java -- EDD 18/02/05 - TMC -
</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Jannie -- EDD 24/02/05 - KKH -
</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Qdee -- EDD 24/02/05 - TMC -
</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">BaByVoN -- EDD 27/02/05 - TMC -
</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Lyn_Baby -- EDD 27/02/05 - KKH</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> <font size="+2"><u><font color="119911">March Babies
</font></u></font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>
</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Joyce -- EDD 01/03/05 - KKH -
</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">lbs -- EDD 03/03/05 - East Shore -
</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">skinnyma -- EDD 06/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Doll -- EDD 06/03/05 - TMC</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Laugh -- EDD 07/03/05 - MT. A</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">snowpooher -- EDD 07/03/05 - TMC</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Seiko -- EDD 08/03/05 - SGH</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">wenn -- EDD 08/03/05 - SGH</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Bluebell -- EDD 08/03/05 - TMC -
</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Elle -- EDD 08/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Lilac -- EDD 09/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Scarydoggie -- EDD 14/03/05 - TMC</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">KC -- EDD 14/03/05 - KKH -
</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Cheese -- EDD 15/03/05 - MT. E</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Elisa -- EDD 17/03/05 - TMC -
</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">ohmig0sh -- EDD 17/03/05 - KKH</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Folic -- EDD 18/03/05 - Raffles Hospital -
</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Ribena -- EDD 19/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Lee-Tung -- EDD 23/03/05 - MT. E</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">bonnygal -- EDD 27/03/05</font></td></tr></table>

<font size="+2"><font face="{EraserDust"><font color="0000ff">9 Boys</font> vs <font color="ff0000">9 girls</font></font></font>

<u><font face="EraserDust"><font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">Gestation weeks for the period from 12th' Oct to 23rd' Oct</font></font></font> </u>

<font face="EraserDust"><table border=1><tr><td><font color="ff6000">Username</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">12-Oct</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">13-Oct</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">14-Oct</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">15-Oct</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">16-Oct</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">17-Oct</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">18-Oct</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">19-Oct</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">20-Oct</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">21-Oct</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">22-Oct</font></TD><TD><font color="119911">23-Oct</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>happybuns</TD><TD>24.3</TD><TD>24.4</TD><TD>24.5</TD><TD>24.6</TD><TD>25</TD><TD>25.1</TD><TD>25.2</TD><TD>25.3</TD><TD>25.4</TD><TD>25.5</TD><TD>25.6</TD><TD>26 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Steamboat</TD><TD>23.6</TD><TD>24</TD><TD>24.1</TD><TD>24.2</TD><TD>24.3</TD><TD>24.4</TD><TD>24.5</TD><TD>24.6</TD><TD>25</TD><TD>25.1</TD><TD>25.2</TD><TD>25.3 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tiny</TD><TD>23.3</TD><TD>23.4</TD><TD>23.5</TD><TD>23.6</TD><TD>24</TD><TD>24.1</TD><TD>24.2</TD><TD>24.3</TD><TD>24.4</TD><TD>24.5</TD><TD>24.6</TD><TD>25 </TD></TR><TR><TD>keruri</TD><TD>22.6</TD><TD>23</TD><TD>23.1</TD><TD>23.2</TD><TD>23.3</TD><TD>23.4</TD><TD>23.5</TD><TD>23.6</TD><TD>24</TD><TD>24.1</TD><TD>24.2</TD><TD>24.3 </TD></TR><TR><TD>BabyGrace</TD><TD>22.3</TD><TD>22.4</TD><TD>22.5</TD><TD>22.6</TD><TD>23</TD><TD>23.1</TD><TD>23.2</TD><TD>23.3</TD><TD>23.4</TD><TD>23.5</TD><TD>23.6</TD><TD>24 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Winnie</TD><TD>22.1</TD><TD>22.2</TD><TD>22.3</TD><TD>22.4</TD><TD>22.5</TD><TD>22.6</TD><TD>23</TD><TD>23.1</TD><TD>23.2</TD><TD>23.3</TD><TD>23.4</TD><TD>23.5 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Vig</TD><TD>21.5</TD><TD>21.6</TD><TD>22</TD><TD>22.1</TD><TD>22.2</TD><TD>22.3</TD><TD>22.4</TD><TD>22.5</TD><TD>22.6</TD><TD>23</TD><TD>23.1</TD><TD>23.2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>LiteBreeze</TD><TD>21.4</TD><TD>21.5</TD><TD>21.6</TD><TD>22</TD><TD>22.1</TD><TD>22.2</TD><TD>22.3</TD><TD>22.4</TD><TD>22.5</TD><TD>22.6</TD><TD>23</TD><TD>23.1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Java</TD><TD>21.1</TD><TD>21.2</TD><TD>21.3</TD><TD>21.4</TD><TD>21.5</TD><TD>21.6</TD><TD>22</TD><TD>22.1</TD><TD>22.2</TD><TD>22.3</TD><TD>22.4</TD><TD>22.5 </TD></TR><TR><TD>BaByVoN</TD><TD>20.5</TD><TD>20.6</TD><TD>21</TD><TD>21.1</TD><TD>21.2</TD><TD>21.3</TD><TD>21.4</TD><TD>21.5</TD><TD>21.6</TD><TD>22</TD><TD>22.1</TD><TD>22.2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jannie</TD><TD>20.5</TD><TD>20.6</TD><TD>21</TD><TD>21.1</TD><TD>21.2</TD><TD>21.3</TD><TD>21.4</TD><TD>21.5</TD><TD>21.6</TD><TD>22</TD><TD>22.1</TD><TD>22.2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Qdee</TD><TD>20.5</TD><TD>20.6</TD><TD>21</TD><TD>21.1</TD><TD>21.2</TD><TD>21.3</TD><TD>21.4</TD><TD>21.5</TD><TD>21.6</TD><TD>22</TD><TD>22.1</TD><TD>22.2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joyce</TD><TD>20.2</TD><TD>20.3</TD><TD>20.4</TD><TD>20.5</TD><TD>20.6</TD><TD>21</TD><TD>21.1</TD><TD>21.2</TD><TD>21.3</TD><TD>21.4</TD><TD>21.5</TD><TD>21.6 </TD></TR><TR><TD>snowpooher</TD><TD>20.2</TD><TD>20.3</TD><TD>20.4</TD><TD>20.5</TD><TD>20.6</TD><TD>21</TD><TD>21.1</TD><TD>21.2</TD><TD>21.3</TD><TD>21.4</TD><TD>21.5</TD><TD>21.6 </TD></TR><TR><TD>lbs</TD><TD>19.5</TD><TD>19.6</TD><TD>20</TD><TD>20.1</TD><TD>20.2</TD><TD>20.3</TD><TD>20.4</TD><TD>20.5</TD><TD>20.6</TD><TD>21</TD><TD>21.1</TD><TD>21.2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Laugh</TD><TD>19.4</TD><TD>19.5</TD><TD>19.6</TD><TD>20</TD><TD>20.1</TD><TD>20.2</TD><TD>20.3</TD><TD>20.4</TD><TD>20.5</TD><TD>20.6</TD><TD>21</TD><TD>21.1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Seiko</TD><TD>19.1</TD><TD>19.2</TD><TD>19.3</TD><TD>19.4</TD><TD>19.5</TD><TD>19.6</TD><TD>20</TD><TD>20.1</TD><TD>20.2</TD><TD>20.3</TD><TD>20.4</TD><TD>20.5 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Skinnyma</TD><TD>19</TD><TD>19.1</TD><TD>19.2</TD><TD>19.3</TD><TD>19.4</TD><TD>19.5</TD><TD>19.6</TD><TD>20</TD><TD>20.1</TD><TD>20.2</TD><TD>20.3</TD><TD>20.4 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Doll</TD><TD>19</TD><TD>19.1</TD><TD>19.2</TD><TD>19.3</TD><TD>19.4</TD><TD>19.5</TD><TD>19.6</TD><TD>20</TD><TD>20.1</TD><TD>20.2</TD><TD>20.3</TD><TD>20.4 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Elle</TD><TD>19</TD><TD>19.1</TD><TD>19.2</TD><TD>19.3</TD><TD>19.4</TD><TD>19.5</TD><TD>19.6</TD><TD>20</TD><TD>20.1</TD><TD>20.2</TD><TD>20.3</TD><TD>20.4 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lilac</TD><TD>18.6</TD><TD>19</TD><TD>19.1</TD><TD>19.2</TD><TD>19.3</TD><TD>19.4</TD><TD>19.5</TD><TD>19.6</TD><TD>20</TD><TD>20.1</TD><TD>20.2</TD><TD>20.3 </TD></TR><TR><TD>KC</TD><TD>17</TD><TD>18.5</TD><TD>18.6</TD><TD>19</TD><TD>19.1</TD><TD>19.2</TD><TD>19.3</TD><TD>19.4</TD><TD>19.5</TD><TD>19.6</TD><TD>20</TD><TD>20.1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wenn</TD><TD>18.5</TD><TD>18.6</TD><TD>19</TD><TD>19.1</TD><TD>19.2</TD><TD>19.3</TD><TD>19.4</TD><TD>19.5</TD><TD>19.6</TD><TD>20</TD><TD>20.1</TD><TD>20.2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bluebell</TD><TD>18.4</TD><TD>18.5</TD><TD>18.6</TD><TD>19</TD><TD>19.1</TD><TD>19.2</TD><TD>19.3</TD><TD>19.4</TD><TD>19.5</TD><TD>19.6</TD><TD>20</TD><TD>20.1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Scarydoggie</TD><TD>18.1</TD><TD>18.2</TD><TD>18.3</TD><TD>18.4</TD><TD>18.5</TD><TD>18.6</TD><TD>19</TD><TD>19.1</TD><TD>19.2</TD><TD>19.3</TD><TD>19.4</TD><TD>19.5 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cheese</TD><TD>18</TD><TD>18.1</TD><TD>18.2</TD><TD>18.3</TD><TD>18.4</TD><TD>18.5</TD><TD>18.6</TD><TD>19</TD><TD>19.1</TD><TD>19.2</TD><TD>19.3</TD><TD>19.4 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Elisa</TD><TD>17.5</TD><TD>17.6</TD><TD>18</TD><TD>18.1</TD><TD>18.2</TD><TD>18.3</TD><TD>18.4</TD><TD>18.5</TD><TD>18.6</TD><TD>19</TD><TD>19.1</TD><TD>19.2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ribena</TD><TD>17.4</TD><TD>17.5</TD><TD>17.6</TD><TD>18</TD><TD>18.1</TD><TD>18.2</TD><TD>18.3</TD><TD>18.4</TD><TD>18.5</TD><TD>18.6</TD><TD>19</TD><TD>19.1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>ohmig0sh</TD><TD>17.3</TD><TD>17.4</TD><TD>17.5</TD><TD>17.6</TD><TD>18</TD><TD>18.1</TD><TD>18.2</TD><TD>18.3</TD><TD>18.4</TD><TD>18.5</TD><TD>18.6</TD><TD>19 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Folic</TD><TD>17</TD><TD>17.1</TD><TD>17.2</TD><TD>17.3</TD><TD>17.4</TD><TD>17.5</TD><TD>17.6</TD><TD>18</TD><TD>18.1</TD><TD>18.2</TD><TD>18.3</TD><TD>18.4 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lee-Tung</TD><TD>16.6</TD><TD>17</TD><TD>17.1</TD><TD>17.2</TD><TD>17.3</TD><TD>17.4</TD><TD>17.5</TD><TD>17.6</TD><TD>18</TD><TD>18.1</TD><TD>18.2</TD><TD>18.3 </TD></TR><TR><TD>bonnygal</TD><TD>16.1</TD><TD>16.2</TD><TD>16.3</TD><TD>16.4</TD><TD>16.5</TD><TD>16.6</TD><TD>17</TD><TD>17.1</TD><TD>17.2</TD><TD>17.3</TD><TD>17.4</TD><TD>17.5 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table></font>

<font color="1aaa5c"><font size="+2"><font face="EraserDust">A Wondrous Journey.....</font></font></font>

<font color="aa00aa"><font face="EraserDust">If you ladies have decided on which hospital to deliver, please update me. Thanks...</font></font>
hi Joyce, congrats on having a boy! Happy happy!

Hi Lee Tung, congrats on having a girl
same like me .. girl girl

Your wish is so cute.. if tummy can be transparent then gyne no need to earn $ liao loh
For me it wld be good if there is a kinda special specs that we can put on and see thru our tummy when we want to.. heehee

Agree with you.. ever since i'm pregnant i start to understand why people always say mother most 'wei-da'.


Wow u r popular, so many of us here are anxious to know how did your details scan go..Must come in update us okie


I notice BB more active during nite time huh? U feel the same?.. Also after each meal also cld feel slight movement.. I kinda imagine BB is also eating leh.. heehee

I also noticed that my BB more active during night time and especially after eating. You know what, I thought it was earthquake last night when I was talking to my hubby then I quickily hold the table and only realised that it was BB's movement made me felt like "earthquake". Hm, I suspect she was turning 360 degree and playing happily.

When I was lying on the bed, hubby played with her by asking her boxed my womb, turned or swim and I really feel the rolling movement in my womb. Can she hear? and did whatever her dad asked her to do so? It was a sleepless night for me because of her active movement . Then today, I asked hubby asked her to be more obedient for not moving so much, you know what? she really just stay calm~~ Isnt it amazing?

I think playing classical music really helps to bb's development. I can feel her movement when I play JS Bach and Mozart's music
Maybe you gals can try.
Hi Joyce,
Congrats on yr BB boy! So most maternal instincts are rather accurate.
Now we have the same number of BB boys vs girls!
Joyce is of course popular here! She is our 'informant' providing a lot of useful infor. and updating the record.
All thanks to her.
Hi joyce, congrats! You have now balanced out the girls &amp; boys! hee hee..our little girls got hope already, can find their mates!

Agree with all of u. seems like baby starts to move a lot when i'm still, like sitting down to watch TV or lying in bed about to sleep. in the day, when we're up &amp; about, i think baby is having a nice time being rocked to sleep! No wonder they sing "rock-a-bye baby..."

Elle, yeah..thinking of being cut down there makes my hair stand!!! more afraid of the healing process after that...imagine go toilet must be damn stinging!!!
Thanks everyone!!
I'm glad it's <font color="0000ff">boy</font>, coz no need to buy so many new bb clothing, lol!


The sonographer gave me this u/s picture yesterday...
Hi! Joyce,

Congrats!.. Your six sense really 'zun'..
Wow the "competition" is getting stronger.. wonder wld girls or boys be the majority.. Haha the next update wld be from Lyn Baby..

Hows the scanning goes? Did the sonographer have a hard time scanning for your BB's little water gun.. heehee? how long did your scan last?

I really hope during my detail scan BB wld co-ordinate with me..
hi Joyce,
Congrats!!!! You very cute leh, must put 9 boys Vs 9 girls!!! Battle of the Sexes. The top part of ur U/S are the hands right? So wat ur hubby say? u got tell ur son he got brother to play with liao!

hi Elle,
Yah yah like those 3D glasses right? We should have some kind of X-Ray glasses which is not harmful to "view" our tummy.

Hi Tiny,
It can be quite stinging when the vaginal tear heals, esp when the flesh is trying to close with the stitches there. Last time my gynae gave me a toilet basin, put salt with water and seat on it, with the wound touching the water for 10 mins. It increase the healing process much faster.
<font color="0000ff">Elle</font>, wah biang, at first everything was ok except can't see the bb's heart clearly. Then I was told to go to another room to scan again. And a doctor scan for me, but still can't see. He ask me to come back next week, Aiyoo, I say I don want. So he ask me go walk walk then scan again.
After walk and eat, I go for scanning again, finally can see liao but then hor still can't confirm the gender coz of my 'bui ba', too thick lah!!! Can't see clearly... The whole detailed scan took about 2 hrs like that...

After that, I went for my monthly checkup at TPS, and John Tee confirmed the gender for me.

Hi <font color="ff6000">Java</font>, I told my little monster liao, he like bo chap leh... maybe he's too young to understand. Siao liao, got 3 water guns at home liao, sure flood!!

yah loh joyce, think the reality will hit your boy when your little one is out.. then he will realise that he will have to share his things from now on. i think girls more sensible leh.. my aunt just gave birth and when she asked her 2.5 yr old to talk to mei mei in her tummy, she will loh...
