(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

hey OMG, i did put him to his side once he is alseep. i mean, that's the best i can do for now.

folic, i will try to relax and drink more and rest more. but my bb abit cranky these few days lah... dun wan to sleep in the day.. only sleep for 1/2- 1 hr each interval. so din manage to rest as much as i want to.

elle, congrats! actually, u should have read my birth story. i was only 2 cm dilated when i asked for epidural. after that, from 2cm to 10cm only took 1/2 hr. my fren's wife also same thing. maybe u should have waited for a while to see what happens.... but nvm, what's impt is that the bb is safely delivered and both of u are well......


One thing to take note dun eat too much prior entering the delivery suite.. the laughing gas smell will make you vomit like nobody biz..I find it ineffective at all.

I'm very unfortunate cos u recall the day b4 (fri) i said in the forum that i've got block nose and flu.. it actually affected my 'performance' to breath.. thats why half dead. Be careful of wat you eat these days since u r approaching delivery.. dun eat too heaty food.

As i've got bleeding in the bladder due to hard push while trying for natural I've got urinator tube brought home with me till today.. dr ang doesn't allow me to take out till Fri. He let me dischrg after 3days standard stay in TMC but then i'm still stuck with this urinator tube where i gotta bring it everywhere with me. So malu..
but he jus being kiasu lah.. he wanna ensure my bladder is clear from blood.

Another bad news..he suggest i go c-section for future delivery
cos he realise that i can't go for natural due to my narrow pelvis bone.. My BB head got stuck to my pelvis bone while trying to push his way out.. perhaps tats the reason why i've not engaged even though i'm into my due weeks.

C-section is really se-nang .. but then hor the after effect is jialat leh.. The stitches is painful. But i realise my tummy flat faster than those who go natural leh..


Anyone of you go thru c-section birth? I really phobia of the stitches leh.. very scared it wld break out..

is it natural to have coughing symptom after the surgery? I start to cough the very next day and it hurts my stitches.. i'm very scared..
When cld the stitches be taken out?
hi jannie,

ya lor.. i'm thinking my gyne shldn't hv let me admit so soon mah..Bcos of my earlier fast 1cm dilation thats why it cause anyone to think that i wld dilate fast.. who knows it turns out to be tortise slow

My gyne even break my water bag inorder for me to dilate even faster..but it becomes slower..haha..
I'm not that lucky leh.. with my bone structure i guess not advisable to try natural anymore. My gyne says will hurt my womb if i ever tried that again..
May try natural unless my bone wld mysteriously stretch someday.. haha..
Hi all

I'm back too!

My birth story is similar to Elle's except that I had assisted vacuum delivery & my episiotomy wound hurts big time now. Everytime i sneeze or cough, the wound hurts

Have been latching my girl on but not regularly. This morning started to notice that my breasts are hard and painful liao. Think have to start pumping regularly....
Hi Ribena,
Tomorrow will be seeing my gynae..hopefully baby is engaged or got dilate lor..last week dun haf mar..

Elle!! Glad to know u are back *hugz* wah..ur labour story is scaring me ler..then that dr ang also very cartoon one...eheh...will be seeing him tomolo same time again. Me now wonder whether i want to take epidural right away or what..Rose the massage lady told me to book my anesthetics. Recommended a good one from Mt E. But Dr Ang din say anything abt it ler...so if need TMC will provide huh? I will ask him tomorrow..better get prepared soon.

Now u feeling better or not..stiches ok? Hmm..ur dilation very slow..no wonder i was wondering how come u told me Dr Ang said u can go hospital liao..that time ard 1+ pm..then din hear from you anymore until at night..tot u haf delivered earlier and too tired. Anyway..luckily everything is fine..that is the most impt thing..
now my turn ler...have to wait for 2 more weeks b4 my EDD..

Elle u only ate a burger and 2 hard boiled eggs..not that much..still will puke? then if dun eat no strength to push.
Anyway i will bear that in mind..if not i will also kena scold by dr Ang. hehehe
Hi Elle
Congrats on your newborn..aiyo your birth story rather dramatic ler..

Hi gals
Ray has been rather cranky since yesterday night. Usually after his feed arnd 9+ he will sleep thru till abt 12-1 for his midnite feed. However, he refused to go back to sleep & was wide awake..in between demand for more milk...then @ arnd 11+, he was crying like nobody business..really dunno what he want..tried very long to latch him, only for abt 15mins (one side) & fed him with 30ml formula. Finally slept thru till arnd 3am, woke up but only drank for abt 20mins, refuse bottle...then woke up again about 6am+, latch him for abt 30mins, refuse bottle again. This time, refuse to go back to sleep & keep crying hard again! Hubby has to carry him & finally sleep for abt an hr..
I wonder what happen?? Not enough eat or what? Anyone know usually for a 2 weeks old baby, how much milk he/she will consume?

I also notice for Ray, he is like having constipation & uses a lot of energy to push until his face all red! Sometimes, only air, sometimes, with a bit of poo..but again doesnt look like constipation, cos he passes motion abt 3-4 times a day & the stool is rather loose ler...

btw ladies
Any of your bb has this problem? My Ray will suddenly 'jump' from his deep sleep occasionally, sometimes will cause him to cry (like having nightmare like that) ...wonder is it normal??
hi elle,
congratz! your birth story very interesting..almost felt like i was going thru it while reading haha..

lbs, like what i told jannie, maybe ur baby going thru growth spurt. last night's incident could be a one off thing, don't worry too much. and yes, emma would also jerk a lot in her sleep and shock herself awake, and according to the pd it's cos they haven't learnt how to control their muscles yet. and that's why i find that laying her on her tummy helps, as i posted earlier with the photos. In that position, you have to be careful and watch though. But i think Ray is still a bit too young so may not be safe to do that (if he can't turn his head there's the risk of suffocation). can try putting a weight on his front, like a pillow.
kristen, rose also recommended me that anaesthetist. but i think abt it, getting an in-house one would be much faster. if not, prob have to wait at least 30-45 mins for him to come. so i din book that dr loh. maybe u can ask your doc if he has any regular one that he uses....

wenn, i had that problem too... wound hurts whenever i sneeze or cough.. so i had to control. just bear with it and it should get better by end of week 2.

lbs, your ray's pattern sounds like my boy's. tiny reminded me that maybe the bb is undergoing a growth spurt so is demanding more milk at a lesser interval (cos their stomach not big mah). i m waiting for him to outgrow that stage by himself loh.... i have asked ard and most pple told me that bbies will more or less settle in a schedule when they are abt 2-3 mths old.... so gotta endure for another 1-2 mths...

with regards to bbies "jumping" in their sleep, many elders advised me to wrap bbies tightly with their hands bonded so that they will feel more secure and able to sleep better. this is very normal lah, so dun worry too much abt it. some pple buy the bean sprout pillow to put on bbies chest.
hi folic,
i was told it's ok if baby drinks some of our blood in breastmilk. even tho i've also thrown away 'bandung' looking milk before! so gross, hor? haha..luckily my nipples have toughened up and are not sore anymore. i never imagined i'd arrive at this stage. the first 2 weeks were TERRIBLE for me! how come you bring your breastpump around with you?
girls, ask u a few qns here. when can we resume sexual activities huh? the KKH handbook just say can resume as long as we feel up to it... but what is the general guideline? i dun even know when the wound will heal!!

also, what do u do when bb hiccups? my mom will give water but sometimes, he hiccups right after his milk feed so i told mom not to give water right away. other then giving water, what other options do we have?
jannie/lbs, regarding wrapping the baby tightly, my PD warned us that there's also some risk in doing that, cos some babies can stop breathing (ie, apnoea) if wrapped too tightly. apparently they may think that they are in the womb and so stop breathing.

aiyah sometimes so difficult hor? everything also must consider...dunno what to do! i've tried so many things in the past 5 weeks, and for everything we try someone has someting to say about it!
jannie, i just let her finish hicupping on her own...it doesn't seem to bother her leh! i think it bothers us more! but i try to hold her upright so that she won't throw up (sometimes does a bit when she hiccups)

regarding sexual activities, i guess if you're not feeling any pain ? i also dunno...check with your gynae i guess he can tell if you're completely healed!
Hi Tiny, yah, the bandung looking milk is so gross... FZor a while, I feel like those drinks machine in 7-11... one side vanilla flavour, one side strawberry flavour... I thot that was quite funny even though I was also feeling quite sad that there is bleeding. haha!

I brought my pump out cos my girl was still in hospital and I needed to pump in the morning before she was discharged. I put tons of medela purelan nipple cream the whole of yesterday and now, it feels better and no more bleeding.

Hi elle, congrats and speedy recovery!

hi tiny/jannie

thks for your advise..but Ray is only turning 2 weeks today, so fast going thru the growth spurt?

I actually put him on his tummy during day time but like what tiny said, Ray's still too young so at night, I dare not to put him in that position..did put pillows around him though, but helps sometmes only...

I cant wrap him like what they did in the hospital cos I didnt on the aurcon at night...too hot for him.Hubby has sensitive nose, cant sleep in airconditioning room lor..
i am so stress out when he cries non-stop at night cos my mum & mil are just next door & they will be overly concern, keep asking what happen..argh~

when Ray having hiccups, I will latch him on my breast for a while...i does help ..
Hi all,
I'm very stressed by Ashley's blocked nose. Sometimes there's a whistling sound...i hope & pray very hard that it's not asthma. Was thinking whether it's the air pollution these days with all the bush fires & wat not
Then i found on her cot a small packet of seeds..apparently MIL says breathing it will help with jaundice! OMG! I hope the pollen had not triggered asthma!
Am really at a lost, cos when i brought her to doctor, she's ok

Hi Elle,
As long as baby is safe & sound..i guess all the "suffering" was worth it right?
lbs, why don't you try the pacifier then? it soothes emma sometimes. esp when she's very sleepy and grouchy it helps her to fall asleep. haha, told u i've been trying almost everything! different things seem to work at different times! i may be confusing my poor baby..haha..but generally these have worked:
1) pacifier - to help soothe her so that she falls asleep and i don't have to carry her all the time
2) sleeping on tummy - helps in the day for better sleep (she doesn't jerk awake)
3) exposing her to daylight - helps her differentiate between day & night, and thus helps her sleep well at night
4) gripe water - when she doesn't burp well and thus has too much wind

now my question is, do any of your babies have heat rash? since we've been sunning her (for jaundice) this week, she's been getting rash on her face. red patches with red dots like pimples...so poor thing! what to do?
My Ashley also has lots of hiccups...since she was in my tummy until now. It does seem to bother her though..so i try to burp her or latch her on for a while.
HI Tiny,
My baby also seem to start having some rash-like little pimples..wondering if it's the heaty food that i'm eating

Anything to apply?

How i wish this stupid confinement will be over soon..then i can bath everyday, feel/smell clean, eat normal food...
oh OMG, i forgot to answer your question. my PD says that their nasal passage still very small, so blocked nose is very common. but if it's the kind that has mucous you can suck it out. Pigeon has this contraption where you put one end to baby's nose and you suck the other end, to draw the mucous out. if it's nose shit then you can use a cotton bud to clean. but if nothing then there's nothing we can do but to let the baby grow bigger and the passageway will become bigger to let air thru!

and as for my diet, my MIL did feed me with lots of ginger during the first month, but now no more. does ginger really affect jaundice?
Hi Elle, welcome back!

I forgot to tell you dun eat any stuff before you went into the delivery room. This is in case of emergency C-Section. You know before operation, 6 hrs cannot eat things rule...

My last eating was at 2am and I was admitted to hospital at 7.45am, 10am induced, delivered at 2pm+.
Hi Tiny

My hubby is pretty against the idea of introducing pacifier...he & his theory..anyway..

Actually after your recommendation on the gripe water, I asked my MIl & mum when they go market, check it out at the medicine hall for me...dunno where they go...till todate cant find it...~sigh~
btw, when do you feed Emma with gripe water? After each bottle feed? How to give huhh?

I am going to ask hubby to buy ru yi oil today..btw, can we apply as & when or must be after bath?

My PD & gynae both told me if bb has jaundice, try to eat everything in moderate..which includes ginger..also, not advisable to eat 'bao shen'..My MIL likes to steam the chicken to get the essence with 'bao shen' until I told her dont.

hi omg
Ray also seem to have blocked nose & sometimes when he cries, seems to be out of breath. I am also very worried if this is asthma. Will check it out with PD tomorrow again...
oh..forgot to add..

Tiny, your little Emma so cute!
I havent get the time to take nice pics of Ray yet..most of the time either latching him or soothing him...hahaha..else he is sleeping..alamak..hard to get Kodak moment lar..

But his daddy has took some video for him though..
hi elle !!

welcome back n glad u r doing ok now

ur birth story of vomiting reminds me of mine. didn't know tat it is the laughing gas which induces nausea.... anyway glad u n bb r doing well

kristen, the one which rose recommended is Dr Ting right? heheh i booked him but in the end didn't use. i had only 2 tao sha buns n puked all the way even when delivering so i guess play safe not to eat better...

jannie, today was my last day of the massage. can feel hips go down but the "meaty" part still there. have to exercise n lose that part ourselves...

hi tiny, my bb also had heat rash. PD gave some cream to apply so far getting better. the weather also plays a part. her rash seems to go down when we bring her in to aircon but she starts sneezing so had to make do with fan n slowly let the heat rash heal...

hi snowpooher, mi eating "du zhong soup", pork with lots of sesame oil n ginger. seems like these 2 dishes only... week after delivery was wood fungus with chicken..

feeling so so sianz. broke down few days n yell unwanted stuff @ my hubby ago coz of my mum. basically no chance to c my own bb, everytime keep in her room. if we do anything , hover like a hawk behind us. cannot tahan
you can get gripe water from guardian pharmacy i got from the one at centrepoint. i also saw it on the shelves in the supermarket at Tanglin Mall. (baby section) don't give too much, i only gave just about half a teaspoon after feeding her, every 12 hours. (ie, after the 11+am and 11+pm feeds)

the heat rash is all over her face, i feel so heartpain when i see it! nothing much we can do perhaps? i guess i'll as the PD about the cream when i next visit him next week.

doll, i think we all have the same issues with our parents/in laws...every new parent i speak to says the same things...nevermind, just have to bear with it and try our best to keep the "domestic peace" (that's what my PD calls it!) i guess they are all too enthusiastic abt their new role as grandparents...
oh ya, for yu yee oil, my mil just puts a bit on her hands, rubs them together and places her (warm) hands on baby's tummy. she will do it sometimes after bath. i dunno if it works, but emma just looks bewildered when she does it. must be thinking what's that strange sensation on my tummy?!?
I think your mum cant find the gripe water becoz the packaging box is a bit different from the past. Why dont u ask her to check with the medical hall person? I think they call it "fei zhai shui".

Elle, welcome back! Do remember to rest more and dont walk around esp. if you have stiches.
Hi Tiny,
Thank u! Her blocked nose sounds like there's a piece of thick dry mucus somewhere in her airway!..can't get anything out with nasal aspirator. Hope it's just a passing phase & not asthma! Anyway i just threw away MIL's packet of seeds, changed baby's cotsheets & cleaned up her cot--wiped everything down..hope that'll solve the problem.

Hi lbs,
Ur Ray cry till out of breath...my Ashley drink milk till out of breath..really worrying. If she's not better after today (with changed cotsheets & cleaned cot), will bring her to a PD tomorrow!

Hi doll,
Cheer up!

I'm the opposite..gotta take care of every single thing of baby on my own...MIL won;t lift a finger to even help change her nappy--she says "the last time i handled a baby was 30 yrs ago". Sigh...then dunno why she even volunteered to help out when i wanted to look for confinement lady that time. & she's even retiring to look after Ashley...I really "bu fang xin".
hi tiny/omigosh,

trying very hard not to say anything but she only bathe bb in water for the past 2 weeks, then she leaves bb on the bed without pulling the curtain or have something block the sun.. hiaz. many other stuff until i wanna pengz. to tin i asked her to retire.

omigosh like u, i tink i will b worried when i go back to work..

anyway, anyone doing their full mth or have done theirs? just realise alyssa's next week. hehe somehow her chinese n english full mth falls on the same day. so planning to hold on that day even though it's a weekday...
OMG, my bb also got mucus like things in his nose. i bought pigeon brand extra thin stem cotton buds. wet them, squeeze it dry and b4 trying to clean his nose with it. so far, it works good cos it is thinner than the normal cotton buds we buy generally.

lbs, regarding wrapping, what i do is use a piece of cotton nappy to wrap him abit loosely, so that he is not that warm. if his hands somehow got released, i will just leave it alone. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't..

my bb also got heat rash on his head and "pimples" on his face!!! i just try to use cooled boiled water to clean loh. my mom would put a tiny bit of prickly heat powder on his head (those not hot type). the powder works but i think it is the weather, the rash will come back later....

me and hubby also against the idea of pacifier. but after a few nights, we had to try all ways and means to pacify him and mom said to try pacifier. no choice loh...for the sake of calming bb...

tiny, i love your ger's shots, esp the one with her tongue sticking out....
I also saw gripe water at cold storage. It is a blue box wif a bb face if i m not mistaken. heh..the doc is Dr Ting..she always said wanna give me LC's number to call but she always forget..then i also forget to ask her..

tiny, ur bb so cute ler..so small can show funny faces already hehe..so smart
Elle and wenn, welcome back

My baby so far so good, not so cranky. But hor, I'm now worrying about my wound now...
wonder when it'll be over leh...
hi gals,

Thanks for the warmth welcome!

I'm pretty puzzled how come now it has already been 6days past my delivery but i still dun have milk supply? Since day 2 i've tried to breast feed him till today. One day only try 3-4 times and each time 15mins each side , but how come still no flow leh?

I squeeze my nipples got a bit of milk come out but its not like most of you gals here where the milk flow like nobody biz leh..

Cld someone enlighten me how to increase milk supply? Or is it still too early?


Yah as wat snowpooher says better dun eat much cos u cld also be like me dun like the smell of the laughing gas..

Oh dr. ang hor.. very cartoon one.. i'm in the delivery room suffering so hard with the painful contraction and there he is talking to his wife over the mobile phone whether they wanna eat 'hay-mee' for dinner.. haha.. That day is a sat hor.. during the afternoon he wore casual polo-shirt and pants to deliver and then har nite time even more casual, polo t-shirt and bermuda ..haha.. Really dun look like a serious gyne.. heehee.. But i like it lah.. at least not so stern mah.. more relax atmosphere..


That time how did dr.ang induce for you ha?
I recall your birth story also quite dramtic one hor.. Hows your stitches now? have it healed?

they say got stitch wound better dun eat chicken, is it true?


Yah.. agree whenever i see my precious one.. all the pain i've suffered is worth it..

But tell you frankly leh when i was in the delivery suite i kinda ask myself why am i going thru this pain! haha.. Is only when i see my little one born i've forgotten all abt wat have happen liao..

Hi lbs,

is very common for BB to 'jerk' suddenly during his sleep.. last time my mum baby sit all babies like tat one.. in fact i like the sight of it..hee hee.. so cute (yah..i bian-tai). You may wish to use a pillow made of bean sprouts cover to press it on BB's tummy.

may i know for us who've undergone c-section, when then can we start malay massage?

Hows your wound? Has it healed? Mine still painful leh esp.when i cough or trying to get up from bed, is it normal?
My gyne just pasted the plaster over the wound area when he remove the stitches, do you know when can we remove the plaster?
elle, my masseur advised that better to wait 1 mth after c-sec for massage. some pple claimed that can start immediately after c-sec. i think should wait till the wound is more or less healed first.

Continue to let the baby suckle as often as possible. When you squeeze, what is the color of the milk? Is it clear or white? If it is white, it signals that milk is already in. Today is my 8th day with the baby. It was only 2-3 days ago that I notice that the milk is whitish instead of the colostrum clear looking type. When I squeeze, it doesnt jus flow as well, jus a little. I only realise how much I have when I pumped the milk when my girl is in hospital. After I use the pump, somehow the milk flow become more and the body is used to having milk pump out from both breast at the same time. This give me the problem of leaking breast when I try latch her directly, the other breast will start leaking. Don't worry too much if your baby's output is normal, ie about 8-10 nappy changes a day.

If you want to increase milk flow, try drinking papaya soup with fish/pork or peanut soup with pork. I think it helps. Also, drink a warm glass of water/red date tea before feeding. It also helps.

hi Elle,
ahhaha..so funny..morning i saw him like very shagged at MAH..then afternoon he changed to polo t ar...then bermudas? ehehhe...can't imagine how he looks like..he very good hor..u were down there so pain..he could still talk abt eating hay mee!?!! so cute...

hmm..will bear that in mind..wun eat anything b4 delivery...hai..now i am so bored at work ler...nothing much to do liao..so hard to charge time ler..so sian..want to take leave earlier dunno can or not coz still got outstanding things which is hanging lor..u know lar..my kind of job i have to account for every minute i am at work..cannot charge to admin also.sian sian...

Agreed with jannie u should wait a while b4 u do ur massage ler..u having rose too? rose said one mth for c-section but few days for natural birth.

I signed up for FBI already..went down the day u were discharged haha..too bad u not ard.if not can pay ur a visit..
so u stayed in 2 bedded lar?
Hello ladies, I'm a newbie here just 2 days old. My edd is 10 more days! Honestly giving birth really freak me out - kind of... but I must brave through that. I'm more worried is the epidural and needles and not to mention C-sec!
Hi Elle
Like what suggested by folic, you need to latch your bb as much as possible in ordrr to stimulate the milk flow. For me, the initial few days, is the colostrum clear looking type & is not much. The milk flow only start flowing like no body business since beginning of this week...hahaha..Oh, you can also massage your breasts, then put on a hot towel on the breats everytime before you let your bb suckle..it helps..

hey folic
You also drinking papaya soup? Can I check with you, what type of fish you put in to cook? My MIL uses bak kut instead...but I heard fish is better...
Hi Doll,
I think it's ok to bath baby in water only..no real need for baby soap for now. But need to close the window/curtain lah...dun want baby to catch a cold..did u tell ur mum?

Hi Jannie,
i think i'll try that tiny cotton bud. do u go very deep? cos when i look at her nostril, the visible part is clear. & she'll struggle/cry even when i try using the nasal aspirator.

Hi Elle,
Heheh! Yahlor...it brightens my day to see her smile..although now it's more of a reflex smile than a genuine smile

my milk flow came after ~5days. Try to eat more fish. According to my aunts, best to eat "ngor her" (chinese: wu-3 yu-2) or codfish (xue-3 yu-2) for milk flow. & drink lots of water. When the milk flow 1st come, there may be engorgement..so use hot towel & massage, so milk can flow better.
And u have to latch baby more...every 3 hourly.
Can you teach me how to prepare the papaya soup with fish. What kind of papaya to buy? Ripe or upripe one? And how long do we have to boil the soup.

ohmigosh, my boy also has snuffly nose. I use the Pigeon nasal thingie (the one you suck with) to draw it out into the outer nose and then I use Pigeon tweezer thingie (blunt edge) to pick it out.. that's the most effective way to remove those biggies!

Elle, congratulations!!!!
Hi elle,
My mom cooked papaya soup with pork rib on tuesday & cod fish with spinach yesterday for me. I try to latch on as much as possible from day 2 oso. This morning ah, woke up with blocked ducts liao.... been latching & pumping but ducts still blocked... very frust now
Hi Joyce,
Glad to hear that everything is fine on ur end

Updated my birth story over at 'u know where' liao...
Hi KC,
the nurse told me small young papayas will do... my blur mum bought a mid-size green one which we cut into 2 for 2 different meals. works just as well. she boiled it with pork ribs like normal soup...
Hi Catz & Jannie,
Yippee! Managed to get a big piece of Ashley's "pee-sai" out from her left nostril last night using the nasal aspirator..she was crying away, luckily i've experience doing that (used to suction babies nose & mouth at work). Now she sounds better but still abit blocked on right side.

Her jaundice still persisting..now 201. & today the dr say must test until it's below 120??!!!
Another dr previously says can stop testing once it's a downward trend.
The KKH A&E Dr who admitted her last week said if she were ~2wk old & it's 200+, they won't be too worried liao.
So confusing!!! Some r so conservative, some r so gung-ho.
BTW, do u all find the air very polluted these days? Is it everywhere or just Sembawang?

If i open windows, it'll be really smoggy & dusty..if dun open it'll be real stuffy. Dun think having aircon all the time is good for baby as well right?

may i know for us who've undergone c-section, when then can we start malay massage?
Hi Elle,
Congrats & welcome back.

I too have c-section, I took painkiller during the 1st 5day although the pain was bearable and afterwhich I don't feel the pain anymore.

As for the waterproof plaster pasted on ur wound after the removal of ur stitches, my gyne advise me to remove aft 3 days.
