(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

Not the one at sushi teh so must be the one beside fruit stall. Oh yes basically all their ramen are nice. I always ask for extra spicy.


another kaki who love spicy food! Hurray..

oh i was at the fruit stall just before i spotted Poh, may have just missed you...

perhaps we can arrange for lunch there soon with Poh ya...
Hi dolphina & MG teo,

I don't might having the ramen, spicy & quite good! ok, set which day? Monday??

Thursday will be my last day at my Capital square... I'm going to miss this place. My new working place is at tanjong Pagar, not so happeneing! hee...
Hi Ladies,

Thank you all for your encouragement. I was trembling all day on Wed when I'm on my way to get the kit. Tested in the afternoon and the verdict is.......... -ve.

Surprised, but dunno whether it's accurate cos I lost all menstruation feeling again (same feeling before I knew I'm preggy with Phoebe). And worse part is Phoebe is acting very strange these few days. She's avoiding me and in a way refusing me to be close to her.. Any expecting mother experiencing this? Feel really bad leh..

I would love to have a number 2, just that I have not recover from my after birth complications yet so I might be compromising 'life quality' of the little one if I'm really preggy. But after reading so much encouragement from mummies here, especially Blanche, Catz, twinkle, MG, yve, Poh and sleepymum, I guess when there's a will, there's way and I gotta find YC for special care... hehehe

Will keep you posted in 2 weeks time...
ha.. gan cheong hor.. That time i just test for fun to make sure I am not pregnant before gng on a diet.. and then kenna leow.. and I was still thinking why i always so hungry then..

And I got a ergo already! Stupid hubby refuse to use it though, cos it is cranberry and he thinks it is sissy.. blah..
emonster, hmm..maybe Phoebe's going through a toddler stage. Timothy's been staging HUGE tantrums both yesterday and today, and we're really scratching our heads as to the reason.. just hang on in there lah.. and let us know in 2 weeks

yve, haha.. your hubby is so funny. Cranberry is not sissy mah..
Tell him that if he's macho enough, even if he wears pink, he will not look sissy..that's what I always tell my husband. Wah you very fast hor? So how much did you pay for it?
dolphina, poh
Ok shall we set a day and time. Monday is fine with me. If go at 12pm not so crowded. Anyway my lunchtime is only 1hr so I can go either 12pm or 1pm.

Maybe you can do the testing again after 10-14 days. Thats more accurate I think. Maybe you too stressed leh...relax and go do things you enjoy.

why not test it first thing in the morning...its more accurate that way. anyway dun worry too much ya. hope to hear good news from u soon!

monday is fine with me... ya used to work at SIA building in Tanjong Pagar, not as happening as Raffles Place. Hey u must try the claypot rice at Uncle Sam, their balachan chilli is very good since u are also a chilli fan.

ok set on Monday..my lunch is flexible from 12-2..

so glad its finally TGIF!
got it second hand for $120.. Tried with Angel and Brian last night.. They seem okay with it.. But have not tried walking for long distance with it.. Hope MIL find it useful lor.. Good that can it with both the kids..

Angel cried at childcare this morning.. think she not used to seeing the kids not in uniform today.. Cos today celebrating teachers day, so got party and everyone can wear party clothes..
Yeah TGIF.. I'm just counting down till 15th Sept when I will be free (er, maybe not so free lah but don't hv to brave morning/evening rush hour)..

yve, yah that's why I think I will get the Ergo or Patapum soon.. if not I will die carrying Mr Golden Legs Timothy when I am alone with him.
Wah, so happy to read so many postings. And all the talk about lunch and food is making me hungry. kekeke...

Are you trembling with excitement or what? So cute ....

When his hands and shoulder pain, he will use it.

When is your detailed scan? Must keep us posted hor?

He is behaving strangely with all animals pictures now. Whenever he sees a bear or a cat or dog, anything animate, he will hit them with his hands. Even though they are on his shirt, he will hit them and thus hit himself. Very strange hor?
It will still be very tiring to carry our boy even with the carrier. Whenever I carry Ryan(10.9kg) in the Ergo for less than 30mins, my back pain already... Think you better avoid carry Tim for too long.

Dolphina & MG, Monday 12pm is fine with me! My is rubberband timing! Let's set our hotdate on Monday, 12pm at the Kamen store beside the fruitjuice shop?
Hello, I'm back. Sorry for away for so long. This month has been a busy period, perparing for new sales canvass & with colleagues leaving, got to buy dinner & get-together.

Twinkle: congratulations to you! so when is your EDD? Hope your MS will get better soon.

Blanche: really like the photos of your 2 babies lying on the bed. So nice to have 2. Me still trying...though not very diligently. haha..

catz: congratulations to your SAHM dream. I think life is too short to spend your days on things you don't enjoy. Now is a good time to spend more time with Tim before the 2nd one. So are you going to drop by @ your mum's place everyday otherwise very siong when yr hubby goes to work.

This week has not been a good week for us. 3 of us got intestional virus. Lucas has not been drinking his milk for the last 5 days. He hated the Isomil & has since avoiding his milk. As for me, got from him after taking 1 day child mc. also good lah, take it as fasting for me 'cause eat too much good food for the last 2 weeks, keep buying dinner for boss & colleagues who are leaving.

Looking forward to our drive-up again to Port Dickson with my brothers & nieces. Now only look forward to holidays...
Hey Tetra, welcome back
You sound busy! Hey, instead of Isomil, you can actually give Pediasure which is lactose free. Hope all 3 of you get better soon. For me, I will try to go it alone as SAHM but maybe go over once or twice to let my parents have some Timothy time
Hi...long time never see your postings already...! Talking about colleagues leaving, my company also had a few of them left after I turned perm.

Oh no intestinal virus. What happened? How Lucas got it? Hope you all get well soon.
Did you just went to Port Dickson? So nice to go for holiday. I'm actually planning during the Deepavali week but hubby can't so SIAN....

Don't know why Claira is having fever again on Saturday same thing 1dose of paracetamol fever is gone. Wondering is it because of teething? She's been drooling alot than usual. Any of your child experiencing this?
MG Teo: Sounds like Claira is teething. How is she today? I also have no idea how Lucas got the virus but PD said that it is going around.

catz: wah, then quite siong. but you can lah, very experienced SAHM already.

yesterday slept the whole day then went to Night Safari & came back about 10.30pm. Quite fun but dark especially when walking along the trails. Lucas enjoyed the most when he got to eat Ben & Jerry wafer. we also just signed for the membership, so should be going there more often since it's so near to my place.
Hi girls,
Piggy, you miss me huh?
Yah, been busy, come in occasionally to read, but not enuf time to post.

Congrats to all the preggy mummies! I'm so envious and looking forward to my turn, but not going to try yet until end of the year due to certain work committments *sigh*. Didn't get much MS with Sherman, but never know how the next pregnancy will be like, so delay a bit more lah. Can't be out of action for now.

I weighed Sherman last night and he is a whopping 11.8kg! No wonder my arms feel weaker and weaker when I carry him. He's such a big eater, think he eats as much as some adults! At a Jap restaurant recently, he ate up half a bowl of rice, the whole cup of chawanmushi, half a piece of fish, tofu and another 5 long strands of udon noodles! No wonder ppl think he's 2 yrs old.
Hi Mums,
I have to side track a little. Can all mums here share with me what you have to put aside each month for household bills? like PUB, marketing, property tax, etc, etc
Me also suspect she's teething. She's totally fine now only Saturday with 1dose of paracetamol and she's ok already. Haven't been to night safari must wait til Claira abit older cos she has to be in bed by 21:30.

Sometimes Claira also eat alot but maybe boys eat more than girl also especially if they're active.

Me staying with ILs so can't share with you this.
Hi mummies.
Have not posted for a long time, come in here to read the threads quite often but always have nothing much to say
Congrats to twinkle, seems like more mummies here are having No. 2 .. We are also planning for No 2 after our Australia trip end of this mth. Will be going to Brisbane / Cairns for 2.5 weeks from 28 Sept. Really looking forward to this trip coz haven't had a proper holiday for soooooo long

Was surprised to read that you have tendered coz I thought u will wait till after your maternity leave but i guess you are really not happy there. Good that you can spend more time with Tim before the baby comes along. By the way, I have signed up for a 2nd semester for Dylan at Pat's, they were very nice to pro-rate the 3 lessons I will be away.

Dylan is a happy smilely toddler now and my parents are enjoying him more each day. So are we
Some pics of him from the zoo trip yesterday
Heyy.. looks like all the MIA mummies are coming back to post

Slamdunk, wow, Brisbane/Cairns sounds fun and such a long holiday! I think since I hv tendered, erm, no way of going for expensive vacation.. yah I was not happy.. just as well that my last day is 15th Sept so I only do half of IMF duty. Will see you at Pat's this Saturday...

Teething - Tim only has 2 teeth on the bottom and 8 teeth on top!!!!! So weird hor?

Piggy, hubby is the one who's tracking overall used income.. heh. Why? Moving out of your IL's ah?

MG, heard that Pine Grove is going en-bloc... So you will just keep on staying with ILs if they sell away their place?
Dear Mummies,

I m back. As usual ms hits me over the weekend and I was at home most of the time.. boring.. cant wait for it to go. Tommorrow I will be goin for my checkup again, hope everything is fine.

My Edd is April next yr.


Basically my hubby takes charge of all big items like utilities, property tax, bb's insurance etc. While I helps in daily neccessities eg marketing, buying dinner etc...
Catz, Pine Grove is at Holland right..? ILs will never move out from this current place cos is big and there's a park just outside our house. Nowadays you can't find a place that's cheap and with a park just facing your house.

Piggy, you staying with ILs as well?

slamdunk, yes hardly see your postings. Dylan is just such a lovable boy thats why your parents enjoy his company.

Just had lunch with poh and dolphina aka Serene. Too short time to talk if only I have 2hrs of lunchtime. hehehe...
MG, yah lor, one and only Pine Grove.. heard en bloc is steaming ahead.. not sure if they can get the 80%. My parents' place in Upp Thomson is also steaming ahead with en bloc.. already got the 80% consensus.

twinkle, wow, April baby..
Just 2 months after me.. me suay suay first day of CNY leh.. will be hard to get confinement food catering. :p
Catz, Pine Grove is private apartment/condo right...? Cannot afford leh and also don't want to commit too much unless I have the money. Don't want to struggle too much in life paying and paying.
MG, yup yup..only privatised estates can go en bloc sale.. I can't believe you can tahan staying with ILs for your whole life.. waaaaaah. Ask me to stay with ILs, I will run away to another country
Hi Catz,

But it could be earlier rite? EDD is jus an estimate. Who knws it could be early Feb...

Try neo garden for confinement food. U nt getting confinement lady..

I so envy u.. ms gone :p
Catz, ya I agree can't stay with them forever but now that I'm working I don't face them that often as before so can tahan lah. Everytime we see couples with their own home so nicely done up really envy especially my hubby. The good thing staying with ILs is that I don't have to fork up money for the house. hehehe...
And also every Saturdays I can still karaoke, movies, supper with friends while I ask my MIL to look after Claira in case she wakes up middle of the night, luckily MIL is a night owl.

Re: Confinement
Catz, why don't you get a confinement lady? Thats what I did. My confinement also during CNY. Is good to get CL so that they can help you with your house work looking after baby for you then you can rest.

Yes we should have more of this next time.
Do you need to download Skpye? Cos company don't allow any downloadings. If IT find out not very nice leh...
Ya. Me thinking about moving... Must do our sums lor.

I also stay with ILs. Linus is growing up so tot to let him have his own room. He is now taking over the whole living room. :p The living room is like a play house. keke..

Any other contributions from other mums on the household bills?

hang on, it will pass soon.. do u normally visit your gynae after work?


ya have to download... nevermind since u can surf in this website..still can chat


whereabout u stay in pasir ris? my parents at drive 4!
Hi, MG & Dolphina, nice meeting up both of you. HaHAha, if we have another 3 hrs lunch, that will be great! Download from www.meebo.com, they accept messenge from Yahoo, MSN, etc etc...

Catz, free to meet up in mid sept after you become tai tai?

Piggy, you moving out???
My hubby's main concern also because not enough rooms for Claira. If we don't want to move out then may have ask my FIL to build one more room but we must be clear of whether to move out first anot before approaching my FIL.

Always nice to have own home and privacy. So which area you looking at?

poh, will see if I can access anot.

Can I know if my working hrs are too long to complaint about? I worked from 9-6.30pm officially but seldom get to go back at 6.30pm. Its normally earliest 7pm or later. I am feeling the tiredness now esp pregnant cos I got to take ano train ride of abt 1 hr from work to home and vice versa. I worked 1 Sat per mth. What are ur workin hrs?

I really wana leave this job and either pursue doing property full time or if I m not suited, then I tot of finding a 9-5pm job with not much stress and not so long hrs. I find that I have little time for my gal cos of my work. I am so tired everyday especially nowadays...

Am I being to complacent about life?? Ke ke ke what do u gals think?
hullo ladies,
first and foremost, the scan is 99% a girl
Hubby is over the moon and now we're trying to psyche Tim up for his baby sister.

twinkle, wah, think it's hard to say that your hours are too long 'cos standard for us civil service 5 days is 8.30 - 6. Must take care lah you.. I know first tri very shack.

Piggy, yah I would like my 2 kiddos to have their own rooms by the time they reach P1 also.. esp boy and girl.. better separate them.

dolphina, I'm right next to downtown east.. anyway Pasir Ris is very small, easy to zip here and there

poh, sure, definitely meet up!!

MG, think I cannot afford a CL lah.. besides, I don't really believe in the whole confinement thingie. will try to do confinement catering.. see if can engage Neo Gdn 'cos I like their food. Hub will take leave for 2 weeks then I'm on my own lor (but with a lot of help from my parents).. heh.

cant seem to be able to access..perhaps blocked by IT.. arghh

mine is from 8.30-5.30 officially ... my previous job lagi better, 9-5.30...but of coz there were times we need to work late


big congrats on the "HAO"...envy envy!

oh guess we are pretty nearby cos my parents house is a bus stop away from downtown east!

try for another one lah...
thanks thanks
Still trying to get used to the idea... quite worried 'cos I heard girls are more prone to getting UTI 'cos they're harder to clean properly after a poop.. is that true?

dolphina, no need to envy.. try for a sister for Jov lah! Hehehehe.. So do you go to your parents' place very often? Where do you live? Jov goes to his grandparents everyday?

Eve, yah lor, you close shop already meh? Keke..
Congrats!!! No lah, my ger din kenna UTI leh.. But kenna fungus lor.. have to apply daktarin recently..

My electric and water bill for executive flat is now $200 a month.. Groceries uh, din really keep track.. Just for kids diapers and FM, about 150, i think.. i cater dinner for 3, another 200 plus..

Catz, Haha...Yes I'm right! Told you most probably its a girl...! I'm so happy for you too! Bearing girl normally has very very bad MS. As for cleaning their private part you have to be very clean and thorough. After they poop you clean them using baby wipes then wet cotton wool to wash it again. Now that Claira is older I always bring her to the toilet and wash, abit more troublesome lah.

Eve, ya la try another one lah...

twinkle, I also think your hours abit long. Thats why I like about my job is I can go home on the dot, stress free and also don't have to bring work home to do. Anyway even I don't work overtime I'm also tired esp Mon and Tue.
