(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

Really????? Why huh? Tot you will stay till after the 3months maternity?

I have a Ergo. The padding really very good. I have an Aprica too, carry Linus for 10min only, buay tahan the shoulder pain liao. Not sure of the Patapum but I will really recommend the Ergo. (Only con is no forward facing)

very happy to leave this place.. got so many problems ever since I joined so hb told me must nurse my health back if not give birth to a skinny stressed little baby.. so happy lah.

Twinkle, yah lor.. ;)
Hi Yve,

I can loan you my Baby Bjorn if you don't mind. Me not using it anymore and it's becoming a very 'expensive' white elephant. Me using Ergo on an occasional basis now cos Phoebe loves to be carried by hand. Can loan you the Ergo for trial too... Let me know.

Hi Catz,
Congratz on reverting back to SAHM!!!
Catz...quite surprise you resigned though knowing you've been wanting to be SAHM. I personally feel that if financially not a problem why not SAHM til baby is about 2 years old. I really enjoyed being SAHM NEVER regretted. But anyhow as woman we must keep some money for rainy days so eventually we still must come out to the society to work and be connected. But Catz am happy for you...

Piggy, emonster, Catz
You all still using the carrier to carry your child? Thought its not so good if they are heavy now. Me find it very troublesome leh. Sometimes Claira will want me to carry her but I can't do it for long cos can't tahan her weight though she's about 11.5kg now so me and hubby will take turns to carry.
Thanks for your offer, but far to collect from you lah.. I got some offers for secondhand ergo lor.. Will make the decision soon.. At least for ergo, can use it to carry Angel too..

Since you have decided, rest well and deliver a pui pui bb..
Hi MG,

The Ergo is much better then Baby Bjorn.. at least I don't get very bad back pain. But using Ergo, I got the feeling that I'm walking like an elephant leh... Can feel the weight when I'm walking hehehe.. My husband never tried Ergo but he loves to carry Phoebe in Baby Bjorn..

Hi Yve,
Can meet in central mah, me go shopping in town during weekends. Let me know if you are interested okay!

Hi Twinkle,
Another one to the club...

Hi Piggy,
Have you sign up Linus with Pat Playschool yet?
congrats uh!!

i don't even have chance to go central area during weekends mah.. i have forgotten how orchard looks like leow.. ha.. Thanks again for the offer lah..
Big congrats.
How many weeks now? Must take care of yourself, ok?

I think if finance is ok, then SAHM is definately better lah. Just that I think I can't do it cos I not so Wei Da.
I find that coming to office an escape at times. Working is so much less siong most of the times. (very jialat mummy here)

Yes, I have signed him up at last week he attended the 5th time. I find that his attention span very short as compared to the rest.
He will sit in front to teacher for 10secondes during story telling, then wonder away....
Nevertheless, he has started to "sing" the "Pack Up" song whenever we ask him to pack up the toys.
So quite funni to watch him putting his toys away and singing just like the teacher did.

Also, he is very "clean o maniac", he refuse to let the teacher draw on his hands and if she still does it, he will demand that I wash it off IMMEDIATELY!
Hi mummies,

Tks for the well wishes. I m into my 7th week. Going to see gynae later... donno if can detect bb's heartbeat...

Hi Catz, for hw logn was ur mornin sickness, I was on MC last week..puking at home...
Same as u, we also didnt use carrier for long time. Usually maid, hubby and I will take turn to carry Wilfred. Otherwise, just let him walk lor! But nowadays he is getting very lazy! Once we put him down, he will cling to us and wanted to be carried. Thats why pram is another alternative.

So envy u leh! If financial is ok, I hope can be SAHM like u! (Now Im getting sick of work!)

Hi Emonster,
You always so kind to us! Btw, hows Phoebe? I miss her!

So happy to hear ure pregnant! Congratulations! Rest well and take care!

Linus and Wilfred can shake hand liao, cos he loves cleanliness too.
<font color="0000ff">Hi ladies,
Since Im here, might as well post as many as I can right? Hehee!
Copy this from my blog to share with u all bcos I know most of u maybe have no time to read the blog. And, most importantly must keep ur updated mah!</font>

Wilfred Developmental Milestones and Latest Accomplishments

He will requests us to pass him a handkerchief to clean his mouth after eating by showing a sign language clean mouth.

He loves cleanliness very much! (just like his kor kor) He will scream when sees himself dirty.

After washing hands, he will go &amp; take a towel and clean his hands. If he cant reach the towel, he will say mo mo! Sometimes when he sees the floor dirty, he also will say mo mo! or he will clean it himself.

There was once when I showed him a flash card apple, he could recognize and said apple! Just within a second, he pointed to another flash card egg and asked curiously what is this? (of course, he still cannot pronounce properly).

He likes to say mian bao instead of bread.

He likes to babble non-stop on the phone. The way he talks on the phone is really funny because his face will be fulled with different expressions.

He will cry frantically when he does not getting his way.

He loves mummy, I know. But seldom calls me mummy still.

Once his diaper is off, if he accidentally pass urine on the floor, he does not dare to move and will just give us an innocent look.

Sometimes he will pee in the toilet by himself but he always forgets to take off his pants! :p

He can identify and point to us almost all the things in our house when asked.

When he sees kor kor never close the water bottle properly, he will try to close for kor kor and scold him.

If he sees Nur jie jie never put on shoes in the kitchen, he will take the shoes for her and ask her to put on.

Sometimes well slap his hand very hard if he behaves naughty but he wont cry! (jialat!)

He likes to play with shapes shorter especially the Gazoobo toy. He can recognize and able to slot all of the shapes into the correct colour as coded section. (development of fine motor skills).

He able to link words together to form sentences; mummy, wo bu yao! Ah Nur jie jie, sorry! wo yao zhe ge! and so on

Whenever we scold him, he will keep quiet and stare at us for a while, then SLAP us! (so violent!)

If he noticed he is wrong, hell come to hug us just want to prevent us to scold him.

He likes to pick a fight and always want kor kor to give in.

He sometimes will get confusion; call mummy jie jie.
Good morning ladies..
wah Piggy guessed right ah? Twinkle, BIG CONGRATS!!! Hope your first tri is not as horrible as mine

Yah quite a relief to leave here lah.. terok so many weekends burned on standby in office and ever since I started work, Tim has had 3 episodes of high fever (virus).. so I take it as a sign
Hee.. being SAHM not easy lah, gotta stick to budget etc.. but happy lor.
Catz, so when's your last day of work? Really miss being SAHM. Miss all the weekly playgroups with friends and other mums. Enjoy your pregnancy. Take care.

Evelyn, Wow so many updates of Wilfred...If ask me I also don't know where to start.

All mummies
Have you all encounter just 1 day fever of your little one? The night before yesterday, Claira was having a temp 38.9 so gave her nurofen then the next day she's fine already but she's having alot of rashes mainly at her neck and body. Legs and arms are ok. Don't know what kind of virus she's got? Thought of bringing her to a dr but family members feel nothing to be alarmed since she's still playing and eating well. Haiz....that's why sometimes I wanted so much to look after her by myself.
MG, last day is 24th Sept but I have 5 days of leave to clear.. plus got some off days too. I'm really looking fwd to looking after Tim. He's got fantastic grandparents lah but he bullies them..for e.g. he will drink 6oz of water with me but with them, not a sip!

Fever- er.. Tim's fever all last very long leh.. perhaps Claira just overheated that day? Never drink enough water just that day?
Received this email from my fren this morning.

All About Children
<font color="ff0000">7 reasons not to mess with children.</font>

A little girl was talking to her teacher about whales. The teacher said it was physically impossible for a whale to swallow a human because even though it was a very large mammal its throat was very small.

The little girl stated that Jonah was swallowed by a whale. Irritated, the teacher reiterated that a whale could not swallow a human; it was physically impossible. The little girl said, "When I get to heaven I will ask Jonah". The teacher asked, "What if Jonah went to hell?" The little girl replied, "Then you ask him ".

A Kindergarten teacher was observing her classroom of children while they were drawing. She would occasionally walk around to see each child's work. As she got to one little girl who was working diligently, she asked what the drawing was. The girl replied, "I'm drawing God." The teacher paused and said, "But no one knows what God looks like." Without missing a beat, or looking up from her drawing, the girl replied, "They will in a minute."

A Sunday school teacher was discussing the Ten Commandments with her five and six year olds. After explaining the commandment to "honor" thy Father and thy Mother, she asked, "Is there a commandment that teaches us how to treat our brothers and sisters?" Without missing a beat one little boy (the oldest of a family) answered, "Thou shall not kill."

One day a little girl was sitting and watching her mother do the dishes at the kitchen sink. She suddenly noticed that her mother had several strands of white hair sticking out in contrast on her brunette head. She looked at her mother and inquisitively asked, "Why are some of your hairs white, Mom?" Her mother replied, "Well, every time that you do something wrong and make me cry or unhappy, one of my hairs turns white." The little girl thought about this revelation for a while and then said, "Momma, how come ALL of grandma's hairs are white?"

The children had all been photographed, and the teacher was trying to persuade them each to buy a copy of the group picture. "Just think how nice it will be to look at it when you are all grown up and say,'There's Jennifer, she's a lawyer,' or 'That's Michael, He's
a doctor.' A small voice at the back of the room rang out, "And there's the teacher, she's dead."

A teacher was giving a lesson on the circulation of the blood. Trying to make the matter clearer, she said, "Now, class, if I stood on my head, the blood, as you know, would run into it! and I would turn red in the face." "Yes," the class said. "Then why is it that while I am standing upright in the ordinary position the blood doesn't run into my feet?" A little fellow shouted, "Cause your feet ain't empty."

The children were lined up in the cafeteria of a Catholic elementary school for lunch. At the head of the table was a large pile of apples. The nun made a note, and posted on the apple tray: "Take only ONE. God is watching!" Moving further along the lunch line, at the other end of the table was a large pile of chocolate chip cookies. A child had written a note, "Take all you want. God is watching the apples.
Catz, yes she didn't drink alot of water on Sunday anyway she don't drink much water since baby but at least now she's drinking much more now. Maybe she drinks alot of milk? She drinks 3 times a day. Morning and afternoon she'll take 210ml then at night 240ml.

They're really smart. They know who they can bully and who they cannot.
Congrats Twinkle!!!
To all sick toddlers... get well soon!!!

It's really fast, almost 3 weeks into my maternity leave and Ayden is getting more demanding. he knows how to ask to be carried already!!! The fact is we don't even carry him often. Seems like it's an in-built mechanism in them... kekeke.

So far, still managable, except for sleep time when ash insists that I pat him to sleep and there was this once when it coincided with Ayden's feed... sigh, wish there was 2 of me then!!! Any case, maid coming in mid-sep, hopefully she can relieve me a bit. Think I'll still continue to put more attention on ash since he is more knowing. Sigh, poor no. 2

But seeing how ash and didi interacts, really, don't regret having a playmate for him (at this point lah!). When he awakes, he'll look for "baby" and he loves to hug him and sayang him. when I nurse ayden, ash will also pretend to be nusing on me, by nuzzling near the boobs or my thighs... haha,very adorable. He will tell me that baby is drinking neh neh. wonder if he remembers?!?!?!?

Pics of my 2 cheeky monkeys on the bed:



Blanche, eeeee...SO CUTE!!!!!!! THey look so adorable together
Can't wait to give birth..haha.. will you be bringing Ayden for Pat's this weekend? So sian to have missed last week's maiden outing!
Hi Blanche,
Wow, early in the morning see pics of Ashton and Ayden really brighten up my day!!! You inspire me. hahaha

Hi Eve,
It's sayang to put it in storage so if anyone needs, then I'll loan it, better mileage mah...

Hee hee... missed my AF for almost 2 weeks... Wonder what's wrong, it usually is very punctual one leh and my appetite is getting out of hand... Got to get a tester today..
Having mixed feelings now, cos dunno what to expect if I'm really preggy in my condition, must take extra care... hope it's really stress
sorry for the long post, just dunno who to talk to...
Blanche, they're indeed very adorable....!! The way you interpret its quite funny. Haha...

Catz, since baby she's been quite good with her milk intake. Before turning 1month old she's drinking 41/2oz, scary right...Imagine I'm still BF her don't know I can have so much of supply anot. How long you BF Tim?
Ooooh..emonster, you sound suspiciously pregnant.. yah I know, I had weird feelings about getting pregnant in my circumstances but feeling better every day

MG, I bf for 10 months but my Timo is a small drinker.
emonster, don't put too much pressure on yourself don't get too stressed up. Let nature takes its cause. Don't feel lousy k you always have us to talk to. Keep us posted.
Wow...another pregnant mum in this Jan thread! Take care and eat well emonster!

Will start my production factory next year after my new job is confirmed! Hope it will be a easy one... Yve, anymore luckily OPK strip??? Hahah....

My last day of job will be 7th September.. but I'm not looking forward for it leh! How!! Everyday, I have to tell myself, I have to start to pack &amp; backup my work. But I still haven't do it..... think I still love this place even though they pay me peanut!

Any good place to shop in Beijing? Cheap, good or even factory overruns... I'm bringing Ryan and my two old folks (MIL and Mum) to Beijing in mid september.
Catz, I always feel guilty of not BF Claira for a longer time. Partly because I had a hard time latching her on. She'll start screaming and crying if she can't get enough. Imagine the day we were discharged after her birth she's drinking 3oz already. Think I'll have to be more persistent if there's 2nd one.
take it easy.. if u are, u are.. I was taken by surprised for the second one too..

no need lucky OPK strip... I sprinkle u with bb dust!
Was at beijing long time ago.. cannot recommend u anything leh.. It will be a bit chilly in Sep hor?
Hi mummies,

I went for my first checkup on Mon and bb's heartbeat could be detected, so happy. My ms was really very bad.. kept vomiting and cant eat anything. Catz, think mine was similar to yours. It was worst then my first child.

Yest, when I went to the toilet, after passing urine, I saw there were like brown spotting on the toilet paper. I couldnt confirmed what I see as it was very light brown.. I was thinking could it be the toilet paper which could have been stained by some colours or what, but was really feeling very uneasy. Finally come to think of it, it could be some bleeding...

Wana cry and quickly call my gynae. My gynae ask me to see him and I went down. Did a scan and bb's heartbeat was ok. Was given a jab and medication to stabilise the pregnancy..

Maybe I was too stressed up with work and walk too much.. so sad, I was tearing when I saw the bb's heartbeat...

Dont feel sad k. Go do a test and decide from there. Dont worry yourself now. Cross the bridge when you comes to it k. Take care. If its positive, congrats!!
twinkle, yah I was so relieved when I saw bb's heartbeat. Try not to get so stressed yah? *sayang*

poh, wow, congrats on the new job.. don't look back!

MG, wah Claira is really such a good eater..lucky you! Don't hv to feel guilty lah.. we all try our best, that's all we can do.
twinkle, must rest as much now. I was having staining before also. Gynae advised to bed rest and not to walk too much. My mum had prepared this herb called 'gao li shen' its very good for 1st trimester. You can try this I had it during 1st tri also. Also drink pure chicken essence. Which means buy fresh chicken and broil it. Take care and rest well, k.

Don't worry about No 2. If it comes, it comes
Think one cannot be prepared for the second one either. For me, it's unplanned and I was quite shocked too! Then feelings of guilt started coming in, cos I felt that ash would be "short-changed" in that I cannot give him my full attention. Haha, quite irrational thoughts lah. Then later in the third trimester, started worrying about sleeping arrangments, whether I can cope blah blah blah. Come to think of it, the pblm would usually resolve when u reach it
In any case, I don't think there is a perfect tme to have no 2, every point in time will have their pros and cons, so embrance whatever comes along!!! Woman's strength and endurance very li hai (powerful) one


Wanted to sms you, luckily you mentioned... no Pat's this Sat. term break.
Btw, can you pm me slamdunk's email... haha, don't have it now cos left in office. many thanks!
Blanche, yah luckily Pat's called me up today if not I would've turned up like a goondu on Saturday.. aiyah, so I gotta wait 2 weeks to see Ayden?! Blahh... You know, thanks for the encouragement..

emonster, I was really in the same boat as you.. but Blanche really encouraged me through the dark dark days of never-ending morning sickness and weird thoughts :p So thanks, Blanche!

Tks for your advise. I am on bed rest till fri. So can at least stop me from walking around :p. I tend to walk too much... Very scary to have staining hor...

How long was ur MS. The dark days has been here since week 6 and it seems not tolerable. Dont feel like eating at all, tummy full of gas, wana puke...

When's ur EDD? Think mine is in april next yr..
Envy you leh, goin to be a SAHM...dont know if I ever got the chance to think of this...
I had spotting when i was with Angel too.. Had to take one week MC for bedrest.. And still turn out fine.. So don't worry.. For MS, I heard that u can get something called SEABAND that u wear on your wrist to reduce the nausea.. Sells at major Guardian Pharmacies.
twinkle, ya lor very scary to see the staining but don't worry too much you'll be fine. MS usually starts from week 6 so be prepared if it gets worse. Thats what happened to me. MS til 4months+. Have plenty of rest hor, don't think too much.
Congrats. I also had spotting with Linus too. Like what the rest say, do rest well, yah?

Any idea if the term break applies to other centres? Did not receive a call.... Btw, are you mums (Blanche and Slamdunk too) going to sign up after this term?

Haven't seen BabyD for a while now...... Wondering where is she?
twinkle, yah my dark days were from wk 8 - wk 14 lor.. now feeling so much better. So hang in there.. My EDD is CNY 18 Feb..heh.. headache for catering confinement food lor. :p SAHM also not easy, esp not that Timothy is so talkative and taking advantage of his new found 'voice' to boss ppl around.

Piggy, yes, there's a term break for every semester but it depends from teacher to teacher. I think we're all signed up for another term already
twinkle, congrats. Do rest as much as you can in the 1st trimester.

emonster, I agree with what blanche said, dont think we can actually be prepared for having a baby. Think if I wait for myself to be prepared, I will never have any children. Just take it as it comes.

Re playgroup, Ryan is also having 'holiday', starting tomorrow till sep 11! Having gotten used to 2 hrs of 'freedom' everyday, now I am wondering how to entertain him the whole of next week!

Mummies who are sahms, what do you do with your tods? I mostly let him watch tv now, cos no energy to play with him. Sigh...

blanche, can share what is your sleeping arrangement now for Ashton and Ayden? I am also wondering where to put no 2 during confinement and after that. Ryan now sleeps in his own room. And I have engaged a maid to help out, coming this sat actually.
hi all,

twinkle, big congrats and rest well...

emonster, keep us posted ya....

poh, were u at china square central around 1.30pm today, wearing a purple top...thot i saw u but wasn't too sure so dare not approach u..
Dolphina, yes, yes, it me!!! I thought I saw someone familiar then again, I'm not sure. Hahah... anyway, I'm out for 2 hrs lunch already so rushing to walk back office!
hi mummies,

sleepymom, yah I also hv very little energy.. dunno how I will deal with Tim once I have him full-time.. :p Hey, I don't think u hv to worry about sleeping arrangements since Ryan is comfortable in his own room right? I plan to keep Timothy in his own room, switch him from crib into bed (dunno when but a couple of months before baby coms) and baby will room with us until 5-6 months (until the SIDS risk is gone) and then we'll put baby into his/her own room.

oh so its really u
my eye-sights not failing me... hey will your new office be somewhere nearby?

we must arrange to meet up for lunch with MGTeo soon.... any mummie around raffles place are welcomed ya!
dolphina, poh
I went to somewhere nearby china square central for lunch today as well. I was lunching at kyo-nichi ramen restaurant around 12plus. Have you eaten there before? Its very nice...!


oh ya that ramen is very yummy, will lunch there at least twice a month with my col... were u at the one beside the fruit stall or sushi teh? their kaarage chicken is very good...
