(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

Hi, thanks for sharing... No real solutions, huh? I think I can accept sibling rivalry when they fight and snatch toys. It's understandable if he doesn't like baby Sherilyn. But I just can't accept it when my dear son says hurtful things to me like, "I don't love you, mummy."

Well, Sherilyn is coming to 2 months now and she's sleeping very well if I rock her to sleep after 1 hour of being awake, cos she can't last longer than that. But it would be nice if she could sleep by herself and sleep earlier, like around 8 or 9pm. Then I could just close the door and spend time with Sherman at bedtime. 4 months is very far away leh... When did Beth start going to bed earlier? Weissbluth book says should be about now but I can only get her safely down at 10-10:30pm, not earlier.

Oh yes.. That's very hurtful.. My son said that to me too whenever I forbid him to do something for scold him for some reason. But I'll always put up the it's no big deal look and tell him that: Fine, if u dun love me, I'll nt love u too.. And I will also tell him that he will have to love others first if he wants to be loved. I guess that helps after saying it a few times.. Now he dun say this to me anymore.. Of course, I show him more care & concern after he said this to me to show him that I love him.. So he knows how good is it to be loved..
babyD, Beth has always gone to sleep fairly early, say 7ish.. but with Gina Ford, I instituted dream feeds at 10pm and she would sleep through from there.. so you can seriously consider Gina Ford. I find that anecdotally (from my friends' accounts), girls don't sleep as well as boys so perhaps you have to be slightly stricter with the sleep training.. and yes, it is good to just shut the door and let them sleep so that you can spend those precious moments with the elder one.

Gosh, I don't know what I'd do if my son said that to me.. I might cry! So far he hasn't said that.
You did extinction method of letting Beth cry is it? You mean Beth always went to sleep early from birth or did she start a bit later? I can't get Sherilyn to continue sleeping even if she does fall asleep at 7ish. I don't mind waking up to feed her at 4am, I just don't want to spend my whole evening carrying her. I find Sherilyn is a hundred times better than Sherman at sleeping leh. Sherman would just fight to stay awake and play. Sherilyn would happily fall asleep if I start rocking and patting her 1 hr after she's been awake, otherwise she would cry a bit. But so far, she won't just sleep without needing to be carring and patted, even if she's very sleepy. I just wondered if it's too early to let her try to cry to sleep.
babyd: Couldn't chat longer otherwise we will have lots to talk about. For one thing, don't take the hurtful remarks seriously. Could it be your reaction or expression after you hear it? When Lucas doesn't get what he wants, his usual angry words are "I don't want mummy. I only want so and so..." I just pretend not to make a big fuss out of it or sometimes, if my mood is good, I will turn it around to play with him i.e."then the more I want you...", and sometimes I may mindlessly engage in some squabbling with him when it gets into me. But I guess each child is different. Like what catz said, this will pass, and it could be just another 2-3 weeks. Maybe better not to link his behaviour to his sister like if you make more noise, sister will wake up... less time for him. You can try a few tactics and before you know it, it is back to normal. Don't give up!
Thanks! Yah, would have loved to chat with you a bit more, but could see Lucas was getting restless and I didn't want your hubby and Marcus to wait too long in the car. Maybe I still have some post natal hormones still hanging around, should be strong as an adult and not let a child's remarks get to me so much. Sherman is really a very emotional boy. Apparently yesterday his grandma just told him to say "thank you" properly and he suddenly ran into the room and burst into tears. Hope he gets over this stressful period of adjustment soon.
babyd: You are right about the post natal hormones. After I delivered Lucas, I was quite wacky at least a month. Lucas was also super sensitive during the 2 months before & after I deliver Marcus. He would have at least 1 bout of anger everyday.
BabyD, yes Gina Ford is extinction but I didn't really do it until she was 4 months and guess what? She didn't cry, not a single night! Guess when they're trained from newborns, there aren't the tears that come with 'knowing'

Postnatal hormones.. yah man.. those are crazy hormones.. but I tell you, my maternal instincts are totally GONE. When I see newborns, all I can think is THANK GOD I'M STOPPING AT TWO.. ahahahahahhaha
I tried extinction at naptime, but didn't have the heart leh. She cried until nose all blocked, from sleepy state to angry state. End up last night she wailed because she was overtired at bedtime. I'm back to rocking and patting her to sleep again. Think still cannot close the door and let her sleep by herself until she fixes her naps and bedtime hours.

Did Beth really sleep at 7 plus at 2 months old, or only 4 months old? Sorry I keep asking... just wondering when Sherilyn will go to bed earlier than 10-11pm. She seems to wake up really late in the morning, around 9 plus, sometimes 10:30am! I think if she could go to sleep in the evening around 8pm and continue sleeping, she would wake up at 7am in the morning, which is more normal, especially since I have to go back to work.

I was ok during the first month, leh. I told hubby I don't want any more children, too stressful for everybody, especially Sherman. End up everybody is so miserable. Maybe later on I might change my mind when it passes, but I don't see how I could cope with more than 2 kids. Even with maid I don't see how. There's just not enough time for all of them.
BabyD, I swaddled Beth and I held her till she fell asleep until she was 4 months old, following Gina Ford's exact method (i.e. darkened room with blackout shades, fed etc... ) Yes she did go to sleep at 7pm sharp at 2 months old.. and I would dream feed her at 10pm
Do you have the Gina Ford book? Best you read it and get some idea of what the GF method means.
Hi all mommies,

Hope all of you are doing well!

I'm back after MIA for like half a year (I think so). Though I didn't post anything, I've been reading the thread like at least once a week. Now I come in more often as I'm expecting No. 2 and also to check out if there's any good deals or good buy.

Well, congrats to babyd and dolphina for their newborn!

Welcome to our newcomer!

Tetra, I'm happy for you that you are migrating. Singapore is too stressful and education system here is too rigid. AZ is a good choice and Adelaide is a nice place, though can be quite boring. Not as fast pace as Sydney/Melbourne.

Piggy, Linus is still as imaginative as ever. I think you can start enrolling him to some drama school. Haha...

Catz, how are you coping so far being SAHM? I really pei fu you can do the crying method for your little ones. I've got friends who practice that as well and apparently it really works. I am thinking if I can do this for my 2nd one but I doubt. I don't know if it is really going to work as I'm staying with my ILs. You know lah...ILs can really be a pain sometimes.

Update on Claira
She just started school for a month and I'm glad that she enjoys her school. Bad timing for her in the beginning of the year. I had let go too quickly and she disliked school, everyday she will give excuses for not wanting to go school. And then, when she's in school she will tell her teacher that she's tired and sleepy. Poor girl will then doze off in the schoolbus. My fault entirely. 2pm - 5pm is her nap time and that is the only slot available in the school, shouldn't have enrolled her though. But is great that now she looks forward to school everyday!

Claira looks like a big girl now. Alot of people thought she is in K1.

Talking about angry with mummy, Claira's favourite phrase, "Then I don't want to be your friend." fold her arms and do a sulking face. Haha...sometimes it's really funny to watch. She definitely learnt this from my niece...

Think that's it for now. Talk to you all later.
hello ladies,

sorry to 'borrow' this thread but becos i am also a jan 2005 mum, would like to check if you kids still taking afternoon nap. Cos my gal recently has not been taking afternoon nap.
One more thing to check, any enrichment class to recomand for children at this age?

Hi ladies,

Came at the right time! What is this Gina Ford method all about???? I want!! My Hazel still cry & wake up at least 5-7 times each night! And she is turning 1 this month! Think I really spoilt her big time man. Every time she cries, I'll give her my breast. And she simply refuse to take the bottle. Really need a dose of this Gina Ford. Where can I get this book?
Angela, Er.. I think it's a leetle late for Hazel to go on the GF method. Basically it's a strict schedule -feeding, sleeping, even the way you swaddle, use of blackout curtains to get a newborn (yes, from day 1) into a routine of naps and early bedtimes. Perhaps you try Marc Weissbluth's Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child? Prob more useful for you since you have too many issues to work through if you were to do Gina Ford.

Her book is called 'The Contented Little Baby' or New Contented Little Baby, available from Kino.

Oh and the other ones that are quite good for sleep training is Tracey Hogg's 'The Baby Whisperer' or Elizabeth Pantley's No Cry Sleep Solution.
I borrowed from the library and read it twice, so I know what it's about. Sherilyn refuses to start bedtime sleep at 7pm, 8pm or even 9pm. She wakes up after one hour and wants to talk to Daddy. Will keep trying and see how. Yup, I've been getting her to nap in the day lots, but she really can't stretch longer than 1 hour. She screams when she's tired and it's worse. Her nights are quite good, just wake up once for milk.
BabyD, it takes time ok? Don't fret.. I think it took me quite a lot of effort btw the ages of 2 - 4 months to train Beth 'cos I didn't start it from day 1. But it was well worth it!
Helloooo MgTeo: Congratulations! So when is the EDD? Have you found out if you are having a prince or princess? Claira must be so excited to be a big sister.

kudos to Catz for being able to carry out the GF method with success. The mum must have lots of commitment, perservance & faith in the system and the child, support from hubby and less or better still, NO interference from others.

I used to have the same problem when I have to wean Lucas off. He will wake up 2-3 times just to suckle for comfort. We have to put him on the sarong when he was 14 mths old so that he can easily get back to sleep without breastfeeding. With Marcus, it was much easier. He decided to wean off my breast when he was 10mth. For him, he just need to be pat on the back if he wakes up @ night. For now, he sleeps from 10pm to 8.30am. Parenting is so challenging, every child presents a different set of challenges.
Hi mommies,

Found this infor from other thread, thought u might be interested.

Wide range of early childhood educational aids, games & toys at the Suntec Convention Centre, Ballroom 3 Level 2 on 22 Aug 08, 8 am to 5 pm. Held in conjunction with the 2008 Child Care Seminar organised by the Association for Early Childhood Educators (Singapore).
Sorry sorry forgot to congratulate MG!!!
So will you stop working? I agree, it's good that I don't stay with anybody to interfere with my childraising methods. Heh.

Joan, thanks!
Mama G
My 3 yr old stopp napping in the afternoon shortly after he turn 2. Unless in CC, if nt he'll nt have his afternoon nap..

Thanks for the info.. Seems quite interesting... You going??
Should be going, if I remember. Hee..... My son has no school on that day cos the classes from the afternoon session are going for their field trip. (morning session stays at home)....

I am enjoying my time spent with Sean, though there may be times when he just drives u up the wall!!
I started from Day 1 with Weissbluth rule of not keeping her up for more than 1-2 hours before getting her to take a nap. She used to sleep easily, just rock a bit, swaddle her tight and when her eyes start closing, put her down. Just a few more pats on the bum and she would be fast asleep. But recently it's been harder, which was to be expected as Weissbluth says they are at their peak fussiness at 6-8 weeks. I put her down when she's sleepy and she immediately gets upset and starts struggling out of her swaddle and crying. She wouldn't settle down and I would have to start all over again, repeatedly until she got so tired she would be screaming by the 3rd try. So I ended up holding her to sleep until she was asleep enough to put down without her crying, which doesn't always work if she's too tired, esp at night.

So you're saying from 2-4 months, you put Beth down to sleep by herself for her naps when she's sleepy, or did you continue to hold her? I struggle with Gina Ford's method because Sherilyn really can't stay awake for so long without getting too tired (1hr then cannot make it already), so she can't really follow the schedule yet.

Mama G,
My boy is still taking his afternoon nap and sleeps about 2 hours. On weekends, sometimes he can sleep for almost 3 hours if very tired and bedtime was a bit later the previous night. If he doesn't take his nap, he gets very cranky by 6pm and can't eat dinner properly.
Thanks Catz and Tetra...

This week will be 14 weeks. Gender still too early to tell but will keep you gals updated. It seems like Claira is ready to be the big jie jie. She said she is willing to share her toys with 'mei mei', only 'mei mei' and don't like 'di di'.

Catz, I can't afford not to work though I would love not to. Single income can't support the whole family now that there's one more mouth to feed which makes it even more impossible. Well, actually I don't mind working as I get to dress up and look pretty and feel more connected with the society. Hee...
But bad side is I don't get to spend more time with Claira especially after a long hard working hours. I feel bad when she look for me and I give excuses that I'm tired. This 3 months are quite terrible for me as I had bad morning sickness and then suffering from bad cough/flu (sinusitis) now on the road to recovery.
BabyD, Gina Ford is slightly at odds for the earlier days. I couldn't get Beth to stay awake either! And I would swaddle and carry her to bed until she turned 4 months old .

MG, good lah, I think Claira is more than ready to be a jiejie. POor you... 2nd pregnancy I find is very tough on the body. So who will take care of the little one?

mama G I'm so sorry I missed out your post! My son still has to nap else he will be half dead by 6pm and I don't like the 'eye bag' skeleton look that he gets.. heh. His naps are minimum 1.5 hours, usually 2-3 hours but I will wake him up so that I can still put him to bed by 8pm.
mama G: My boy still takes nap in the afternoon for 2 hrs. If no nap, he will conk off at about 6-8pm, sometimes dozing off while slurping his noodles.

As for the enrichment class, I attended the Music for Young Children with him. Quite difficult to get him to play the keys but he gets to learn some musical fundamentals. At least, I learn how to play the keyboard by looking at the score. I think it is more for me lah. I take it as exposing him in learning another language.

Joan: I think I will be going to the exhibition. See if they have interesting learning games. By the way, there is going to be sale at 21 September - a well stock place for early childhood learning. Can do a search in google & visit their website. They have classes for parents to learn phonics as well. I felt it is a bit ex (inclusive getting all the learning tools) and worst, Lucas may find the teaching drilling & boring. Instead I bought a CD $20++ on phonics which teach through songs. I was pleasantly surprised that Lucas actually like it and ask for it. Personally, I find teaching phonics is really boring... the ah...and the ay... makes reading so boring.
I really must say that you are a determined mummy. I think I can't do it if baby cries for too long. (Even if I can, I doubt my ILs or HB can do it)

Big big congrats. When are you due? So happy to see mums here going for no. 2s.

mama G,
L also takes afternoon nap everyday. It ranges from 1 to 2hours.

We came back from a 4day trip to Bangkok & I must say that L enjoyed it very much. He was so excited n claimed that he is going to burst. kekeke.. When we got back, he was busy announcing just like the pilot. Very funny to hear as he puts in his own version. Anyway, HB & I feel that he is ready to travel now, we shall go further in our next trip.
Hi Ah Bunny, of course we remember you and Raymos. Any additions to your family? Your BP stuff is nice!

Piggy, I'm one-woman show, if I don't sleep train, I will go nuts! As it is, taking care of 2 is already so tiring, much less if they have sleep problems! So yeah, I'm very determined that my kids rest well and are not cranky
Wah Bangkok ah.. what to do there huh? Not v child friendly right?

I'm heading off to Phuket next week with my parents.. hubby is going to India.. haha..
hi catz and jan 05 mommies...haha...yes we have another boy, his name is Rayden..now coming to 9mths. oh my gosh...time flies!
can view our blog at http://www.raymostan.blogspot.com

which pre-sch/childcare your darlings attending? my raymos just changed to MMI thomson this year. have been 4 months already. Read Catz' thread on Marymount..wanted to send him there too but too bad we need a full day CC for him. also been reading up on ashton's and dylan's blog regularly..

ok..let's chat more..
Thanks. I think we're ok and on track then. I shall be patient and wait for Sherilyn to develop an earlier bedtime on her own in the next month or two, hopefully before I go back to work.

Sherilyn likes the sarong sling but hates the standard hanging sarong, she cries until v cham the moment she goes in. I can't bear it, dunno why she's like that, thought all babies like the sarong and dunno what's the difference.

Sherman gets really excited about holidays too. We've taken him on quite a few and was planning to go to Australia again before my ML is up, but because he's been difficult recently, we trashed the plan for something simpler. A one night stay in Sentosa is a v nice holiday break for our kids, we've done it 3 times and Sherman has always had a great time. It's a bit too short for my liking, but much more manageable. We just went again when Sherilyn was 6 weeks old.
Hi Mums,
Some pics to share:





Ya... Not very child friendly but I'm quite surprised that L can co-operate & even walked long distance with us.
Wah, 16 weeks of ML now... I think I just missed it. What we need is baby friendly employers. The risk of women losing their jobs when pregnant is probably higher than ever now. In Singapore, people just don't accept that kind of absence easily, need a mindset change for it to work. Already, taking 12 weeks off is quite bad. Colleagues who took 8 weeks had difficulty clearing the remaining 4 weeks within 6 months. Anybody tempted to have No.2 or 3 by the incentives?

Piggy, here are the pictures of Sherilyn. Sherman at his best kor kor behavior, Sherilyn looking quite dao in her Bumbo and my attempt to take a nice passport photo for her.



piggy: You are missed here. Good to hear that everyone enjoyed the holiday esp Linus. I think at this age, he can follow instructions better. Can consider to bring him to Genting or HK Disney Land.

babyd: Sherilyn so big & chubby now, must be your bm. How's is Sherman? Still as stressful?

Once again, SAHM is a forgotten lot. The 4 mths ML is really good but I agree with babyd that pregnant mums face more risk now of being unemployed, and only working mums get to enjoy it. To change mindset, takes a long time. Sometimes it takes a war or at least a decade, to change mindset. There is actually no benefit for company to employ pregnant mums or mums with young kids. Maybe gov can consider giving some form of tax subsidy or whatever to companies based on the no. of preggy mums they have. And pregnant mums who are mismanaged by the company, should have better protection from the gov as well. And it is not easy to find flexible job arrangement which pays reasonably well. Most of the time, the wage can't justify the cost of finding an alternative child care arrangement.

As for SAHM, it seemed they can only enjoy the increase in cash bonus in terms on monetary benefits. No change in the education system except advising parents not to be too kiasu 'cause other countries had it worse. If there is going to be increase in childcare subsidy, what will happen later is tt the childcare centres will also be increasing the rates as well.

The message is very clear. Gov does not encourage mums to be SAHM, but to work. Actually, there is obviously not much of a choice for mums. sigh...
Dear all,

I am posting on Eve's behalf. She is inviting mums and kids here to her place this Sun 1pm-5pm for a gathering. There will also be water play for the kids.

It will be nice if we can meet up again. Didn't have enough time to chat even during our last gathering @ my place.

Gathering Details:
Date: 24 Aug, Sunday from 1pm-5pm
Location: Eve's place @ Sembawang

Please do RVSP by this Friday with the following details:
1) Tetra: 2 adults, 1 kid, 1 baby
Good to know that I'm missed.

SAHM is definately not encouraged.
Our "garment" wants to pass the costs to the businesses. I feel that for large MNCs, 4 months leave is no problem. But for the SMEs, the costs involved will be prohibitive. HR depts of SMEs will not hire single women who are at the age of getting married or worst just recently married. Or application forms will ask question like, "when you intend to tie the knot?" and "How many children do you think a normal family should have?" I think the SMEs will not just sit back & take it....they will voice their unhappiness of the matter to the govt.

Oh, this Sunday, I must give it a miss. Sorry Eve.
Sherilyn is so adorable. The pic taken with korkor shows like she can't wait for the shot to be over & done with.

How's kor kor now? Getting more used to the idea that he needs to share his parents?
piggy: I heard tt the sweden govrnmt paid the 6 mths ML instead of the company. So the only brunt the co has to bear is the cost of staff covering the mums on ML.

Anyone going to Suntec on the childhood developmt exhibition tomorrow?
Hi Tetra,
Thanks for your help.

Hi Piggy,

Hi ladies,
Organizing this round gathering because…..it’s a promise! (Tetra & Piggy)

I'm really sorry for the short notice. However, please send me an email at [email protected] if you can confirm your attendance.
If you can’t make it, it’s ok. We shall meet again next time.
piggy, tetra,
Sherman still difficult and still refusing to come home to sleep. We had to go to him and stay over at my IL's place. Then he insisted everybody must sleep in the same room and I must sleep next to him. Sherilyn had to sleep on a mattress on the floor. End up I didn't sleep well, cos Sherman kept checking on me and every time he moved, made a noise or nudged me, I would imagine Sherilyn woke up and needs milk. Really very exhausted. Don't know how much longer this will last.

Sherilyn doesn't seem to be as chubby, I think she looks quite long and slim compared to her brother last time. She likes my boobs so much she still fights the bottle. I really don't know how I'm going to go back to work like this. One thing though, she really likes Sherman quite a lot, will coo at him and lie quietly on his lap. It's always Sherman who's had enough and is impatient to get up.

I'm getting convinced that once a woman has kids, something has to give. Maybe one child still can push on as a career woman. Two or more, it really becomes either one. It's not like we cannot have a job, but I don't think it's possible to have the energy to chiong so hard at work (and cannot put in extra hours) without sacrificing the children. Being out of action for 4 months ML plus 1 month annual leave means a woman is only at work for 7 months in the year her child is born. Sure cannot get performance bonus and promotion. Those in sales sure cannot meet targets. Women who can make it in their career probably have to give up time with their children or need to be self employed. Unless work environment more family friendly and mindsets change, birth rate won't go up.
Look like you are still fighting a battle of wits & patience with Sherman. Did you try borrowing some books form library about the arrival of sibling? Maybe, he identify with the elder kid in the book & co-operate more?

Yes, in the first 2 years after each child is born, mum needs to spent the time & energy more on them than on work. Multiply that by 3, that's 6 year's of a working mum's life. Imagine how much ahead will the fellow woman without kids can chiong forward in term of ranking & pay?

Just that at the end of the day, women with kids will feel more "complete" as they have experienced the family life & the joy of seeing their children grow into adults.

The other side of the fence, that woman don't know what she missed out & stay happy as before. So moral of the story is what you want in life? High on the corporate ladder of a family with kids?
babyd: I can remember those days...when Lucas was fussy & uncooperative, & had to handle baby. But having a domestic help is really helpful but when not enough sleep myself, I could also breakdown. But still the 2nd one is easier than the 1st. I think when the elder one is about 4 yr & above, easier to manage.

I know very well about making the choice of family & career. In fact, I just started my part-time again with my ex-co a wk ago. Once I move in with my in-law in Sep, they will be 2 elderly, 2 maids, myself & 2 kids @ home throughout the day. Feel quite redundant so go back & work part-time for a while. In retrospect, no regret to my decision when i give up my career. If I would have stayed on, other than the money, I would have moved up to d.d level. But at great cost to my family & self well being. Yes, once I have 2, priority for family is even more important. So when I have to work late @ the expense of my family, I have great baggage of guilt, anger, frustration to deal with. The break has given me lots of peace for my soul & heart, & coming to terms with lots of things in life. Once you have made a choice (whatever it is), you move on & you travel lighter and happier. After what I have experienced, I don't think I would go back to my full-time work lifestyle unless the co has very good work-life balance policies & culture. In fact, I stated to co tt I do not want any benefit or CPF, just give me $ and agree to my working hrs. My colleagues felt like no diff with full-time, I told them it's different when part-time, I don't have baggage, interest or to show any commitment so long I deliver my project well. Anyway, will still proceed with my plan for another one.
i don't know if it's maternal instinct, post natal hormones or what... but after Sherilyn came along, I really felt that my time is not enough even though I'm on maternity leave. Actually all along I don't really care that much about moving up the career ladder, just want to be paid what I deserve if I do my work, but not at the expense of my kids. It's ok if the younger ones who are not married or have no children climb higher and faster than me. I usually don't work late. But when I was pregnant, I felt that my new boss thought less of me because I was almost due and now I'm on ML.

I really admire your plan to have 3. I think even if I quit my job, I dare not think of having 3. Hubby thinks otherwise, he says after everybody settles down, I will change my mind.
hihi ladies, just got back from Phuket late on Thursday
Went there with my parents 'cos the hubby went off to India on a learning trip and then came back with Delhi belly :p

Tetra, I agree with you rgd the working late and guilt part. And kudos to you for having the guts to be a SAHM.. I am nowhere near DD level so I guess my sacrifice wasn't so big.. but of course, it bites that we're only down to 1 income :p Jiayou for your #3! Hope you get a girl to complete your happy family! Hehe..

BabyD, I don't think I can deal with a third one either.. my girl is just not the easy kinda kid. Heh. And I totally agree that bosses are more judgemental of pregnant women. Rgd Sherman, well, he's really having a tough time dealing with it.. just like Timo. In fact, after Timo's hospitalisation, he's been quite problematic. Wants me to sleep with him (like in hospital) and comes up with all sorts of pains (even going to the extent of forcing vomit) to prolong bedtime. Sigh... he was miraculously cured on holiday but tonight it went back to his pain here pain there, mommy don't leave meeeee routine. Think he's seriously traumatised by what he went through in hospital.. dunno if he needs a child psychologist's intervention or not.

Piggy, you are indeed the stalwart of this thread
I think it is natural to be "less thought of" by boss when you are due. It is good in fact. At least, when you are on ML, your phone will not ring non-stop,

Wow...Phuket is nice. Did the kids enjoy?
Timo is so good at inventing pain hei? Must be feeling very lost when he sleeps on his own. I think that is quite understandable from the hospital experience. In time, he will get better. Don't need child psychologist yet unless he is screaming the house down.

Teacher's Day
This Thursday, L's school is celebrating TDay. I have signed him up to go on the stage to sing them a song. Last week, there was a rehersal... When I asked his teacher how did he do for the rehersal, they told me he sang "Jesus Loves me...". However, that was not what he was suppose to sing. I wonder what will come out during the actual performance day or will he even dare sing in front of so many pp?

I thought of bringing my 3 years old daughter to Hong Kong next Feb. Is it a nice place for toddler? It's her first time taking aeroplane, any advice on that?

Hi Piggy, it's nice of you to let L sign a song for his teachers. Do bring your video camera along and expect some surprises.
Piggy, Phuket was great! Kids are asking for 'pool' everyday upon waking up now. Sigh... Timo ah, alamak, dunno why he suddenly so clingy but honestly I really am at my wit's end as to how to settle him.

Yes yes pls video Linus and update us on Youtube!

Siew Hoon, toddlers are very easy to handle already, wouldn't worry about travelling on a plane
What about offering him your shirt as a comfort blanket?
Or record your voice singing to be placed beside him while he tries to sleep?
Piggy, teehee, I think that only works for babies lah.. sigh.. he just has to rough it out..

But yeah he saw his godpa yesterday.. I sent him to school.. then just as I came back home, put Beth down for her nap, the phone rings - teacher telling me that he's crying inconsolably from tummy pain.. biangz.. rush down to pick him up and bring him to Dr Ong. Sensitive tummy.. had diarrhoea too. Guess he'll be on non-oily, non-dairy food for a while! :p

Maybe Timo wants to be treated like a baby for a while.

L did a great performance in school today. He projected his voice into the mic quite well. He was suppose to say a poem & sing a song after that. However, it became singing 2songs in the end. So after the first song, the assembly clapped...(thinking that it is over)... he told them loud & clear that he has not finished...and he went on to sing the next song. So it was quite funny (at least to me) as he showed no nerves at all. I guess I'm a proud mummy today seeing my little one grown up and even performing on stage.
