(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

I've got the CD-Rom from A* few days back.. Didn't buy the whole set, just the starter set only.. Not bad.. But my son 'game over' all the times in the interactive games.. So sad~

Isabella (isabellali) : hehe ... my huby wants to put keith into right brain training class till he is old enough for phoenics class. He didn't let me buy the A* cdroms. hehe
Catz (catz) : Keith is at MMI Raffles. Not too ex , $525 per month , the place is aircon. hehe and he goes to and fro work with me. He is also abv 90cm le. but we still cheat lar. he havent have his own ezlink yet.
Florence, heard that it's better to just buy the EZlink on standby 'cos if you don't hv it on you, you'll have to pay fine..
Hey MMI Raffles is quite cheap har? But personally I don't like aircon.. but I guess in town, no choice right?
Catz : I am switching to car pool next month so decide not to buy one for him yet. hehe. Raffles MMI is in a office building , no playground , no swimming pool. so it's cheapest among all MMIs I think!
Hi Tetra, Piggy, Dolphina, Joan
Sorry for my late response :p
Just for sharing…..

I should ask Linus to pose for my camera.....paiseh!

Eve: wow, thanks for the nice photo work. Seems like all the kids did have fun that day.

babyd: sorry, my 2 boys & hubby were all down with cough & flu over the weekend. Hence I was not able to make it. Will let you know in advance when we are coming.
Hi there,
Everyone seems very busy.....

Hi Evelyn,
Nice work done! Can you send me a copy of the photo? Email @ [email protected]. Thanks. How did you do that? Paisey to mention, I am bad with computer graphic.

Hi Tetra,
Are your boys illness getting better? The weather was bad last week, frequent downpour..

Hi Catz,
Where are ur staying? Happen to pass by ELC at United Square today, do they conduct lesson at the store itself?
Joan: Thanks, the boys are getting better but still coughing. There has been a coughing symphony at night, baby Marcus will cough first, followed by Lucas then daddy. Sometimes they coughed in harmony. Poor me... I think I am the conductor.

The government is going to announce some new benefits & measures for boosting birth number next month. I wonder what they will be. I have been reading the forum in the Straits Times and comments on Yahoo yesterday about the cost of raising kids in S'pore. OMG, there are lots of unhappy people on this island.

Just want to hear from the other mums, what is your wish list in the coming announcement. Let me start first:

1) Parent allowance
2) Free education from Pri to Uni
3) Lower fees & better quality for preschool & childcare services
4) Work life balance
5) Review the education curriculum
6) Encourage more flexi work for mums

They reported that if the birth rate remains at 1.29, the S'pore population will be halved by 2070. I think our grandchildren generation will be regarded as rare species being a born S'porean, with the danger of extinction.
The above photo is Lucas posing with his "cheesy" smile while enjouying his fav strawberry ice cream with waffle @ Bugis.

The next photo is Marcus @ the cafe @ Cape Leeuwin. Thanks to babyd for loaning us the apparel.

Lucas enjoying his fav mashed potato in the zoo water play. To him, mashed potato must only be served in this cup. So we actually brought a KFC cup when we travelled.

Me & Marcus @ Perth King's Park. I don't mind to post this photo of me because it absolutely doesn't look like me. Haha... And if you notice I have inserted some quotes to go with the photo so can sell as postcards to cover milk powder cost. Just kidding...

haha.. i am luffin at your post now..

when is tim's day surgery? Will keep him in mind and hope he get well after this..

I just got back from a 4 days, 3 nights self-drive to genting and port dickson.. Stayed at Avillion and loved it..
yve: glad to know that I've made someone laugh today...

Catz must be very busy now. Hope Tim will be up and well soon. Catz: Must take care of yourself too!

yve: I was just thinking of Avillion. So lovely, isn't it? Though Port Dickson can be quite boring, but it is just so nice to neow in the resort. Your Brian must be so big boy now.
I think #1, #2 & #3 falls into my wishlist.

1) Parent allowance
2) Free education from Pri to Uni
3) Lower fees & better quality for preschool & childcare services

The atndard of living is too high.. All these are able to lighten our burden..
yes, avillion is a very nice place to nuah there..

Here's some pic of both kids at the zoo..

I would like these
1) Mandate more flexi work for mums
2) Work life balance
3) Lower fees & better quality for preschool & childcare services
4) Review the education curriculum
yve: Did anyone ask you if Brian and Angel are twins? Brian is as big as elder sister, and he looks so like daddy. Angel has this cool look, maybe trying to tell everyone that 'I am the big sister here'.

isabelle: we must pray hard that these will materialise (of course without increasing our income tax. anyway, we have already been paying lots of other taxes. Imagine our GLC has money to increase stake in a foreign bank).
when he was not yet one, and not walking yet (in stroller), got some shop sales person tot they are twins.. That's so duh then cos obviously one can walk and one cannot walk.. now they look like bf and gf.. He is heavier than her now..
Hi ladies, instead of eye op, Timo had severe dehydration due to high fever/vomitting/diarrhoea and was warded in TMC since Monday. Today just discharged.. I have been with him throughout.. very painful ordeal since they had to prick him multiple times (for 45 mins) before they could get the canula in to start the iv drip. He didn't cry though.. even though his arm and veins are all bruised from the failed tries. His veins had already collapsed 'cos his fever was so high
Then that night, he went delirious 'cos of the high fever.. talking rubbish and trying to yank out his drip. Wah very traumatic for me.. but thank God we're back home now. My poor little Beth became an orphan at my parents' place.. but glad to have both monkeys back home now. They are still analysing his stool culture to see what caused this massive bacterial infection. Sigh.
1)Work Life Balance
2)Free Education (at least till Pre-U)
3)Parent Allowance
4)No maid levy for families with chidren
5)Education System not to be so exam oriented
Nice pics
So funny that u got to bring along a KFC cup...kekeke..

Long time no hear from you. Ah boy really big now.

Oh you poor thing. Sayang mummy ....sayang Timo.... Did you give him anything out of the ordinary?
Guess it's quite impossible that they wont increase our income tax. They are learning from other countries where they have income tax as high as 50%. And like australia where they are paying 17% GST. It's just a matter of time, I think..
Tetra, you're so lucky lor... and the KFC cup is really hilarious.. guess when you migrate, he will be less chinaman.. kekekeke..

Piggy, no leh, nothing out of the ordinary.. just a nasty tummy bug.. ah well... thank God for good paediatrician. As it happens, Ashton was there that morning too.
Hi Eve,
Received!! Thanks.

Hi Catz,
Hope that Timo is resting well at home.. Was the eye op. rescheduled?

Hi Tetra,
Cute pics taken. Lucas looks very satisfied after the ice cream treat.

My Wishlist,
1) More flexi works for mom
2) More affordable medical fee for women who are trying to conceive (including myself, heeheeehee)
3) Worklife balance
4) Review educational curriculum
Last week, L went for excursion with school. When he came back, I asked him if he cried? He replied to say, "Yes, I cried." I asked why. He said, "He missed me so much & he lup me, so he cry."

Yesterday, I checked with teacher. She said he didn't cry at all. And he even attempted to play a prank on her. He took her bag and hid it under the chair on the bus! Was caught red handed n when questioned, just smile n laugh about it.

My son has started his teenage soooooo young. How huh?
My son have grown thinner and thinner recently.. Both my ds #1 & #2. Any mummies have any ways of letting the kids put on more weight??
Isabelle, Yve, Joan, Piggy: Thanks for the feedback which I've compiled below. Let's see if any of our wishes here will be hit during the announcement next month.

1) Parent allowance
2) Free education from Pri to at least Pre-U or to Uni
3) Lower fees & better quality for preschool & childcare services
4) Work life balance
5) Review the education curriculum/ Education System not to be so exam oriented
6) Encourage more flexi work for mums/ Mandate more flexi work for mums
7)No maid levy for families with chidren
8) More affordable medical fee for women who are trying to conceive

Recently, there have been so much limelight on the challenges faced by parents, particularly mothers. On one hand, it is good but on the other hand, it seems like it is attracting negative write-ups/feedback from the 'non-mothers' i.e. singles. Even pushing pram in the public becomes an issue now. I was quite surprised by some young people who think that babies should not be brought out. Wait till they become mothers. It is stressful being a mother in Singapore.
catz: How is Tim? Is this the 2nd time he had such serious diarrhoea. Can beef him up with milk and hearty meal once his appetite returns. Did he catch rotavirus? And how's Ashton? Hope it is nothing serious.

I remembered the last time was when you bought the bread from a confectionary opposite your place. After that, I become very cautious about bread or cake from the heartland bakery shops. Once my hubby bought one of those Thomas inked colour cake for Lucas during their outing, Lucas coughed and vomited all the green articial ink out. From that day onwards, we dare not buy those cakes with lots of articial ink.

On your statement that u think I'm lucky, I think I am blessed instead of lucky. That's why I don't mind to have a 3rd child, even if it's going to be a boy. But I do need lotsX10000XX of luck for this Friday $8M toto. But first must find an outlet with short queue. And you know how blessed you are too especially with two terrific kids, and good family support.

Isabelle: You can try Pediasure, I heard it is good for putting on weight though I never tried this before. Or you can try the si shen fen from Eu Yan Sang, which is good for improving appetite.

Piggy: Linus is not such a simple kid afterall. He knows that by saying those words, it will definitely melt your heart. He is going to be a ladies killer. And he is not as timid as he always sound to be, still dare to play prank on the teacher.
Joan, yes we had to call KK to cancel the eye op and now his pd wants us to push up the date of the eye op since the lump keeps recurring
Hv just called up a private pd opthalmologist to arrange a date at Mt E for consultation and hopefully eye op ASAP.

Piggy, Linus is such a funny wry little fella!

Tetra, aiyah you no need to worry about govt incentives already lor.. you ho mia go Australia! Agreed about those ppl who pass comment on strollers.. they are really inconsiderate hogs.

Yeah the first time diarrhoea was not so serious lor. Sigh. His appetite has returned but I still don't dare to give him meat or oily stuff just in case it makes his tummy all wonky. It's not rotavirus.. they tested for it. Ashton was at Godpa Ong's for a cough that day, nothing serious. The two of them meet up so often that they are like old buddies.. teehee

Yucks rgd the green ink.. yah I really dun trust those neighbourhood bakeries except for Pine Garden.
catz: Poor Tim, hope he can quickly get over the eye ops, so that he can be back to his usual daily routine. Is he still going to school now?

Still can enjoy the govt incentives even after we move to AZ. Anyway, we can't enjoy the AZ social benefits until 4 years later. If our wish lists are to materalise, then no need to stay @ AZ.

You just reminded me of the blackforest cake from Pine Garden. Yummy...

BTW, has anyone used the CDA to deduct for medical fees when your kids visit the doctors?
Tetra, I pulled him out of school for the time being to let him R&R... yesterday my mom insisted tha tI take him off the no-meat, no-oil, no porridge diet and guess what? He woke up at 9pm puking his guts out! Sigh...

Oh so your plan to migrate is not cast in stone?

Teehee.. I love Pine Garden lychee martini.. yum.. CDA- nope, I only deduct school fees.
Not every clinic takes CDA lor.. My PD does not.. If only they take, every visit is at least $80 for minor or $120 for major..

Don't dare to think of 3rd one.. Cos it will mean a maid.. and just heard another maid horror story.. Fren's maid stealing money..
catz: I think it will take 2 weeks for Tim to resume his usual meals. Of course, migrating is still a go go. If S'pore is a better place for our kids in the future, then still can keep citizenship.

yve: I trying to find those clinic that can deduct from CDA. Stand Chart just issued me a Nets card. I have no idea how to use it when they didn't even send me the pin numbers. Maid thing is really a luck thing but if you have your mom to supervise, there is still better control.

My maid just expressed her wish to return to home in early Dec this year for good. Happy for her that finally, she can spend quality time with her family.
9% GST before 2010. 10% before 2013. That is in my crystal ball.

I agree no meat for him. Even if you do give...give in moderation. Poor Timo...
Have you seen the opthalmologist?

If given a choice, I would do the same too. Well, I guess, if you find that AZ suits you, then by all means stay there.
I've told some of my GFs that if I get some good opportunities in China, I will uproot n go. They gave me a "Are u crazy?" look. I think in a decade or max two, China will surpass Singapore in every way. And I feel that when a country is that big, there are lots of opportunities...
Hmmm.... bought a hope in the toto draw too.
Maybe, my dreams can come true earlier.

Ya...maid thing can be troublesome. But if you are lucky, they are a real blessing.

Are you enjoying your SAHM life so far?

How's Sherilyn now? Must have grown alot.
Do post us some more pics so that you can sprinkle some baby dust for Joan here.

Short Trip
We are going for a short trip this weekend. My little one is so excited that he could burst. Told me that his teacher will miss him so much when he is away...I really think that he is a drama king. Must see if there are any DRAMA academy to enroll him.
You mentioned aomething very familier.. Pine Garden's Lychee Martini??? That's one of my favourite too.. You guys stay somewhere near there??

Hope Timo is recovering well...
Catz/ Isabelle: Lychee Martini shall be my next order to try.

piggy: I think you should be familiar with China since you have been travelling there for your last job. I have not been to China yet, would love to go with my kids when they are older. Which part of China are you looking at if you decide to relocate? Is this the 1st overseas trip for Linus?
Your two children really look alike. I think mine will be the same, judging by their baby pictures.

Poor Tim. Hope he gets better soon. Wanted to ask if you tried Gina Ford method on Beth cos I seem to recall you posting something about it. Does it really work, ah? My girl is sleeping quite well, she does 2 stretches of 5 hours at night, but she goes to bed really late, around 11-12 midnight, sometimes later. It's partly because of Sherman, he's just too noisy, so she can't sleep earlier until he's safely out of the way in bed.

Everybody with 2 kids,
Help... Sherman is super naughty these last 2 weeks and I'm tearing my hair out. I know he's jealous, but I'm already spending a lot a lot more time with him than when I was working full time! I playing with him more one on one and sleeping with him for his afternoon naps. He doesn't want me to carry baby sister and has been manipulating us, totally disobedient to our requests purposely and even getting into trouble in school. I've talked to him endlessly, telling him that if he's a good boy, let Sherilyn sleep, I'll have more time to spend with him. If he's naughty, keep disturbing her and making her cry, I'll have to go carry her, which equals less time with Sherman. He doesn't seem to get it.

He's been refusing to sleep at home, asking to go to grandma's to sleep almost every night. But then when he goes, he gets sad and says he wants mummy. Poor kid is so stressed, I think. He woke up at 2am the other night and climbed into daddy's bed to ask for a hug. Most painful of all, he told me, "No, I don't love you." But after that, he feels sorry, I know he doesn't mean it, and he tries to kiss, hug and make up. His behavior is just making everybody exhausted.

Got any helpful tips?
babyD : keith used to be super jealous abt mei mei too. remembering the first day I brought her from from the hospital , he even threw things at us. tissue ... crushed paper ... hehe

but everyday I tell him that there is only one mei mei and it's his own and will be with him forever. To play with him and love him. hehe

Now he get jealous less and less le.

I also reads books abt new additions to keith ...
babyD, I agree.. think your kids will be like Yve's - have the stamp of brother and sister
Mine are so different!

Yes yes, I'm super pro-Gina Ford 'cos Babywise just didn't work with Beth (from day 1).. but I only started at 2 months but it's still better than nothing 'cos she went to sleep without fussing (by herself, in her own cot) at 4 months. YES IT WORKS!!

As for jealousy, well, can't say it will go away but I think it takes time for the elder sib to learn how to 'love' the younger one. There will be fights, oh yes, lots and lots of them when the younger one learns how to assert and snatch!! Nightmare...

Just keep at what you're doing.. he'll come around.. don't worry.
Jealousy (a story to share)
I have 3 kids, let's put them A B C.
A loves C and show it out because C is still a baby.
A loves B but didn't show it out because they always play tgt and always have fights..

One day:
Me: ' I throw Didi away ok?? '
A: 'OK, Take of the clothes, take off the pants, and throw him down the rubbish chute'
Me: '(......), ok, Yati (maid), pls take C and throw downstair'
A: No No!!! I was saying about B!!!
Me: '........'

Another Day (in the lift, I pop the Qs suddenly)
Me: A, B very naughty hor, we throw him down the rubbish chute lahx.. I can't stand him..
A: Mummy, dun wan lahx.. I love B lehx..
Me: =)))))

Moral of the story, no matter hw much they hated their siblings on the surface, deep in their heart I believe they actually love them lots..

I think if you ask your son what I ask mine, he will also say cannot throw his mei mei away..
0932313 (isabellali): Yes yes ... I do agree with you. If we go visiting and a stranger carries his mei mei , he will say ka ka carry mei mei , like scare they take her away. when we say we give mei mei away , he say cannot. haha

Lolx~ Kids are just so cute sometimes.. Siblings rivalry are inevitable, I think.. We can only try to minimise it.. But out from the same mother's tummy, and with the correct teaching and moral value, siblings will def stay united.. It's hw we, as parents, mould them into who they are next time..
