(2004/12) Year 2004 December Mummies

wow your kid b'day party is a blast,
jinjin looks so happy
Shermyn's cake was soooo preeeety! Did it taste as good as it looked?

JJ's cake was just the run of the mill children's cake - sponge with lots of cream, jam and colouring. The kids got excited by it ("I want the red part." "I want the yellow part."), but the adults wouldn't touch it. Bought a 3 kg cake, but we were left with so much of it!

Shermyn's such a hot babe! Where'd you get that sexy little number with the plunging neckline?

Errr... JJ's blog only had 6 posts since Sept 06. You can easily do better than me! I just use it to record more significant events and post pictures, so she'll have something to refer to when she's older.

Maybe you can plan a holiday to Sentosa? Book a hotel room and take Ger to the Underwater World, the beach, etc. By night, she should be exhausted from all the activities and will fall asleep easily. Remember to bring all her pillow, bolster, blanket, teddy bear, etc, though. If she really really really wants to go home, at least you can still drive back easily from Sentosa.

Going on a cruise is another idea. Lots of things to do on board. If she cries at night, walk around till she's tired.

LOL! I like the "submissive" pic too... You took some pics too right? Any good ones?

Ash really takes good care of her di di and Rae. Can see that the 2 of them look up to her a lot.

You should've joined us!
cody / yuru
can u advise LL n myself as to how many kids are attending the party? we hv to prepare the goody bags.. wats our budget?
The cake (blackforest) was delicious! U should give them a try next year.

I bought the red halter neck dress from Baby Surf last year. They used to have an outlet at Suntec but they closed shop quite a while back.

the zoophonics programme seems quite fun and interesting. how much did u pay for it?
<font color="ff0000">Hi carnellin,</font>
You don't sound 'local'....where is your hometown

potato enjoys barney show but not initial part before barney n friends appearance.

school hunting... i think all of us are having major headaches over this.

if you are not searching for childcare, can try this link to search for the kindergarten you need by name or postal code.


<font color="ff0000">elmobbger</font>
The art projects look so fun! I am sure ger enjoyed herself tremendously..
I am still in awe at Ger's jigsaw ability...

<font color="ff0000">YYP</font>
The party was great. we all enjoyed ourselves.
JINJIN looks absolutely gorgeous in her white 'gown' and 'tiara'.. such a princess.
cant imagine that girl in pink is claris..all grown up ....
Aiyo.. rae is eating in all the pics.. what a pig. but thats my pig

GUG: I am sure JJ will enjoy herself. She might be able to correct some of the teachers mistakes! (chinese teacher taught right as left n vice versa. english teacher taught wool as hair..sigh) Teacher factor is very important in GUG..
(aida, zee, herly, shann, nora are the popular and 'better' ones)
if timing is flexible for JJ, can try requesting for these teachers classes.)
GUG now issues 'report card' (not sure if its the same for weekend class)
Rae will stop GUG after being with them for nearly a year. will let her try others.

tutu: shes persistent. she not as smart as JJ

i will wait when shes older then THROW.
toilet training: rae did that for a while too. but as she hates wetting her pants, so was easier.since JJ is 'vain' , tell her she will wet her pretty clothes and will have none to wear. or get her cute undies/pants with characters that she likes.
I use to reward rae everytime she told us she wants to pee n did it successfully. her rewards are : one sheet of toilet paper, praises and she gets to flush the toilet . :p
My friend taught me this:
you have to DEMO to them so they understand the concept of using the toilet . I was hesistant initially but gave it a shot and it was very very effective.

hope it helps and see you nxt week!
<font color="ff0000">seagal</font>
the cake and the birthday girl looks equally gorgeous!!
thats a real sexy and nice dress..
the cake looks so sweet.. must have cost a bomb

aiya.. i never cut raes hair thats why ''long'' but its very thin n sparse...
yeah i'm not

i'm from indonesia, my husband got transferred her just 3 months ago... and everywhere we go (because of our chinese physic) people speak mandarin to us (and we can't
thanks for the cake info..
the zoophonics holiday programe i recall is abt $200 for a wk.. eh.. forget liao.. hehehe... hubby paid for it..

we did consider cruise lor.. but my mum not prepared.. she say if ger cries, then we faint.. she wont get tired one.. there's once i bring her back own house and sleep, she cried fm 11pm to 4am and to the extend that we drive round and round our place for 1 hour at 3am, she still crying.. only till abt 4plus then she slept for 1 hr plus, and wake up asking for my mum again.. i hope one more year she will "grow" up..

oh oh is u.. hehehe.. didnt realise that.. i will be posting out the items today.. last night while packing and looking at the white dress, was a bit "regretting".. thinking why did i post this dress out to sell.. hahaha....
Thanks for the tip. Will try PG Cakes next year. Their prices seem reasonable, but they don't have many pics online. Do they e-mail pics of their cakes, then we pick and pay online or do we have to go to their shop? Do they provide free delivery as well?

Managed to find one pic of Rae watching the magic show (without food! hehe).


I didn't ask GUG who JJ's teacher will be in the coming term. They had limited slots available when I went to pay, so didn't have much of a choice. I chose Mon and Fri 9 am cos the rest of the slots would have clashed with her mealtime or naptime.

You mentioned kindergarten. Are we supposed to start searching for kindergartens now? Quite blur abt this... GUG runs a kindergarten too right?

Rae is smarter than JJ, just not as vain... Maybe you can put something bitter on the tutu, so she'll not find it appealing anymore? I think there's a solution which can be painted on nails for people who're trying to stop themselves from chewing their nails. Or rub bitter gourd on the tutu? After that, let Rae throw the tutu in the bin herself.

I'll try the suggested toilet training method with JJ today. Hope it works! *fingers crossed*

Do come over and intro yourself to me at the Xmas bash. Sorry, haven't seen a pic of you or Cellin yet, so don't know how to spot you.

If your mom goes on holiday with your family, will Ger be ok? I supposed you've to try Sentosa first, before venturing further.

A gd way to wean off tutu.... is to snip a hole at it. I heard alot of mummies said it's quite effective. But be prepare that she might ve wind in her stomach. That time i tot of doing it but nvr ve a chance to do so becos nat bite a hole at the tutu by herself. Think of it, it really make me laugh becos that time whenever she suck, she will take out the tutu n look at it(I think she dun feel comfomtable). And aft awhile, she wean off the tutu all by herself. Heng ah... that time i still dun ve any confident that i'll be wean her off..
You can tell PG roughly what theme you want and they'll email you some cake designs they have.

Alternatively, if you have a particular design in mind, just send them a pic to see if they can do a similar one.

They do not take orders online. Gotta order by phone or in person.
Wow...so much happenings....HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO ALL BABIES.....

YYP....JJ part looks so fun...so sad we got to missed it....

Ethel...according to Yuru's latest list dd 04 Dec, itz 26 kids. Anyone missed out???
Perhaps, u should try to be tough (just for few days), no tutu for rae, no matter how; ignore her screaming, yelling and crying (just that u will have few days sleepless night :p) But I can guarantee within a week definitely can wean off tutu. This is what we did to Wilfred
Good info for next yr! Thanks, thanks!

You seem to know a lot about cakes. I've always loved the choc fudge cake from Lana, and the choc banana cake from Awfully Choc. Do you know anywhere else with cakes as heavenly as those?

How were the celebrations for Steffi?

Evelyn Au,
Did you receive my e-mail last wk?
E-mail??? So sorry, nowadays I seldom chk my hotmail. Usually I will ask my frens send mail to my office (if urgent). Anyway, I will chk it right now! paiseh! paiseh!
Thanks for your invitation. Im so sorry! Ive missed JinJin 2yrs old BD celebration! I should read it early! Jialat! Still have 124messages unread yet.
Happy Belated Birthday To Jin Jin!
Nice pics!
i love those cakes too!! they are super moist. if you like choc cakes, there's a stall in Serangoon Gardens Food Centre/Market selling very nice choc cake too. I think it costs about $20+ for a whole cake. They sell other foods too e.g. fish and chips, english carrot cake, mee jian kueh, etc.
haha.. the food is in her mouth! look at those overstuff hamster cheeks!
I think Kindergarten includes nursery.
I am not too sure about this too..

GUG will start their nursery n kindy classes in 2007. they take in 2.5-3 and above for N1.
independent classes. 5x a week.

thanks to all mummies for your invaluable advice and encouragement.
the truth is.. this mum is too chicken to wean her off.
I cant afford to throw away or cut her tutu cos tat means no U-turn as hers can only be found in one miserable shop in spore and always oos.
so i might go insane if it doesnt work.
I will find a day when i can afford to go zombie and dipped her tutu in bittergourd or lime juice:p
the good thing is she only needs it to sleep n will spit it out later.
let me cross-check the princess schedule with the almanac first.

evelyn au,
many post to catch up cos u mia in this thread so long... :p

I know that shop, i always wonder whats so great abt the cake cos the price isnt exactly 'market' pricing. will def try a slice the next time i go there for my dinner. THANKS.
hi hi,
happy belated birthday to all babies.

have been MIA for quite some time. nathan, natalie and myself was sown with flu last week. so didnt really celebrate nat's birthday. only a small blow candle, cake cutting ceremony for her. :p

I prepared some goodie bags for her classmate (her acutal BD fall on her school day), ended up we didnt go for class and have to distribute the goodie bags to neighbours.

cody, elmobbger,
pls email me the detail of cupcake collection when it's ready. thks!
oh dear, hope both nat and u are better now. no wonder i didn't see both of u at the class. I was there at the beginning before my hubby took over.

all this talk of the choc cake make me drool ... i just went to buy 2 slices during lunch. =d

try to go early if you want to buy in case the cake run out of stock or maybe u can call to order first?
heehee thank you, i'm still considering, because tomorrow b'dae would be quiet since we just moved to Sing so hubby decided dinner only with sliced cake
Evelyn Au,
Thanks for the birthday wishes, and no worries abt not seeing the mail. Got a voice mail from ya today, but couldn't catch the message. We'll catch up at the Xmas Bash on the 17th!

The selection which they sell is so "cha-pa-lang". Have you heard of Choc a Bloc (http://www.chocabloc.biz/main.html)? I've not tried their cakes before, and was wondering if they're similar to Lana or Awfully Choc.

Sorry, haven't heard of NZ Manuka Melts. I've only heard of 42 Below Manuka Honey Vodka!!!

Is it compulsory for all kids to attend Nursery and Kindergarten?

Congrats on the new addition to the family! I've been away from the forum for a loooong time, so a lot of catching up to do too. Hope the kiddies and you have recovered from the flu!
Hi all,

Hope u all still can remember me! It's purplebear!

Time flies! All the little ones have grown so much as in the photos which have been attached.
I was too busy with my new job for the past few months but I have quited due to the long working hrs &amp; burnt weekends. Anyway have got myself a part time job as to work fm 9-2 Mon-Thu. Earn lesser but more time for Anthea.

Seagal, the birthday cake for yr girl is so sweet...&amp; yr girl is so SWEET too in her sexy red dress.

hope u have recovered fm the flu. So how's life with 2 little ones?
Mothercare is selling Sudo Cream... dunno how much.. i usually get my sudocream from australia.. works like magic!
i need some help here..

any mummies has a pic of a nice pooh cake with figurines?? or any cake shop i can go to??

i've tried Pine Garden and ecreative, but they dont seem to have any special pooh cake..
YYP: heyyy glad to see you're posting more often now! Kindergarten is compulsory, min requirement is 1 year. The only exception to the rule is if you're home schooling. That's a BIG loophole there if you ask me.
Oh i'm so envious of the fun you all had at JJ's party!

Feline: come come, whisper in my ear what it takes to convince you to attend our Xmas bash! PLEASEEEEEEEEEE !!!

Seagal: Oh my, what a pretty cake! Did you provide the alphabets that spelt her name, or did PG give them to you?

Yuru, LL, Ethel: i've sent you emails on the Bash, pls check.

Carnellin: you just arrived from I'sia? You've come to the right place - we're nice bunch of people! *hug* welcome!
Dec 2004 Babies Xmas Bash!

Date: dec 17 (this sunday!)
time: 5pm
Venue: Hillview Green Condo Function Room, Hume Ave

Shall we have a dress code? everybody must come in clothes with SOME red or green on it!

er, do i hear some saying its too cheesy? heeee...

yes, a friend recommend me this website to meet new friends

wow red and green ya.. better hurry decide because not much time to find a clothes if we didn't have one heehee
carnellin &amp; all mommies,

don't kill yourselves over the dress code k?
just something simple will do, tie hair with red ribbon also counted.

if the husbands want to come with red nail polish also can!
YYP, cody,
I think Kindergarten in spore is still non-compulsory. It is only mandatory to send your kid to primary school.

good that you can now spend more time with anthea. how is she? i am still waiting for her latest pic

red n green? oh dear.. erm. bob builder underpants can?

how was ur darling bday celebration?

i am one lazy mum

rae is obsessed with penguins at the moment, no thanks to her pororo dvd n happy feet movie.
and everyday been reminding me abt her ''pororo happy feet birthday cake''.
Long time no hear! Where have u been?
Can't wait to see recent pics of Anthea. =)

i have no idea what is sudo cream. really can remove 2 YO stretch marks miraculously??

can't help you with pics of the cake. just sidetrack abit...the Pooh agar agar looks quite nice! seems that a lot of forum mummies ordering.

WELCOME BACK!! How was ur trip ? Post pics when u have the time. =)

The letters on the cake are done by PG. Made from icing i think.

did u get the BK Express cake in the end?

how will Rae's bday cake be like? Penguin sounds cute!
heehee yes that will do, but i like the idea of dress code, making the party merrier

well, we try to make it cheery even just the three of us, but maybe next year when i have more friends (and more closer to all of you), i'm thinking of having a party for her,,, really jealous with jinjin party

so we just have swensen :D this year

nope because i know it'll ended up with me having 2 kg more at the next morning...
Dec 2004 Babies Xmas Bash!

Date: dec 17 (this sunday!)
time: 5pm
Venue: Hillview Green Condo Function Room, Hume Ave

GIFT EXCHANGE...is there going to be one?
Wat's sudo cream?

Welcome back! You couldn't have gone away longer than I have... I hope! Anyway, do join us here more often.

How was your trip to Genting? Did Dean enjoy the rides?

The dress code thing sounds fun! I think JJ has a green dress, but no matching shoes. Dun laugh at her hor...

Just to check, do we bring 1 gift per family for the Xmas Bash gift exchange? If so, that means only kiddies in this thread will get something, and not their siblings who attend. I'm not sure if any siblings are attending though... and I'm assuming parents aren't expecting to receive toys worth $15 for themselves...

Thanks for the advise. Learning Vision has a branch near my place. Have you heard anything about their kindergarten course? For pri, I hope she can get into my and Feline's school one day!

those wordings are made from icing? wow!!

you will warm to the mummies here in no time

sudo cream: first time i heard of it. what purpose does it serve?

its great to see you here more often.
LV (gentle road). from what i heard, long waitlist. and its one of the newer ones.
LV is one of the more ''reputable'' cc.
personally, i feel its best that you and the your entire village go and take a look , talk to the principal/teachers, ask zillion questions.. some even ambush parents of existing students with qns :p
I like to bring hb and helper along for an alternative opinion of the place.
and if i like the place, i will go a few times, including unannounced. :p

girl power!
you are alumni.. got advantage..
