(2004/12) Year 2004 December Mummies

yeap , have booked my flight and acoomodation. i am a super ks fella. haaa.

not tat is not possible to drive but u must have a lot of time lor. not worth if u travelling with toddler.

joann: april may be too late. I was there mid-april and the cherry blossoms had all dropped.

the locals told us its best to go in the last week of march to the first week of april.

what's HCM?

thank for the offer? you bringing a BIG suitcase?
else dean and i cannot fit ....
hahaha :p
jokes aside, i would lOVE to go back to japan!!!

seagal: can you pls share with me the ryokan you stayed in in tokyo? i also have 1 contact, run by a taiwanese lady. Only S$150 per night for 3 adults.
ho chih min !!
aiya, my step daughter is here end march til first week of apr so can only do it 2nd week. then i can tell hubby this time miss the cherry blossom, can go again !!
joann, while ho chih min! very exotic!
sounds like you've been there several times?
or are you/hubby from there?


by the way, you managed to convince your hubby to drive you to our xmas bash yet?
really hope to see you there!
Hi everyone

Yuru has sent an email to us with her account details. Pls check your emails, and effect the deposit before Dec 3, 2359 hours.

Thank you!!
wah, all these talk abt Melbourne & Osaka... i missed both places!

was complaining to hubby that the last "official" holiday we've taken was to Melbourne in March 2004, before Shanice is born!! hiaz...
Lach & Kel, I will be checking this weekend whether the function room has an Xmas tree set up... I remember last year there was one... will let you know before you spend a bomb on the items to "create" one...
hi mummies with recent newborns aka KC, TBL, Eve Leo, do you know where to get disposable milk bags much like the avent ones ? my sil looking for them. thanks!
my hubby says what to do, or else he has to sleep outside !!its my first visit to hcm but have seen hanoi for my honeymoon. btw, jen is gonna take over the catering, can you liaise with her.

any early bird discount ?? ha ha

no neg with caterer except that extra one dish only.
hi hi, First Few years (paragon) has some.
Can't remember the brand off-hand, quite cheap.
another brand is The First Years.

Medela also has them, but they're expensive.

ok tks, i will liase with Jen.
wah, so you "arm-wrestled" your husband into attending!
hahahaha good move, well done!!
Thanks for the info! Will check them out.

I think Playtex is the other more affordable brand since there are no Avents now.

Can u check if the condo management has anything against us pasting mahjong paper (with blu tak) on the function room walls for our DIY christmas tree? we should likely be using crayons/markers for the kids to draw on it as well. Thanks!
just told cody that blu tack is a no no... BUT I still did it last year... hehehe... =P just hv to be very careful that the paint on the wall does not fall off when removing... and NO DRAWING on the wall hor!

Though the management cannot confirm, but I think there will be a small xmas tree set up... last year one is about 1.5m tall? dun think we need to decor a lot... they are currently decorating outside with lights...
Hi I just wanted to updated the number of person in my family,
two adults me and hubby (hence purnawan) + Cellin (born dec 2004)
i'm planning tonight for transferring the money to michelle, if not tomorrow
nice to meet all of you,

is any of you live in bukit batok or near it?
Some questions about balloons:

Any mummies know where I can get people to fill up balloons with helium + attach the string? What is the cost? Thanks!
Hi GIRL (baobei),
my daughter is dec 2004 and her weight is ten KG too, but how's your child appetite and health?
because I've checked on my pd as long she's healthy and eat, it's okay thou'
haha...that magazine's a limited edition.

i just bought an Anagram balloon from this 1st floor choc stall in J8. they provide helium air pumping service for $2 for a 45cm wide balloon. they provide the string and weight also.
yikes i must hv overlooked ur email. will transfer soon.

husband got tis contact whereby they'll provide u wif a helium tank, teach u how 2 blow up the balloons and leave e tank there 4 u. rather cheap, if i not wrong, we spent less than $80 for it and we blew up more than 80 balloons. i'll get e contact fr husband 2nite.
thanks kelly & seagal... blowing up balloons wif tank is not difficult i guess... BUT ask me to attach it wif nice string... duh... fail...

Hello Mummies! Sorry, I've vanished for so long once more... JinJin's 2nd birthday is coming up and we'll be delighted to have you join us in the celebrations!

There'll be a Magic Show, balloon-twisting, etc. Light refreshments will be provided.

All are welcome, and gifts are NOT necessary.

Date: 3 December (Sunday)
Time: 3.00 to 6.00 pm
Venue: My House

Kindly RSVP to [email protected]. I'll e-mail you my address then.


Good to have you back. JJ has grown prettier and prettier by the day. I love her curly locks!

Was that a basket she's standing in?

Thanks for your invite. We have a family gathering this Sun so we can't make it to share your joy.

Pls send her birthday hugs and kisses from Shermyn! =)

Btw, are u joining us for our XMAS party?
It's long lost moi. I'd like to confirm our attendance for the 17 Dec party. 3 adults + JinJin. Was supposed to get a gay night going on Sundays, but it ain't happenin'.

Didn't get your mail with your bk acct details. Could ya mail me at [email protected]. Or if you and Cindy are coming to JJ's party on 3 Dec, I'll pass you the cash then. Cheerios!

Is Feline still using the forum? If not, can I trouble you to let her know about the invite?

Shermyn's a model! Such a pretty girl! And you know what, she's REALLY a mirror image of you!

Is Shermyn celebrating her birthday in advance on Sunday as well?

I never got to thank you the last time for your tips on playschools. Paiseh... JJ has been extremely restless in Shichida class for the last 2 mths. I've decided to withdraw her after this term. I haven't signed her up for a different class yet, but she did attend GUG's trial class last week which she enjoyed a lot. GUG seems to focus more on play, so it has a less serious atmosphere than Shichida.

I've heard good things about Julia Gabriel's classes as well. Do you know anything about them?

And oh... JinJin was in a laundry basket in that pic. She hasn't had a haircut since birth, so her hair's long and curly now.
Hurray! We can finally catch up again during the party. =)

U r right. We are having a small family celebration for her on Sunday as well.

JJ must be getting bored of her Shicida class since she has learnt everything possible for her age. I remembered she could pronounced trapezium and parallelogram when u last posted. We can't wait to hear how far advanced she is now. =D

Good to hear that JJ likes her GUG trial. Do you want to join us for the weekend class? Their current term ends 16 Dec so we can maybe try to squeeze you in for next term if there's vacancy. Shermyn was quite shy at first but we could see her slowly opening up after 4 lessons.

I have heard good reviews about Julia Gabriel's Bilingual PlayClub. Had considered them before signing up for GUG but dropped them after knowing that I have to pay $25 just to place Shermyn on their waitlist.
Young Parents Baby Magazine
Hi , anyone know if there is such a magazine and where to get? if u can get hold of one for Dec copy, pls help me get too.

i asked the sellers of mag n they say they only hv young parents mag or mother and bb mag
Shichida has a gd programme with challenging tasks, but it's time for JJ to have a change of environment. Going to GUG was like a breath of fresh air for her. She was so happy that she could use paint to draw stuff! When another boy got picked to be the lion at story-telling time, she went up to the teacher and said: 'I want to be the lion too."

I haven't had the opportunity to observe kids her age, so I really don't know what everyone's up to. What is Shermyn doing these days? Is she talking and reading?

$25 to be put on the waiting list? My mom said her friend's granddaughter is attending JG classes and they're paying S$25 per lesson. That can't be true, right?

Are you quite happy with GUG? I had placed JJ on GUG's waiting list for January's term, and they rang me to say that I've to make payment by this week to secure a place for the Mon and Fri morning class. My dad's accompanying her, so I need a schedule which suits him. Babysitting is not on his weekend agenda. Karaoke is!
Hi YYP....nice to hear from you again. I have not decided wic day to celebrate Stef's b'day, and if itz decided on Saturday then I will attend Jin Jin's. She sooooo pretty.....

Ethel...am looking for you. We r in charge of the goody bags rite? Pls let me kno my duty....ok. Had send email to you too.
My late night buddy. Hope you guys can make it this Sunday. JJ will be so happy to see Steffi again!

Thanks for the compliments. My mom cut her fringe a few days back, and she looks very toot now.

Have you ordered Steffi's cake yet? Where're you getting it from? I'm torn between buying a kiddie cake and a serious cake-lover's cake. By the time I decide, everything will probably be gone! I showed JJ pictures of the 3-d cakes in ecreative.com, and she got all excited and kept saying: "I like this one. I like this one." Dunno whether they taste good or not...
$25 per lesson at JG ? haha ... can't be true unless they came up with sth recently. The last time I enquired with JG, their Bilingual Playclub was $455 + GST for 10 lessons.

JJ's so cute to tell her teacher that she wants to be a lion too. She must be very advanced in her speech now.

shermyn's into reading books now. she started speaking in simple sentences only recently. other than that, she loves playing pretend, jumping and running around and not forgetting her passion - eating. haha.

the classes at GUG are quite popular. the teachers make a difference too so it's worth checking them out before u sign up.

i think GUG emphasises on learning through play which is fun. just last week, the kids had a chance to "milk" a cow in the classroom. the teachers made an artificial cow udder using a latex glove poked with holes and poured formula milk inside for the kids to try - very innovative i thought. sth we can bring home to do ourselves.

Room For Dessert,
i just found this website selling real pretty cakes! however, called them yesterday and they are full for this weekend. for a novelty cake, they need at least 2-3 weeks in advance.


ain't this cake pretty?

their blueberry vanilla sponge cake is not bad.

shermyn's first bday cake was from them. if you see the My Melody 3D cake in their brochure, that was my idea !

h/w, i have boycotted them liao....they charged me S$10 more for the cake last year. I emailed them asking the reason and they didn't bother replying! I have to agree that their designs are nice but I'm disappointed by their business ettiquette.

This is just my own personal experience though, I don't mean to deter anyone from ordering from them.
good morning all!!

YYP: oh my, i'm so happy that you're coming for the xmas bash!!! no probs, i'll include you in the attendance!

Re the invitation, i would LOVE to come but i can't. Terribly sorry about that, cos i'm having dean's BD lunch with my in-laws, attending a wedding dinner that night, and rushing off to Genting early next morning! My weekend is fully packed, sorry!!!

I maintain that JJ is our president scholar! she's so so so advanced! my deanie beanie has only just started saying a few words, and even then he's not a co-operative child.

GUG? Ayy i am tempted, seriously!
Am supposed to sign dean up for a new term of kindermusik again in Jan.
Dunno if i should place myself on waitlist for GUG now... teacher Aida is the best right?

i think the MPH near my office has the magazine ... i go check it out for you...
Abt JG ...

my colleague's son is attending the biligual weekend class.
she told me about the charges before, and i don't think its $45 per hour... i recall working it out to be ard $25 per hour (same price category as Kindermusik)...
Cody, the weekend Bilingual PlayClub is still S$455 before GST for 10 weeks. Not sure how long is the duration though. If it's 2 hours then maybe quite close to S$25 per hour.
YYP....I'm really wif Jin Jin. She's so advance. My princess has jus started "2 words" sentence...
Cake??? O dear, I hv not order yet. I will always choose wat the "main eaters", best choice ice-cream cake. Am ordering "ELMO" cake from Polar Cake.

Cody...wow...u sure jam packed!!!!
hey... i was also looking at elmo initially but i succumbed to the pretty pink cake in the end. bought some butterfly candles from a spree so those can be put to good use!

i think elmobbger looking to order from cupcake manna or swh.
Hei mommies....how to contact Ethel?

Seagal...o great, the cakes look soooo cute...think I will hv them for Steffi's 3yr old b'day!!!! kekekek...
cupcakes we've ordered already, now just deciding on the design.
the room for dessert cupcakes are waaaaaaaaaaaaay beyond our budget, so er sorry to disappoint you...

Ethel contacts ... i'll email you.

oh yes, the weekend biligual class is 2 hours.
One hour english, one hour chinese.
with a tea break in between.
Cody/Seagal...u gals mentioned that u stayed @budgeted ryokan...how is it? Is it convenient to access to the "shopping zone"? Still hv the contacts?
oh i see.

the ryokan i stayed's not really in shopping zone, it's near JR Nippori station.

does anyone know where I can get small Barney, Baby Bop and BJ plastic figurines for decorating on top of a bday cake?
the barney, BJ and baby bop cake toppers are expensive.
what i did was to take one of dean's toys that comes with the 3 figurines - i will use them as a cake topper instead! :p

LL: i send you an email seperately.

hi everybody,
i'm new in here, and would like to know all of you, is joining christmas bash will be a good idea to meet and greet?

btw yuru, i'm sorry i supposed to transfer yesterday or today but cellin got sick, she's been coughing bad. do any of you know a good pd in bukit batok area?

thank you and nice to meet u
