(2004/12) Year 2004 December Mummies

green n red... you are giving me excuse to .....
tsk tsk

Every time I drive past, the place doesn't look busy leh. Long waiting list ah? How come? Looks like JJ has no chance already. Thought that we could save on the schoolbus fee...

Went to their website and saw the course fees. It says fees before subsidy. Do you know what kind of subsidies are given and who qualifies? Couldn't find the info in MOE's website or maybe I just didn't know where to look.
about he sudo crem,

I heard it first timer too, a friend from a friend is looking for it here in singapore, she said it's for reduce or curing itchiness after laboring, and she said mothercare sale it for 12$, and another mommy on another thread said she bought it in Australia and so on, and mommy who have use it said it works like magic.... make me curious even more

but until now i still haven't see for my self what the product look like
wow icing??? it looks v v v nice!
did you get a pic to show PG or did you design it yourself?
unfortunately dean will never get such pretty cakes in his lifetime! :p

Genting was ok, just that dean was very clingy to me. Dunno if its the terrible 2s or whether he was still recovering from his illness.
Plus he went on a food strike for the entire week, so he lost 1+ kg.

bob builder underpants? Sure! but must show proof of compliance to the dress code hor ....

Gift exchange:
LL: yes the gift exchange is still on going. Pls remember to bring a unisex gift of approx $15 value.
YYP: LOL adults getting toys??? hahahaha

the gift exchange is for the kids only. Each kid (be it toddler or baby) will have to bring 1 gift each (no red packets please!).

carnellin: when you get hold of that cream, pls recommend it to me! i need to smother it all over my entire body!

Dress code:
it's red OR green - as long as you have either of these colours will do.
Dress code applies to kids and adults too!

If you can dress in Red AND green, all the better!
SUDOCREAM: it says its a smoothing emollient crean which aids & assist in the mgmt of nappy rash,bed sores, symptoms of ezcema and abrasion..
i didnt know its suppose to help stretch marks.. i used it for my kids.. any spot that is red, i jus apply.. in 1hr, it will be ok.. i lend to my neighbour for her gal with ezcema.. she refuse to return to me after using..
i guess it smoothes itchiness to some extend..

hey mummies,
hv u all enrolled yr kids in Nursery for next yr yet? can anyone share which nursery they hv enrolled their kid in?
Long time no post already. Been busy with work recently.


Really looking forward to the Christmas Bash. Err.... Dress code: Red/Green, dun think Rachel has any green/red clothes, most are pink/white/yellow, how ah? Red Shoes can?

What a nice cake!! Rachel's BD cake also from PG. Can't resist their black forest cake, yummy!!

Sudo creams really a magic cream? If can find i also want, my stretch mark still quite visible after 2 years.

Penguin cake will be very cute. Do post a pic of the cake.
i tot the gift applies to the dec kids only? baby also need ah? i will bring my 4mths old bb.. must go get another gift...
i also jus came back from genting.. did u drive up?
Seagal, I called PG... shermyn celebrated again on 9 Dec as well?

Re: Xmas Bash

1. Anyone stays near market, which sells good and cheap fishballs? It is not worth to cater for fishballs...

2. Dress code, Cody, sorry to disappoint, I've oredi decided she's going to wear the other birthday dress... so NO green or red... wahaha...
Poor Dean! Maybe he got carsick from the ride up to Genting, or too excited about the trip that he couldn't eat? Is he eating ok now?

Ok, so it's one gift per child and not limited to the Dec 04 babies only. Thought we should clarify that in case the siblings of the Dec 04 kiddies start getting green-eyed then teary-eyed from being left out. Also ample warning to those "second childhood parents" (like my hubby) not to feel disappointed. Hehe. He needs his time in Toys R Us too, but better than for him to snoop around car or bike showrooms... His impulsive buy record is quite scary.
I'm sorry, I din realise the pics were so big...

Re: Xmas Bash Menu

Please view the menu below and see if you have violent objections... if you do, please suggest a dish from here to replace...

We are targeting to order 35 pax...
1. Fried Pineapple Rice
2. Fried Bee Hoon
3. Braised Beancurd
4. Curry Chicken
5. Fish with Spring Onion & Ginger
6. Braised Pork with Bun (Kong Bah Pau) - only 35 buns provided... want to upgrade? or who can get additional buns from supermarket?
7. Deep Fried Xiao Long Bao - only 53 baos, please don't be greedy... hehehe...
8. Oyster Siow Peh
9. Yam Paste with Coconut Milk - quite nice, want to upgrade?
10. <strike>Chicken Nugget</strike> Deep Fried Butter Prawns (those lazy can eat the shell!) - only 53 prawns, dun be greedy too...
11. <strike>Deep Fried Fishballs/Springrolls</strike> Prawn Sauce Chicken

Due to checking with the caterer, we have cancelled chicken nuggets and fishballs because they will give only 1.5 times the number ordered... eg if we cater for 35pax, we will be given 53 fishballs, which works out to be 66cts ($35 divide 53) per fishball... for this price, I think it's not worth it to cater as a dish... which is why I'm asking for volunteer to get fishballs which should cost only 10cts-20cts outside market...

We can also order McDelivery for the McNuggets if needed... 20pcs @ $8... say 3 boxes = $24 + $2 (delivery) = 44cts per nugget... is cheaper than the caterer of 66cts...

Mummies, please pity Cody/Yuru/myself as we are feeling the pressure... we are all FTWM and trying our best to help... please *try to* volunteer urself if u are free... and most imptly please do not blame us if things are not perfect in some way...

Thank you for your understanding...
LOL jen, i love your disclaimer!
Mommies, jen is right ... pls pardon us if the party doesn't turn out as we hope it will...

Ethel: yes we drove up to Genting. We had a convoy of 4 cars; did you / Josh enjoy the kiddy rides?
Dean was hollering on some rides cos he refused to sit still!
when were you there? I was there Dec 4-7.

Gift exchange
Yes, every toddler / baby is required to bring one gift. Siblings or cousins of Dec 04 babies are also required to bring a gift so that every child leaves the party with a gift.

YYP: the older "children" like your hubby and mine ... we will just have to "reward" them with some happy food.

My naughty son was ok during the drive up to genting (thanks to the dvd player), and thankfully he has resumed eating under his grandmother's care. Phewwwww.... he was really skinny after the trip. His bulging tummy and triple chin all gone!

Coco: yes! red shoes will do too!

Jen: you sabo lah ... wear the same dress jean wore for her bd lah, that dress has some red on it too right?
No objections for menu. anyway is so near to the party. cannot afford to keep changing menu. just stick on it and confirm lor~~

when pple hungry, everything also eat/wack one lah.
cody, yes i realise this dress got red and green... but if she wear the same thing, pple say she never wash her dress!! hahaha...

mngo, noted...
haha .... ya... shermyn blew her bday candles 3 times this yr. =d
the one on 9 was a joint celebration with 2 other friends' kids.
on her actual bday which was a weekday, i bought mini cupcakes to celebrate with her at home.

hey! i bought the same barney foaming castle toy just for the figurines to put on the cake.
jean's so pretty and oh what a lovely dress with matching scarf!

got to go now....will come back later!
where did u get yr cake? sooo pretty..

i drove up with 4 cars too.. i left on the 4th dec.. which hotel did u stay? i bought the 3 theme park pass.. josh liked the kiddie rides.. my hubby n i went on the roller coasters...
josh caught some dirt bug there.. been having paste like stools for a week! best part i tot the pediasure i started to give him was working on his constipation.. only last sat, it became watery.. sigh! he started vomitting too.. fever went up tp 39.5.. brought him to kkh children emergency..

i will meet u on thurs.. abt 12pm.. ok?
oh we just missed each other!
i stayed at Awana cos the men wanted to play golf, tho i would have much preferred a hotel up above!
taking the skyway to/fro was a mega waste of time, no thanks to the men!

but i'm so bitten by the theme park bug ... i'm already planning my next trip to genting in dec 2007. heeeee :p

oh poor josh! how is he now?
hopefully he recovers in time for our Bash!
i sent PG a pic of the cake design i want and got them to follow the lettering in their 2-tier elmo cake (i posted the pics of the 2 cakes earlier if u recalled). The original design of the cake is much nicer actually but I'm still happy with PG's results so no complaints.

U want me to drop hints to ur hubby this sun to get u a pretty cake for ur bday ? ;)

Pls take these few days to fatten Dean up so that we can rub his stomach for prosperity on Sun.

haven't seen u post for a while. i agree that PG's blackforest cake is irresistable! have tried their triple choc and lava flow but still find blackforest the best! what other nice "flavours" have u tried?

oh dear, is josh ok now? has his fever subsided and what did the kkh doc say?
ethel, oh dear... Jean also just recovered from stomach flu... was really bad... hope Josh gets well real soon! do u still want the 2 Cordlife vouchers? My fren just told me she has 2 more to give as well... anyone else wants?

cody, seagal, but do u find that the berries has got this "wine" taste? was wondering if it's ok for the kids to eat huh?
thanks for the hint!
actually we ordered from PG as well, just that dean has his party postponed due to sickness!

me too, tried their lychee, triple choc, coconut, etc but their black forest wins HANDS DOWN everytime!

yes it has, the wine taste is from the berries. its not alcholic according to them, but i suspect it comes fr the fermenatation process of the berries. else how come got this alcoholic taste?! I still love it though... can't wait to have more of it!
i thot they added rum in the cherries so we just let the kids eat the cake without it.

the sliced blackforest cakes i bought from them "off the shelf" doesn't have the alcoholic taste though, funny ....
nay, i've asked them before and they said
"no rum, no liqour. its from the berries."

personally i think whatever alchoholic content there is in the cake is minimal - alittle alcohol to sleep better. hahahaha :p
Christmas bash,

I really can't wait, it's this sunday rite?

I can see those adorable jinjin and jean, aiyaahhh you're making me felt bad not celebrating cellin 2nd bdae..

I hope we can all enjoy the bash
Re: Cake, Jean took a bite and spat out the berries... but she wanted a second try...

Yes, it's this Sunday... any more people who want to join last minute? Please dun be shy... let Cody/me know so that I can increase the catering order if needed...
carnellin, just one will do.

jen: ethel is bringing her hubby. just 1 more pax so far, think no need to increase the catering unless we get ALOT more.
how can ask pple dun be greedy.
u got someone to jaga and limit how much they can eat meh?

cater more lah! we just pay lor. rather than end up food not enough. Even more MALU.

dun nid to ration food.
mngo, I'm just sharing info that I found out lah... I'm sure most mummies who had organised parties before ever seen those really bad attitude ones... Gosh, I even witness people stirring and going through the dish to take out the sea cucumber only leh! pengz... Please go ahead to eat if you are hungry but must also be considerate for those after you right?
hi hi,
pai sei, busy busy. no time to read the posts.
look forward to see all of u coming sunday. Can update me the address?
btw, natalie is down with fever this morning. keep my fingers cross, hope she recover before sunday and hope she dont pass it to nathan.

Nathan still so chubby? My nydia Wei4 Bu4 Fei2, drink 6oz each time-gog to increase to 7oz as she cries when we pull out the teat but she only put on 300g for the pass 1 mth.
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2">Xmas Bash Venue &amp; Timing has been sent out! Please check your email!</font></font>
Hi mummies sorry I MIA for so long, really over worked. Yuru, I'll pm u the $$

Cody thanks for your emails, sorry can't reply at all. I was basically running all around for the past weeks.

I'll be there on Sunday maybe 4pm?
I'll bring along the decor and barang barang to start first.

Jen, think a chair is enough to reach the top hor? to paste the decor above the door?
I have a bad news, since yesterday i have a cold and last night cellin had a fever, I really hope today we'll both recover ..

but just in case, maybe i'll stop by at sunday for a short visit, because i already bought a gift, can i just come to trade the gift and have the cake for my daughter and if still there's a food can i bring some home so we still can have the bash even though far away from all of you

but that's if only things didn't get better (i really hope we recover today) i want to see all of you and make friends too..

carnellin: oh dear, pls take care.
if you're really not well, don't force yourself to make the trip. We understand and we will have subsequent gatherings for us to finally meet you too!

Take care!
Hope u will get well soon! Take care!

Hi mummies,
Looking forward to see u all and the tods on this Sunday


As of last year of today date I was 1yr old, as of today.(let me count first...), Im <font color="ff0000">2</font>yrs old!!! Heheeeee!
leo29, yuru,
hee.... nathan lose some weight, but still consider as a very chubby baby.

good news: natalie no more fever.

bad news: hubby urgent assignment to Taiwan on Sunday morning. So, I will attend the party with natalie **if** my mum is confident enough to take care of nathan at home!! Worst case, if my mum not ok, then we wont be able to attend the party.

one more thing, any kind soul staying near punggol so natalie &amp; mummy can "tompang" to hillview? I not familiar with the place, no confidence to drive there alone lei.

accountant yuru
I will still pay for the cup cakes and the rest, so pls count me in even if I really cannot attend. Coz this is really last minute!!!

let me know the charges later.
i caught josh virus.. m down in bed with fever.. i hv alrdy prepared the goody bags.. if i dun get better by sunday, i will pass LL the bags to bring to the party..
There is really an EPIDEMIC! This is really sad! I've been in bed with the flu for the last 2 days. JJ and my maid have it too. I really hope we'll be well by Sunday. Was sooo looking forward to the reunion.

If we're unwell, rest assured we won't be turning up to spread the horrible, horrible germs. Moneywise, don't worry, will transfer extra funds for our share to YuRu or anyone else for our share (3 adults + 1 child). Cody, I'll text ya on Sunday to update you on the situation...
haiz.... natalie fever again!!!!!
PD said is viral fever, sore throat + runny nose. really hope she can recover soon.

this month is really not her month! she alr missed her birthday party celebration, then tonight I supposed to bring her out celebrate Xmas with my close friends, but was cancelled due to her fever. and she is going to miss tomorrow's potluck party @ school, and coming sunday Xmas bash!! very sad!!

get well soon.

hope all of u recover soon.
me too was looking forward to the reunion. wondering when will be the next big gathering if we miss this round...

nydia drinks 6oz each feed? that's a lot! nathan only can take 5oz!
she Wei4 Bu4 Fei2? my nathan "bu4 wei4 dou1 hui4 fei2" lei! :p he is 10kg as per his 5mth check up.
btw just now brought natalie to PD, her weight 11kg. not as chubby as last time.
