(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

congrads! She is such a preety girl

CS/ Little devil,
yeah he is very chubby and very heavy- 6kg liao at 6 wks. He is on TBF.
little devil
heh heh, Quinn is so adorable!

eh, i dun think i am so garang like you, even though it is very fresh sashimi...so besides salmon, did she take tuna or octopus??
congrats!! wow, i think my mum would die to have Roy as her grandson....heheh

congrats too! whoa, double celebration....u must be very very happy, when u are more or less settled down, i go visit you with Yingxin..
puff, She likes ONLY salmon sashimi she said haha, she refused to try the rest, said yucky(?!). :p

ziztine, congrats! :D Hey lil Sarah looks quite like esther hehe. How are you coping so far?
Maybe can share the pics of yr boys thigh? Wahahah. So chubby cannot resist :p

Congrats!!! Little Sarah has given mummy her best birthday present :p
ziztine, congrats!! sarah looks like u leh... hehe...

Yuru, you have not answered me about applying the Ikea card at $30??
Anyone knows where to buy soft helmet for tods/ bbs, to cushion head against bumps? I thought I saw at Baby fair, anyone used it? Useful?
MT, I've been trying to hard to look for one too! I told Faye that omce I find her a suitable helmet + kneew/elbow guards, I'll buy her a skate scooter. The smallest I saw were at TRS, but their smallest is still a lil too wobbly, doesnt fit snugly. You wan helmet for Tena to ride bike ah? When you say soft helmet, you mean the interior or wat?
hi mommies
i read abt some of u sending ur kids to childcare. My gal started on her 3 hrs playgroup and she always cried when i placed her there in the morning. I wonder how long this will go on.

The teacher says she only cries for a while but i dont like her to be so sad as she keeps calling mummy mummy.

Berry, err for the boy lah. He's alot more active than A was- not yet baluku but getting lots of redness from smacking his forehead and cheeks against the play-yard/ toys. He's trying to climb up thick mattresses/ pull himself to stand. Plus he still suddenly falls backwards while sitting. I can't imagine when he starts cruising, learning to walk/ run!!! Sure baluku!!!
give yourself and your child more time to get accustomed to the arrangement? sooner or later think she will get used to it?

my kid will start school this friday so i'm not sure how she will take it
Nice seeing you and faye yesterday
Ryan has a skate scooter (the 2 in 1 ride to skate from FP) but only let him use it inside the house
. He is asking for rollerblades now but will wait till he is 3yrs + then get him the FP one for him to use.

Hope that YX takes well to sch. Will take her sometime to adjust.
Ruffy, yar, wat a coincidence to bump into you n Ryan! Faye is asking for roller blades(and ice skates and skateboard!) too haha, but I think I'll hold that for a while more :p
Hi little prince
My mum will be joining Rhyan's childcare centre after CNY. But she will be helping out at their new Sengkang branch for the first few months until they are more settled then she will be at back to Simei. She will mainly take care of the infants.

Hi all mummies
Not sure if this has been discussed before, but I have a question, does it matter if your child is left-hander or right-hander? My whole family are right-handers including my hubby's family. Recently, we noticed that my boy prefer to use left hand to eat or draw. My mum insist that we must correct him. But I feel that it doesn't really matter. Any opinion?
rhyan tried the skate scooter at MIL's hse, hb's niece has it but its 3 wheel wan. :p rhyan kept asking hb's niece to teach him how to play "teach me please!" but the niece was too shy, refused to teach him. in the end, he sat on the scooter and use his legs to slide instead.

seems so fast that our tods can play such toys liao!

rhyan took about 2 weeks to adjust to CC (as in won't cry when i go off) but overall, i wouldn't say he has completely adjusted in as once in a while, he does still cry. i guess, will just have to explain and remind our kids that someone will fetch them after school which is only a few hours.

wow! thats great! hehe!

rhyan uses his left hand almost all the time too. i am not sure if it will indicate he is a left hander (can't remember how long it will take before we can identify this) but personally, i don't mind at all. in fact, i heard left hander is supposed to be particularly good in dunno-what-aspect. so, i just let rhyan decide which hand he wants to use to do anything.
Thanks for all the well wishes! Sarah looks very much like Esther. The min my HB saw her in the delivery room, he said she looked exactly like Esther. I was like, alamak, not again, not like mummie ah ;)

Esther seems to be adjusting well to meimei. Patting her & talking to her.

well, i guess it is the most unforgetable & painful birthday ever for me ;) sure, do pop over with Yingxin whenever it is convenient for u. Esther would be overjoyed too!

my mum is doing confinement for me. so things are sorta under control. the real test will begin after. so far Sarah is the bf & sleep kind of bb (most of the time), so it seems manageable...for now :)

at the mo, ethan looks like definite left hander. my ILs also say must make him use right hand. but i think if he's naturally left handed i'll be doing more harm than good to force him to use right hand.
so sorry, just received their email as i ask if i can get stocks before CNY and they say NOT possible
and plus now seems only u and me interested and if by the times all others mummies dedcided to join in, i guess its really impossible to get it before CNY...

its okie, i guess i will still do another purchase after CNY or so, if u are still interested by then, i will keep u in mind
lil devil, actually I think ard 4-5 pairs can hit the free delivery liao, I'll prob get 2 pairs at least. Anyway, do keep me informed.
Berry, lildevil,
footshopping has stuff for our tods? Smallest size issit? My girl's smallest sized Crocs still has spare space leh. Wah! Kids' smallest begins with size 26, about $70!
nice, very cheery!!!
Athena said, "see baby, baby! Baby sit down! Baby CAN sit down! Baby wearing a hat! Baby is happy!" LOL.

Eh u got a new highchair? Thought Gabe has a fancy one, not this IKEA one?
so cuteeee of athena 2 say so much. she really chatty hor.

i hv 2 highchairs, e peg prego n ikea. gabe sits in e ikea while edward sits in e peg prego but edward dun like e PP highchair so tiking of selling it off n buy another highchair but husband tiking of upgrading gabe 2 sit on our dining chairs but my shortie gabe not tall enuff so need 2 add cushions below
FOOTSHOPPING- heh thanks to lil devil who put the idea in my head, I've decided I need to get the shoes :p I'm getting prob 2 pairs, one for Faye, one for myself. MT and Kelly joining in? Can you guys submit orders by friday night? lil devil u wanna ride on? I think most prob will hit the minimum order, so dun need to count shipping charges.

MT, the smallest is size 25, Faye wears 26 (with weeny more room), costs less than 60 bucks. I've been wanting to get Faye a pair for the longest time, but her feet was too small(local boutiques dont bring in smaller than 26 usually) and the local prices are over a 100+, ridiculously marked up, so in comparism 60 bucks for the quality is a v good deal hehe :p
hmm u know, I'm thinking of sawing off IKEA legs to make it shorter. At least fall down wun be so scary? IKEA is really not suitable for wriggly bbs/ tods- I can see that Irvin is going to pull stunts soon. Just pull up one leg, lean until half body over, can fall off right? Esp since head heavier comparatively. Ur PP highchair any weblink to see how it adjusts? I recall urs adjustable ht- meaning the seat itself adjustable LOWER?
Abt Athena's speech... she's *very* repetitive. Same line can repeat 5 times even tho I acknowledged (and lead her to say OTHER things). Exactly like my MIL. :/

ooo- sounds good. Er, where in the footshopping link to find tod shoes- can direct me?
gab and ed do look alike to a certain extent hor? nice pix.

strap irvin to the IKEA baby chair? actually, supposed to keep an eye on the baby chair all the time when our kids are in it lor. i don't dare to risk too coz rhyan is always attempting to get out of the chair on his own, will make sure i strap him if i have to walk off.

btw, why yx's school starts on a Friday? usually should be better to start on a fresh week else she will have to start the routine all over on Monday?
little prince,
Usually I'll buckle K b4 i walk away but recently, he unbuckled on his own and sat on the tray. My heart nearly stopped when I saw him sitting there.
okie okie. maybe we all cap it on friday nite? heee.... i will just ride on !! seems more mommies joining
me also thinking to get 1 for myself and 1 for quinn but boys designs not so nice heh.
skyblue, lilprince,
hmm i think even when strapped, if whole upper body lean out, can still fall out leh. Eg. the pooh rider has this extra attachment for younger ones- I put Irvin in, he LUNGED out and nearly toppled the pooh rider.

let me get back to u, very chaotic here atm.
here r e pics 4 e highchair
it has adjustable height (pai seh never count) n e seat can b reclined. it also comes wif a tray (stuck in e storeroom - i cant get it out).


tis is e closest link i can find to the Peg Perego highchair. if i not wrong, tis highchair is e 2003/2004 edition.

if u r keen, msn me abt e price. i selling it abt the price of the ikea highchair+tray
FOOTSHOPPING- can you all confirm orders by friday 10pm? Or need more time? If can then I can place orders on friday night, if cannot then let me know when is the latest you can submit yr order. Anyone else wanna join in? Its a pretty good deal compared to the local prices, plus their kiddy designs are beri cute hehe.
My posb savings acc no is 151-21342-1, just transfer the amount for shoes, I dont think we'll need to pay shipping. Hope you guys dont mind the payment first, just wanna be sure I wont be stuck with extras in case someone backs out heh.
thanks rec'd SMS. Looking footshopping now, will lyk by tonight likely.

is it 5-point harness as in weblink? How come u dun use the tray and left it in the storerm? Why Gabe doesn't like this compared to IKEA- I wld think more comfy cos padded and has footrest (I used to put a plastic stool under IKEA's highchair for Athena to rest her feet... until I found Irvin when seated there, *pushes* with his feet against the stool to propel the entire IKEA backwards. First time I see IKEA highchair *wobble*). Let me find u in MSN...

House so peaceful now, both kiddos napping, YAY! :p

Handsome, yah? :p
silly question-
wld u buy a neutral gender $60 shoes in hopes that both kids will use the same pair. After 1st kid outgrows lah. I'm liking the pinky ones but thinking more sensible to buy neutral...
Kelly, thanks a mil! Ok, I think it IS 5-pt, as in I see 5 straps (2 sides, 2 top, 1 crotch). Hmm, looks gd, cant do stunts. :p

I chope ur highchair. Even if Irvin refuses, I think can persuade Athena to strap herself in (can pretend to be in space shuttle taking off!). I need another highchair anyway, since 2 kids and neither graduated to dining chair yet.
think I'd miss this round- A's feet really very small, think shld be size 25... only 1 pattern on sale for that size :p. More choices if size 26, hehe.
I enjoy seeing yr boys pics.
So many funny expressions.
patterns more than badminton.wahaha

Any mummies here been to Taiwan with your tods? Any idea how kid-friendly this place is? What do they have that is fun for toddlers?
