(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

Ya, they stick a candle on top of the ice-cream. pretty cool! Feeling much better now. Though the nauseousness refuse to go away completely. think i will have to live with it til delivery. At least I am back to doing lots of stuff with Esther. Am still taking care of her on my own. She is relatively easy to handle at home these days. Well, most of the time lah :p If she keeps this up, I think it will not be so tough when #2 comes along.

oh gosh just viewed some pics of me (i usually behind the camera mah but this morning A's PG teacher took 2 shots of me with the kids)... I really look like IRVIN! Or rather he really looks like me waaah. SMALL eyes argh! The kids all had bigger eyeballs than mine ah. :p

long time never see myself in mirror, didn't realise!
thank for the info. will check wif the centre again. yur boy so alert and look cute. congrats again.

irvin really look like u leh esp wif the smile
irvin indeed looks like u. i tik i mentioned it b4. i still remember u posting pics of an infant athena & kevin 2 show e resemblence. mayb u wanna check out ur infant pics...
Wow, your boy really look like you... Especially the smile.

Today's TODAY paper got an article that features a study that shows that children need a consistent caregiver for age 9 months to 3 years old or risk developing mental problems.The caregiver, regardless nanny, grandparent or maid should preferably be the same in the first 6 years of their life. If the child is with a daycare, the same person should be assigned to care for him everyday... I will try to see if I can paste the article here for you to read. The article is quite lengthy.
<font color="ff0000">Happy 2 Birthday to Athena &amp; Qianning!!!</font>

agreed wif other mummies, Irvin looks exactly Like u:p
thanks on behalf of Irvin and Athena, hehe

Anyone knows how QN &amp; mummy are doing- dun see them in forum anymore?

Sharon, hehe, going to b exciting :D to finally see #2 :D ... am surprised u r sooo active at such late stage!
wow i just checked the list and Chihiro was due 2 days after me yet Kenith is born already and here I am still waiting.................

Medusa, nice that Irvin looks like u. Some of my friends comment that Ethan looks like photocopy of my husband and nothing like me.
<font color="ff6000">SheRhino</font>
dun mention....everybody is equally busy, i'm sure

<font color="ff6000">ziztine</font>
any pics of Esther celebrating her birthday to share?
Happy Birthday to babies turning two... Time flies once we hit 20s, with a child, I feel that it travels at supersonic speed. Our babies are turning 2!

I do phase

My gabby is going through this 'I do' phase. He refuese our help to do quite a lot of things and is always saying 'I do'! This can be rather frustrating...

A question to all mummies:
Anyone gave their babies Hep A shot? I looked thr Gab's immunisation and realise that he is missing Hep A. Is it necessary to take this???
gabby's mum
happy birthday 2 gabriel too...

i gave gabe his hepA shots when he turned 1yrs old. i saw e poster of e girl eating burger &amp; fries &amp; something abt consuming outside food so 2 play safe (since gabe was eating outside food since he turned 1), we decided 2 jab him. 2 doses of hepA. no fever fr tis jab

hey, how's si'en? do post pics of her ya...
gabby's mum, yeah boy, This year is one of the fastest in my entire life lol! I cant believe its year end again, gosh.

BANGKOK- HB and I are toying with the idea of going for a short vacation this year, one of our main concerns are how short/long the flights is gonna be and how much fun will it be for Faye (family vacation, everyone must be happy!). I did a search online and found a few bangkok websites that boasts that Bangkok is a child-friendly place with indoor playgrounds in most major malls, and that there are a number of nice parks for kids to hang out at. Anyone knows how true this is? Its'll be quite disappointing if we were to reach there and then realise that its not true :p Also, anyone knows how bad the haze situation is over there, if at all?
Wow, Athena sure can eat! Did she eat the sundae after one whole main meal? We ordered the kid's meal for Esther.

Sure, here is 2 pics to share. Nothing much as we did not celebrate Esther's birthday in a big way.

Making a wish

The sundae which Athena polished up!

flight to BKK is pretty short. 1 1/2 hrs. i went there recently. if u r referring to central BKK, personally i dun feel that it is a child-friendly place. we noticed that they are hardly any kids on the streets &amp; malls. they do hv theme parks &amp; stuff but u will hv to travel outside central bkk. one of their upmarket local departmental chain - Central Departmental Store is the only child-friendly place i recall. baby changing room. nice wooden toy playarea. but they do not hv an indoor playground. but then again, i did not hang out much in the major malls. the great shopping are all in the wholesale malls
ya, she gets to watch Sesame St at my mum's mah. it is a Polar cake. and it was yummie! u got a birthday cake for Kieran fm same place right? yup, gonna try to juggle handling both kids on my own
how are doing with 2 now? who gets to go home with mummie daily?
Yep, I oso got an Elmo cake from Polar. Agree dat the cake is yummy. Was surprised actually :p Gotten used to a life with 2 kids now
At the moment, Kayden is home with me together with helper on most days cos easier to BF. For the last 2 weeks, he goes to nanny's place for abt 2 days to let him get used to her place since I'm returning to work pretty soon. Kieran will be home with me at nite when i resume work while Kayden will stay with nanny.
U're not worried u can't handle 2 at the same time? Any contingency plans?
DRAGONFLY- Earlier today I was trying to trim Faye's fringe while Faye was talking away about some bird she saw outside the window. It went like this:

Faye: "fly away! go to play!"
Me: "uh-huh, flew away.."
Faye: "WOOOWWW!!! dragonfly! stand there!"
Me: *wasnt really listening cause trying to rush her fringe before she changes her mind* "fly away, uh-huh...."
Faye: "hawwooo dragonfly! wow! so big! got wings!"
Me: "what?!!" *turned round only to realise in utter horror that there is a huge dragonfly right behind me on the wall!*
(at this point, I started darting to avoid the now-flying dragonfly and trying not to show my fear at the same time)

Then I ran out to call hb in panic and he suggested that since Faye is not afraid, why not get HER to catch it wahaha! And he said that even if she fails (er.. yar I would think so, really :p) at least it might scare it off? So, I got Faye a bag and ask her if she would like to go and put the dragonfly in it, and before I could even finish demonstrating, she grabbed the bag and ran back into the room shouting "catch dragonfly! catch for mummy!"

Anyway, of course even before she went near it flew off here and there liao, and very luckily it flew right out of the window at the later part of the day hehe.
wah, u going back to work liao ah. looking forward to it or will u miss staying home? u must miss Kieran on most days then. so good to hear u still BFG. going to miss having Kayden around daily huh? i think it will be tougher for me during the initial months. once the little one's BFG schedule is more stable &amp; feed shorter duration, &amp; i recuperate, prayerfully things will begin to smoothen out. well, guess i will hv to give it a go then i will know. no contingency plans leh. but i do have my parents to fall back on if i need help here &amp; there. they are both retired &amp; stay nearby

was also cutting Esther's hair that day. finished with her fringe &amp; started to cut her sides (1 side only!) &amp; she decided she wanted to get out of her bathtub. i was like "errr....darling, you will look terrible if mummie stop cutting your hair now."
LOL at Faye catching dragonfly for you, so sweet of her!

Bangkok - eh, this country has never appear to be child friendly to me leh. its more for people who goes there for a short getaway and shopping spree. if you want to bring Faye, I honestly feel you won't like the place.

Rhyan @ Childcare
Haiz, was busy with Rhyan since last week. Before I start, would like to tell all mummies that if your tot walk in to the CC happily during visiting, it really doesn't mean he will adjust to CC that easily. once you try the CC for real, you will understand why i say that.

Rhyan is currently on 2 weeks trial at a CC for half day near nanny's place. I accompanied him on Day 1, he liked the place but cried big time (open! (gate), walk walk!) when the teacher confined the kids at a certain area at times for some lessons (singing / colouring etc). The teacher was nice enough to allow him to leave the area if he badly wanted to, their point being they feel he needs time to adjust though its also a need to tell him he need to stay at a certain area at a certain time.

On the 2nd day, I accompanied him but I hid outside the CC, and told him I went to work instead. I observed him and saw all was well. But, after I decided to move off to a nearby supermarket to get some stuff and return half an hour later, he was crying and looking for me.

On the 3rd day, I sent him to CC and went for work. I heard from nanny's hubby that Rhyan was crying when he went to peep at him in the morning. Rhyan saw him and cried even louder.

On the 4th day, he had a good time in school. the teacher commented he only cried a little bit when he wanted to leave the confined area but couldn't. But, he was willing to sing and dance with his friends, and sat down to do his work and ate his food.

Unfortunately, I have noticed that since the night of Day 3, he started crying for nanny's hb when we were almost reaching home every night. he would refused to come into our house and insisted he wants to go nanny's place to look for her hb, when we just returned from there. I have tried explaining to him that he can go there after class the next day but it didn't help.

I guess, it should be due to his attending childcare and adapting. However, I also somehow feel it could be coz he observed only nanny's hb can go and see him or "save" him when he is in CC. So, this could be the reason why he is so sticky to him now. But, he showed no sign of rejecting to go to CC in the morning. So, I am really confused.

Guess I would just have to monitor his progress this week and see if it improves. But, its really tiring at this point, to handle a crying tot that refuses to go home daily, at my doorstep.
esther's so adorable. i love her pics. can definitely tell she likes elmo. she even has an elmo bib.

i was abt 2 ask u how u r going 2 take care of e 2girls too. like u, i didnt hv any contingency plans, except probably 2 rely on my ILs (who comes over once a wk) and my parents (which i'll go over 2 their plc 2-3x in a wk), leaving 1-2wkdays on my own. when i popped, e tot of having a maid didnt cross our minds at all.

after my confinement, things werent so bad except for the rare occasions (sometimes abt once or twice in a wk, sometimes none at all in 1 wk) when both boys fussed/cried and/or are cranky/need attention, etc AT THE SAME TIME. those r times when i really felt like pulling my hair out, scream at someone (usually my husband) and hope 4 an extra hand 2 b around.

anyway, e chance of a maid fell on our lap so we took it (we cant pass on tis chance 2 hv my mum's neighbour's maid so we grabbed it). i guess e maid will help my husband take care of e mundance chores n free him 2 hv more time 2 play wif e boys &amp; help me wif them. if no maid fell on my lap &amp; i'm not toying wif e idea of going back 2 work, i'm sure we'll still manage without a maid. we'll probably juz get a PT maid 2 help out wif e chores.

do get ur parents 2 help u out in e initial mths. i do...i kept going over 2 my mum's plc min 2x in a wk, without fail.

I think changes in our toddlers' lives really affect them more than we know. My mom has been here for two weeks and until a couple of nights ago, Ethan has been waking up in the middle of the night crying. Partly because he's been kicked out of his room for granny to sleep in, partly because my mom has been jet lagged and waking up at 4am, but I think having a different and additional caregiver in the day also affects him.

But couple of nights ago he starting sleeping through the night again, I guess he's used to it, so hang in there. For me.. I'm dreading when my mom leaves, will I have to go through this again..
lil prince, normally does he like granduncle alot and is close to him? If they both hang out alot usually, it could simply be a case of seperation anxiety, as in that he might feel that he didnt get enough of his 'dose' of granduncle, hence he wants to go back to spend more time with him to fulfill this need? If this is the case, then quite troublesome since you cant just withdraw from CC for this reason, neither can u bring granduncle home for Rhyan haha :p Maybe then he just needs lotsa comfort and he'll grow out of this phase soon? And maybe it will help if granduncle doesnt go and peep at him anymore?

ziztine, I always panic when halfway thru cutting Faye says she wanna go off liao! I do try to tell her that her hair wouldnt look nice, but she will reply 'okay!' (as in its okay to her). Several times, it took me 3 diff days to trim all her fringe, so for that 3 days, she walked ard with lopsided fringe :p This is why I dont dare to cut the sides/back of her hair myself haha!
Mad Mummy Me
I seriously think its lovely to have babies... thinking of having 2 more!!! haha! Really mad! Dont know if I can cope, emotionally and financially!

Rhayn is likely suffering from separation anxiety. Need to give him more assurance ... kiss him more??
wahahahahaha!!! faye VERY brave hor! me too, will ACT cool though scare til death. today, we and pil brot quinn to changi beach and he was basically playing sand WHOLE day! dun wanna stop at all. rem how he afraid of sand touching his feet, now no more, suddelny out grow it! he can even roll on sand and he will ended up look like MUA CHI!
and today he gave me a HUGE scared too, he was digging sand and all tat and says "mommy, look" and i almost faint! he got a WORM between his fingers!!!!

still the same, scrapbooking lor
actually also been out often and also my mum is at my place most of the time so not much time here.
Is Esther thinking of her wishes in the 1st pic? so cute :p

LOL on the dragonfly &amp; brave Faye

LOl on yr Mua Chi
I'm quite worried when i see yr post.
I wonder how keira will react to her lesson next year. She is soooo monkey, sure cannot sit still one.
DO keep us update of Rhyan, cross my fingers for you he can get use soon.
i posted tat on tues morn, b4 e outing. i definitely no energy after e outing, we still went 2 my frien's hsewarming party immediately after we left e zoo cos e boys havent nap then. we only got home at 6pm.
Went to collect Evan's pp on Monday. Oh mine, so so so crowded!!! Stubborn me, already stated on the card to avoid eve of PH, and I still decided to go. Evan cried so hard until the counter stuff decided to serve us first. Hubby told me a mummy recognised Isabel. He said the mummy is pregnant, any preggie mummy went to the Immigration on monday huh? me curious.

Little Prince
I understand how u feel.

For myself, I made a big mistake by sending Isabel to cc when she just turned 18months. Thinking back, I have to convince myself that due to my post-delivery hormones which caused myself to hay wire, I made such a silly mistake. I am contented if she is ok in a PG, which am planning to start her probably next year after I find one.
<font color="ff6000">Something about MIL</font>

Went out for dinner with PIL on Sunday as it was FIL's birthday. When MIL saw Yingxin, she kept asking her to address "Ma(3) Ma(3). Initially, Yingxin kept quiet and MIL was a bit impatient. She said Yingxin is a very stubborn fella and that she is not a good girl cos she did not call my MIL. Yingxin did called her after that. Few minutes later, MIL again asked Yingxin to call her and said that if she did not do so, will spank her....wahliao, my whole face changed but I dun want to just tell my MIL off in the public.

Then few minutes later, again MIL kept bugging Yingxin to call her. I felt so irritated by her repeated request. When I told Yingxin to address MIL as "Ah Ma" (cos hubby also address his paternal grandma as ah ma, not ma ma), my MIL frowned, and insisted that she wanted to be called Ma(3) Ma(3).....so unreasonable!!!

I was carrying Yingxin all these while. And when MIL tried to carry her over a few times, Yingxin refused and pushed her away. She scolded my daughter for being "useless". That she only stick to me and only wants me and nobody else when I am around. If I am absent, she will be so "sticky" and "loving" to PIL....

I was already fuming mad, felt so tempted to just give her a tight slap to shut her trap up. Later during the journey back home, I complained to hubby but he said there is nothing he can do! DUH!!!!

I told him it is so unhealthy for his mum to always threaten my daughter if she did not address his mum, or blame my daughter for being useless and not good girl. Instead, he wants me to tell her directly!

hmm then my excuse for not having sent A to cc is cos I was too lazy to research! :p Actually now still lazy ah...

*news which are not new*
We are MOVING! By CNY... latest Valentines', we'd either be at my mum's or at our new place (err, haven't even found one we like, let alone offer, let alone buy hahaha). Sold our present flat in a whirlwind speed wah. NOW a little nostalgic, wonder if I shld hav taken pics to send to some magazine, on the offchance featured, can keep glossy mag pages as memento (and gd for portfolio lah IF I wanna dabble in future). On HINDSIGHT :p , shld hav tried hor, featured-in-mag homes cld hav jacked up price? I dunno lah... HB said where got people AFTER selling flat then think abt doing so? :p

I wan to lelong my current furniture but boh seng-yee (business) ah!!! (not dirt cheap price lah). Going to be busy, must JUNK... I seem to be forever trying to junk excess stuff. Must pack. Then must hold garage sale. Then must move. OH and while doing all that must find new place and reno.
yes A can polish one whole sundae (3 scoops only wat- she din take the banana lah). :p Yesterday she polished 90% of MY cookies-and-cream Carl's Jr MILKSHAKE. Share this kind of food with her must eat/ drink fast-fast, like competition... or else I will lugi! Esther's sooo adorable making her WISHES- I forgot to teach A to wish (eh, how to teach what is a Wish?). LOL! All the best, eager to hear news and see pics of #2!!! Do take care of ur wrist... maybe sling or use more pillows when the new one pops out so u dun put full wt on ur wrist?

Good day to all- I can't flip yet but I can raise my head high enough!
And I am eating RICE CEREAL! I'm also 1+kg heavier than my sister was (when she was at this age). After all the hooha about head circumference during my birth, my head has since slowed down. Daddy says I'm a small head on a big body (cos above aver wt &amp; ht, aver head only). Mummy thinks I look uncannily like her late dad, which is a very strange feeling.
ziztine! lovely pics of esther! so clever, know how to pose some more... hehehe...

lil prince, i heard from my fren that some kids will cry for 2 weeks leh... so u hang in there... they will get used to it lah...

kel, yuru, nice seeing u yesterday!

puff, erm... if it's me, i will be quite mad too... tell u something thru email another time...

medusa, wah.. peifu... can move wif 2 kids in tow... if it's me, sure just wanna stick down there and dun move...
ur HB's side are cantonese, yah? I call my paternal granma "ma3 ma3"- which my HB finds weird cos he uses "ah1 ma4". Whatever the term, aiyah, either the kid likes the person or doesn't :p ... I'm not close to my paternal granny.
Old folks do tend to have habit of using NEGATIVE reinforcements eg. if HB doesn't do something to MIL's liking, MIL will do all the emotional blackmail-negative stuff too, instead of approaching it positively. Likewise when MIL brings A to "show off" to relatives, MIL feels a loss of face when A clams up (my A clam up means clam up, wun even call Ahma or me for that matter!). She used to scold lor, say A useless, STUPID or she'd even try to shame her by saying, "oh you don't know HOW to!" (when MIL knows A can- MIL claims she's trying to "push" A's self pride or something). I told her sternly not to told on every occasion I catch, but not in front of other relatives. MIL knows I'm rather firm on such stuff so she's stopped doing so in my presence... behind me I wun know lor.

If ur MIL carries on, YX will just grow up not liking her lor. Which kid will like such negative approaches, I speak from experience- my paternal granny used to say I'm a mute! Since u r a much more diplomatic person
than I am, maybe when MIL puts YX, u can softly explain to YX that she's not useless/ stupid/ whatever, that u understand she's not comfortable in that situation... that clever little YX just called Ahma a few mins ago what! :p If ur MIL and ur HB doesn't wan to rectify, well, YX will just grow up remembering/ resenting the granny- their loss then.
thks 4 e invite. can u imagine how much gabe enjoy himself? he woke up AT 4AM tis morn, for milk. while drinking milk, he can rattle off e animals he saw, how he felt (scared when he saw e polar bear, happy when he saw e giraffe), etc yesterday.

irvin so cute...
to b 1kg+ heavier than athena at the same age, irvin is of a very gd size. ur BM very nutritious. ed not as gd as gabe gor gor. in fact he smaller than gabe at 3mths. then again he was sick since 2.5mths &amp; still has tat silly blocked nose (no mucus flowing out) which we dunno how 2 treat.


tis's e pic of our boys taken abt 3wks ago
medusa, ur energy is boundless! hehe... paint nursery will be my nightmare! in case u got withdrawal symptoms, can come paint jean's "nursery" leh... hahaha... *jus joking*
lil prince,
too bad i missed u &amp; ur family yesterday. i wanted 2 talk 2 u abt rhyan's cc's experience &amp; shared wif u some stuff. did rhyan enjoy himself at e zoo? i read thru ur posting over &amp; over again n felt very anxious 4 u. if after e 2wks cc, rhyan continues tis way, will u still put him there?
I buay paiseh, I also think my BM very nutritious! :p Or rather must be the omega supplements really tok-kong. Now that I'm SLOWLY weaning, I stopped latching at night... HB took over bottlefeeding EBM- according to HB, 30ml lasted Irvin one whole night! Or maybe Irvin eh-eh but HB never wake up lah. When we pack diaper bag for both kids- they take the same diaper size (abit snug for A, abit loose for Irvin). And that day my gf's 2 yr old toddler Keira came to examine Irvin closely while I was nursing... my gf and I noted Irvin's arms bigger than Keira's.

I am rather proud all the fats on my boy are from me. Okay this statement doesn't sound right, hahaha :p .

Blocked nose- no mucous, u sure it's blocked? Cos GP said in young bbs, it may just be regurgitated milk in throat, of no cause for concern
I think U should be V V proud of yr BM (Imagine lifting head at 3 mths) and I'm quite sure Irvin arms are bigger than my keira too.Any close up shots on Irvin er... thighs? wahahaha.

Yr energy level amazed me. U managed yr kids so well. I was totally drained during the past 4 days entertaining keira.
More tired than working but definately more fun. hehe.

Agreed with Medusa that u r one patient and good natured lady. I would have twisted her head off or something. LOL
