(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be


anyone heard of a potty chair? I found one at Mothercare under Winnie e Pooh, very ex. $42. it comes wif a container which u can remove 2 throw away the bowels. it's a decent chair which our tods can sit in it. any idea where i can find a cheaper one.

i not looking for a potty...the type where e tod open his legs wide, sit across it. i looking for a chair-like item, wif a hole in e middle (of course there's a removable container fitted into e hole).

i did a search n found a Litaf Potty Chair. it's abt $45 from Carrefour. still ex, dun look nice...prefer e winnie e pooh if there r no other options.

Any other cheaper options?

My Hb stops saying such things too after keira is born. Anyway I'm getting more & more bo chap abt dolling up. Where got time??
Potty Chair - what abt neightbourhood shops?

U should end yr sentence wif a mooo then. LOL

Tks for yr compliments.
YX sooo cute. She is more smiley nowadays hor

Tks. She has 11 teeths oreadi. Hope she will be done wif her teething ASAP.
Keira went for her last 5-in-1 booster jab today.
Phew, finally completed her last jab.
She weighs 9.8Kg and is 81cm tall
Think she is gonna be taller than mummy
*I'm so happy*
u r rt. where got time? by e time i get gabe ready 2 go, he's out of e hse (if i open e door 1st) walking towards e lift liao. if i get him all dressed up then i dress/doll myself up, he gets all hot &amp; sweaty. i also cant put him still somewhere so i can pick on my makeup (aiya, even when he was <6mths, i also didnt manage 2 put on my makeup). u r rt, i tik it's more abt me being bo chap. cant shift e blame 2 my boy! :p

i checked out my neighbour shop - e only shop selling bb stuff. they dun hv potty chair. they have e potty type but i dun 1 such potty. i already hv 1 such potty at home n gabe's more interested in dismantling the whole potty apart then 2 sit on it.
No..not potty trained yet.. still far from him. I put him on the adapter seat.. but he has yet to be cooperative.
I use training pants on him when I train him when he is back from CC in the evenings...so not really have enough time with him.
U r spot on. Whenever we are going out, I have to prepare Keira's stuff, change her, doll her up. By the time I have finished "tian(1) Liang(4) le(4)". I will quickly change &amp; put on my contact lens in 3 mins then off we go. (Don;t even have time to comb my hair)
And all Daddy do is open his mouth and ask "CAN WE GO??" *Arbish him*
Glad u r thinking positively.
I'm satisfied wif her height (50% percentile) coz Me and HB both ai dong gua so cannot expect too much. Hehe
oic...i agree wif u on point 1.

aiya, my gabe also ka-tek wat...

LOL! husband also asked e same thing sometimes. i'm e one running around e hse, making sure i've packed everything. very irritating lor...husband can still tell me, 'hey, u never even comb ur hair properly'
MOOO! I start with moo can? Hehe, actually I more like Whale than Cow lah. :p

Yesterday helper asked if I'm feeling unwell! Cos I walked abit outside, got tired started leaning against things, then buay tahan went to sit down... and after that felt giddy and puked. So embarassing- Cold Storage staff passed me EXTRA plastic bags cos I was sitting outside their entrance puking, oops.
I just can't walk much nowadays, even sitting on flr play with Athena also aching. So I lie on my bed and let her run round the bed (round ME the whale!).

Keira sooo tall!
*coughcough* My HB has banned me from inferring or suggesting in anyway that our darling is in any way lacking in anything.

If CF out of question, then have to get maid at least for ST and think abt whether u can "wean" off the luxury later. Or else really tough lah, Gabe's an active tod, n u'd b recovering from a delivery, with a round-the-clock newborn.

Actually I'm starting to think all potties are the same, just a matter of when/ whether tod will take to it.
If A is at home, she uses 1 Petpet for noon nap, 1 MP for bedtime, the rest of the time she wears her trainer panties and helper mops up the puddles. Often "goal" in WC for poo but hardly for pee lor. Every time got puddle/ or catch her peeing, we will just reinforce to her it's "pee/ shh-shh, tell us next time". I forbid everyone from scolding my darling. :p And we try to encourage her to "try" on trainer seat, but no forcing again. I will just let things carry on like that lah.

I think tho heartpain to hear abt the "routine" method that c/c use, as u pointed out, they do adapt and are happy there. So in the end the only worry is falling sick, maybe see any supplements or what to build up her immunity? C will look fwd to travelling with mummy everyday!
Kel, pcs,
train the HBs lah! *oops, Kel's HB reads this hor?*

If I go out with HB &amp; A, I'd ask him, "Diaperbag checked? Diaper changed? Clothes changed?" He's trained to replenish/ refill diaperbag according to my specs :p , knows which diaper for going out, only problem is his fashion sense in choosing A's clothes abit off (and sometimes blouse back-to-front, hahaha).

Then I'd dress and whatever. Come out and ask, "eh why YOU yourself not ready yet? LATE LIAO AH!"
I went shopping! Bought Levi's jeans for Athena... unisex-ish so can pass to Ahboy next time hopefully. HB saw someone else's tod wearing Levi's and thought it looked nice, heheheh.

The jeans can choose from 2 types of adjustable waist- elastic band, or hidden elastic (like maternity clothing like that, haha).
sigh, i gave up on training husband...even my sis who has been babysitting gabe for e past 3mths, knows wat goes into e diager bag. on a few occasions, when i was e slower one getting ready, he'll ask me wat 2 put into e bag. i kept shouting instructions across n got fed-up so ended up doing it while he chased gabe around 2 wear his shoes, checked e hse, etc. wat gabe wears 2 go out also decided by me cos husband said i betta at coordinating n knowing how 2 decide e right type of clothes for e activity/event.

e conversation bet me &amp; husband when it comes 2 packing diaper bag...
husband: wat 2 put into e bag?
me: e usual stuff
husband: wat usual stuff?
me: diapers, tissue, wet wipes, his water bottle, milk bottle, FM
husband: how many diapers, how much FM 2 bring out?
me will go *URGH*...it's not as if tis is e 1st time e stuff are going into e diaper bag.

ya, we'll consider foreign helper a ST solution n try 2 'wean' off.

i agree wif mel tat i shld learn 2 make e sound of a whale too.
LOL. I can imagine both our ah lao shaking hands while we shake our heads.

I think its a matter of whether they want to do or not. If They REALLY WANT to do the packing/changing, I'm sure they can do it well even we don't guide them.
Maybe I too KS lah MUST make sure I'm bringing everything.
a few times i didnt bring enuff diapers out so ended up having 2 buy diapers while we were outside (we then put some diapers in e car - berry taught me tis long time back). so when we are getting ready 2 go out, sometimes he can still ask me, "how many pieces of diaper u bringing?" u tell me lor...shld i get pissed off when he claims he dunno how 2 pack e diaper bag.
*wag finger at Kel's HB if he's reading this* Tsk-tsk, u ahhh. I taught my helper ONCE and she got it. My helper only Pri 4 education (even then the Pri 4 qualifications very suspect leh).
Sam went for her booster jab today also.
She's 11.3kg and 83cm tall now.

Not joining the SS.She still dunno who are they yet.

IMO,get a maid on short term basis to tide over the crucial 3-4mths(jun-sept/oct).Think there wil be alot of unforeseen circumstances coming up and i suppose the whole family incl yrslf do not wan to be stress up.At least during the x when maid is arnd,take it as a training for yrslf too to see if u can really handle the hsehold all by yrslf.

Last but not least,a gd news to share with all mummies here,I am 7wks pregnant now. BB Edd date arnd end nov.
Congrats!!! u have finally joined the pregnancy club.. ha ha.. take care..

Kelly and Pcs
am sure your hubbies are good at handling other bb matters.. eg am sure Kelly's hubby can really play with Gab..
packing the bag is not my "job", itsun is the designated person doing that... am better at preparing the food to bring out..

YX is such a sweet girl.... post more pics leh

the yu2 gan1 you2 which you are feeding Cindy is the common one which we can buy fr NTUC right? u buy the orange one or the white one?
wahahahahha!!! reading the TRAINING hubby makes me laugh lor as i also rem.mine

maybe due to my P.N.D the other time, hubby help out with most stuff and come to tik of it, i really appreciate. i rem. how he use to do all nite feeds *also partly becos hes working in his room mos of the nite* and bathing quinn, carrying quinn, entertain him....... BUT mostly i am the one who pack bag for going out as i am tooooo k.s, must bring everything!!! but when hes the one whos packing, n.p too as he just aga aga lor, but i will have a sticky tape stick outside the huge ziplock *for putting clothes, diapers, wipes and small towel* written:

1) 2 pcs diapers
2) a set of clean clothes and make sure they match
3) 2 face towels
4) 1 pack wipe for cleaning up and 1 for hands
5) water for milk *hot/cold*
6) formular milk powder * i didnt state how much as can always buy when not enough but tat didnt happen*
7) water mug / milk mug

so hubby will use tis as a guide in the beginning and i always have some diapers, wipes, face towel, a set of going out clothes and a set of pj in a bag and permanent in car for emergency case.

very similar lah our situation!! ha!!!! i will be the one doing the feeding of porridge or so then after tat, dutiesss..... pass to hubby liao, he will bath quinn, dress him up and entertain him while i prepare myself, bath and doll up then when i am done, i will take over to entertain quinn while hubby prepare, but hes fast lor, 5 - 10 mins okie liao,heeee........
HI FIVE- My hb went to buy tickets online first thing yesterday morning cause I told him I was worried good seats all sold out. But I forgot to tell him that we might be arranging to go with some other mummies.
Anyway, we are going on the 28th May, 4pm show, anyone else going on that day?

BEFORE GG OUT- I do what lil devil does, I think it makes sense cause men take 3-5 min to get themselves ready before gg out. Usually hb looks after Faye and changes her clothes while I do my stuff (change/makeup/dunnowat), then when I am ready I'll take over for few min, hb will go put on his clothes and voila, we are all set! As for bags, sometimes he does it while I am getting ready, sometimes I do it after I finish my stuff.

sherhino, congrats! :D
ur hubby sooo nice and he really adores his darling!! i tik i will give tis round a miss as i REALLY dun tik quinn will guai guai enjoy the show, even for 20 mins. nowadays he just simply feels so frustrated easily and i dun understand why too??
<font color="ff6000">Yuru</font>
yah, nowadays most people commented she takes after my features

<font color="ff6000">Deniz</font>
she is always very delighted when she's aware that we are bringing her out

<font color="ff6000">Pcs</font>
you are welcome....hm, yes, she is more smiley but she is also getting more temperamental

wah....Keira's weight is good leh, considering she is a premmie. Yingxin still weighs around 7.3kg (she has YET to triple her birth weight) and height is about 71cm

<font color="ff6000">Medusa</font>
have some sweets with you whenever you go out so you can pop them when you have giddy spells

<font color="ff6000">SheRhino</font>
<font color="ff0000">CONGRATS!!!</font>

<font color="ff6000">Why</font>
hey, you asked me to post more pics, what about you?? i wanna see esther's pics leh
<font color="aa00aa">sherhino,</font>
big <font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">Congrats!!!</font></font>

<font color="aa00aa">yuru, why,</font>
i'm giving Shanice the white 1.. she loves it anyway. back then when i was abt to buy the orange 1, i briefly mentioned to GP (that time shanice was sick lah) &amp; GP says orange 1 cough cannot give...
thks for ur advice abt e maid. we met up wif a frien on sat evening, had a gd chat wif her abt maids. she has 7maids in 10yrs so shared wif us a lot. husband n i finally sat down n agreed on 1point...short term 1st then c how.

next thing 2 decide is filipino or indonesian. both nationalities have their pros &amp; cons. we just need 2 decide wat we need e maid for. another point husband n i agreed 2nite is tat maid is for hsehold chores. taking care of bb is very minimal. looks like we'll settle for indonesian too cos cheaper n we need not worry abt outsmarting/outwitting them.

now is 2 hunt for agency...

btw, CONGRATS again! tis time, our 2nd bbs will b abt 5mths apart n not 5days apart.

ur husband is so nice...get faye ready, let u hv chance 2 doll up. mayb i get husband 2 do e same thing so i hv chance 2 doll up too then he wont complain tat i dun doll up when i go out.
thks for complimenting on husband. i must admit he's gd in other areas.

yuru, why
i hv a big bottle of e orange yu gan you which i bought a long while ago. then i met Pets who shared tat she gives e original yu gan you 2 sharyn. i cant recall her reason so i bought e small bottle of e original yu gan you recently. i'll start giving gabe e original flavour 1st. if he really dun fancy, then give him e oranged flavour.
any MS for u in tis pregnancy? for both my pregancies, MS came abt 7wks even though i discovered i was preggie when i was abt 4-5wks. i faintly recall u telling me u hv no MS when u were preggie wif sam rt? or u dun hv any stretchmarks?
I usually have a ready packed bag so just need to add in her milk &amp; drink when we go out. Usually, I'll change Meghan, while hb gets ready, then when he's blow drying his hair, I'll get changed. So still got time to doll up a bit lah.


Wah, ur hb very well trained leh!
Thks. But if like wat u said, the ending of the show is really weird...

I tink the principal of the cc is rite. Ultimately the kids do adapt but being parents, sure heartpain.
Shd give the original flavour one cos once u start Cindy on the orange flavour one, she's unlikely to want the original flavour. Kieran's nanny told me if wanna buy, get the original flavour cos orange one may cause phlegm.

Wah, Keira has such a beautiful set of teeth
I try to pry open Kieran's mouth when he's asleep :p The pblm now is i can't see if he's actually teething his final molars cos they're too far in and i dun have a torchlight to see too deep into his mouth :p But i tink he's teething cos he chews his pacifier as if he's seeking revenge...

Gab still very bah bah, feel like chomping on his cheeks :p

YX looks so much like u when she smiles like dat.

Put Gab on ur lap while u put on make up. Dats wat i do wif Kieran sometimes. But if he gets restless, i let him put on my make up for me *of cos my hand guiding him* if not i end up looking like dunno wat. He oso watches me put on contact lens and once he tried to imitate me by pulling his eyelids *horrors*

U lie on bed and A runs round u? U not scare she topples and lands on u? Dats y i so sian abt being preggie now, always have to keep a watchful eye when Kieran plays ard me. My reflexes have to be double quick too. Jus like today, he was playing then suddenly he jus ran to me and used his head to knock on my tummy. Luckily i was quick enuf to avoid hard blows from him.

Diaper bag
Talking about diaper bag, I remember that once i asked my husband to pack the bag, he only put in an extra shorts for son son!!! I had to go buy a new shirt for my son. Man!!!


my agent does not require a deposit, but every month I need to post them a cheque for the maid's loan. I think different agencies work differently.

Weight and Height
Gabby is a real heavy weight champion then. He weighs in at a hefty 13.2 kg. Opps better put him on a restricted diet.

Milk Feed
how many times does your baby drink their milk now? My gabby needs the following intake
120ml- wakes up
120ml- before mornng nap
120ml- before noon nap
150ml- before sleeping for the night.

At times, he does not finish his milk. Now i am worried about his calcium intake.
gabby's mum,
Wow, gab is heavy!

Meghan drinks 720ml in total, 3 times a day
240ml - wake up
240ml - afternoon nap
240ml - at night
She finishes all &amp; sometimes like not enough cos she'll still be sucking even tho bottle empty.

Think recommended amt is bet 500-800ml a day for our tods. You can give calcium thru other sources like cheese &amp; yoghurt so not to worry!

Reason for me giving Sharyn the original one is I heard orange might cause phlegm. I think orange taste better. Knowing Sharyn character if she tried orange she will never wants original. So let her try original first. She loves it sometimes asking for more. She got nothing to benchmark so thinking original is good. Hee..... Should start to feed gab fast. I find it good.
Morning Mummies

Woh Sam weight and height is good :p
Is she ok after the jab?
Keira developes fever (highest 38.5)on the 1st day of the jab but recover on Sat *phew*

U r right although I hate to admit it. Keira prefer to play wif Daddy.

Little Devil
I like pt 2 "the clothes must match" LOL.

I'm underweight all my life and I'm always the 1st or 2nd one in Q So don't worry lah.

LOL. Not easy to see their teeths hor.
My method is to make keira laughs then I quickly count/see when she open her mouth. Have to try a few times before I can finish counting. Haha
Have been trying to post this many times but fail. THink its better to get someone (Mum/Friend/MIL) to accompany u while shopping nowadays since u feel giddy / tired easily.
LOL! so ur husband read tis thread too huh?

i was talking 2 husband tis morn n i asked him if he read e thread. he said "bo eng lately n e thread boring cos no darling's pics". i told him 2 read cos got a few comments abt him and i'll post pics of gabe later. he said ok n he wanna post something 2 "complain" abt me. LOL!
ok.. will ask itsun to post cos i dun know how to post pic at all...lazy to learn too ha ha...

yu gan you
yet to give esther, will try to give her the white one. thanks for the feedback!

Cord Blood
For mummies who did not store the cord blood for your first born, r u doing it for your 2nd one?
no cord blood for #2 too. husband said must b fair 2 both. since i didnt store for gabe, shant store for #2 too. hard 2 b fair 2 #2 in e long run. gabe had so much good stuff in terms of toys, clothes, misc stuff, outings, attention, etc. dunno if both sets of grandparents will give much attention 2 #2 cos both sets of grandparents were kinda hoping i hv a bb girl whom i know will get tons of attention too
din know that yr hubby read the thread too... change yr username so that he wun know .. of course u must let us know yr new username secretly lah... ha ha

wonder what yr hubby is gonna to complain..ha ha.... such a good wife going to give him a second son liao.. what is there to complain????
"Vit-C/Colostrum with Probiotics/yu2 gan1 you2". Err, other than Vit C i have no idea wat the others r?

Anyone can post pic of yu gan you? If ask my mum she also wun know leh.

my bed is quite high, neither dog nor Athena can manage to scale it (which is why I avoid co-sleeping). I lie on it, A run around perimeter of bed, safe for both of us hehe.

Yah, must avoid GRANDSLAM from our #1s, LOL! I put pillow on my tummy if A *on* the bed with me.

yah my HB is well-trained, hehehe! He used to complain I'm the "sink or swim" type, and if I hands-off, I really hands-off (other mums can testify, they see me on weekend, everything Hb handle! :p ).
But now he grudgingly admits that it forces him to learn to handle on his own. I pre-2nd-pregnancy can handle A on my own when out- like HB, I had no prior experience in babies, so dun see why HB can't!
Now HB not worried abt his capabilities, I can sleep-in wkend, he can settle diaper bag himself, bring A out for brekkie even at hawker also no problem feeding A and himself (and come home with brekkie for me, muahaha)! He's very ya-ya abt his capabilities, LOL! Only flaw is he's disappointed A never liked the porridge he tried cooking for her last time, hehe.

Something quite touching abt HB- as a father not as a hubby lah. 5am Athena woke crying, he went to feed her milk, but he sleepyhead, forgot to put milk IN bottle... AND instead of uncapping the bottle to put teat into A's mouth, he UNSCREWED the whole bottle! All the water poured onto A's face! He was so upset, carried A over to our bed and kept SADLY repeating, "aiyah dunno wat I'm doing! I poured water over MY DAUGHTER'S HEAD!" And kept mumbling abt worrying A wld get an ear infection from the drenching (eh, yesterday at zoo he kept drenching A at waterplay wat *roll eyes*).

pcs, puff,
thx for concern, yah will make sure got entourage with me, hehe. I went zoo yesterday, survived (maybe cos I know last spurt to enjoy with A b4 I b a whale lor).

Aiyah got some loose ends- need to see dentist, need to figure out what's wrong with my Little Mermaid vacuum cleaner (think must change filter or what, aiyah I shld have gotten those BASIC no-need-brains cheapo vacuums that can throw after warranty expire), still haven't send camera for servicing, need to buy showerhead replacement... how come endless rubbish to do?
the cord blood can be used by both children when there is a need *touchwood* hence i wun say it is a matter of fairness or not. It is to buy "insurance". I dun know how many kid you u intend to have but personally am really considering storing for the 2nd one since i only intend to have two kids and the birth of the 2nd one will be the last chance to buy this "insurance".
ok, i share wif u 1st cos tis morn, he complained in e car, made me laugh so hard until i felt my belly tighten. u c, we were talking abt wat kinda indonesian maid we 1. my GF intro me 2 an agent fr Indonesia n e agent asked me if i want a nanny or a maid (a nanny merely takes care of e bb, doing very minimal hsehold chores while e maid is e opp...do hsehold chores, very minimal contact wif bb). i told him i 1 a maid, not nanny. husband said i wont do a gd job taking care of both boys cos i'll "spoil" them thoroughly. u c lah, early mon morn, he qi kek me liao. then he complained abt how i discipline gabe...

yesterday, after e zoo outing, gabe bit husband very hard on his index finger. as usual, i dun beat &amp; scold gabe so i just pulled gabe aside n said, "darling, y u bite daddy? mummy will scold u hor...u cannot bite daddy, it's not nice n it's painful for daddy."

husband is complaining tat all i do is say i WILL scold u, not i SCOLD u. i told husband tat i wont SCOLD or BEAT gabe wat...husband argued tat it'll b like e boy crying wolf. sooner or later, gabe wont b frightened of me. i told him not true...

anyway, i very lor-soh lah...it's just us bickering in e car abt how 2 discipline gabe. LOL!
2kids for me now...when i mentioned tat 2 husband last sat, he rolled his eyes n said, "up 2 u lah". i'lm like "one moment, 2kids. another moment, *FEEL* like having a 3rd one".
i'll consider e cord blood thingy wif husband when we run out of stuff 2 tik/worry abt. LOL!
why, kelly,
Yep, cordblood can be used in future by any of ur children shd the need arises *touch all the wood* I'm tinking of storing the cord blood of #2 but hesitating cos of the costs involved. So now still tinking.

LOL... grandslam is the word :p A common brand for cod liver oil is Scotts Emulsion. Most shops carry tis brand. Another one is Seven Seas. I can always remember the 'si1 ke4 tuo1 min3 yu2 gan1 you1' advertisement. So catchy and cute...
Cord blood

I am stuck in another direction. Got cord bloodstored for no 1 as my husband's family has a history of childhood leukaemia. Now I wonder if I should store for no 2???
