(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

ya, i no longer worry but i worry when he's going 2 b teething and/or on food strike. it's like hao bu rong yi 2 get him 2 eat well & eat much.

Ricardo saleswoman is Jasmine. Tel: 9621 7913
Tell her you've been recommended by Dr Goh who bought the Toyota Estima from her.
if u like, i can refer my husband's childhood frien 2 u. they bring in toyota wish & u can get ur own insurance from elsewhere (in other words, find e cheapest ins around). we bought our 2nd-hand car from him lately. very gd deal we got from him, very pleased.

btw, auntie kelly sayang jodie on her bruise. hope 2 c jodie soon. havent seen her since we met up at compass pt in may. :p
Ricardo has very good services and u get what u see.. aftersales services also thumbs up but i find the prices are not the most competitive around though.
i provided the info already ...

Ricardo saleswoman is Jasmine. Tel: 9621 7913
Tell her you've been recommended by Dr Goh who bought the Toyota Estima from her.
tis is wat healthy times vanilla teething biscuit can do...


I was in car trade b4 so mayb sharesome info w/u.
1.Price is one thing but look at the coverage too.

2.If possible, dun get NTUC. If car had a claim, normally had to sent to their authorised workshop to repair & Ntuc actually tender the job out.whoever had the cheapest will get the job.& the parts from what i know are not genuine..

3.Personally i don't think color places a part for higher premium cos in the proposal form,they didn't require you to name the color of the purchased car.My custoemr who bought balck car enjoys the saem premium as those family car like silver,champange gold...

4.premium is diff for man & woman, occupation if indoor better compare to outdoor (cos higher chance of getting into accidents mah).Age does plays a part too. Older than is cheaper but then if you are like 40 yrs old then yr driving experience only less than 2yrs, it back to the same,very ex.

5. Saloon car versus Coupe,turbocharged or Cabriolets is cheaper in premium too. Cos those are high risk in speeding or getting in accidents.

Should you require any contact for insurance,do let me know...

A piece of advise-if u get from PI,please MAKE SURE of your:

3.Well known PI. you may check out prices at Ricardo,MotorWay,Cartimes etc....
Really glad to know Yx's result is perfectly OK. you can now rest assured she is not malnutritient laio lah...

See you on wed at the shooting....
i've sms-ed u e contact (i got ur HP no from e list) but dunno if u got it. e guy is joel (HP 91703120). tell him u r recommended by ben (the old school frien who bought e honda city back in may). he may look sleazy 2 u but he's very friendly, very honest. after sales service is also very gd.
btw, u also hv email. :p

husband agrees wif u tat ricardo's prices not very competitive. we checked out ricardo for a toyota wish but price not gd leh.

i didnt buy car lah...husband bought a 2nd-hand car, honda city back in may. we settled for a small sedan car, juz in case i 1 2 buy a small car too.
hi mummies,
can u pls advise me where 2 find playground equipment toys, preferably lil tikes set? i like 2 get a playground set such as slide, swing, etc for gabe's 1st bday pressie. i tot of checking out kidsmall, kiddy palace, toys r us. any other locations?

something like tis...
okie, finally got my laptop fixed!!! sharing quinns FIRST bday pix!!!!


^ Quinns FIRST bday cake!!! and check out how those folks decor the place, machiam BIG event and i personally feel it looks like SCHOOL SPORTS DAY!! wahahahaha!!!

^ ummm...... lantern festival cum bday party!! quinn seems to know its his party *who cares abt the lantern festival*, walking around with smile on his face....


^ having fun at the playground *sandless playground, so sian* but as long as he likes it



^ OH!!!! looks whos here!!?? its sharwyn mei mei and i tik quinn really recognized her!!


^ the birthday song singing part and cake cutting too.... OUCH..... elmo must be feeling painful!
*faint* so messy ah???

lil devil
the pixs are lovely and the decor is nice and so suitable for lantern festival and bd hor? the pictures of quinn and sharwyn look very good too! is the cake from ecreative? tastes good or not?
rhyan gave us a scare yesterday nite!

we were at nanny's hse after work and hubby was reading the newspapers, then nanny was commenting how come rhyan was drooling so much suddenly. i bent down to examine his mouth while he was playing with toys and thought he was blowing bubbles hence the drooling.

then, nanny took up a rattle (the tiak tiak tiak one tt is found in most party bags) intending to play with rhyan and realised how come the top part was missing. its a star shape thingy, like screw type but size slightly bigger than gerber puff. hubby said he saw it on the floor earlier and nanny was saying dunno if rhyan could have eaten it, so we frantically conduct a search in the living room but couldn't find it. i did a quick swipe using my finger in his mouth but felt nothing too.

then, hubby carried rhyan and played with him. he placed his finger into rhyan's mouth to let him bite and then feel his cheeks and guess what, that star thing was hiding in one of his cheeks!!! cannot imagine what would have happen if he had swallowed it! of coz nanny quickly threw the rattles away lor, somemore complimented rhyan for being so clever, keep in his cheeks for so long (almost half an hour)!
OMIGAWD! that's scary!!!
thank goodness rhyan didn't swallow it!
means you got to be really careful with with these small things next time....

for the same reason, i dun allow dean to eat the gerber puff on his own. i will feed him .... i know its good that he learns how to feed himself but i dun want him to pick up foreign objects to put into his mouth....

kiasu hor?
little prince,
Scary leh. Better check all toys to see if they are bb safe.

I'll check mine tonight leow.

little devil,
Wah.... party so grand! Luv the cake.... now I gotta go hunt for nice cakes in KL leow :p Wonder if sweet secrets sells it.

Thanks for the info!
Will definitely keep u in mind for the insurance thingy.

eh... have u tried going over to that huge bb megamart at Kaki Bukit? Can't recall its name leow. There are 2 of them there.

Thank you very much for the insider info

I did visit CarTimes. Was serviced by this young chap who didn't seem to know much practical info. To be fair, he memorised all the brochures :p Guess he is new lar... must give him a bit of leeway.

My colleague's friend is from Chuan Motors. Typical scary salesman. Kept pestering her
Wonder how established is that PI.
puff! congrats on yx's blood test results... are u feeling better urself? my hb now down wif flu leow... looks quite bad... oh, congrats again!! which mag is yx & sam going to be on?? hehe... so exciting...

happy month day to the following babies!
<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD>Babies' Name</TD><TD>Babies' DOB</TD><TD>BB Age (in mths)</TD><TD>Mummies' Nick </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Ryan Chan Yan Hui</TD><TD>05/03/04</TD><TD>18m 15d</TD><TD>ruffy_happy </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Gabriel</TD><TD>23/08/04</TD><TD>12m 28d</TD><TD>gab04 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Jiang Rui</TD><TD>23/08/04</TD><TD>12m 28d</TD><TD>junior </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Kiern</TD><TD>24/08/04</TD><TD>12m 27d</TD><TD>jer </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Sarah-Lynn</TD><TD>25/08/04</TD><TD>12m 26d</TD><TD>radiohead </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Keefe</TD><TD>31/08/04</TD><TD>12m 20d</TD><TD>cubbiebb </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>14/09/04</TD><TD>12m 06d</TD><TD>expecting_mum </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Tan Hong Wei</TD><TD>15/09/04</TD><TD>12m 05d</TD><TD>mom </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Keira</TD><TD>18/09/04</TD><TD>12m 02d</TD><TD>vaingirl </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Faye</TD><TD>23/09/04</TD><TD>11m 28d</TD><TD>berry </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Rhyan</TD><TD>24/09/04</TD><TD>11m 27d</TD><TD>littleprince </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Quinn</TD><TD>24/09/04</TD><TD>11m 27d</TD><TD>little_devil </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Keira</TD><TD>26/09/04</TD><TD>11m 25d</TD><TD>pcs </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Lucas</TD><TD>27/09/04</TD><TD>11m 24d</TD><TD>SLK </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Sharyn</TD><TD>28/09/04</TD><TD>11m 23d</TD><TD>pets </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Shaness</TD><TD>28/09/04</TD><TD>11m 23d</TD><TD>yingzi </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Carriane</TD><TD>28/09/04</TD><TD>11m 23d</TD><TD>blisse </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Arnav Neil</TD><TD>03/10/04</TD><TD>11m 17d</TD><TD>sun </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Rachael</TD><TD>04/10/04</TD><TD>11m 16d</TD><TD>are </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Lavigne</TD><TD>05/10/04</TD><TD>11m 15d</TD><TD>casros </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Samantha Ng</TD><TD>05/10/04</TD><TD>11m 15d</TD><TD>sherhino </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Shanice</TD><TD>08/10/04</TD><TD>11m 12d</TD><TD>angph38 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Ray</TD><TD>08/10/04</TD><TD>11m 12d</TD><TD>micky </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Gabriel</TD><TD>10/10/04</TD><TD>11m 10d</TD><TD>kelly </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Cayden Tan</TD><TD>10/10/04</TD><TD>11m 10d</TD><TD>feline </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Meghan Alyssa Francis</TD><TD>12/10/04</TD><TD>11m 08d</TD><TD>deniz </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Qian Ning</TD><TD>18/10/04</TD><TD>11m 02d</TD><TD>andrea ku </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Athena</TD><TD>18/10/04</TD><TD>11m 02d</TD><TD>mtmtmt </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Isabel</TD><TD>20/10/04</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">11m 00d</font></TD><TD>charsiew rice </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Gabriel</TD><TD>20/10/04</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">11m 00d</font></TD><TD>may may </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Nilay</TD><TD>22/10/04</TD><TD>10m 29d</TD><TD>august </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Justin</TD><TD>25/10/04</TD><TD>10m 26d</TD><TD>AC </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Anders Foo</TD><TD>26/10/04</TD><TD>10m 25d</TD><TD>cow </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Sharwyn</TD><TD>28/10/04</TD><TD>10m 23d</TD><TD>sharon </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Gabriel</TD><TD>29/10/04</TD><TD>10m 22d</TD><TD>gabby mummy </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>KJ</TD><TD>01/11/04</TD><TD>10m 19d</TD><TD>kelly (mona) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Cindy</TD><TD>08/11/04</TD><TD>10m 12d</TD><TD>yuru </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Isaac</TD><TD>09/11/04</TD><TD>10m 11d</TD><TD>cosmo </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Esther Tan Yun Ting</TD><TD>10/11/04</TD><TD>10m 10d</TD><TD>itsun </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Ying Xin</TD><TD>11/11/04</TD><TD>10m 09d</TD><TD>puff </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Calista</TD><TD>11/11/04</TD><TD>10m 09d</TD><TD>chihiro </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Rui Ying</TD><TD>17/11/04</TD><TD>10m 03d</TD><TD>KC </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Shannon</TD><TD>20/11/04</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">10m 00d</font></TD><TD>guess </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Amanda</TD><TD>22/11/04</TD><TD>9m 29d</TD><TD>seahorse </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Brandon Koh</TD><TD>23/11/04</TD><TD>9m 28d</TD><TD>Bing </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Ethan</TD><TD>23/11/04</TD><TD>9m 28d</TD><TD>kypf </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Tricia</TD><TD>23/11/04</TD><TD>9m 28d</TD><TD>peg peg </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Chloe</TD><TD>29/11/04</TD><TD>9m 22d</TD><TD>wooof </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Aaron</TD><TD>30/11/04</TD><TD>9m 21d</TD><TD>maple_leaf </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Chloe</TD><TD>01/12/04</TD><TD>9m 19d</TD><TD>chantelle </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Wen Wu</TD><TD>01/12/04</TD><TD>9m 19d</TD><TD>rochelle </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Natalie</TD><TD>02/12/04</TD><TD>9m 18d</TD><TD>TBL </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Allycia </TD><TD>03/12/04</TD><TD>9m 17d</TD><TD>emma </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Steffi Chia</TD><TD>04/12/04</TD><TD>9m 16d</TD><TD>LL </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Dean Awyong</TD><TD>06/12/04</TD><TD>9m 14d</TD><TD>cody </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Natalie</TD><TD>06/12/04</TD><TD>9m 14d</TD><TD>leo29 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Luke Ong</TD><TD>06/12/04</TD><TD>9m 14d</TD><TD>fruitcake </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Trixilia</TD><TD>10/12/04</TD><TD>9m 10d</TD><TD>sulivyn </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Declan Isaac </TD><TD>10/12/04</TD><TD>9m 10d</TD><TD>mngo </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Jeannieve</TD><TD>11/12/04</TD><TD>9m 09d</TD><TD>jen </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Andric</TD><TD>15/12/04</TD><TD>9m 05d</TD><TD>stephie </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Rae-Ann</TD><TD>17/12/04</TD><TD>9m 03d</TD><TD>lachesiz </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Linus</TD><TD>18/12/04</TD><TD>9m 02d</TD><TD>oranges</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Jodie</TD><TD>20/12/04</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">9m 00d</font></TD><TD>beanie</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Nicole</TD><TD>24/12/04</TD><TD>8m 27d</TD><TD>wendypooh</TD><TD></td></tr></table>

and to <font color="0000ff">Faye, Rhyan, Quinn, Keira, Lucas, Sharyn, Shaness &amp; Carriane</font>... who are counting down to their 1st birthday this month!!
yay... jodie's 9 months old today :p

Those days when I had to wake up every 1-2hrs to feed her thru'out the nite seemed surreal. Almost like something I read in a horror story :p

The even bigger horror is that I'm actually planning for no. 2 next year!!! gee... now I'm beginning to think that I have short memory for a good reason... heheheh...

I understand how u feel. Poor Cindy. Hope she gets well soon.

But normally, flu takes about a week to recover. If she doesn't want milk, then let her drink more water yar.
yuru, oh dear! Always heartbreaking for the mummy when bb is unwell
*faye sprinkles potent antibodies into Cindy's milk*

lil devil, wah wat a lovely cake! You are all looking good as usual!

Sharon, LOL Sharwyn is looking so happy in the pix with Quinn!

omg, this is truly unexpected! Since few weeks ago she started walking while one of my hands, but very wobbly and shaky wan, and her steps are rather sideways (she figured out that if she take sideway steps, she can walk faster and take bigger steps).

Yesterday evening, spurred on by her daddy's encouragement, she took ONE beri tiny unassisted step on her own. That one step was also very wobbly. Hence I kinda thought that it'll be a while before she will walk (and I'm perfectly fine with that hehe). BUT!! Just now when she was playing, she stood up and called out to me, I thought she wanted me to join her, so I went to her, n then she had a beri gleeful expression on her face, and she took one step (I cheered and almost did a cartwheel :p), and she took another step! and another step!!! And sat down! I leaned over to hug and kiss her but she wriggled free, stood up, and took 4 more steps!! And sat down again, but got up again! And walked at least 6 steps before she sat down! It seemed to be happening so fast, so unexpected and too joyful for words! She was so focused, so determined and refused to be distracted(even though I was squealing and bouncing around her in joy)! This is one of the many times when I am so glad that Faye is such a strong-willed girl! and she kept getting up and trying again and again even though after ard 6-7 steps she would keep 'falling' by sitting on her butt. I'm sucha happy happy mummy!
Happy to hear abt the result of YX blood test :p
U must be extremely relieved.

Justin looks so happy with the mess guess u will still be feeding him the biscuit :p

Little Devil
Nice pics u have taken for Quinn BD celebrations. He looks sooo handsome and confident.

OMG!! My heart skip a beat when I read yr post. Real scary.

Hope Cindy recover soon. Keira has yet to recover. More than 1 week oreadi.


Faye must have decided to give mummy a suprise before her 1st birthday. So happy for u!!!
<font color="aa00aa">kelly and jen</font>
thanks, it's for october issue of mama baobei

<font color="aa00aa">yuru</font>
oh, cindy is not feeling well....take heart yah....cindy will get betta in no time

<font color="aa00aa">little devil</font>
very lovely cake....how much did u pay for it?

<font color="aa00aa">sharon</font>
nice pix of wyn and quinn looking into same direction, both like very good buddy

<font color="aa00aa">littleprince</font>
yikes....rhyan so funnie, kept the toy in his cheeks for so long

recently my mum bought a few mini cars for yingxin but i dare not let her play cos it's just nice to fit in her mouth but my mum said it won't...duh!!
<font color="aa00aa">ac</font>
heheh, wat a mess....i had the same teething biscuit but stopped giving her due to the same reason, instead i pound it and mixed into her cereal

<font color="aa00aa">pcs</font>
yes, i'm indeed relieved that the blood test is normal

u take care also yah...keira will be fine soon

yingxin took about 2 weeks to fully recover from her flu

<font color="aa00aa">berry</font>
whoa, i can imagine and feel your exhilaration from here!!! congrats
puff and pcs...onli tis time so messy leh, usually quite ok wan, but tis time we got frends at home, almoz ignore J and when i turn my head, he already become like dat :p
<font color="aa00aa">beanie</font>
yup, the last gathering we had was in late april at burger king

you may also wanna take a look at richburg motors located at macpherson road (next to madza showroom), their prices should be more competitive than ricardo...also do watch out for the warranty provided

beanie, agree with puff. richburg is one of the 4 largest parallel importers in s'pore.

berry: congrats! i can *feel* your excitement vibes from here!!!
<font color="aa00aa">ac</font>
hahah, maybe justin jealous....daddy and mummy tok to frens and ignore him so he purposely create such a mess for you to notice him
yah, cake is from ecreative. as for the taste...ummm..... ACCORDING to guests, it taste good but imo, so so. but i already expected tat it will not impressed me and reason for ordering their cake is their skill when it comes to 3d cake. well, i tik i will not rem how GOOD the cake taste like when quinn is like 3 years old but i will rem how cute the cake looks when i look at these pix. so, the outlook more imp to me.

omg!! luckily R didnt swallow it! i rem once quinn was biting his toy, a small pcs of plastic tat wrap ard tat toy came off and he ATE it! so he puke lor, puke twice, guess it irritate his throat!

beanie / yuru
GRAND??it supposed to be NOT grand, as hubby granny jus passed away abt 2 months ago so cant held any huge cele..... and this is so call SMALL cele, to them lah!! :p tats y i cant really ask all my frens to attend as it SUPPOSE to be small..... family thingy.

ur "5am feeding cereal" make me laugh as i kena tat also......

and guess lots of pp having cough. me, hubby, mil and my mum all coughing, no other symptom, jus cough....

yah!!!! i like tat pix alott!!!! so nice! will mail u asap. paiseh as im always dashing ard the house, mus wait till nite time.

thanks. faye is walking! see, before she turns 1, as wat i told u, kekekekeke....... but i am more excited when i read the "wait" "tis" "tat" when faye needs to sleep..... sooooo adorable..... i guess quinn is sort of slower interms of speech, only very limited words he use. i am still waiting.....

thanks, yah, hes confident and soemtimes OVER confident!! rem when he first learn to walk, he machiam tot he can jus walk by himself without us helping, and me every min heartbeat at its peak!!!! tat also explain y he kena so many bumps tat time.

i pay $158 for it, includes delivery. ecreative pp very nice and helpful too.

tried pass few day, not adding cereal in quinns milk and he sleeps thru!! finally!!!
lil prince,

Wah... dangerous leh. I will be kan chiong when nat put a tissue into her mouth, hee... i KIASI lah. I think hor, mayb rhyan tot that it's a sweet so he muz leave it in his mouth to let it melt

Oh ya, just a reminder, dun leave any coins lying around that can be esily reached by rhyan. They like to eat coin oso. Last wkend, nat nearly put a 50 cents coin into her mouth that she grab it from the table top. My mum told me, coin may not be easy to pass out, some may just stay in the body, dun knw how true. I remember when young, my bro swallow a coin and it take him days to pass out the coin.

Dun worry, cindy is a strong gal, she will recover soon.

Lil devil,

Nice pixs, Quinn look so happy. Looking at ur pixs, make me wish that nat BD come soon.
Any mommies ... do you have any recommendation for caterer and cake shop for baby's first birthday ?

Thanks in advance
if you are getting anything from richburg motors, maybe you can contact Maderline Goh as she is my friend working there. thanks anyway.
<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">Cody</font></font>
Wah Say.. you are really our information centre.. you have so many lobangs!
Hee hee.. When you have ??.. who do'ya call?? <font color="ff0000">CODY!!</font>

<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">AC</font></font>
Hahahah.. that was a good shot.. hmm, how about the mum? Didn't the little one messed up the Mummy too?

<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">SheRhino</font></font>
Hmm.. you were in the car trade, another person i can turn to for advice when I want to sell/buy car..

<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">Puff, SheRhino</font></font>
Congrats.. update me on the shoot. I will definitely buy a copy of Bao Bei

<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">Kelly</font></font>
Ahhh.. 1 more person to add on to my list should I need advice on car purchase..

Kids tend to get tired of their toys easily. I got to know about this link from a friend.. its a good way to test whether your kiddo genuinely likes the toy before purchasing it..


Err.. but i have not rented anything before...

<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">Lil Devil</font></font>
I <font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">LOVE</font></font> the cake!! You got it from ecreative? Is the Elmo edible? Did you give them a picture and they create it for you? Or you got it from one of their ready made design?

BTW.. you look GOOD

<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">Lil Prince</font></font>
OMIGOSH!! That was a bad scare...
We were eating chicken wings the other day and I have absolute no idea where did Cayden get the tiny bone from. I saw him "chewing" something" and nearly fainted when I dug out the bone from his mouth!!

<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">YuRu</font></font>
Oh gosh.. is Cindy teething again? Hope she is feeling much much better...
Cayden Gor Gor sayang sayang...

<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">Jen</font></font>
Thanxs once again for the compilation..

<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">Beanie</font></font>
Yeah.. finally found a kaki.. me night be planning for another next year too...

<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">Berry</font></font>
Congratulations!! When will my day come?? Looks like I got to WLL (wait Long Long)
called jasmine just now. She's no longer with ricardo leh. She asked me to talk to her colleague instead :p

thanks for the contact. Will try to call her later.

wah piang, your nick very long leh. maybe next time I'll shorten it to W2B.. hehehe...
yar yar... there's a sale at JL on 20th and 21st. There's 20% off ladies shoes and handbags also!!

hehehe... i've been eyeing this pair of shoes from URS. Wonder if they sell it at JL. cham ah... i just bought another pair last week :p
feline: no no, i am just kay poh that's all!

beanie: hmm, so she's left already ... did she recommend u her colleague?

yuru: i only head to the baby section in JL leh ... dun count on me cos my windows to the world are usually quite focused on getting baby things only (at JL at least...)

Beanie: the range of shoes in JL is quite limited ... dun raise your hopes too high.
Quick one,

Poster- yup the link http://homokaasu.org/rasterbator/ gives you detailed steps on how to upload a pic to their online software, and how to print from your own printer. Free

Hope Cindy speedy recovery!

Congrats on Faye- once they get past the 1st few steps, they're zooming, LOL! Forget your pram lah. :p I bring pram most of the time, she's either in it, or if she needs exercise, I park somewhere and guide her walking.

Thanks ladies for the gluten info
. I think I'd stop being so neurotic/ paranoid abt A getting austism.

Congrats to Quinn for a wonderful b'day party
. The cake's lovely! :D

Relieved that YX is fine

My own news- Athena can blow air! She blows air through straw into her waterbottle, and blows bubbles in the pool! Not sure if gd idea to test her candle-blowing skills on her cake... :p .

Athena been using Bumbo for her meals @ ILs... after we bought them a proper IKEA highchair, I moved the Bumbo to my mum's (previously she sit on mum's lap or inflated plastic adult-armchair).

Top-right: She knows how to get in to sit, but 1 leg will be trapped below her. She can get out of cos, so it's not "prison" liao, just a wipeable chair.

hahahaha, our thread got a lot of lobang for cars/insurance!

little prince

eeks, must have given you a fright, thankfully rhyan was "smart" enough to keep it in his cheek, like a squirrel :p


what great news! so happy for you and faye, you really must be over the moon :D *luke claps, cheers and bounces for faye*


hope cindy gets well soon! i know how frustrating and worrying it is when our little ones fall ill and refuse milk. take care!

little devil

what a cute cake, i love elmo! and quinn really looks v happy at his party. my friend had a 3D teddy bear cake from ecreative for her son, chocolate one, i thought the taste was not too bad, quite nice, esp since price not that ex considering it is 3D. but cannot compare with the finest cakes of course :p


hehe, the dogs look like they are circling athena, but she's not intimidated hor. wah, what's that she's eating?
