(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

sanrio, well, think eating cakes is still better than eating nothing.

Viv, your 2nd pic of pineapple tarts look presentable. Hows the taste?

Koala, I like the crust to be soft too.

I love Jap food too. Tell you something, last week was my b'day, my hb & I went to Kuishin-bo for lunch and I ate lots of Sashimi!!!! Don't care already. My bb already term. hehehehe. After bb is born, I doubt we'll get to go to a Jap restaurant for a LOOOOOOONG time.
viv, your open tarts are very professionally decorated. So neat. They look yummy. Can deliver some to me
i love sashimi too. but now my hb dun allow. my gynae said can eat, as long as from 'proper source'..

i love sweet stuff now... c ur pineapple tart made me hungry..

hi mummies,
Ashrel is very fussy n particular over his shoes. any todd like tat? his adidas sandals is 'ko yak' oreadi n we bought him 2 pairs of shoes n ended up hav to return 1 pair, change 1 pair to something else. he simply refuses to put them on. we hav 1 same pair of adidas bigger size, he oso refused to wear. tell him nicely, explain, pian, all no use. he wld cry n cry n wen hb told him u dun put on shoes, u dun go out, he cried n said 'i dun wan to go out'.. pretend to throw away his 'ko yak' shoes, he almost cried d whole hse down..
in d end, finally ydy........ he chose the red crocs sandals n we had to tell him tis red shoes is firemen (his current fav is anytg tat has to do w firemen/fire-engine) shoes then he happily put it on..
Nat wear shoes gotta match the colour of her clothes. But the prob is most of her shoes are pink. Then she will whine, she want blue shoes, yellow shoes... blah blah.... so I will tell her her hair clip is pink! Then ah, she will even pick my shoes, insist I am wearing wat colour, so must wear the shoes she pick out. Hee...
DOn't worry. Sarah is very fussy too, and vain!! She must be the one to decide which shoe to wear, which dress to wear. Some days she MUST wear a dress, cannot wear shorts and T-shirt. Aiyoh. Same lah. Must blow her nose in a certain way, water temperature for shower must be just right, I must be the one to unbuckle her from her car seat etc etc etc etc. A lot of demands.
pringles, pvl, giggler, mom2nat, koala
cant share recipe nor send any of the tarts over
realise the tarts are a total flop!!! had wanted to keep all till CNY but couldn't resist temptation n ate 1 today ...they had all turned very very soft! what a waste of time n effort! this is my last time making pineapple tarts liao...

Jana also has issues with new shoes, she'll refuse to wear them unless we hide all her old shoes.
something scary to share...this morning i brought Jana to the PD, while waiting to see doc, i overheard the clinic assistants asking the mummy at the counter...is he attending?...what is school is he attending?...we need to notify the school...turn out the kid has HFMD! i quickly got up from the sofa and then Jana and i just stood around till its our turn to see doc and then when we came home, its off to the bathroom immediately and i gave her and myself a thorough wash with dettol solution! hopefully we wont kena...else its bye bye to CNY!
viv, pv, mom2nat,
we cant hide his 'ko yak' shoes. if he din c it, he wld scream n cry n refuse to wear any other shoes. he is v 'faithful' to his shoes, he rather dun go out, dun eat anytg n will cry to look for his shoes. so drama right?
gd tat he's not girl, if he is fussy over his clothes, hairclip etc etc... then i 'peng san' liao.
faint... so scary. I think I would have moved far far away from tat boy.
Today, Nat wanted to play at my neighbour's house, then we walked over, realised one of the girls got chicken pox. BUt luckily Nat got take vaccine. But we din let them play tog. BUt hor, the family still open the door wide... wonder if the virus will spread.
V difficult and tiring to make the pineapple thingy for the tarts leh. My fren did it once, told me she wont do it again liao. So sad hor, the tarts din turn out well.

Aiyo, Nat can fuss over many small little things. LIke today my hb wanted to pack her toys, she threw a big fuss, cried blah blah... Sigh.
hi all

how are u?! wow... so many of you delivered/expecting no.2 liao... so envy, i am still not ready for no.2

hi brenda

read u calling my name for the cheesecake... actually i was attracted by your photos and kept going to previous pages to search for more pics

when u open your house, email/sms me (too busy with my new job and may not read this forum but hor... u never reply my email leh...), i will bake a cheesecake to your place ok ;-)

impressed by your pineapple tarts!

read about nat hitting other kids... for zl's case, he is the one ganna hit/push/bite by other kids
the biting part was by a girl same age as him!!!!
Which part of the tart turned soft? Was it the pastry or the pineapple? Did you store them in an airtight container? Hmmmmm.

You're right. Sarah is quite fussy over her hairclips too, and then after you've put them on for her, she'll take them off within an hour. Waste my time! But she doesn't throw big tantrums over such things (yet) so it's still not TOO bad.

Hi Jo. Welcome back.
PVL, actually some frens were saying that it's safe to eat sashimi in Spore but I still got no guts to do that leh. I've alr took so many med for this preg liao so dun want to have more 'harmful' things to add on to it. Hehehee... Bfg can take sashimi or not? Vane will ask me to put on clips for her, then she'll go to mirror to see, after that she'll remove the clips liao. Really waste my time and effort lor.

Mom2Nat, hahaha.. Vane also choose shoes to match her clothings..
Not to scare you, but Nat may still got chance to kenna chix pox though she had vaccine leh.

sanrio, ya ya ya... Vane also behave in some fussy ways too.

Viv, what happened??? What do you mean by very very soft? I thot pineapple's crust shd be soft to taste good mah.

jo, you just changed another new job or it's that new job that you told us abt? Happier in this new environment?
Sanrio, Mom2nat, Priviledged,Viv
Tis is normal. Our tods r going thru a stage of showing their independence => choose wat he/she wants, self feed, put on clothes/footwear, etc

U r v humble. Both kinda tarts look v professionally done. Like those fm recipe book. Did u put a baking sheet below? u said it's a flop is it coz u dun like the texture of the crust? How long did u bake the tarts n @ wat degree? Fm wat u described, the texture of the crust u made is the kind I dream of. I like the type which melts in the mouth like powder. Share leh share leh
Chee, dat's scary

Sanrio, Viv
Is it bcoz the old shoes r seasoned n more comfortable to wear compared to the old shoes?

taken chic pox vaccine may still get chic pox than wat's the pt to take the vaccine?

Chen Chen same as ZL won't bully others. He told me his classmate pushed him, snatched toy fm him (tis my mum saw b4)
Is ZL in the same cc?
Koala, that's why I hesitate till now abt taking chix pox vaccine. Think if take vaccine, the chix pox wont be full-blown so dun feel as bad lah.
giggler, lyn, koala,
ash caught d 'persistent n stubborn' cough bug. saw pd tis morning. pd said unless they dun go cc/playgp/nursery till af apr, most likely they wld go tru d cycle of well, sick, well, sick.. he said tis is d flu bug season. thank God, ash is overall fine, no infection. but there goes his appetite n is even more super sticky to mummy..

so finally, we employed part-tx help to clean hse n tink wld b on regular basis. else mummy here gg to peng san..
tat day u told me abt 'ketitofen'. it's a 'lung tonic', to be taken at least 6wks, hopefully to help 'prevent' d cough bug fr affecting d kids lungs or 'reduce' d seriousness of d cough.. (somtg like tat according to d pd, hope i got it almost correct..)
ya d old shoes is definitely more comfy but really 'ko yak' liao.. knowing ash's fussiness esp over shoes, we make sure we choose v comfy shoes for him n mus b wat he like. he alwy like red, even for his shirt. at least now, he happily put on his red crocs n we bought 1 pair of colette sandals, we call it 'shopping shoes', d entire shoes is 100% soft calf leather w nonslip rubber soles.
Hi hi all,
Jem just went back to school.. me still trying to adjust to the new timings. so much stuff to do!!!

Giggler, peifu u leh.. carry vane for so long on slings last time. Now i carry jay 15mins to and fro from school twice a day, i find it very tiring already.

Nice nice photos of ur tarts.. dun give up lah. try again and next year take orders from us!! heheheh

so nice.. perm hair. i dare not do anything to mine yet cos its still dropping

hi-5!! I went for jap food last week for my birthday too.. but went for sukiyaki at Sushi Tei instead


hahah.. went thru the shoes problem w jem too.. buying shoes is still a nightmare cos he simply would not try.

u got email me meh?? i've cleared both my acct down to zero mails already leh.. email me again leh..hahahah to [email protected] or sms me lah! 94771697

i miss seeing ur cakes on the thread!! post post!!

paiseh... i miss zl too, post his pics too can? Urs? i wun trouble u too much..hahahhaah
Dinner at East Coast Lagoon HC

usual irresistable satays


This kiam chye duck soup is power!!! each mouthful is really rich in taste and best of all, not oily!! but i find it salty lah tho Mark says it's just nice.

Sory HAzey... no steam fish ordered cos before we reach there, we already binge on many 'xiao chi' in the car.hahahha


Jem and me at the wake boarding pool... he was very excited over the players!! and jay was chuckling at his excitment at the background.

Nice place to chill as a family in the evenings.. tho parking is a nitemare. Oh oh... and that walk along the beach is.... ummm breezy :D


can help me keep a look out for this kind of green shells? need those that r bigger than 50cts coin one urgently

haiz~ think i've fatten my famil too much since being a sahm.. my hermits r happily growing till i run out of shells already. This one is moulting soon so will need bigger 'home' liao
Brenda, you just have to do this to me right??? Post pic of kiam chye ark!!!!!! ARGHHHHHH!!!!!!

Viv, ur tarts look very good leh! In fact, it looks even better than the PG catalog!!!!!
sanrio, Vane also keep coughing on & off, never got fully recovered. Sigh...

brenda, you very skinny mah... LOL...
You hor, always tempt me with food leh. Your food pix looks so nice leh!!! I want to eat SATAY!!! LOL... You still skinny leh, dun forget to feed yourself also.
tsk tsk... din read the cute doc blog's har?? It's at East Coast Lagoon Hawker Centre. According to Hazey's instruction.. it's one of the last few stalls near the beach. Can see the claypots stacking up one.. hard to miss.

Aye! if u gals go hor.. can take pic of the steam fish for Hazey?? hahahha

I saw my next table eating Chilli crabs in Claypot too!! looks super yummy!!

i give up on myself already lah.. haiz, waste food.
Are you training to be a food photographer? Aiyoh you seem to be taking photos of all the food you eat! I never think of taking photos, I just EAT!! I thought that hermit crab was for eating too. Hahahaha.

You keep hermit crabs? How to find replacement shells? What do you feed them?
dun make noise lah.. can go shoot some of ur steamed food anot?? think u r not putting ur F50 to good use.. tsk tsk

oh Pigletz...
R u gonna show us some of those nice nice lor bak that u cook soon??
wahahah.. no lah!! Mark gave me a digicam for Christmas so i'm still trying to get a hang of it. Food just so happens to be a good subject for practice at this moment since we r always zooming around to eat.

Yah, i hv two hermies. Bought shells from the actual distributor in S'pore(she's at Junction 8) before but the hermies dun like it..think cos she spray painted it. So been buying these kind of green shells from those shops selling dried flowers n home decors stuff. But it gets harder to finder bigger shells as they grow

Food, they eat hermies food lor.. so far only found it at Junction 8 (very ex. $8/bottle) and Great World City ($3/bottle) But i feed them every thing from fish food, potato chips, veg, rice etc.. that's their natural diet. only meat needs to be cooked
wah! yummy food agn.. my hb wld b hapi if i can eat more. tis preg no craving but kip tinking of sweet stuff only. u din take pics of cakes n pastries leh..
Ay...u always tempt us with FOODDDDDD. So "evil" of you. Will check out the shell for you later. My house here got so many pet shops. Hope they have. Randall is a die hard fan of the hermit crabs @ J8. Tried keeping them b4. But all ma ti. Now he is into betta aka "fighting fish".

Giggler & koala,
Actually its better for them to kanna the chic pox now. Not so "du". Then not so uncomfy. Hmm...So whoever child kanna, quickly bring the child over. LOL~ Though Randall had it, he will still get it since he gotten them @ 6 mths.
Hi Priviledged

Think it is the same "new" job, of course better but very busy... now enjoy and appreciate weekend alot...

ZL has changed to new childcare since mid of Dec 06. The kids seem wilder in new school but i think he enjoys the activities.

got...i repy one of your forwarded joke but u didn't reply. anyway think u might miss it.

hahahahahahahahahaha thanks hor... for not trouble me to post my own photos anyway think i age alot after joining this new company, better don't post to scare expecting mummies here heehee

enjoy your photos alot. oh u and jem so good looking!!!!!!!!

thanks for your hp no., later i will sms u!

now hardly take photos of my cake coz no time and energy to bake cakes during weekend but i will take a pic of my kueh lapis if i have energy to bake this weekend.

oh posting zl's photos here, in uniform! heehee

hope mummies here won't yawn... sorry...;-p

jo, hazey
thanks for the compliments, but unfortunately they only look nice, cannot be eaten at all!!

yup, stored them in airtight container the moment they are cooled. its the pastry part that turned soft.

its a diff kinda of soft leh...like biscuit lao hong type of soft!

yep, i put baking sheet below. i bake the tarts at 170C for abt 25-30mins. i took the recipe from this site http://tabetai.blogspot.com/2005/06/shf9-nyonya-pineapple-tarts.html this person suppose to hv tried n tested the recipe but i suspect somethings not rite...seems like too wet liao...got 3 yolks and 50ml of water some more.

me too, i'm still dropping hair..tat's y i perm it, to give it more volume.
koala, giggler...didnt know i sounded like a 'poor thing'...must be one of those mood swings lah. Everyting oso must bother then in the end make myself so headache.

sanrio, tks for the info. I've read up on ketotifen that's y i dun wish J to take it too often. Best it could rid his cough ONCE N FOR ALL.

mummies into pineapple tarts, went lunch with my gf y'day at china sq. There's one bakery selling v.nice nonya cookies/tarts. Just slip my mind when all of u mention where to buy gd tarts a few wks back....preg woman got such failing memory, so sorry.
This bakery is in a small lane between the ramen shop n pharmacy. Shd b quite ez to find.

jo, ZL's face still the same as i last saw him at eureka's plc. Except that now big n tall boy liao.

brenda, that green hermit is ur pet!!! wat u feed them ah??? Seems cute le.
Regarding the pineapple tarts, did you use the same recipe for the open and closed pineapple tarts? Think it may have to be different. Let me check w my mom tomorrow.

Went to buy home favourite pineapple tarts from Taka after reading your post. My mom finds it so so only. But it's def soft and not too sweet. Actually I also used to like Bengawan Solo leh. Bought another tub from Yan ...also at Taka. Supposedly home made too.

I ate lots of sashimi during bfg. Can't expect me to abstain for so long since I'm still bfg now. Even ate maxwell mkts raw fish. :p
i used the same recipe for both tarts! i was at taka today and went round to test all the pineapple tarts...in the end din buy any cos my nose's all stuffy and everything i eat is tasteless!
saw ur tarts. they really look very pro. Do u add yolk into the pastry?

Are u using creaming method? Creaming method shld be quite moist and dun really need to add egg. Egg always give me the impression that it will turn the things softer. May be u add only 1 egg or no egg at all to try.

How abt the pineapple filling? if the filling is too wet, it will soften the crust as well. I did once for CNY very long ago cant rbr where i took the receipe from. It turn out quite well, then i told my sister may be i tried again. She said I siao, forgotten that all of us stayed up to 2-3am still baking the tarts.
viv, hong,
Tarts pastry should be rubbing in method, right? Not creaming. Should be a sort of sweet shortcrust pastry. Don't add too much liquid. I have one recipe in which the only liquid is egg.
don't shout at me, i'm a sick patient now okay.

Have been sick since last tuesday. First lost my voice, then sore throat, then fever up and down for 5 days, saw doc, change 2 types of antibotics still don't help. Finally yesterday when I was feeling very slightly better, I went back to work cos too long never work liao, halfway thru, cannot tahan, ask hubby to bring me see doc again. *sigh* Doc say my throat still very bad and my nose is congested, my ear got pus that's why pain. I feel like end of the world leh, cos I never fall sooooo sick b4. This time round, doc give me another kind of antibotics and a flu medicine. N yes, I feel so much better now. Hopefully, after today, I can go back office to work and start my CNY shopping.

Okay, will promise to bake something and post it here okay.
Val, hahaha so whoever kid got it must organise the next gathering liao.

jo, do you got to work OT for this current job? Why change cc for zl? ZL looks so different now!!! I cant recognize him anymore. You know how to bake kueh lapis??? Peifu

Viv, you put too much butter is it?

lyn, ya you sound down in your postings. Think its those preg hormones lah try to cheer up for bbs sake, ok?

absolut, think its fine to eat raw food while bfg rite? I think I didnt abstain too much food while bfg Vane. Hehehe.

hong, stayed till 2-3am to bake tarts??? So you not gg to bake anymore this yr?

pigletz, aiyo you sound so bad leh. Got ear infection from Gareth? Take care leh
hong, pvl
yes, i added yolk into the pastry. i din use the creaming method, use the rub-in method instead. its it very very time consuming to make pineapple tarts, i did it over 2 days, first day fry the pineapple fillings, then 2nd day do the tarts. if do all one shot, think i'll end up baking till 2-3am too. dun think i'll try again cos need to start the prok floss roll liao!
Hi,Im new here. I am very impressed by this websiate. My girl was born in July 2004. I am searching for some good kindergartens and enrichment programs for her. hope you all could give some guidance and recommention.

By the way im staying in woodlands.
Two more days!!! r u getting excited?

Thankie thankie.. where u stay har? got many pet shops around... Oohh, randall into betta?? so guai! jem always disturb my fishes.. bang bang on the tank.. haiz~ i'm looking for a hamster for him now.

paiseh yah.. i have 4 joeys on my list..hahahha, so always mix up.

yes! i agree zl looks different now!! but still maintain that handsome, friendly look. Is he quiet?

haiz~ i still can't make up my mind whether to join u n winney in baking anot leh... worry later invest in the stuff n waste again
Bought an oven already.. but hb happily using it to roast n grill. He just bought a book on oven cooking..hahahha

brave! i worry that the chemicals will worsen the condition. Hesitating to colour it even. My hair dresser says no tying of hair now cos the front part is already balding

hahah.. my hermies eat junks w me.. but still hv their hermit food pellets lah

Aiyoh.. sick already go koonz lah. Still bake?? hahah, but when u r well, r u going to make cupcakes w piggy face?

hihi... sad to say mummy hazey will tell u that woodlands dun hv good school leh..hahahhah

u sure u wanna keep hamster? i keep before leh, though we keep it very very clean, my neighbour still tell us got smell...

Jana's keeping fish now, we went long kang fishing at Qian Hu on Sunday and came back home with abt 15 fishes, now only left with 1 lonely fish swimming in the fish tank!

ur front part where got balding? u still look mei mei in the pic above leh!
