(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

hehehe u keep making me juggle out images of one good pot of braised pork leh.. aiyoh!! now i keep thinking of very 'ru wei' lor bak...

like eureka says lor.. it just gets easier as time goes.. esp. once u get a hang of it, u'll realise a lot of things can be done easier. Like... many soon-to-be expired food can just be thrown into veggies to stir fry..hahahhaha

aye aye, i already stated i wun post my dinners up liao leh.. still make noise?

Go check out the website Viv posted... good n easy recipes

OKay gals!! let's go koonz!

For CNY cookies or goodies, HOME's FAVOURITE is probably one of the BEST that I have eaten so far! Fresh n quality handmade......
Brenda, the thing is... U still got the "xian qing" to put the brocoli nicely around the plate, then put all the fishball into the centre!
Sorry ah, old already... cannot finish thinking what I want to say in one posting.

Brenda, how can 2 adults and 1 todd finish all that food???? Still got soup leh n rice!
To rid of the ants, you must wipe out their entire colony. Try putting those poison pallets along the ants' path, and have them carry them back to feed the colony. Be careful that the kids do not pick those pallets up and put into their mouth.

Betta if those fishballs replace by scallop :p
YES YES YES! esp handmade love letters over charcoal!! Then the traditional kind of 'kork zai'. but now hardly can find already

Shaw very old building rite?? never been there to eat :p but yah... saw delicious mee siam and mee rebus.

The so call 'xian qing' u mentioned is actually the result of Singapore education. After all these years, yes... i still uncontrollably make sure food is serve presentably, wipe the rim of the bowl/plates after pouring food in and occasionally.. handmade menus. hahahha, what to do? home econ student...

i only serve slightly less then a bowl of rice per meal. erm... MArk needs to cut down on carbo leh..hahhah. But yah, that's the usual amt of food we consume. U never go out n eat w us before meh?

I've tried already.. then found 2 nests. But subsequently, they dun fall for the same trick again. haiz~

aiyoh.. i love scallops too but i love my wallet as well..hahahah

Hi all...
Just in case u r wondering the weird hour of posting, that's how i get to clean up the house at times. heheheheh
Wah, Brenda,
I want to come to your restaurant leh!!! What's the address? Can I book a table?

My CNY is usually just visiting, eating goodies and giving Ang Pow. The last part, I can do without. The eating is OK. My MIL has not restricted me yet and has already presented us with some of her home-made goodies
. My mum has just started to make hers, so I guess we'll also be getting some from her soon. Visiting is OK lah, no need. Just that we might miss OTHER people's goodies. Hehehe New baby??? I'm not looking forward to the sleepless nights and the round the clock feeding, and Sarah's anticipated jealousy.
Lyn, you think i got the energy to observe that ah? its hubbby who observed and told me so i tot check with you gals loh. Anyway it it seems most of the tods here can pronounce well since only sanrio and Brenda mention their tods sometimes dun.
Morning mummies,
whao..all the food really makes me drool!!!

Must find time to do some proper cooking soon.

Ryan does pronounce his words clearly and accurately ..have been reinforcing this to him since he started speaking. However his cantonese pronouncation is sometimes off.
wahahah PVL,
Can i go to your house instead?? so good!! got MIL n mummy to make homemade goodies for you... aye, did u try and learn har?? if yes, when u r up and going... can i ask for lessons??

told everyone liao.. those r simple dishes only. can prepare easily one.. ask Skyblue. 'Look' good nia

hahahaha.. no lah. So far seems like only Ruffybear says Ryan pronounce clearly. The rest tiam tiam leh. Only sanrio and i 'boi paiseh' openly announce our boys cmi..hahahahahah

takes time i guess to keep reminding them the correct ways. But as parents, we have to 'learn' their way of communication before we can correct. Men tends to 'fail' to do so due to impatience. Nevermind lor.. u do the translation..hahahhaha
brenda, aiyo... you gals here made me crave for steamboat leh. Tsk tsk tsk... your family can finish the whole fish? So you busy being counsellors for your gf? Are the prawn rolls from Glory nice? I bot one packet from NTUC and it turned out sucks. Feel like throwing away the whole pkt. I missed my parents' home-made kok zai too.. Sigh..... You woke up earlier than my maid to clean up leh. Hehehe... Vane still coughing and got lots of phelgm, very sticky to me now. Even got to put her hands round my neck when she sleeps leh. Hope that she gets better asap, if not, I not sure how I handle her after I give birth with bb and my c-section wound.

viv, hahaha... you supposed to take pic of the lor bak to tempt us leh.

lyn, same here lah... I asked my mom to teach my maid so that she doesnt need to shuttle bet her place and my place. Though it's just 3 bus-stops away, it's still tiring for her. Actually I wanted to order cf catering but my mom insisted on cooking for me. Mothers are the greatest hor?

hazey, do you need to cook now or your mil does everything? You got the same thinking as me... how can brenda's family finish all those food??? The fish so big somemore.

eureka, I missed those home-made pineapple tarts that I made myself leh. But really "xin you yu er li bu ju" to make them. Sigh........

PVL, so envy you that you got home-made cookies to eat. I'm anticipating Vane's jealousy too. These few days, she started to be sticky to me again. Maybe she sensed that her didi is coming soon.

QSG, though Vane can speak alot better now but she still cant pronounce correctly some of the words. So dun worry...
hazey, surprised u caught his cue!!

brenda, i guess i'm just too passive. Let's wait till the time comes.

qsg, so it's ur hb that points it out. Good mah, at least he points it out to you. Mine probably would brush it off n ask me wat our son just spoken. Well, since dana is now in school, hopefully the problem will rectify itself...otherwise for you to take care of both gals oso v.tiring. On hand better settle evee's short napping time then you can hv more time for urself as well as dana.

giggler, u n ur mum only 3bus stop away?!?!? u so lucky! i cannot imagine asking my mum to do mkting for me then travel all the way via mrt then bus to my plc everday!!
wahahah... YES! we are 'fishy' people... those that eat till head/tail all gone kind. Both Mark and I can share one Curry Fish Head outside.

Counselling? no lah... wun hv the time now. But some of them have kids n some preg at the moment. So help out whenever i can lor. But makes me emotional cos really 'wake' me up that kids r very poor thing without any of the parent on their side.

Serious?!?! i haven't open to try cos for CNY mah. thot they just got review on straits time for their rolls? The little fishies r quite nice tho.. not too sweet, not too buttery.

aiyoh.. hopes vane gets well soon. ur delivery on the 9th rite?
Oh yah... i've buckled and decide to let Jem goes back to childcare on Thursday for halfday. Soon, i'll be able to join u mommies on schooldays topic..hahahahah
lyn, I purposely stay near to my parents one. Hb even asked if we shd move to the same flat as my parents recently. Hehehe...

brenda, wow... both of you can really eat leh. Me envy cos your size doesnt tell.
It's the kids who suffer when things like this happened. Ya, I really hope that both of us recover ASAP. My c-section date on 9th Feb but I scared that I may deliver early. Which CC will Jem be attending?
my girl can talk alot and use alot of words. But as my sis commented, "No doubt she has a wide vocab... but I don't understand a word leh." :p Been trying very hard to improve enunciation but I don't want to discourage her from trying out in first place lor- she's rather sensitive, will be discouraged if we're too critical.
The ants in your hse really "combat trained". I think you may have to use this as a last resort- "Flame them"....LOL.

QSG, Medusa
Alicia is talkative, but sometimes, it takes us a while to understand some of the words she said. It's normal. If you can pick them up, just help them to correct lor :) May not work the first time, but with repeatition, they will learn. Afterall, kids need repeatition to learn rite? Just do not "force".
how long can we keep home-made pineapple tarts ? thinking of making some, but dunno when i should do it. is it too early to make now?
ALicia's Daddy,
hahhahahahaha, can die! That is what i thot too...scallop with those broccoli, HEAVENLY mann!!

YES! YES! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am also a FISHY person! ALso eat till Head/Tail all gone type!! Whole plate left with the bones only, all gravy n garnishes also gone!!!!!!

I dun eat rice tho

Brenda, there is this relative of mine, every yr I go to their hse n eat their CNY cookies. They have many dotters n I thot they homemade n thus eat shiok shiok n quietly. One yr buay tahan liao, asked them if they can make for me n they told me they ordered frm HOME FAVOURITE. FYI, I dun really eat cny cookies when I go visiting cos all hses are the same thing. This house, wow, really fresh n good.

Brenda/ Giggler,
I will go check out this HOME FAVOURITE's place. Got gd kok zai n shrimps rolls, i let u all know, ok? Indus rd, issit near havelock rd?

I understand FULLY your dilemma. Ur query....best that u n hb can derive the answer. ABOVE all, U MUST BE A HAPPY MUMMY, be it send ASh to full day c/c or close 1 or 2 eyes n handle 2 by yourself.

Ideally, who would not want to pay equal attention to each of every kids we have? But smtime, being the newborn, there are really alot of hand on needs it requires frm us. For ash, it could be more of attention n emotional needs. All these can be rather energy zapping, plus your own body to recuperate after labour, your hormones to get back to normal etc etc etc. Hb can help but they also got stress with new addition, new expenses, job stress etc etc. If u do not have mil, mum's help etc.....then the solution may not be ideal but still life has to go on leh.....u get what i mean?

Ultimately, if u are happy handling 2 by urself, by all mean, go ahead. IF u are flustered, unhappy, sending Ash to full day cc may be a gd option. Some may opt for a full time maid n have 2 at home. Also an option. Very personal choice lah. I will opt to send #1 to go fullday c/c. Above all, I really think a happy mum, a happy us is very important. Just my 2cents....
I seldom cook one leh, in fact very very rare, so i dun hv recipes to share one.
A few mths back, i was oso bz hunting down ants' nest with my maid. Very scary to see their nests. SO many ants!!! Makes my skin crawl whenever i think of it.

Really thks for sharing the website, i love the recipes, machiam so easy to cook n they look absolutely delicious. Tis weekend i'll try out the tofu with mushrooms

Take pics of ur lor bak leh!!!

Sometx i oso dun understand wat Kieran is talking abt but in most instance, can understand. There're some words which he does hv pblm pronouncing but he's trying to correct himself. Words like 'sleeping' he'll pronounce as 'steeping', 'exercise' as 'e-cher-chize'.
u showing signs already arh?? when i had jay, i can 'feel' that its soon too kinda feelings leh.

Must make ur 'future-in-law' work as announcer when that happens yah!!

Jem gonna attend the NTUC c/c. Actually i went to see the infant centre too..hahahah, very tempted

A's dad,
if i find their nest.. i might just do it..*argh*

aye! think we find one day gather gather for 'yu tou ru' at AMK leh.

aiyoh!!! me lao hua yen already... dunnoe how i read till home made ones..hahahha. i tried to check under Home Favourite's online... no info leh. yes.. if can find i wanna buy more...

yah... do consider what eureka says. A happy mum is important, whatever the arrangement may be. Another important factor is, hb must be in full agreement w the plan too.

Sky'eee blueeey..
nothing to say.. just wanna call u for fun
yup tink hb n myself 'prefer' to send ash to full day cc n c how d situation goes.. rather then all of us at hm ended up stressed n unhappy. i beta not look at others, tink i can nvr b like brenda or my frd, haha :p
my fav cny goodies is hm made love letters (peng1 over charcoal)! i was at taka on sat. near d supermkt area, there is tis chef tat freshly made d pineapple tart on d spot. i tried, quite yummy. it's d 'small ball' type n he put little bit shredded cheese on top n 'peng1' until crispy. ai yo! i mus go n buy!
Been wanting to ask u but keep forgetting. U decided on ur boy's name oredi?

Pong pong u!!! Anyhow call me! ;p;p
chen chen so sweet to mummy oso.. i agree our todd can b so sweet at tx esp at tis stage. u nvr beat chen chen b4? u ar v gd.
brenda & eureka,
The "yu tou ru" izzit at Blk 530? Usually will order a plate of oysters to "sa" in the steamboat. Yummmmyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

I find that u always expect very much fm our little todd leh. Sorry if I sound rude. Dana is only on earth for 2 1/2 yrs and not forgetting the first 6-10 mths really "bu dong shi".

Any contact on really NICE pineapple tarts?
Yes, I have been helping my mum with her pineapple tarts, cashew nut cookies and some other stuff for ages already
. But she doesn't do love letters, OK, Sanrio? Doing it alone, with Sarah around is near impossible, so I don't make any cookies here. Anyway, I get donations, so I'm not bothered. I'll just go over to my mum's to help her with the cookies.

How long you can keep homemade pineapple tarts will depend on how dry the pineapple filling is, and how long the tart has been baked. You can see by the colour - the paler it is, chances are it won't keep so long. But you can keep them in the fridge. They will probbaly keep longer that way. The main problem is mould.
Viv, those home-made pineapple tarts can keep for quite stime leh. Think abt a mth shd be ok.

eureka, I dun know where's Indus Rd leh... Let me know if you can find good kor zai and prawn rolls. (drooling liao)... So you also send Elyse to cc rite?

brenda, hahaha... I think I got the signs but still hoping that bb only come out as scheduled, on 9th Feb. Hehehe... Sure, I'll def inform my future in-law first. Make her do some work. LOL..... NTUC CC near blk 674? If you send Jayden to infant centre then you go back to work? I like 'yu tou ru' leh.

sanrio, ya.. dun compare!!!

skyblue, haven decide on boy's name leh. Think can only confirm after bb pop... will def think of one when face with stress.

Val, my bil passed me some pineapple tarts from 727 and it's quite nice.
Val, i expect very much from our tods meh? Actually not sure what is the norm and what to expect for their age so check with you all to see if normal mah.
I love to eat sweet n sour fish but I HATE deep frying
Thot u made the CNY cookies. U make them look so yummy
Keep posting pic of your dinner lar

Chen Chen n my hubby sleep in my rm. I sleep in the study rm. Last 9 my hubby told me it's tough n tiring looking Chen Chen @ 9.

Wat Chen Chen did wz indeed heartwarming
Believe it or not. I can finish a whole fish. I m a polor bear
Poor Vane n u
I missed my own made pineapple tarts. Love to eat it when it's warm

Err... your dad n sis can tar bao mah or cater food for a mth. IMHO u need more care than them leh. No offence hor.

Read dat tod's tongue muscle not fully developed. So can't pronounce v clearly. Give Dana some time
Sometimes I can't fig out wat Chen Chen is trying to say. Gotta guess n ask if dat is wat he meant. H/w his playgroup teacher said his pronounication is v clear. Guess bcoz she is in tis line. So she finds him clear

I dun beat Chen Chen I SCREAM.........

H 5! I dun eat rice but eat gian
giggler, already said this yrs ago...probably u 4gotten. My hb REFUSED to move cos the flat now we r in is so near his work plc. Drive only 10-15mins, take bus the most 30 mins, HE WONT MOVE D LAH. My mum on the other hand has bn in the serangoon neighbourhood for decades!!! frm bendemeer, married, move to whampoa, then 2gether with us to potong pasir...SHE WONT MOVE TO OTHER TOWNS D LAH.

koala, my dad n sis is her 'family' i married out liao ...this time round she FIRMLY told me GET Y MIL FOR HELP. she only do what she can. Plus, i also dun 1 to tired her out...cos this time round got bb+J...nt ez. Cannot imagine asking her to come hlf day then she nds to rush back to cook or keep the hse...she's my mum leh, nt pt maid.
Too bad i lost my financial standing, otherwise i sure insist on getting cl again.

PINEAPPLE TARTS: errr ...bengawan solo nt gd enuff?
Love letters: mum's the best. she used to make this with my dad using the electric mould. now...she just buy frm mkt...(presumed hme-made)
I always get pineapple tarts from Mirana Cake shop. V yummy. it's the covered kind, not the pineapple on top kind.
The other nice one is amtyest(dunno spelling), The got cheese on top, but v costly.
Hi mummies
been real busy with both kids taking turns having fever last week!

Your foodee pics look so attractive! Looks like you've been busy in the kitchen. I also thot those were scallops with broccoli..lol
How do u manage alone with the 2 kids at home? I mean, when you prepare ingredients and cook, what are the 2 boys doing?

Is HOME FAVOURITEs nicer than Glory's goodies?

Does anyone know whether the edusave fund for our No.2 can be used for No.1's education? Coz Alicia wasn't entitled for bb bonus then. TIA

Hey, ur edd is coming up! You must be so excited??How are you feeling?
To all mummies who like fireworks.....

River Angbao is here!!!!

The Singapore River Hongbao 2007 will be held from the 16 Feb to 4 March. Below is the schedule of the firework displays for seven days. Hope you, your families & friends will be able to watch it. Lets hope it is more spectacular than the ones on Dec 31st last year.

Note information given is accurate as at today.

16 Feb (Fri) - Opening Ceremony
9:15 to 9:30 p.m.
Duration of Fireworks : 3 mins

17 Feb (Sat) Eve of CNY
9:00 p.m.
Duration : 5- 8 mins

18 Feb (Sun) - 1st Day of CNY
Time: 9:00 p.m.
Duration: 5- 8 mins

19 Feb (Mon) - 2nd Day of CNY
9:00 p.m.
Duration: 5- 8 mins

24 Feb (Sat)
Time: 9:00 p.m.
Duration: 5- 8 mins

25 Feb (Sun)
Time: 9:00 p.m.
Duration: 5- 8 mins

4 Mar (Sun) - 15th day of CNY
Time: 9:00 p.m.
Duration: 5- 8 mins
brenda, ya... you shd keep posting your dinner, it's a motivation for me to want to cook myself leh.

Koala, Chen bully his daddy??? hehehe... You also make your own pineapple tarts? After I know how to make them, I find it more worthwhile to bake ourself than buy from mkt leh.

lyn, I agree that it's tough for your mom to have travel everyday lah. Dun worry, I'm sure you'll find the solution when time comes. Who knows, your hb may agree to get CL for you leh.

Mom2Nat, got cheese on top of pineapple tarts??? So fusion leh... Hehehe

pringles, aiyo... you must take care of yourself too. It's very tiring taking care of todds having fever. Yup yup... gg to deliver next Fri but still haven really got the excitement leh.
hmmm dunnoe leh... but it's near the Pine Garden. If it's the same one.. nice anot? cos i always go there to eat 'tian ji zhou' but a lot of ppl eating the steamboat n it smells nice.

oh la la... oysters. Is that how ur randall came along??

wahahha... u wanna intro me to ur mummy??

if i send jay to infant ctr.. of course gotta go back to work..hahhaha, if not become professional full time mahjong player arh?

no choice leh.. hahahha, eat out whole fish very ex!!
wahahah... the cookies pics is to gear start our CNY mood lah.. aye, why u dun make the tarts already

dun move no good meh?? Mark always think of moving since Day 1 we moved in. He is keen on Skybluey's area-Punggol..ahahha. But lately hear him ask around on Potong Pasir.

The ingredients are cut, marinated when the boys r taking their noon nap. They will be playing when i cook lor.. they can jolly well be on their own. Jay will be in the walker (stationary) and Jem playing around him.

Thanks a lot!! i've been checking on Singapore Tourism Board etc. horrible information!!! wanna catch some fireworks!!!

RE: Dinner pics
wahahah... AYE!! only me cooking dinner meh? where's the contribution of others??

Last night dinner was two style chicken(battered and black pepper) and dou miao w chopped mushroom n mince pork. No pictures cos Mark was around and faster. wahahah

i'm trying to see if i can manage to find one dish that's suitable for ur confinement yet yummy and easy enough for your maid to prep for ur reunion dinner ;)
Mom2Nat, very tiring to maintain permed hair hor? So has the price incr for CNY? Nat looks so cheeky with her smile.
But this pix looks ok leh, not very FAT. Hehehe... make your day or not?

brenda, hahaha... you know how to play mj meh??? So how? You gg to look for job soon? TIA for your simple recipe... hehehe...
mom2nat, yah yah yah..hahhahaha. SOmehow this pic makes ur face seems slim

Giggler, hahahha... no, i dunnoe how to play mj. NO lah!! i say i'm tempted.. not fallen into temptation leh. will min. stay w Jay for 18mths.
pong pong pong pong pong!!!
U move to Punggol lah, then ur 2 Js can play with my 2 Ks.
Pine Garden there got nice frog leg porr? Wah piang, my dad stays there, i very suaku leh, so many gd food but i dunno.

Wah, rebonded hair makes u look younger. U brot Nat wif u to do ur hair yday?

Oh dear, hope dat both hv recovered. Very sian hor when they fall sick. Mine oso took turns to hv running nose last wk. Kayden's nose blocked till he couldn't zzz on sat.

Even the english name oso haven decided? T
like wat giggler said, i m so 'motivated' by u. i m cooking winter melon soup, pan fried omelette n plum sauce chicken thigh meat for dinner 2nite. but i cant take fotos cos sure wont b so nice like urs :p
tis morning i woke up, did laundry, prepared soup n started spring cleaning. i hav been so lazy.. i almost 4got i m preg, still climb 'high n low' to clean evywhere.
af fin, i hav tis tot.. 'how i wish i hav a maid'.. but no lah.. i wld slowly do loh.
hb suggested to get d part tx cleaner agn but i told him call d cleaner only wen i m so clumsy n cant 'move' much anymore.
my 'self motivation' in doing hsehold chores is: so tat i wont put on too much wt during preg n it's a form of exercise n hopefully by keeping active, wld hav an easy labour..
tats being a sahm, mus 'an wei zi ji'..
d pineapple tart w a bit of crispy cheese on top is v yummy! i tried tat at taka cny fair (not at d fountain area but inside, near d supermkt). d chef freshly baked them on d spot. i m gg to get it tis wkend :p

Afternoon mummies & daddy,
you look very radiant in the photo.. I am also wanting to dye/highlight my hair but don't seem to find the time now..taking a break now..later bring Ryan to his GF house to play and swim

I didn't get a PT maid and don't think will get one..was still doing Housework before delivery and during confirnment also. but like 1 room or if sweep the floor the next day or two days later then mop the floor.

Spring cleaning must start also.. so far only manage to pack up Ryan old clothes and clean the fans in the house..still have lots to do.
