(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

U r most welcome abt the fireworks scheduel.

Re: Dinner photoc
cannot post the dishes i prepared here lah.... so tui ren xian yan. some more, the dishes i cook no recipes one. open the fridge, see got what ingredients, then just cook. Even then, ashley or hb can just walk in n say, can we have noodles tonight. then just throw everything into the pot n cook yee mee...

Tonight, tenatively will have...
1. Brown / white rice
2. Xiao bai cai w carrots
3. Stir fry toufu w shitake mushroom n slice fish...

Desserts... cut oranges n pears

wahahah... yah, u very suaku :p

clean clean can... can dun climb up anot? i did that too n suffer big time at nite.

can go take pics of the pineapple tarts as well? hmm... actually i'll be at taka too. wahahhahah, read abt sukiyaki beef selling for $12 at sushi tei leh

u also mix rice har!!! can tell me what rice r u mixing? currently i'm mixing calrose with short grain organic brown. wondering whether to continue not cos it's abit too soft for Mark's liking i think.

aye.. if u like xiao bai cai, can throw in stir fry silver baits in every now and then for the extra calcium n crunch. yummy yum
RE : Dinners

wah!!! all of u seems more motivated to see my pics only leh..hahahha, y no contribution ones. Mine also economical rice stall standard mah. That's it !! i go make some teochew muey to post hahahah

yeah!! today i off!!! cos gotta prep for jem's new school on thursday... mind in a mess now cos a lot of food keep popping up my head n scream "eat me! eat me"

Friday, i wanna go eat jap food!! Saturday I wanna eat kiam chye Duck soup.. i take pics for all of u k!
Yah lor, permed hair need to twirl twirl each time. Then I at home, so warm, always tie up, v heavy the hair. If in aircon then ok lah. Permed hair looks sexier and more character. But too warm for me. Now I need to lighten my head a bit. Hee...

Tks. Heee... no lah, I left Nat with mil. Tats why today I brought Nat to sch, teachers ask how is she. Tot she was ill yest. But actually is bcos I went to do my hair. Hahhaha...

Tks, maybe the colour looks red lah. You can ask your mom to help you look after for a few hours on a weekday afternoon or weekend lor. Better do hair earlier, otherwise come CNY, even more crowded. And not to mention the price increase.

I tot Jem not gg to sch?? Where's his new sch?
brenda, so you'll stay at home for another yr? So did Mark play mj last Sat? I like silver baits. How you cook it? You make Jap food yourself or go to restaurants for it?

skyblue, shortlisted a few Eng names but still cant decide on one. Hb said wait till bb comes out then see which one suits him better. We really bo chap this time round leh.

sanrio, it's ok to get part time helper if you cant tahan.

Mom2Nat, I find permed hair very hvy and lek chek for me too. Nat skipped sch cos you went to rebond your hair??? You mean hair salon haven incr price for CNY?
You look so relaxed with the hairdo. I agree that straightened hair always feels lighter and is really low maintenance compared with permed hair. That's why i went back to rebond hair during pregnancy last year:p

Thks for the info on the fireworks. May consider bringing the kids there but dunno how Nigel may take it. Nowadays, he tends to get over excited about every outing and has tendency to get overstimulated.

Brenda and Skyblue
You make me so tempted to rent an exersaucer or get a 2nd hand stationary walker of some sort. Never had one for Alicia last time but this time, really find it quite tedious even taking turns carrying Nigel. This boy wants to "stand" all the time. Know of any rental services like that?

Hmmmm....looks like no one can answer me with
regards to whether the edusave fund for our No.2 can be used for No.1's education?

Re: dinners
I hardly take any foodee pictures except this healthy one which i made for Alicia. It was the easiest way i got her to eat plenty of salmon.

Salmon cakes and fruity salsa

Re: Pineapple tarts with cheese topping
i tried some of these too from a neighbourhood bakery.....mmmm......Nice!
I m thinking we cant go makan together cos we will be snatching over heads n tails!!! Hhaahhahahah.........

U n val referrring to same stall. Very packed. THe zhi char is lousy tho....steamboat, so so.

Val doesnt need the zinc from oyster lah...she is power!!!

I luv this doc's food blog alot, dont u?

Oyster must be fresh n eat raw leh....drooling! sa liao very wasted! I sure die earlier than u...hahahhah

Ya, the coffeeshop we talking abt is ur dad's place there, near pinegarden. YES, they have frog porridge there!

wah, rebond, color n highlight all at one go, i concerned of over stressing the hair at one go!
UR highlight seems same as mine now, initially was really red tho.
ay, y dun u try layering ur hair, even lighter n think it can looks sexy (as in permed hair)n younger (not in permed hair) too! Not say u looks old lah........lol

I luv stuffs frm Mirana cake shop too but cant find any outlet beside the one at shenton way.

wat is gian ah?
I only know i very gian to eat!

Edufund? U mean bb bonus? CAN CAN....alicia can use nigel's fund.

I find HOME FAVORITE by far the best leh

Smtme hor, having all the kids by our side at all time n with nvr ending hsechore, cooking, handling them, their nonsence, we really can turn monster mummy! So, it may not be a very bad idea to have the kid at school while u handle one. So long as not too young to be sent away.....

U really tempt me with the tarts........

Somehow, I prefer those covered type to those flower type (filling exposed). I luv the melting sensation of the outer layer n then slowly sinking into the filling. Filling must be fine n not too sweet! OOOOOHhhhhhhhhhh LALA!!!!!!!!!

There is this GOLF ball size pineapple tarts at a traditional cake shop near paradiz not bad. LE confectionery, must order far ahead....n the lady boss very prima donna!

Bengawan Solo's tarts........average leh.
Post food foto must be accompied by the recipes hor! hahahhahahah........

salmon cakes? how to make? steam n fry....too much work leh! lazy mum!
duh. already say going c/c for halfday in jurong leh

yah.. gonna cont. staying at home. nope, he din play arh.

Silver baits cook in quite a few ways.. but add to veggie one is usually plain stirfries.

wahahah, going to restaurant for jap food lah. Tho i'm learning also.. next time succeed take pics to show u okay. We tried sukiyaki beef at the bbq w leeks leh.. but Pigletz says "YUCKS!" and unceremonious turned down a second pcs... so heart broken leh

i bought the walker at ten bucks at a warehse sales. Its the normal ones w wheels but also comes w clamps to make it stationary. NEver put it on wheels before so the kids din noe they can actually zoom in it..hahahhaha

OH MY!! that looks really yummy!!!
wahaha... u serious also eat around ur territory one yah. HAzey asking me where got nice orh lua?? the one at TPY Lor 7 still nice anot?

yeah... me going to try the kiam chye ark he blogged!!
There is a Mirana outlet along the HDB shops beside Simei MRT station.

You are really into food now ha ha ha.
Kiam chye ark salty preserved veg duck, rite?
My version of cooking that, normally will cook with leftover roasted duck, pig, pork with salted veg, lemon grass, assam skin & dried chili. Then put everything to boil like soup. If you using fresh duck better to remove the skin if not very oily and can also add in fresh kiam chye when done. Was told cannot cook in metal/aluminum pot, the pot will get tarnish.

Salmon cakes with Fruity salsa

makes:10-15 little fish cakes

350g potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks
450g cod or salmon fillets or a mixture of both
250ml of milk
1 large handful of parsley finely chopped
ground black pepper
knob of unsalted butter
plain flour for coating, seasoned with black pepper
vegetable oil, for frying

1/2 mango,
1 plum tomato,
cucumber, all peeled and finely chopped

1. Boil potatoes for 10 minutes til tender

2. Put fish into a pan, cover with milk and cook gently for 8-10 mins until fish turns opaque and can be pulled apart in flakes. Lift the fish out, reserving the milk. Flake the fish into a bowl. Add parsley and season with pepper.

3. Drain potatoes. Remove any excess water, then mash with butter and a little of the fish milk.

4. Mix the mash with the fish, then shape into abt 10-15 small rounds. Pat in seasoned flour to coat both sides, cover and chill in fridge for half hour.

5. Meanwhile, to make salsa, combine the ingredients in a bowl and set aside.

6. Heat a little oil in frying pan. Cook fish cakes on each side for abt 2-3 mins til golden. Drain on kitchen paper before serving with salsa.

The above recipe had no salt added. But for me, i added some salt so that the adults can eat it too.
brenda, eureka n mummies,
FOOD! i wan to eat pineapple tart now leh. mayb tmr morning i will sneak to taka n buy wen ash goes school. 2nite i sure dream abt it or tink abt it n cant slp. tis preg, i love sweet stuff.

i 'ching cai' cook but m glad ash loves hm cooked food n soup. i ask him 'nice'? he said mummy cook, v nice, hahaha :p
okie i wld stop 'climbing'. morning n noon clean n clean, now super tired..
Just rcv this joke in my SMS box:
Charsiew Pao n Maggi Mee had a fight n Charsiew Pao got beaten up badly. Charsiew Pao told the Pau family, and Kaya Pau, Tausar Pau, Curry Pau want to teach Maggie Mee a lesson.

All of them search for Maggie Mee but saw Spaghetti, and beat Spaghetti up.

Spaghetti asked "Why beat me up?"
The Pau family replied "U tink we won't recognise u after re-bonding?"
A's daddy,
LOL... very farny leh... hahahaha... Jus when some mummies are toking abt rebonding. :p

Now got edusave? R u referring to Nigel's bb bonus? I tink u can use the funds for Alicia's pre sch education if the sch is registered under dunno wat (MCYS?).
Yesss, walker is very useful for me. But for me, I allow Kayden to zoom around in it. He enjoys 'running' ard in it and sometx we even play catching. Very fun!!!

Which coffee shop?

Very nice feeling hor when our kids compliment our cooking.

Bedok North Blk 80 smthg the hawker ctr there oso got nice 'orh lua'.
Actually, my hair is very very layered. I have a lot of hair. Lots. Even with my layered hair, the hairdresser kept saying I have a lot when she is doing my hair. She said at least 5 times. Heee...
Well, I am thinking of gg to another salon to cut if I sian of this simple straight hair.
Last time, my hair v precious, rebond liao, refuse to colour, and must treatment every month. Now ah, well, if hair not good, or dry mah cut if off lor, no big deal. heee...
Actually, I colour it purple and highlight red. But the purple can't tell at all, only gave my base colour an even colour.
How is your hair like now?

So now your hair is straight?? Your hair little, can perm, not too warm oso, then easy to curl. Mine ah, so warm!!
Your salmon patties looks good, but Nat dun really like fish leh, dunno if it will work.

Yah, Nat din go to sch cos I wanted to rebond. Hee... Well, I think the price din increase, but no promotion lor. I find it reasonable cos I did so much. Rebond(with better cream) $158, colour and touchup $80, highlight $60, the rebonding came with a light treatment, but I top up to have Shisheido treatment, extra $40, then plus shampoo and conditioner, I paid in total $396. Sound exp, but really did quite a few things.
after you give birth you can do your hair oso.
I can die leh, ur receipe..so much kunghu needed! Fry n then later chill n then fry again!!!!!!???????? U make for me, can?
BUt surely it looks delicious!!!!

Think the food looks more delicious than the doc leh..........nvr notice!

I am not really a fan of orh lua leh, only eat once in awhile n it will be the one at old airport rd.

yes, purple! But hor it can only be seen under light, otherwise it is like black tint. I cant remember what is my base color as I only emphasize must cover my white hair! I also opt for red highlight as brown (which is nicer) is not as lasting. It turns bleaching color too soon n very unhealthy looking.

My hair, usual lor, cant get away since my face is fat n nose is flat!

COme to think of it, I din realise u have layered hair...impossible!!!!!!!! WOW, u seriously have lots of hair mann!

I think ur hairwork is reasonable, so much things done.

May as well dun tell me, at simei???!!!!!! BOng u ah! lol
Yeah, the zhi char so so only. But the steamboat not bad wat. Aiya, u "high" taste izzit? Haha...Personally, for the yu tow ru I think the one at blastier (very near to TMC) is really gooddddddddddd :p~~~~~~~~ I "sa" a while. At least dont feel so gulity. LOL~ I can finish the whole plate. HB ate a bit only. So everytime he gotta tell me "ay ay...zhi dong ah?"

The orh lua, you can try TPY lor 8. Its nice. I v tam sim, can eat $5 + $3. Haha..
Aiyo wat generation is it now, still married in or married out. Tis is like in the public transport, the preggie or healthy adult needs the seat more. Like wat u said wif J+bb not easy. Anyway....
Did u voice out your difficulty to your hubby? Ask him to let u get a cl if not a pt help. Dun 4get u hv back problem.

Boi, u muz b v tired.

Chen Chen doesn't bully daddy as much as he bullies mummy.
Own make definitely much much cheaper n fresher than buy 1

v diffult to deep fry fish man. Hey dat dish can b a CNY dish
Wif Chen Chen ard how to make pineapple tarts. I used to make CNY goodies after work till wee hr. Now how to
Hallo Skyblue is a teacher leh, where got my turn to teach her

U look gd in tis new hair style

O yes the golf ball pineapple tart is finger licking gd but eat liao v bah
Wat is prima donna?

Gd dat u hv craving for food
Aiyo u won't put on wt 1 lar
More CNY dish

<font color="ff0000">Fried Won ton - jin yuan bao</font>
<font color="ff0000">Ingredients</font>
125g minced pork
60g diced prawns
1 pkt Won ton pastry
2 tbsp pineapple cubes
1 tbsp minced red chilli
1 tbsp minced green chilli
1 tbsp minced ginger
1 pc minced garlic

<font color="ff0000">seasoning 1</font>
2 tsp light soya sauce
1 tsp white pepper
1 tsp sesame oil
1 tsp cornflour

<font color="ff0000">seasoning 2</font>
4tbsp sweet n sour sauce
1tsp light soya sauce
1 tsp sugar
1/4 glass water

1 Marinate the minced pork with seasoning 1 n the minced ginger, mix well as stuffing
2 Marinate the diced prawns with 1/2 tsp of salt n 2 tsp of cornflour
3 Fold the won ton pastry with the diced prawns n minced pork into the shape of a gold ingot
4 Deep fry the won ton
<font color="ff0000">Meat balls wif glutinous rice - huan xi tuan</font>
<font color="ff0000">Ingredients</font>
400g prok
2 tbsp drid shrimp (soak for 15min)
1 tsp minced ginger
1 glass glutinous rice

<font color="ff0000">seasoning</font>
1 tsp light soya sauce
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp white pepper
1/2 tsp sesame oil

1 Mince the pork wif the dired shrimp n minced ginger. Add in the seasoning n 1/2 tsp of corn flour. Whip the mixture into a colloid and marinate for abt 20 min
2 Wash the glutinous rice n soak for abt 3hrs. Drain water n pour them into a mixing bowl Add in 1 tbsp of cornflour
3 Roll the pork colloid into a ball n coat it wif glutinour rice. Steam for abt 30 min over high heat
Tks for all replies on the bb bonus!

A's dad
That is such a funny joke!

Ay...where got fry 2 times? If you read carefully, only fry once lar. hehe, its actually not as tedious as it seems...quite simple coz both salmon and potatoes are easily mashed with fork.

I felt hot enough with my fine hair during preg, so i can imagine how much hotter you feel with thick thick hair. I still opt for straight with a young bb around to handle.

Ya, Alicia doesn't eat alot of fish or meat either. But the combi of the salsa and salmon attracted her enuf to make her help herself til full. Can try a small qty on Nat and see if it works.

Wah, i can just imagine kayden exercising those thighs playing catching with u! LOL
pringles &amp; mon2nat,

Guess I will be the only one saying permed hair is easier to manage than straight hair cos my hair is always messy and with straight hair, I will need to manage it. And I am a person who NEVER comb hair so straight is so ma fan. Hehe...
for ur 2nd recipe, u mean to roll the pork in the raw glutinous rice??? cannot imagine lah.. so it will be a thin layer of rice only... keep thinking it to be like bai zai.
gd tat i din crave for char kueh teow, carrot cake, all these stuff. as i got heartburn, cant take oily food n i seldom eat all these food leh.. BUT i cant resist cakes. i like roomfordessert carrot cake (tks to eureka recommendation), baker inn strawberry shortcake, marriot mixed fruit tart, regent tropical sling moouse w hazelnut crunch cake.
how i wish these are right in front of me now..
now tinking of those charcoal 'peng' hm-made love-letters n d yummy ball type pineapple tart.
my diet is so different fr ash n hb. d 2 of them are rice n savoury n meat person..
i put on 5kg+ liao :p
giggler, i hope 6mths time is long enuff for him to decide if we are going to get extra help from outsider. but chances are...NT HIGH. i lucky enuff if he willing to get me catered food.

mon2nat...the 1st ting that caught me was nat's cheeky smile =)

brenda, POTONG PASIR GOOD!!! got mrt, buses go to toa payoh even &amp; as far as clementi!!! CTE, PIE neearby. BEST OF ALL can sent ur boys to St Andrew Village for their studies in future!!! If so lucky, happen to hv a gal(#3) Cedar Girls nearby....

sanrio, i think it's the hormones lah!!! once u sail smoothly into 2nd tri, all the energy starts coming back. BUT, what u said oso true, must exercise a bit...but hor, pls dun climb up n down lah...u 4ogt u alone with ash??

pringles, ur salmon cakes looks delicious, but must boil/mash/chill/fry...very time consuming.

koala, it's my mum who is the traditional person!! well, like i told giggler, he got time to consider getting cl/pt maid or maid...but bear in mind, if u nd a cl's help advance booking is need. Talk to him??? he still that same ans (and now he n my mum talk the same)...ASK MIL FOR HELP!?!?!
For the huan xi tuan, roll the pork n shrime into a ball than roll the ball over the raw glutinous rice. The glutinous rice will b a coating on the outside, not in the ball of pork n shrime. Machiam sontong ball coat wif bread crumb

Hey u, no climbling up n dwn
Bear in min u black out b4. U @ home alone nobody knows how *touch wood*
I love desserts but not cake. I only like cheese cake
Ay u can go for high t buffet
5kg not a lot. for 27wks. Anyway u can afford to put on more since your pre-pregnancy wt is light

Poor u. U sound helpless. Health is more impt. Some $ cannot b saved 1. If really no choice u gotta bite bullet n get your MIL's help. But better dun lar. Will hv post-natal blue. U know wat I mean
lyn, koala,
i kip telling myself b4 i becum too clumsy n big, i beta start packing d hse. okie, wont climb up n down, ya hoh, i got 'history of fainting'..

i like cheesecake too. marriot n baker inn strawberry cheesecake is nice. i like desserts too! no companion to go high t buffet leh. hb b'day cuming (i shall buy him dinner but use his $50 voucher, haha..) n we shall go ritz carlton for buffet agn n i wld 'attack' d pastries n cakes, hehee..
You look good in yr rebonded hair.

Halo why pong me?
Know what, you gave me the impression that you will go all over Spore for food leh.
Read b4 you go to AMK, TPY, Hougang and else where for food rite

Easy way out to prepare the fish patties.
Can actually steam the fish together with potatoes (sliced it thinly), when done smash it, add seasoning (pepper/salt), add in spring onions/parsley or chopped onion. If it turns out too dry after using the fish sauce can also add some milk. Then roll it and coat with flour before pan fry.

I also make wan ton for steamboat. Normally will add 1 portion each of minced meat, prawns, water chestnuts, spring onions/parsley and seasoning (light sauce, sesame oil &amp; pepper) and a little corn flour.
Can let yr guests DIY with the wrapping. I like the crunchiness of the water chestnuts.

Maybe you like to check on Goodwood &amp; Shangri La, they use to have high tea just on cakes &amp; pastries.
Hi Mom2Nat
I'm Isabelle's mummy from GUG. Do u remember?? Happened to come into this forum and saw ur pic.. Nat looks so different now.. been half a yr since last saw her in GUG.. like her dimpled smile.. she lets u tie her hair now?? ;)
Hi lil precious
yes yes, I rem you, and bumped into you at Vivocity oso. You still SAHM ah. Yes, now let me tie her hair liao.
yup up.. saw u at vivocity.. Still SAHM to my boy.. Isabelle's in childcare.. Hee, can't manage with 2 of them at home.. Nat's still attending GUG?
pringles, hehehe... same here, I went to rebond my hair during preg too.

eureka, you come alive once we talk abt FOOD hor??? Hehehe

brenda, I love Jap food and miss salmon sashimi alot leh...

Mom2Nat, really got to colour my hair cos lots of white hair now. But think got to 'tong' if I'm bfg bb.

Val, you really like oysters hor? You dun really need to comb hair if you rebond it leh.

Koala, ya... home-made pineapple tarts much much cheaper and fresher.

lyn, aiyo... dun make yourself sound so poor thing leh. If you really need help, you got to 'fight' for it leh.

GG, good idea to have wanton for steam boat hor??? Oh dear, I got craving for steamboat now.
giggler, pringles,
i rebonded my hair during 2nd trim too. i like straight hair, so easy to manage n wake up oso neat neat..

eureka, koala,
dun 'pong' me.. hb asked 'wat do i wan for dinner?' i alwy said 'anytg'. he said 'crystal jade?'. i replied 'hawker ctr or food court also can'.
but wen he asked 'u wan to eat cakes?'. my eyes wld glow n i wld said 'yes! roomfordessert or baker inn or.... pls'.
so ydy nite, i had roomfordessert carrot cake for supper. tis afnoon, their choc cake for tea n still got 1 more carrot cake in fridge.
me scary right, can eat so much cakes..

i cook dinner ydy n took pic, hahaha. but dare not post cos look so simple n plain.. but like wat skyblue said 'as long as ash like n said 'nice!', then ok. since ash eats more than me d preggie mummy.
u wan go hi tea w me? keke... cos hb not a pastries/cakes person leh..
shall d mummies 1 day mt up for hi-tea? u all on leave n i ask my hb take leave :p
Ruffy, I think some pple wont recommend colouring of hair cos it touches scalp.

sanrio, ya lor... with straight hair, there's no need to maintain at all. Well, at least you can take cakes now.
ya lor.. tink cakes is d main source of food tat help me put on some wt, thou unhealthy lah.. anyway i try not to eat too much oso..

dun noe leh..
I like the high t fm Hyatt. The cheese cake is nice too.
R u like the preggie in drama where u ask your hubby to buy food dat u crave for?

The fish patties can put in toaster to bake or not? Can coat wif corn flour or not? U dun coat wif egg b4 coating wif flour?
Hmm... u let your guests DIY wan tan? I prefer wan tan wif fish paste n prawn. No pork
no lah. basically i hav no craving for food except cakes or ice-cream once a while. i wld tell him i feel like eating tis cake or tat ice-cream. usually wkend he wld buy for me. n i eat wen ash nap or slp.
just finished these ....

first batch ...FAIL! the crust was too soft its all broken! my mummy said my pineapple tarts become kai kou xiao...

2nd batch onwards decide to make the open faced type...much more decent n presentable ...
i think perm hair is much sexier too! i just got my hair re-permed on Monday.

the salmon cakes look yummy!

hv u tried the meringue from patissier? its yummy!
Your pineapple tarts look yummy! :)~~~~~~~
Can share your recipe wif me? I like crust dat is v soft but mine not as soft as I like
