(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Baked chocolate chips cookies last weekend, will try to post some photos on that.
Hee my kids busy eating them.

Not too sure if can bake it in the toaster or coat with corn flour leh, havent try doing that way before. You dont have to coat with egg if the flour can stick to it. Think can use the toaster,
cos the potatoes & fish already cook before shaping it into patties. Let me try after CNY and let you know, hardly use my oven toaster.

The cookies look good. You are really kang hu to make the pineapple paste and the cross above the open tart are so neat. I failed making closed tart and the cross for the open tart. Will try making it again this weekend but will buy the paste instead. Check with you for the pork floss roll, can just use water to seal the skin rite? Feel like eating that too.

Opps only left with 1 fish, well my sons 2 female gappies very fertile leh think now have more than 20s babies lioa, if his classmates not taking them then I can pass some to you.

Remember what you want to ask me liao?

Tomatoes huh, depending if you eat it as a fruit or cook it as a vegetable ha ha ha. Why so chim?

Everyone got fatten up by you & you are still skinny leh. Me really mountain turtle didnt know that must buy the shell for hermit crab, no wonder Mark wrote in his K2 project that have to buy a new home for hermit crab. So it dont have a shell huh? Find it interesting leh, maybe can consider that for my kids. If you happens to be at the east side can try Lorong Halus area and meanwhile will look out for you.

Hi hi. ZL looks different now, big boy liao.

Get well soon.

Hi, me not staying at Woodlands but heard that there are some kindis at Civic Plaza and the primary schools there are hot and a few of them already in balloting system for the last few years.

Jana's fasinated by the fishes but i think she overfed them leh. actually i wanted to release the fishes into the canal infront of my house, but my MIL say give them to hubby's nephew instead. i tot they would die a terrible death if they get into hubby's nephew's hands cos he like to torture animals. but who knows they would also end up dead under Jana's care.
if mark classmates n viv not taking d fishes, can i hav some for ash pls
? tks
just kip in normal fish tank, no nid oxygen type right?
Think our kids too young lioa lah to take care of anything.
Even Mark also tends to over feed his fishes.

Hb try counting the bb fishes, he think should be enough to give lah.
We do have a small oxygen pump in the tank, according to hb dont have also can
but put some water plants. The babies are still quite tiny, saw the 1st batch bbs on the 9th Jan and the 2nd batch few days ago. Will let you know again when they are slightly bigger.

My kids and the cookies.
This is wat I cooked tonight, definitely not as appetizing as Brenda's cooking.

Veg with oyster mushrooms

Lor bak, with egg and tau pok. This one hor, not I cook, cos I wanted to cook, then dun really know, then heng ah, my mil dropped by(without informing me)... so end up she taught me how to cook this


ZL's face still the same leh, only now bigger and taller. Well, I think is the nature of each child. Cos my girl's temper v bad and oso stubborn, whereas some kids more mild, prob like ZL lor. At least you dun have a terror like mine.
u can use creaming method. It pastry will be better than rubbing in the fats. For pineapple tart i recommend creaming in cos it will give the melting effect. and give a more buttery taste.

I went to get a receipe book at Popular today. Purpose look for one with pineapple tart. It put eggs to make a dough too. Creaming method.

i am still thinking shld i bake some. Very inspire by viv & GG.

ur cookie is very well make. gd presentation.
wah! lor bak!! makes me drool!!

i use a flashcard s/w tat comes with various language options. something like the animal one tat shichida is using.

hahaha...tot my pineapple tarts is more discouraging than inspirational. hubby told me during dinner tat his colleagues brought some home made tarts to the officer today and they were nice, he's asking her for recipe. when u gonna make? if u r successful, then u pass me the recipe and mabbe i give it a try again. hubby tot i should try again to see what went wrong.

Jana is in the "na na help!" phase. everything she also wanna do and she only does it her way...including how much to feed the fish...tell her to stop feeding and she'll scream
Viv, you made the pineapple fillings yourself? I usu got them from Phoon Huat.

brenda, ya getting excited and start to worry too.

Mom2Nat, whats your mils version of lok bar? Looks nice.

hong, Ill def make pineapple tarts if not for my big tummy.
So you use electronic flashcards isit? Did you subscribe to ritebrain studio?
I use manual flashcards leh. So if foreign language, I have to say it on my own... then later say sala how?? hee...

This lor bak my mil help me cook lah. This is her version lor.
Ay, excited for tmrw or not?
i'd kept all pets that singapore allowed...hahahha. Actually looking out for dogs for adoption but so far the few we went requires landed property address
end up jem was quite sad so decide to get him a hamster first since he likes to see them on wheels.

So fun hor!! catch longkang fish!! i keep wanting to go too but haiz~ we were busy looking for that ideal dog/hamster

aye.. take the opportunity to teach Jana lah. explain to her how she 'kill' the fish n how much to put each time.

No leh... still can't remember.

I finish teaching Jem colours and shapes already so thot of moving into fruits and veg.. go thru the flashcards n books to do prep and came across this problem. The book place tomato under fruits and potato under vegetable. Botanical term, tomato is a fruit and potato is a tuber... layman/dictionary term both are vegetables. HEADACHE!!! i just wan to noe what's MOE's definition... hahahahah (chim right)

Where's Lorong Halus?

WAH!!! lor bak... my turn to droool !!! nice what.. mine look more appetizing becos of the colour of the picture...so it's look good only..hahahah
Mom2Nat, ya too excited till cant sleep well last nite. Hehehe

brenda, you still home-sch though you send Jem to cc?

sanrio, thanks..

hazey, hehehe gg for my c-section tom liao. You still busy with spring cleaning?
Jem's attending the afternoon session of c/c. So they only hv those interactive programmes like circle play, storytelling, singing etc. He's still taking out his books in the morning so i continue to teach him on language n craft lor.
I remember already!! what dialect r u har?? thot it's pretty different to use assam skin and dried chilli to cook kiam chye ark. Wun it end up like tom yum too?

i also remember what i wan to ask u...hahhaha. I wanna try the recipe u posted : Meat balls wif glutinous rice. Any idea how it look like in the end? is it like Malacca chicken rice ball?
I like the way GG describe the definition of tomato.

Are you Hokkien? Dishes are typical hokkien style :)

Anyone has chilli crab receipe to share?
Alicia's daddy
I am a cantonese, my hb is teochew. Heee... my mom Hokkien though.

Hee... wah yest already can't sleep, tonight you chia lat. NOw can sleep must sleep, next time lesser chance to rest liao
Multi-dialect. I am also Cantonese, but my cantonese is as good as not knowing :p, but hor, my dad's cantonese is from the west, not the east. My mum is teochew, and my wife hokkien.
A's dad,
Me too.. but living in Singapore requires to be politically correct, living little rooms for arguments. hahahaha, anyway, i've decide to just teach the terms and leave the categorising to our MOE teachers with the standard answers.

Wow!! chilli crab!! can someone share pleaseee.. me too interested. Till date me still using Prima Deli
Thanks, I have more confidence in making simple cookies

Hong, Viv,
I prefer the creaming method for the pineapple tart. Find that the rubbing method much more difficult cos cannot over do the dough.

Yah, I find that Grace is much more independent now after attending school everything also wants to do it herself. But so far she didnt disturb Marks fishes but will kacau the daddy when he feeds his koi. At times can hear hubby telling her ---- cannot give too much, latter fish got stomachache ha ha ha.

Phoon Huat got 2 brands rite? Which one are you using Phoon Huat or Red Man, heard 1 of them very sweet leh.

I asked Mark about tomatoes, he says is a veg cos can get it at the vegetable stall and not at the fruit's shop

Lorong Halus is at Pasir Ris side. At the opposite road of Ikea Tampines behind a building called UMC. There are lots of warehouses selling pets and pets stuff. You can get hamster from there too.

My original dialect is Hokkien but mum is Cantonese and grandma is Peranakan ha ha ha very rojak hor.
No that kiam chye ark not as spicy like tom yum soup cos just use 1 or 2 dried chili for a small pot portion and the assam skin is to make it more sourish. Maybe I go & try the kiam chye ark at East Coast HC and tell you the difference.

Remember we suppose to have a cooking demo & eating session for chili crabs.

As dad,
Hb do cook chili crabs but the recipe is agak agak type.
Remember he did add onions, sambal chili, ketchup, eggs, sugar & salt to taste and corn flour to thicken the gravy. Cantonese wont eat crab for CNY rite.
Brenda / A's Daddy
I am oso using prima taste for chilli crab. though I cook with prawns, cos I dunno how to handle crabs. Hee...
brenda, Jem only attending half-day cc? Then you fetch him to sch or he takes sch bus? You still got time to teach him?

Mom2Nat, ya lor.. not sure why cant sleep last nite, only managed to sleep ard 4am but woke up ard 8am liao. Sigh.

GG, I usu use Red Man brand. Think its not consistent one leh, stimes its sour, stimes too sweet. Hahaha I like Marks answer for tomatoes category.
We eat out several times/week. If wife cooks, it will be simple dishes like steam fish (we like sea bass), brocolli/mushroom with pork, steam pork with ginger, 3-flavoured steam eggs. I am more of a noodle or porridge person, so my wife will cook my favourite teochew pork porridge, or simply just "mian sian", or "lao su fen", or sphagetti :)

One of my colleague in US asked if I can get a recipe for Chilli crab, so I need details. We are a simple and small family, so usually have steam-boat for CNY reunion dinner.
I think tomato is a fruit, cos have seeds. Hee...
Tat day I told Nat mushroom is a vegetable... then on and off she will repeat tat to me. but hor, I think think think, mushroom veg meh??? I oso not sure leh. or isit a fungus?
Can share ur cookie receipe? I think i will try making some pineapple tarts during weekend.
I thot of making "CNY cake"
hhmmm.... lor halus sounds like pasir ris farmway.

peranakan!! sooo envy!

Aye.. MArk will fail science anot?? hahha.. better check out for the standard answer alas come home w 'kor song'

Onz for eating!!!

the rolls i used water last year

aiyah.. u go NTUC choose choose then ask the auntie there chop it up lor. So? when can we pop over to eat prima deli's chilli crab?

hahahah... u worse than me! mushroom r fungi leh.

Hard to explain that stuff like cucumber, squash, brinjals r actually fruits. cos like what Mark says.. only found at veg stall. Mah fun rite.

I send him there.. we have 30 to 45mins of lesson only in the morning. He goes to school at 1pm mah.
Yah cleaning crabs very leceh and difficult to eat unless get to eat the best part all the time. Sometimes we use cray fish, next time can try prawns.

Yah I got the same answer Red Man is better than Phoon Huats brand but not consistent huh.
Tomorrow your big day, try to rest early tonite.
My boy huh, now he is in the argumentative stage. Tell him to eat more fish good for his brain and he can answer us then why the fish is so stupid got caught by the fisherman.

As dad,
Let me go home & check my recipe book think have recipe for Chili crab but not sure if nice anot lor.
Do you let Alicia eat "lao su fen"? I havent try cooking that and recently got to know that Grace dont like to eat that. She will skip her meal when they serve that in school.

Mom2Nat & Brenda,
Ladies you are right, yah got seeds then is a fruit. Hee hee pumpkin & ladies fingers are fruits.

What CNY cake are you making? Yam cake or Nian Gao huh?

Recipe for Chocolate Chips Cookies.
125g butter
teaspoon vanilla essence
cup castor sugar
cup brown sugar
1 egg
1.75 cups self-raising flour
2/3 cup choc chips
cup walnuts (optional)

Beat butter, vanilla & sugar with mixer till smooth.
Add in egg beat till combined.
Stir in sifted flour and remaining ingredients.
Roll mixture into balls and bake.

Thanks. Din know they call there Pasir Ris Framway.

Dont be like that leh, Mark just started taking science subject this year and his 1st exam will be the week after CNY and now you say he bring home kosong choi choi choi. Actually also worry that his exam is right after CNY.
jia you, don't give up so easily! do try other pineapple tarts recipes, as for the pineapple fillings... can buy those pre-made from phoon huat?

long story about why we changed zl's cc... anyway his new cc is about 10mins drive from our place, very near!

thanks for responding to my post
btw what is ketotifen? what happened? Jerald is coughing?

i love pineapple tarts but so far Bangawan still the best... coz its size is just nice!

do take care... miss chatting with u about baking.

i bet u record my name as ZL's mama-joey in your hp ;p

zl is not quiet lah... always talk talk talk... talk until his teachers feedback to us that zl has many things to tell them.

as for baking, u start with a normal handheld mixer (don't use it to beat dough) first...and bake your favourite cakes... take your time! it is fun! if i am sahm, i will sure bake cake/cookies/bread everyday!!!!

love and miss your cookies!!!!!!!!!!!!

i drool when i saw the lor bak :-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

zl is abit timid but he shows his temper only to people he knows... now his teacher told us that initially she tot zl is very guai but now he shows his true color... he cried and throw temper when he cannot get what he wants. i tot it is normal?
i use a mix of manual n electronic flashcards, the one i'm using is not the ritebrain studio, its another flashcard s/w.

wah! can crown u supermum liao! u taking care of 2 tods on ur own n still thinking of getting a dog????

all the fishes gone liao, only left with an empty fish tank today. oh yes, in school they do everything themselves, at home they also insist on doing everything themselves.

yes, i only use water to seal the pork floss roll. if u get fresh frozen popiah skin, they can be easily sealed. impt not to air the skin too much, else they dry up n gets diff to roll n stick. i take out bit by bit, the rest are tied up with rubber band tightly.
All the best tomorrow. Take care! Say 'hallo' to sleepless nites and breastfeeding :p

Nicky finally decided to wean off drinking milk at nite for the past 2 nites. He still wakes up but goes back to sleep in various positions including being on my chest. But at least he stopped insisting on nursing at nite.

Ally also fell sick then Nicky followed. Became worse than Ally and is now on the nebuliser and now I'm down with throat infection. Just started antibiotics coz doc says throat looks bad.
hi Brenda,

sorry to intrude here. Happened to read yr post on tomatoes and potatoes. Vegetables is not a category in Science. Pupils will learn 'parts of plants' in pimary science. So, feel free to go ahead to teach your child 'fruit' for tomato and 'underground stem' for potato
wahaha... okay okay, i touch many many woods for u today , k!!

i hv a handheld whisk.. those that can switch to blender etc one...hahaha. dun noe why i still gotta think so hard to get the mixing bowl and baking pans... but i see urs n pigletz cakes.. so cute!!

u r a teacher? yah.. will still be teaching tomato is a fruit, potato is a tuber and corn is a grain... if he starts to ask..hahahah. That's one horrible headache of home schooling, must make sure everything is right

So mommies!!....

Next time rememer to shout to them this way k,"Finish up your veg and TUBER!!! YES, the carrots included!"
vegetable is the general classification in English.
tubers, fruits, fungi (group). fungus - singular) all scientific classifications.. if you want their subcatergory will be gong into too much detail.
hi mummies, just pop in to c c b4 going off to fetch the rascal. Bn bz cleaning n washing for the CNY.

giggler, popped yet??? Will pray a smooth delivery for u. Jia you, cant wait to c ur little prince.

jo, it's normal ZL cries and throw temper at sch...my J went abt hitting others!!! I've got complaints from his teacher and on one occassion she even point to me a v.red stratch mark with bits of broken skin on a boy's forehead...was told my rascal hit the boy with a lego block cos the victim refuses to share with my rascal!!! Other than being paisay n apologetic...i really wish i could just bury my head in the ground!!!
Ketotifen: according to many webbies...it's a type of asthma medication. But according to Sanrio, it's a type of lung tonic to strengthen the lungs....
Long story lah...v.suay that my rascal bn in ill health since last sept...cough on n off + phlegm refuse to come out, very month got to c doc. In Jan 2007 alone, already 3txs...2 to gp once to chinese physician. There's no history of asthma in my hb's nor my own own family...J doesnt look asthmatic to me either exp for his frequent cough. Very gek sim. I've tried everything from EYS Hou Ning, to hou zao san, alt day double boiled pear soup...everything i tried till today he still coughing...

absolut, get well soon!!! Even then, try to limit urself on those CNY cookies, v.heaty. Take care.
carrot is a root. very soon, the kids will do the diff food groups, go, grow n glow!!!
mushroom = fungus = carbohydrate
potato = underground stem = carbohydrate
carrot = root = glow??
And if chicken = protein = grow, then wat's chicken skin???
hahah.. so u generally teach ur students all are vegetables? but fungi r not even plants.

I guess since i make the effort to teach, should make a point to correctly classify them between fruits and vegetables.

hahahah chicken skin is Grow fat!!!
Wahahah, got correct this

So mommies!!....

Next time remember to shout to them this way k,"Finish up your veg and ROOT!!! YES, the carrots included!"

awww... isn't motherhood fun?!?!

Brenda / augustmum
Hahahah... I oso wondering if augustmum is a teacher leh... But hor, I think she is a SAHM now... right?
