(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

I think is itchy and it will come and go.
Especially after if the fan blow at her etc.. but in western medical term it got nothing to do with the wind blowing at her..
I have no idea how she got it.. I read from babycenter and it said allergy to certain things..

Cham, how am i going to find out like that..

Hi Hong

My boy got bad Urticaria / hives few months back. Pd gave prednislone(a mild steroid) and polaramine to bring down n relieve itch. It comes n goes, took abt 1 week for it to be fully resolved. Pd said could be environmental factors, or food allergy, or certain addictives or preservatives in food. I remem he asked did my boy take ribena i said no... so i still dunno what's the cause.

Hope janelle gets well soon!
u were right abt them understanding. when we asked Ashley qn, she respond by nodding or shaking her head, Questions like, u want milk (can be repeating the same qn in Mandarin n English at the same time), did u have porridge today?, did u play with Bobby (our dog) today...
N she can follow commands like, "wipe the table" (she loves to help with house work), give daddy a kiss (which she will shake her head frantically and run away), put the toys in the box...
Ok, okie.. i think everything is starting to make sense now.

U need a prescription for allopurinol. sometimes, the best way out for gout is to avoid high purine food. in fact nowdays we do not prescribe allopurinol for most gout patients, comes with too many side effects.

yep. piriton is the one for flu. in fact polaramine is the same thing (just a different isomer). there's piriton syrup otherwise u can oso give the little one Zyrtec or promethazine syrup.

any steroids when taken orally are NOT MILD!!!!
I wld never give a young tod oral steroid unless its very dangerous like acute asthma attack.
No choice cos his hives were quite bad, his face n body were swollen... Well its like antibiotics, steroid cream... dep on how u see it: which is the lesser of 2 evils? If his hives gets worse he may hv breathing difficulties then its we may hv to go hospital!
hong, that's good news too... You still on diet? If so, that means you've succeeded. heehee...

piggy/hong, is feng mo the same as heat rashes? Think Vane also got it if she's hot. Then my mom suspects that her own sweat too salty for her skin.

Viv, ok then I got no worries abt Vane's language devt. Cos she exposed to dialect too, my dad speaks to her in hokkien. I still believe in exposing kids below 6 to different language leh. To me learning the language is more impt than speaking early.
I agree with your hubby that you shd relax abt Jana's devt lah. Dun stress yourself and Jana unnecessary. As long as they know how to walk, talk, etc good liao, doesnt matter they know it fast or slow.

B2, if you believe in Glenn Doman, then it's ok for Ashley to expose to diff langauage. I intend to expose Vane to Japanese since I'm learning now. I dun mind she speaks later as long as she knows how to speak eventually.
Ashley can understand all the languages that you expose her to? Vane can undestand all 3 languages (Eng/Mandarin/Hokkein). heehee, so qiao Vane also likes to do housework.

Mummies, anyone watch Children of Our Time last nite? Trying to catch the prog while my mom talks to me. So cant really concentrate. The prog last nite is on speech devt.

No, feng mo is different from heat rashes. For my boy, his feng mo comes in raised big red patches, like big mosquito bites. He gets heat rash too, smaller red spots.
i'm not saying what your paed prescribe is wrong. i have seen your boy's condition. i agree with what u say that his condition can worsen if nothing is done like in bee stings etc. they can turn anaphylatic n the child can die from it.
But what i'm trying to say is oral steroids are never mild. I dun wan parents to go away with the impression that oral prednisolone are mild. n bcos it work wonders for rash n allergies, parents start requesting for such medications from their GPs.
Crunch = sit up?
My postnatal massage din help me @ all. My tummy wz bigger than now
Does milo helps to inc your milk ss?
So far, I always forget to watch Children of our time

Jul, B2B3M4,Nat
I never felt so cold in Singapore except the time when I wz pregnant. I wrapped myself wif blanket while @ home n kept asking cold or not har. I still remember dat time of the period wz breezy but my dad sill on the fan n sat on the flr
Ya logan t helps

Autistic child will not respond to u when u call for the child. The child's communcation is 1 way traffic

Flatter tummy is indeed a gd news. Every1 male n female love to hv
Err....I dunno the eng term for fong mo. Luckily Jul n B2B3M4 came to rescue
yah the feng mo english name so chem to me.. luckily got B2 and Jul here.

OIC. My MIL brought Jan to chinese physician and she is talking medicine now. I shld see how.. if really no gd then i will bring her to see her PD.

it get so bad on ur boy. Does he still gets it often?
Luckily he got it once only! But quite worrying cos the doc kept reminding me to watch out for breathing difficulties... n sorry if i've given u any wrong info
tks for d info on speech development. ya we shdn't wori 2 much, our todd are perfectly fine lah.

oic. tks
okie i will try tat.

pringles n pv,
both myself n Ash enjoyed d gathering v much. thou majority of d tx, i m running af Ash. great! d 3 of them can play 2gether n talk to each other. he reached hm, 'pong', slp liao.
both Alicia n Sarah ar so sweet. gd to c Alicia smiling finally n happy playing thou she din hav a gd nite slp. Sarah is quite active too, next tx can go running w Ash.
hope to mt up agn often
other mummies, pls join us.
<font color="ff0000">HI ALL</font>

Had a wonderful yum yum catch up with Sanrio, Pringles n PVL!! Just got back...now tired... and a bit sleepy..hope everyone had a good lunch!!

<font color="119911">B2</font>

Thanks for the information.. what sort of side effects does it carry?? I've put hubby on grapefruit juice, alfalfa and green tea diet.. :\

The pain according to him is unbearable..so I thought we could get Allopurinol and quickly reduce the acids faster..

The high levels thanks to my MIL cooking her tau kwa(cheapest food at market), her pig trotters to boil soup, and her vege fried with sotong n prawns!!
<font color="0000ff">Viv</font>

I'm also equally worried about Matt at times.. he had meningitis at 2 months.. and apparently the side effects could be "aultuism" apart from hearing loss(from the anti biotics)

We are watching closely.. but he's able to string a few words together..

His social interaction skills are good..waves bye, says bye and blows kisses. He hugs n says hug at the same time..

So so far he's quite the social butterfly.. but still somewhere at the back of the mind 'worried"

He has this nasty habit of knocking his head with his hands or items..

<font color="ff0000">shook</font>

really?? it's one way?? Then I've got nothing to worry about then...
What a relief!!
here are some pics taken at today's 'mini' gathering at suntec. din capture many nice shots cos most of d tx, Alicia, Ash n Sarah ar busy running ard.
c how much they have grown/changed...



gd to c u agn. ai ya...4got to take a pic of u n ur 'big big' tummy..
oh Ash does tat too, knock his head lightly agst d wall, w things or w his hands. i tink he did it for fun cos af tat he will laugh..
oh, i got it. i din noe mus wait for it to fin download then play agn. u mean d 'pause' button? i can click on tat while it is downloading..
Viv, Jana cannot be autistic lah! Cos she is interacting with other kids n communicating her needs already! For me, I would be worried about hyperactivenes instead.
i tried feeding egg to Ashrel many tx oreadi. but even i fully cooked it, he will get loose stools v soon af eating it. is it allergy??? i did ask pd but he gave a very general answer. he said for bb/young kids, allergy in food will usually result in outbreak of rashes. he said if egg not too suitable for Ash, then dun feed egg for d tx being. he can eat other food.
me n hubby still 'suspecting' is egg d 'culprit'??

Happiness is like a butterfly
The more you chase it, the more it will ellude you
But if you turn your attention to other things
It comes and sits softly on your shoulder.....

I ran into a stranger as he passed by,
"Oh excuse me please" was my reply.

He said, "Please excuse me too;
I wasn't watching for you."

We were very polite, this stranger and I.
We went on our way and we said goodbye.

But at home a different story is told,
How we treat our loved ones, young and old.

Later that day, cooking the evening meal, My son stood beside me very still.

When I turned, I nearly knocked him down.
"Move out of the way," I said with a frown.

He walked away, his little heart broken.
I didn't realize how harshly I'd spoken.

While I lay awake in bed,
God's still small voice came to me and said,

"While dealing with a stranger,
common courtesy you use,
but the family you love, you seem to abuse.

Go and look on the kitchen floor,
You'll find some flowers there by the door.

Those are the flowers he brought for you.
He picked them himself: pink, yellow and blue.

He stood very quietly not to spoil the surprise, you never saw the tears that filled his little eyes."

By this time, I felt very small,
And now my tears began to fall.

I quietly went and knelt by his bed;
"Wake up, little one, wake up," I said.

"Are these the flowers you picked for me?"
He smiled, "I found 'em, out by the tree.

I picked 'em because they're pretty like you.
I knew you'd like 'em, especially the blue."

I said, "Son, I'm very sorry for the way I acted today; I shouldn't have yelled at you that way."
He said, "Oh, Mom, that's okay.
I love you anyway."

I said, "Son, I love you too,
and I do like the flowers, especially the blue."

Are you aware that if we died tomorrow, the company that we are working for could easily replace us in a matter of days.
But the family we left behind will feel the loss for the rest of their lives.

And come to think of it, we pour ourselves more into work than into our own family, an unwise investment indeed, don't you think?
So what is behind the story?

Do you know what the word FAMILY means?
u ask me har? I also dun know leh... Janelle dun like hard boiled egg. I tried half boiled and she takes but i think i better stop for her Hives.
mom2nat, nvr expect our "soon" wld be that soon. *grin*

stylo, a leopard nvr changes its spot....push a little move a little. i damn tired of pushing liao.
the cocoa butter, i got their nipple cream during my bfg days, smells like m&amp;ms chocolate.

qsg, i call you up next wk to confirm.

sanrio, pvl, pringles, nat...sorry to hv missed the gathering.
Yes u can click the pause button while the clip is being downloaded
Critical to find out if Ash is allergic to egg b4 he goes for MMR

Autistic child live in his/her own world so no communcation to others

Wat happened? A penny for your thots

Half boiled egg
dear mummies,
i tried feeding egg to Ashrel many tx oreadi. but even i fully cooked it, he will get loose stools v soon af eating it. is it allergy??? i
did ask pd but he gave a very general answer. he said for bb/young kids, allergy in food will usually result in outbreak of rashes. he said if egg not too suitable for Ash, then dun feed egg for d tx being. he can eat other food.
me n hubby still 'suspecting' is egg d 'culprit'??
yup i did ask pd abt mmr. he said if no outbrk of rashes af taking egg, then it's ok to take d mmr vaccine. i hope so..
piggy, thanks for your explanation.

shook, crunches=sit up, but you wont need to bring your body all the way up as in normal sit-up. Milo does help a bit lah.

sanrio/pringles/PVL, wow... all your bb dont look like bb anymore. ;)

hazey, Tyra so active meh?

brenda/hazey, two of u so emotional and got so many things to share abt Happiness and Family today.

hong, saw from the other thread that you got lobang for Barney show? Can I have details? I interested to bring Vane there leh.
Sarah looks v v diff now

I guess I do sit up wrongly. I more I do the bigger my tummy

Tyra appears v kuai qiao 2 me. can't imagine she hyperactive leh
Jana's 15mths, yes she's blabbering. i tot she showing symptoms matching autism mah ...like dun respond to name. The teacher ask me last week whether we call her by another name at home cos she doesn't seem to respond to them when they call her name. then she's also seldom hv eye contact, she uses lots of gestures.

yes spining or lining up toys is one of the symptoms as well ...autistic chidren hv patterns of behavior.

ok lah ... Jana is also not showing many other symptoms of autism ...so i'm just being paranoid!

oh yah hor ... its Glenn Doman who said those things abt learning languages b4 6 ...think i better learn to eat ginko nuts
i'll wait till Jana can master basic words then intro hainanese to her again...it be fun to c her speak hainanese to her dad ...chicken-duck talk ....hahaha

i read the mmr jab can cause autism ...u mean there r also anti biotics that can cause autism???? but from wat u describe ..matts sounds perfectly normal...dun worry ok?

pvl,pringles, sanrio
wow ...ash get to date 2 pretty gals!!!

yes yes ...i know ..i know ...i'm paranoid!

hyperactiveness ...tat's another of my worry ...u know Jana is quite restless one ...*paranoid mode on again* hahaha ....

mummies who want more info on hyperactiveness ...http://www.healthtoday.net/main_section.CFM?section=Features&amp;ID=80
Can't believe I found so many kaki who are not interested to pop pills! Still got multivits and calcium pills remaining from 1st preg which I'm eating now before it expires on me. haha!

My thyroid levels went up again during this preg and I'm at my highest dosage ever of 350mg PTU (7 pills a day)
Hate it coz some PTU pills dissolve so quickly and it's super bitter. Finally found a brand which doesn't dissolve as fast.
sanrio, pringles, nat, so nice meeting up with you yesterday. sarah enjoyed herself very much too, as evidenced by her tantrum when we had to leave. ash and alicia make great companions. We MUST do it again.

Lyn, missed out? Never mind lah. Next time.
Giggler and Shook, just becos I dun comment on Tyra's behaviour, doesn't mean I hv no problems. Hahahahahaha! Her attention span is very short, and very active at home. Maybe when she is outside, she wants to keep up an image and does not appear so to you.....
Hi Sanrio, PVL and Nat
It sure was fun meeting up with u all. Everything went so smoothly and Alicia swifted into dreamland on our way home
Yes, yes, meet again....maybe first/second week of november??

I went to buy the alphabet magnetic toy u mentioned was gd at suntec. Saw it in my neighbourhood shop and got it. Does Matt like to take the alphabets and throw them onto the floor? My gal does!! So i have to place them out of her reach for now. But she def likes the music and the way they teach phonics is not bad! Thks for the recommendation!
hey, i wanted to buy d alphabets magnets tat we saw at suntec too. saw it near my place, at IMM. yes, Ash loves to throw evythg on d floor n into d dustbin. he threw some of my hk magnets into d bin, gd i saw it. now i hav to place them v high, beyond his reach. u noe he is a tall boy n wen he tip toe n reach out his fingers, can reach v high, wah! din noe he 'got hold' of my hk magnets..

pv, pringles, lyn, eureka n other mummies,
yes hope we can mt up agn v soon, early nov is fine w me.
MOmmies at mini gathering
Wah, the photos looks so nice and fun. Too bad I cant' go leh. Cos Nat was having a running nose, then she got better, but I scared spread lah. Then hor. Today I got a cold. Kept sneezing and blowing until so sian. No energy to read or post much.

Regarding Matt knocking his hands or things on his head. Nat does it too. One day I went downstairs and spoke to a neighbour. Then she asked me if my girl knocks her own head with her hands.... I say no leh... She said her girl always does it, v good at it! Tell you ah... the next day onwards, Nat started doing it!!! Until now she still does it... you say lah, isit pantang or plain coincidence.

Can't go swimming this fri, cos I gg sentosa. Hee...
Thx. I turned on the verfication. Hopefully I dun get the unwanted remarks

Mom2Nat, Natalie
My x colleague said her son knocks head wif hand n head agst the wall. Once he knocked agst the wall so hard dat he felt pain but still cont to knock wif lesser strength after he learnt his lesson
Yes, she's very talkative. Mostly single words but that she knows. She'll want us to lie in bed with her at night and she goes on and on with her baby talk....like telling us about her day's happenings. Fun but very tiring

Hey mummies,
Talking abt knock head with hand, Randall does tat oso. I think he finds it fun doing it. Especially if he heard ppl saying "headache" "sang niu jin" "fell down" or "knock", he will do it more with enthuusiasm. Very kek kiang.

Hyeractiveness like v hard to tell at such young age ah? I think I had ponder on this for the longest time.
