(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

<font color="ff0000">shook</font>

did the pd say anything about Chen's weight?? Matt is now 9.6kg.. at 80cm..

Everyone now mistakes him for a girl.. says he's very petite!! I'm worried as well.. but he eats alot!! I suppose he loses all the "fat" to running about..

PD says Matt's metabollic rate very high...is Chen very active??

Hi All...I remebered Shook did mention about Milo n Breast Milk..

I found an article about chicken essence and breast milk...thought you all might be interested


(Chao J.C. et al. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. 2004; 15: 37-44)

By: Jane C.-J Chao et al.
(Taipei Medical University and Taipei Medical University Hospital)

Supplementation with BEC increases the levels of lactoferrin, epidermal growth factor (EGF), and transforming growth factor-2 (TGF- 2) in the breast milk of lactating women, hence improving the quality of milk by increasing components that are beneficial to the growth, gastrointestinal development and immune functions of the infants.

Healthy pregnant women under the age of 40 (aged 23-39) were screened and selected for this study. They were divided into control (15 subjects) and chicken extract (CE) supplemented groups (15 subjects). The CE group was instructed to consume a bottle of BEC (70ml) three times a day, within 30 minutes after each meal for at least 2 weeks within the period of their 37th week of pregnancy to 3 days postpartum.
Non-fasting blood samples were collected from the subjects at the 37th week of pregnancy and 3 days postpartum. Milk was collected twice a day (morning and afternoon) using an electronic suction pump for 15-min suction on each breast for 1-3 days postpartum. Several protein, cholesterol and iron parameters were measured in the plasma samples, and milk protein and growth factors were also measured from the sampled milk.

Student's t and chi-square (X2) tests were used to analyze the continuous and discontinuous data respectively. Significant differences were considered when P < 0.05.

Total protein plasma levels were significantly altered in the BEC fed group post partum, compared to the control group; 14% (P < 0.05) reduction in total plasma protein was observed.
BEC significantly reduced the plasma total and LDL cholesterol levels 3 days postpartum compared to the levels observed at 37 weeks pregnancy.

In the BEC supplemented group there was a significantly (P < 0.05) higher level of Lactoferrin, EGF and TGF-2 in the postpartum colostrum compared to colostrum of the control group. Lactoferrin is proposed to play a role in intestinal iron uptake and in immune responses such antibacterial activity. It is also a growth factor, hence plays a supporting role in infant growth. EGF and TGF-2 have functions in the Gastrointestinal (GI) development as well as immune protection of the GI in the neonate.

There was no significant difference between control or CE (BEC fed) group infant birth length, weight, and head circumference suggesting that no adverse affects on the infant growth or weight resulted from chicken extract supplementation.

Implication to consumers
Supplementation with Chicken essence (BEC), can increase the quality of breast milk, thus facilitating the Gastrointestinal development, growth and defensive immune capabilities of the feeding neonate. These results complement the beneficial role of BEC in lactation, initially suggested in a previous study* which revealed that BEC is effective in promoting early mild secretion and increasing milk production.
In addition, reduction of the plasma total and LDL cholesterol levels may have benefits on the cardiovascular health of lactating women.

*Li X.M.et al. effects of Essence of Chicken on Postnatal Lactation. Chin. J. Pract. Gynecol. Obstet. 1997;295-6.
When Nat was in Fr, she was abt 10kg(no clothes). Now she is 10.9kg, with clothes(4 months later leh)... She hardly gained. Only grew in height. so u dun worry too much.
Chen Chen is 8.6kg. Ht dunno. Juz normal consultation so take wt only.
Chen Chen is v active. He tired all the adults in my hse n of the day
I dunno if Chen Chen's metalbolic rate is high or not. PD din say
I took essence of chicken 2 bottles (70ml 3 times a day wow) every morning after delivery not b4 delivery. B4 delivery body heaty, cannot tar han essence of chicken. Drank coconut juice starting fm 6 wks b4 edd

Thx. I guess @ tis stage when tod being to move abt n move abt every min, they dun gain much wt
That's interesting. Got quite a lot of essence of chicken left from 1st birth. Maybe should start taking it. Otherwise may get more again from relatives after birth.

How are you doing? Tummy must be super big. Must rest more now ... before sleepless nites start again.
yes we alwy frequent suntec n taka. Ash likes d aircon n can run ard n more thgs 4 him 2 c. hubby prefers suntec cos taka parking v ex.
dun wori abt Chen Chen wt. as long as they ar healthy n hapi. Ash has been eating 'lesser' these few wks. ya their wt gain will slow down, Ash is 11kg++ for somtx liao. n all along he is not petite mah.
baked dory w butter, yummy. can put a bit of milk if u like some sauce.
How are ur colleagues?? Hope the babies are doing fine..

U beta dun gian so much, just let Nicholas grow inside and come out only when it's time.

Went for my check-up, gynae says the gals are growing fine.. their weight each is that of a singleton, one is even heavier. She commented my tummy is big. I have to get some tablets to take to prevent pre-term labour... anyway all is fine.

Is Janelle better already? I remember the days I had feng mo when young... kenna rub totally on XO, sting and burn like hell.

What cream smell like m&amp;m chocs?? i also want!! heheheh

remember jem just had a bout of allergy? The PD mentioned that bb/tod's allergy and tolerant to food change frequently and its very hard to pinpoint the exact cause. The best way will be to go back to the basic food taken a few days before the reaction and stay clear of new intro for a week or two. Then when re-intro the food, take special note of any reactions. Hahhaha, she also say if cannot eat shellfish(which jem allergy to) there's still alot of other food. And most of the time, they can take the food that they r allergy/intolerant to at a later age.

Jana is sociable just in a milder ways... i remember at Pigletz's place I chat w her, no response but can see she's listening n she smiled. Then she ran off n when she came back she touch me n blabber some stuff to hold coversation again. But she very si wen..hahahhaha, unlike jem will grab hold of anything to make sure u look at him when he speaks.

cold recover already anot? going sentosa tomorrow leh.. remember to post pics yah.

Hyperactive? let's all think that i'll boy is super joyful n playful..hahahha, sounds less negative.

hey, I ask my PD during the allergy issue on Jem's constant cough n running nose too.. she says the same as ur PD leh. But she explained it could be Jem having sensitive nose thus if home, environment got dust etc, the nose will hv more mucus. Those that runs out show as running nose. Those that runs in become phelgm n thus they will keep coughing to clear their airways. So she suggest cleaning up our home n changing bedsheet more frequently to minimise the recurrent.
u not loud enuf..hahha, din hear u :p

Hi-5 ! Jem likes to play with his tea set too... he will take the cup w spoon n force down whatever imaginery concoctions he made down my throat...hahhaha

Wahahahah... i lauf at ur comment : "Shook, chen chen small size coz his parents small size. If big size, then your hb will be worried..."

sometimes when i'm free, i'll put some biscuits like the Colour Goldfish, Animal biscuits etc in coloured bowl to join Jem with his tea set. He enjoys eating them n feeding me too. Can try things like cheese, fruits, raisins etc to encourage eating
Thanks. I think she recovered. MIL reported that the rashes never came back anymore.

Yah rubbing rice wine is also another method but she is too young to try this method. So we apply calamine lotion and she didnt scratch.

Yah now the children grow up and not sideway anymore.
However mine side grows all round.. hahaha..

last sat we brought her out without preparing her milk cos she never really drink so i save up my effort. When we were at supermaket she grab hold of a packet of bun and i took it off from her cos i dun want her to flatten it. She went crying and shouting for "Mian bao, Nai nai mian bao" My mum said she must have hungry, so i open a pack and give her one. She eat happily and almost finished it. My mum laughed at me and said, this shld never be known by my MIL else she will thot daddy and mummy starving her precious grand-daughter. :p

Dun worry abt Chen chen. He is still so active, may be his metabolism rate is faster than the rest.

Aiyo, i am so tired so didnt login at nite now.
How is Nat?
v sian today ...i should be on my way to malacca now but then here i am ..in the office!!!

yesterday evening, hubby n i went home, pack n loaded luggage into the car and while we were on our way to my mum's place..hubby suddenly realise that a warning light has lighted up on the dashboard. He took the car to the mechanic immediately but the mechanic couldn't sort out the problem ...so need to abort our holiday plan! lucky no penalty on the hotel booking else more heartache! sian.......

yup...i'm already 17 weeks...no more MS..yeah!!! appetite is gd but i try to control cos my tummy's quite big! have u prep Ally for the bb yet?

hmm...try to understand why Aloy is rejecting the solids? is it the taste? the texture? or even the temperature? Jana hates cold food, she'll keep inside her mouth n refuse to swallow n she takes forever to finish her meal. She also prefers soft food cos she only hv 6 teeth n i guess she gets tired of chewing after a while.

if u wanna let Aloy try out the cooking toys first, u can go this toy shop called ELC at paragon, they hv play area to let kids try out the toys.

wat tablets are you taking to prevent pre-term labour? how come u need to take them? u hv high risk?

if u see Jana at home...then u wont say she si wen already!
yup pd told me to reintrod only hard boiled egg yolk, start w only a qtr, then half then c how. Ash has to delay his mmr to 18mths as 'suspected' egg allergy. u're right. wen he was younger, i feed eff yolk, he was ok leh. hehee ..u sounded like d pd.
aiyo.. quite a spoilt sport. Luckily ur hubby spotted the problem on the car in time.
He drive in to malacca? he know the route? We also wanna drive in too but not familiar with the rd there.

Anyone of u bringing ur little one to Barney show?
saw ELC but din noe can try their toys. okie will brg Ash there

gd tat u not half way tru d journey then car brkdown..
go agn wen car ready loh
yalor ....now i sulking away in the office

Yup, the plan was to drive in, he haven't drove there before. My SIL went a few months back and she said not too difficult to drive there.

I cannot tahan Barney's leh ...Jana watch it twice a day! tot of asking my mum to bring her to the show istead.
did u say Lee eat v little? now i noe why Ash eats so much cos my hubby can eat a lot mah. my hubby eats 1 big plate of rice + dishes for dinner, 1-2 hrs later, hungry agn. can eat another 2 slices of bread + fruits + icecream (somtx). but look at his size. we wen for health checkup n his results were excellent, even beta than mine. dr said he got gd genes but i told him dun take it for granted, mus take care n exercise regularly.
wow, this thread looks abit revived today. hahaha

It's very easy to go Malacca. Can try going there next week again. You and hubby going there alone without Jana?

It's good to take a short break. I wish I can again. hahaha.

I have not introduce Barney to Gareth yet, but think he really don't like to watch TV. My auntie just complain yesterday that he can't sit still to watch TV for long.

See, every mummies got their own set of prob. Eat and don't eat problem,
watch too much tv got prob, don't watch also got prob. hahaha..headache.

ya, must make sure no egg allergy then can take mmr, cos mmr got egg contain.

can chen chen wear that jeans?? Chen Chen not small size lah, you and Lee also not big size mah. I haven't try the swimsuit yet, cos it has being raining n so we didn't go for the swim.
yah will attempt to go next week but not too ideal cos SIL also going next Friday ..so cant borrow her portable DVD player ..we were counting on that to keep Jana occupied during the journey.

ELC hv a selection of toys for the kids to play ...i reserved a xylophone for Jana ..haven't collect yet ...

we r bringing Jana along and my parents. we'll go alone without Jana for our next trip to KL, wanna enjoy some er ren shi jie before bb pops out ...tink no chance after that liao!

Jana loves Barney ...she can sit still for the entire duration of the show, she wont respond no matter how many times u call her and if u block her view, she'll scold/push u away. Can go toilet/shower/cook and come back to find her in the exact position.
Baked fish v dry no sauce leh. U wrap up the fish to bake? Wat kinda milk u use?
My hubby eats normal. 1 plate of the order when eating outside. He can't eat another dish unless share wif other ppl. eg 1 plate of rice share rojak or spring roll etc. But he feel v full after dat
Your hubby you ko fu. I envy him
Chen Chen can't sit still to watch vcd unless we sit wif him n talk to him on the things shown. Gd in a way coz @ my parents plc, the TV is on most of the time (morning till night)

Hmm... how u mean by runs in n runs out in "Those that runs out show as running nose. Those that runs in become phelgm "? Chen Chen used to recover v fast (a few days for flu n cough) but 5 wks ago he had running nose for 2 wks followed by fever for a day, than rashes than slight cough for 2 wks, still coughing n yes'dy started to hv running nose. My mum said weather change is the cause of the flu n cough

Thx for consoling me
Janelle is more on solid than drinking milk?

Your hubby going to drive in to Malacca alone? I mean no 2nd driver? +ve side, @ least your hubby discovered the fault b4 drive in to Malacca

The manufacturer of the jeans hor no brain cell. The jeans fits juz nice for Chen Chen at the waist area. N the belt hor, can fit into my waist (the last hole)
Been raining continously lately. I din bring Chen Chen for swim for 6 wks liao, mainly bcoz he is sick. He missed swimming a lot. Handed me his swim suit. I told him u give me no use. Give your daddy. Your daddy doesn't allow u to swim. Then he passed his swim suit to my hubby when my hubby back home after washing car
i use purex baking dish. as for temp, u mus 'try', depend on oven. i avoid using 'foil' esp for bb food. u can add a bit of water or apple/orange juice or fm (mix w water). u can bake for a while 1st, wen fish abt to cook, then pour in d 'sauce'. put a bit of butter on purex so wont stick.

if Ash wls to like 'tv'/barney like Jana, i can b more 'free' at hm, dun hav to entertain him all d tx, keke..
re: MMR and allergy

with the current preparation of MMR, it is no longer necessary for mothers to check for egg allergy. the vaccines are so much more purified that there is almost impossible to get an allergic reaction from it. therefore, if the child comes down with simple diarrhoea (which is not an allergic reaction), parents shld go ahead n let them have the jab. Even in toddlers proven with egg allergy, the chances of develop a severe allergic reaction is almost minimal.

in fact alot parents didn't know that some flu vaccine do contain egg protein and one can develop hives if they r allergic to egg.

when i saw the article on chicken essence, i feel so complied to refute the findings. anyway, in summary, take the findings with a large pinch of salt.
I think she got a gd balance of solid and milk. May be MIL's place boring and if she gets too bored she will ask for milk. More like craving.. u know sometime adult got nothing to do will snack on tibits. She is like that at MIL's place.

Back home i think we only feed her 3-4x. of course she still takes her meals and she dun really snack.

So u didnt take the Barney discount rate from coy? Janelle didnt really watch Barney but since it all singing i think shld be ok for her. Want her to expose to diff things. Brought her to Sesame Street before and also same venue and she is ok. Enjoy the show, didnt run ard cos she cant walk yet. This time rd, i think i will let her down and let her join others kids if she wanna dance with the barney.

For those interested. HSBC got 15% discount.

U mean ur hubby never drive in before. So daring leh.. going in just like that. Which hotel did u book? We planning to go next week, got to check with his frd cos he knew the way. We wants him to bring us ard malacca.

i dun expect the children to sit still in the show like this. I expected Janelle to move infront to join the crowd and enjoy the show.
Since Ash didnt watch Barney better dun bring him.
Hong / Viv
I'm bringing Ally for the Barney show together with her cousins. She's like Jana... will sit there for the entire show and even if you turn the TV off after the show has ended, she'll cry for more. Sometimes there are certain parts where she's not comfy to watch on her own, she'll call out for company or if you're sitting beside her, she'll place her hand on you but her eyes are still glued on the TV.
the really premature bb is in a stable condition but doc said the survival rate is day by day. So scary hor. My colleague and hubby is going there everyday to sing and play music for the bb. Really hope he'll quickly gain more weight and strength to build his resistance.

As for my other colleague, she's been running to mrs wong at TMC for massages coz keep getting engorgement and mrs wong says that her breasts is like cauliflower. Has been to see her 3 times in 2 weeks. Her son has mild jaundice but should be ok. Think she just needs to settle her breastfeeding probs which is even to make her depressed.
i din get the tickets from coy cos couldn't decide initially and moreover she's scared of life size Barney, we went to a friend's kid's one yr old birthday and they got people to do games/magic show and a 15min appearance by Barney's ...she saw the Barney n kept motioning us out of the function rm ...she din even dare to go back to the room!

Eh ...going by the North/south highway should be quite straight forward rite? then i plan the itineary and read up on where to go and most importantly wat to eat
worst come to worst if we get lost then look out for Singapura sign n head home lor

hubby booked the City Bayview Hotel cos its his clients. Coincidently we hv corporates for tat hotel too. Location not too ideal cos not near the attraction/shooping but i like it cos they just renovated some of the rooms and the Dlx suite comes with 2 bedrms n a jacuzzi. Century Mahkota's location is ideal but heard the rooms r really v old already.

Jana's the same as Ally ...she's scared when they r things popping out suddenly, so if its a new show she hasn't watch before, then we'll need to watch with her, we'll leave her to watch by herself after she's seasoned i.e. can anticipate wat's coming up next and can even smile before the scene starts! hahaha ...
u reminded me of Mrs Wong's massage! my breast were lumpy but after her VERY SIONG *ouch* massage ...everything's clear!!
When areu going for the show? I am going on 1 dec 7:30pm.

ha.. still scare and i am map idiot. i cant read map, better to someone going with us.
I stayed in Mahkota before. yes is quite old hotel. Bayview shld not be too far away. Anyway, hubby driving mah shld not be problem going to shopping mall. Rbr to get steering wheel lock. My uncle car was stolen away from his own condo parking lots that was in KL. So scary, somemore ur hubby's car so popular n expansive kind.

Janelle is same as Jana n Ally. Some since in sesame street she dun really like and pretty scare. She will asked me to accoy her or she will asked MIL to off the TV. hahaha..
<font color="ff0000">B2</font>

i'm not a chicken essence person myself... not even a "herby" person..even still got jars of essence left over from Matt's..OHH and the CF food I catered...I asked for NO GINGER or just normal amounts for frying..glad they could comply.. :D

Anyway... owing to the high salt content these things have..I'll still go for my banana milkshake or milk anytime..

I hate the smell n taste of papaya anyway...so that's a no go too...LOL. End up I think I'm still back to MILO..(I've packed some in my hosp bag tis time, I missed out last)

<font color="0000ff">Absolut</font>

Frankly.. I'd rather be induced..at least I could just "check in" at appointed time..

NOW.. I've got to wait for this and that, water bag burst, labour pains, bleeding etc etc.. Very "Ma Fan".. hubby says I'm like ticking time bomb..

He's appointed himself as warrant officer also..spot check twice a day.. making sure I'm not out running about...

The pelvic pain is unbearable at times..especially
in the ,mornings!! feels like as if I ride horse all night!!
haha...ticking like time bomb ...ur hubby's descrption v funny!

u prepared any waterproof sheet in the car ..in case water bag burst?

i'm looking forward to confinement food ...esp the pig leg in vinegar!!

btw mummies...any1 got contact for those homemade wine? those to use for cooking chicken?
<font color="0077aa">viv</font>

Yah he is cute...I even told him.. time bomb still got set time go off...

I told him I'm a mine.. then he still got a cheek to be so sweet and say I'm diamond mine!!

Yah I'm looking forward to the food too!!
I thought I'd just order lunch only..cos the portions are big.. but hubby said he does not want me to reheat stale food etc etc..and he does not want a repeat of my MIL.. when she cook enough liver or the soup for 2 meals...
I see, then maybe u have to arrange for another day to go.

Btw, I just come back from spring maternity, some of their clothes on 30% discount leh. Quite cheap and worth buying. So far, their things quite okay. I have check it thru b4 i make the purchase.

ya lor, I also think the manufacturer of the jeans no brain one. Glad that the jeans fit nicely on Chen Chen. At least better than i put it aside and dunno what to do with it.

Hope to be able to bring Gareth go swimming soon. A friend commended that Gareth looks so fair. hahah
been wanting to tell u... u look sexy as a preggie leh!
Think positive.. at least u din drive off for ur hols n get stuck in the middle of malaysia's highway!
tsk tsk, u sound like hazey, hahahha say ur girl not siwen at home.

cos i regurgitate what my PD says mah... so sound like one..hahahha

Yeah pigletz,
we have the same prob, both our bb eats too much. But i dun hv ur tv problem.. cos Jem luvs the screen too!

The PD explains that the phlegm is actually mucus that did not flow out of the nose but backwards to the throat. I keep thinking Jem got cough but in actual fact, he has running nose n is coughing to expand his airways. So instead of treating a cough, it works more to minimise aggravating his sensitive nose.

when ur bb arriving har?
<font color="119911">brenda</font>

7-11!! I hope earlier a few days... like 1st...
Not nice for gals be 24hrs store n more!! Although the date easy to remember..
u damn funny!!! lucky i quit liao.. burst out laufing, colleagues stare i dun care.

hahaha... dunnoe, but seriously u look pretty n sexy as a preggie. Hhmmm, mebbe yah, curvy that's y
means ur gal can come anytime now leh. Have the gynae check if you hv dilated already?

I think you look pretty and radiant too. Better than me, the childish look. hahaa
Oh I use toaster to bake fish coz oven too big for hubby n I. Bsides we only go home during wk n. So my oven is in the store rm. Always put aluminium foil when I bake food wif toaster. If I want sauce, I wrap up the food. Otherwise the food will b dry like BBQ
Do Purex tray comes in size a bit < A5?
Apple/Orange juice u squeeze fm the the the fruit itself? U mean apply butter on purex tray b4 baking?
The sauce is make of milk only? I dun hv fm. Buy a tin juz to bake fish v wasted leh. I read b4 using fresh milk

When I 1st read the article on essence of chic to boost milk ss. I thot it muz b ad fm Brands.

How many ml milk Janelle drinks? Healthy "snack" she chose

The jeans is fitting for Chen Chen. The waist area is really v small. He can't use the belt @ all. U wanna take it back n try on Gareth?
I like fair bb. Pai pai pang pang. Looks v clean

U n KK a humorous couple
<font color="119911">pigletz</font>

hmmm I think he'll do that the next time..well technically can arrive any moment..since Baby engaged..the contractions are more frequent.. very often makes me breathless..

it's really making me nervous, worried n feeling a little unprepared..

even my bb sitter all ready.. when I rang her last night about 10pm as Matt had teething problems..and wanted to ask her how he was in the day..

She pick up on first ring..The first thing she said.. "giving birth already ah..better bring Matt over.. I wait downstairs."

<font color="0077aa">brenda</font>

glad I made you laugh!!

Well since we on to subject of laugh...
We were packing pads for my hosp bag!! I realised I got NO pads!! So I asked hubby to buy...he came back with the Body fit 35cm ones!!

Talk abt sanitary pads. The hospital in fr provide us... One huge one, with sticky tape. Prob 50cm. And other days, you get no tape, dun have those non leak think. Looks like a thick bundle of tissue paper. But 40cm long. Just put there on your undies. And they give you 2 pieces, you put one on top of another!!! Faint right?

I not gg sentosa, cos fren change plans liao...
my purex dish is not v big, but tink cant fit into toaster. taka has quite a range of sizes, u can check it out. yes can use fresh milk, if Chen Chen can take. receipe book recommend milk n cream. perhaps can use unsweetened evaporated milk? if i oven bake n use d right temp n setting, fish is in fact quite juicy n not dry. my tefal oven is not v big n it's v useful, gd value for $. i use organic bottled fresh apple/orange juice.
Ash is pai pai pang pang too
Now dat u mention, i tink yar the fan does play a part leh. Cos over at nanny's, his nose seems okie cos the fan not as powerful as mine. When he's at home, my fan blows direct at him.

Oic... will go KP to raki the kitchen set.

Hmm...maybe playing wif the kitchen play set will help chen chen to learn how to self feed oso? I read dat after 1 YO, the weight gain is very very slow cos of their mobility.

I'm bringing Kieran to the barney show on 7 dec
The pad so big. Cater to the size of the French

I hv a big oven in the storerm. Wanna buy a 2nd hand teffal. But by the time I got back to the seller, it's too late. Wat a waste
Yes Ash a pai pai pang pang bb

I let Chen Chen self feed wif the real thing but using the fork for food dat can poke wif fork. Will let him self feed wif spoon when he is more stable wif fork
Hi Sanrio,
U r really a good cook. Ash is very lucky...
I baked cod fish wf butter for lionel.he likes it.

hi Shook,
Did PD say Chenchen is underwt? Just brought lionel for mmr vacination y'day. He is 11.8kg at 86cm.

Hi Mummies,
I am planning to buy a handheld vaccum cleaner.Any recommendation?
Oh yes, Gareth is always in comfy t shirt wear

PD din say Chen Chen is under wt. He said Chen Chen wz borned small, belong to 25 percentile n it is normal dat a child remain in the same percentile thru out. He said Chen Chen is a healthy boi n growing well.
Lionel is definitely heavier n taller than Chen Chen. Chen Chen wz 76cm I think @ 15 mth


Ur babysitter very onz hor!!! hahahah, she gonna help u look after all three next tx? It's really a nice feeling to hv such good helpers for our kids.. i still feel pain whenever i think Jem's gonna leave this centre soon.

Hahahha, ur hb not wrong arh? i used that too after those maternity type. Or r u telling me u din even get those maternity kind???

aiyah, i was waiting to see ur beach girl in action...

how's ur boy?

You become Sahm already? no pc at home??

Any recommendations on where to get those dresses u get for Vane? Need to get a prezzie for my 3yr old God daughter. Felt that the parents' preferences very similar to urs..hahhaha, so asking u for ideas.

Something that i observed in the infant centre... There's abt 3 other bbs of the same age as Jem. Previously they will play on their own etc. But recently we noticed a drastic change. When Jem reach school in the morning.. they will run out to 'greet' him w hugs or hold his hands n then they will proceed to play toys together. Think they hv all reached the stage to make friends? Maybe can bring ur kids to mingle w other kids now since they r all of similar age too.
