(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Mom2Nat, I don't have any MS other than breast feeling tingling feeling at times only. Sigh! Still praying here...
U waited one week... I'll be waiting 4 weeks.

Okay, enough of this topic: If it's meant to be it will be...


QSG, no news from you??? You okay???

i use the Mustela Stretch Marks Double Action during last preg, twice a day, morning and nite after bath. I dun hv a single stretch mark... only 1 small scratch mark ..itchy fingers!!!

my doc also said bb a little small during the initial visits but recent visit she say bb is gd size. So dun worry too much ok ...

natural also can kena triplets????

u posted a pic sometime back rite??? did u choose ur own anesthetist? else next time op for your preferred anesthetist. I'm gonna do that this time round cos the last time round the anesthetist also boo boo a little ...

yucks ...i hate the glucose test!

sounds scary! it reminds me of another mum's story i read from another thread..her gynae also told her the bb not big, when she's overdue the doc also din really do anything abt it, she delivered at 42 weeks via vaginal birth, bb was too big and she suffered very serious maternal damage. She was bed-ridden for 8 mths, cannot walk, cannot control urine. she had a few major operations and a coming one to pull back her bones. She said she wish she died at childbirth ...read already v v sim tia...

my doc is also quite accurate, she estimated that Jana was abt 3kg in my 32nd week and she got quite worried cos its too big a baby for my size. At the 38wks checkup, gynae found my tummy too tight n ask me to quickly schedule the c-section 2 days later, but i wanted to enjoy my er ren shi jie for a few more days so we schedule it abt 5 days later. True enof, 2 days later, Jana burst her water bag.
Emily, i'm fine...just a little disappointed though didn't plan anyway. Now i can start using my uZap which i didn't dare use since i bought it last week. But hor, yesterday quite upset bec i bumped into a colleague and she asked me if this is my 2nd? i was like huh? you mean i looked that fat that it is so obvious i am pregnant? Whole afternoon kept staring at my tummy realised really abit fat like 3-4 months pregnant
*hugzs* praying for u too..

u sharing sadmum's story rite?? i din get to read the beginning n was wondering what happened!
WHAT??? Blood test every month?? aiyo..really a torture leh. Good thing I don't need any more test till maybe later stage. hahaha

okay, noted. Really need to increase my iron intake so that when I give birth that time, I won't be so weak. The last time round after giving birth to Gareth, I keep on feeling giddy also. Gynae say I didn't lost alot of blood, but dunno why my iron level drop so much. So she think that maybe Gareth took all my iron away. hahahah

Don't think so much abt it lah. Just continue to take your folic acid. It will help to form the bb.
You tested negative? But menses not here yet right? Think u better start using ur uZap only when your menses come. Maybe it's just too early to detect ur pregnancy.
Pigletz, menses not here yet but i thought about 4 weeks already so tried testing since most of you said 4 weeks can detect liao.
Emily, dun worry too much now, just focus on eating well and pray. For dana's case, couldn't see her at 6 weeks and gynae said could be late ovulation or bb not growing well. We went back to gynae 2 weeks later and she was okay so probably bec ovulation later than usually.
Well, better play safe then regret later lor. Especially everyone is different.
Maybe give yourself one more week, if menses still didn't come, then go test again. But if menses come liao, u can start using ur uZap.
What is uZap?
I used strech mark cream the last time but no use. the marks are over the thighs became dark red..still visable now...sigh... so taking note of what is more effective..
shook, my hubby cried cos he was touched and happy.

sanrio, dun think FUF suitable for Ash if he's active cos they'll need to sit down half of the time. Thanks for your info regards Nepia. Actually I ordered from them liao.

jo, how come you have both her no? Thanks anyway. You also used her? She's small-size but good rite?

brenda, why they start to be clingy now hor?

Emily, that's what I like abt male gynae. They're more gentle while they do vagina scan. Wish you have a smooth 9mths!

styloBB, your fren felt pain? I dont feel much pain leh so I walked ard the next day liao. That's what I like abt my gynae lah. I didnt suffer much during my op recently too. You know how to get NTUC vouchers from Nepia? The lady told me to collect seals from Nepia wrapper mailed to them and I'll get $10 voucher for 10 seals that I sent. But where to find the seals on the wrapper huh? I order 3 diapers and 1 pull-up, they still deliver to me leh

hazey, like what you shared.

pigletz, Milo is helpful if you feel giddy.

QSG, your menses come liao? If not, then there's still hope lah.
You so skinny leh, where got look like preggie?

ruffy, I used Galenic, no stretchmarks at all. I only managed to finish 1.5 tubes for the whole pregnancy cos I not so hardworking to apply everyday lah.

Viv, I saw the posting abt that poor mother too. Not sure if she decides to sue the gynae or not.
aiyo ...i threw away so many nepia wrappers!! how much r the pants? any promotion ? tried calling yesterday n this morning, nobody picking up the phone leh.
B2 and Emily,



dun think too much. When I realised I have my 2nd one, I already tendered my resignation letter. I always feel that she came at the wrong timing. As my boss asked me to stay but I knew that I will not be able to take it as the work environment is horrible but thinking of financially we will be tight if I am not working. However, I still left at the end of the day as I am very worried abt the one in my tummy. Hubby also tells me that not to think too much. But deep in my heart, I knew I really think that she came at the wrong time. nevertheless, she is coming out next month. So dun think too much. Can talk to me if you want. Take care.
HI mummies for tomorrow's gathering at Suntec... did anyone mention there is a courtesy bus from City Hall MRT? It's on the website. I've never tried it. Any idea about it? I might try it tomorrow. The first bus is at 11 am, so I may be a little late.
brenda, giggler
yah, its sadmum's story, managed to read it before it got deleted, but the version i read is the edited version without the doc's name, am really curious to know who the doc is.

try to continue to use the cream and massage the area...i hv a fren's whose marks did lighten up with the massaging.
Pringles and mommies meeting
Sorry, i can't meet tmrw. Nat is down with a running nose now. Dun wanna spread to others. I really hope to meet... maybe another time.

In fr, gynae dun deliver for you unless C section or assisted. We are delivered by mid wives and the anae is the one on duty tat day. So is the mid wife, can't choose one hor...
You dunno the doc?? If you read in detail, you will know. He is v famous. Dad owns the hospital... Tats all, you figure out.

Yah, Nat is quite big. I only gained 7g. And the gynae still ask me to go on diet. Anyway, I lost all, but now come back, eat and eat... put all back!!! hahahah
mon2nat, i super scared of needles!!! cannot imagine once a mth got2b pok for fun by the nurse!!!


qsg, are you stress out by work?? or it seems to be you are are putting unnecessary pressure on urself. ah....after i quitted no lunch kaki to yak with you issit???

sanrio, you quitted??? you boss sure v.sad imagine he's kind enuff to let you stay at hme for more than a yr....
a hard choice to make, but i'm sure you did the rite think.
can imagine the agony facing our tods 24/7!!! dun understand how did your fren's fren has gone to the extreme to end her life???

brenda, fed up with work issit??? quit lor - did you c me wither away at hme after being a SAHM??? already hint hint that you shd pongtang ...go think abt it. perhaps pigletz n enlighten you???

did i missed out any anyone in my reply??? my rascal keep fidgeting the keyboards...got to go. BRB.
mummies meeting up tomorrow
if any1 really needs a stroller, you can borrow it from the info counter outside courefour, they hv 2 of it and its free, but its v v basic and in a use-only-when-desperate condition

19 Oct.
that's next wed. You gonna take Triple Test too or don't need to take? It's so fun seeing the little one yesterday, but like Gareth, the little didn't move all all. ahhaah, exactly like the kor kor when still in tummy.
Hi Mummies!

U had a good sleep last nite? Me slept so well but my feet are still aching today.... had a great bkfast this morning.
Yah went paktor but so tired ..... could not walk for long. Jialat, I also dun know why, so far put on 10kg.... last time total weight gain 17kg also ok but this time round, it's really different. Dinner at Ikea, food is so-so only, so crowded even on weeknites... jesse happily eating the saltless fries and jelly.... fed himself.
Hahaha! That's a funny remark about lying on the beds in Ikea..... I told hb and he laughed too....
jesse went ballistic there, ran here and there, so happy, singing quietly in the car... reached home also so happy. Then indicated that he wanna shit.... did his biz..

Folic acid tablets - that's why, my eyes nearly popped out when I saw the price at NTUC.... so cheap ah..

NT Scan is the Nuchal Translucency scan to test for the nasal bone and the folds of the neck for DS.... it is more accurate than the Triple Test... I told gynae I dun wanna take the TT, she says no need once I take the NT Scan.

So far from last time till now, I have no stretchmarks, in fact, did not noe how they looked like until a gf showed me.... yeah I read that it's mostly hereditary but I still apply the cream....
Just tried the Galenic which my gf passed to me, find it pretty good, creamy and not sticky. I am nearly finishing my Mustela...... think I will get Galenic after this tube runs out.

jesse was 3.505kg but hong's Jan is the heaviest of all ... that's why now she is so so tall.....

Gynae that time said shud be ard 3kg for jesse.... me quite happy cos big bb mah..... she never talked about c-section one....

I also sleep on the left side but v v difficult for me when I turn now, either the side or down south is painful...it's a pulling sensation...

NB - 60, S - 54, if order from Nepia at $14.00, then rather worth it.

What's special re IMM Pamper NB? Cheaper?

Thanx for info on the folic acid....

How u coping?

Yah hor, did gynae give u any hormone pills to stabilise the pregnancy???

U mean your tummy grew ah? Dun be disappointed ok... cheer up! Maybe too early?? I also wondered what is uZap....ooh... slimming belt... think u beta ensure not preggie that u use lor, can wait for 2-3 more weeks?

I'm surprised that gynaes will just say bb not growing well when being tested early... hiaz.. Fortunately I only went to test at 8 weeks otherwise I will be so faan to hear that bb not growing well when actually it's not the case.

She said was painful but she forced herself to get down... your gynae is good...

Yes, at the side, as what hazey said, red square seal... u cut it down. Do u have the form? If not, give me ur email addy and I can email u. ..(sorry, I lost ur email addy when my own website was hacked...) So can mix diapers and pants??? I wlbe ordering soon.

U want the form or not? The pants - L - 30, Big - 26. U threw away those old wrappings?? haha...cud have gotten some NTUC cash vouchers leh...
Ohh....gynae never told me abt NT test b4, but yesterday gynae do the scanning and told me that the lips there no clip/flip (can't rem), so will look normal. The last time also only do TT, she even tell us don't need to do Detail Scan. Is she a weird gynae?
i very dumb one... dun even noe who's my minister. can msn me the name when u r free?

wahahha... yah. I noe u asked me to pontang. Dun noe leh, hahah, mebbe i good staff for too long. next tx u become boss engage me k

why so lucky one??? the first scan of jem makes mark so hapi cos he bounce!! subsequently, bounce non-stop liao..haiz. that's y i had the phobia my tummy might burst.
hahaha, Gareth never moves at all, everytime we go for scan, he will not move. So we assume that he likes to take picture. hahaha, think the 2nd one also the same as the bro. hahahah
gareth such a gd boy right from the start ..even in mummy's tummy.

Jana is v active...i remembered my 20th wk detailed scan took 1 hr cos she wouldn't keep still and they hv problem capturing the image. after the scan, the skin on my tummy v sore ...

now the 2nd one is no better, always moving, hands n legs also...mabbe i over stimulate the bb ? think i better cut down on tea/coffee/coke ...

dun tink i need the triple test since i already tested for birth defects with the CVS. Looking for to my detailed scan, at TMC, its done at the fetal assessment unit, not by my doc and they only show u some images and the bb after they completed the scan. During the scanning process, cannot c the monitor.

The doc that did the CVS, Dr Ann Tan, does her own scanning and its projected to a 21 inch TV ...so much more fun!
yes..had a gd sleep cos we left Jana at my mum's place. wow ..jesse is in such a gd mood yesterday. i like the chicken wings at ikea and the hotdog too! but now cannot eat hotdog .. the rest of the food so so...even the meatballs not as nice before cos they change supplier.

yes, can email the form to me @ [email protected]? I still using large for Jana, the big one seems like a little too big for her now. Gonna order NB too but 60 pieces too many leh ..hopefully wont be wasted. Jana only needed 1 pk of pampers NB, which is abt 30+ pieces, after that we need to upgrade her to small.
Mommies who miss Nat...

Took my tupperware of nuts, then dumped into her potty

Then sat on it. And took out and put into another potty, covered it.

Then sat on it again!!
hope Nat quickie recover n c u n Nat another day okie. Nat so cute
she has thick hair right. Ash oso dump evythg into d rubbish bin now. i got to 'hide' d bin.

nat n pigletz,
ya Ash is not v big at birth, i gain abt 9-10kg. now lost all, even lighter than b4 preg, so sad..
but he has gd appetite, he was 5++kg oreadi at 1mth old. now is 11.2kg. face is chubby but not fat now, is tall.

viv n pigletz,
Ash was v active wen in my tummy, so active until i landed up in hosp at 21wks.

ya was in dilema esp my bosses v nice to me. but has more peace af making decision to quit. Ash is so fun now, i enjoy his company a lot. nvm lah, mayb wen he is older, i may hav opportunity to go back. yeah! can c jerald 2mrw. i remb he likes me, hahaha (me thick skinned)
dun wori too much okie. take care
evythg will b fine
for Ash's case, gynae oso only saw a small sac at abt 6-7wks. n i had a 'hard tx' conceiving... wen tru some tough period.
i tink hoh stretch marks are not 'preventable' by any cream. it really depends on a person's skin elasticity n how much d skin has been stretched. d cream is more useful to prevent dryness n itch since skin is pulle dn stretched during pregnancy.
i dun hav stretch mark mayb cos i din put on much wt..
Do u hv low blood pressure or r u anemic b4 pregnant?
My gyne din mention NT scan. Told me amniocentisis test n tt. Did TT on me result low risk. N of testing

Viv, Giggler
Hope sadmum can sue her gyne n get compensated for the medical cost she incurred. Of coz the physical damage cannot make up liao. V sad case
My colleague is using gyne of sadmum. I told her abt the posting. She said she will go n read the thread. I told her removed liao. She said aiya accident happens. Anyway, the choice is hers

The gyne is the son of the owner of TMC. Get it?
Do u rub your tummy frequently? My gyne said dat causes unnecessary movements
Scan shown on 21" TV Wow

U put on v little 7kg only n Nat so big.
Hmm... how come u hv 2 potty @ home?
seeing Nat transferring the nuts into her potty

Mom2Nat, Sanrio
Once my mum can't find TV remote ctrl. Searched high n low n found it in the dustbin. Chen Chen helped my dad to throw away dried leaves. He suka suka threw away remote ctrl as well

Ruffy, Mom2Nat, Sanrio
Ya stretchmark is genetic. My mum n I no stretchmark.

Chen Chen enjoyed seeing Ryan's clip. He said baby baby. Then he said ai ni ai zhe ni after viewing the clip. I taught him so many times wo ai mummy. He said wo wo wo n mami. Tod picks up faster fm tod
Didn't know milo is so good. But I took milo yesterday cos I don't drink coffee and wanted something hot. Will make milo next time if i'm feeling giddy again. And hopefully won't have much chance. hahaha

haha, Gareth no longer good boy liao, now i so busy to make sure he don't climb here and there.

I see, when do you need to do the detail scanning?

nope, my blood pressure is fine according to the gynae. N no anemic b4 pregnant as well. Just hope that it's really a viral thing as mention by my gynae lor.
Giggler, Stylo and Ruffy, UZap is a slimming belt by OSIM with massage functions. Can be used for tummy, upper and lower back and calves.

Stylobb, seems that my tummy grew by leaps and bounds..

Pigletz and Brenda, will put UZap on hold till flight arrive.

Lyn, not very stressed lah but welcome you if you can drop by for lunch

Giggler, menses not here yet. Skinny with big tummy just didn't know really so obvious to others.
Stylobb, can you email me the Nepia Form as well? Didn't know about the seals threw away so many already
Mom2Nat, you know the gynae? Can you PM me his name? I only put on 8kg the other time, managed to lost all too.
Nat so funny. hahahah...... She seems to put on weight leh.

styloBB, this time you carrying twins so of course there's a diff mah. I also used Galenic, best to get them during promo. Ok, I'll look for the red sq seal. Can you email me at [email protected]? Thanks. Yup, can mix both diaper and pants to make up at least 4 packs. They just delivered to me last Sat.

pigletz, my gynae didnt advise me to do detailed scan too. Prob, his is 3D machine so can see bb very clearly that's why no need for detailed scan. I used to take lots of milo while I was bfg.

brenda, Jem so active in your tummy? Cant imagine him bouncing ard in your small tummy leh. Heehee.....

viv, what's CVS? I used to see Dr Ann Tan before I swtich to this current gynae.

shook, can PM me the name of gynae? Her story sounds scary leh.

QSG, I find crunches help to remove tummy leh. I used to do at least 200 every nite but getting lazy now.

hazey, you also used Nepia? That lady so nice to tell me abt the vouchers and I so nice to share with all of you hor? heehee....
erm.. y need two potty?
She so cute hor!! noe how to sit like that. jem still dun noe how to sit on a box/stool yet.. always wan to step on it.

Haiz, think gals r faster n cuter in their actions.

Milo is good for days that u r bloated n hv not much appetite to munch too...
Giggler, too tired by end of day to do any crunches...even if i do, can't even manage 10. Your tummy still looks very flat though you din do anymore...these few days i also felt my work pants getting so tight, all the fats bulging out
i use mustela stretchmark cream but find it a bit too rich n oily. i quite like d (oh no, cant remb d brand, it's available in guardian n most pharmacies) blue n white tube one. cost abt $13+.
i personally 'tink' exercise during preg may help to keep skin n muscles firm n toned. i did aqua aerobics during last preg. great form of exercise n relaxation, i find.

i got it liao! ur colleague is v brave ...if its me ..i run for my life man!!

no leh ...infact am consciously
preventing myself from touching tummy ...cos i scared i unconsciously scratch n scratch...

the detailed scan is usually done at 20th week, mine's scheduled on 9 Nov.

some docs hv the more powerful machine n does their own screening, those that can show how many valves in the bb's heart type, then they wont schedule for any other detailed testing. how come u not seeing Ann Tan anymore?

CVS is a diagnostic test for birth defects from placenta cells.

i also used to drink milo when bfg, some more its 2 scoop milo + 2 scoop anmum!
