(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

I'm back. Been such a busy week last week. Kieran was down wif sore eyes last week. Heng ah, nothing serious. Recovered after 2 days.

After seeing Sarah's pics here, i tink i saw u at PP last week. I tink it was Tues. U jus came out from the lift while i was abt to go in. Ash, Sarah n Alicia looks so grown up as compared to their bb pics which sanrio posted.

Jana can't be autistic lah. I rememebered she kept smiling at me at sahm's pl.

skyblue, hmmmm, was it Tues night? We went to collect our new spectacles (cos Sarah broke my frame!!) Sorry, I didn't notice you. PP was very crowded.
<font color="0000ff">Viv</font>

.. apparently so..the bacterial meningitis antibiotic one. Luckily Matt only had it for 3 days..He didn't take the full one as they discovered that he had viral meningitis and apparently developed anti-bodies for it!!

I too heard about the MMR jab.. but since Matt took an allergy test before at 6mths.. we realised he's not allergic to anything!! Not even to the cat!!

<font color="119911">Absolut</font>

Haha.. well now you have another kaki!! The one-a-day pill?? It was still on the kitchen counter top.. till my hubby decided to spring clean!! Really hate to take pills especially those caplets?? Very hard to swallow.. like always get stuk in the throat!! I'd prefer capsules anytime!!! LOL

<font color="0000ff">LYN</font>

there's always next time!!! heh heh.. by that time.. I'd be able to bring Maxine in my sarong sling!! LOL!!

<font color="ff6000">pringles, sanrio</font>

good that you got it!!! Mine was the leap frog one..Matt plays with it the longest time when I put him in the playpen..

It's a good toy that sticks on the fridge too!! Just in case you SAHMs need to cook!! :D

<font color="aa00aa">Mom2Nat,Shook, VAL!!! (at last I see u.. u change hp no??)</font>

Matt likes to stand up against the wall and then he'll knock the back of his head against it!! Then when we tell him not to "kok kok" his head.. he'll knock harder and say "beat".

Nowadays..when we scold him for doing something he's not supposed to.. like pick his nose, or throw things.. he'll always reply.. "BEAT!"

Anyway we starting to say "NO BEAT!! LOVE LOVE!!"

He'll still insist "BEAT!!" and then proceed to beat his head... Hubby said matt turning "sadist"!! @.@
side effects of allopurinol?? high incidence of allergic reactions, some of which can be fatal. n it only helps to prevent the recurrence of gout attack. it doesn't help in acute attacks, in fact it worsen it. the drug of choice for acute gout attack is actually colchicine or NSAIDS like diclofenac or indomethacin.

sorry. i think the whole of november is out for me. too many shifting activities n weddings going on. think can push to some where end november?
<font color="119911">B2</font>

he hasn't been taking medication.. been trying to "tong" without it... till today!! I was so tired with him being in pain for last 2 weeks... wanted to do so many things just this weekend..(take out microwave, pack hospital bag, wash Maxine's things) ended up he was in bed groaning in pain..

Last night I had to even bathe Matt and change him on my own!!! He took Ibuprofen (pain kiler) but by the time take effect.. I had already put Matt to bed after feeding milk!!!

This morning.. I woke with pelvic pain!! So I told him go get jabbed!! So he did and took MC.. NOW... such a relief!!!!
Heee... ur hb got gout??

Tell you a "joke" tat my hb always suan me abt eating pills. I wanted to eat some vit pills, but they are so huge... so I decided to buy a pill-cutter. It cuts the pills into half... The joke: My vits were so huge, can't even fit into the pill-cutter. Now whenever talk abt pills, he will suan me abt buying tat redundant pill-cutter.

Tonight I will take Febs again. I brought Nat to see a female PD... She cry like dunno wat... V chia lat. Walk in already cry. THink I have to go back to the GP liao lah
U brot nat to see PD cos of her running nose? How is she now?
Yar manz, vit pills r HUGE!!! The one i'm taking very long one :p
The running nose since last Wed. Then ok ard Fri... so I tot sensitive nose... then SUn start again leh, I oso have... doc say prob a flu bug ard. I gana flu v easily one.
So I tot bring her see lor. $28 today.
Mom2Nat, Skyblue
vit pill big how to swallow?

Chen Chen has v slight cough n lots of phlegm for a wk. I brot him to consult PD last Sun. U know wat the PD said? Since Chen Chen live wif the cough for a wk, ie sleep well play well no maj discomfort. It's fine. I told him we brot Chen Chen to consult him coz already 1 wk. PD said if we really feel uncomfortable, then he prescribed med
But hor Chen Chen loose 150g. I hope it is bcoz tis time round we brot him to consult PD in the morning, previous time in the evening
Thanks for the compliments.
That 139 PD scares Nat more then the other guy GP..haha.. Ryan also had quite similar reaction..but didn't start at the front door..only when he "saw" her.
Can try the Yoong Clinic opp Tampines Mart..that guy doc very patient and gentle. Ryan likes going there.won't cry /fuss when he is being checked... Or else u try to time the doc visit with the time Nat naps..so when in the clinic there will be no resistance.. That was what we did the last time he visited the doc for loose stools.. doc could examine him and he still slept through.
B2B3M4, just let us know when it will be convenient for you and we'll schedule then. Thanks. btw, how are things with you??

BRENDALI!!! Am shouting for u here... everything ok?

EUREKA!!! Where are you....

Nat, take care, rest well and let know know when Maxine is out.

Shook, take care of chen chen... poor thing lost weight? Sigh! bb sick is like that. The other time Ethan lost weight 400gms within 2 days and I don't have the morning /evening visit as consoliation.

Mom2Nat, is nat better now?
Hi mommies,

nat sick? Sayang her for me.

Chen boi boi also sick.. sayang sayang.
half-boiled egg har.. I already feed her a few times and she is ok. I dun think her feng Mo is due to the half boiled egg.

I didnt send Janelle to see PD. She took her chinese medicine. Funny she is ok with chinese medicine and if we feed her sweet western medi. She like going to kill her.. bawl n bawl and refuse to take. Yet chinese medi she will open her mouth big for us.

Haizzz.. i give up on her..
i worse. i mix all her cough n runny nose medications into her juice. if i deem that she is not eating enough, i wld even add a spoon of glucose powder.
so many things all mix tog, ashley can't really tell them apart, so she juz drink.
How are you doing? Have you been to the gynae yet? Just wondering when your EDD would be.

2 of my colleagues just gave birth recently. One gave birth to a bb boy at 2.4kg (after being ordered to rest and eat for 1 month coz bb was not growing at the norm place) and another who gave birth prematurely at 6.5 months. (she's actually due 1 month after me). Bb is only 700+ grams, now in ICU. Doc says he's stable but survival rate is a day to day basis. So scary.
With all the bbs out, I also gian to see my no.2 but am very grateful that he's still in my tummy and given time to develop.

In your second trimester already rite? Should be feeling better? So has Jana gotten used to being home?

So did period come in the end or are you gonna test again?

All the best ... can't wait to see Maxine when she's born.
Hope her eyes will be as pretty as Matt's.

Regarding hyperactiveness, was a little concerned abt Ally too. But after reading a little more on it, came to the conclusion that she's prob just active and not the extreme.

Mommies who have boys, did any of you opt for circumcision. Thot abt it and was told by some that it's not painful and the foreskin is actually useless etc. But searched on the web and found that there are quite a no. of sites who are now against circumcision because they shared that it's not true that bb dun feel the pain during the procedure and there are some good purposes of the foreskin. So now, think I'm more for just leaving Nicholas uncircumcised since there doesn't seem to be a good deal of benefit to make him suffer through the pain. Any thots?
I've been trying to give aloy different types of food liao, but still he doesn't want to take any, the most only a few mouthful tat's all. so, i've been giving him his usual 3-4 hourly milk feeds everyday. i was thinking can i be hard hearted enough as to dun give him milk if he doesn't want any food? can his little stomach take it w/o any food or milk for more than 5 hrs? mummies, pls advise me, i really dun noe wat to do liao.
How much milk is he given for each milk feed? I suppose you give him milk only after trying out solids?

Depending on the milk amount that he drinks, if it were me, I may reduce it a little so that he'll be hungrier after abt 4 hours to eat the solids food. Does he show interest in any type of food at all? Maybe savoury or sweet or crunchy or smooth etc? I know Ally is quite particular and like crunchy stuff like apple, biscuits etc. She doesn't like mashy stuff but loves cheese though.

What solids have you tried so far?
Jaz... relax!

Yeah, think my suggestion would be same as Absolut. Ethan is currently taking only abt 130ml in the afternoon at abt 3pm; then he'll wait for me to return home for more. In the meantime, he eats his two meals a day... plus snacks in-between. Like, apples, bananas, cheese, biscuits. I noticed he likes french fries and nuggets too. What abt trying fish fingers and let him play with his food a little. Did I mention that Ethan cooks at home? I bought Ethan a cooking set with different 'food' and frying pan and stove etc etc... just the cheap ones you can get at $9.90 to $12.00 at kiddy palacce. U try, it worked on Ethan. It increased his appetite for food... coz he is always cooking and thinking abt food. ehehhee...
try to get Aloy to feed himself. They find it more fun... but expect a mess!

Absolut, ai yoh! Ur friend's story so scary. U better ask Nich to stay in there until it's time. Can't imagine the hospital bills piling up!
btw, Ethan was not circumcised. I too read up on it then and all and found it unnecessary. If u take care properly, usually, will have no prob with bbs w/o circumcision. In fact, I think bb girls are more difficult to take care... with nappies and diapers, the risk of infection is higher if the poo goes to the urine area.
Is Janelle's fong mong ok now?
Janelle has bitter tooth

I think partly Chen Chen is picky wif his food lately. He is eating lesser esp when I m wif him. He keeps his stomach for milk. My mum said probably Chen Chen is teething. Doesn't feel like eating

Hong, Emily
Thx. Chen Chen not really v sick but cough once in a while. There is a lot of phlegm. can feel it when I put my hand on his back

Both your friends so pitiful. BB so small n prematured. But prematured bb can catch up fast in wt later on. My cousin is a gd eg. She wz in ICU. After few mths, she balloned till v chubby
Never think of circumcision. I dun think it is painless. Cut skin leh
How come u had the thot of doing it for Nicholas?

Did u feed Aloy a lot of milk or water b4 food? He looks ok, not thin
Bitter tooth.. hahhaa..
The feng mo didnt come so often.. i think it goes off little by little.

i used to put the medi in the milk. It works for the 1st round. The next round she got sick, i tried the same method it never works. So we have hard time feeding her medi. MIL is super patience to do that... fool her with water then quick tug the medi into her mouth when she open it.. wah like having war with her..

Once we went KL and she is having some running nose. She took all the medi without any fuss. so guai.. hahha.. who knows what she up to.
hi mummies...
i hv MIA-ed for a long time... been reali busy lately... my boss is driving me up my wall at times... had a couple of conflicts wif her last mth... and she is asking for alot of things wif deadlines dat can kill. sigh...

to make things worse, i fell sick last week... bad cough, phelgm and runny nose... and passed the virus to edi last fri. he was having fever on and off since then... cough came on Sun and then runny nose yest... see liao v heartpain.

i hv reali lost touch so much, i'll jus join in watever u gals are chatting... not going to read past posts...

hey jaz...
r u back at work? nice to see ur post...
and how r u?

actuali i had discussed abt tis b4 i gave birth... but hubby and i decided that we wld leave it be.
Ash has on on fever since sat nite. yesdy nite till now, no more fever liao. tis tx rd, i was tinking, go pd or not? in d end, din. his fever was 38.9 on sun nite. i feed him panadol wen he has fever. he has no other symptoms n is active, playing n eating fine. i suspect he caught d virus fr fil as fil had stomach flu on fri n we were at il place. i remb 1 pd told me give them tx to recover, their body is able to fight d virus. d med will reduce d discomfort but not 'heal'. jus watch out for high fever, lethargic n/or persistent bad cough.
not easy being a mummy hoh, alwy wori over evy little thg concerning our precious little 1.
chen chen will b well v v soon

i tink perhaps shd reduce d milk feed n c how. eg: give 1 morning milk feed wen he wakes up then dun feed milk anymore b4 lunch. if hungry in btw, feed a bit of snacks like biscuits, fruits. if he is really hungry, give a slighlty early lunch. does aloy 'prefer' soupy or dry stuff? can try baked dory fish with cheese or a bit of butter. receipe said can add a bit of orange/apple juice to d fish if bb like sweet food. how abt stewed potato w chicken?
hi sanrio...
ash was oso sick? good to know he is better now.
yes... hope he gets well soon... my heart aches to see him like dat.

ash walking v well now? edi still hvnt reali started walking yet... he can take a few steps on his own already and then fall down... but dats all...
Emily, Soyabean
Glad that I'm not the only one that will prob leave Nicholas in his natural state.

Soya, take care. Def not easy for mommies to be sick and have to look after unwell child as well.

Sorry to hear that. Hope you're not too disappointed. Can try again.
I give him around 180-240 ml each time. Yes, u r rite, I will try to give him solids first, if he doesnt wants, then me no choice got to give him milk rather than see him goes hungry. Even if I give him lesser quantity, he will still ask for milk and not solids leh. He will say he wants to eat certain food on the table, but when we give him he will just spit it out, so we also dun noe if he really like any food. We give him whatever we eat liao leh, but he dun want means dun want leh.

Do you think if I allow him to play with his food, he will eventually take solids after a while?
Ive always thot cooking set is only for girls, boys will also be interested in cooking set? Alright, maybe I will get him one set &amp; try, tks.

Sometimes I feed aloy milk around 10-11.30 am.
hope ash recover soon.
tks for your advise.
aloy likes dry stuff more leh.
he dun like bake fish, he likes fried fishball more leh. he dun take meat leh (be it chicken, pork, etc).
Absolute, not too disappointed since didn't plan in the first place. Hb also not ready, still trying to persuade him
QSG, glad to hear that u r feeling happier now and not so stressed.
But the thought of being preg is good, right? hehehee... the rest is up to you and hb now. :p

Jaz, cooking set is for girls... that's a very old thinking leh, lady! Nowadays, modern men cook, do housework, take care of bb... etc etc....
we've got to train our sons to be the man we always want! eeheheheee... good for their wives next time, and for our grandchildren... :p
<font color="119911">Hi All</font>

went to see gynae today... Maxine's head engaged already.. so now is "waiting game"

Pelvic pain is back..sigh!!
now no more fever, no other symptoms. me oso wonder his fever is due to?? yup Ash can walk v steady oreadi, is now running ard. tink edi will walk well v soon, is jus d 1 fine day.. n u will b so hapi n excited wen u c him walking rd d whole hse!

most welcome
Ash dun really fancy meat too. he prefers vege, fish ok.
Kieran oso on n off running nose last week. Not runny until very jiatlak kind but the nose area abit wet wet. We oso thot he has sensitive nose cos at times he seems okie leh. We fed him cold medi, then when he seems okie, we stopped. Then the wetness ard the nose area appears again. In fact when i brot him to see PD for his sore eyes, i oso enquired abt it. She told me kieran's nose is slightly allergic to environment n she asked if i have smthg new in my home. She told me to avoid stuffed toys.
U down wif flu easily? Mebbe u shd take more vit c after u recover. An orange a day or smthg.

I oso thot of buying cooking set for kieran to play. In fact, when we went to see PD who had a kiddy kitchen set in her clinic, kieran had so much fun there, opening the oven door etc. Now i'm looking ard for nice ones. U got recommendation?

Hope dat Ash is totally recovered by now

I jus throw the pill into the back of my throat, then take a HUGE gulp of water, so dat the pill guaranteed to go down. :p Mebbe chen chen dun really have a cough? Prob jus clearing his airways thru coughing? If he has a lot of phlegm, then taking medi will help to loosen the phlegm.
tks. Ash has no more fever. but his body has a bit of rashes 2day, some red dots loh. else he is fine, active n happy.
kitchen set: can check out fisherpx, chicco n some local (made in china) brands
Janelle v clever, knows she has to keep herself fit during holiday

Wish u n Edi get well soon

Chen Chen had running nose 1st then fever for a day followed by red spots then cough now. Ya rite, some virus is in the air.
Gd dat Ash recovered. Mummy feel happy n reliefed

U cook dory fish for Ash? The dory fish is it the frozen fish fillet?

10-11:30 180-240ml milk follow by solid @ 12 noon?

akang datang
cld it b d fan?? i tink so for Ash. 2 wks back, i 'tot' he has runny nose, like wat u described. i observe d environment n realised cld it b d fan? cos Ash is alwy sweaty n i blow fan at him all d tx. he has sensitive nose like me so now esp in d morning, i dun blow fan at him, natural air n i let him 'sweat' it out. else i on ceiling fan, low speed n not d stding fan tat direct (even wen circulating) at him. i realised it makes a diff, he sneeze much lesser. no furry softtoys for him too..
Ash slim dwn a lot. No longer bak bak. He looks like a big boi boi now
Normal to hv red dots after fever. Chen Chen had it twice. PD said it's false measle
Chen Chen loves vege all along but lately he rejects those he always eat. So I m trying out vege he has not eaten b4

Skyblue, Emily
I thot of getting kitchen set for Chen Chen but my hubby said kitchen set for gal
So I let Chen Chen play wif my pots n pans n plasticwear. He loves to ransack my kitchen cabinet
yup. but ntuc/mkt has those 'not frozen' ones. but cant keep for long, esp ntuc cos i tink they defroze it oreadi so we cant freeze it agn.
i oso wori Ash may like d real stuff ie. real pots, pans, spoons etc, n not d kitchen toys set. so till now, havnt bought any.
oic. i told hubby tat it's normal too. i said i read it in sb forum, haha.. n heard abt 'false measles' af a fever. else Ash is fine, no other symptoms. hubby wori n tot wan brg him c pd 2mrow. we will c how.
ya he slim down a lot cos super duper active, whole day walk n run rd d whole hse. his body is quite 'long' like daddy.
d pants he wore ar all meant for 2yrs old. fit him nicely.
U r referring to dory fish fillet in the chiller section?
Chen Chen likes the real stuff. He has a toy phone n a toy cell phone. He prefers the cordless phone @ home n our cell phone. Our boi prefer the real thing. Do u still buy toy as often as b4?
Poor Ash can't play hello kitty wif u huh
My hubby wz surprised to c dat Ash slim dwn so much. He felt consoled as he is worried dat Chen Chen slims dwn a lot. Most tods when start walking n running slim dwn
Ash looks like 2 or 3 yr old boi fm the photo. He is big. Clothing for 18 - 24 mth is loose for Chen Chen. He can't fit into S size of Disney clothing
Shook, chen chen small size coz his parents small size. If big size, then your hb will be worried...

As for ash, he is big sized coz he has super appetite. See he's slimming down already... next time will most likely be like his dad and mom only.

Skyblue &amp; shook, I didn't get those big kitchen sets for Ethan. Only bought the small stove and pots and pans set with some variety of food, plates, fork, spoon etc. Items are those that can be kept in the toy box. No big items coz no matter what, he's a boy... at the end of the day, when he grows older, I believe he will not be very interested in stoves anymore... then the superman, transformers, guns, ultramen etc etc will come in. That's why didn't buy coz didn't want to waste money. Now is the stage where they will mimick our behaviour... that's why I feel that these play equipment is good for their development like when we buy mobile phone, cash registers, kitchen set, toy cars etc etc...
Morning mommies,

I have no idea but gd cos she is willing to take her medicine.

Ash really slim down a bit. Hope he get well soon.
tis morning we brought ash to pd. hubby was wori as ash rashes a lot esp on stomach n chest. pd said it's false measles, a reaction to d virus, will go off usually af 4 days.
today's wt is 11.5kg. he put on 300g in fact. emily is right, he is bigger in size cos he has v gd appetite n remb he is a big carbo (brown rice) boy. oso me n hubby ar d tall n lean version so probably our bones ar heavier.
chen chen smaller size as u n lee ar quite small built mah.
yes dory fish fillet in chiller section but nowadays i can get fr mkt n it's not frozen.
ash fav toys is my 'kong' n containers..
he is well, no more fever, jus hav to wait for d rashes to subside on its own. he too too active liao, whole day run, climb up n down sofa, bed non-stop, so slim down quite a bit n oso he is growing tall quite fast..
hello mummies,
any1 like jap food n okie w eating beef? i love jap food.
try sukiyaki beef set at ichiban boshi at suntec. $14.90, gd value for $ n yummy! comes w a small plate of salmon sashimi, udon, rice, pickles n fruits. but hoh if go w bb, hubby mus b ard else cant enjoy cos it's claypot w flame on, v hot, mus eat slowly. else go w your kaki.

1 more yummy mumm mumm:
baker inn cakes. now is 3 for $12.90 at taka food court outlet. usual px is abt $6 per pc.
keke... i love cakes. so hungry now so tinking of food.

My hubby worried not bcoz Chen Chen is small. He worried bcoz Chen Chen din gain wt in 1.5 mth. He wz 8.75kg on 30 Aug but 8.6kg on 16 Oct. I consoled him dat on 30 Aug, his wt wz taken in the evening whereas 16 Oct wt taken in the morning
Chen Chen prefers the real thing. He plays the toy for abt 20 min throw n go for the real thing

Chen Chen had red dots on his chest n tummy 3 wks ago after he had fever
Chen Chen eats like a mouse. He is like my hubby. Once he is full, he won't eat anything else. Lately he is picky wif his food. Doesn't eat as much Keep asking for milk esp when he c me
I wanna try baking dory wif butter as u recommended n c if Chen Chen likes it. Sometime I bake dory wif butter n garlic for my hubby n he likes it
Chen Chen likes to play wif containers, bowls n plates (luckily mine r plastic) mop, pail...
U frequent Suntec?
