(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

my next checkup is 9 Nov. My gynae show me that my bb got 4 valves in the bb's heart i think, cos she counted infront of me. Maybe that's why she never suggest detail scan b4, but did say that in any case if we want, can always let her know.

FUF??? ar u referring to GUG, keke
hi mummies,
here's a pic of Ash n his pinchable cheeks. soft soft n spongy, v nice to touch, hehee...
passerby like to 'soh' his cheeks n say so cute, haha...
Next time can get Ryan to teach Chen Chen directly
. Ur Chen Chen also learns speach v.fast

I try to get him to recite his nursery rhymes but he is not that interested once the camera is turned on.
Ashrel is starting to look more and more like Daddy leh.

I can don't go back, just need to inform my boss.
We can go buy birdnest together, no prob.
Someone told me drink hot milo increase milk ss. I din drink coz I hv phobia fm drinking milo when I wz pregnant

I dunno my colleague dun wanna loose face over her choice or she young gal (26 yrs old) no heel me old nag or dun believe wat I said
2 scoop milo + 2 scoop anmum does it help to boost your milk ss? Is it fattening?

Yes yes yes hv Ryan to teach Chen Chen to talk n sing. Chen Chen doesn't know how to sing
My hubby n I
over your hubby told Ryan u r @ home bye for wat
stylo, probation period over. cannot cope also must cope. dun worry. but you know lor....hubby not the helpful type so i'm left on my own most of the time. v.frustrating.

brenda, when u r considering too much factors, it will definately hinder ur decision....etc. if you really cant take it....just quit.

mon2nat, she got this pinch factor!!! very cute. rascal till now refused to be toilet trained.....perhaps time not rite.

sanrio, u r a gd worker to ur boss thus he allows you to take more than a yr leave....he must be v.upset when you quitted. but all gd things must come to an end. gd job/boss can get again when ash is older, but ash's childhood only happend once...too bad to miss it.

qsg, dun stress. i call you again n meet up for lunch either nex wk or wk after.

mummies meet up at suntec 2morro,
very sorry but seems like rascal "a bit not rite" after taking his mmr, will c how. if really cannot go, will sms pringles. sorry.
We can meet up again. I oso can't go tmrw.

Nat oso not toilet trained lah!! Change diapers oso have prob, how stop her from getting up from the potty??

I PM you liao.

Lucky you no stretch marks... Mine see already v sad one.
Hahaha... Chen chen threw away the remote!! So funny!

No leh, not all girls faster... Nat still not talking!!

Yah, ASh's cheeks so fair and pinchable. Nat's one looks pinchable, but hor, not soft one, hard hard one leh.
Why cannot eat hotdog????

Talking about the diapers, now that u say, I wonder how many NBs I shud buy....maybe I shud get more S instead......
I rembr the transition from S to M was also rather fast.... think their thighs are usu too chubby....

U still have to take detailed scan???

The milo helps in increasing bm????

Maybe beta also, dun scare u with too many scans..... imagine the serious look on my gyane's face that time when she said TT result not good.... hiaz...

I'm quite sure I will get the Galenic one, cos it feels smooth and creamy... Mustela is ok but ex leh.
Where is the Shea Butter one from??
I saw Palmer's Cocoa Butter at Mustafa.. but I dun know if it'll be sticky, I also ever tried Body Shop's Cocoa Butter, also too sticky for my liking....

My skin stretched a lot but no stretchmarks ....

Do u have headaches now and then? Now this pregnancy, I find I get headaches more often...

How much is one tube? Can buy from Guardian right? When do u think will have promotion??

Tummy - maybe u have been sitting down too much? U are rather slim leh...

I read with a bit of smile when u typed CARESSING HIS KEYBOARD or sth like that some time back .... heheh... he still never chaap jerald enuf ah???
QSG, start with 10 first, then gradually increase. It's really effective to get rid of tummy.

Viv, I find that male gynae more gentle and professional. Dr Ann Tan got mood swings one so she wont really answer your qns if her mood is not good. Not sure if she's better now that she got her own clinic though. But think the critical reason is, the vagina scan done by my gynae not painful at all. Whereas I felt pain when Dr Ann Tan did that for me. Then my pain thesholds very low one. I still remembered I dreaded to go for check-up while with Dr Ann Tan cos I scared of pain. I only take milo, didnt take milk powder.

sanrio, did I type FUF? Sorry, I meant GUG... Think Ash may get agitated if you need him to sit down for story telling at GUG.

shook, I got phobia drinking milo now. hahaha....

Mom2Nat, Vane also not talking, just babbling with bb talk.

styloBB, one tube cost abt $40+ (cant remember liao). You can get them from Robinson if you have Robinson voucher.
Dun you find Nepia v small piece and the tape not sticky enough?
I tried a few brands, but still stick to pampers premium... I am looking for a cheaper one for home use, trying huggies now... dun like the cutting.
YOu got your blank flash cards already? I am still thinking if I have the time to show Nat! Hee...
Hey, haven't seen Vane's photos for a long time!!
yes! its fattening, i started putting on weight during confinement. but milk ss v bad then...lactation consultant advise me to drink milk, hubby's colleague says she drink alot of milo ...v gd milk supply. i wanna try both but i cant possibly drink so much liquid (not forgetting the red date some more) a day so i mix together n drink
i think it did help a little ...

i read somewhere during my first pregnancy that's pregnant women should avoid sausage, its got something to do with wat they use to make sausage...cant remember the details ..see if i can dig out the info later...

haven't checked with my gynae yet but i hv already paid for the detailed scan when i did the Oscar test.

yes ..i also hv headaches! and it usually last almost half a day ...my remedy ..a big pack of ice coffee! which takes up my entire caffeine quota for the day

hmm...lucky i din switch to her ...when she's doing my cvs ...she's v v nice n personal. Jana also bb talking still.

i use pampers premuim for the 1st 3 mths ...after tat pocket cannot tahan ...
U promoting Janelle again har..
I guess she started big and still maintaining now. Thanks to my MIL.

U with Dr Ann Tan this time?

Congrats! U are the latest 2nd times MTB right?

OK incase i missed out.. Congrats to all the mummies expecting number 2.
It was stated that Shea butter can be bought from bodyshop..but have yet to really check it out. Lani from " A place to post baby photo" mentioned it.
I have no problem with it so far,find the material soft. Yeah, the size for L is a bit small. jesse wears the pull-ups when he is outside, diapers for day, MP for nite.

Oh oh I already ate 3/4 of a hotdog...hehe....

Headaches, mine only last a while but still I dun usu have headaches...

I am just stating facts..hehe... but leave the weight disclosure to u...

I know wat Shea Butter u r talking about... it's in the same packaging as the Cocoa Butter... I dun like the Cocoa Butter cos it is so sticky. Think I will get Galenic.
Ya I wz referring to the clip "Laughing all the way to the fridge" in Ryan's blog.
I still get dat ext link .... when I post clip in the blog by pasting the url fm utube to words 1st. Is it correct dat I paste the url in the link prompt under the title?

Does your mum hv stretchmark?
The bb gals in tis thread r early in walking
Nat's face hard = kiat kiat muscle

Mom2Nat pm u the gyne's name so I dun need to pm u liao
Hmmm how u trim dwn tummy?

I heard milo increase milk ss but I din take milo. Let Giggler n Viv tell u if dat's true
Y U still need stretchmark cream when u dun hv stretch mark?

I wz a water barrel during confinement.

Mummies meeting @ suntec tml
Regret dat I can't meet u gals. I m so near yet can't go
Enjoy yourself
Yes my mom have tonnes of stretchmarks... Just now I look at mine again, purplish colour, so ugly

Yup, pampers is rather exp. But abt the same price as what i pay in Fr. So I just continue when I came back lor. NOw trying to find alternatives... but many times I use others when gg out, leak leh. Pple's diapers can last 5 hours. Nat's one after 3 to 4 hours... dropping down to her knees when she walks!

No see you ard.. you busy ah?
I just copied the whole embeddable player link.
It should look as follows :
Did you put in extra stuff into the code that is why urs has this
\blue {title="external link"> Dream feed leftover}
For me I do the following
1. open "add new article/entry"
Then put in the text before pasting the code for the embeddable player. Should work.. Sanrio tried it before.
Also maybe you can try to add in a verify comment for ur comment page in the blog to block out those pc scammers posting "fake" comments on Chen Chen blog.
it is 'normal' for d youtube videoclip to play a bit n pause a bit then play, pause agn? hope i din paste d wrong code..
ruffy, foreverfrd,
ryan n chen chen can speak so well. ash still bb talk a lot. da da di di, there there, thou he can say words like take, there, daddy, mummy, mama, papa, nai nia, mum mum etc... but i teach him 1, 2, 3 n simple short phrase/sentence for so long. he din wan to say leh..
i enjoy seeing ryan's videoclips esp d 'laughing all d way to d fridge'. how cum ur videoclip play continuously but mine keeping having short pauses?? n it's so disruptive wen watching it.
You didn't use the elastic binder on top of the cloth binder? She put it on for me after using the cloth.

Looks like we are quite similar. Hate taking pills. In fact, didn't take my calcium and multivit much during second trimester. Then got backache and nails seem a little weak before deciding to be good girl and take. Partly also coz I need to take so many PTUs for thyroid. hate it!

Prob gonna be a silent reader soon. Got a change in boss and this one very onz and she shared that she can be quite impatient. Anyway, taking it in good stride coz my previous boss is super bo chap and always makes us look like losers and we have to worry abt whether he managed to complete his tasks etc or we will all kanna scolding. Only prob is there doesn't seem to be enough time at work and I haven't surfed net for the past 3 days which is a feat. used to check the forum a few times a day etc. Will see how things go/
Pringles and other mommies meeting up
Where are you all having lunch? Hubby bringing Ally for followup check and me having an external meeting before lunch so if we all finish early and happen to go suntec for lunch (which is quite often), I can pop by and say hallo. Coz not going back to office after lunch... going to gynae and check on Nicholas.
Tis is wat I pasted

U no longer paste to words 1st?
How do I add in a verify comment in comment page in the blog to block out those pc scammers posting "fake" comments?

Different bb develops differently. Ash is fast in physical development.
Chen Chen doesn't say 1,2,3 he only said 3 tho I taught him many times.
The short pause is bcoz the clip is in the process of loading. It takes a long time to load. U c the grey bar moving @ the bottom. U may like to press the stop sign wait till the whole clip is loaded then u play or juz leave it to play pause then play it agn after the whole clip is loaded
i used to hv headaches once a month, the 1st day of my menses. wats ur remedy for headaches?

i prefer the asian brands, they tend to fit better. Hv u tried Sealer? slightly cheaper than pampers premium, gd absorbancy..i think the sticky tape quite sticky also..doesn't come off easily.

i was also v gan jiong abt Jana's speech development. Here's something to share:

The Nelson Textbook of Paediatrics (Saunders, 1996) offers the following guide for children who may have problems in speech and language development:

At 12 months, no babbling or jargon
At 18 months, no single words
At 24 months, a vocabulary of 10 words or less
At 30 months, a vocabulary of less than 100 words or no 2-word phrases (e.g. Mummy come)
At 36 months, a vocabulary of ess than 200 words, no sentences and a clarity level of below 50%
At 48 months, a vocabulary of less than 600 words, no complete sentences and a clarity level of below 80%

Parents whose children fall into any of these categories should arrange for a Hearing Assessment and/or a Developmental Assessment.

Also read that our toddlers can manage single words for now and will start stringing 2 words together at 2 yrs.

Haha.. me also not a pill popper..like you.

Even the hormone pills.. took 2 and then no more...

The folic acid... now passed to hubby for his Gout..

The obimin.. ate half a bottle and then I stopped...

Ah so your boy is going to be Nicholas??!! Did you update Dili??
Mom2Nat, yup got the flashcards liao. Now making Chinese cards for Vane. Aiya, long time didnt take pix of Vane liao. Moreover, I lost my camera's cable so cant download photos from the camera. Sigh...........

Viv, I used to drink one cup of milo before I expressed milk in ofc. What's Oscar test? Never heard of it. Think she maybe better now cos it's her own clinic compared to the other time when I saw her at SGH. I shouldn't be too worry since Vane is babbling now rite?

Hong, when's your turn to announce good news to us? Hope it's coming soon.

StyloBB, I dun like cocoa butter too, sticky and the smell too pungent.

shook, dun need to PM me the name liao. Thanks. Think my tummy trimmed down quite a fair bit after the massage. I used to do abt 200 crunches every nite lah.

sanrio, think it's quite an achievement for Ash to know how to speak so many words. How come the boi seem to talk faster here in this thread hor?

absolut, she did the same to me too. But I got so breathless that I took out my elastic binder after some time. Sounds like you'll be very busy at work. But you must still find time to rest leh. Take care.

mon, how's Aelwen? Knows how to talk liao?
Lyn, waiting for you to meet up with me for lunch

Stylobb, most of us have desk bound jobs and dun really exercise too but my tummy much bigger
can't avoid sitting down lei. Until now flight not landed also really dunno how long i have to wait to be in suspense. No point testing again so soon since just tested.

Viv, why pregnant cannot eat hotdog?
I saw U "Sabo" me early in the morning.. hahaha..
I got gd news. my hubby said my tummy has flatten.. gd news or not.. hahaha..

Very hard to catch up here. I will dropby here to say hi.

if i use my home weighing scale, she is 14kg. May be plus or minus... mine not electronic scale so not very accurate.

U know wat is the english term for "Feng mo"? Janelle got it... I want to see got any remedial in western medication or not.
i go n dig the info on hotdog later... still owe stylo the explanation also ...

i spoke to a teacher at Wee Care abt my concern, she said that for toddlers from a mono lingual environment, they can start talking at 12mths, but once a 2nd langauge is introduced, it sets them back by abt 1 yr, so they start talking at abt 2yrs. if u add in another language e.g. dialect, then it makes matters worst. Jana is exposed to english, chinese and hainanese, though we dun speak hainanese to her, i realise she's actually picking it up cos she actually responded when i spoke to my mum in hainanese. The teacher suggested that we keep to 2 languages at home.
Happiness: The Path, Not the Destination
We convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married,have a
baby, then another. Then we're frustrated that the kids aren't old enough
and convince ourselves that we'll be more content when they are.
After that we're frustrated that we have teenagers to deal with. But,we'll
certainly be happier when they're out of that stage and the house. We tell
ourselves that our life will be complete when our spouse gets promoted, when
we get a bigger house, nicer car, are able to go on longer vacations, when
we finally retire
The truth is, there's no better time to be happy than right now. If not now,
when? Your life will always be filled with challenges. It's best to accept
this and decide to be happy anyway.

One of my favorite quotes comes from Alfred D. Souza. He said, "For along
time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin - real life. But
there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through
first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid.
Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacleswere my life."

This perspective helps us see that there is no way to happiness. Happiness
is the way. So, treasure every moment that you have. And treasure it more
because you shared it with someone special, a person special enough to spend
your time with... and remember that time waits for no one...
So stop waiting until you finish school or go back to school, until you lose
ten pounds or gain ten pounds, until you have kids or until they leave the
house, until you start work or retire from it, until you get married or get
divorced, until Friday night or Monday morning, until you get a new home or
a new car, until your home or car is paid off, until spring or summer or
winter or fall, until you have some money or until you have no more, until
the first or fifteenth, until you've had a drink or until you've sobered up,
until you die or until you are born again to decide that there is no better
time than right now to be happy...

Happiness is the journey, not the destination.
"feng mo" is actually a kind of skin allergy. usually those anti-allergy medications i.e piriton, Zyrtec wld help. if u can identify the source of the allergens, that wld be best.

U r hyperthyroid??? Wow, hope u are not those who need to pop many PTU everyday.
HI B2!
Hey, I feel very cold nowadays too... everybody says I'm weird wearing a fleece jacket at work. It's cold even when I am running around seeing patients! *unimaginable* Sometimes at home, just a slight breeze gives me goose pimples... you going for dating scan later this week? Which hospital?
seems like u are faster than me when it comes to answering hong's qn. Hmmm, shld i go into the pathophysiology????
how's everything now??? got your babysitting plans sorted out??? i dare not dwell too much into it yet. not even more than 2 mths yet, anything can happen.

u mean the more languages they r expose to, the longer they take to pick up??? Ok, now i'm a bit relief. Ashley is still not making up any words yet n i'm getting worried. but she is definitley exposed to english, mandarin, hokkien and malay in the family. we were even intending to teach her German, but i guess we will wait for that. Now i wonder whether her auntie has been speaking Jap to her, coz she's always watching Jap anime in front of her.
hey i think there's a couple of us with the same problem. Pigletz too. cannot tolerate coldness, esp in the morning when i take a train at 7am, even though i have taken a long wait from my place to the train station. but i guess its air conditioned in A&amp;E, so u can see patient in jacket. Mine is C-class wards lah. I'm just comfortable in thw wards, when i'm back in my dept, i'll freeze death.
I'm going back to see my gynae in KKH. But a bit apprehensive over the waiting time. got to wait at least n hr to see my dr. i'm planning only to see my gynae at the end of the month. trying to get more mileage for the consultantion. cheapskate hor?
they can pick it up quite well just tat they start speech slower ...they can understand but cant respond back verbally? Initially we were quite excited to expose her to various languages cos i read tat children being expose to multi-language before age 6 will be able to master the symantics/grammer of the language and the language tends to stay with them for life.

But will drop the idea for now cos for Jana, I'm hoping that she can communicate via speech sooner eps when she runs into temper tantrums and her body language n actions all go haywire n we dun understand wat she wants.

i was also v v worried, i even read up abt autism and worried that Jana maybe autistic ...going crazy rite??? I told my hubby i find parenthood v stressful cos its 1 worry after another. He said that i shouldn't worry so much cos it will only create unnecessary pressures for Jana ..so now i try to relax a bit.
B2, Jul,

It will take me sometime to go and search for the term.. Piriton is the medicine we use for flu/cold right. the little one can take??

I think i need to go and do some read up on this.. i dun know wat cause her to have allergy.
Do u think the half boil egg will be the cause?? cos i feed her half boiled egg on weekend.
<font color="ff0000">cold</font>

I remember being cold too during the first 3mths..
Shook suggested Longan tea..
I suppose that's why we are told not to take "liang" things during this time makes sense.

<font color="aa00aa">catered confinement food</font>

Just to feedback on CF food..www.newbaby.com.sg

I had this last night..

Double Boiled Angelica Black Chicken Tonic soup
___Comment: Very herby!! Vey "nong" hard to drink once you have had the other dishes. Not Oily or too salty.

Pork Knucle in Ginger and Vinegar
___Comment: Not very sour, thick layer of oil, but the meats very lean. Not salty

Shredded pork with fungus and Sze Chuan Vegetable
___Comment: Nice with lotsa ginger.. although the vege is a little bit salty

Red date Longan Tea
___not too sweet like the ones from Yeo's

All the food comes in Microwavable Tupperware brand containers..$30 for trial. A bit expensive but worth just to try. The portion are huge!! I shared with hubby!!

Will try First Delight and natal essentials next week..

I still apply cos it will moisturise the skin mah.... hehe.... otherwise can feel the skin is so dry like that...

Oh yes I did use the binder (the velcro one) on top of the cloth binder (felt a bit like the egyptian mummy...hehe).

Ally 18 months rite?

So u wlbe working under female boss? Ai yai yai..... she the aggressive type?
Too bo chap or too aggressive is also not so good hor....

Interesting....what other brands do they have in Fr???
Did u compare MP's pricing with Pampers? I only used Pampers P for NB and now have 3 packs of XL Pampers P still unopened at home...
Pampers P can last Nat thru the nite??? Think they changed their packaging too??? Sealer is sold cheaper at Seng Shiong....

Headache - I hardly have them!!! Maybe less than 10 times in my entire life! I have no remedy, but since this pregnancy, it will just come.... I just wait for it to go away...lately I can also feel the throbbing at my left side when I feel so chuan..... I dun know if it's becos of the extra weight that I'm carrying....

Autistic? Huh.... wat makes u say that? Her behaviour?? She is so young, maybe dun know how to express herself herself... think u just continue to monitor her.
She looks perfectly normal to me..... How old is she now? She is prob. just blabbering now??

Btw one of my gf's son was diagnosed as autistic.... seemed he wud always arrange his cars in the same manner.... and hardly interacts with other ppl....
What other symptoms did u read about?

Hotdog - hehe...usu I dun eat hotdogs but I like the one at Ikea....

I have the Robinsons voucher... hope to drop by to take a look, thanks for info!

Cheeeemm....man.....the words that you typed re Feng Mo!!!! HAHAAAA!

I meant Jan' s birth weight lah....hehee... Now 14kg!!! Wowowo!!!!!!!! Think jesse is about 12kg...wait, when hb brings him swimming, wl ask him to put him on the electronic scale...

Feng mo...o dear... itchy or not??? On which part of her body?? Why she gets it???

Ur just tested means around 4 weeks rite? Ur cycle regular or not? Somehow I can feel the disappointment in u, am I rite??

I think hospital aircon usu. freezing rite...hehe... no wonder u two feel cold.... my office ah, macham like no aircon....actually I think it's me lah, when I leave for work, my whole face is already wet with perspiration! Hb always says I 'huo la la'!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahaha....
