(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Good Morning!!!

Nat back to earth! hahahah, still floating in ur holiday mood arh? mebbe can just do a list, then do/tick one item per day from today?

When i read ur description of ur c-section... i think u very brave leh.

Yeah... me jealous

Not going anywhere but hubby took leave for the first week of Nov to have couple time. I'm thinking of start to look now too but still having very packed workload here

yah.. please check out the workload. I moonlight at times so after work i still go home to work. Even with Jem being less sticky and hb around. I realised I can only do work proper after he Zzz. He will not allow me to close the study room and will keep walking in and out of the room, very distracting. Thus end up with me working till 2-3am. Long term very tiring...

One option can be sending them to 0.5day cc. At least you have 0.5 day to concentrate, tho got to fight with the desire to clean up home...hahah

hahahha.. my hubby got phobia of epi too!

can i ask any of ur kids showing signs of separation anxieties now? Jem been crying when he goes to school for the past few days. I worried something happen in school. But hb felt that he has been clingy to me recently tho i dun feel it. He still plays on his own most of the times tho he'll walk in n out of the room that i'm in. Then if i'm reading my book at the living room, he'll sit next to me n play his toys but hardly ask me to carry leh. haiz~~ i really hope is not something the teachers had done that cause himlike that

B2B3M4, think must be too tired while reading my mail. I was so tired the last few days, but last night, woke up at 5am and couldn't sleep anymore. :p
I said my LMP 28/8/05... urs 5/8/05. So, yours earlier.
Think I'll go and see gynae earlier coz irregular period not sure exact dates, so to get most accurate due dates, should go and get bb/sac measured by 8weeks. Think I'm in 6+ weeks already. B2B3M4, you should be about 9 weeks now??? Or do u mean your LMP is 5/9/05 instead?

U have so many folic acid? hehehee... free ones is it?? Folic acid very cheap... so you can keep urs... I'll go and buy if not, get from gynae.
Folic acid being sold only at $3 (if I am not mistaken) at Unity... no point getting from gynae if he/she is gonna charge u more...unless u dun mind paying for it...
i made the mistake. i meant my LMP is 5/9/05. so, yours is earlier. me, blur.
I dun have so much lah. its my profession. i have a whole load of them.
Just come back from gynae checkup.

They drew 3 tubes of blood from me for the Triple test. After that, feel abit giddy. anyway, have being feeling giddy for the past few days, Gynae say should go off within 3 to 5 days.

Everything is fine, gynae say that usually 2nd bb will be bigger and have to control diet. But after seeing my record for the 1st pregnancy, she say, it doesn't matter if i control my diet anot, cos my baby going to be bigger than Gareth. Just need to pray hard that the baby head will not be too big, cos Gareth head is consider very big liao.

So today, Gareth gets to see the bb also, and he keep very quiet when looking at the monitor. hahah, gynae commented that Gareth look too much like his daddy liao. hahahah
Please go take your folic acid okay. It's suppose to help to form your bb during the 1st trimester. Be good girl okay.

Ya, folic acid from gynae usually very ex, can get from GP or other source. My GP also charge me $3 for 30 tablets.
the way u talk sound like my hb... always coaxing me to take my meds. i think its a occupational hazard, see too much of it, can't imagine myself popping them.
Oh, i oso want to admit, i'm feeling cold most of the times. now everywhere i go, i'll bring along a sweater. or else, confirm will freeze on the mrt.

Re: cost of folic acid
I have checked. i can get at $4.45 for 100 tabs.
feeling like a drug trafficker.
seems to me u hardly eat and now ur doc ask u to control diet some more?????

b2 aka drug trafficker
how abt neurogain? i'm getting from my gynae and find it v v ex! but bo pian ...i haven;t been eating any fish ...
hahaha, not wanting to nag at you. But my auntie who takes care of Gareth now keep telling me that we are lucky now that got medication to eat during pregnancy. During her time don't have, that's why her bb got slight problem.

Don't take risk for the little one. Just take, one pill every morning. Very easy one.
hahaha, no no...gynae ask me don't need to control, cos control also no use. My bb going to be a very big bb with or without control.
I think I paid less than $3 for like 100 tablets from NTUC Unity......!!! There are 10 packs of 10 tablets each.

I have never brot jesse to my gynae cos the queue is usu so long and he will probaly get restless...already we adults feel so restless waiting and waiting...hiaz....

U not taking the NT scan?

I pop three tablets everyday w/o a thot...hahaha.... so long as it's for the bbies, me no complain....
Nat, I dun feel anything at all. Mine was a planned c-section. The antethestic administered the epidural once I was in the operating theatre. No, dont feel like elephant legs. I started walking the next day. Most pple thot I went for natural birth instead cos I looked so fresh. No side effects, no vomitting. I can even bf on that day itself.

Viv, I very timid and scared of pain too. But the thinking of seeing my bb first-hand with my hubby overcome my fear. I dragged my hubby to the operating theatre with me and it's the first time that I saw him cried. Heehee... that's really a wonderful life-time experience for both of us. That's why I always encourage pple to go for c-section epidural if you need to go for c-section. Wee-care is even more ex than GUG leh. And it seems that both cater similar thing.

shook, 0.5hr is too short. And her cost too ex liao. But she's a nurse rite?

Mom2Nat, ya lor, got no motivation to have No.2 at all. heehee....

styloBB, we used the same massage lady. She cant be contactable with her old no. leh. I also got low threshold of pain but I still manage to bf Vane almost immed leh.

brenda, Vane also more clingy to me recently, sometimes she doesnt even want her dad.

pigletz, you in ofc though you giddy? Shd get mc and go home to rest.
Wee Care student teacher ratio gd but v x

Wee Care student teacher ratio low, so x lor
My massage lady wz x KK mid wife dat's y I chose her. U hv super memory
Your hubby cried bcoz he happy?

R u anemic?

Chen Chen is clingy to me all the time
tks for d info, i checked out d website. mayb i will brg him for trial class n c how. same, wkend we alwy ended up in shopping ctr. weather so hot nowadays.
my frd 'recommeded' me 'D story Club' playgp by Pats Schoolhouse, quite ex too. but d person-in-charge 'invited' me to sit in w Ash for a free (i tink so, din ask properly) trial if i m interested. almost wanted to send him to pats schoolhouse cc then.

jus by 'agaration', in ur opinion, u tink GUG is suitable for such an active tod like Ash? he is 1 tat is on d move all d tx
how big is Gareth at birth? my gynae's estimate of Ash wt was v 'chun'. She said estimated to b 3.2kg n Ash's birth wt is 3.19kg.
yup, if d workload is too heavy/demanding, i probably wont take it up for now. mayb wen Ash is af 20mths, i may put him in half day cc.
Ash is super duper sticky n clingy to me. keep pulling my shorts whenever i m in kitchen or nid to do a bit of hsework. i told him, mummy's pants dropping, pls dun pull..
u need mdm zu number? 98804301 or 97470607 coz she changed number and i have both.

same!!! last time in old infant care, zl always bo heel me every morning when i left to work but recently he will shout at me or cried or looked very sad or sometime he even refused to wave bye bye to me!

ok, gtg... very busy...
p.s brenda, yeah i think it could be jem's cc coz for zl's case, the malay aunty is not as caring and nice as teacher. sometime morning she even shows black face to me... so i donno how she treats zl after i left. i have no choice but to call the principal for help... to request teacher to come in early to receive zl.
thot the folic acid is easier to pop than the calcium one? take lah... alas every day got to look for broccoli very troublesome..hahahah

Must nag liao... dun just think of bb, think of urself too! eat cos u need the energy to carry that bigger than Gareth bb. furthermore u keep travelling abt... Eat for fuel to burn so that u can feel less chills!

Hhhmmm Giggler,
Jem din wan his dad to carry him to school this morning too. Mebbe he's rite hor.. jem start to be clingy.

that's y i worried. Jem wasn't. I was afraid that the new teachers do thinks like beat him etc...hahahh, paranoid i think.

U another one.. dun just keep thinking of Ash yah, must think of ur health too.
call them up n put Ash's name down first, else need to wait v long.

u hv the number to call for the nepia home delivery?
The visit to gynae (Dr Paul Tseng) went quite smooth. Waiting time less than 30mins. Great! That's a plus for this Dr. I really don't have lots of time, so, this is great! In addition, it's so near my office.
The usual questions of previous pregnancy... LMP, etc etc...

Then the scan - Dr says bladder not full... go and drink water. Went out of the room, drank lots of water.. ehehee... water dispenser not enough water. Drank so much water that I felt dizzy. Waited for bladder to feel full. Feels a little full. Went in to see him again. Dr says bladder still not very full. Eeerrr.... Dr I cannot drink anymore...

Asked me if I want to do vaginal scan or wait for another week or two. I said vaginal scan... coz I want to date this pregnancy. He said okay... was really very gentlemanly. Said sorry to me before he inserted the throb. And he did it so gently! Gosh! At least I feel like a human being... unlike visit to other gynae. Checked around and saw the sac. Only one! Phew!!! That's great news at least... then he said sac very small... can't see much. He tried to measure... it didn't come up to any calculation. Hmmm... he said I should be 6+ weeks already, but sac looks only 2-3weeks, the most 4weeks.

He said that maybe bb not growing. Gosh! Sounds bad... We went back to his table and he checked his cycle chart again... he said conception date should be 9Sep2005, so I should be 6+weeks. I thought about it and reminded him that my period irregular and I think conception date was somewhere 21-23Sep2005 coz I charted and that's when ovulation seemed to be for me. So, it's because of my long cycle and irregular one too... Hmmm... then it should be right. He asked me to go back in 3 weeks for him to check again and see if bb is growing. We should be able to see by then. Oh! Dr also mentioned that if any bleeding, gotta go back and see him immediately... and he also mentioned that pregnancy will make the milk supply fall... so, am now worried about this aspect as well.

I went out and the receptionist gave me a date for 4 weeks. Think it should be fine.

Left the clinic feeling lost... in the end, decided, "what's to be will be... "
Came back to the office to look at my chart again... I have actually printed it, but forgot to bring it. Sigh! Should have remembered, then it might have been more accurate. Looking at the charts one more time kind of confirmed that I think I am 4 weeks. Oh well, I'll wait for 4 weeks time to see how. In the meantime, I have to wait for more symptoms of pregnancy to show (coz that's a good sign that pregnancy is going well) and continue eating my folic acids.

Oh, come to think of it, wondered it Doc really saw only one sac since he said that it's really small. ehehhee... :p

B2B3M4, think i am 4 weeks now. What abt u?
btw, can give a date for the playgroup?
hong just posted the tel nbr at our thread... it's 98804301. Thanks, jozl for the info as well... {pigletz, take note in case u wanna engage Mdm Zu.}
I smsed her to ask and her charges are still the same, $270.

I can't imagine c-section leh, my body is so far 'intact' leh, no cuts, hehe... I really hope and pray for natural again this time.
My gf also had pain but her threshold of pain was v high, she forced herself to get down from the bed and b/fed her bb.... !!! Aiyoh, take my hats off to her!!

Tel for Nepia: 6226 2650. That day I called and is a Jap-sounding man....
Promo till end of this month.

I am thinking of ordering from them direct...

Thanx for sharing.
Your cycle is irregular, so that's why u are ptr about finding the 'age' / gestational weeks of the bb is it?
If really four weeks, then think really small and can't be seen.
Wah, your gynae so frank ah, tell u everything... how do u feel?

U feel cold and dizzy cos not enuf blood is it? Make black chix soup.
I never perspired so much in my life!!
Pigletz went yam cha w Lyn.. not around. Dun bother to tell her what soup to drink.. i offered to make the soup for her she also lazy to drink..tsk tsk
tks for the no. err..Jap sounding ? can communicate properly or not? else i get my gf to call for me...

u ordering the NB diapers?

we going to the same clinic!!! provided u stick to P.Tseng lah. I seeing Phyllis Liauw. I saw P.Tseng last week cos my doc on leave, he's v gentleman but i'm not used to seeing male docs.
Viv! heheheeee...
Cool! I heard lots of good things abt Paul, that's why trying him this time round. Is Phyllis good? Did u use her last time round too?
stylobb n viv,
yup i order fr them. $14 is cheap, deliver right to doorstep somemore. tat day i called was a jap sounding lady, can speak english.
In April, Oprah interviewed Maya Angelou on her 70+ birthday. Oprah asked her what she thought of growing older. And, there on television, she said it was "exciting." Regarding body changes, she said there were many, occurring every day like her breasts. They seem to be in a race to see which will reach her waist, first. The audience laughed so hard they cried. She is such a simple and honest woman, with so much wisdom in her words!

Maya Angelou said this:

"I've learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow.
I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way he/she handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights."
I've learned that regardless of your relationship with your parents, you'll miss them when they're gone from your life.
I've learned that making a "living" is not the same thing as "making a life."
I've learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance.
I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw some things back.
I've learned that when ever I decide something with an open heart, I usually make the right decision.
I've learned that even when I have pains, I don't have to be one.
I've learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone. People love a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back."
I've learned that I still have a lot to learn. I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

Just something to share with all mummies.....
Hmm...frank doc...I guess so... altho hard to swallow the part that he said 'bb not growing'... I was thinking perhaps he was too quick to make that judgment without confirming the date of conception? My gynae is a lady of few words... hehe.... so normally she does not say much... but we are used to her lah.....

I also prefer female gynaes altho I keep hearing that the males are more gentle...

Can communicate, but I must speak slowly... hehe...
Yah, getting NB and S..... to stock up. Wl have them sent to my parents' place.
They take 3 working days for delivery.

They also take orders for the pants but must be minimum of 6 packs.

How u feeling today? Me not sleepy but tired..... feet tired lah......
Hb wants to go ikea with us tonite... hope I have strength to walk man, otherwise I will end up sitting on their sofas and chairs...hahahaaa...

I was smiling to myself: can't be the GM and his wife!!! Think May has left....
both my SILs seeing P Tseng. I saw him last week cos my doc was on leave and he's really nice n gentlemanly. Phyllis is not bad also, i used her during the last pregnancy as well. I feel she's sharp n gd at diagnosis. My last preg is a high risk one, she managed it well and she's those type who takes extra precautions. Decide to go back to her this time cos she knows my history and she could even remember that i needed the smaller calcium pills cos i keep choking on the bigger ones. She used to be quite unfriendly but is quite different now. Though she still like to suan people...but hubby n I find her quite fun lah! I asked her during the last visit if i still needed the hormone pills cos i left them in the car and its all melted and she said "oh how clever!" she quite stern with her nurses, which is gd cos they take extra care with her patients.

today not so gd for me leh ...i feeling sleepy cos Jana woke up at 445am today and din sleep till 6am..then din hv much appetite during lunch. now no mood to work ...so munching on bread now.

sit on the sofa n chair still okie leh ...hopefully u can resist the temptation to lie down on the beds ...hehehe
How come u changed gyne?
Chen Chen wz v small @ 1st scan. Gyne told me bb v small hv to b careful. No bb dance n gave me hormone pills to pop. Man I puke v jiat liat everytime I pop the pill. Took a few n stop @ my own discretion

Thx for sharing. Gd 1

I din update Chen Chen's blog for quite some time liao. I think I m a mth behind. Try to update whenever I can.
I visit blog of Ash n Ryan regularly too. Ruffy v on. Post quite regularly
Shook, sounds like there's hope! Can tell me how small chenchen was? For me, gynae couldn't even get a measurement out and in addition, he said looks like 2-3wks only when I am supposed to be at least 4+ to 5weeks. That's why I'm worried.
<font color="0000ff">Pregnant mummies</font>
Read in another thread that SHEA BUTTER from bodyshop can prevent strechmarks.. one mummy said that she applied in religiously x2 a day and didn't have any strechmarks..so we have 9 mummies here to test out hor.. if you gals get good results with it do let me know
<font color="0000ff">stylo</font>

Of course I'd opt for natural la... it's for in case in case...can never plan these things....

About Maxine- she dosen't kick now.. she squirms.. and sometimes when she's asleep..it's hard for me to turn.. I sleep on the left side.. How do you sleep??

Tonight so nice... go "pak tor" ah? I'm going to IMM giant to see about the pamper NB..

NEPIA- NB (how many pcs?) S (How many??)

<font color="ff0000">brenda</font>

Yah speaking of holiday mood... I've only just managed to wash the Perth clothes yesterday!!! Those turtle necks etc n outer jackets.. lol

Made a list already.. buuuuttt haven't TICKED any item ...heh heh.

<font color="0077aa">Sanrio</font>

eh I didn't know ash only 3.19?? and now he's like what?? and sleeps once a day?

Matt zz 1/2hr 10am or so..
and then 1hr plus 2.30pm or so..
then 9pm -7am...


Relax!!! don't over tax yourself...the sac IS there!! frankly I don't even know my LMP!!! Maxine's arrival is all based on her measurements!! And she's arriving soon!!!

<font color="ff0000">ruffy</font>

I think too late for me....
my stretchmarks beyond repair liao... sniff sniff
I visited my gyne on the 7th wk. Did vaginal scan coz Chen Chen small can hear heart beat but can't c fm scanning on tummy. My gyne din tell me the measurement
$3 for 100?? that's cheap leh. But anyway, now taking iron and calcium tablets, will switch to Obimin once i finish these tablets.

Err, What's NT test?

No sure if I really not enough blood anot, but I coming to think so too. Will ask my mum to make more soup for me after her tour spree. Hopefully she will come back 2 weeks later. hahahah

Oh ya, thanks for the number. Will give a call when it's able time for delivery.

No lah, I went to mum's place after the checkup, so login while waiting for lyn to call me on where to meet up. Not feeling giddy anymore as I took a cup of milo and 3 biscuit once I reach home.

Err, I dunno leh. Will wait for the blood test result to know if I'm anemic.

Gareth birth weight was 3.44kg. My gynae didn't really estimate his weight and was surprise that he's so big as well. Consider that my weight increment for the whole pregnancy was only 6kg.

don't nag at me liao lah. Lyn force me to eat so many things this afternoon until I feel so bloated now.
My fren natural lah. Unplanned pregnancy somemore.
I op for epidural tat time cos my gyane said my bb maybe big and 1st time mommy, he say better to, so tat I wont have phobia to childbirth. I gave birth at 40wks 6days. Nat was 3.6kg, with epidural, unassisted. Gynae estimated 3.4kg. But hor, I now phobia of epidural. Hb oso phobia I think. He got cold sweat, went out of the room. He say maybe the sandwich he ate b4 tat. Hmmm...

I take blood test EVERY MONTH in fr. And I took the glucose test, which is not complusory in SIn, but in fr yes. Tat one I drank glucose w/o food, and sat there 1 hr, after draw blood, I giddy, had to lie on their bed! IMagine every month I draw at least 1 or 2 tubes... I can imagine your torture.

My stretchmarks oso gone case liao. My mom had lots, so do I... Gynae say commercial creams no use one. Only way is laser off!!

Tat time my gynae couldn't detect heartbeat. Then tell me to come back 1 wk later. And he say in the meantime if I have morning sickness, it is a good sign. The worse it is the better, tat means bb is still growing... But hor, the wait until the next scan is terrible. SO hor, if you stil have morning sickness, tats good.
Giddy spell v likely low blood count. Take spinach n red dates. They r high in iron. Better than iron tablet. Natural better than chemical. Won't cause constipation somemore
Wow Gareth 3.44kg than your no 2 > 3.44kg
A gd leh gain 6kg 3.44kg goes to Gareth. Easy to slim dwn

WAT! NAT 3.6kg! Chen Chen 2.67kg abt a kg smaller than Nat.
I peng
your hubby said the sandwich he ate caused cold sweat. Man muz go into delivery rm to know how great a mum is
Oh yes I read dat the worse the morning sickness the better. Sign of bb growing swiftly
What are the best food sources of folic acid?
Leafy green vegetables are a good source, so try to have a large bowl of salad daily. Other sources include:

11 Brussels sprouts: 127 mcg.

Large jacket potato: 39 mcg.

4 tablespoons black eyed beans: 220 mcg.

7 tablespoons bran flakes: 113 mcg.

25g / 1 oz wheat germ: 100 mcg.

4 spears steamed or boiled asparagus: 88 mcg.

Medium-sized papaya: 115 mcg.

2 spears steamed broccoli: 61 mcg.

Large orange: 54 mcg.

Large hard-boiled egg: 22 mcg.

75g / 3 oz canned salmon: 17 mcg.

FYI Delicate folic acid in foods is destroyed by overcooking, so cook in a covered pan with the minimum amount of boiling water. Try to eat vegetables lightly steamed, microwaved, or raw
Good Morning Mommies!

The Shea butter no magic. My hb consistently rub in for me every evening.. there's still stretchmarks.

Why you all so lucky one!! the gynae can estimate quite accurately. Mine whole process keep telling me bb average, not big. At the birth table when pushing he went,"Oh baby so big!" I panicked dun noe like what! Jem turned out to be 3.395kg.. far cry from his less than 3kg estimation. hahahha
