(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

You are making me tempted to travel. I feel like gg somewhere... but with Nat... very troublesome, oso dunno how to enjoy.
Well, can't say u duuno how to take care of Jerald lah. I can understand, all of a sudden u take care full time then he got these probs. But like me, I take care of Nat full time, as and when she oso ill, fall down, blah blah... Just tat as they get older and more active, not easy liao lor. NOw oso more difficult for me to bring Nat out. I used to carry her in a carrier, then take bus to Tampines Mall.
DO you cook dinner for hubby?

I agree with Lyn, see Ashrel so cute... dun give up yet... I haven't given up you dun!! Hee... Nat has terrible sleeping patterns... Drink milk oso prob.. And wan me to carry most of the time.
When they dun nap, damn chia lat... Does Ashreal sleep at night? Nat can even wake up at night to play and cry leh... Been doing this for many nights liao. YOu say chia lat or not?? Until we zombie liao. So must "dong"... lor... Hee... Easy for me to encourage you, not easy for you I oso know, cos I oso come here complain complain then got mommies here gimme moral support.
O i c u gave both yoghurt n vitagen probably too much for Jerald's stomach to take it. Next time u know lor
Dun take it to heart wat your mum said. U r 1st time mum. A lot of things to learn mah. The elders oso hv a lot to learn fm us on the new mtd too
Dat's rite. Take the back seat, let your hubby do the booking. Isn't dat better?
During the cruise, Chen Chen wanted our food. My hubby put Chen Chen's food on his own plate n scope it for Chen Chen. Chen Chen ate the food thinking it is my hubby's food. May b u try dat on Jerald

Agree wif Lyn. Our tod too big to stay in bassinet liao.

Doesn't make sense dat infant fare more x than child fare hor

Trya can help u do hse work

Dun feel guilty. It's normal. I hv my fair share too
Morning mummies,
Yeah child will get prority when entering the same school. so if it is a famous school will bypass the ballot.

Nice pictures of Ash. This week will not be able to go down to your place.. maybe next week. Okay with you or not?

<font color="0000ff">Moving Pictures</font>
Step is as follows
1. open an account at photobucket.com if you do not have. The image tag link was taken from the website after i download my pics in. There is a button that say generate html at the right bottom. so just cut and paste the URL/htm that they generate into the template.

2. as for the movin train of pics, i used this code to make it move.

<marquee>put wat u wan here</marquee>
A funny conversation

Mummy, " Ryan how old are you?"

Ryan ," One"

Mummy," How old is daddy?"

(After thinking very hard that daddy should be older then me)

Ryan, " Fifty!!" ( Wrong answer . Daddy is only 33 yrs old)
* Daddy stares at Ryan in astonishment...

Daddy, " How old is mummy?"

Ryan answers, " TWO!"
I think your mum bu she de Jerald, since you start to be sahm, she don't get to see Jerald everyday. So, once there's a chance, she will tell you, you better go back to work. hahaha, sometimes old pple just don't say what they want.

ya lor, the child fare and the infant fare don't make any sense. Anyway, I will call up SQ again today to double confirm b4 I make my flight booking.
mummies, very funny wake up this morning...cant find jerald!!! then remember he at mum's plc

mon2nat, when they were younger, afraid that too long journey will make them cranky, worry the water supply of the other country, worry abt the weather not suitable for them...blah blah...now already young tods, walking and able to express themselves like "mum mum", "sleep"...etc it's still nvr an ez job to bring them abt.....but look at absolut (ally), they bn travelling almost every now n then...really pei fu.
yes, i do prepare dinner for hubby b4 i goes out. he's usually hme v.late, even by the time i'm back frm mum's plc, chances of him at hme also not v.high. i'll heat up the food when he's hme.

shook, the rascal v.clever. even we gave him his own plates..etc, he knows that it's bb food he's eating!! i resort to 1st scoop up some of his food, dipped them into my bowl for additional stuff, lied to him that i'm giving him extra 'yummy' mummy's food - b4 he accepts!!!
aiyo!!! that yoghurt was brought out b'cos we intend to hv dinner outside after going mil's plc!! so i brought it along for him in case he waited too long for food to come. but at mil's plc, hubby found vitagen frm the fridge - so 1 bottle shared among the 3 of us lor....it didnt occured to me then it was too much for his little tummy to bear. me so careless.

ruffy, ryan's blog v.nicely done!!

pigletz, i know she she bu de, and that the change comes almost very suddenly for everybody. but not that i dun visit her lah, as and when we bored at home, i'll seek back to her plc, or wait till my dad's off day, we all went out for maken/jln jln....it comes up to almost 2-3times a wk, that is...almost every alt days leh!!
anyway, what she scolded is rite lah....i too careless, chu xin da yi, didnt use my brain to be sahm, fed too much ang moh food to jerald!! which mum would stand here n watch her own kiddo fall frm bed?!?! it think no doubt she's harsh but i really deserved it lah.

k, better get change n go over liao...v.funny to stay at hme alone?? so quiet??
so you not going aussie liao ah?

Anyway, next time if you going, go ahead and buy child tix, don't need to bother abt infant tix. It usually cost you 10% of the published price, which is abt $3k per tix. This is for SQ.
pigletz, proposal rejected by hb. Even for bintan trip he said need to think about it. You mean child tix is only 10% of published price? Wah, $3K?
oh..nevermind lah, go next year lor.
Save more $$ then can go further. hehe

nope, infant fare is 10% of published price. Child fare is 75% to 80% of the fare, which can be promo fare. So it's more worthwhile. Especially infant no seat, no food. child fare got seat and food.
Pigletz,infant no food meh? I remembered when i went tokyo last year there was an infant without a seat just a bassinet on SQ and the air stewardness ask the mother if she would like to have jar baby food for her daughter lei. Gareth can use the normal seat belt or must bring those flight approved car seat?
they will give special lapbelt that is attached to your safety belt when u are on board. dun need to worry about seat belt. Car seat - better check if your model is approved and that they allow it if you intend to bring. I will not use car seat coz too restrictive and my monkey won't sit in it. also v.bulky.
SQ told me they will provide if we ask for it lah. I will let Gareth take the normal seat belt. but if he don't want to seat, can always carry him. If you take infant fare, you will have to carry for the whole trip, don't think they will squeeze inside the brasss...thingie
pigletz, when Sarah travelled back from the US, JAL by default gave us jars of baby food, bibs, etc etc etc. Hehehe. Even though she was only 6 wks old and couldn't possibly eat any of that stuff yet! She didn't have a seat, only a bassinet. We paid infant fare. We got two sets cos we changed plane at Narita.

mummies, how did you get your toddlers to eat bread and cheese? My Sarah doesn't like to eat bread or cheese. I'm trying to get her to take more different foods besides just cereal every morning. Is it because it's a new food? She's quite resistent at the moment. Hope that by persisting, she'll get used to the taste and texture and be able to eat bread. Bread can be eaten on the go, whereas cereal is difficult if I'm in a hurry to go out. Anyone with struggles to share?
Thx for sharing the tip on moving pic
Either Ryan thinks u r as young as him or he knows the appropriate ans to the appropriate party

Infant fare 10%, child fare 75% to 80% then infant fare cheaper mah
U mean if there is promo, infant fare is 10% of normal fare but child fare is 75% to 80% of promo fare?
If I bring Chen Chen overseas by plane, I better buy infant fare cyoz he kaola to me. He won't sit on his own unless he is in high chair

I mean put bb food in your own plate n feed Jerald the bb food scoped fm your plate. Dat's wat my hubby did. But your plate of food muz not b soupy 1
Dun blame yourself. U won't know Jerald's stomach reaction the 1st time u feed him mah. Different ppl hv different reaction. During wk n, I feed Chen Chen wat I eat for dinner. He ever hv 2 jumbo kiwi, a small cup of yoghurt n cereal (oats, musili, granola, corn flake). Chen Chen is ok. U think Jerald ok? Different ppl different reaction lar. Cannot 1 bamboo stick sweep dwn the whole boat of ppl
Regarding fall, tod is so mobile. Most of the time, he/she falls not bcoz adults r careless

Chen Chen is ok wif bread n cheese. My mum removes the boundry of "skin" fm the bread then sandwich the cheese 4 Chen Chen to eat @ breakfast. Back @ home, I tear cheese into small pcs n mix wif pasta 2 feed Chen Chen
next wk ah? no prob u let me noe agn.

ashrel loves wholemeal bread w cheese. he takes 1 slice of bread (skin removed) w half slice of cheese 4 brkfast. half hr later follow by his fav apple or banana w multigrain cereal, n 2 bot of milk (1 at 7.30am, 1 at 11am) he eats a lot a lot more than mommy evy morning! he is v v v active, play n climb until super sweaty so i guess tat's why he alwy hungry.

dear mummies,
tks, i m feeling much beta 2day. wont give up my job as a sahm for now...
Ally's been travelling on infant fare for SQ. Should be cheaper than child fare. Usually you can ask for an extra seat and they oblige if flight is not full. Always had an extra seat for Ally in flights. That's even when I had the bassinet. Even Qantas obliged us with an extra seat coz flight wasn't full.

There was once Ally's infant fare was more expensive than the adult fare coz we took the GV4 promo for SQ to HK. But FIL decided to still take infant fare coz the airport tax is lower. Can see which one is more worth it for you.

We tried putting Ally's food on our plate to feed her but she won't get conned so easily. She checks her food before she opens her mouth and if you managed to shove the food in, she spit it out. Sigh. They are getting too clever. We have given up and will feed her whatever we are eating.

Does Sarah find the bread too dry since she's used to eating cereal. How abt giving her water as soon as she's fed the bread?
Ally was really comical last nite. She's seen me putting on my foundation for some time now and I realised she started doing the same action last nite and that's the first thing she did this morning when she woke up. Sure makes going to work and leaving her more difficult.
Guess Ally is sick of her own food n wanna try something new since she spat it out after tasting. She remembers the taste
The funny thing is she seems to like salty food more than sweet stuff, unlike most kids. Think she inherited it from her daddy and my MIL. She even rejects super super sweet honeydew and longan. Strange. Prefers fried bee hoon to chee cheong fan with sweet sauce.
pvl, i usually spread one cube of laughing cow chesse on the bread, then tear into smaller pcs for him.

shook, didnt occured to me lah...will try using the method later.

pigletz, still hvnt got the sunblock, eventot i saw it at robinsons...mum said too expensive *sign* then when guardian n saw banana boat for baby!!! pink packing $18.90 same mah...
Well, the sunblock is expensive i agree, but I think it's good lah. Whether the rest works the same anot, I don't know. hehehe, One thing confirm, this sunblock smells okay and not oily.
pigletz, expensive or not still must buy rite - unless you dun use!! i dare not/didnt open to smell any of the brands cos salesgals ard.
aiya, in that case hor, why not you just pop by my place and take mine to use? Return to me after you come back from Bintan. Want?
MIL gives bread w cheese on top and I give them separately at home. Aelwen loves bread...sure to ask for some when she sees the loaf.

You are quite strict about Chen Chen's food hor? I've already let Aelwen try all sorts of stuff. She refuse to take cereals and porridge so have to give her bee hoon or rice with soup. Also let her eat our adult veggies liao. She very picky eater....MIL always complain

Hee...u seems to have to same problem as I have with Aelwen. They are too clever for us to con them.

Sanrio &amp; all SAHMs here,
You know I really take my hats off all the SAHMs. You guys are really a patient lot. I've lost my patience with Aelwen many times already and I'm not SAHM. I salute you!!

How I wish Aelwen eats like Ash....she's very selective to what she eats. Will be very excited about new food but after 2-3 times, she sian already then we must find new stuff for her to try again.
I let Gareth take all sorts of food, the most recent one is OTAH. hahaha, and he seems to love it. When he's with us, he don't take bb food cos he is more interested in our food. So I just let him eat lor. My mum say it's good that he takes everything.

know you gonna shake your head on the food thing. hahaha, but you just pretend you never see my post okay?

Btw, i know what you mean by buying infant fare since Chen Chen koala you. But why pay for one without seat when you can pay for one with seat. You can still koala Chen Chen even there's a seat. Can use it when he's sleeping or whatever. Anyway, this is my personal view only.
Aelwen really sounds like Ally when it comes to food. We have to crack our heads to think of new recipes to cook for her coz she'll reject it after a while. She's rejected all her favourite food in the past.

Ally loves otak too. She felt the chilli effect coz she sticked out her tongue, perspired and scratched her head but insisted on having more. She tried a bit of chilli padi too. Looks like they have the potential to be chilli lovers.

Started with salt already. No choice, she refused to eat all her bland food.
Are you there? Need to check with you if you ordered the mooncake for me already coz suppose to pick it up tomorrow. Hopefully you are checking the forum coz dun have your mobile no leh. Let me know how to pay you also can?
I m strict wif Chen Chen's diet. A bit relax now. He gets to eat cheese, yoghurt wif fruits, digestive biscuit. I give him soup but b4 adding seasoning. A reason y I dun add seasoning n oil to Chen Chen's food is bcoz I m worried he gets choosy over his food after he tasted food wif seasoning. I oso dun let him eat fried food. I m worried when we go to my MIL's hse for lunch on next CNY. Her food is always fried n salty. I hope by then Chen Chen is used to bland taste

Absolut, Mom_Mom
No offence hor. IMHO, your gals already tasted adult food, dat's y they reject bb food The taste is v different

Gareth's stomach is strong to take chilli n coconut milk in otah. Not all young tod can take it
I mean since infant fare is cheaper n Chen Chen will want me to carry him all the way then no pt paying for a seat
Last time I oso dun allow any seasoning into Nat's food. Then I read and article in young parents, which said tat we think dun let them eat food with seasoning, so tat they won't choose or get accustomed to it... but on the contrary, maybe bcos they hardly get to eat food with more taste, they prefer those "forbidden" food even more, like junk food. I dunno how true, my hubby was the one who read it then tell me to read. Maybe there are some truth in it.
I let Nat drink juice, but she prefers plain water... Maybe more of their choice rather than sweet and salty will be their fav.
mon_mon, mom2nat, absolut n foreverfrd,
i hav been quite strict w ash diet too but so far he is not a 'fussy' eater n i m tkful tat he eats well. he can eat pasta soup w chicken, carrot n brocolli for lunch wks af wks, n has been eating brown rice porridge w vege, chicken n fish for dinner for many mths oreadi. so far i din add any seasoning.
but i do hav a small 'prob'. ash rejects white porridge. i can cook d same way w same ingredients as his brown porridge but he jus dun like wen he tasted white.
he has been eating his organic multigrain cereal for v v long too.
hope he will alwy b a gd eater but i do read tat no matter how, 1 day or at certain stages our toddler may turn picky. like wat mom2nat said, it's jus their 'preference', can b suddenly developed. my frd shared to me, her daughter jus 1 fine day at 2+yrs old 'decided' not to eat/like vege n all along she was fine w vege.
I agree that children may like forbidden fruit more. I saw that happen in my cousin. My uncle was so strict with her, even told her that sweets were spicy to scare her. So she never had junk food until she went to school and had her pocket money... she secretly bought junk food to be like her peers. Fortunately she didn't eat that much lah... I think everything should be in moderation... I am strict with ian too. haven't given him any seasoning except recently when his intake was so poor that I just gave in... offered ice cream, jelly, undiluted fruit juice. He didn't take to any of those either. When his intake was improving, he chose water over juice, like Nat. =)

Sanrio, Ian also not keen on plain white rice porridge. He likes to munch on rice though, started recently. He takes his brown rice porridge daily.... going on for months liao... hope things stay like this. =)

Shook, cheese is high in salt actually.
Fm the day I gave Chen Chen winter melon dip in water till today, he doesn't want plain water which he used to drink quite a fair bit. I learned my lesson

Ash's reaction is wat I meant. U gave him brown rice fm young, so he prefers brown rice. He is not fussy, u din add seasoning.
I do agree some pt in time, tod will b fussy wif food. Dat's y they tasted food wif seasoning

Gareth is the exceptional one. He simply loves food. Rite

Cheese is salty. Dat's y I told Mom-Mom I m more relax dat Chen Chen gets to eat cheese n yoghurt wif fruits. But seasoning is still a
@ the moment
ya, if infant fare is cheaper, I will choose infant fare too, but it's not actually lor. At least for this time when I'm taking him to Taiwan.

Yup, Gareth simply loves food. He will 'mum mum' at everything. We have let him drink winter-melon drink and other sweet drinks b4, but his favourite is still plain water.
He's not fussy over food, for porridge, he can eat it plain without seasoning and he can eat it with seasoning too. haha, conclusion, he is greedy for food. hahaha. anything can go into his little mouth and tiny tummy.
Think it may have started with MIL cooking very tasty porridge for Aelwen since she started on porridge. She would add meat, fish, veggies to make it really tasty. She used to love it. However, after she turned one, she starts to reject it and like to eat rice with adult fish, veggies, etc. Then recently, change pattern again. These days she likes to eat plain rice with soup. Don't even want adult food anymore.

Yesterday, MIL out veggies, chicken, fish balls into a plate for her to pick, plus her usualy bowl of rice with soup. She didn't even eat any of those from the plate, just took the rice. She look at the plate, then she gets angry. Seems like nothing in there is of her liking. We all shake our head at the sight

Sometimes I wonder if Aelwen will grow up to be chef. She's picky eater, likes to hang around the kitchen and she choose the red eggs during her one-year old "selection" ceremony

hahaa....maybe we can exchange recipes. 2 heads is better than one. Sometimes I give up so just give her adult food. Save all the trouble of her spitting out her food and I have to do major cleaning after meals.

u r lucky that Gareth goes with anything. I have also given Aelwen fruit juice. She don't like it...still prefers plain water.
Hey Mummies cracking head over what food to prepare, I have seen NTUC selling cookbooks and my fren told me one title was food and porridge for babies (i think). I think it's pretty good as there are chinese instructions, so our mothers n MILs can prepare the food for our darlings!
yup, I'm lucky in a way. Unlucky in another way, cos means everytime i eat, i can't eat peacefully cos he wants to eat everything that i'm eating. That's why nowadays i enjoy lunchtime more then anytime. hahahhaha
shook, wah, your chen chen sounds quite stubborn.... don't want water after drinking winter melon water. How now? Does he take plain water again?

absolut, yah, maybe the bread is too dry for her. I'll try to give her a sip of water after every morsel of bread. She just keeps the bread in her cheeks like a squirrel.

mon-mon, don't salute me! I also get fed-up with Sarah often. She's at a tantrum-throwing stage now. Screams and cries at every little thing. I'm trying to teach her that throwing a tantrum is "wrong behaviour". Don't know whether she can control herself or not. Some days are better than others.
The winter melon dat I gave Chen Chen is the preserved one tong gua tiao. V v sweet.
I blur liao
Infant fare 10% of adult fare, child fare 75-85% of adult fare then how come infant fare more x than child fare?
I always feel dat Gareth is n easy boi. Develops fast, not clingy, easy to feed, sleeps in his cot, no separation anxiety, stoutly......

Aelwen is indeed v choosy in dishes. she is a rice eater.
Pick egg, hahaha Aelwen will b a chef
My mum adds vege, meat, fish to Chen Chen's porrige. He eats happily. My mum started giving Chen Chen rice a few spoonful few wks back. He is still taking porridge n cereal

Chen Chen drinks plain water only when he eats v v dry food. N he takes a few sips only
Oh yes, wanna share wif u. Tis morning, I saw my mum fed Chen Chen cheese wif bread. She tore the bread n cheese into v small pc, abt the size of 1 1 cent coin. Put cheese on top of the bread n give Chen Chen. She said she found dat sandwich cheese between a slice of bread is too big a pc
Halooo everyone,
Wah so quiet here these 2 days? Where's everyone? I only know brenda went to HK. The rest of the mummies leh?

RE: cheese
Cheese is indeed very salty. I bought the laughing cow brand for Kieran...aiyooo, so salty... n cos i dun wanna give him anything cold, so i usu take out the cheese from the fridge, then after a while i give to Kieran. By then, it's like oredi melted. Looks so yucky...
Mommies interested in getting Portable Bedrail,
I've a special offer from Kidzloft, an internet bb product sales site before they offer them in their web site from next Monday.

Usual Price: $72.90
Kidzloft Price: $44.90
Your Price: $33.90
*Buy 2pcs at a special price of $49.90

I'm getting a piece. Anyone keen to share so can get it at 2 for $49.90? Pls let me know by tmr. Thanks.

I'm no better. Everytime we eat, Aelwen sure to want some of our feed, even if she has just finished hers.

Aelwen gets tired after having those yummy porridge for a couple of months. She used to take fish with no prob. Recently, she just hates fish. Even we try to hide it among other food, she can just take even the little bit of fish in the food. Think she's like hb's family...all don't like fish.

Aelwen is very funny. Recently, we realised she only practice good habits at home
she will eagerly ask us to put her on the hi-chair when she knows we are going to feed her. However, she just refused to sit in the same hi-chair at MIL's place. Guess MIL is not very strict with her. She sometimes let her run about during meal times.

Guess our tods are getting nearer nearer to the terrible two stage
the thing abt infant fare is, it's 10% of published fare, which means the full fare without discount. So, if the published fare of that flight is $3000, the 10% will be $300. But for child fare, it can be 75% of the promo fare. For example, the promo fare is $298, means the child fare is $224. You see the different already?

Mon Mon,
guess we have to accept that our kid is no longer a baby, but a toddler.
