(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Saw ur msg, thanks

Actually Eureka sms to me also on what she told u to tell me. Anyway, thanks alot.

i m here lah ... me no mood to chat these few days, coz my big toe hurt like mad after i sprained it on Wed. I hv been limping to work these few days .... plus hving headache and pain on my right shoulder, where got mood to chat ... only come in here to look see look see when i m abt to knock off.

Skyblue, Jul
I didnt know cheese is salty, i always take it with bread ... esp these 2 weeks, i buy cheese sandwich fr canteen everyday ... no wonder i can finish almost 3 bottles of water/ribena/bali everyday!

Didnt see u in the forum also, hope u r much better fr ur giddiness, nausea etc. It's TGIF, rest well over the wkend!

Mummies who r going to disney bb contest
My MIL told me my SIL is bringing her bb to the contest. But tomo YH is going for his 9 mth assessment, if my toe is much better, and i dun limp, and YH is not too tired, i will bring him to UE to cheer for his cousin

I think i can at least recognise Shook and Giggler, since i hv seen ur photos b4, and i can definitely recognise all the bbs
If i go, i will try to look for the forum mummies here

Have a great great wkend ahead!
HI Mon MOn, Deer,
Tks for sharing the msg.....initially wanted mon to convey the msg to deer as well when she sms me. Then I tot i may as well forward the replied sms to u deer

Hey, if u r really interested to fix ur aching problem n want to try out the one at neil rd, do make ur appt early. Just back frm bro's place n gathered that they really expand real fast n business very good. Lots of referrals, Japanese, korean, italian all go to them as well. Sidetrack, these study mama frm china are real professional in hometown. Glad to hear that their daughters are doing very well, mostly in gd JCs and SELP schools!

Deer, u really full of little hurdles lately! Do take care.

Mon, did u go whampoa today to destress? Can take their karate chop or u stayed at home, still flustered over wen??
my little pianist (hope so)

Ash: ah ah... point at piano
Mummy: u wan to play d piano?
din noe ash likes d piano so much. (i din ask him 2 pose 4 d pics, really) i put him on d chair n he started 'playing' n smiling, then he started to 'concentrate' n looked serious n even tried to reach 4 d higher notes. me so excited (ks mum, keke), took my cam n snap snap snap, hope my piano wld no longer b a white elephant...

Hi mummies

Have been busy lately coz hubby is outstationed. The topic today seems to be on our toddlers' diet?

Alicia has also stopped eating porridge for more than a month already and she also loves rice with tasty soup and watever food we cook at home. I'm thankful my mom has started helping me out lately and she cooks really good food for Alicia and us. So my gal is obviously gaining some weight lately. Feeding these days is less of a problem tho i do agree they tend to fancy different foods at different times. Does Aelwen drink much milk still? How much does she drink a day now?

Alicia only likes eating certain bread eg. bread with raisin/cinnamon/walnut. She doesn't really like plain bread with spreads. Have u tried all sorts for Sarah?

Ya,i agree with u on the part on our babies rejecting food at times when they see their bowl being used. So at times, me and baby both eat frm my same plate and she'll take it happily:p

Ashrel napping less in the day still? Wah....he can climb up the slide by himself? He is really strong!Hahaa

How have u been? Update us a little on how you're coping with your 2 darlings

How's Nat lately?

Ryan is learning fast!! U must be really thrilled with his progress!

Do ur babies still wake in the nite for milk? I wish Alicia can skip her middle of the nite feeds. Really disrupts my sleep especially with my hubby outstationed this week.
Nope....actually thot of going to Wan Yang for shoulder massage but gave up the idea last min. Then came home and got stiff neck at night....punishment for being lazy

Aelwen takes about 3-4 milk feeds a day.
6-7am morning feed 180ml (sometimes skip this if she wakes up late)
9-10am breakfast feed 180ml
3-4pm afternoon feed 180ml (sometimes skip this if she ask for snack)
9-10pm last feed 210ml with 1 scoop of cereal

Aelwen seldom ask for milk at night. Even is she wakes and make a fuss, I'll only give water unless she really make a big fuss or rejects the water. I'm the lazy mom training her not to wake up for milk since she was 3-4mths old. MIL also kept nagging me not to give her milk at night cos will make her put on weight. Don't know how true is the weight part lah but I do want to get more sleep
hello mummies
I havent't posted for a looooooooong looonnnng time. have been feeling unwell and down lately. Well..this is wat happen when u messed up your calculations...


yes .... I'm expecting. hubby's v happy n excited ... but cant say the same for me ...i was in shock n denial ... and din wanna tell/talk to any1 abt it. Din even tell my parents till I was admitted to TMC last week for bleeding. luckily everything turn out ok and now i'm on mC for 2 weeks, resting at home. Left Jana's at my mum's place cos doc din want me to carry her for the time being, only visited her twice and I missed her terribly.

managed to skim thru the posts and seems like all the bbies here are moving into toddlerhood already. somehow Jana is still stuck in babyhood ... she hasn't spoken any words except papa, daddy n mum mum. she's still crawling around n refuse to walk and dun really like cruising around either. am getting worried that her development is kinda lagging behind. hopfully she learns how to walk by mid-autumn festival so that she can carry her own lantern

pigletz, brenda
hasn't forgotten ur request for pics of Jana ...

yeah ...i read r msg on the mickey ice-cream toy from disney ... wanted to buy that for Jana too but hubby tot she's too young to play with it n we ran out space in the storeroom...so in the end din buy. as for the kitchen set ... hubby n I wanted to get the little tikes kitchen set for her frist birthday ...again decide to wait till her 2nd birthday instead cos she'll be able to appreciate the toy better then.

yes... we got the same ball pit...amazing how u n hubby blew that thing up ...me and hubby take turns to pump it up and already v tiring!

okie ...here's some pics of Jana

Jana enjoying her bath time


managed to tie up Jana's hair


Jana's precious pearlies ...so far she only got 3 teeth, 2 at the bottom and 1 on top. the 2nd one on top is taking a looooong time to push thru ...
Hi viv,
CONGRATs! Understand how u r feeling! After awhile, u will be more rational to accept the reality. ELyse also arrived UNPLANNED n UNEXPECTEDLY but she is really a beautiful god's gift! Come to think of it, if were to let hb n I chose an auspicious date or time to conceive, I dun know when will I have the courage. So this initial 'bomb' that landed also took awhile for me to accept. Hb was happy like urs too.

It will be tough in the beginning as #1 is still so young n demanding. But watching them grow together with close age gap is really a plus pt too. Endure n things will fall into place nicely....all is well n beautiful. Yes, u may lament life is not the same, u cant enjoy as much with Jana (unfair for her), no time for urself, so much to do, to see, to travel, etc. But with #2 arrival, all these thought will diminish. N soon when both are older, whole family will go travel together while u r still young, energetic n still chio mama, rite?
I already start to visualise making short trips to nearby with my 2 kids n hb. Time flies n they grow up very fast.

Take heart n do take care. Pregnacy is also a period where u can afford to eat without guilt mah

Just sharing my own experience n hope to cheer u up? Blur foto but i feel very heartwarm to see them playing together, their laughter melts...




Jana............dun worry abt her. I bet she will develop rocket fast once she starts talking, walking! She is 'lazy' now but once she is on her feet, she maybe a sprinter (how to spell) n a real chatterbox
? N images of active n very jing Jana at elyse's party still linger in my mind!

Hi Pringles,
I am fine n slowly adjusting to life handling 2. Been going thru quite a bit of stress as I am pondering on Rae's development. Shd I withdraw him frm c/c n send him to enrichment classes instead etc. I mean I cant afford to wait or laze ard saying tat he is still too young
.....just toying with the thoughts though.

Wow, alicia is eating ho liao nowadays. Popo cooking...yummy! So an wei hor, alicia is developing so well!

Hi mummies,
Everyday sunshine n laughter to all of u yah?!
Hi Viv
Congrats! Think you haven't gotten used to the idea that you've another one coming. never mind, wait til bb starts kicking in you etc, then maybe you start developing the bonding with your no.2. were you planning to have no. 2 later on? Agree with eureka, nice to have the 2 kids with a closer age gap then they can play together. Love to see my 2 nieces playing together and how the elder girl will protect her sis. eureka's pics also very very wen xin. Can't wait for no. 2 to be born coz I think Ally can get quite lonely sometimes. She gets really excited when she sees her cousins at my parent's house. In the past, she'll cry when she sees that her cousins are not leaving in the same car as her.

How come you're suddenly pondering again? thot rae was adjusting better in c/c now?

Good that you've having more help these days. can you start training alicia to stop her nite feeds? Has she been weaned off from BM?

Just saw my bb boy at the gynae yesterday and he couldn't stop moving. he rolled around, moved his hands, jumped and kicked. My goodness... Gynae said looks like you're gonna have a really active boy. really hope no.2 will be a little less active coz Ally's energy is amazing. She is even more active than my friend's son.
Congrats! I understand the shock that you feel when you see the positive sign. But guess, it's really a gift from God as what Eureka say. I have find that being able to get pregnant is really a gift as I have alot of friends who are trying to concieve but can't. Do everything they can, but still no news. so sad. So, must thank God for his gift to you and your family.

Jana still looks soooooo pretty. Hope that I can see her real soon.

Gareth once in a while will wake up in the middle of the night for milk. But that only happens when he got a bad fall/fright or not feeling well.

forgot to tell you, not sure if it works for you, but try sleeping with Ashrel during the day, and when you see him abt to wake up, just act that you are sleeping, after a while, he might just go back to sleep. I usually do that, but haha, i will act till i really fall asleep. hahahahha
wanna share with you something that I will make sure that Gareth will stick close to me next time that we are near the lift.

We were on our way home yesterday night. Usually, Gareth will walk and follow his dad to go open the letter box. And I will follow behind. Maybe due to the daily routine that I really didn't follow close behind him. Instead of him following my hubby, he run into the lift on his own. And the lift door stands to close. I dash with all the speed I had to quickly go press the button, but the lift door just close tightly. I really dunno what to do but keep on shouting for my husband. Thank God, the lift did not go up and eventually the door open.

I really dunno what to do if the lift eventually go out and what will happen to Gareth. So, I will never let him go near the lift without holding his hand again.
congrats. i agree w pigletz, bb are a blessing from God. u c d fotos eureka posted, so 'wen xin'. my frds alwy tell me, 'xiong' at 1 go w'thin d 1st few yrs then can 'xin lang' earlier. u take gd care

oh oh! if me sure shock n mayb cry. gd tat d lift door open n gareth is fine. he din cry ah?
yes i try slping w ash during d day. haha, i will fall aslp too. but once he's awake, if gd mood, his eyes big big n starts jumping. if bad mood, can scream n cry w eyes tightly closed.

yes he is still taking 1 nap only, abt 1 to 1.5hr. only today, we brought him to mkt in morning n he was so tired so took a morning 1 hr nap. wen 4 disney bb foto shoot at mid noon n af play n play he fell aslp in united sq.
but he usually slp tru d nite unless teething discomfort.

d fotos u posted alwy v 'wen xin'.
viv congrats! Rest well! Jana looks as sweet as usual!

eureka, haven't seen your postings in a while. Glad to see your 2 darlings again.

Sanrio, Ash looks so pro at the piano! Can sit for you to take so many pictures! hehehe... u can start training him liao. Ian not interested in keyboard at all... he prefers the drum. *damn noisy*
CONGRATS!!!! i said everyone congrating u so deciding to drop by.. gosh.. i never miss much.
BLEEDING, pls rest well.. no moving... bed rest is impt. I am happy for both of u.. no 4 of u.

How am i going to pass u ur stuffs?
Congratulations!! Can imagine how u first reacted to the pregancy test result. But i think u'll gradually gear up and be more than ready for no.2 Take care of yourself well! Jana's pictures look good


Last 2 nites, amazingly, Alicia slept thru without asking for milk. I'm keeping fingers crossed.

I admire babies who can drink big bottle of milk. Alicia seldom goes beyond 120ml each time, the maximum is 150ml for the bedtime feed. The thing is, Aelwen is still drinking well thru the day, but Alicia has dropped her daytime bottles almost entirely!! She only drinks at 6-7am and bedtime! Once in a blue moon, she will take an afternoon bottle. So when she really stirs in the nite, and refuse water and patting to sleep, i got no choice but give her milk coz she will happily return to sleep immediately after. I think for no.2 next time, i will try your method of weaning the nite feeds earlier. Sounds easier said than done tho:p Every baby so different. Thks anyway.

Alicia has been on FM since 7 mths old. Ally sleeps thru the nite too? Wow, so exciting to see ur boy on the scan!! Really happy for u. U started buying clothes for him yet?

Aiyo, wat an experience with Gareth at the lift! Thks for warning us. I'm also always keeping close watch on Alicia everytime she runs into the lift herself. I would also freak out if such incident happens to her. Did Gareth cry?

Think u are enjoying life now with the 2 at home
Breathless and busy but fulfilling? heheh....eh, u popping by at punggol later? Think if weather is gd, i might fly kite at our area later with my parents and Alicia!

Have a relaxing sunday mummies!!
Hi Pringles,
No lah, these days, weather so unpredictable, planned a few park activities but always cancelled! Give the 'fly kite' activity a miss totally.

Hey, last time I stayed at same blk no as u but at toa payoh

Alicia, elyse also shun milk these days. Made usual 240ml for her, she finished only 120ml, then I must coax n wayang to get her to finish. I v persistent but gave up in the end

Sarah does not like bread n cheese? Elyse spit out all the cheese too! N I try feeding Meiji milk and cereal to her. She was enthusiastic in the beginning n then all spit out after a few mouthful!

Seem like refusing more n more food! Only want to carry handbag, slotting things into the bag n parade ard the whole hse! Sarah also like tat? LAst time, u mentioned sarah luv to suck the bath face towel, elyse up till today, still doing so!!!!

Hi MOn,
Wan yan gd anot? Quite packed at toa payoh (think so, not sure the name). Tried Kenko at Marina, their 'kong li' is really very superficial to me, not shiok at all

Hi Mum2nat,
If u r reading here, just let u know, remember to seive the soup off frm those bones hor, very important.

See here, familiar, think our toddlers are behaving as such? Throwing tantrum n kicking. But I can still afford to laugh merrily when I see her in such stage, v cute. But when she is older, bet I will feel that she is a monster, like Rae!


Hi Brenda,
U r in HK but last evening met a 6YO little girl n want very much to share with u this. We were eating dinner n she came over n played with elyse. Suddenly, she oso out of context talked to me 'I didnt cry at the dentist when he pulled out my 2 front teeth!'.....I was like huh, wat's r u talking? hahahhahaha........kids have gd memory n if they want to relate any incident, there is no right time for them I think n they wont care who are they talking to too.

Hi Deer,
Remember u earlier mentioned u worry abt YH's development? The 6yo girl tat i shared with brenda above didnt walk till she is 18th mth! She talks very maturely n very charismastic! I am very impressed, who care if she walked early or late then?

Just repeating here again, Rae didnt flip at all! Neither did he crawl much at all too. Now at the playground, he n all tods of his age are at par, running, jumping, hopping etc. So really no worry at all........

Hi Absolut,
I have a change of plan. Now that elyse is back to me for good, tot it is gd to integrate more the 2 together. Then tot sending Rae to more productive or fun filled enrichment classes will be more worthy......

He is coming 3yo liao, can merge into another specific learning environment, I think.
Maybe i am wrong, I am still pondering n finding out more.

Ally is interesting, wow, bite!!!!! Hahahah, imagine the active didi with the ferocious jie jie, u peng!
U must grow to be a monster mama to tame the 2 then...hahahaha.........

Hi Mummies,
Must we feed only CHEERIOS to our tods?? I saw them at ntuc n liberty. SO big pack n at $10+, how to finish? I fed normal POST corn flake, any problem??

Mummies, do ur tods start to choose their own clothes n insist? Elyse does for the 1st time last evening. Insist on wearing her bro's Disney T. She seems to have a natural liking for Disney characters, keeps pointing at Mamy Poko's winne the poo too! I nvr introduce these characters to her at all.

Insist on wearing the very much oversized T last evening......I gave in n off we wwent out to have dinner........courageous hor?


Dressed her up today in this BUT......

Went to the dirty laundry to search for this dirty Disney T worn ytd evening again!!!!! FOUND! OMG!

Hi Jul,
I am 'bombing' this thread again.....Ian sure knows lots of words! Visited Ian's blog, very interesting..........
I started my kids' blog in April using LJ but till now, dun know how to insert foto, sure is dumb me rite?

U take care.......
See how stubborn Ryan can be..below is what we did today
Mummy has been teaching me to express my love to her and daddy. I have been very dilligent in learning and has made good progress.

Mummy," Ryan say Wo Ai Daddy."

Ryan, " Wo Ai DADDY!!"

Mummy," Wo Ai Mummy!"

Ryan, " Wo Ai DADDY!"

Mummy," I love Daddy."

Ryan," I love Daddy."

Mummy," I love Mummy."

Ryan, " I love Mummy."

Mummy said that I made a mistake as she asked me to say " Wo Ai Mummy" but I said " Wo Ai Daddy". She tried again a few more times but my answer was still " Wo AI DADDY!!".. Haha.. doesn't she get it? She tried to trick me by saying " Wo Ai Daddy" then saying " Wo Ai Mummy" after that and getting me to repeat what she had said but my answer is still " WO AI DADDY!!"
Light cheese is not so salty

Ya rite, Aelwen doesn't sit in high chair @ your MIL's plc bcoz she is allowed to move abt while eating
Aelwen in terrible 2 stage ?

Ya I get u. Dat's d question I asked u on 18 Aug 1:16pm but u missed dat out.
Thx for sharing the lift incidence. Did Gareth get a shock?

Ash is talented in music

. I always feel dat the heaven up there knows when is the rite time to send the crane wif a bb in the mouth
Careful n rest more since u hv spotting
Dun worry too much. Chen Chen walked 2/3 steps 2 wks ago; yes'dy 14 steps BUT he still prefers to crawl. He walks only when he plays until he is v excited n din know he is walking. The eldery told me he hao ming
(I m not sour grape, other mummies dun pong me hor). Frankly speaking I m not worried @ all. Eventually all will walk n talk, it's juz a matter of time.

Your 2 darlings v loving

Dun cc teach Rae something?
Normal corn flake can. Chen Chen loves granola, museli, oats, corn bran.... Lee said chiam, Chen Chen eats ang moh jiat like mummy. Hiak hiak hiak
Elyse so chio, starts choosing clothings liao. Gals r gals. oops, mummies wif gals dun pong me

Boi is normally more active than gal. B prepared

Nice dat your mum helps u. U hv a company
Chen Chen wakes up for 9 feed. Lately he slept thru a few times

Pringles, Eureka
Milk is not a necessity for tod > 1yr. Dun worry. They get nutrients they get fm milk fm the solid food
pigletz, just saw ur posting. tks but already got hubby to pay for the sunblk. $18.90 for banana boat bb. i tried it out at toy r us TP, not greasy, but the usual horrible smell lor. hubby said use for 3 days only ~ anything will do.
OMG!!! lucky thing the lift didnt goes up!!! wat's gareth reaction??

sahm, glad to see your long postings again. nice pixs!! thks for ur tips hor. hopefully can arrange/book my pratical in late Oct, Nov.

viv, congrats!! rest more hor. take care.

giggler, any news on the order of mooncake?? i'll sms you later in case you missed this posting.

ruffy, you n ryan always hv funny conversation to share!!

mummies, jerald is back with me again since fri, no time to post except just to read thru quickly. bn v.bz chasing after him. will be v.careful abt his diet this time.
mummies, any idea where to get cute passport covers?? i tried many shops n even pasar malam (most recents one at Tampines n even Sengkang) all dun hv.....
Hi Ruffy,
Ryan sure knows wat up in ur sleeve!! Clever boy boy!

Watched Ryan video clip n heard ur hb so impressed by Ryan's self feeding. Hb imitates ur hb's cantonese 'lek chye, sai leh lah' since then, very ticklish n cute!
Hb not a cantonese n his effect not as gd as ur hb!

Hi Pringles, Shook, Lyn, Pigletz,
I think the shock went to pigletz n later the hb while Gareth blur blur dun know wat's going on!

I started chanting to Rae the risk of entering the lift without us at very early age. I run along with him when he is heading towards the lift fast. Nowadays, the msg got thru him n I am indeed relieved. Rae will say 'Later Rae rae no more mummy, HOW?'
. Think also gd to parade rd the neighbourhood with our kids, in case any missing occur, pple know who our kids belong to....hahahahah........

Hi Shook,
Alot of c/c activities taken up for caregiving activities, eg, bathing, sleeping, outdoor games. If u look thru the curriculum, bulk is taken up for those listed activities. Learning program only take up little time. So I start to think of alternatives since I am sahm. Elyse is older now n I tot more manageable to bring Rae to enrichment classes?? Still thinking abt it...

Hi Lyn,
Sunblock. I ordered one frm THe Natural Source, kid sunblock lotion n whole island no stock. Waited for mths n finally arrived. I forgot on the picking up at parkway. Heehehhe....I can go pick up n wait for 7th mth over, then go swimming n tanning liao

Tips??? anyway, I know u sure will gif urself a greatest bd gift (u yr end bd gal rite) by 'failing' ur practical test with flying colour!

Since v young, i timed my 2 kids milk feed zun zun after i weaned them off frm BM. hb n I sleep late n we sleep feed the 2 of them ard 12am, change diaper n off we go to sleep. They both sleep thru the nite since young.......

Wonder does this help for ur #2?
It works for both my kids.........
sahm, the sunblk so gd mah?? initially wanted to get another brand, but whole of tampines dun hv!! the isetan n metro v.lou kok!!! only carry pigeon/avent/tollyjoy!!
ya lah, u hao jie shao...told me go for trial test!! i booked for 2 sessions ~~ digested all the qns n ans....went for the actual test....nearly laughed till i pass out!!! all the actual test qns were actually the trial qns!!! i just repeat lor!
Rae Rae is well trainned by u. U r v rite, parade wif your kids. PPl r sharp. I only go home during wk n, many neighbours know me n Chen Chen. Some I dun even know them, wz shocked they told me "c u n your tod swimming early in the morning"
Your dream change diaper NA to Chen Chen. Since NB, he wakes up when we change diaper tho he is in deep sleep
sanrio, pringles, shook and lyn,

re: the lift incident,
That silly Gareth didn't cry and he thought that it's very fun. When the lift door open, he give me a very sunshine smile. *fainted*

sorry to have miss out your question.

no prob, good to get one too, so that can apply on Jerald when you bring him go swimming in singapore. ;)
Hi mommies!

Me back from HKG liao... and skimmed thru the posts.

Think I'll MIA again cos there's so many nice nice pics posted during my absence!!! and so much juicy stories some more.. missing Gareth, 'Lara Croft'- Elyse, hunt for oversized Tee..

So i continue to siam arh... Get Ready ur stories n pics... GO!
Viv, Congras, was wondering how come you MIA for so long
pls rest well and take care. How many weeks already?

Eureka, glad to have you back. What is your test date? Confident of passing?I haven't driven for one month since my refresher course drove a short distance on saturday and kenna left right centre by hb...said i bui zai
i dun have confidence to drive again lei...regarding cheerios now that they are tods no need to restrict to cheerios. Cheerios is recommended as first finger foods bec they are small and easily dissolved in the mouth now can give them normal cereals from brands like kellogs.. some mummies already started that quite sometime ago, i just bought Kellogs rice krispies will try honey stars next. Cheerios is really a big pack and the expiry date is very near to when you buy it so unless you eat alot everyday if not unlikely can finish even half a pack by expiry date quite wasted if cannot finish since quite ex. Which enrichment classes you considering sending Rae to? Btw, you mentioned sending Elyse to GUG for a trial in septemeber, which week you looking at?

Lyn, i also bought the banana boat sunblock but i bought the one for kids, how come you buy the one for bb? Btw, i stopped taking the chinese medicine already, every time after taking it, i got nausea and dun have appetite for the whole day also condition like not improving..given up liao...western doc asked me to x-ray but i think i will try to dong longer since i had 2 x-rays this year already not good to subject myself to radiation before my cells can regenerate after the previous x-rays.

Lyn/pigletz/shook, may i know lets say if planning to go out singapore end sept, is it okay to apply for passport during first week of sept? collection is 2 weeks after the application right? until now we have not taken Dana's passport photo.

Pigletz, when you leaving for taiwan?
Oh no.. 1ONE more post!

VIV !! CONGRATULATIONS... hope i can catch a glimpse of u soon at Bt Merah. dun worry abt Jana, she'll catch up soon.
it's okay if you make passport on 1st week of Sept. If you apply thru internet, should be able to collect it within 3 days upon approval, but if you go there to apply, think it's 5 days. Better try to take Dana's pic soon, cos it's not easy to take their pic at this stage.

I'm leaving for taiwan on the 21 Sept.
Hi mommies, am back... just very tired last 2 weeks, so have just been larking around and not talking.

Viv, congrats!
Don't worry about Jana not walking yet. I think that as long as not passed 2 year old... you shouldn't be too worried. I have a friend whose bb only walked at 2years 2months... she was soooo worried! Now, he's still wobbling... her doc says for her son, he is walking late because his feet quite small and he is on the plump side... so very heavy for him and difficult to walk. Babis starting to walk at 18 months is very common so Jana still has a long way before you should be concerned!
Bleeding! You better rest well.

Eureka, nice to see that you are back. Must be tough looking after 2... but it'll be worth the effort, yeah?

I think Elyse might not just like that shirt... maybe she's attracted to the colour? Try giving her another shirt with the same colour.. and see how! ehehehee....

pigletz! You have to be extra careful with that boy, okay? He's one handsome one!

Sanrio, Ash is a smart bb...
Starting to play the piano at such a young age? Wow!
hahahaha, your post then is ticklish. hahaha, never thought of Emily post in that way till you say it out so loud. hahah
Ally was kind and has been sleeping thru since 2.5 months. So she kanna dispel the myth that bf bbs can't sleep thru the nites. Not sure why she's started crying in the sleep for her past few weeks. Wonder if she's having nitemares or coz of sore gums (2 teeth coming out). She had a cold since Fri... went swimming with my mom on thurs. Must be germs in the pool. Sure hope she gets well soon coz really hate hearing her cough and see her blocked / runny nose.

Can imagine how you felt! My bro did it once coz he was trying to unlock the condo exit to the carpark and holding on to his older girl. He asked the younger one to come out of lift and assumed she did it and suddenly when he turned around, the lift door closed and she wasn't around. Thank goodness we pressed the lift upstairs and suddenly when the door opened, my younger niece walked out and gave all of us a shock! haha!

Ally also loves to parade around with her handbag. haha! Looks like they love to do the same things now.

Ai yo... have to consult you how to handle my 2 kids in future. Gonna buy a cane soon coz Ally has learnt to recognise the cane. She's seen how my bro discipline his daughters.

Caught a documentary called 'in the womb' on national geographic channel last nite. It's amazing how the little bb grows in your womb. The whole process of how one cell develops into a complete bb. It's a strong reminder how our bbs are such miracles!

They also mentioned how the labour process is not as painful if you stand or squat instead of lying down. Wonder if any hospitals in Singapore practise that. Quite cool to see the bb's head popping out coz I'll never be able to see my own delivery. Of course, would love to deliver in the bathtub if there was such an option in Singapore.
Brendali... pigletz! hehehe... I never meant it like that lah! Pls read: "Must be extra careful with your boy. (i.e. everyone also must be careful). Your little one is a handsome boy (from what I remember)."

Absolut, I saw that documentary too... every nice... but then, fell asleep after they show bb at 6months. When I woke up, I remember seeing bb still in womb... didn't know they even showed the labour... gosh! I missed it! Can you help me check the schedule to see when they will be showing again?
good thing that you all are up there when your niece come out of the lift. Can't imagine how many staircase i have to climb to reach my boy if the lift goes up. hahaha

haha, I know what you mean. hahaha, just that brenda make it sounds so funny. hahahaha. My boy no longer handsome liao, hahah, with blue black all over his face. hahha
Oh mommies... besides the lift issue... remember another thing.
One day, was raining heavily. My friend went to her car, opened the side to put her daughter into the car seat. At that time, her daughter was only 10-11 months. She unwittingly gave her daughter the car keys and closed the door.. then ran to her side of the car. "titi" her duaghter had pressed the car button to lock the doors. Horror! She tried to entice her daughter to press the button again. "titi" her daughter pressed and before she could reach the handle... "titi" Locked again! Gosh!!!! She was so afraid her kid would get sick of the keys and throw the keys away. On and on the kid pressed the button while smiling at her mommy and my friend was like trying to get the sequence right to open the door... Boy, did she feel so sick and lousy. In the end, she managed to open the door and quickly went into the car and took the offending keys away from the kid. scary... but funny!
VIV, CONGRATS!!!! Since it's god's plan for you, just accept it n enjoy the "priviledged" status again!!!

Pringles, wah...ur description of your mum cooking good food makes me crave for my mum's cooking!

Brenda.... pictures leh?

Pigletz, Gareth thot he is playing hide n seek with u?

Absolut, beware.. when the baby is already very active in the womb, he will be VERY active when he is out... not scaring u... but that's what happened to me....

Absolut n SAHM, tyra has her own little handbag too! and she loves it! Am shopping for a wallet for her....

Emily, that's why must have spare key with hubby... in case anything happens, someone else have the key...

Sanrio! Ashrel so "talented" already! He looks like he is playing the piano!

ok..me gotta go work liao!
Hi Emily
Hope the schedule is correct. Copied it from the DEC 05 Moms to be
Monday, 22 Aug 2005, 02:00 AM Ch 11
Wednesday, 24 Aug 2005, 09:00 PM Ch 11
Thursday, 25 Aug 2005, 01:00 AM Ch 11
Friday, 26 Aug 2005, 03:00 PM Ch 11
Sunday, 28 Aug 2005, 03:00 PM Ch 11
Wednesday, 31 Aug 2005, 03:00 PM Ch 11

Oh yah... another thing. Must remember to childlock your car doors. My niece happen to open our car door while the car was moving. So scary.
aiyo... Ally wasn't that active in the womb but already super duper active now. I sure hope it's just that he was disturbed by the scanner sound. hee hee! Dun mind an active child as long as he's not too overactive. My mom can't believe how come our child is so active and fierce when both parents are quite mild and absolutely not active.
She said if Ally was my bro's kid, she can accept it but to come from us, amazing!
Last night, we went for makan with my god-daughter (3weeks younger than Ethan) and her family at the Aussie outback restaurant. While waiting for food, the kids got impatient. So, her mommy took out gerbber puffs for them. Ethan hungrily kept asking for more... he hasn't eaten them for so long... cos our stock has ran out. Her mom gave one to Ethan, and he quickly put it into his mouth... and one to Nicole (my god-daughter). Nicole on seeing how much ethan wanted it... stretched out her hand to offer hers to him. They were sitted on high chairs next to each other. She went... "Nah!" As he reached out to take it...she immediately withdrew her hand and said, "Nope!" and put it happily into her mouth. She tried that trick twice on Ethan! Poor thing! Then while she was greedily chewing on the biscuits, she choked. Ethan looked at her, with fansination while biting and enjoying his own biscuit. hehheeee...
Boy! Aren't these toddlers cute!

btw, does anyone know where I can top up Ethan gerber puffs stock? Can't find it at carrefour (suntec) or giant (marina sq).
I still got 3 bottles with me. Someone didn't take it. But I forgot what's the favour liao. You wanna take over from me?
hehehee... pigletz... good excuse for me to go and collect the container at the same time. Can you help me check what flavour? Thanks.
Hi Viv,
Congrats! Jana is going to hv a brother or sister soon..

Hi Eureka,
it is indeed a very heartwarming pic! Like the one they were sitting on the bicycle...so cuteee...

Very fast lionel is 13mth oredi. really so fun to play wf him though taking care of him is tiring.

i always want to give lionel a bro/sis but my hb insists that one child is enuff.Firstly, we don't hv a helper or maid at hme & my hb is not a supportive sort.

Though he has a stable job,he is unhappy wf the mgmt & he is a typical job hopper.I hv nvr felt secured whether he has the capability to support the family.

i envy those mummies whos' husbands r so happy when they found out that their wives expecting.

Hi mummies, how's everyone? Mia cos both Vane and I were sick for the whole week. Very tiring cos I myself not feeling well yet got to take care of Vane. Initially she was ok though she got fever. But started from Thu nite, she started her crankiness. Kept crying like she very scared of something but I so helpless till I cried with her. Lucky she ok last nite and really hope she recovers asap.
