(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

urgh... my tummy still pain apin today leh.... still come to work leh... super sian... and to mk things worse, there's a fire drill here today.... in the end, walked down 33 floors... no joke... legs trembling nw.... somemore made me miss my cow-ing time. but lucky i wasnt cowing halfway...
think i might stay home and rest tomolo. and oh.. ulcers are healing... whew...

hehe.... pool is nice... oh... i got straight bus there leh... 187... ashrel looks so lovely in the bandana....

pringles, viv, sahm...
true pacifier better than thumb.... cos thumb is super accessible... i hv a cousin pri 2... nw still suck thumb.

i oso wanna color my hair... but wanna wait till i stop shedding 1st... cos dun wan to do chemical stuff then cause shedding to worsen.

anyway, i was sooo happy to return home to edi yest... when i got back, my dad was carrying him. and when he saw me, he immed whined and cried... stopped when i carried him... felt so wanted...
hi mummies
i am back! damn tired.... didn't sleep since yesterday morning, took 3am++ flight and reached singapore about 7am++ then after left luggage home immediately return to office to work cos my boss went to office directly from airport... siao liao...my eyes very dry.... due to contact lense... sleepy...

so many postings donno how to reply..... should i miss anything, please write to me again... heehee

really very happy to see so many cute babies photos...

oh... my eyes half close now.... i m drinking green tea now... hope it can keep me awake in office... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Some shoes sale

Shop for X'mas & Lunar New Year...shoes shoes here I come!!

Date : 18th (Saturday) and 19th (Sunday) December 2004
Venue : Suntec Convention Centre, Room 312, Level 3
Time : 10am - 10pm (18/12/04)
10am - 5pm (19/12/04)

Hi Kis, can u place an order with Carrefour for the walker?

Hi pringles, the pix really blur leh, can't see her teeth leh.

Hi QSG, my col told me not to colour or rebond my hair while bfg leh. But I really cant tahan liao.

Hi soyabean, there's no excuse for u to miss the fire-drill? I got firedrill last Fri but I was allowed to stay in ofc cos I still not feeling well. My hair also dropped a lot, not sure when it'll stop.

Hi jo, where did u go for biz trip?

Hi mon, the shoes look nice leh but we got gathering on Sat leh. Think can only go on Sun liao.
Giggler, what is the reason cannot color or rebond? My hairstylist also breastfed her bbs and she got coloured hair all the time.

I was told by KKH that it is not advisable to use walker.

Those mummies who want to shop for shoes can adjourn together to suntec after the gathering
i oso very agst walkers... but nowadays edi like to stand leh... wif our support of cos... v tiring to keep carrying him like dat... so we are thinkg of buying him a walker as well. will restrict use of cos.

no excuse leh... anyway its over liao... think i'm not feeling well nw... feel achy and pukey... think stomach flu... will prob see a doc tonite.
hi giggler
went to sri lanka for biz trip. i tot i will miss my bb very much but it was only before i left. maybe the trip was only a few days, so it is ok. moreover i slept very well... no night feeding haha....

pringles, that pix is gd enough liao!! jerald wont even let me near his teeth - unless i do it discreetly!! but still v.hard.

giggler, being mummy v.job!!! we r all both the gd n bad guy!!

kris, tot u strike toto or got ur bouns to get those stuff for ur gal!!!
hi giggler
my hair also drop alot... can see the mrt has fully developed... :~~ per GP, wait for another 3 month (hair drop about half year or less or more, depending...) then ur hair will re-grow
soyabean, how old is edi now?Do you remember the reason why now not advisable to use walkers? actually last time when i am baby i also use walker.

lyn, i went to the "All for Kids" today at china square central...nothing much for bb girls...saw one i like but dun have the smaller sizes...anyway din know all along there is a cold storage there.
hi pringles and lyn
actually u can take photos of them laughing, then u are able to see their teeths. i also tried to do like pringles, the result is the same as pringles... very blur...
edi is abt 5 mths old. reason is cos bbs might hv difficulty learning how to walk properly or start walking late... bbs cld end up walking bow-legged as well i think.

some bbs can actuali wean off walkers by themselves after sometime.
hi giggler, ya, intend to go down to suntec to check the stk.

hi qsq, ya, knows researchs agst walkers, but like soyabean, my girl same as edi, likes to stand. I will buy those with detachable base, and hope that one helps.

hi soyabean, walking down 33stairs with high heel is no joking matters, u take care.

hi lyn, i'm kis, not kris.

hi giggler, jo, my hair loss has improved. not sure if its becos of my pre-pregnancy hormones come back (cos menses came) or is it becos i have apply hair tonics and it works well. But i have some re-grown hair after abt 1mth time.
val, walk in the direction towards the overhead bridge linking to hong lim complex. u'll b able to find it. it's on ur left.

kis, sorry typo error.
Hi QSG, my col said that the chemical may irritate bb's skin leh. Anyway, most prob I'll be doing rebonding next week. Can't tahan the messiness anymore. I also agst walker but no choice cos u can't really carry bb all the time leh. Think walker is bad for bb's development. Some bb tend to tiptoe while walking when they used to walker. Where exactly is China Sq Central?

Hi soyabean, I think it's stomach flu. It took me one week plus to fully recover too.

Hi joey, hahaha maybe I shd try going for holidays without bb too. Maybe I'll be like you, won't miss bb much though I thot I will.
Huh??? Half a yr? That's very long leh.

Hi lyn, but I think I'm the bad guy most of the time. Hahaha

Hi Kis, I think it's the hair tonic lah. Cos my menses came back but I still drop hair like mad.

yes, agree with soya and Giggler regarding the walker. My neighbour's boy 10 mths now...told me not to get walker because she did for her son and until now, he still doesn't want to stand. Everytime she holds him up, he will automatically sit down becoz walker has a seat to support their butt, thats why the tendency to rely on the seat and wheels to "walk" around.
giggler, qsg n soyabean,
reasons why walker not advisable. 1) dangerous 2) bb may walk tip toe or learn to walk much later.
my sis in law's son used the walker a lot n wen he can walk, he walks tip toe. they took quite somtx to correct him.

giggler n soyabean,
i oso wan to rebond hair but reason for delay is i drop lots of hair, v wori rebonding will worsen it, due to chemical n the pulling. wen ashrel 6mths, i will go cos by 6mths our hormones shd return to 'normal'.
i cant std my messy hair too but since i sahm (alwy tie ponytail at hm), 'c less pple', shall bo chap 4 1 more mth..

tink the bus stop in front of the pool only got bus 189.

as a sahm, hav to venture out alone w ashrel. stay at hm v bored. at 1st i oso scared but do it few tx, okie liao. i dun go too far n i pack light cos ashrel v heavy.

how ar u? havnt 'seen' u here
1 thg i learn is dun panic wen bb cries. bb are smart, wen u panic, they noe n they feel more insecure n will cry more. dun wori abt others looking at u. me will find a seat or brg ashrel to somewhere cool or windy, pat n saiyang him or show him somethg bright n nice. if he tired, he can fall asleep in carrier or sling.
sanrio, good to see you today! After you left, I stayed for about half an hour more to see some photos of my classmate's baby... when I was preparing to leave, I put Ian in the carrier and he rolled off from the sofa onto the carpet! HE screamed so loudly he shocked Joel, who was lying in the bouncer next to the sofa... both babies bawling so loudly ... it was heart-wrenching!
giggler, u r near...it's jus behind the multi story foodcourt. take the exit at loti boy. dan walk straight (north)

emily, good to meet up with you jus now. told my mum jerald was v.steady when you carried him - she joked u can buy 4d liao - he normally will scream his head off at strangers!!

qsg, got the brown rice frm emily. how do i pass it to you??
Rusk biscuit tasty? The 1 my mum bot for Chen Chen is tasteless
I dun freeze the veg 4 Chen Chen. cooks everyday 4 him.

Oh I got it wrong thot u were the one who told me abt feng shui of bedrm. I v suey lately. Wonder is it bcoz my hubby's sis left her slipper in my hse. She is too much. 1st time came left 1 pair of slipper saying next time her daugher comes to my hse for swimming, she doesn't need to bring slipper. 2nd time she came she brot another 2 pairs. In total 3 pairs of slipper in my hse. Then my hubby's younger sis saw it said she oso wanna put her slipper in my hse. I said I can sell slippers if all of u put your slipper in my hse.
My SIL brot xtra shoes
how I wish I can hv ice-cream n choc everyday like u
My annual leave is 19 days can carry forward 9.5 days. So if use all my leave to offset still need 2mths + notice

Lyn, Giggler
The Cantonese said shoes hai hai sang no gd; Mandarin shoes (xie) sounds the same as evil (xie)

Is it true having non occupants' shoes in the hse or rather outside the hse bring bad luck?

Your brother so lucky. Every1 in my dept xcept me n another colleague din get anything fm my co's D&D

Chen Chen prefers his thumb 2 pacifier
thx for the www.jobdb.com.sg
Your MIL said your children look like her dat means she looks like u lor

Chen Chen performs the same stunt as Elyse but his is lying on his back instead of tummy

I consulted Dr Sim @ TPS can't stand the waiting time @ the clinic. How abt u?
Sorry I m v v busy lately. Juz replied your mail

I steam veg n press it over sieve no grinding or blending
I dunno if Chen Chen unerstands my lecture
@ 1 stage, Chen Chen screams whenever latch on. Dat wz when he wz thru growth spurt

Veg v easy 2 make. Juz steam till soft press over sieve add milk or warm boiled water can feed bb liao. My mum din add fluid she feeds solid then let Chen Chen takes a sipe of water

U deserved a gd rest
hi lyn, gd to meet u finally... u sure are young and pretty like what they say in this board. So nice to carry someone else's bb...not so boring... have variety! :p that's why am soo sad can't go to next gathering.. ehhehe...
buy 4D?? Hmmm... I usually don't buy lah... even if I buy, dunno what number to get... say, what ur son's DOB?? mybe .... ;p

Shook, wow... u sure have lots of energy to cook veg for chen chen everyday... gd gd...unlike me... lazy mommy. btw, i never tryu the rusk... so dunno have taste or not... maybe u can ask lyn since she eats it herself. ;p

Giggler, I use grinder to grind into raw veg... then only steam itwhen I want to use it.





So far Matt and I have been coping w/o the helpers. Just got my whole house cleaned by another helper (previous helper's sis) in time for BB gathering. Hehe.

Besides I've got my student's mum to help out looking after Matt. She been very good with him.

Sadly he still has a little cough but it is well under control as I have been using this bel'air diffusion thing on him. Didn't think it works but it did somehow...

However still, I brought him to see the PD to get the green light for this Sat and luckily he's fine.No phelgm etc etc.

Anyway We've just been to KL to visit my late mum's relatives. They are far to old to travel to SG. Matt was great on this trip as no MIL(or rather my fil and hubby were). She's gone to Nepal and will be back today (sigh).

Oh yah has anyone's BB started grabbing things off the table yet??

Matt last night gave hubby a big scare..we were out dinner sharing hk mee. suddenly Matt lunged for the bowl and tipped all e hk mee form hubby's bowl. he had noodles hanging from his fingers. Too bad hubby was upset to take photos.

I suppose now we have to keep all the hot bowls of soup etc etc from him. In fact I think it wiser to put BB down when dinner. I think must instill this law when MIL comes back. Hubby n I advocate Matt to sit in stroller or pram while we have dinner. It's only MIL says let Matt sit on lap. Anyone encountering similar problems??

Looking forward to seeing everyone then!!! If need lift just let me know...I'll forward my numbers when you e-mail me. Thanks!!
Hi all,
Cant follow up the fast moving thread.......havent read thru thorough enuff

Mon Mon,
Browsed thru the shoe website..........I like the design ....'groovy'! Wonder how's the material n comfort wise? Will get down to check tings out! Really wonderful this forum....so much to share....bbs n fashion stuffs, interesting foto too!

This whole wk I am helping my friend out, so kind of busy n tired........

I will nvr order any frm 24cm cake frm four leaves or any non-classic frm them.

- As cakes get bigger, box is plain white, with dirty n messy cream all over! U want their classic designed box, salesgirl BLUNTLY tell u 'u pay $4 lor'!

- Wording on cake is disastrous
- Cake's 'workmanship' v rough, not sleek n refined.
- No delivery

Overall, not satisfied with the cake that I have ordered for my boy....what a letdown!

Think if I cant bring my boy for a dip at pool, bugis water fountain is a gd choice

Talk again............Have a gd day to all mummies!

My mum cooks veg for Chen Chen during wk days. I can't afford to cook during wk day as I m working
Wat veg u grind wif grinder?

Ya Chen Chen wanna snatch our food too (1 or 2 times) but we moved him away in time. Phew.

Wow u advertise for 4 leaves wif their classic box still gotta pay. Wat is tis!
Finally c your boi boi's name in the forum lao.

Bet he enjoyed palying @ the fountain. My hubby said wanna bring Chen Chen there when he grows up. U celebrated Rae's birthday @ Bugis? There is a 4 leaves bakery @ Bugis. U got the cake there?

Confirmed list for gathering on 18 Dec
Giggler n Vane :)~ pandan cake
Jo, hubby n Zhenglong :)~ choc chips cookies
Pokie,Hubby n Ethel
Pringles, hubby n Alicia :)~ finger sandwiches
Viv, hubby n Janna
Shook, hubby n Chen Chen :)~ fruit salad
Lyn, Hubby n Jerald :)~ konyaku
piglets, hubby n Gareth
sanrio, hubby n ashrel
Avocado, hubby n Lionel
QSG n Dana
Valencia n Randall
Jessie n Jerrel
Peggy n Jovan

Any updates on :)~ ??
dear sahm
so sorry to hear that u r so upset about the 4leave cake. yeah, the cake u show us is so different from the photo from their homepage. bad service, the girl asked u to pay $4 for the classic designed box? ridiculous!!! the other time, we just went to 4leave shop and purchased on the spot. they gave us the classic deisgned box for a 1kg cake (smaller than yours). u should call the office to "enquire".

Contact Address & Telephone
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To submit a feedback or suggestion, please contact us at [email protected]

once, i went to prima deli to buy cake on the spot and the sales told me that there is no discount for OUB/or UOB credit card. so i paid the full amount but when i surfed their homepage, i found out that they actually give 10% discount. so i just dropped an email to the head office. few hours later, an officer called me and apologised, explained to me that prima deli is franchise so the girl probably not well informed. so he asked me to go down to the same prima deli shop to get the discount in cash.
lyn, you can pass me the brown rice cereals this saturday during the gathering.

Shook, i see Dr Sim at TPS also as the queue was just too long. Saw your email, replied you last nite already. Why didn't you use food processor to puree the veggies, thought is faster that way?

Emily, what type of grinder you use? manual or electric?

Nat, my bb also started to try to grab things from table. When we go out and have dinner, she will fuss after a while in the pram so end up have to let her sit on our laps. We will push the bowls and plates further in so that she cannot reach
Btw, how old is Matt?
U gd v persistent in fighting for your rites. I gotta learn fm u

Pet Pet diapers 2 pac for $24.95 @ NTUC gotta cut papers. So go buy newspapers (ST or Lian He Zhao Pao) n enjoy the discount. Normally NTUC allows u to buy w/o papers if u dun buy a lot can check wif cashier 1st if u dun hv papers

Matt is 6.5mths now..


This stranger anxiety...does it happen to all babies??

How come Matt not yet ah?? Even when the new helper came by and carried him he didn't cry?? He studied her face and then gave big smile while looking at me.

Even when I brought to my student's mum, he just let her carry and even the father who is on leave now he smiles and let him carry..


looking at the list I really must "throw" away some furniture liao...this is like 15 babies??

If full attendance on forum..i think I need to ask my neighbour open flat also...

Too bad i never get to see Soya, SAHM, emily again..

Finally...Avo we get to meet...maybe can get some Avo juice from alex village....we've been talking since our craving days...

Those mums on their own...maybe you need a lift from MRT..please email me and let me know...I send u my phone..house n mobile..
Hi sanrio, are u sure that our hormones will return to normal after bb turns 6 mths? Vane is 6mths plus but my hair still drops a lot leh. Same here, got to pack lite and luckily Vane still bf so don't need to pack too many things.
True abt keeping our cool while bb cries.

Hi jul, aiyo so Ian got bump on his head from the fall?

Hi lyn, you work ard Raffles Place? I work at Tg Pagar leh, we can meet for lunch hor?

Hi shook, I gave Vane the Rusky biscuits yday. She liked it so much that she screamed when we wanted to touch her biscuits. Think I'm going to have a glutton gal leh.
But difficult to reject the sils to place shoes in our house rite? Maybe Vane also going thru growth spurt again? She kept screaming when she latch on recently. Then my hubby kept saying that I got no milk for her that's why she screamed. So demoralizing leh. I'll ask my mom to let veggies on VT.

Hi Emily, so you grind the raw veggies, store them in ice-cube tray and only thaw them when you want to eat?

Hi Nat, my gal will also snatch things from table too. Anyway, we usu place her in pram while we have our meals.

Hi sahm, I like the shoes too. Wonder how's the material and price. The wordings on the cake really disastrous leh.

Hi Val, nepia considered quite ex hor? But the mummies at the other thread are crazy abt it. Sorry, I don't use Nepia.
It does not happen to all babies. I think it usally happen to bb when they r ard 3mths +. But some as early as 2mths. Matt is way over tat period. Hehe.....Randall will oso study any new face and smile when he likes the person or turn away if he dislike.

How u find the NEW helper? I dun quite like her, though she had improved. Last week ask her to clean the fan then I notice still got one layer of dust AFTER her cleaning. Hai~ I dun like the feeling gg to check on her work.

My mum willl be joining us tomorrow oso. She so happy to go. Haha... She said she wanna see the changes in the bb since she last saw.

I show my mum the pics of Alicia. She said Alicia small small but damn steady.
shook, i either take ice-cream or chocolate once a day!! like pple who r addicted to coffee. but i try to control lor otherwise how to diet!! now i resort to taking the stairs to take away the fat around my thighs.

shook, rusk is nice not too sweet a bit milky taste(compare to some digestive biscuts) it melts almost immediately when u taken a bite. CANNOT DIP INTO UR COFFEE/MILO - OTHERWISE IT BECOME SO SOFT SOMETIMES IT JUST DROP OFF BY ITSELF.

emily, try for fun lor - the other time @ shook's plc - jerald let himself to be carried by shook's hubby - duno wat no he got - striked!! hubby's car no also strike 1807 somewhere in aug after jerald took his first ride!! his b'day 24/06/04

nat, i hope matt didnt hurt himself when he pulled the bowl!! OMG!! so dangerous!! my parents/hubby/me always take turn to carry him during meals, so one one eats, the other will stop n jaga bb. unless he's in mood dan he will sit quietly in his high chair!! otherwise....peaceful mealtime....that's things in the past!! nnow my only concern is that he'll throw his ratten at our food!!

sahm, didnt know hv to pay for the nice (yellowish green, cartoon box) frm 4-leaves?? the cake looks nice to me - wat's wrong with it?? dun get angry lah - ur boi's b'day u know.

qsg, ok -c u on sat.

shook, hv i pass my "sotong" to u?? i think u r refering to jo on the cake rite?

val, u working in raffles plc rite?? y dun u drop by Nepia office in Hong Leong Bldg (May) she's gladly give us some samples. 4get abt posting or phone request - the wait v.long.
I oso work in Raffles Place. Hehe.. Maybe all lof us can meet for lunch.

Hormones will return back to normal ard 6mths. But I believe not so soon if u bf.

Now my hair drop so much till like got lobang. Thinking to go and buy hair tonic. But on the other hand dunno can use or not since still bfing now.

Is ur mum gg tomorrow?
natt, val, do u prefer matt to scream at strangers or jus smile?? jerald such a notty boi - all depending on his mood and as val said, like or dislike... bot him to MIL's plc last sat....his cries can bring down the roof! but y'day met up with emily - quietly let her carry - even tagged at her blouse!! so pai say!!

giggler, me at cecil st, v.near tg pagar...can meet up at amoy food ctr!! where u normally lunch?? once a while me n colleagues make a dash to maxwell also.

The "NEW" helper is quite ok...but she's very hurried for time it seems..I find her too pretty to be doing housechores if you ask me.

Matt seemed to like her, She carried him staight away when she saw him...luckily Matt didn't have any stranger anxiety.
It's first time for her at my place how about at yours??

For four hours She cleaned one toilet and didn't do the other one...but at least she managed to iron my hubby's office clothes(6 weeks collection) vaccum floor and mop..and wash the common toilet. CM could do more..

But yet again it's her first time.. so maybe will see how next week...
bbies r like tat. Very emotional one. U know yest my mum brought Randall to coffeeshop. And there is this little girl ard 2 yrs old over there who is famous for being naughty. But my mum juz put Randall down and say "call jie jie". So this little girl try to push Randall away. Randall dun like to be pushed and scratched her. In the end, the little girl cried. Then one of the stall holder said "orr bi good. U oso got today. Being bully by a 4 mths old bb."
Jia lat leh, Randall will hv such reaction when he is not happy.
She came to my place 3 times already. She is quite slow as compared to CM and oso not as detailed as CM. Some part of my house she nv clean. Usually CM can finish doing everything in 3hrs but she took 4 hrs. My mum complained tat she was always on the phone and tok very loudly when Randall is sleeping. Then Randall started to be cranky.
Hope tat CM can come back sooner. Think she onli coming back after cny. Anyway, CM need to undergo operation.

I really can't ans that question...it's really a good one.

It's funny with me..hmm

with my MIL I prefer him to scream her house down which he did prior to her trip. His screaming is a fussy scream..I know seems very mean of me although my MIL dotes on him.

She has been bugging me to no end to let Matt stay at her place overnight or let her take care of him when I go give tuition..and she insists from 2005 onwards.

She tries indirectly to tell me by talking to Matt..telling him in broken english "er 2005 you go MaMa's house stay o'ernite ok?? Mummy go tuition then u come Ma Ma's house sleep on big bed on air con ok?"

She says it every time I bring Matt for weekday dinners.. Matt takes her nonsense till 7.40pm sharp and then he starts to scream..so this is the time I don't mind.

I feel sad for her when Matt is passed back to me and his screamin stops instantly and he smiles at his Ye Ye or Daddy. The she'll exclaim:"Aiya, why you like that one?? next time come Ma Ma's house how to stay overnight?? Little while you want to go home?? Ask mummy to bring you here daytime then ok la!!"

On the other hand..the other side of me does not want him to be too sticky with me..yet on the otherhand it's a great feeling when I'm the only one he wants for the moment to sayang and soothe him toZZ land.

Funny right?? Human nature...

I also got this MIL thingie. MIL wanna stop work to look after Gareth, then keep on telling Gareth that next time ah ma not working, ah ma take care of you okay? If not, she will tell Gareth, 'ah boy, u can recognise ah ma anot, only see ah ma once a week leh' Argh, I can't tahan this kind of nonsense lor.

Gareth also very rough boy. Everytime he see little kids or babies, he wanna touch them. Then we will have to tell him to be gentle. haha, are all boys like that?
