(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Hi sahm, so qiao that your boi's bd falls on your wedding anni. I agreed that the wordings are really bad workmanship. Aiyo, how come your hubby so careless? So can your hubby walk with his swollen leg? Is Rae hurt from the fall?

Hi pringles & sanrio, where did u get the float for bb and how much you pay for it?

Hi shook, my mil stays with me. She's kind of left over with us cos my hubby is the youngest lah. The splashing of milk is history liao. Now, don't have this scene anymore.

Hi sanrio, I'm interested in the bandana and teether doll leh. Can you try to bring them on Sat for me to see?

Hi QSG, so what line are u in now?

lyn, ai yoh! so paisay... sorry sorry... :p

QSG, I don't use grinder coz never buy one... don't wanna waste $ since I thought bb only need grinded food for a couple of months... after that, they can just take food that we mush or even eat the soft food whole.

shook, I don't steam the fruits. Just the veg. I thraw the fruits and then put in the warm cereal/porridge.
just curious, u don't look after your kids in the day right? Bad experience with Four Leaves har... I haven't bot from them before. You should try Jack's Place. I find the service quite ok. Happy belated anniversary! My anniversary just passed too, but hubby forgot... *sob*

Sanrio, yes my carrier can be used front facing. Ian is fine, thanks. No damage done hehehe.... can see Ashrel likes the Noah's Ark... why dun u get it for him?

Giggler, I think it's understandable that grandparents will spoil grandchildren. So it makes me fume when my MIL tells my visitors that I am the only one who spoils Ian!?!?!? *excuse me, who is the one who rushes to carry him and walk around every time he fusses in his chair????* Grr...

your MIL sounds terrible. I am surprised your hubby hasn't said anything! My hubby knows I am anti-MIL so he tries to be the "mediator", quite tough for him actually. Anyway, I said no TV means no TV. Now when we visit PIL, they also switch off the TV if they want to entertain Ian in the living room.
sahm, happy belated wedding anniversary and happy belated to handsome... boi!

Ai yoh.. ur hubby fall down? How okay? How is the handsome boi?? He no prob?? Wow? Tougher than ur hubby! heheeh..

wow... looks like so many of us are in accounting... me too!! :p

soyabean... your boi really sexy post lah... hehehe...
mummies, bz day for me day....feeling cranky??? must the downpour y'day afternoon during lunch - din bring brolly - was caught in the rain.

sahm, happy belated anniversary!!! hubby bring u for candlelite maken??

shook, i start taking chocolate since my schooling days!! to take off the stress/pressure!! i can finish one family block in 1/2hr!!! can u imagine how obese i'm back then!!! now at work - i resort to taking them to reduce stress!!

sanrio, saw the too too train at a shop near my workplc - $39.90 - no further discount.

pringles, alicia so curious abt the water!! jerald also love to lean fwd during his bath!! got to hv a firm grip on him - he's 4ever splashing/turing ard in his tub!!

soyabean, is that a candid shot!! can submit for "little Mr Hunk singapore 2005"

sahm, aiya dun tempt me into elaborating on MIL issues!! VERY VERY VERY VERY LONG STORIES!! (NOT ONE STORY - BUT MANY!!)
Pringles, is Alicia wearing any diaper when she goes for a dip?

Giggler, me in product development. What about you?
Hi mummies,

Long time no post...today I am working from home, so can come in to eat snake...

Wow, can add one more name to the number crunchers...me!

SAHM, wat happened to your cake??? aiyah..i no time to go n read past postings leh..maybe u msn me to let me know???

Tomolo got party ah???? Can I join or not??? But hor..now Tyra almost "botak" liao...dropped so much hair!

Val, can share contacts of your PT maid or not? My house is like soooooooo messy now!!!!! Got hair everywhere!!!!!
HI All,

So excited about tomorrow...I thought I'd log in to say hello first before doing some re-arranging furniture.

Lyn, Shook & Giggler,

Yah very lucky hubby sides me but he gets his brunt of scolding for doing so. I suppose when we first going out together he already lay the rules and said he won't stay with his parents. On the other hand, I was quite surprised as he's the onl child. Now I know the magnitude of the matter. Heng!!

Lyn n Shook,

Yah lucky our babies sama idea when it's all about their grandmas..hopefully it stays that way. Most people say the way baby treats you is all fated..."yuan". Well at least they can't turn around and say we teach them to behave that way..

StyloBB, Pigletz,

Ya...My MIL never look after BBs at all. Even neices or nephews or grand nieces etc etc...the excuse I got to learn lately was that she scared baby will fall or cos she don't know how to carry. So puzzling...


Ya she very happening!! She went with her Sis and a tour group...just came back last night.Buy so many things...probably spent all the money I gave her..

Of all things she bring home pomegranete and mandarin oranges.She also bought some sweater made of wool at the airport and cushion covers..

She fell ill there cos she stubborn and bathe cold water. She suffers from moderate dementia(will be diagnosed soon) so she always suspect people steals her things..so she wakes up especially early to bathe so as cos the whole world still in ZZ land. I heard this all from her sis when they shared room together.Hot water in Nepal hotel gets turned on at 7am. She bathed at 5-6am. So she caught a cold again. And cough has become a hacking one..

Hubby was so pissed with her last night and lost his temper at her. She insist wanted to carry Matt..I said better not. Then she asked us to bring Matt tonight..insist from the time carry her suitcase up to her place to the time he left until he fed up and told her wait till she better. She like never listen cos she said bought 2 hats for Matt and want him try on.


MIL remembered BB party tomorrow but Hubby told her not to come..rest better and don't pass cold around. Pek check right?? Lucky for the bel'air eucalyptus thing I put in Matt's room works..he didn't cough and didn't catch any running nose.


no problem!! Maybe we'll meet up at the CNY gathering one..


Don't worry too much Lionel will be fine..Matt also has cough (present from MIL)..but I put this aromatherapy diffusion in his room to prevent any complications phelgm...seems to work well and he's coughed a lot less.Even the hubby also stopped snoring. The oil is Eucalptus and Green tea. I also used old fashioned remedy of rubbing vicks as well.

Anyway, I'll be lighting up some of the oil during the gathering...in one of the rooms so babies n mamas not too well can get a dose of Aromatherapy as well... keke.

Matt hates the syringe too..he'll take it by openeing his mouth reluctantly. I pump a bit and then he locks his lips. Then he shakes his legs a bit and opens his mouth when he sees the syringe approaching.I find the syringe too slow so I use spoon instead.


Too bad can't see you..Jessie will be there!! I'll capture some shots and send you!! Have fun at Ubin..better get some insect repellant.


Happy Anniversary to you!! Mine is exactly a month ago Tomorrow. Happy Birthday Rae!!! Wow, you had Rae on your anniversary??!!
Hi jul, huh? Your mil complained that you spoilt Ian? Actually I also scared that I'll spoil my gal leh. Good that you can have your stand. Me don't dare to really voice out abt TV. All I can do is bring bb into my room if my mil carries Vane on her lap to watch TV together. Do u know that my mil's fav program is wrestling? Imagine Vane is exposed to violence acts at such a young age. Sigh.......

Hi soyabean, tat's sexy post from Edi.

Hi lyn, so sad that you're on bad terms with your mil. For my case, I tried my best to close 2 eyes. Dont want to strain our r'ship since we stay together and got to face each other everyday.

Hi QSG, I'm in finance line. Kind of stuck in this place for abt 9yrs liao. Sigh..

Hi hazey, you're welcome to join for the gathering. We meeting at abt 3-4pm at Nat's place.

Hi Nat, at least your hubby knows his mummy's pattern and side with you.
I looking forward to tom's gathering too. Must remember to charge my camera's battery tonite.
I believe in 'yuan' also leh. Sometimes bb just like certain pple one hor? Sigh.... your mil got listening problem issit? She sounds so stubborn.
hi hi everyone...

Sigh...so bz back at work now....somemore still must go n express milk....everytime my boss see me washing the pump, she will ask me...again? How many times a day? Sickening..Then she add more work for me to do.....So petty rite? And it's supposed to be a pro-family company!

Nat Nat ah, i email u oredy ... wanted to ask u abt PT help info lah... what happen to Qiu Qing? She helps u to clean the house oso rite?

My hubby says the same thing..she not supposed carry heavy things as her back is slightly strained.. yet on her Nepal trip she still carry pomegrante not 1 but 10 giant ones!! and 20 mandarin oranges...so fed up!! Cough still wanna eat Mandarin oranges. I give up!!

I super believe in "yuan". It's what some people call "Aura" too I think..anyone care to comment??

Lckily she's not coming tomorrow!! Else I think she'll stress me and especially hubby cos he's got to "fook see" her. Where got time??!! In case rain how?? need to rush out pick people and all that??

yup... dats a candid shot... i was sitting him up... but he kind of slanted into tis position so i quickly snap... then he knk on the cabinet... haha...

anyway gals... me headache leh... edi hasnt been sleeping well for past 2 nites... keep tossing and turning... hv to keep patting him, if not he wld wake up fr the thrashing abt. and yest he woke up at 1am for milk... whh is very early... he used to wake up oni at 3-4am... wonder if tis is a sign for him to start solids soon... tis morning he wake up wif eyes abit swollen cos not enuf sleep. anybody can help and gv advice on wat i can do to get him sleep better? we already get him to sleep early every nite so dat he wldnt be overtired... abt 8plus...

long time no see u.... any pics of tyra to share wif us?

How much milk are you feeding Edi?? Last feed...Matt nowadays too wake up for milk at 2am..but he takes only a bit 1.5 scoops 90ml..

I noticed if I drag him a bit longer to 10pm zz..he zz to next day 5-6am. This last feed is about 180ml 3 scoops stage 2 milk. It has to be about 9.30pm or just at 10 then he nods off. However since he's on medication he zz at 8pm sometimes 9pm he wakes at 2am screams(I really mean scream)takes 1.5 scoops then goes back to zz til 5am 6 am.

Have you tried make him zz a bit later or adjust his sleeping time in the day??

Edi's room aircon?? does his head feel wet like sweat a lot??
edi can take up to 5oz of FM b4 he sleep. as for his mid of nite feed, he can take 5oz of BM as well.
cannot make him sleep later... cos he wld wake up at the same time the next day anyway. moreover, usu his last nap is abt half hr at abt 6pm... so by 8pm, he's usu cranky already.
he dun on the aircon... he doesnt feel hot... he hv the fan blowing at him.

Last few details!

Those coming by MRT...the nearest is Queenstown. If you need a lift please call especially if you have a lot of tua pow suay pow or rain cats and dogs. e-mail me for my number if don't have [email protected]

If you wanna take a bus..you'll have to take in direction of IKEA bus 195.

Alternatively...195 is a loop service bus..the distance to walk from MRT to bustop opposite(coffeshop) is far..so you may want to go for a loop instead ie bustop in front HDB block.

As long you see IKEA my place is near by!!

195-from Queenstown/IKEA is the 2ND stop after 195 turns left(after AIA ALEX) into DEPOT ROAD .Walk forwards to old point blocks on the right. NOT LEGO NEW BLOCKS!!


The open air carpark in front of my block 113 is open if you want to drop off ONLY.GOT SHELTER!!

Please tell the people to open gate...this is especailly if it rains.. if you got problems also call me..cos I already made arrangements with the upgrading office.

You'll still have to park in MSCP 112 though. The turning to come in is left turn after 2nd bustop from CMPB/MINDEF/CLASS 98 station.. direction.
Hi Nat, thank god that hubby decided not to stay with her.

Hi soyabean, sori I cant help cos Vane also behaves this way these few days.

I won't be amazed if he can on aircon himself lo (eventually)...kids nowadays can even operate DVD/start car at 2.5yrs.

Hmm...could be a phase he's going through..wish could help a bit more. At present I use this aromatherapy thingee.. it help quite a bit esp his cough..and hubby's snoring. I sleep better too. After all the oils they have is like Eucalptus, Tea tree, Basil , Ginseng etc etc. so all natural..and the burn via the diffusion method instead of candle so it's very safe esp for us clumsy oafs. We tend to jump up when Matt makes even a bit of noise. Conditioned during my CF at MIL's place..(long story)

Too bad you can't comie for gathering else you can see/sniff some of the oils I got and their properties.

Hey how about a wipe down with lavender johnson bath time gel?? Matt likes it at one time.

Yah..luckily...if not I sure Peng San or suffer MILD (spin off from Post Natal D)

Actually, we even bought this 5 roomer for PIL's to stay together w us..only when I clean floor it's too big.. but when the PIL's stayed over

.. is like the house also not big enough...haiz
Giggler, I'm surprised your MIL likes watching wrestling! I hate wrestling... enjoy Boxing though... hehehe.... wonder if Ian inherited my violent streak. Jokes aside, I agree it's not good to let children watch such programmes. Why don't you just tell your MIL straight in the face? Or get your hubby to do it?

Yah she tells ppl that I spoil my son, as if I am the only person looking after Ian 24hours a day. What about herself? My parents? I feel like telling her off sometimes. And today she's driving me up the wall again... argh... I can't tell stories as nicely as NAtalie so it won't sound entertaining in the forum... so I'll spare everyone... hehehe..
hi hazey,
u cuming 2mrow? cum leh.. ashrel's bumbo is lime green too.

okie 2mrow i brg both 2 show u. the teether doll is fr australia.
hi giggler...
oh dear... its very distressing to see bbs sleep like dat hor? i keep worrying nw whether he has enuf sleep blah blah blah.

u mentioned the aromatheraphy thingy in prev posts.... its bel'air rite? well, i hv lampe berger at home, works the same as bel'air. mayb i shld buy those fragrances dat wld enhance sleep. thanks for the tip.

Most old ppl do have their eccentricities..you have every right to spoil the child or use the rod eventually if you want to..after all you are his mother.

can't tell Stories?? No problem la Jul..you're not in the teaching line what...keke.I'm supposed to etertain..not my students sure one ear in one ear out...heh heh

But anyway all ears if you have some frustrations to vent..

yah yah lamp berger is similar too..I'm not too familiar with Bel'air too..only started using when I was preggie to allieviate nausea that's all.
Rae's birthday same as your ROM or wedding anniversary?
Happy blated wedding anniversary
I wanna b a Dr too but n up to b n accountant. Talk abt pathetic, my dad wz a vet but n up to b n accountant. Me follow my dad's footpath
Yo your hb so careless. Wz Rae injured?

wat rojok u doing?

Hmmm... u clever can find lobang to earn some income

How u puree the fruits?

Edi so vain

Thot u stay wif your MIL. Since it is your hse, then the bad luck fm your SIL's shoes goes to u leh. Tough, u can't tell her off. Throw away her shoes when u spring clean for CNY
Splashing milk oso a history for me

When I m stressed, I wanna bite something hard - usually peanuts lor. V fattening

your hubby joining bb gathering? I add u n Tyra to the confirmed attendant list
I m still xpressing in the office. My mgr adds work load (post receipts) to me n ask me to explain y I delay updating the receipts. He wants me to update receipts everyday in the sys (ma chiam shift my priority fm exe's work to clerk's work). V sian, I demoted to do clerk's job. V demoralizing

Aiyo, your MIL sick still wanna carry Matt. Wonder if she will pop in on Sat to show off how well u can "take care" of Matt
Your MIL v strong leh, can carry so many fruits
Luckily your PIL din stay wif u

Let it out. Bet EVERYONE here has their fair share of MIL story (memory searched me except Pringles)

Confirmed list for gathering on 18 Dec
Giggler n Vane :)~ pandan cake
Jo, hubby n Zhenglong :)~ choc chips cookies
Pokie,Hubby n Ethel
Pringles, hubby n Alicia :)~ finger sandwiches
Viv, hubby n Janna
Shook, hubby n Chen Chen :)~ fruit salad
Lyn, Hubby n Jerald :)~ konyaku
piglets, hubby n Gareth
sanrio, hubby n ashrel
QSG n Dana
Valencia, mama n Randall
Jessie n Jerrel
Peggy n Jovan
Hazey n Tyran
shook, i mean i tried different things like sales, marketing,etc but din touch accounting and auditing. Where did you graduate from?
Latest Update:

Confirmed list for gathering on 18 Dec
Giggler, Ma Ma n Vane :)~ pandan cake
Jo, hubby n Zhenglong :)~ choc chips cookies
Pokie,Hubby n Ethel
Pringles, hubby n Alicia :)~ finger sandwiches
Viv, hubby n Janna
Shook, hubby n Chen Chen :)~ fruit salad
Lyn, Hubby n Jerald :)~ konyaku
piglets, hubby n Gareth
sanrio, hubby n ashrel
QSG n Dana
Valencia, mama n Randall
Jessie n Jerrel
Peggy n Jovan :)~pastries
Hazey n Tyran

Nat :)~tomato pasta chicken or beef, drinks, tissue paper, paper plates, bowls, forks n spoons.
Hubby :)~lift from MRT station, carry anyone's baby and knock out with his "bahu"
Mat :)~happy smiles, pampers n wet wipes,
promil gold milk 2
I use manual grinder... not really grinder
Shook, I use a manual grinder...It is the kind that u can get at NTUC $2.50 or so... that is metal and have holes for scrapping food. I got the extra small holes one lor... Can scrap apples, bananas, carrots etc etc...
Emily, i think you are referring to grater? I have that also but never use , quite tedious and must be careful if not may accidentally cut yourself.
Wah, so many of you going tomorrow... I'm going to miss a lot!

Shook, you saw Dr LN Sim too? Me too!
Eh, you want to do Medicine too? You will not have time to spend with Chen Chen ah.... hehehe... how come vet can become accountant? Your dad very "zai" leh!

Aiyoh, why you all so pantang about shoes?

drop by for a while la...!! Short while then you can scoot off..then won't miss out too much. Later evening can go Orchard see lights..drive past whatever..
Ayoh Mummies,
Y I 'eng eng' at home, u all not so active ah????
Zooming in to read those post for SAHM me only so far....definitely missing out alot interesting bits!!!!

Hubby fetched son hm. Hb super chor lor type.....always nag him to be more gently, slow dn....falls on deaf ears....so finally this mishap. Under all circumstances, our kids must be safe n sound....so quickly cushioned son frm the fall 1st. He fell badly....limping now....ankle swollen.......
. Son ok but angry with daddy for knocking against his head, complained 'pain pain!!!'.......

Tks mummies for the belated wishes.

<font color="ff0000">Shook</font>,
Yap.....hb n my bd same n son's bd fell on our anniversary! <font color="ff0000">Nat</font>....YUAN..........I strongly believe too! Shook, tks gdness, I can nvr be a doc, i turned off by blood.......v 'bo da'.............

U dec bride also?
Ya....during the day, my boy goes to childcare n my girl only comes back over the wkends.

Mon, we can yuk over msn again!

Shoes............I am interested but my limping hb..........still ask him to go see shoe now? hahahahhaha......

customary anniversary or ROM anniversary?

U sick??

Edi's hair y like that? He is v cute!!!
I graduated fm Ngee Ann then took PT BBBA fm RMIT. How abt u?

OK I will mash fruits wif grater too. My mum boiled apple, both fruit n water feed Chen Chen

Yeah I consulted Dr Sim. How u find her?
I love bio so wanna study medicine but din wanna go to JC, no medical subj in poly so switch to bz lor.
Long story......My grandpa sent my dad to China to study. My dad graduated as a vet, b4 outbreak of WWII my dad came back to Singapore, can't b a vet here not in demand so studied business
Nat's plc towards West side, drop by for a while lar.
In Cantonese shoes equivalent to hai hai sang; in Mandarin shoes equivalent to evil (xie)

Err....your rom same your wedding anniversary?
Your hubby so poor thing, injured yet Rae angry of him
hi Nat, can PM me your address, or anyone else??
My girl just recovered from high fever, so still not sure if i can make it tmr. But very much like to join you all, esp. nat home is much nearer to my home. Ok, if Eylse feels ok tmr, i will join you all. Thanks.
Wow...so many postings...really looking forward to tmw's gathering..


Sorry, can't tell u where the float was frm...it was a gift for Alicia


Yah.....i had to hold on the back of Alicia's float the whole time coz she kept bending forward...i didn't want her to topple over and drink pool water. Tmw we shall compare Jerald's and Alicia's gigi..haha


just b4 we put Alicia in the pool, i remove her diapers...she usually only dips for abt 15-20mins at most...and i'm quite certain she won't shit at that time coz she has done it in the morning.


As usual, u are really observant. I haven't mentioned anything abt my MIL coz I don't have much negative things to say abt her. I'm ok with her. I'm thankful for that.


I like the portrait pic of Edi.
Sure has a charming smile!
hi qsg
u r in product development? better than accountant wah....

hi shook
how long have u been in accounting line?

hi sahm
oh.... luckily rae is ok... very nice name. what does rae mean?
so r u going to Nat's place tomorrow? give me ur number if u r interested.

after the trip, i really can't catch up this thread anymore... tomorrow going to gathering hope can click with mummies here. skarly nothing to say... u see, me not very sociable person.

ok, later going to bake cookies liao... wish me luck!
did u ask me abt the float. i got it fr OG wen they hav 20% disct. it's call 'floater'. kiddy palace n tom n stef oso sell.

same agn! i oso fr ngee ann biz ad but FT BBBA RMIT (fr SIM). i wen melbourne 4 an exchange prog.

edi hair so cute, std up, jus like matt's hair. i like his smile
hi sahm,
okie will blacklist 4 leaves n tell all my frds! (can help u 'chu1 qi4') did u all fin the cake? twice we bought over the counter i tink. once my hubby (voluntary BB officer) order 4 his students a big triple layer choco cake. the boys (lower secondary) love the taste n din notice abt cake design or the box..
so qiao3, annivesary n ur boi bd same date, so meaningful..
hi mummies
i am so sad that i can't attend the gathering today. last night after baking cookies, about midnight my son woke up for milk. i felt his head abit hot... my hubby measured him and he is running high fever, 38 to 39! throughout the night he woke up every hours, we tried to feed him milk but sometime he could only drink 60ml and sometime not. he wanted to be carry or carry to sleep. this morning he vomitted all the milk.... after this, he seems better but fever still there....

so sad that i cannot meet u mummies... and my bag of cookies.......... :-( wasted liao....
tink u mention mus take more pic wen bb younger. i realise as ashrel grows older, he becum more 'aware' of d camera. he's smiling but wen i brg camera, he stare at me n eyes big big.
oops..wat happen to zhenglong? is he beta, fever subsided? we will miss u n him but nvm, most impt take gd care n hope he recover v v soon. keep us posted.

hope all of u hv fun at the gathering later. i will be off feasting myself to nice food at the full mth celebrations.

jus got edi to sleep for a while. if nt later sure cranky at the celebrations and "tui wo de nian". lol.... daddy snoring away and edi can sleep thru the horrid sounds.

his hair most of the time like dat leh... even if we comb it down after bath.

hehe... edi oso same... when i c him smile smile laff laff i quickly bring camera... once he see the cam, he jus stare straight into it. so most the smiling shots as u can see, not lookg at cam one... got to get someone beside me to mk him smile.

so sori u cant go gathering... but hope ZL will get well soon. sayang him for me.

Sanrio, Ashrel looks very attentive and cute! Yah, Ian slso gets wary of the camera... hard to capture smiles now.

Nat, really dun think I can go visit u today... sigh... we'll be out by 11 plus... dunwan Ian to be too tired out... we learnt his tolerance levels during the Perth trip liao.

Soyabean, see ya later!
