(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Hi Val, your mom joining us to the gathering? I haven check with my mom. I think Kis used the hair tonic and her hair grow back liao. You can check with her. We can meet for lunch hor?

Hi lyn, sounds like your Jerald is one lucky boy hor? We can just drop by to get the Nepia samples? I usu buy back from Amoy. We can meet at Amoy for lunch leh.

Hi Nat, my mil likes to talk to me via my gal too leh. Sometimes I just ignored her as if I can't hear her. Hahaah

Hi pigletz, who is taking care of Gareth now? Your mom rite? My gal likes to touch other kids' faces too.

ya lor, sometimes I also ignore my MIL. Just pretend that I didn't hear anything.

My auntie is the one taking care of Gareth. And she used to take care of other babies. Just nice that when Gareth is born, the girl she took care of go child care centre.

You too?? goodness...stop work?? Gosh..She must really love him..I too can't stand this.My hubby calls it emotional blackmail.

To be very honest.. I'd rather have a babysitter to look after him. How is Gareth with her anyway??

Being to Penang was an eyeopener for me. She tried boasting to her relatives all that she help to take care of Matt sometimes. When pressed for details, she'll claim that she carry him only when kai kai. At home Matt does not like. She claim I don't bring Matt to her place daytime so that's why not used to her etc etc all the mumbo jumbo. (She forgot the time when my helper pak kat with me to let her take care the whole day and monitor her) The helper told me that even the diaper changing my MIL also don't know.

She even declared she wanna look after Matt if I go give tuition next year. Most of her relatives said to her..:"hah?? you never take care of ah boy (my hubby) when he born...and you rushed back to Penang after a simple injection.. you want to look after Matthew?? sure or not?? You better not..his mummy and daddy take care of him better!!"

This set off a political cum cold war..so we had a miserable time during the trip..We had to placate her evrytime she asked us "why I take care of Matt no good meh?? better than other people take care right?? Still is own people.." I really give up hope.. sometimes wanna tell her that grandson does not even like her.

Esp when Matt fusses in the car she always insist to carry and try..one time I was so fed up and since she demanded in the presence of some "aunties" I let her carry...Matt started to scream and finally when My MIL's older sis carried...Matt tired out already went to ZZ land..My hubby winked at me from rear view mirror. It was distressing but yet funny.

Matt is very playful...he likes ppl to rub faces in his tunny while he grabs your face hair or ears.

He also gives very wet and sloppy kisses..(mouth open wide and hands squeezing cheeks)
Nat, the way you talk about your MIL is hilarious! *hahahaa* *rotf* Sorry I can't make it this Saturday, gotta attend a full-month celebration.

Giggler, nope, no bump on Ian's head... otherwise sure let my PILs nag till the cows come home! I didn't tell them Ian fell... hehehe...

too bad gonna miss ya n ya stories on perth then...I suppose Ian had a great time. Did you self drive about??

Yah the things she say can be really mind exhausting...often don't know how to answer her.

Giggler, Pigletz,

Ignore her no use she'll still carry on night after night...even my FIL has to tell" enough already la...Matthew also fed up...wanna go home already"

I do this "zhao"(method). I pretend ask hubby got everything already milk bottle?? his paci???? or talk to FIL when MIL starts talking to Matt. or I deliberately pack things and then tell MIL to let hubby carry Matt.Or I give monologue on what Matt did to my FIL like smile at him. Or give confirmation like:"today noisy upgrading better let Matt go back zz..I think he needs some quietness." Sometimes I even say to Matt ok say "Bye Bye, Give ye ye ma ma big kiss"

However now running out of ideas...sigh.

ell she is coming back from Nepal..Even my FIL who is putting up my place now can say "the mice cannot play already"
<font color="0000ff">QSG/pringles</font>
Hb/I were adamant about NO walker for jesse. So my mum followed our instructions..anyway he hated to be in it. Then jesse started to crawl and around 10 months or so, started to stand and take steps, he walked at 11 months. We think it should be that he built up his leg muscles, hence he can walk now... also not sure but we are glad no walker for him. The nurse at the polyclinic also said not to put bbs in walker, becos according to her, they are so used to it and if you place them on solid floor, they tend to curl their feet.

<font color="0000ff">sahm</font>
Hellloooo...me back from KL. Only managed to eat the steak, penang food and Nandos chicken..no time leh...hehe...dinners were treated by friends.
The cake design is not up to your expectation?
Rae has red shoes, jesse too... hb/I like red..hehe...

<font color="0000ff">lyn</font>
I think I prefer jesse to smile at strangers leh, not scream.

<font color="0000ff">Nat</font>
Think you should be glad mil bothers about and loves your bb. I understand the part that as if she wanna take care of him all the time, be nice to her, cos you dun know when you may need her help...
Ya lor, i almost flict out when she says she don't want to work cos she want to take care of Gareth. Anyway, told my hubby that i will not let her take care of Gareth one. Mil style is totally different from mine. Which I can't accept.

Gareth is basically okay with anyone as long as we are present. Have not left him with MIL alone b4.

But MIL keep on saying that her hand got no strength, and yet, she like to carry him. Then carry for less then 5 min, will go to the sofa there and sit. then say, 'Gareth, we watch TV okay?' Me don't like Gareth to watch too much TV.

Then there was once she was on 1 week leave, insist that I take Gareth back to let her take care for 1 week. So I told her, if she want to take care for 1 week, then take care for the rest of his childhood (hehe, I know she won't one, cos at that time her job is still very well paid. now she wanna quit job is becos she's offered a contract job, pay very little). So, she negotiated for 2 days instead. Then I took leave to be with her to take care lor.

Wow, the 1st day itself hor, she keep on playing with Gareth leh, until Gareth didn't want to sleep, eat and shit. Me sooooo angry, in the end, cannot tahan but raise my voice at her. That night, Gareth keeps on crying and crying until hubby ask what happen during the day time.

*sigh* I really don't know what to do if she really quit her job man.
To all mummies who have the bumbo...

I went to OUB ctr, bumbo selling at $75+ comes wif a free carrier bag (saw at carrefour selling at $8+)

Robinsons n JL slightly cheaper after discount but no free bag... is the bag useful?
Hi, just checking anyone here got good confinement lady to recommend? if cantonese auntie will be better, heard from my parents that cantonese auntie cook good foods.

Ya CM got to go for OPs.. and CM's sil the one at the 1st gatherin also may not be back.Got to prepare ducks for CNY. Matt is now at my student's mum's place..she said she'll help me with Matt for school holidays. She'll be there at the gathering this Sat. Stays near me and fascinated about babies. She's very good and she charts down matt's zz habits. She was concern Matt don't ZZ enough. Now he zz's a lo longer at her place. Besides there's a pair of 12yr old who loves playing with him. Even took out their remote control cars and lego to play for him.


Wow..seems we all keep things from PIL too. The time I brought Matt to se PD about his cough which he caught from her (this is another story) Hubby said no need to tell thm if not serious.

Finally she realised when Matt statred to cough and told us to bring doc so we told her we did. She never once said "aiya you caught Ma ma's cough ah?? So sorry pass u.." she still got cheek to say .."see la, you let people take care that's why like that...if you can't take care better bring him over la..!!" I could think of a thousand ond one things to sya but I bite my tongue. Finally my FIL was the one say who else coughing but you...that really kept her quiet.

The story was she kept insist her cough is dry cough (not enough water) I was so pissed felt like telling her who are you kidiing?? It's so phelgmy even I a layman can tell it's a wet cough.

On the way back from our trip she caught the flu and yet she insisted it's allergy...finally when we got back to SG..she admit it's flu. I was so pissed but yet frantic that Matt will catch it. Luckily not. Eventually he did catch her cough. Sigh.

I got mine fm OUB oso. The bag wont be useful unless u intend to bring it out. Keen in getting it fm me? Hehe... My boy always attempt to get out fm it.

Yah I thought about that one time too..

I suppose you didn't get to read my confinement story heh heh. In a nut shell, my MIL offered to do CF for me. I agreed.

However, 36 hours after labour and Matt popped..back in the room I asked MIL to carry Matt and she said she dare not and did not know how to look after babies or bathe them. I had to force her to carry Matt after 3 weeks when I was so desperate to head to the T to change my pad and Matt was so hot due to the no fan/aircon rule.

At the point she told me to put Matt in the bed so she can just pat him there..I told her she has to carry. Finally, she said ok but must sit down.

When talk about help...My MIL does not fall in the category...once she even left Matt crying cos I had a fight(i told her Matt no need pat pat to zz, he can zz himself) with her in the morning and she said she don't want to care about him or carry him again.My helper was in the toilet washing..so she thought my MIL will call her as usual but this time she didn't. matt cried till no voice and hands trembling (means cried long time).

I really envy those who have Mums or MILs who can help from time to time but my MIL really can't help in anyway..not even a bit.

But I know she loves Matt although it still escapes me how she could have left him crying even when she was less then 5-10metres away.

if you don't want the bag from Val

I'll be glad to buy it from you hor Val?? I've got a kitty at home and my MIL complans that she scared the kitty sits in it *LOL*

So I was thinking of sewing a cloth but since you mentioned Carrefour has..I may buy it too.

I'm still keeping the box from the first time I bought Matt's bumbo.

Ladies talkng about Bumbo,

It's scary now that so many of you got it since Matt first got it...LOL

First matt then ash then who else ar?? sahm??

Maybe we could all bring it over to my place on Sat and have BUmbo party...heh heh

I agree on the strength too...the day helper pak kat let her take care since she talk so much, sh told helper she tired got no strength...and Matt hates to lie on the bed.

The helper told me about it...so my hubby asked her how?? take care of Matt ok?? She told him hands and back tired...also no strength to carry whole day. Didn't even know he POO POO till poo caked and dried to backside.

When I came back from calss I asked her so how?? She told me ok ah...she complain the helper never change Matt's diaper when he poo poo. I say tired or not?? she still say "where got tired??? let him lie on the bed only wat"

If i could roll my eyes at her I would have and let them drop on the floor. Of course for "face" reasos I didn't call her bluff.
val, dun hv the exact office add. the tel is 6226 2451 (MAY) the office is on #B1-xxx, u can call may to tell her you are dropping by to collect samples.

randall to to such extreme to pple he doesnt like!! wow this sat if he dont like me...better wear long sleeves :p

nat, didnt know u got MIL problem also!! Jerald did help me to scream down her roof last sat!! heng - another 5 min at her plc i oso cant tahan!! but the min we got into the car, he's all quiet and even smile at me!! our sons - sama sama lah...

but at least ur hubby on ur side - he knows when u r rite n when his mum is wrong...mine...lose for words...FOREVER HIS MUM IS RITE...ME ALWAYS WRONG....

pigletz, at least ur MIL got to c gareth once a wk!! I dun bring jerald to her if i work on sat!! dan on sun - go shoppin n back to my mum's plc liao. sometimes i purposely dun bring jerald back to pasir ris - let him stay with my mum cos i really dun like going to my MIL plc!!

but really take my hat off for u - dare to raise voice at her - even bargain to let him take care of gareth??? me will nvr let my eyes shut every min she's with jerald either at her plc or ours!! i follow her like shadow!!

actually, jerald all along is quite ok goin over to her plc!! the prob is MIL always v.excited to c jerald!! that sat - b4 even i could settle down, release jerald frm the carrier and even i step into the hse, once she open the door, she was already exclaiming "aiyo bao bei, bao bei...." i think that scare him off!!
<font color="0000ff">Nat</font>
Think I read that story...quite funny... is it becos she never looked after bbs before? Common sense will tell a person (even blur me!) not to let bb cry for so long...hehe.. from what you write, maybe not so safe to ask her to look after...since arms and back tired...hehe...if she volunteers again, gotta tell her 'No'.

<font color="0000ff">val/lyn</font>
Nepia is at B1-25 Hong Leong...very easy to find...I just went there yesterday with another mummy to get diapers cos NTUC's stock is coming only two weeks later. May had leftover packs from Taka fair and so I bought the Miffy pack from her, aiyoh, the diapers look so cute I can't bear to jesse wear!!! Hehe...

<font color="0000ff">lyn</font>
My boi is also mil's 'darling'...ok lah, she loves him...hehe...relax lah, after all jerald is her grandchild, let her pamper him a bit when you are there...maybe we dun understand the love now, maybe one day we become grandparents then we will understand lor...
ya lor, they always got the 'face' issue one. Keep on telling me last time she also take care of kids b4. But from what I know is she didn't really take care of my hubby and sil when they are born.

Well, I got no choice, cos we have to stay over at inlaws place every weekend. We still waiting for our own flat to come. Not sure if we will still do that when we got our place.

haha, me not daring lah. Just that I cannot tahan anymore. Imagine keep playing with him leh, even when he is drink milk and when he is poo pooing leh. I mean can't blame the babies for being playful right? They won't know when to stop playing unless the adults stop what.

My MIL also, everytime we reach home hor, haven't even step in, will say already...'aiyo....u come back liao ah...ah ma pao' Then hor, snatch him away from me liao.
I'm a 'Chia' char bo. haha, my PIL sometimes abit afraid of me.
sori to hear abt ur encounter w four leaves. we got cakes fr them few tx. was ok. ya u shd call their HQ to complain.

i agree CM is excellent, fast n clean. now we 'live' w'out helper. i do here n there n hubby does hsework during wkend.
nepia ah? call their office to ask for sample? but their M size alwy no stk. their L is v big.
Hi Nat &amp; Mommies,
I won't be able to make it for this Sat's gathering as I also have full month celebration to attend. Will make up for the cake at the next gathering.

possibily the same full-month celebration?
Mine is at hougang.
Chen Chen no stranger anxiety too. But he cries when certain ppl carries him - guess who my MIL
muak ha ha ... He is my darling
I pm all those confirmed attendants your address n cell phone no except Jessie n Peggy

Vane same pattern as Chen Chen refuses to share rusk biscuit
Your SIL puts her shoes in your IL's hse, not your hse mah, so effect not on u. Ya u can't tell her to bring back her shoes
Can understand it is extremely demoralising when bb cries when latching on. My mum too passed dat remark dat I dun hv enuff milk or Chen Chen doesn't want bm anymore. But I persisted. My hubby/mum helped to sooth Chen Chen when Chen Chen fussed.

So happy your ma ma joining the bb gathering

Can't stand u. MUZ HV choc or i-cream EVERYDAY. Make me :-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ n jealous
Hmm... wat Jo n cake?

Giggler, Val
Hormone returns to me already. My hair dropping is back to normal rate some time back. But I still apply liquor on my scalp

Confirmed list for gathering on 18 Dec
Giggler n Vane :)~ pandan cake
Jo, hubby n Zhenglong :)~ choc chips cookies
Pokie,Hubby n Ethel
Pringles, hubby n Alicia :)~ finger sandwiches
Viv, hubby n Janna
Shook, hubby n Chen Chen :)~ fruit salad
Lyn, Hubby n Jerald :)~ konyaku
piglets, hubby n Gareth
sanrio, hubby n ashrel
Avocado, hubby n Lionel
QSG n Dana
Valencia, mama n Randall
Jessie n Jerrel
Peggy n Jovan
hi Shook,
my boy suffers from viral infection.Me &amp; my hubby have had tough days since last sunday.

It all started bcoz of me.I was on on &amp; off fever &amp; sore throat for the past two weeks. thou we didn't sleep in the same room &amp; I wore mask all the tx but still passed to him.

At first,he has some yellow discharge from his eyes.We brought him to see PD,then came back in the afternoon,he ran high fever:37.5'

I was so worried that I called my mum to help.Three of us took turns to take care of him..We fed him paratacemol.The fever stops the next day but came back again on the 2nd day.We brought him to see the PD that night.

The PD confirmed my boy has suffered from viral infection. She didn't prescribe antibiotic coz she wanna observe a few days.So we were given some cough syrup &amp; nasal drops. My boy cries everytx he sees the syringe.My heart so pain &amp; i feel so helpless everytx seeing him coughs &amp; feeling so uncomfortable...

I've never felt so helpless b4 in my whole life.I feel so remorseful that I caused my boy sicks.

i wish my boy recovers soon.Now,he refuses to play.The usual playful,cheerful Lionel suddenly become so tired &amp; "pek cheak"...I feel so upset

sorry that I couldn't attend the gathering this sat...
stylobb, u dun understand...she's not a ez person!! dun gana cheated.

pigletz, actually me not surprised by jerald outbrust the other day!! serve her rite to upset my boi!! jerald din even hv chance to "warm up"!!! my poor boi still whimming away when we got into the car (but he v.gd actor - smile at me when i told him we r out the hse liao)!

shook, me also blur liao...anyway u also can mah - take in small qty lah!!

avocada, hope lionel get well soon!! poor boi...whenever jerald c he syringe - he'll b jumping up n down happily - cos either i'm feeding him water or diluted gripe water. he dun wan it frm bottle!! i think he's confuse - but as long as the takes it - it's ok with me. will train him to drink frm the mag mag later.

jamci, sorry to miss ur earlier posting. yep, i got my CL frm PEM CONFINMENT. adv: let ur own mum do the confinement for u, come to no choice dan get CL. well unless u really lucky - ur CL is really "problem - free"
<font color="0000ff">lyn</font>
Really ah? Kena cheated ah??? hehe...

<font color="0000ff">avocado</font>
Hope lionel gets well soon.
Hi shook &amp; QSG, I use manual grinder... not really grinder actually. It is the kind that u can get at NTUC $2.50 or so... that is metal and have holes for scrapping food. I got the extra small holes one lor... Can scrap apples, bananas, carrots etc etc...

Giggler, yes, I grind the raw veg, then put into ice cube tray, then when frozen transfer into container. Label and date. Then when I need to use, I just take a cube of whatever, thraw and steam or microwave or heat up... whichever way is gd for u. For me, I steam it.
So rusk Vane like yeah!
gd gd...

Val, Your mom going also tomorrow?? Go where?? U mean saturday's gathering??? Blur lah u... that's two days away. Why sooo excited, is it?? hehehee...

Lyn &amp; Val: nepia samples really slow lah... I went for motherhood fair last year when preg with Ethanand requested for the samples as they had already ran out of them... Now Ethan 5+mths.. and still I haven't receive the samples.

Lyn, so glad Gareth let me carry... so cute...
if can I want to bring him home... hehehe... then Ethan can have a playmate. Hope the samples enough for you gals. Actually brought 4 more packs, but met my cousin during lunch and passed to her lor for my nephew.

Nat, welcome back. Can't make it for the gathering at your place coz going to ubin for chalet. Say, r we having plans for chinese new year celebrations?? If so, let's make it clear... no need to give hong bao... then at least can motivate people to come for the gathering.

MIL and probs! at least u gals' MIL stays at her own home. My MIL wants to come and stay with us. I faintz... actually she's a very nice lady other than the fact that she's blur like sotong... so I don't trust her with Ethan. She keeps wanting to come to my house to stay... and always changes plans on that very day when everyone is mentally prepared for her arrival. She self-invites. Like call and say she's coming to stay tomorrow. and tells her hubby she's coming to my place to stay. Why can't she just asks instead of tell??? Anyway, am sooo afraid that my helper will leave after 4 years with us... then MIL will definitely have an excuse and say, "Since I am retired, I will come to your house to stay and look after Ethan". Ethan also cries when she talks to him... don't know why. But he only cries for a while. If I talk to him properly and tell him he cannot behave like that to his grandma, he is ok.
Hi pigletz, so now your mil wants to take over? Will your mil insist that you let her take care or not? If yes, then quite difficult to reject hor? Don't think so far first lah. Your mil may not enough quit her job leh. Maybe u shd let her take care for one whole day herself. Let her taste how difficult it is then she scared scared mah.

Hi Nat, you're very lucky that your hubby is at your side. Can u imagine the situation when your hubby give in to his mom? Matt sounds cute leh. Hahaha. How come your mil so happening, went to Nepal alone? To me, I just ignore my mil and act busy packing Vane's stuff.

Hi jul, sometimes also not sure if it's a blessing that the grandparents dote on our bb hor? I can foresee that my gal will be spoilt by my parents liao. Sigh.

Hi styloBB, that's what I always remind myself too. I shd be happy that at least my mil dotes on my gal though she "zhong nan qing nu".

Hi lyn, try to remind yourself that at least your mil loves Jerald lor.

Hi mon, you also can't attend this Sat's gathering? Maybe we shd organise one for CNY hor?

Hi shook, my mil stays with us at my place. That's why my place is like a warehouse cos it's a meeting place for my sils. Sian to hear those remarks hor? Luckily my milk was so much that could be splashed all over Vane's face so they seldom make these type of remarks. If not, I think I'll give up bfg long ago.

Hi Val, my mom joining us to the gathering too.

Hi jamci, I didn't engage CL but I've a contact that is highly recommended by my fren lah. You want to try?

Hi avocado, aiyo my heart ached while I read your posting leh. So is he getting better now?
emily, u got me the wrong bb!! my boi is Jerald, Gareth is pigletz boi. the samples are just ok with me. i took 3pkts - not sure my boi wants or not - better give to others than to waste,

the nepia samples took such long time to come via post cos it's a one-man show in the office. so i resort to call n self collect - cos my office jus ard the corner.

giggler, stylobb...when the topics touches on MIL i prefer to press the "mute" button on myself!! No Comments....the saga starts long ago during our dating time - till now - still on-going. so i better stop myself frm commenting otherwise i can start new thread on MIL ISSUES liao.
sanrio, check i with you how much you paid for the peek a block train (after discount...etc)??

tot of getting the 2-1 pull along tray for jerald but it was $69.90 @ toy r us!!
hi Giggler,
He has no more fever...but still hv a bit of cough..

ya,there's prob staying wf inlaws,ur place tend to become a meeting place.

I can foresee my MIL will spoil my boi too.But I've no choice bcoz beta to get our own mothers or MILs to tak care of our kids than to leave him/her wf infant care or nanny...

My hubby's 6yrs old nephew who being taken by my MIL since he was baby,can't even know how to feed and bath himself....Wonder how he is going to eat when he goes to primary one next yr....I really worry my boi will be spoilt until this stage.My MIL is quite petty,I can't tell her what to do...

hi Lyn,
Jerald so cuteee..see the syringe so happy..Mine is the other way round..when he sees the syringe,he'll start to struggle..
ya, will have to wait for another month to know if she will quit her job anot.

Not sure whether she can tahan taking care of Gareth anot. I also took quite a while to get used it. Somemore nowadays Gareth sooooooo active. Taking care of him must have stamina and strength. haha, which i think she might not have any.
<font color="0000ff">poohie</font>
Not only mil, even my gf who helped to look after my boi for half an hour said she knows why I always say so tired looking after him..hehe..

<font color="0000ff">Giggler</font>
How many sils do you have?
Hi avocado, I think the flu virus is very strong this time round. My nephew who is taking care of by my mil, still need my mil to wear socks for him. Her reason, he too fat to bend down. Two of them so sticky that he's staying with us cos his granny is at my place. Sigh......

Hi pigletz, your mil will give up taking care of Gareth if she can't stand it one.

Hi styloBB, my hubby's got 6 elder sis and 3 elder bros. He's the youngest so my mil is left with us. Sigh
Just dropping by...havent read the posting here yet.....more complaint!

2day my boy's bd as well as my wedding anniversary. Just bot a simple off the shelf Tiramisu cake frm Prima Deli (papa mama's anniversary cake) n along the way, 'bad mouth' abt 4leaves to the staff there. The staff expressed shocked n told me they are allowed to gif away 4 empty boxes for free for larger cakes!!!!!

Too much!!!!......Glad that I broadcast their bad customer service n havent complained abt the disastrous wording yet.....'dearest' is in bracket!!!!!!! Noticed?

Hahahahha...tks mummies here for bearing with me, to let this off my chest

Mummies, dun ever get 1st BD cake frm them....really not nice 'workmanship'. I will be too shameful to show it to my guest for this special occasion of my darling! It spoils ur entire mood too...........
hope ur boi feeling much beta. can undstd how u feel. wen ashrel was down w diarrhoea the other tx, i so heartpain. his bkside red n sore as poo n clean so often. oso he 'sian sian' unlike his cheerful n playful self. it took him 1 wk + to fully recover. no medicine for him as he just turn 3mths then. u must take care too as u need energy to take care of ur darling. dun wori, i m sure Lionel will b fully well v v soon

ai yo, so sori, din noe four leaves so bad. still tell u the cake yummy the other tx. pai seh..

it's $39.90. i got it at taka at 30% disct, cardmember sales.

Happy wedding anniversary to u and Happy bday to Rae!


How did u manage bringing Ashrel to swim all by yourself and take pics at the same time? I have to do it with my mom or hubby. Just brought Alicia for a 2nd dip in her float.



Poor poor daddy mummy n Lionel. Dun blame yourself. Who never get sick rite. Tis is life. U hv a gd gd rest n get well soon. Join us for the next gathering ya

I can't resist when I c choc n i-cream. Now bf so excuse not to go on diet. Yo, wif X'mas more choc

Do u steam the fruits?

Ya agree wif Giggler u r v lucky dat KK sides u instead of his mum. Most side their own mum coz blood thicker than water

How come our sil so like dat hor. v buay zhi tong. BTW u staying wif your MIL or your MIL stays wif u?
Rite on, proud of your splashing milk flow
. BTW your fast let dwn cld b the reason y Vane fuss too

Is Alicia able to catch the toys in the water? Chen Chen gets v fed up when he can't catch the bottle caps we put in bath tub when bathing him

Confirmed list for gathering on 18 Dec
Giggler n Vane :)~ pandan cake
Jo, hubby n Zhenglong :)~ choc chips cookies
Pokie,Hubby n Ethel
Pringles, hubby n Alicia :)~ finger sandwiches
Viv, hubby n Janna
Shook, hubby n Chen Chen :)~ fruit salad
Lyn, Hubby n Jerald :)~ konyaku
piglets, hubby n Gareth
sanrio, hubby n ashrel
QSG n Dana
Valencia, mama n Randall
Jessie n Jerrel
Peggy n Jovan
hello mummies,

i just started helping my friend to sell some baby pdts. I'm (ashrel) using the Sarong Sling, Bandana n Teether Doll. There's oso Blank Flashcards for u to make Glenn Doman teaching materials (i made maths &amp; words cards for ashrel).

I personally find the sling quite good, as it is padded at the shoulders n at baby's back n hip area (unlike those in the mkt), so it's comfi for both mummy n bb. The material is oso v soft hence not so warm. 1 more thing, the design is v sweet n nice w embroidery.
ashrel outgrows the carrier n it's very painful for my shoulders so I switch to a sling.

okie me shant 'advertise' too much. hope u can give me (sahm w no income) ur support shd u need any of the pdts

i brg/use the pdts tis sat. u can oso email me at [email protected] for more details.
i 'leave' him alone in the floater wen i take pic. he's not scared, dun need me to hold, wan to float n relax on his own somemore. usually go w hubby unless i 'xin xue lai chao' decide to go on a wkday. alicia's floater so nice, w cute little fishes..

happy wedding anniversary
oops i finally got ur ah boi's name. happy birthday to rae
Happy belated wedding anniversary to u n happy belated bday to ur sonny

Mummies always feel the heartache when their precious bbies r sick. Feeding them with medi even worse cos so young gotta take drugs. Hope ur boi will recover n be his usual self soon...
hi soya bean
have u added me to your yahoo messenger? I didn't see u leh

hi val
yes,i m using yahoo messenger... donno why msn and yahoo messenger not the same.

hi shook
oh, u r also an accountant? heehee... same line.
any other mummies here doing accounting?

hi sahm
we may go to my sil place, east side, for a swim tomorrow. i can go and fetch u if u wan to come to Nat's place? give me ur number. go lah... u r so active here, must go lah...

sian lah... today on leave but still going back to office cos need to rush payroll... many want to get pay early this month... bo bian...
Ya me an accountant, sigh...wrong trait. I wz a Science student in sec, then switched to Bz. A WRONG WRONG move
memory seached me, sahm gotta attend bb full mth party

The happening in Orchard rd u asked abt is on Sun
<font color="ff0000">Mummies</font>,
Wanted v much to chat here with u mummies.....today last day helping friend liao....

Just when I am busy, <font color="ff0000">Nat</font> popped by, <font color="ff0000">Jul</font> came frm....talking abt MIL???? Hahahhhaa........NAT, poor U, kena again???!!! <font color="ff0000">Pigletz</font> 'chia' huh....I wanna learnt! <font color="ff0000">Lyn</font> follows Mil like shadow????? LOL..............havent read in details yet!

<font color="ff0000">Jo/Sanrio</font>,
PLease dun feel bad abt ur recommendation. I really appreciate......customer service is not wat u can control, rite? Tasted the cake last nite.....YUMMY!!!! But the whole episode was really unpleasant! <font color="ff0000">Sanrio</font>, supposed u bot those off the shelf classic cakes or smaller cakes? Shouldnt have any problem for those......no box, no wording, not much interaction, thus not much problem lor.......wont have any special occasion deal with them anymore....taking risk with those hiccups here n there.

<font color="ff0000">Jo</font>, tks for the contact......gonna write n follow up with a phone call to the HQ, foto attached too. Wah, me fierce hor??
Just want my customer rights...........<font color="ff0000">Pigletz</font>, dun say u 'chia'.........me sama sama..........

<font color="ff0000">Pringles/Skyblue/Sanrio</font>,
Tks so much for ur wishes.....tks mummies, tks aunties (frm Rae)

<font color="ff0000">shook</font>,
I was frm Science stream too......took part in school quiz.....cant remember wat, aspired to be doctor.....ended up a sahm.........whose plight is more pathetic?
Hb's frenz hse dun know wat condo name....beats me.......not sure attending anot now. HB injured his leg, swollen n sprained. Rae was with him....both toppled n tumbled down the stairs!
Staff rely on u for this period of time.....Santa Jo, please expedite our wages for the festive season? Ho ho ho ho......

Nvr mind lah........gd deed of urs! Have a gd day!
Sahm, happy belated wedding anniversary! Btw, how many years have you been married?

Shook &amp; joey, me trained in accounting and auditing but end up doing rojak so till now still earning a miserably low pay. Never done any accounting or auditing after graduation as can't stand them anymore maybe bec i was in commerce/biz classes since secondary and instead of listening to my heart i listen others to take up accounting in U.

hi all...
was on mc yest for stomach flu... nw feeling much better.... doc gv me some powerful med... safe for bfg of cos...

no time to read thru past posts... too many of them....

wow.... doing some work to earn some income huh? hehe... am interested in the blank cards leh...
tok to u more when i see u on yahoo.

oh wedding anniv arh? happy anniv!!

ok... got to get back to work... lots of things to clear even though away for 1 day oni... urgh! b4 i go, here's the sexy pose of edi i mentioned the other day... haha... and tis is the pic whh caused him to knk his head onto the cabinet beside him. oops...
