(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

welcome back, sounds like to had a good time. Can share your itineary? hubby n I planning to go perth too, but we'll wait till my girl knows how to walk.

my ss dropped badly too, dunno whether its becos i'm too tired. Always sleep late at nite cos I need to do a last express around 11+ to empty my breast b4 I sleep. So always come into the office feeling v v tired, sometimes cant concentrate on my work at all. I want to stop yet feel v guilty cos I feel as mummy i suppose to provide milk for my girl. some more as a working mum, i feel bad tt i cant take care of her personally and I dun get to spend enof time wif her, so alll the more i shoudln't deprive her of bm. haiz ....dilemma ....

mummies who co-sleep with bb
does ur bb moves closer towards you while they are sleeping? yesterday nite my girl keep moving towards me till i got no space left and have to go to the other side of the bed to sleep. then she woke up and saw me at the other side so she turn and sleep and start moving towards me again! I keep waking up and changing to another side of the bed ..v v tired now


Welcome back! Its great to hear that Ian enjoyed himself throughout the trip. How was he on the plane? I'm gearing up for our trip to NZ in Feb as well. Buying cereals and milk powder etc there isn't an issue..main concern is that Alicia will adapt well to the envt as well as the car rides. I think at max, we will have 2 hr ride frm 1 destination to the other. Wat was the longest car ride you guys had in Perth? Ian tolerated well??


Are your bbs starting to get stranger anxiety?? Nowadays, Alicia is becoming very aware of her surroundings including unfamiliar people. Last time not so bad but now, even bringing her to my parent's place once a week and she becomes very cautious there....look here look there....can't be out of sight from me for more than 15-20 mins if no toys or distractions...also cries a lot whn trying to put her to sleep anywhere else apart frm home. But once she reaches home, she immediately turns all happy and relaxed and starts playing on her own...wonder how long this would last??


your gal sounds very cute leh....but on the serious note, guess its really does disrupts your sleep...i don't know about u, but that's one of the reasons why i first decided to put Alicia in her own room since 4 mths. And it has only done good to both me and her since then till now...u might wanna consider letting her still sleep in the same room but separate bed alternatively.
Hi piggy, so chor bee is not brown rice?

Hi sanrio, does Ashrel bite his toy? My gal bites on everything she can get hold on.

Hi pigletz, I kept telling my family not to give in to my gal too much cos I feel that she's learning and testing out water now. How's your buttock today?

Hi shook, you also got so little? I used up my stored EBM also liao leh. Think got to supplement with fm really soon. Actually how much milk do we got to give them now that we start solids huh? You gave Chen Chen quite a variety of veggie liao leh. So far, I only give Vane rice cereal and brown rice.

Hi mon, Aelwen looks so different from the 2 pix leh. One so girlish and the other so boyish.
The gathering is still on this Sat at Nat's place.

Hi skyblue, seems like your boy likes the bumbo seat too.

Hi sahm, thanks for looking out the Shichida session for us.

Hi soyabean, what happened to you? Also sick?

Hi emily, I thot of introducing the Rusk biscuits to Vane too. What brand did u buy?

Hi lyn, aiyo Jerald must be happy to have mummy like you. Cos you like to share 'good' things with him hor?

Hi viv, I wonder my milk ss drops due to stress too. Maybe I worried too much abt ss so it drops? Come to think of it, my gal tends to sleep nearer to me too. Guess she wants to get our smell while she sleeps?
yah... came down wif gastric yest... tummy was painful the whole day... nw abit better... but still feel uncomfy at tummy area.

ur gal has big eyes!

yes... edi has started tis unfamilar places/faces phase some weeks back. he hates crowded places too. we went to a kopitiam for a family dinner on sat and he cried quite abit... somemore there was a show next to the kopitiam with marcus chin and hui-ge... so was extremely loud. he wld cry when we put him in his stroller. kept wanted to be carried.
jul, i know - there's certain food bb cant take - but me only jus let him lick the ice-cream (no nuts) but the ice-cream is of macadamia nut flavour..???? cannot??

viv, me co-sleep with jerald irregardless at mum's plc or at our plc. we ever tried to move him into his own cot after he fall into deeper sleep (abt 1 hr later) but he will wake up when he find no "body-warmness" ard him!! he luvs to glue himself to us, share our blanket, hid his hand under our pillows....

yah, agree a bit squeezy...

pringle, u very firm in leaving alicia to sleep by herself. even if i hv jerald in the same room (separated beds) he still cant sleep soundly - so bo bian - we all hv to squeeze into one bed.

bought jerald to my MIL's plc last sat. not sure if i had brainwashed him to "not like" that plc or he's now more aware of his surrounding??

we stayed for +/- 10mins n we quickly went back to the car!! same scenrio as alicia!!

giggler, the "good" food to me seems to be "junk" food on other's menu :p

kris - u so generous to spend!! one pix bumbo - the other a super deluxe walker!!
I din get lucky draw fm my co's D&D. Every1 in my dept gets something xcept me n another colleague. I m v suay lately. Dunno whether is it bcoz my hubby's sis left her 3 pais of slippers in my hse
agree wif u dat once have bb even want to change job also difficult..difficult to find time to even read RECRUIT or type application letters,etc.

Is it true dat fm fei sui pt of view the unluckiness will pass to a person if other ppl's shoes r left in their hse?
lyn & giggler, I gave Ethan heinz rusk biscuits... coz it states from 4mths onwards... Farley's states 6mths. I actually don't think there is much of a difference other than the fact that the recommendation is to only give bbs solids after 6mths. Guess that's why their box states 6mths.
I believe bbs will love it.. coz at least this is something that we allow them to suck on without cleaning and also have taste. hehee...

Jul, hmmm... sounds like u really did enjoy yourselves. did u like freo market?? can u share some experience (with Ian) of the trip that, if given a chance, you would have done differently?? That would give us a more realistic expectation of what travelling with a bb would be like.

Is Dr KT Tan consultant fees opr s.concultant fees?

May i know where to get the Bumbo and how much? What age can start using till what age?
shook, not me into feng shui....y the sudden qns?? but nvr abt abt the myth on this area.

emily, i eat almost all flavours except rum/rasin & peppermint.... will share my rusk with jerald 2moro!! cant wait to c his reaction.
Yeah, yeah, they look like di di n jie jie in the fotos. Hee...hee...

auntie soyabean,
Boi boi's ulcer is getting smaller but haven gone completely leh. U take care...

Yep, my noi likes the bumbo seat cos then he can sit uprite.
He hates the lying down position.
Hi Kis, did u buy that walker since Elyse look so happy in it?

Hi soyabean, I also got gastric flu over the weekend leh. The doc said that there's virus spreading it now. My gal also start to recognise place and people liao. She can't get to sleep at my mom's bed, kept waking up crying in the middle of the nite

Hi lyn, Vane also like Jerald leh. She doesn't want to sleep on her own in her playpen nowadays. We shift her after she's in deep sleep. But once she lied down on the playpen, she'll open her eyes and start kicking her legs till we carry her out of it. hahaha.... that's why I put inverted comma on your 'good' food mah.

Hi shook, got this type of theory abt shoes meh? No wonder I also suay all this while cos my sils always left their shoes at my place leh. I think it's Ruffy who is into feng shui cos her hubby is hong-konger. I'll be bring pandan cake to Nat's house on Sat.

Hi Emily, your Ethan also suck on everything he get hold on? I give up liao, I'll just let Vane suck for a while the things she wants to suck. Letting her explore the things mah.

Hi jul, you really enjoy your holiday hor? Think it helps to have your mom and sis to go with you rite?

Hi skyblue, good that your boi likes the bumbo seat. Me not getting one cos I think my gal's thighs are too big for it liao.
shook, giggler, these people who left their shoe behind at ur plc?? how r they going back?? Bare footed??

giggler, now i know jerald is not the only one - and he definitely not "yang o". these babies just wan some warmest frm mummy!!
Hi lyn, no lah. My place is like warehouse for them cos my mil stays with me mah. So my sils like to leave things in my place for other sil to pick up. Sigh..... You got any plan to train Jerald to sleep alone?
giggler, i wanted to but he always wakes up in the middle of the nite - look for me/my mum!! so we let him sleep with us. we only put him to sleep alone after his nite feed at ard 4am. so by his next feed at ard 7-8am - we'll be awake by then - so it's not that tiring.
Giggler, hope u have recovered by now. Take care! Yup I enjoyed touring with my parents and sis again after so long.... of course it helped that Ian likes playing with them too... don't think it would have worked out as well if my in-laws had gone instead of my parents.
Will definitely plan something again in March or April before I start work in May!

Freo Market was not too bad; we bought lots of cherries and cherry plums there. But I still prefer Melbourne's Queen Victoria Market and Tas' Salamanca Mkt. E Sheds not really worth visiting, I feel. Except they were having a Christmas performance and Ian was captivated by the singing!

Things that I would've done differently... well, defintely would get those hats with netting so that we won't be plagued by those horrible flies!! They really spoilt our enjoyment in some places like Mandalay Beach and the blowhole! And probably it would be worth bringing an inflatable bathtub because the sinks are too small (but impossible to drown in them) and the adult bathtubs are too frightening for them.... Ian was very scared in the bathtubs. Also would have been more religious with the sunblock and moisturizer (but I was already quite "on" about it - u just can't beat Aussie weather!)

Definitely more convenient to travel when baby is not on solids yet.... can't imagine having to sterilize the utensils when travelling! Will definitely slow down the pace a lot!

lyn, macadamia nut flavour means that the nuts already go into the processing of the ice cream mah...
Hi lyn, at least Jerald only wake up for his feed. Vane starts kicking in her playpen once I place her there. Sigh..

Hi jul, you're rite that it's good that Ian enjoys their company too. Me getting better day by day.
Tks, my girl is 5mth+

I like Gareth exploring the utensil....so cute.....I really feel like pinching this cute bubbly rascal!!! U counting ur days to go back to work or cant bear to leave Gareth behind or a little of both feeling?

Elyse is Jolin-grow-up-to-be....eyes v big!!!! The foto v bright n kis v cheery look!

Stay away frm nuts for darling Jerald ah.......

Watever crap u kena frm office, Ehtan just takes them all away frm u, rite?

Ayoh.....ur girl so cute, luv ur bahu so much that she traces u, even in her sleep! I tried to sleep with Elyse once, telok mann...couldnt sleep in peace! I scare I 'pressed' on her!!! She seem to cling so close to me too!!!! No deal after that!

How to start putting Elyse in the other bedroom, all by herself? Please share.........
Separation anxiety is a come n go symptom for bbs at phases. Now alicia has it, then no more, then later will arise again..............normal n natural.

Keep ur iternary, k. I am v interested in ur bb-friendly iternary too.......for future reference
pringles, sahm
my girl has v bad sleeping habit ..she needs her pacifier. Throughout the nite, she'll wake up to look for her pacifier which fell out when she's in deep sleep..she keeps mummy v busy during the nite! tried to put her into her cot and ended up having to walk to her cot each time she stirs, so that's y i let her co-sleep wif me, i need to wean her off the pacifier, any advise how ?

hmm... wonder if it works if i put my t-shirt at the other side of the bed so that she will be "misled" towards it and away from me ???
I cant sleep if she's too close to me lah ...even hubby also need to sleep a distance away, i dun like to be hug/held, find it v uncomfortable.

if my girl glue to me, think i wont get any sleep all nite!
Your ah boi so many toys. U r v gd in home deco. v darling using such dark color on your wall. It is v outstanding n nice, matches v well wif the door n wall color
When I wz young, I oso wore hands me dwn fm my kor kor like Elyse
Elyse is a photocopy of u

U let Ethan tried 3 diff kinda food within a day? All in 1 meal?
U r rite not to add salt n sugar to bb's food
I gave Chen Chen steam
sweet potato
Try 1 type of veg 1st. Can mix the vege if Ethan is not allergy to the veg. Can mix the veg wif bm or warm boiled water

U call yourself BKL accountant; I call myself NML (No Man's Land) accountant

My gyne @ KKH is Dr Sim Li Ngor. She is the deputy head. She is xcellent!!

Welcome back!

Aelwen is so sweet in dat "saying hi to all" shot

I so jealous of u - choc n i-cream a muz in your fridge. They r my favorite but i gotta ctrl myself fm getting them in my mouth
I wanna look 4 greener pasture but no time 2 read recruits, write application letters. now job mkt no gd somemore i need 2 give 3 mths notice how many co willing 2 wait 4 3 mths
sahm n pringles,
not a gd day for me. v 'peh chey'. do u all feel like tat? ashrel only nap half hr tru'out the whole day. no nap nvm, but play toys a while, dun wan, cari him oso not happy, go downstr cum back cry, evythg cannot! i wan to scream! n spank him. end up i brg him go for swim. he happy. if evy wkday like tat. i 'peng san' liao.

i wan to c ethan n catch up w u leh..

sahm n skyblue,
v nice smile
lovely jie jie n cute di di on bright yellow bumbo.

my bro so lucky. won a home theatre system n nokia handphone (no need contract somemore) in his recent d&d. me din go for d&d tis yr.

ashrel put evythg in his mouth n drool a lot.

ashrel early early got hse n stranger anxiety liao. i v stress go pple hse.

here's chubby n fair ashrel w bandana
So sorry, I missed out ur query earlier on.....

Bumbo price is normally $89.90...I bot it at a baby fair at OUB center, $75.52. It is recommended for bbs frm 3mth to 14mths. U can check it up at www.bumbobabysitter.com. It can be found at carrefour, Kiddy Palace n Isetan. These are places where I let my girl tried on it n decided to buy frm the sales, after much much consideration.

Actually, in Singapore and developed countries, i personally feel no need to sterilize bb utensils frm 4 mths plus onwards liao...i simply boil them b4 first use then subsequent uses, just wash well and run over with hot water...my fren told me in the states, they don't practise sterilising at all after first 2 months or so.....i can't imagine sterilising for over a year...


You aren't alone. My gal wasn't hooked to pacifier, she was hooked to my breast. It was real tough, but it took me 2 weeks and now, she accepts it already, I give her the bottle and that's it. Initially, i still let her suckle once in a while whn she got real cranky,but i sometimes woke up 5 times in the nite!!! Then after i coloured my hair recently, i totally stopped bfeeding her...good excuse for me but helped me to be determined to wean her. At least, now hubby and mom can also help me bottlefeed her. In short, i guess there's no easy way out, Have to be real firm and let her cry without the pacifier initially, maybe compensate by hugging her then pat her to sleep....eventually, they exhaust themselves by crying and fall asleep.


I didn't hv much problem whn i placed Alicia in her own room....she sleeps just as well as whn she's next to me...started since 4 mths.. maybe its because there are lots of toys and colours in her room so we play there nearing bedtime..then she plays til tired she knocks off....now, she sleeps thru the nite already. Phew! Why? Did u face difficulty putting Elyse to sleep on her own?


Don't be disheartened. It was just a bad day....i have my share too....my gal has hot temper and she's thrown tantrums when she refuses this and that....facing it alone at home is really shiong on us! But it doesn't mean anything....they are always changing....sometimes if i did everything and she still crys, i leave her alone for awhile, let her throw her own tantrum....later i go back and pat her...then distract her with something she likes, she finally smiles and that's how we go thru another day. You did the rite thing to bring Ashrel for a swim!! Look at that happy face!!
Don't worry...they are not like this everyday...hahaa....this boy sure knows how to get mummy to please him..hehee....btw, i like the one with the bandana too!
I am those mum that agrees with some PD. Pacifier is better than thumb, being easier to wean it off n more hygenic. Thumb is part of their body, I cant be pulling it off everytime they suck, I dun want to go into extent of putting kecup n says things like 'er, ur thumb bleeds...' etc. Thumb I got2 keep them clean at all time......hard to control. Pacifier, I think it will become a habit n not easy to wean off at such 6mth or bb's stage. BUT IT CAN BE WEANED OFF. I weaned off my boy for his day's nap at abt 1 yr but I let him use it when he stirs badly in early morning....ard 4am till now, 2yrs old. My friend recommended me 1 way to wean him n I buy the method. Get him/her to throw the pacifier away in the dustbin n say bye bye...NO MORE. So when he asks, just say U THREW IT AWAY.....NO MORE!........

VIV.....i LOL. ARe u going to put 1 wore before clothe of yours n place it at the other side of the bed? LOL....u really can think of such idea.......Shook, borrow ur 'kneel down' emoticon.......hahahhahaha

WHen I decided to use brown for my wall, most frown but I just insisted
......me eccentric lah
But I think I saw some beautiful brown wall in some designers' book.....
Shook ah shook.......u really v funni!!! BKL n NML accountant.....hahahahahahhahah.......
If u die die no time to look up in recruit, go www.jobdb.com.sg lor or ask ur network.....If not, really can be stuck in this co for another decades!
My kids....most pple said photocopy of me, my ah boy n my girl! But MIL said they all look like her???!!!

Think our bbs are almost like Ashrel....sleeping lesser n lesser.....hard to please too. Randell also sleeping lesser, so is Elyse. Last wkends, hb n I were so glad......elyse knocked out time after time.......dun know y? She just came back frm her 5-in-1 or due to overhauled gai gai....dun know leh......

Ashrel looks like a GIRL in bandana!!!! Wow, u r really hello kitty fan!! Who is the 1 holding on to Ashrel behind? Hair curly curly, not u, ur HB?????!!!! Ayoh, those medicine on the shelf...scary, machaam like dispensary!

May I ask u a v sensitive question? Cant help it but decided to just ASK. Is it because of size limitation that u hb bot the striking swimsuit for ashrel? It has v striking PINK, too loud for boy boy ashrel leh

V shiok hor....to win something frm AD&D. My friend, her hse undergoing reno n she won a TV....so nice, can put in her bedroom. U bro sure is so happy abt his lucky winning draw!
U brought Ashrel for a swim by urself?? How do we bathe bb after that? Spot 1 plump lady in the foto in swimsuit n short....can huh?? Then I will bring my boy n elyse to swim too....in T n short?
U r one tough n assertive mama too.........

Now my boy can go to sleep on his own, how come he not afraid of darkness huh?
We just tried our luck and ask if it is ok we just off the light n close the door n he sleeps on his own? He said 'ok' n really OK!!! Now tot of putting him in another rm, together with Elyse but par par......Wat if Elyse stirs n cries, how do I hear her frm another room ah? No courage to try leh........
U do take very interesting pics.
Hey, maybe we shd get some $$$ from the makers of Bumbo since we post up our happy bbies' fotos in tis forum.

Yeah, if that's the case, buy Bumbo sit only for a short period of time then can't sit anymore is a waste of $$$.

I also have the same qn as sahm. U brought ashrel swimming on ur own? How do u manage? Hope u'll have a better day tomoro

Ur gal has such beautiful eyes.
ya not enuff sleep will cause a reduction in ss. Dat's happening to me. I sleep < 5hrs every day.
I sleep on a single bed wif Chen Chen. He occupies 1/2 of my bed. As both of us r sleeping vertically I can't tell if he follows me closely. Your gal needs your warmth, so follows u closely

So disappointed dat u can't join the bb gathering agn

Look forward to your update on Shichida session thx

I still hv some storage in my bunker. Now give Chen Chen 150ml @ 3 hrs interval. My mum said seems like not enuff for Chen Chen
I wanna give Chen Chen veg only on 6th mth, so introduce many varieties of veg. Still thinking hard wat else to give him. Leafy ones I dunno how to make into puree form
My mum gave Chen Chen rusk biscuit twice. 1st time he doesn't know how to eat. 2nd time he soften the biscuit wif his saliva then sucks the biscuit. He screamed @ my mum when my mum wanna get a bite of the biscuit. Aiyo, I lectured him for dat

do u hv gastric in the past? Better today?
Ucler, gastric pain, taking care of Edi.....U really have to take care of urself! Tink u r those regular victim of both that u just resign to fate?

Hope u r better.........
Sahm, Soyabean &amp; Lyn,
Yeah, we thought the "OK" sign was cute. Hubby accidentally captured her actions and turned out really look like she's doing the "OK" sign plus her expression also kind say the same thing.

Aelwen looked like a boy. Whenever I bring her out without her cap, most people guess she's a boy. So really have to dress her up to look for girlish. How's Vane doing? haven't seen any of her pics here for some time.

Think Aelwen would also perform the same Elyse trick if not for the bumper all around her bed. Last Sat, we woke up in the morning and saw that she has turned 180 degree - her head was where her feet were when we put her to bed the previous night.

From your posting, think now our little darlings are really intelligent....really testing our patience these days.

The float that ashrel is using, is it those that has a base for baby to sit on? I've been wanting to bring Aelwen for a swim but always rain on weekends. Think she will enjoy. She enjoy splashing water during her bathe...the floor is all wet so now have to bath her in the bathroom.
Mon Mon,
Worst, my 2yrs old boy wants to be commando in the hse.....giving orders n asserting himself on the parents!!!
Checked wz bbcenter, it is normal..........phew!
Aelwen does not look like a boy at all to me....
Our bbs can be stuntmen...........
Wow! so many more pics.

Any of you accidentally dropped your bb before? I think i have a phobia now to carry bb bec on monday at home (clearing leave) when i got up from sofa with her in my arms (cradle position) dunno why in a flash of second she flipped out of my arms and dropped face down, fortunately on the sofa on the other end (if dropped on floor dunno what will be the consequences). Due to the height from my arms and the sofa on the other end, think she felt some pain and had a bad scare and kept crying. Took me some time to soothe her.

Shook, we got the same gynae, u see her at TPS?
Btw, i replied your email last weekend, waiting for your reply

Sahm, was looking forward to see you. Quite disapoointed you can't make it.
Randall sleeps like Elyse. With two legs danggling out even with the bumper. Dunno how they manage to do tat.

mon mon,
Randall did the 180 degree turn b4 oso. Eversince then, nothing has been place inside the cot ie no pillow for him to "eat" before his sleep. Haha....

Where did u get the float? Wanted to bring Randall for a swim so I took out my swin suit (I bought it the wk b4 I know I m pregnancy-2 pc suit somemore) and realise I m damn awful in it *sob sob* flabby tummy hanging ard the waist band and strench marks exposed out. Hai~ I think I need to get another swiming COSTUME.

When I c u during the next gathering, can tell me in details how u wean off Alicia? I m a walking pacifier for Randall oso. Everyday when I get back fm work he will dung onto my breast. Or he will touch my breast then look at me like asking for it, when he juz drank milk onli.
jul, sahm, normally i would like remove the nut n let him lick on the ice-cream!! ok - so no more macadamia nut flavour for him??? will dan try....the triple chocolate/belgium chocolate!!! yumy yum!!

giggler, i'm not sure how my mum train him?? she say jus ignore him if he fuss unless it's milk time....so i think he got use to the routine - more or less.

viv, the way he wanted to stick to me at nite is he wanted us to stay as close as possible!! in the day - he would follow me in his walker/bouncer around the hse!!

shook, i can go without this 2 item!! must hv either one EVERYDAY!! me addicted to them liao - not coffe or tea but ice-cream n chocolate!!

wow!! tat's a long notice u got to give?? any annual leave to offset??

saniro, can i get the exact location of the pool you went with ashrel?? issit the new water playground in jurong?? but i duno where?? me staying in East.

qsg, me got fair share dropping jerald - me n hubby butter fingers.
val, mon_mon,
yes the float is w a base for them to sit. it's call 'floater'. i got fr OG. i saw at KP n tom n stef too. yes brg them for swimming, v fun n ashrel loves it, not scared at all (even the 1st tx).

skyblue n sahm,
swimming pool jus across the rd fr my hse. v convenient. we change at hm. wear diaper 4 ashrel outside his swimsuit (so he dun pee on me), pack towel jus go. af swim, wrap him in towel, we cum back then shower. either use locker or put belongings near the pool (at 1 corner i can c), dun brg valuables. if brg camera, take fotos liao keep in locker.

tat's my mum. i hav lots lots hello kitty. pink cos size limitation. tat tx no blue liao n we so 'desparate' brg him for swim.
shorts n tee not allowed (the lifeguard will 'chase' u out of pool). u can wear those leotard w bicycle shorts, shd b ok.
only 2 bot of med. the rest my 'yan wo' gifts for my confinement, havnt drk.
haha such a 'cute' foto, no use cot bumper?

tks. i beta. u right, they 1 moment cranky, next moment smile n smile. somtx i let him cry too, cos cry until tired, easier fall aslp, keke.
it's bukit batok swimming pool at bukit batok st 21. newly renovated, v clean n nice. u cum fr jurong east, it's v near.
gd tx to cum is sat or sunday early morning. v few pple n no sun yet. wkend evening (esp now sch holidays) quite crowded, i dun like.
Shook, yeah... will try the rest of the food on Ethan slowly one at a time from now on.. ;p
btw, I have given Ethan spinach... how to get it in puree form?? Chop the leafy vegetables as fine as u can. Then I put it into the freezer (ice-cube tray) - fill half only. Once frozen, I transfer the cubes into container and put in freezer. When Ethan wants to eat, I steam one portion with the porridge and give him.

I have done the ice-cube way for apple and banana puree too... that way can save $$ and Ethan can have variety. Some of u might ask, "what about nutrients lost thru' freezing?" I say, bm also frozen right? Anyway, if I happen to be eating any fruits like bananas that he can suck on, I give it to him to suck 1st then I eat it.

I have heard of people freezing porridge too... but I think I won't go to such extend. Coz porridge is bigger portion mah. Can cook everyday.

Sanrio, Ashrel looks soooo cute!
Ai yeah... don't know when we can meet again....
say, are we having a chinese new year gathering???

sahm, bbs definitely take te stress away...
but not when the boss calls after office hours to remind u of some work pending!! ;p

giggler, yes Ethan puts eveything in his mouth... and he is sooo into his hands that even the doc was amazed by his "I want my hands" behaviour! hehehee...
Doc even asked me how he drinks his milk if he even sneaks his fingers into the mouth with his bottle in.. or even while bf. I just laughed and say, "I dunno.. he has his way!"
Once I took photos of an outing to my cousin's place...and every shot Ethan was in it, he hashis fingers in his mouth! When my helper and collegues pointed it out to me, I was horrified!

Viv, I sleep with ethan and yes, our bbs tend to instinctively turn and move towards us... what to do, we are their mommies what! Ai yoh! U tried to move away from bb... no wonder u can't sleep well.
I just continue sleeping and push ethan away if he gets too near and I need to turn.
Hi Viv, your bed must be very big so that all 3 of u can sleep in a distance leh. My bed only queen size so we got no choice but to sleep close to one another. Is there a need to wean bb from pacifier so early?

Hi shook, so you steam the veggies that you gave Chen Chen? Did u use any blender or grinder to prepare the food? Does Chen Chen understand your lecture? I scolded Vane for screaming cos she can't seem to suck milk from my breasts. She kept quiet once I shouted at her but in the end I got a lecture from my hubby. He felt that I shouldn't be scolding Vane since I'm the one who is at fault since I got no milk for her. SIgh.........

Hi sanrio, you brought Ashrel for swim alone? You're one of those moms who can really handle bb alone hor?Guess it's norm for bb to put everything in their mouths hor? Ashrel looks like girl with the bandana leh.

Hi pringles, you stop bfg cos you colour your hair? Do u think I can rebond my hair as I still bfg now?

Hi skyblue, to me bumbo seat is really ex lor.

Hi mon, Vane is ok but think she slims down liao. Guess I got not enough bm for her, that's why. I feel that Aelwen looks like girl when you dressed her up leh. Ya, Vane keeps trying to test the water by shouting and screaming for things she wants.

Hi Val, my gal also like that leh. Kept wanting to suck suck once she sees me even when she just finished her milk.

Hi lyn, your mom must be very determined to ignore his cries then.

Hi Emily, so you pureen the food once a week? You use any grinder or blender to do it? Hahaha. Vane has her way of putting her fingers in her mouth while bfg too.
pringles, sanrio
my girl also started having stranger anxiety, go to my PIL's house she'll cry, hubby forgot to let her warm up a bit and pass to my FIL right after we step into the house and she cried like mad. We went to the PD and a little boy came n sayang her on the face, she also cry!

hmm.. since our bbs all having stranger n hse anxiety..wonder wat will happen on Sat at Nat's house ? hope they dun cry the whole estate down ..hehehe

guess that's the only way to wean her off the pacifier. regretted introducing the pacifier, funny thing is that i introduce it when i fell sick and coudln't latch her on, she was still v small then and its quite heartbreaking to see her cry n cry. So i solved 1 problem but created another ...sigh

i think i've more or less decided to stop bf..will b reducing my expressing sessions gradually.

my bed king size, me n bb sleep on bed...hubby banished to ti lum on the floor ...hehehe. For my girl, she keep waking up to look for pacifier so it disrupts her sleep, i'm hoping that she will rest better if i wean her off the pacifier. read that gd nite sleep is impt for bb's brain development. n gd nite sleep also gd for mummy too !

i really like the mtd ur friend taught u ! so cute ! but my girl dun understand now leh ... and i'm keen to start weaning her already. if I fail this time round ... Will keep ur friend's mtd for when she's older.

aiyah, desperate for a gd nite sleep ...so will think of all ways and means !

went for wedding dinner yesterday, hubby's friend tot i'm expecting
i really die die must do something abt my tummy. initially i can still tahan ..but now cannot take it anymore ! arrghhhh....

elyse sleeps on her tummy ? Jana has the same dinosaur as elyse ! n a pic of her in her bumbo

sanrio, tks for the venue of the pool - will go find out.

giggler, my mum &amp; hubby more heck care type - but me - still ok - i spoilt/discipline him on situation. my dad worse!! spoilt him to core!!!

jul, u so strict!! but not let you catch me with my ice cream cone!!! i run away frm you.

Eh...that means your boy quite obedient and compliant. U ask him whether can sleep without light and he agrees....like a little adult already!
I dunno how, but whenever Alicia crys next door,be it close or open door, i wake up immediately. My ears are very sensitive, think mothers are all like that...God given gift...but guess its individual...if she's like your boy....say wanna do something he will do...then maybe no problem when putting them in own room next time.


keke...yes....our bbs now all very smart...know how to turn to the breast and signal to us to give them...i can just imagine Randall doing that....ok....tell u more when we meet this saturday.

with regards to swimsuit, ai yo, u are very slim already leh....


Actually, i wanted to wean her even b4 colouring hair....but after colouring, all the more conscious i am not to bfeed her....but hubby said actually its ok....tell u the truth, i rebonded my hair 1 week after delivery but bfed her all the way till last week....so its ok...rebonding doesn't touch the scalp....but hair dye does...unless u do yourself.


its ok....my lactation consultant also said the same thing that SAHM mentioned...pacifier better than thumb. Can be weaned off gradually...no worries....just decide when u really want to do it then with some determination, it can be done.I also think that once they attend childcare...they see other children without pacifier they will also not want it.


how come u can't come to the gathering??


Haven't seen u online for some time...so u are joining us for the gathering? My hubby and I liked the cake u made last gathering!
Aelwen resembles u more? She looks girlish.
Hi skyblue, so you must place your bb in the seat everyday to make full use of it.

Hi Viv, so only u and bb on the bed huh? Your hubby very poor thing leh.

Hi lyn, I guess I'll be the 'bad' guy to Vane cos my parents and hubby don't bear to scold her.

Hi Pringles, where did u go for your rebonding? I really cant tahan my messy hair liao. Me thot of weaning Vane off first before rebonding but now really cant stand liao.

Hi shook, you got the updated list for this Sat's gathering? Want to know the no. of pple attending the gathering to buy food.
Hi Giggler, haven't bot yet, cos they dun have stock, and cldn't find it anyway else.

Hi lyn, no lah, u misunderstood, din't bot any of the walkers/bumbo. I took those fotos at carrefour when i let my gal tries on. Bumbo too ex liao, walkers-still looking for one, cos the one she likes no stock. Maybe will go down to suntec again to see if the stock arrive. Now currently my gal is sitting on bamboo chair.

hi sahm, wow, ur elyse so "li hai" leh. ain't u afraid that she might hurt herself in the cot?

hi shook, u are a good mummy leh, prepared so many veg for chen chen to try. i dun even know how to prepare porridge for my gal. i too dependent on my mum liao. but hor, u motivate me with ur veg. see if i can do a veg meal for elyse this weekend.

its lunch time now....chat with u gals later.


were u the one who asked for a photo of Alicia's first 2 teeth? Here's a slightly blurred image...my poor photo skills..quite difficult to take her pic by myself...haha..can see?

